def xhr_xbmcmm_set_episode(episodeid): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) print 'here' try: params = { 'episodeid': episodeid, 'title': request.form['title'], 'plot': request.form['plot'], 'firstaired': request.form['firstaired'], 'rating': float(request.form['rating']), 'votes': request.form['votes'], 'director': str2lst(request.form['director']), 'writer': str2lst(request.form['writer']), } # Only set artwork if it exists if request.form['thumb']: params['art'] = {'thumb': request.form['thumb']} # Check playcount if 'playcount' in request.form: params['playcount'] = 1 else: params['playcount'] = 0 except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error='Invalid parameters.') try: xbmc.VideoLibrary.SetEpisodeDetails(**params) return jsonify(status='Episode details successfully changed.') except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error=xbmc_error)
def xhr_tvdb_episode(tvshowid, season, episode_number): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(apikey=tvdb_apikey) show = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetTVShowDetails(tvshowid=tvshowid, properties=['imdbnumber'])['tvshowdetails'] if show['imdbnumber'] and show['imdbnumber'].isdigit(): logger.log('TVDB :: Grabbing episode info based on TVBD ID', 'INFO') try: episode = t[int(show['imdbnumber'])][season][episode_number] except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_shownotfound: return tvdb_except('notfound', show['label']) except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_error: return tvdb_except('noconnect', show['label']) else: logger.log('TVDB :: No TVDB ID supplied. Searching using title', 'WARNING') try: episode = t[show['label']][season][episode_number] except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_shownotfound: return tvdb_except('notfound', show['label']) except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_error: return tvdb_except('noconnect', show['label']) title = '%s - %02dx%02d' % (show['label'], season, episode_number) return render_template('xbmcmm/modals/tvdb_episode_info.html', title=title, episode=tvdb_str2list(episode=episode) )
def xhr_xbmcmm_set_movie(movieid): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: params = { 'movieid': movieid, 'title': request.form['title'], 'originaltitle': request.form['originaltitle'], 'sorttitle': request.form['sorttitle'], 'plot': request.form['plot'], 'year': int(request.form['year']), 'rating': float(request.form['rating']), 'genre': str2lst(request.form['genre']), 'director': str2lst(request.form['director']), 'mpaa': request.form['mpaa'], 'studio': str2lst(request.form['studio']), 'tagline': request.form['tagline'], 'set': request.form['set'], 'tag': str2lst(request.form['tag']), 'trailer': request.form['trailer'], 'writer': str2lst(request.form['writer']), 'runtime': int(request.form['runtime']), 'votes': request.form['votes'], } # Only set artwork if it exists art = {} if request.form['poster']: art['poster'] = request.form['poster'] if request.form['fanart']: art['fanart'] = request.form['fanart'] if request.form['banner']: art['banner'] = request.form['banner'] if request.form['discart']: art['discart'] = request.form['discart'] if request.form['clearart']: art['clearart'] = request.form['clearart'] if request.form['clearlogo']: art['clearlogo'] = request.form['clearlogo'] if art: params['art'] = art # Check playcount if 'playcount' in request.form: params['playcount'] = 1 else: params['playcount'] = 0 except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error='Invalid parameters.') try: xbmc.VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails(**params) return jsonify(status='Movie details successfully changed.') except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error=xbmc_error)
def xhr_library_transcode(type, id): logger.log('TRANSCODE :: Transcoding %s' % type, 'INFO') xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) script_type = 'movie' show_title = 'none' try: if type == 'movie': library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc,'movie',id) path = library['file'][30:] title = library['title'] elif type == 'episode': library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc,'episode',id) path = library['file'][30:] title = library['title'] script_type = 'TV' show_title = library['showtitle'] except: logger.log('TRANSCODE :: ERROR','ERROR') return jsonify(result=False) path = '/data' + path os.system('python /home/rob/Scripts/ -f "' + path + '" -c "' + script_type + '" -s "' + show_title + '" &') return jsonify(result=True,title=title,file=path)
def xhr_library_resume_check(type, id): logger.log('LIBRARY :: Checking if %s has resume position' % type, 'INFO') xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: if type == 'movie': library = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails(movieid=id, properties=['resume']) elif type == 'episode': library = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails( episodeid=id, properties=['resume']) except: logger.log('LIBRARY :: %s' % xbmc_error, 'ERROR') return render_library(message=xbmc_error) position = library[type + 'details']['resume']['position'] if position: position = format_seconds(position) template = render_template('dialogs/library-resume_dialog.html', position=position, library=library) return jsonify(resume=True, template=template) else: return jsonify(resume=False, template=None)
def xhr_xbmcmm_episode_details(id): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: item = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails(episodeid=id, properties=episode_properties)['episodedetails'] except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error=xbmc_error) return render_template('/xbmcmm/tvshow-episode.html', episode=lst2str(item) )
def xhr_xbmcmm_set_tvshow(tvshowid): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: params = { 'tvshowid': tvshowid, 'title': request.form['title'], 'originaltitle': request.form['originaltitle'], 'sorttitle': request.form['sorttitle'], 'plot': request.form['plot'], 'rating': float(request.form['rating']), 'genre': str2lst(request.form['genre']), 'premiered': request.form['premiered'], 'mpaa': request.form['mpaa'], 'studio': str2lst(request.form['studio']), 'votes': request.form['votes'], 'tag': str2lst(request.form['tag']), } # Only set artwork if it exists art = {} if request.form['poster']: art['poster'] = request.form['poster'] if request.form['fanart']: art['fanart'] = request.form['fanart'] if request.form['banner']: art['banner'] = request.form['banner'] if request.form['clearart']: art['clearart'] = request.form['clearart'] if request.form['clearlogo']: art['clearlogo'] = request.form['clearlogo'] if request.form['characterart']: art['characterart'] = request.form['characterart'] if request.form['landscape']: art['landscape'] = request.form['landscape'] if art: params['art'] = art except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error='Invalid parameters.') try: xbmc.VideoLibrary.SetTVShowDetails(**params) return jsonify(status='TV show details successfully changed.') except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error=xbmc_error)
def xbmc_media_list(type): try: xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return False sort = {'method': 'label', 'ignorearticle': True} if type == 'movies': return xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovies(sort=sort) elif type == 'moviesets': return xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovieSets(sort=sort) else: return xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetTVShows(sort=sort)
def xhr_xbmcmm_season_details(id, season): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: item = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes( tvshowid=id, season=season, sort={'method': 'episode'}, properties=['tvshowid', 'season', 'showtitle', 'episode'] ) except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error=xbmc_error) return render_template('/xbmcmm/tvshow-season.html', item=item )
def xhr_xbmcmm_movie_details(id): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: item = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails(movieid=id, properties=movie_properties) except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error=xbmc_error) try: item['sets'] = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovieSets(sort={'method': 'label'})['sets'] except: item['sets'] = [] item['moviedetails'] = lst2str(item['moviedetails']) return render_template('/xbmcmm/movie.html', item=item )
def xhr_xbmcmm_show_details(id): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: item = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetTVShowDetails(tvshowid=id, properties=show_properties) try: seasons = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetSeasons(tvshowid=id, sort={'method': 'label'}, properties=season_properties)['seasons'] except: seasons = {} except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error=xbmc_error) item['seasons'] = seasons item['tvshowdetails'] = lst2str(item['tvshowdetails']) return render_template('/xbmcmm/tvshow-base.html', item=item )
def xhr_xbmcmm_get_tags(media): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) tags = [] if media == 'movie': media_list = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovies(properties=['tag'])['movies'] elif media == 'tvshow': media_list = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetTVShows(properties=['tag'])['tvshows'] for x in media_list: if x['tag']: for y in x['tag']: if y not in tags: tags.append(y) existing = [x.strip() for x in request.form['exist'].split('/') if x != ''] return render_template('xbmcmm/modals/tags.html', existing=existing, tags=sorted(tags) )
def xhr_xbmcmm_get_genres(file_type, media): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) genres = video_genres try: xbmc_genres = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetGenres(type=media)['genres'] except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error=xbmc_error) for genre in xbmc_genres: if not genre['label'] in genres: genres.append(genre['label']) existing = [x.strip() for x in request.form['exist'].split('/') if x != ''] return render_template('xbmcmm/modals/genres.html', existing=existing, genres=sorted(genres) )
def xhr_xbmcmm_movieset_details(id): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: if id == 0: movieset = {'setid': 0, 'label': 'New Set', 'movies': []} else: movieset = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovieSetDetails(setid=id)['setdetails'] movies = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovies( sort={'method': 'label', 'ignorearticle': True}, properties=['set'] )['movies'] except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(error=xbmc_error) return render_template('/xbmcmm/movieset.html', movieset=movieset, movies=movies )
def xhr_library_resume_check(type, id): logger.log("LIBRARY :: Checking if %s has resume position" % type, "INFO") xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: if type == "movie": library = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails(movieid=id, properties=["resume"]) elif type == "episode": library = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails(episodeid=id, properties=["resume"]) except: logger.log("LIBRARY :: %s" % xbmc_error, "ERROR") return render_library(message=xbmc_error) position = library[type + "details"]["resume"]["position"] if position: position = format_seconds(position) template = render_template("dialogs/library-resume_dialog.html", position=position, library=library) return jsonify(resume=True, template=template) else: return jsonify(resume=False, template=None)
def xhr_library_resume_check(type, id): logger.log('LIBRARY :: Checking if %s has resume position' % type, 'INFO') xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: if type == 'movie': library = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails(movieid=id, properties=['resume']) elif type == 'episode': library = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails(episodeid=id, properties=['resume']) except: logger.log('LIBRARY :: %s' % xbmc_error, 'ERROR') return render_library(message=xbmc_error) position = library[type + 'details']['resume']['position'] if position: position = format_seconds(position) template = render_template('dialogs/library-resume_dialog.html', position=position, library=library) return jsonify(resume=True, template=template) else: return jsonify(resume=False, template=None)
def xhr_xbmcmm_modify_set(action, movieid=None): xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) try: if request.method == 'GET': params = {'movieid': movieid} if action == 'add': params['set'] = request.args['setlabel'] else: params['set'] = '' xbmc.VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails(**params) else: for movieid in request.form.getlist('movies[]'): params = {'movieid': int(movieid)} if action == 'rename': params['set'] = request.form['setlabel'] else: params['set'] = '' xbmc.VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails(**params) if action == 'add' or action == 'rename': movies = xbmc.VideoLibrary.GetMovies(properties=['set', 'setid'])['movies'] setid = [x['setid'] for x in movies if x['set'] == params['set']][0] return jsonify(success=True, setid=setid) return jsonify(success=True) except Exception as e: xbmcmm_except(e) return jsonify(failed=True)
def xhr_xbmc_library_media(media_type=None): global back_id path = None back_path = "/" library = None if not server_api_address(): logger.log("LIBRARY :: No XBMC server defined", "ERROR") return render_xbmc_library(message="You need to configure XBMC server settings first.") try: # Reset back positions when rendering home if not media_type: back_id = {} return render_xbmc_library() xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) template = "library/media.html" # MOVIES if media_type == "movies": file_type = "video" if "movieid" in request.args: # Movie details movieid = request.args["movieid"] back_id["movies"] = movieid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, "movie", int(movieid)) template = "library/details.html" title = "%s (%s)" % (library["label"], library["year"]) if "setid" in request.args: back_path = "/movies?setid=%s" % request.args["setid"] else: back_path = "/movies" elif "setid" in request.args: # Movie set setid = request.args["setid"] back_id["movies"] = "set" + setid library = xbmc_get_moviesets(xbmc, int(setid)) title = library[0]["set"] path = "/movies?setid=%s" % setid back_path = "/movies" else: library = xbmc_get_movies(xbmc) title = "Movies" path = "/movies" # TVSHOWS elif media_type == "tvshows": file_type = "video" if "tvshowid" in request.args: # TV show details tvshowid = request.args["tvshowid"] back_id["tvshows"] = tvshowid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, "tvshow", int(tvshowid)) template = "library/details.html" title = library["label"] path = "/tvshows?tvshowid=%s" % tvshowid back_path = "/tvshows" else: library = xbmc_get_tvshows(xbmc) title = "TV Shows" path = "/tvshows" elif media_type == "seasons": file_type = "video" tvshowid = request.args["tvshowid"] back_id["tvshows"] = tvshowid library = xbmc_get_seasons(xbmc, int(tvshowid)) title = library[0]["showtitle"] path = "/seasons?tvshowid=%s" % tvshowid back_path = "/tvshows" elif media_type == "episodes": file_type = "video" tvshowid = request.args["tvshowid"] season = request.args["season"] back_id["tvshows"] = tvshowid back_id["seasons"] = season path = "/episodes?tvshowid=%s&season=%s" % (tvshowid, season) if "episodeid" in request.args: # Episode details episodeid = request.args["episodeid"] back_id["episodes"] = episodeid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, "episode", int(episodeid)) template = "library/details.html" title = library["label"] back_path = path else: library = xbmc_get_episodes(xbmc, int(tvshowid), int(season)) title = "%s - Season %s" % (library[0]["showtitle"], library[0]["season"]) back_path = "/seasons?tvshowid=%s" % tvshowid # MUSIC elif media_type == "artists": file_type = "audio" if "artistid" in request.args: # Artist details artistid = request.args["artistid"] back_id["artists"] = artistid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, "artist", int(artistid)) template = "library/details.html" title = library["label"] back_path = "/artists" else: library = xbmc_get_artists(xbmc) title = "Artists" path = "/artists" elif media_type == "albums": file_type = "audio" artistid = request.args["artistid"] back_id["artists"] = artistid path = "/albums?artistid=%s" % artistid if "albumid" in request.args: # Album details albumid = request.args["albumid"] back_id["albums"] = albumid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, "album", int(albumid)) template = "library/details.html" title = library["label"] back_path = path else: library = xbmc_get_albums(xbmc, int(artistid)) title = library[0]["artist"] back_path = "/artists" elif media_type == "songs": file_type = "audio" artistid = request.args["artistid"] albumid = request.args["albumid"] back_id["artists"] = artistid back_id["albums"] = albumid library = xbmc_get_songs(xbmc, int(artistid), int(albumid)) title = "%s (%s)" % (library[0]["album"], library[0]["year"]) path = "/songs?artistid=%s&albumid=%s" % (artistid, albumid) back_path = "/albums?artistid=%s" % artistid # PVR elif media_type == "pvr": # PVR home file_type = None title = "PVR" path = "/pvr" library = [{"label": "TV", "channeltype": "tv"}, {"label": "Radio", "channeltype": "radio"}] elif media_type == "channelgroups": # CHANNEL GROUPS channeltype = request.args["type"] if channeltype == "tv": file_type = "video" title = "Live TV" else: file_type = "audio" title = "Live Radio" library = xbmc_get_channelgroups(xbmc, channeltype) path = "/channelgroups?type=%s" % channeltype back_path = "/pvr" elif media_type == "channels": # CHANNELS channeltype = request.args["type"] if channeltype == "tv": file_type = "video" else: file_type = "audio" channelgroupid = request.args["channelgroupid"] library = xbmc_get_channels(xbmc, channeltype, int(channelgroupid)) path = "/channels?type=%s&channelgroupid=%s" % (channeltype, channelgroupid) back_path = "/channelgroups?type=%s" % channeltype title = library[0]["grouplabel"] back_id["channelgroups"] = channelgroupid # FILES elif media_type == "files": global file_sources if "files" in request.args: file_type = request.args["files"] if "path" in request.args: # Path title = request.args["path"] path = "/files?files=%s&path=%s" % (file_type, request.args["path"]) if title in file_sources[file_type]: back_path = "/files?files=%s" % file_type else: back_path = "/files?files=%s&path=%s" % (file_type, os.path.dirname(title)) if back_path.endswith("/") or back_path.endswith("\\"): back_path = back_path[:-1] library = xbmc_get_file_path(xbmc, file_type, title) else: # Sources file_sources = {} library = xbmc_get_sources(xbmc, file_type) title = "%s Sources" % file_type.title() path = "/files?files=%s" % file_type back_path = "/files" else: # Files home file_type = None title = "Files" path = "/files" library = [{"label": "Video", "filetype": "video"}, {"label": "Music", "filetype": "music"}] except Exception as e: logger.log("LIBRARY :: Problem fetching %s" % media_type, "ERROR") logger.log("EXCEPTION :: %s" % e, "DEBUG") return render_xbmc_library(message="There was a problem connecting to the XBMC server") return render_xbmc_library( template=template, library=library, title=title, media=media_type, file=file_type, path=path, back_path=back_path, )
def xhr_xbmc_library_media(media_type=None): global back_id path = None back_path = '/' library = None if not server_api_address(): logger.log('LIBRARY :: No XBMC server defined', 'ERROR') return render_xbmc_library(message="You need to configure XBMC server settings first.") try: #Reset back positions when rendering home if not media_type: back_id = {} return render_xbmc_library() xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) template = 'library/media.html' #MOVIES if media_type == 'movies': file_type = 'video' if 'movieid' in request.args: #Movie details movieid = request.args['movieid'] back_id['movies'] = movieid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, 'movie', int(movieid)) template = 'library/details.html' title = '%s (%s)' % (library['label'], library['year']) if 'setid' in request.args: back_path = '/movies?setid=%s' % request.args['setid'] else: back_path = '/movies' elif 'setid' in request.args: #Movie set setid = request.args['setid'] back_id['movies'] = 'set' + setid library = xbmc_get_moviesets(xbmc, int(setid)) title = library[0]['set'] path = '/movies?setid=%s' % setid back_path = '/movies' else: library = xbmc_get_movies(xbmc) title = 'Movies' path = '/movies' #TVSHOWS elif media_type == 'tvshows': file_type = 'video' if 'tvshowid' in request.args: #TV show details tvshowid = request.args['tvshowid'] back_id['tvshows'] = tvshowid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, 'tvshow', int(tvshowid)) template = 'library/details.html' title = library['label'] path = '/tvshows?tvshowid=%s' % tvshowid back_path = '/tvshows' else: library = xbmc_get_tvshows(xbmc) title = 'TV Shows' path = '/tvshows' elif media_type == 'seasons': file_type = 'video' tvshowid = request.args['tvshowid'] back_id['tvshows'] = tvshowid library = xbmc_get_seasons(xbmc, int(tvshowid)) title = library[0]['showtitle'] path = '/seasons?tvshowid=%s' % tvshowid back_path = '/tvshows' elif media_type == 'episodes': file_type = 'video' tvshowid = request.args['tvshowid'] season = request.args['season'] back_id['tvshows'] = tvshowid back_id['seasons'] = season path = '/episodes?tvshowid=%s&season=%s' % (tvshowid, season) if 'episodeid' in request.args: #Episode details episodeid = request.args['episodeid'] back_id['episodes'] = episodeid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, 'episode', int(episodeid)) template = 'library/details.html' title = library['label'] back_path = path else: library = xbmc_get_episodes(xbmc, int(tvshowid), int(season)) title = '%s - Season %s' % (library[0]['showtitle'], library[0]['season']) back_path = '/seasons?tvshowid=%s' % tvshowid #MUSIC elif media_type == 'artists': file_type = 'audio' if 'artistid' in request.args: #Artist details artistid = request.args['artistid'] back_id['artists'] = artistid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, 'artist', int(artistid)) template = 'library/details.html' title = library['label'] back_path = '/artists' else: library = xbmc_get_artists(xbmc) title = 'Artists' path = '/artists' elif media_type == 'albums': file_type = 'audio' artistid = request.args['artistid'] back_id['artists'] = artistid path = '/albums?artistid=%s' % artistid if 'albumid' in request.args: #Album details albumid = request.args['albumid'] back_id['albums'] = albumid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, 'album', int(albumid)) template = 'library/details.html' title = library['label'] back_path = path else: library = xbmc_get_albums(xbmc, int(artistid)) title = library[0]['artist'] back_path = '/artists' elif media_type == 'songs': file_type = 'audio' artistid = request.args['artistid'] albumid = request.args['albumid'] back_id['artists'] = artistid back_id['albums'] = albumid library = xbmc_get_songs(xbmc, int(artistid), int(albumid)) title = '%s (%s)' % (library[0]['album'], library[0]['year']) path = '/songs?artistid=%s&albumid=%s' % (artistid, albumid) back_path = '/albums?artistid=%s' % artistid #PVR elif media_type == 'pvr': #PVR home file_type = None title = 'PVR' path = '/pvr' library = [ {'label': 'TV', 'channeltype': 'tv'}, {'label': 'Radio', 'channeltype': 'radio'} ] elif media_type == 'channelgroups': #CHANNEL GROUPS channeltype = request.args['type'] if channeltype == 'tv': file_type = 'video' title = 'Live TV' else: file_type = 'audio' title = 'Live Radio' library = xbmc_get_channelgroups(xbmc, channeltype) path = '/channelgroups?type=%s' % channeltype back_path = '/pvr' elif media_type == 'channels': #CHANNELS channeltype = request.args['type'] if channeltype == 'tv': file_type = 'video' else: file_type = 'audio' channelgroupid = request.args['channelgroupid'] library = xbmc_get_channels(xbmc, channeltype, int(channelgroupid)) path = '/channels?type=%s&channelgroupid=%s' % (channeltype, channelgroupid) back_path = '/channelgroups?type=%s' % channeltype title = library[0]['grouplabel'] back_id['channelgroups'] = channelgroupid #FILES elif media_type == 'files': global file_sources if 'files' in request.args: file_type = request.args['files'] if 'path' in request.args: #Path title = request.args['path'] if title in file_sources[file_type]: back_path = '/files?files=%s' % file_type else: back_path = '/files?files=%s&path=%s' % (file_type, os.path.dirname(title)) if back_path.endswith('/') or back_path.endswith('\\'): back_path = back_path[:-1] library = xbmc_get_file_path(xbmc, file_type, title) else: #Sources file_sources = {} library = xbmc_get_sources(xbmc, file_type) title = '%s Sources' % file_type.title() path = '/files?files=%s' % file_type back_path = '/files' else: #Files home file_type = None title = 'Files' path = '/files' library = [ {'label': 'Video', 'filetype': 'video'}, {'label': 'Music', 'filetype': 'music'} ] except Exception as e: logger.log('LIBRARY :: Problem fetching %s' % media_type, 'ERROR') logger.log('EXCEPTION :: %s' % e, 'DEBUG') return render_xbmc_library(message='There was a problem connecting to the XBMC server') return render_xbmc_library( template=template, library=library, title=title, media=media_type, file=file_type, path=path, back_path=back_path )
def xhr_xbmc_library_media(media_type=None): global back_id path = None back_path = '/' library = None if not server_api_address(): logger.log('LIBRARY :: No XBMC server defined', 'ERROR') return render_xbmc_library( message="You need to configure XBMC server settings first.") try: #Reset back positions when rendering home if not media_type: back_id = {} return render_xbmc_library() xbmc = jsonrpclib.Server(server_api_address()) template = 'library/media.html' #MOVIES if media_type == 'movies': file_type = 'video' if 'movieid' in request.args: #Movie details movieid = request.args['movieid'] back_id['movies'] = movieid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, 'movie', int(movieid)) template = 'library/details.html' title = '%s (%s)' % (library['label'], library['year']) if 'setid' in request.args: back_path = '/movies?setid=%s' % request.args['setid'] else: back_path = '/movies' elif 'setid' in request.args: #Movie set setid = request.args['setid'] back_id['movies'] = 'set' + setid library = xbmc_get_moviesets(xbmc, int(setid)) title = library[0]['set'] path = '/movies?setid=%s' % setid back_path = '/movies' else: library = xbmc_get_movies(xbmc) title = 'Movies' path = '/movies' #TVSHOWS elif media_type == 'tvshows': file_type = 'video' if 'tvshowid' in request.args: #TV show details tvshowid = request.args['tvshowid'] back_id['tvshows'] = tvshowid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, 'tvshow', int(tvshowid)) template = 'library/details.html' title = library['label'] path = '/tvshows?tvshowid=%s' % tvshowid back_path = '/tvshows' else: library = xbmc_get_tvshows(xbmc) title = 'TV Shows' path = '/tvshows' elif media_type == 'seasons': file_type = 'video' tvshowid = request.args['tvshowid'] back_id['tvshows'] = tvshowid library = xbmc_get_seasons(xbmc, int(tvshowid)) title = library[0]['showtitle'] path = '/seasons?tvshowid=%s' % tvshowid back_path = '/tvshows' elif media_type == 'episodes': file_type = 'video' tvshowid = request.args['tvshowid'] season = request.args['season'] back_id['tvshows'] = tvshowid back_id['seasons'] = season path = '/episodes?tvshowid=%s&season=%s' % (tvshowid, season) if 'episodeid' in request.args: #Episode details episodeid = request.args['episodeid'] back_id['episodes'] = episodeid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, 'episode', int(episodeid)) template = 'library/details.html' title = library['label'] back_path = path else: library = xbmc_get_episodes(xbmc, int(tvshowid), int(season)) title = '%s - Season %s' % (library[0]['showtitle'], library[0]['season']) back_path = '/seasons?tvshowid=%s' % tvshowid #MUSIC elif media_type == 'artists': file_type = 'audio' if 'artistid' in request.args: #Artist details artistid = request.args['artistid'] back_id['artists'] = artistid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, 'artist', int(artistid)) template = 'library/details.html' title = library['label'] back_path = '/artists' else: library = xbmc_get_artists(xbmc) title = 'Artists' path = '/artists' elif media_type == 'albums': file_type = 'audio' artistid = request.args['artistid'] back_id['artists'] = artistid path = '/albums?artistid=%s' % artistid if 'albumid' in request.args: #Album details albumid = request.args['albumid'] back_id['albums'] = albumid library = xbmc_get_details(xbmc, 'album', int(albumid)) template = 'library/details.html' title = library['label'] back_path = path else: library = xbmc_get_albums(xbmc, int(artistid)) title = library[0]['artist'] back_path = '/artists' elif media_type == 'songs': file_type = 'audio' artistid = request.args['artistid'] albumid = request.args['albumid'] back_id['artists'] = artistid back_id['albums'] = albumid library = xbmc_get_songs(xbmc, int(artistid), int(albumid)) title = '%s (%s)' % (library[0]['album'], library[0]['year']) path = '/songs?artistid=%s&albumid=%s' % (artistid, albumid) back_path = '/albums?artistid=%s' % artistid #PVR elif media_type == 'pvr': #PVR home file_type = None title = 'PVR' path = '/pvr' library = [{ 'label': 'TV', 'channeltype': 'tv' }, { 'label': 'Radio', 'channeltype': 'radio' }] elif media_type == 'channelgroups': #CHANNEL GROUPS channeltype = request.args['type'] if channeltype == 'tv': file_type = 'video' title = 'Live TV' else: file_type = 'audio' title = 'Live Radio' library = xbmc_get_channelgroups(xbmc, channeltype) path = '/channelgroups?type=%s' % channeltype back_path = '/pvr' elif media_type == 'channels': #CHANNELS channeltype = request.args['type'] if channeltype == 'tv': file_type = 'video' else: file_type = 'audio' channelgroupid = request.args['channelgroupid'] library = xbmc_get_channels(xbmc, channeltype, int(channelgroupid)) path = '/channels?type=%s&channelgroupid=%s' % (channeltype, channelgroupid) back_path = '/channelgroups?type=%s' % channeltype title = library[0]['grouplabel'] back_id['channelgroups'] = channelgroupid #FILES elif media_type == 'files': global file_sources if 'files' in request.args: file_type = request.args['files'] if 'path' in request.args: #Path title = request.args['path'] path = '/files?files=%s&path=%s' % (file_type, request.args['path']) if title in file_sources[file_type]: back_path = '/files?files=%s' % file_type else: back_path = '/files?files=%s&path=%s' % ( file_type, os.path.dirname(title)) if back_path.endswith('/') or back_path.endswith('\\'): back_path = back_path[:-1] library = xbmc_get_file_path(xbmc, file_type, title) else: #Sources file_sources = {} library = xbmc_get_sources(xbmc, file_type) title = '%s Sources' % file_type.title() path = '/files?files=%s' % file_type back_path = '/files' else: #Files home file_type = None title = 'Files' path = '/files' library = [{ 'label': 'Video', 'filetype': 'video' }, { 'label': 'Music', 'filetype': 'music' }] except Exception as e: logger.log('LIBRARY :: Problem fetching %s' % media_type, 'ERROR') logger.log('EXCEPTION :: %s' % e, 'DEBUG') return render_xbmc_library( message='There was a problem connecting to the XBMC server') return render_xbmc_library(template=template, library=library, title=title, media=media_type, file=file_type, path=path, back_path=back_path)