Exemple #1
def elastic_analysis():

    filename = 'OUTCAR'
    step_count = 1
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    outcar = Outcar(filename)
    cij_tensor = np.array(outcar.data['elastic_tensor'])

    filename = 'vasprun.xml'
    step_count += 1
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    vsr = Vasprun(filename)
    struct0 = vsr.structures[0]
    natom = struct0.num_sites
    weight = struct0.composition.weight
    volume = struct0.lattice.volume

    ## converting the units
    volume *= 1.0e-30  ## from Angstrom to meters
    weight *= weight * 1.0e-3  ## from gram to kg
    density = weight / (volume * Avogadro)

    asa = analyzer.SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct0)
    #   lat_type=asa.get_crystal_system()

    crys_type = asa.get_lattice_type()

    ## Redefining the Cij matrix into the correct Voigt notation since VASP's OUTCAR has a different order
    ## In VASP: Columns and rows are listed as: 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5
    ## In this format OUTCAR's C44 values would be actually C66, C55 would be C44, and C66 would be C55.
    ## OUTCAR follows the below order:
    ## [C11 C12 C13 C16 C14 C15]
    ## [C21 C22 C23 C26 C24 C25]
    ## [C31 C32 C33 C36 C34 C35]
    ## [C61 C62 C63 C66 C64 C65]
    ## [C41 C42 C43 C46 C44 C45]
    ## [C51 C52 C53 C56 C54 C55]

    cnew = np.zeros((6, 6))
    snew = np.zeros((6, 6))
    cnew = np.copy(cij_tensor)

    for j in range(0, 6):
        cnew[3][j] = cij_tensor[4][j]
        cnew[4][j] = cij_tensor[5][j]
        cnew[5][j] = cij_tensor[3][j]

    ctemp = np.zeros((6, 6))
    ctemp = np.copy(cnew)

    for i in range(0, 6):
        cnew[i][3] = cnew[i][4]
        cnew[i][4] = cnew[i][5]
        cnew[i][5] = ctemp[i][3]

    # Change the units of Cij from kBar to GPa
    cnew = cnew / 10.0
    proc_str = "\n Modified elastic tensor in correct order (in GPa units)"
    fmt = "%7.3f " * 6
    for i in range(6):
        print(fmt % tuple(cnew[i, :]))

    def check_symmetric(a, tol=1e-8):
        return np.allclose(a, a.T, atol=tol)

        '\n Checking if the elastic tensor is symmetric: i.e. Cij = Cji:  %5s'
        % check_symmetric(cnew))
    print("\n Eigen Values of the elastic tensor:")
    evals = LA.eigvals(cnew)
    print(fmt % tuple(evals))
    if np.all(evals) > 0.0:
        print("\n All eigen values are positive indicating elastic stability.")
            "\n ATTENTION: One or more eigen values are negative indicating elastic instability."
    calc_elastic_prop(cnew, snew, crys_type, density, weight, natom)
Exemple #2
def chg_locp_average():
    chg = False
    print("which file would like to average: CHG or LOCPOT ?")
    in_str = ""
    while in_str == "":
        in_str = input().strip()
    if in_str.lower() == 'chg':
        filename = 'CHG'
        grid_data = CHGCAR.from_file(filename)
        head_line = "#%(key1)+s %(key2)+s" % {
            'key1': 'Distance/Ang',
            'key2': 'Average Charge/(e/Ang**3)'
        chg = True
    elif in_str.lower() == 'locpot':
        filename = 'LOCPOT'
        grid_data = Locpot.from_file(filename)
        head_line = "#%(key1)+s %(key2)+s" % {
            'key1': 'Distance/Ang',
            'key2': 'Average Potential/(eV)'
        print('unknown file file: ' + in_str)

    step_count = 1
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    volume = grid_data.structure.volume
    print("which direction would like to average: x y or z ?")
    in_str = ""
    while in_str == "":
        in_str = input().strip().lower()
    if in_str == "x":
        selected_dir = 0
    elif in_str == 'y':
        selected_dir = 1
    elif in_str == 'z':
        selected_dir = 2
        print("Unknow Direction!")

    axis_grid = grid_data.get_axis_grid(selected_dir)
    if chg:
        aver_grid = grid_data.get_average_along_axis(selected_dir) / volume
        aver_grid = grid_data.get_average_along_axis(selected_dir)

    data = np.vstack((axis_grid, aver_grid)).T

    step_count += 1
    if chg:
        filename = "average_CHG_" + in_str + '.dat'
        filename = "average_LOCPOT_" + in_str + '.dat'

    proc_str = "Writting Average Data to " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    write_col_data(filename, data, head_line)
Exemple #3
def optics_analysis():

    filename = 'vasprun.xml'
    step_count = 1
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    vsr = Vasprun(filename, parse_eigen=False)
        energy = np.array(vsr.dielectric[0])
        freq = energy / H
        real = np.array(vsr.dielectric[1])
        imag = np.array(vsr.dielectric[2])
        print('extracing data failed ')

    step_count += 1
    filename = "AbsorbSpectrum.dat"
    proc_str = "Writing Data To " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    Absorb = np.zeros((len(freq), 6))
    for i in range(6):
        Absorb[:, i] = 1.4142 * freq * (np.sqrt(-real[:, i] + np.sqrt(
            imag[:, i] * imag[:, i] + real[:, i] * real[:, i]))) / (C0 * 100)
    data = np.vstack((energy, Absorb.T)).T
    write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, e_fmt=True)

    step_count += 1
    filename = "RefractiveSpectrum.dat"
    proc_str = "Writing Data To " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    Refrac = np.zeros((len(freq), 6))
    for i in range(6):
        Refrac[:, i] = (np.sqrt(real[:, i] +
                                np.sqrt(imag[:, i] * imag[:, i] +
                                        real[:, i] * real[:, i]))) / 1.4142
    data = np.vstack((energy, Refrac.T)).T
    write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, e_fmt=True)

    step_count += 1
    filename = "EnergyLossSpectrum.dat"
    proc_str = "Writing Data To " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    EnergyLoss = np.zeros((len(freq), 6))
    for i in range(6):
        EnergyLoss[:, i] = imag[:, i] / (imag[:, i] * imag[:, i] +
                                         real[:, i] * real[:, i])
    data = np.vstack((energy, EnergyLoss.T)).T
    write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, e_fmt=True)

    step_count += 1
    filename = "ExtictionSpectrum.dat"
    proc_str = "Writing Data To " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    Extic = np.zeros((len(freq), 6))
    for i in range(6):
        Extic[:, i] = (np.sqrt(-real[:, i] +
                               np.sqrt(imag[:, i] * imag[:, i] +
                                       real[:, i] * real[:, i]))) / 1.4142
    data = np.vstack((energy, Extic.T)).T
    write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, e_fmt=True)

    step_count += 1
    filename = "ReflectivitySpectrum.dat"
    proc_str = "Writing Data To " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    Reflect = np.zeros((len(freq), 6))
    for i in range(6):
        Reflect[:, i] = ((Refrac[:, i] - 1) *
                         (Refrac[:, i] - 1) + Extic[:, i] * Extic[:, i]) / (
                             (Refrac[:, i] + 1) *
                             (Refrac[:, i] + 1) + Extic[:, i] * Extic[:, i])
    data = np.vstack((energy, Reflect.T)).T
    write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, e_fmt=True)
Exemple #4
def select_one_band_structure():
    step_count = 1
    filename = 'vasprun.xml'
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    vsr = Vasprun(filename)

    step_count += 1
    filename = 'KPOINTS'
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    bands = vsr.get_band_structure(filename, line_mode=True, efermi=vsr.efermi)
    nelect = vsr.parameters['NELECT']
    nbands = bands.nb_bands
    if vsr.is_spin:
        proc_str = "This Is a Spin-polarized Calculation."
        procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
        ISPIN = 2
        if vsr.parameters['LNONCOLLINEAR']:
            proc_str = "This Is a Non-Collinear Calculation."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
            ISPIN = 3
            proc_str = "This Is a Non-Spin Calculation."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
            ISPIN = 1
    proc_str = "Total band number is " + str(nbands)
    procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
    proc_str = "Total electron number is " + str(nelect)
    procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')

    print("which band would like to select ?")
    in_str = ""
    while in_str == "":
        in_str = input().strip()
    selected_band = int(in_str)

    step_count += 1
    filename = "BAND_" + str(selected_band) + '.dat'
    proc_str = "Writting Selected Band Structure Data to " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    if ISPIN == 1 or ISPIN == 3:
        band_data = bands.bands[Spin.up][selected_band - 1] - vsr.efermi
        data = np.vstack((bands.distance, band_data)).T
        head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+13s" % {
            'key1': 'K-Distance',
            'key2': 'Energy(ev)'
        write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, len(band_data))
        band_data_up = bands.bands[Spin.up][selected_band - 1] - vsr.efermi
        band_data_down = bands.bands[Spin.down][selected_band - 1] - vsr.efermi
        data = np.vstack((bands.distance, band_data_up, band_data_down)).T
        head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+13s%(key3)+15s" % {
            'key1': 'K-Distance',
            'key2': 'UpEnergy(ev)',
            'key3': 'DownEnergy(ev)'
        write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, len(band_data_up))
Exemple #5
def projected_band_structure():
    step_count = 1
    filename = 'vasprun.xml'
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    vsr = Vasprun(filename)

    filename = 'PROCAR'
    step_count += 1
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    procar = Procar(filename)
    nbands = procar.nbands
    nions = procar.nions
    norbitals = len(procar.orbitals)
    nkpoints = procar.nkpoints

    step_count += 1
    filename = 'KPOINTS'
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    bands = vsr.get_band_structure(filename, line_mode=True, efermi=vsr.efermi)
    struct = vsr.final_structure
    (atom_index, in_str) = atom_selection(struct)

    if len(atom_index) == 0:
        print("No atoms selected!")
#   print(atom_index)

    if vsr.is_spin:
        proc_str = "This Is a Spin-polarized Calculation."
        procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
        ISPIN = 2
        contrib = np.zeros((nkpoints, nbands, norbitals, 2))
        for i in atom_index:
            contrib[:, :, :,
                    0] = contrib[:, :, :, 0] + procar.data[Spin.up][:, :, i, :]
            contrib[:, :, :,
                    1] = contrib[:, :, :, 1] + procar.data[Spin.down][:, :,
                                                                      i, :]

        for ispin in range(2):
            proj_band = contrib[:, :, :,
                                ispin].reshape(nkpoints * nbands, norbitals)
            step_count += 1
            if ispin == 0:
                filename = "PBAND_Up.dat"
                filename = "PBAND_Down.dat"
            proc_str = "Writting Projected Band Structure Data to " + filename + " File ..."
            procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
            band_data = bands.bands[Spin.up]
            y_data = band_data.reshape(
                1, nbands * nkpoints)[0] - vsr.efermi  #shift fermi level to 0
            x_data = np.array(bands.distance * nbands)
            data = np.vstack((x_data, y_data, proj_band.T)).T
            tmp1_str = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+12s"
            tmp2_dic = {'key1': 'K-Distance', 'key2': 'Energy(ev)'}
            for i in range(norbitals):
                tmp1_str += "%(key" + str(i + 3) + ")+12s"
                tmp2_dic["key" + str(i + 3)] = procar.orbitals[i]

#          print(tmp1_str)
            atom_index_str = [str(x + 1) for x in atom_index]
            head_line1 = "#String: " + in_str + '\n#Selected atom: ' + ' '.join(
                atom_index_str) + '\n'
            head_line2 = tmp1_str % tmp2_dic
            head_line = head_line1 + head_line2
            write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, nkpoints)

        if vsr.parameters['LNONCOLLINEAR']:
            proc_str = "This Is a Non-Collinear Calculation."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
            ISPIN = 3
            proc_str = "This Is a Non-Spin Calculation."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
            ISPIN = 1

        contrib = np.zeros((nkpoints, nbands, norbitals))
        for i in atom_index:
            contrib[:, :, :] = contrib[:, :, :] + procar.data[Spin.up][:, :,
                                                                       i, :]

        proj_band = contrib.reshape(nkpoints * nbands, norbitals)
        step_count += 1
        filename = "PBAND.dat"
        proc_str = "Writting Projected Band Structure Data to " + filename + " File ..."
        procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
        band_data = bands.bands[Spin.up]
        y_data = band_data.reshape(
            1, nbands * nkpoints)[0] - vsr.efermi  #shift fermi level to 0
        x_data = np.array(bands.distance * nbands)
        data = np.vstack((x_data, y_data, proj_band.T)).T
        tmp1_str = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+12s"
        tmp2_dic = {'key1': 'K-Distance', 'key2': 'Energy(ev)'}
        for i in range(norbitals):
            tmp1_str += "%(key" + str(i + 3) + ")+12s"
            tmp2_dic["key" + str(i + 3)] = procar.orbitals[i]

#      print(tmp1_str)
        atom_index_str = [str(x + 1) for x in atom_index]
        head_line1 = "#String: " + in_str + '\n#Selected atom: ' + ' '.join(
            atom_index_str) + '\n'
        head_line2 = tmp1_str % tmp2_dic
        head_line = head_line1 + head_line2
        write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, nkpoints)

    step_count += 1
    bsp = BSPlotter(bands)
    filename = "HighSymmetricPoints.dat"
    proc_str = "Writting Label infomation to " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+12s%(key3)+12s" % {
        'key1': 'index',
        'key2': 'label',
        'key3': 'position'
    line = head_line + '\n'
    for i, label in enumerate(bsp.get_ticks()['label']):
        new_line = "%(key1)12d%(key2)+12s%(key3)12f\n" % {
            'key1': i,
            'key2': label,
            'key3': bsp.get_ticks()['distance'][i]
        line += new_line
    write_col_data(filename, line, '', str_data=True)
Exemple #6
def total_dos():
    filename = 'vasprun.xml'
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, 1, sp='-->>')
    vsr = Vasprun(filename, parse_eigen=False)
    tdos = vsr.tdos
    idos = vsr.idos
    E = tdos.energies - tdos.efermi
    if vsr.is_spin:
        proc_str = "This Is a Spin-polarized Calculation."
        procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
        proc_str = "Writting TDOS.dat File ..."
        TDOSUP = tdos.densities[Spin.up]
        TDOSDOWN = tdos.densities[Spin.down]
        ETDOS = np.vstack((E, TDOSUP, TDOSDOWN))
        head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+12s%(key3)+12s" % {
            'key1': 'Energy(eV)',
            'key2': 'SpinUp',
            'key3': 'SpinDown'
        write_col_data('TDOS.dat', ETDOS.T, head_line)

        proc_str = "Writting IDOS.dat File ..."
        procs(proc_str, 3, sp='-->>')
        IDOSUP = idos.densities[Spin.up]
        IDOSDOWN = idos.densities[Spin.down]
        EIDOS = np.vstack((E, IDOSUP, IDOSDOWN))
        head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+12s%(key3)+12s" % {
            'key1': 'Energy(eV)',
            'key2': 'IntSpinUp',
            'key3': 'IntSpinDown'
        write_col_data('IDOS.dat', EIDOS.T, head_line)

        plt1 = DosPlotter()
        plt2 = DosPlotter()
        plt1.add_dos('Total DOS', tdos)
        plt2.add_dos('Total DOS', idos)
            # plt1.show()
            plt1.save_plot('TotalDOS.png', img_format="png")
            # plt2.show()
            plt2.save_plot('IntegratedDOS.png', img_format="png")
            print("pls use gnuplot to plot TDOS.dat and IDOS.dat")
        if vsr.parameters['LNONCOLLINEAR']:
            proc_str = "This Is a Non-Collinear Calculation."
            proc_str = "This Is a Non-Spin Calculation."
        procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
        proc_str = "Writting TDOS.dat File ..."
        procs(proc_str, 2, sp='-->>')

        TDOS = tdos.densities[Spin.up]
        ETDOS = np.vstack((E, TDOS))
        head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+12s" % {
            'key1': 'Energy(eV)',
            'key2': 'TotalDOS'
        write_col_data('TDOS.dat', ETDOS.T, head_line)

        proc_str = "Writting IDOS.dat File ..."
        procs(proc_str, 3, sp='-->>')
        IDOS = idos.densities[Spin.up]
        EIDOS = np.vstack((E, IDOS))
        head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+13s" % {
            'key1': 'Energy(eV)',
            'key2': 'IntegratedDOS'
        write_col_data('IDOS.dat', EIDOS.T, head_line)

        plt1 = DosPlotter()
        plt2 = DosPlotter()
        plt1.add_dos('Total DOS', tdos)
        plt2.add_dos('Integrated DOS', idos)
        filename4 = "TotalDOS.png IntegratedDOS.png"
        proc_str = "Saving Plot to " + filename4 + " File ..."
        procs(proc_str, 4, sp='-->>')

            # plt1.show()
            plt1.save_plot('TotalDOS.png', img_format="png")
            # plt2.show()
            plt2.save_plot('IntegratedDOS.png', img_format="png")
            print("pls use gnuplot to plot TDOS.dat and IDOS.dat")
Exemple #7
def band_structure():
    step_count = 1

    filename = 'vasprun.xml'
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    vsr = Vasprun(filename)

    step_count += 1
    filename = 'KPOINTS'
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    bands = vsr.get_band_structure(filename, line_mode=True, efermi=vsr.efermi)

    step_count += 1
    filename = 'OUTCAR'
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    outcar = Outcar('OUTCAR')
    mag = outcar.as_dict()['total_magnetization']

    if vsr.is_spin:
        proc_str = "This Is a Spin-polarized Calculation."
        procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
        tdos = vsr.tdos
        SpinUp_gap = tdos.get_gap(spin=Spin.up)
        cbm_vbm_up = tdos.get_cbm_vbm(spin=Spin.up)
        SpinDown_gap = tdos.get_gap(spin=Spin.down)
        cbm_vbm_down = tdos.get_cbm_vbm(spin=Spin.up)

        if SpinUp_gap > min_gap and SpinDown_gap > min_gap:
            is_metal = False
            is_semimetal = False
        elif SpinUp_gap > min_gap and SpinDown_gap < min_gap:
            is_metal = False
            is_semimetal = True
        elif SpinUp_gap < min_gap and SpinDown_gap > min_gap:
            is_metal = False
            is_semimetal = True
        elif SpinUp_gap < min_gap and SpinDown_gap < min_gap:
            is_metal = True
            is_semimetal = False

        if is_metal:
            proc_str = "This Material Is a Metal."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
        if not is_metal and is_semimetal:
            proc_str = "This Material Is a Semimetal."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
            proc_str = "This Material Is a Semiconductor."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
            proc_str = "Total magnetization is " + str(mag)
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
            if mag > min_mag:
                proc_str = "SpinUp  : vbm=%f eV cbm=%f eV gap=%f eV" % (
                    cbm_vbm_up[1], cbm_vbm_up[0], SpinUp_gap)
                procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
                proc_str = "SpinDown: vbm=%f eV cbm=%f eV gap=%f eV" % (
                    cbm_vbm_down[1], cbm_vbm_down[0], SpinUp_gap)
                procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
                proc_str = "SpinUp  : vbm=%f eV cbm=%f eV gap=%f eV" % (
                    cbm_vbm_up[1], cbm_vbm_up[0], SpinUp_gap)
                procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
        step_count += 1
        filename = "BAND.dat"
        proc_str = "Writting Band Structure Data to " + filename + " File ..."
        procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
        band_data_up = bands.bands[Spin.up]
        band_data_down = bands.bands[Spin.down]
        y_data_up = band_data_up.reshape(
            1, band_data_up.shape[0] *
            band_data_up.shape[1])[0] - vsr.efermi  #shift fermi level to 0
        y_data_down = band_data_down.reshape(
            1, band_data_down.shape[0] *
            band_data_down.shape[1])[0] - vsr.efermi  #shift fermi level to 0
        x_data = np.array(bands.distance * band_data_up.shape[0])
        data = np.vstack((x_data, y_data_up, y_data_down)).T
        head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+13s%(key3)+15s" % {
            'key1': 'K-Distance',
            'key2': 'UpEnergy(ev)',
            'key3': 'DownEnergy(ev)'
        write_col_data(filename, data, head_line, band_data_up.shape[1])

        if vsr.parameters['LNONCOLLINEAR']:
            proc_str = "This Is a Non-Collinear Calculation."
            proc_str = "This Is a Non-Spin Calculation."
        procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
        cbm = bands.get_cbm()['energy']
        vbm = bands.get_vbm()['energy']
        gap = bands.get_band_gap()['energy']
        if not bands.is_metal():
            proc_str = "This Material Is a Semiconductor."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
            proc_str = "vbm=%f eV cbm=%f eV gap=%f eV" % (vbm, cbm, gap)
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
            proc_str = "This Material Is a Metal."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')

        step_count += 1
        filename3 = "BAND.dat"
        proc_str = "Writting Band Structure Data to " + filename3 + " File ..."
        procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
        band_data = bands.bands[Spin.up]
        y_data = band_data.reshape(
            1, band_data.shape[0] *
            band_data.shape[1])[0] - vsr.efermi  #shift fermi level to 0
        x_data = np.array(bands.distance * band_data.shape[0])
        data = np.vstack((x_data, y_data)).T
        head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+13s" % {
            'key1': 'K-Distance',
            'key2': 'Energy(ev)'
        write_col_data(filename3, data, head_line, band_data.shape[1])
        step_count += 1
        bsp = BSPlotter(bands)
        filename4 = "HighSymmetricPoints.dat"
        proc_str = "Writting Label infomation to " + filename4 + " File ..."
        procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
        head_line = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+12s%(key3)+12s" % {
            'key1': 'index',
            'key2': 'label',
            'key3': 'position'
        line = head_line + '\n'
        for i, label in enumerate(bsp.get_ticks()['label']):
            new_line = "%(key1)12d%(key2)+12s%(key3)12f\n" % {
                'key1': i,
                'key2': label,
                'key3': bsp.get_ticks()['distance'][i]
            line += new_line
        line += '\n'
        write_col_data(filename4, line, '', str_data=True)
        step_count += 1
        filename5 = "BAND.png"
        proc_str = "Saving Plot to " + filename5 + " File ..."
        procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
        bsp.save_plot(filename5, img_format="png")
        print("Figure output fails !!!")
Exemple #8
def projected_dos():
    step_count = 1
    filename = 'vasprun.xml'
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    vsr = Vasprun(filename)
    nedos = vsr.parameters['NEDOS']
    struct = vsr.final_structure
    pdos = vsr.pdos

    filename = 'PROCAR'
    step_count += 1
    proc_str = "Reading Data From " + filename + " File ..."
    procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
    procar = Procar(filename)
    nbands = procar.nbands
    nions = procar.nions
    norbitals = len(procar.orbitals)
    nkpoints = procar.nkpoints

    (atom_index, in_str) = atom_selection(struct)

    if len(atom_index) == 0:
        print("No atoms selected!")
#   print(atom_index)

    if vsr.is_spin:
        proc_str = "This Is a Spin-polarized Calculation."
        procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')

        contrib = np.zeros((nedos, norbitals + 1, 2))
        energies = vsr.tdos.energies - vsr.efermi
        for ispin in [0, 1]:
            if ispin == 0:
                spin = Spin.up
                s_name = 'Up'
                spin = Spin.down
                s_name = 'Down'

            contrib[:, 0, ispin] = energies
            for i in atom_index:
                for j in range(norbitals):
                    contrib[:, j + 1,
                            ispin] = contrib[:, j + 1,
                                             ispin] + pdos[i][Orbital(j)][spin]

            step_count += 1
            filename = "PDOS_" + s_name + ".dat"
            proc_str = "Writting Projected DOS Data to " + filename + " File ..."
            procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
            tmp1_str = "#%%(key1)+12s"
            tmp2_dic = {'key1': 'Energy(ev)'}
            for i in range(norbitals):
                tmp1_str += "%(key" + str(i + 2) + ")+12s"
                tmp2_dic["key" + str(i + 2)] = procar.orbitals[i]

#          print(tmp1_str)
            atom_index_str = [str(x + 1) for x in atom_index]
            head_line1 = "#String: " + in_str + '\n#Selected atom: ' + ' '.join(
                atom_index_str) + '\n'
            head_line2 = tmp1_str % tmp2_dic
            head_line = head_line1 + head_line2
            write_col_data(filename, contrib[:, :, ispin], head_line)

        if vsr.parameters['LNONCOLLINEAR']:
            proc_str = "This Is a Non-Collinear Calculation."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')
            proc_str = "This Is a Non-Spin Calculation."
            procs(proc_str, 0, sp='-->>')

        contrib = np.zeros((nedos, norbitals + 1))
        energies = vsr.tdos.energies - vsr.efermi
        contrib[:, 0] = energies
        for i in atom_index:
            for j in range(norbitals):
                contrib[:, j +
                        1] = contrib[:, j + 1] + pdos[i][Orbital(j)][Spin.up]

        step_count += 1
        filename = "PDOS.dat"
        proc_str = "Writting Projected DOS Data to " + filename + " File ..."
        procs(proc_str, step_count, sp='-->>')
        tmp1_str = "#%(key1)+12s%(key2)+12s"
        tmp2_dic = {'key1': 'K-Distance', 'key2': 'Energy(ev)'}
        for i in range(norbitals):
            tmp1_str += "%(key" + str(i + 3) + ")+12s"
            tmp2_dic["key" + str(i + 3)] = procar.orbitals[i]

#      print(tmp1_str)
        atom_index_str = [str(x + 1) for x in atom_index]
        head_line1 = "#String: " + in_str + '\n#Selected atom: ' + ' '.join(
            atom_index_str) + '\n'
        head_line2 = tmp1_str % tmp2_dic
        head_line = head_line1 + head_line2
        write_col_data(filename, contrib, head_line)