Exemple #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.memory = None
     self.tunnel = None
     self.shell = None
     self.remote_addr = None
     self.remote_port = None
     self.tunnel_addr = ""
     self.tunnel_port = None
     self.shell = RemoteShell()
     self.commands = Commands
     self.tunnel = SSHTunnel()
 def __init__(self):
     self.memory = None
     self.tunnel = None
     self.shell = None
     self.remote_addr = None
     self.remote_port = None
     self.tunnel_addr = ""
     self.tunnel_port = None
     self.shell = RemoteShell()
     self.commands = Commands
     self.tunnel = SSHTunnel()
     self.net_parser = parser.ProcNetTcpParser()
 def __init__(self):
     self.memory = None
     self.tunnel = None
     self.shell = None
     self.remote_addr = None
     self.remote_port = None
     self.tunnel_addr = ""
     self.tunnel_port = None
     self.shell = RemoteShell()
     self.commands = Commands
     self.tunnel = SSHTunnel()
 def __init__(self):
     self.memory = None
     self.tunnel = None
     self.shell = None
     self.remote_addr = None
     self.remote_port = None
     self.tunnel_addr = ""
     self.tunnel_port = None
     self.shell = RemoteShell()
     self.commands = Commands
     self.tunnel = SSHTunnel()
     self.net_parser = parser.ProcNetTcpParser()
Exemple #5
class Host():

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = None
        self.tunnel = None
        self.shell = None
        self.remote_addr = None
        self.remote_port = None
        self.tunnel_addr = ""
        self.tunnel_port = None
        self.shell = RemoteShell()
        self.commands = Commands
        self.tunnel = SSHTunnel()

    def connect(self, username, password, key, address, port):
        Connect ssh tunnel and shell executor to remote host

        :type username: str
        :param username: username for authentication
        :type password: str
        :param password: password for authentication, may be used to unlock rsa key
        :type key: str
        :param key: path to rsa key for authentication
        :type address: str
        :param address: address for remote host
        :type port: int
        :param port: ssh port for remote host
        if port is None:
            self.remote_port = 22
            self.remote_port = port
        auth = Auth(username=username, password=password, key=key)
        self.tunnel.connect(auth, address, self.remote_port)
        self.shell.connect(auth, address, self.remote_port)
        self.remote_addr = address

    def start_tunnel(self, local_port, remote_address, remote_port):
        Start ssh forward tunnel

        :type local_port: int
        :param local_port: local port binding for ssh tunnel
        :type remote_address: str
        :param remote_address: remote tunnel endpoint bind address
        :type remote_port: int
        :param remote_port: remote tunnel endpoint bind port
        self.tunnel.start(local_port, remote_address, remote_port)
        self.tunnel_port = local_port

    def mem_size(self):
        Returns the memory size in bytes of the remote host
        result = self.shell.execute(self.commands.mem_size.value)
        stdout = self.shell.decode(result['stdout'])
        stderr = self.shell.decode(result['stderr'])
        return int(stdout)

    def kernel_version(self):
        Returns the kernel kernel version of the remote host
        result = self.shell.execute(self.commands.kernel_version.value)
        stdout = self.shell.decode(result['stdout'])
        stderr = self.shell.decode(result['stderr'])
        return stdout

    def wait_for_lime(self, listen_port, listen_address="",
                      max_tries=20, wait=1):
        Wait for lime to load unless max_retries is exceeded

        :type listen_port: int
        :param listen_port: port LiME is listening for connections on
        :type listen_address: str
        :param listen_address: address LiME is listening for connections on
        :type max_tries: int
        :param max_tries: maximum number of checks that LiME has loaded
        :type wait: int
        :param wait: time to wait between checks
        tries = 0
        pattern = self.commands.lime_pattern.value.format(listen_address,
        lime_loaded = False
        while tries < max_tries and lime_loaded is False:
            lime_loaded = self.check_for_lime(pattern, listen_port)
            tries = tries + 1
        return lime_loaded

    def check_for_lime(self, pattern, listen_port):
        Check to see if LiME has loaded on the remote system

        :type pattern: str
        :param pattern: pattern to check output against
        :type listen_port: int
        :param listen_port: port LiME is listening for connections on
        check = self.commands.lime_check.value.format(listen_port)
        result = self.shell.execute(check)
        stdout = self.shell.decode(result['stdout'])
        stderr = self.shell.decode(result['stderr'])
        if pattern in stdout:
            return True
            return False

    def upload_module(self, local_path=None, remote_path="/tmp/lime.ko"):
        Upload LiME kernel module to remote host

        :type local_path: str
        :param local_path: local path to lime kernel module
        :type remote_path: str
        :param remote_path: remote path to upload lime kernel module
        if local_path is None:
            raise FileNotFoundFoundError(local_path)
        self.shell.upload_file(local_path, remote_path)

    def load_lime(self, remote_path, listen_port, dump_format='lime'):
        Load LiME kernel module from remote filesystem

        :type remote_path: str
        :param remote_path: path to LiME kernel module on remote host
        :type listen_port: int
        :param listen_port: port LiME uses to listen to remote connections
        :type dump_format: str
        :param dump_format: LiME memory dump file format
        load_command = self.commands.load_lime.value.format(remote_path,

    def unload_lime(self):
        Remove LiME kernel module from remote host

    def capture_memory(self, destination, filename, bucket, progressbar):
        mem_size = self.mem_size()
        mem = Memory(self.remote_addr, mem_size, progressbar=progressbar)
        mem.capture(self.tunnel_addr, self.tunnel_port, destination=destination,
                    filename=filename, bucket=bucket)

    # TODO: move this to RemoteShell?
    # TODO: eventually hook this in to our logger
    # TODO: doc string
    def log_async_result(self, future):
        result = future.result()
        stdout = self.shell.decode(result['stdout'])
        stderr = self.shell.decode(result['stderr'])

    def cleanup(self):
        Release resources used by supporting classes
        except AttributeError as ex:
def test_remote_shell():
    rs = RemoteShell()
    assert isinstance(rs.ssh, SSHClient)
class Host():

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = None
        self.tunnel = None
        self.shell = None
        self.remote_addr = None
        self.remote_port = None
        self.tunnel_addr = ""
        self.tunnel_port = None
        self.shell = RemoteShell()
        self.commands = Commands
        self.tunnel = SSHTunnel()

    def connect(self, username, password, key, address, port):
        Connect ssh tunnel and shell executor to remote host

        :type username: str
        :param username: username for authentication
        :type password: str
        :param password: password for authentication, may be used to unlock rsa key
        :type key: str
        :param key: path to rsa key for authentication
        :type address: str
        :param address: address for remote host
        :type port: int
        :param port: ssh port for remote host
        if port is None:
            self.remote_port = 22
            self.remote_port = port
        auth = Auth(username=username, password=password, key=key)
        self.tunnel.connect(auth, address, self.remote_port)
        self.shell.connect(auth, address, self.remote_port)
        self.remote_addr = address

    def start_tunnel(self, local_port, remote_address, remote_port):
        Start ssh forward tunnel

        :type local_port: int
        :param local_port: local port binding for ssh tunnel
        :type remote_address: str
        :param remote_address: remote tunnel endpoint bind address
        :type remote_port: int
        :param remote_port: remote tunnel endpoint bind port
        self.tunnel.start(local_port, remote_address, remote_port)
        self.tunnel_port = local_port

    def mem_size(self):
        Returns the memory size in bytes of the remote host
        result = self.shell.execute(self.commands.mem_size.value)
        stdout = self.shell.decode(result['stdout'])
        stderr = self.shell.decode(result['stderr'])
        return int(stdout)

    def kernel_version(self):
        Returns the kernel kernel version of the remote host
        result = self.shell.execute(self.commands.kernel_version.value)
        stdout = self.shell.decode(result['stdout'])
        stderr = self.shell.decode(result['stderr'])
        return stdout

    def wait_for_lime(self, listen_port, listen_address="",
                      max_tries=20, wait=1):
        Wait for lime to load unless max_retries is exceeded

        :type listen_port: int
        :param listen_port: port LiME is listening for connections on
        :type listen_address: str
        :param listen_address: address LiME is listening for connections on
        :type max_tries: int
        :param max_tries: maximum number of checks that LiME has loaded
        :type wait: int
        :param wait: time to wait between checks
        tries = 0
        pattern = self.commands.lime_pattern.value.format(listen_address,
        lime_loaded = False
        while tries < max_tries and lime_loaded is False:
            lime_loaded = self.check_for_lime(pattern, listen_port)
            tries = tries + 1
        return lime_loaded

    def check_for_lime(self, pattern, listen_port):
        Check to see if LiME has loaded on the remote system

        :type pattern: str
        :param pattern: pattern to check output against
        :type listen_port: int
        :param listen_port: port LiME is listening for connections on
        check = self.commands.lime_check.value.format(listen_port)
        result = self.shell.execute(check)
        stdout = self.shell.decode(result['stdout'])
        stderr = self.shell.decode(result['stderr'])
        if pattern in stdout:
            return True
            return False

    def upload_module(self, local_path=None, remote_path="/tmp/lime.ko"):
        Upload LiME kernel module to remote host

        :type local_path: str
        :param local_path: local path to lime kernel module
        :type remote_path: str
        :param remote_path: remote path to upload lime kernel module
        if local_path is None:
            raise FileNotFoundFoundError(local_path)
        self.shell.upload_file(local_path, remote_path)

    def load_lime(self, remote_path, listen_port, dump_format='lime'):
        Load LiME kernel module from remote filesystem

        :type remote_path: str
        :param remote_path: path to LiME kernel module on remote host
        :type listen_port: int
        :param listen_port: port LiME uses to listen to remote connections
        :type dump_format: str
        :param dump_format: LiME memory dump file format
        load_command = self.commands.load_lime.value.format(remote_path,

    def unload_lime(self):
        Remove LiME kernel module from remote host

    def capture_memory(self, destination, filename, bucket, progressbar):
        mem_size = self.mem_size()
        mem = Memory(self.remote_addr, mem_size, progressbar=progressbar)
        mem.capture(self.tunnel_addr, self.tunnel_port, destination=destination,
                    filename=filename, bucket=bucket)

    # TODO: move this to RemoteShell?
    # TODO: eventually hook this in to our logger
    # TODO: doc string
    def log_async_result(self, future):
        result = future.result()
        stdout = self.shell.decode(result['stdout'])
        stderr = self.shell.decode(result['stderr'])

    def cleanup(self):
        Release resources used by supporting classes
        except AttributeError as ex: