def m5stat(fn, fmt, nframes, offset): """Reports statistics for file""" # Open file try: m5file = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_file(fn, ctypes.c_longlong(offset)) m5fmt = m5lib.new_mark5_format_generic_from_string(fmt) ms = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_absorb(m5file, m5fmt) dms = ms.contents except: print ("Error: problem opening or decoding %s\n" % (fn)) return 1 # Read sample data nsamples = dms.framesamples*nframes pdata = m5lib.helpers.make_decoder_array(ms, nsamples, dtype=ctypes.c_float) m5lib.mark5_stream_decode(ms, nsamples, pdata) # Statistics A = 8.0*(numpy.pi-3.0) / (3.0*numpy.pi*(4.0-numpy.pi)) eps = 0.1 hist_limits = [[], # histogram ranges for [-1.0-eps,0,+1.0+eps], # 1-bit data [-3.3359-eps,-1.0-eps,0,+1.0+eps,+3.3359+eps], # 2-bit data [-1.0-eps,0-eps,0+eps,+1.0-eps,+1.0+eps], # 3-bit data [x/2.95-eps for x in range(-8,8+1)], # 4-bit data [], [], [], [(x*2-255)/71.0-eps for x in range(0,255+1)] ] # 8-bit data print (' Ch mean std skew kurt gfact state counts from -HiMag to +HiMag') for i in range(dms.nchan): d = pdata[i][0:nsamples] m0 = numpy.mean(d) m1 = numpy.std(d) m2 = stats.skew(d) m3 = stats.kurtosis(d, fisher=False, bias=False) (hcounts,hlimits) = numpy.histogram(d, bins=hist_limits[dms.nbit]) hpdf = [x/float(sum(hcounts)) for x in hcounts] if dms.nbit==2: x = hpdf[1] + hpdf[2] else: x = hpdf[0] + hpdf[1] if dms.nbit==2 or dms.nbit==1: k = numpy.log(1.0-x*x) g = numpy.sqrt( -4.0/(A*numpy.pi) - k + 2.0*numpy.sqrt( 2.0**(2.0/(A*numpy.pi)+0.5*k) - k/A)) / 0.91 else: g = float('NaN') hstr = ' / '.join(['%4.1f' % (100.0*x) for x in hpdf]) print ('%3d %+6.2f %+6.2f %+5.2f %+5.2f %+6.2f %s' % (i,m0,m1,m2,m3,g,hstr)) print 'based on %u samples (%u invalid)' % (dms.framesamples*(dms.nvalidatepass+dms.nvalidatefail),dms.framesamples*dms.nvalidatefail) return 0
def m5time(fn, fmt, offset): """Reports first timestamp in file and verifies additional timestamps are consistent.""" try: m5file = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_file(fn, ctypes.c_longlong(offset)) m5fmt = m5lib.new_mark5_format_generic_from_string(fmt) ms = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_absorb(m5file, m5fmt) dms = ms.contents except: print("Error: problem opening or decoding %s\n" % (fn)) return EXIT_FAILURE if not (dms.format in fmt_supported): print('File format is not supported by') return EXIT_FAILURE mjd = dms.mjd sec = dms.sec + 1e-9 * dms.ns now = datetime.utcnow() now_mjd = date_to_mjd(now) if dms.format in [m5lib.MK5_FORMAT_VLBA, m5lib.MK5_FORMAT_MARK5B]: mjd = mjd + (now_mjd - (now_mjd % 1000)) if (mjd > now_mjd): mjd = mjd - 1000 (r, ss) = divmod(sec, 60) (hh, mm) = divmod(r, 60) mjd_curr = ms.contents.mjd for ii in range(Ncheck): m5lib.mark5_stream_next_frame(ms) mjd_next = ms.contents.mjd if ((mjd_next - mjd_curr) >= 2) or (mjd_curr > now_mjd): print( 'Possibly wrong file format specified : MJD in frame %d jumped from %d to %d.' % (ii, mjd_curr, mjd_next)) return EXIT_FAILURE mjd_curr = mjd_next print('MJD = %d/%02d:%02d:%05.2f' % (mjd, hh, mm, ss)) return 0
def m5subband(fn, fmt, fout, if_nr, factor, Ldft, start_bin, stop_bin, offset): """Extracts narrow-band signal out from file""" # Derived settings nin = Ldft nout = stop_bin - start_bin + 1 #Lout = next_pow2(2*(nout-nout%2)) # time-domain output data will be somewhat oversampled Lout = next_even( 2 * (nout - nout % 2) ) # time-domain output data will be closer to critically sampled iter = 0 # Open file try: m5file = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_file(fn, ctypes.c_longlong(offset)) m5fmt = m5lib.new_mark5_format_generic_from_string(fmt) ms = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_absorb(m5file, m5fmt) dms = ms.contents m5lib.mark5_stream_fix_mjd(ms, refMJD_Mark5B) (mjd, sec, ns) = m5lib.helpers.get_sample_time(ms) except: print('Error: problem opening or decoding %s\n' % (fn)) return 1 # Safety checks if (if_nr < 0) or (if_nr >= dms.nchan) or (factor < 0) or ( factor > 32) or (Ldft < 2) or (start_bin > stop_bin) or (stop_bin >= Ldft): print('Error: invalid command line arguments') return 1 if (Ldft % factor) > 0: print( 'Error: length of DFT (Ldft=%u) must be divisible by overlap-add factor (factor=%u)' % (Ldft, factor)) return 1 if (Lout % factor) > 0: print( 'Error: length derived for output IDFT (Lout=%u) does not divide the overlap-add factor (factor=%u)' % (Lout, factor)) return 1 # Get storage for raw sample data from m5lib.mark5_stream_decode() pdata = m5lib.helpers.make_decoder_array(ms, nin, dtype=ctypes.c_float) if_data = ctypes.cast(pdata[if_nr], ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float * nin)) # Numpy 2D arrays for processed data fp = 'float32' cp = 'complex64' # complex64 is 2 x float32 flt_in = numpy.zeros(shape=(factor, nin), dtype=fp) flt_out = numpy.zeros(shape=(factor, Lout), dtype=cp) iconcat = numpy.array([0.0 for x in range(2 * nin)], dtype=fp) oconcat = numpy.array([0.0 + 0.0j for x in range(2 * Lout)], dtype=cp) # Coefficient for coherent phase connection between overlapped input segments r = float(start_bin) / float(factor) rfrac = r - numpy.floor(r) rot_f0 = numpy.exp(2j * numpy.pi * rfrac) if (abs(numpy.imag(rot_f0)) < 1e-5): # set near-zero values to zero rot_f0 = numpy.real(rot_f0) + 0.0j rot_f = rot_f0**0.0 # Window functions for DFT and IDFT win_in = numpy.cos( (numpy.pi / nin) * (numpy.linspace(0, nin - 1, nin) - 0.5 * (nin - 1))) win_in = numpy.resize(win_in.astype(fp), new_shape=(factor, nin)) win_out = numpy.cos((numpy.pi / Lout) * (numpy.linspace(0, Lout - 1, Lout) - 0.5 * (Lout - 1))) win_out = numpy.resize(win_out.astype(fp), new_shape=(factor, Lout)) # Prepare VDIF output file with reduced data rate and same starting timestamp bwout = float(dms.samprate) * (nout / float(nin)) fsout = 2 * bwout outMbps = fsout * 1e-6 * 32 # 32 for real-valued data, 64 for complex data vdiffmt = 'VDIF_8192-%u-1-32' % (outMbps) if not (int(outMbps) == outMbps): print('*** Warning: output rate is non-integer (%e Ms/s)! ***' % (outMbps)) (vdifref, vdifsec) = m5lib.helpers.get_VDIF_time_from_MJD(mjd, sec + 1e-9 * ns) vdif = m5lib.writers.VDIFEncapsulator(), format=vdiffmt, complex=False, station='SB') vdif.set_time(vdifref, vdifsec, framenr=0) vdiffmt = vdif.get_format() # Report bw = float(dms.samprate) * 0.5 print('Input file : start MJD %u/%.6f sec' % (mjd, sec + ns * 1e-9)) print( 'Bandwidth : %u kHz in, %.2f kHz out, bandwidth reduction of ~%.2f:1' % (1e-3 * bw, nout * 1e-3 * bw / nin, float(nin) / nout)) print('Input side : %u-point DFT with %u bins (%u...%u) extracted' % (nin, nout, start_bin, stop_bin)) print('Output side : %u-point IDFT with %u-point zero padding' % (Lout, Lout - nout)) print('Overlap : %u samples on input, %u samples on output' % (nin - nin / factor, Lout - Lout / factor)) print('Phasors : %s^t : %s ...' % (str(rot_f0), str([rot_f0**t for t in range(factor + 2)]))) print('Output file : rate %.3f Mbps, %u fps, format %s' % (outMbps, vdif.get_fps(), vdif.get_format())) # Do filtering print('Filtering...') while True: # Get next full slice of data rc = m5lib.mark5_stream_decode(ms, nin, pdata) if (rc < 0): print('\n<EOF> status=%d' % (rc)) return 0 in_new = numpy.frombuffer(if_data.contents, dtype='float32') # Debug: replace data with noise + tone if False: t = iter * nin + numpy.array(range(nin)) f = (start_bin + numpy.floor(nout / 2.0)) / float(nin) in_new = numpy.random.standard_normal( size=in_new.size) + 10 * numpy.sin(2 * numpy.pi * f * t) in_new = in_new.astype('float32') # Feed the window-overlap-DFT processing input stage iconcat = numpy.concatenate([iconcat[0:nin], in_new]) # [old,new] for ii in range(factor): iconcat = numpy.roll(iconcat, -nin / factor) flt_in[ii] = iconcat[0:nin] # Window and do 1D DFT of 2D array flt_in = numpy.multiply(flt_in, win_in) F = numpy.fft.fft(flt_in) # Copy the desired bins and fix DC/Nyquist bins for ii in range(factor): flt_out[ii][0:nout] = F[ii][start_bin:(start_bin + nout)] flt_out[ii][0] = 0.0 # numpy.real(flt_out[ii][0]) flt_out[ii][nout - 1] = 0.0 # numpy.real(flt_out[ii][nout-1]) # Do inverse 1D DFT and window the result F = numpy.fft.ifft(flt_out) F = numpy.multiply(F, win_out) # Reconstruct time domain signal by shifting and stacking overlapped segments coherently for ii in range(factor): oconcat[Lout:] = oconcat[Lout:] + F[ii] * rot_f rot_f = rot_f * rot_f0 oconcat = numpy.roll(oconcat, -Lout / factor) # note: numpy has a circular shift (numpy.roll), but no "shift array left/right" function, # so we need to zero out the undesired values shifted back in by the circular shift: oconcat[(-Lout / factor):] = 0 # Output real part of complex time domain data # (If suppression of upper Nyquist is zone desired, should write out both real&imag) vdif.write(numpy.real(oconcat[0:Lout]).view('float32').tostring()) # Reporting if (iter % 100) == 0: (mjd, sec, ns) = m5lib.helpers.get_sample_time(ms) T_abs = sec + 1e-9 * ns T_count = 1e-9 * dms.framens * dms.nvalidatepass print('Iter %7d : %u/%f : %u : %f sec\r' % (iter, mjd, T_abs, dms.nvalidatepass, T_count)), iter = iter + 1 vdif.close() return 0
def m5subband(fn, fmt, fout, if_nr, factor, Ldft, start_bin, stop_bin, offset): """Extracts narrow-band signal out from file""" # Derived settings nin = Ldft nout = stop_bin - start_bin + 1 #Lout = next_pow2(2*(nout-nout%2)) # time-domain output data will be somewhat oversampled Lout = next_even(2*(nout-nout%2)) # time-domain output data will be closer to critically sampled iter = 0 # Open file try: m5file = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_file(fn, ctypes.c_longlong(offset)) m5fmt = m5lib.new_mark5_format_generic_from_string(fmt) ms = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_absorb(m5file, m5fmt) dms = ms.contents m5lib.mark5_stream_fix_mjd(ms, refMJD_Mark5B) (mjd,sec,ns) = m5lib.helpers.get_sample_time(ms) except: print ('Error: problem opening or decoding %s\n' % (fn)) return 1 # Safety checks if (if_nr<0) or (if_nr>=dms.nchan) or (factor<0) or (factor>32) or (Ldft<2) or (start_bin>stop_bin) or (stop_bin>=Ldft): print ('Error: invalid command line arguments') return 1 if (Ldft % factor)>0: print ('Error: length of DFT (Ldft=%u) must be divisible by overlap-add factor (factor=%u)' % (Ldft,factor)) return 1 if (Lout % factor)>0: print ('Error: length derived for output IDFT (Lout=%u) does not divide the overlap-add factor (factor=%u)' % (Lout,factor)) return 1 # Get storage for raw sample data from m5lib.mark5_stream_decode() pdata = m5lib.helpers.make_decoder_array(ms, nin, dtype=ctypes.c_float) if_data = ctypes.cast(pdata[if_nr], ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float*nin)) # Numpy 2D arrays for processed data fp = 'float32' cp = 'complex64' # complex64 is 2 x float32 flt_in = numpy.zeros(shape=(factor,nin), dtype=fp) flt_out = numpy.zeros(shape=(factor,Lout), dtype=cp) iconcat = numpy.array([0.0 for x in range(2*nin)], dtype=fp) oconcat = numpy.array([0.0+0.0j for x in range(2*Lout)], dtype=cp) # Coefficient for coherent phase connection between overlapped input segments r = float(start_bin)/float(factor) rfrac = r - numpy.floor(r) rot_f0 = numpy.exp(2j*numpy.pi*rfrac) if (abs(numpy.imag(rot_f0)) < 1e-5): # set near-zero values to zero rot_f0 = numpy.real(rot_f0) + 0.0j rot_f = rot_f0**0.0 # Window functions for DFT and IDFT win_in = numpy.cos((numpy.pi/nin)*(numpy.linspace(0,nin-1,nin) - 0.5*(nin-1))) win_in = numpy.resize(win_in.astype(fp), new_shape=(factor,nin)) win_out = numpy.cos((numpy.pi/Lout)*(numpy.linspace(0,Lout-1,Lout) - 0.5*(Lout-1))) win_out = numpy.resize(win_out.astype(fp), new_shape=(factor,Lout)) # Prepare VDIF output file with reduced data rate and same starting timestamp bwout = float(dms.samprate)*(nout/float(nin)) fsout = 2*bwout outMbps = fsout*1e-6 * 32 # 32 for real-valued data, 64 for complex data vdiffmt = 'VDIF_8192-%u-1-32' % (outMbps) if not(int(outMbps) == outMbps): print ('*** Warning: output rate is non-integer (%e Ms/s)! ***' % (outMbps)) (vdifref,vdifsec) = m5lib.helpers.get_VDIF_time_from_MJD(mjd,sec+1e-9*ns) vdif = m5lib.writers.VDIFEncapsulator(), format=vdiffmt, complex=False, station='SB') vdif.set_time(vdifref,vdifsec, framenr=0) vdiffmt = vdif.get_format() # Report bw = float(dms.samprate)*0.5 print ('Input file : start MJD %u/%.6f sec' % (mjd,sec+ns*1e-9)) print ('Bandwidth : %u kHz in, %.2f kHz out, bandwidth reduction of ~%.2f:1' % (1e-3*bw, nout*1e-3*bw/nin, float(nin)/nout)) print ('Input side : %u-point DFT with %u bins (%u...%u) extracted' % (nin,nout,start_bin,stop_bin)) print ('Output side : %u-point IDFT with %u-point zero padding' % (Lout,Lout-nout)) print ('Overlap : %u samples on input, %u samples on output' % (nin-nin/factor,Lout-Lout/factor)) print ('Phasors : %s^t : %s ...' % (str(rot_f0), str([rot_f0**t for t in range(factor+2)]))) print ('Output file : rate %.3f Mbps, %u fps, format %s' % (outMbps,vdif.get_fps(),vdif.get_format()) ) # Do filtering print ('Filtering...') while True: # Get next full slice of data rc = m5lib.mark5_stream_decode(ms, nin, pdata) if (rc < 0): print ('\n<EOF> status=%d' % (rc)) return 0 in_new = numpy.frombuffer(if_data.contents, dtype='float32') # Debug: replace data with noise + tone if False: t = iter*nin + numpy.array(range(nin)) f = (start_bin + numpy.floor(nout/2.0)) / float(nin) in_new = numpy.random.standard_normal(size=in_new.size) + 10*numpy.sin(2*numpy.pi * f*t) in_new = in_new.astype('float32') # Feed the window-overlap-DFT processing input stage iconcat = numpy.concatenate([iconcat[0:nin],in_new]) # [old,new] for ii in range(factor): iconcat = numpy.roll(iconcat, -nin/factor) flt_in[ii] = iconcat[0:nin] # Window and do 1D DFT of 2D array flt_in = numpy.multiply(flt_in,win_in) F = numpy.fft.fft(flt_in) # Copy the desired bins and fix DC/Nyquist bins for ii in range(factor): flt_out[ii][0:nout] = F[ii][start_bin:(start_bin+nout)] flt_out[ii][0] = 0.0 # numpy.real(flt_out[ii][0]) flt_out[ii][nout-1] = 0.0 # numpy.real(flt_out[ii][nout-1]) # Do inverse 1D DFT and window the result F = numpy.fft.ifft(flt_out) F = numpy.multiply(F,win_out) # Reconstruct time domain signal by shifting and stacking overlapped segments coherently for ii in range(factor): oconcat[Lout:] = oconcat[Lout:] + F[ii]*rot_f rot_f = rot_f * rot_f0 oconcat = numpy.roll(oconcat, -Lout/factor) # note: numpy has a circular shift (numpy.roll), but no "shift array left/right" function, # so we need to zero out the undesired values shifted back in by the circular shift: oconcat[(-Lout/factor):] = 0 # Output real part of complex time domain data # (If suppression of upper Nyquist is zone desired, should write out both real&imag) vdif.write(numpy.real(oconcat[0:Lout]).view('float32').tostring()) # Reporting if (iter % 100)==0: (mjd,sec,ns) = m5lib.helpers.get_sample_time(ms) T_abs = sec + 1e-9*ns T_count = 1e-9*dms.framens * dms.nvalidatepass print ('Iter %7d : %u/%f : %u : %f sec\r' % (iter, mjd,T_abs, dms.nvalidatepass, T_count)), iter = iter + 1 vdif.close() return 0
def m5selfcorr(fn, fmt): Nint = 500 nfft = 1024 offset = 0 # Open file try: m5file = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_file(fn, ctypes.c_longlong(offset)) m5fmt = m5lib.new_mark5_format_generic_from_string(fmt) ms = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_absorb(m5file, m5fmt) dms = ms.contents except: print ('Error: problem opening or decoding %s using format %s\n' % (fn,fmt)) return 1 basename = os.path.basename(fn) basename = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] # Collection of vectors for mark5access decode() raw sample output data pdata = m5lib.helpers.make_decoder_array(ms, nfft, dtype=ctypes.c_float) # Result arrays ch_data = [ctypes.cast(pdata[ii], ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float*nfft)) for ii in range(dms.nchan)] xspecs = numpy.zeros(shape=(dms.nchan*dms.nchan,nfft), dtype='complex128') # Process the recorded data iter = 0 while (iter < Nint): iter = iter + 1 # Read data rc = m5lib.mark5_stream_decode(ms, nfft, pdata) if (rc < 0): print ('\n<EOF> status=%d' % (rc)) return 0 # Calculate normalized cross-correlations for ii in range(dms.nchan): for jj in range(dms.nchan): # print ('Computing pair %d--%d...' % (ii,jj)) k = ii*dms.nchan + jj a = numpy.frombuffer(ch_data[ii].contents, dtype='float32') b = numpy.frombuffer(ch_data[jj].contents, dtype='float32') A = numpy.fft.fft(a) B = numpy.fft.fft(b) xspecs[k] = numpy.add(xspecs[k], A*numpy.conj(B)) # Calculate lag spectra xspecs /= Nint*nfft lagspecs = numpy.zeros_like(xspecs) normspecs = numpy.zeros_like(xspecs) for ii in range(dms.nchan): for jj in range(dms.nchan): k = ii*dms.nchan + jj xc = numpy.fft.ifft(xspecs[k]) lagspecs[k] = numpy.fft.fftshift(xc) xc = xspecs[k] ac1 = xspecs[ii*dms.nchan + ii] ac2 = xspecs[jj*dms.nchan + jj] norm = numpy.sqrt(numpy.multiply(ac1,ac2)) normspecs[k] = numpy.divide(xc, norm) figsize = (5*dms.nchan,5*dms.nchan) # Show lag spectra ymin = numpy.amin(numpy.abs(lagspecs)) ymax = numpy.amax(numpy.abs(lagspecs)) pylab.figure(figsize=figsize,dpi=75) for ii in range(dms.nchan): for jj in range(dms.nchan): if (jj < ii): continue print ('Plotting lag spec. %d--%d' % (ii,jj)) if (ii == jj): linespec = 'kx-' else: linespec = 'bx-' k = ii*dms.nchan + jj pylab.subplot(dms.nchan, dms.nchan, k+1) pylab.ylim([ymin,ymax]) pylab.xlim([0,nfft-1]) pylab.plot(numpy.abs(lagspecs[k]), linespec) pylab.title('IF %d x %d' % (ii+1,jj+1)) if (ii==jj): pylab.xlabel('Lag') pylab.ylabel('Cross-corr.') pylab.savefig(basename + '.lag.png') # Show normalized xcorr spectra: phase pylab.figure(figsize=figsize,dpi=75) for ii in range(dms.nchan): for jj in range(dms.nchan): if (jj < ii): continue print ('Plotting xcorr spec. phase %d--%d' % (ii,jj)) if (ii == jj): linespec = 'kx' else: linespec = 'bx' k = ii*dms.nchan + jj pylab.subplot(dms.nchan, dms.nchan, k+1) pylab.plot(numpy.angle(normspecs[k],deg=True), linespec) #pylab.ylim([-numpy.pi,+numpy.pi]) pylab.ylim([-180.0,+180.0]) pylab.xlim([0,nfft-1]) pylab.title('IF %d x %d' % (ii+1,jj+1)) if (ii==jj): pylab.xlabel('FFT bin') pylab.ylabel('Phase (deg)') pylab.savefig(basename + '.phase.png') # Show normalized xcorr spectra: amp ymin = numpy.amin(numpy.abs(normspecs)) ymax = numpy.amax(numpy.abs(normspecs)) pylab.figure(figsize=figsize,dpi=75) for ii in range(dms.nchan): for jj in range(dms.nchan): if (jj < ii): continue print ('Plotting xcorr spec. amp %d--%d' % (ii,jj)) if (ii == jj): linespec = 'kx:' else: linespec = 'bx:' k = ii*dms.nchan + jj pylab.subplot(dms.nchan, dms.nchan, k+1) pylab.plot(numpy.abs(normspecs[k]), linespec) pylab.ylim([ymin,ymax]) pylab.xlim([0,nfft-1]) pylab.title('IF %d x %d' % (ii+1,jj+1)) if (ii==jj): pylab.xlabel('FFT bin') pylab.ylabel('Coherence') pylab.savefig(basename + '.coherence.png') # Show autocorrelations (without normalization) pylab.figure(figsize=figsize,dpi=75) Nnyq = int(nfft/2+1) for ii in range(dms.nchan): k = ii*dms.nchan + ii print ('Plotting auto power spec. %d' % (ii)) pylab.subplot(dms.nchan,1, ii+1) ac = numpy.abs(xspecs[k]) pylab.semilogy(ac[0:Nnyq], 'k-') pylab.xlim([0,Nnyq-1]) pylab.title('Auto power spectrum IF %d' % (ii+1)) if ii==(dms.nchan-1): pylab.xlabel('FFT bin') pylab.savefig(basename + '.autospec.png')
def m5stat(fn, fmt, nframes, offset): """Reports statistics for file""" # Open file try: m5file = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_file(fn, ctypes.c_longlong(offset)) m5fmt = m5lib.new_mark5_format_generic_from_string(fmt) ms = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_absorb(m5file, m5fmt) dms = ms.contents except: print("Error: problem opening or decoding %s\n" % (fn)) return 1 # Read sample data nsamples = dms.framesamples * nframes pdata = m5lib.helpers.make_decoder_array(ms, nsamples, dtype=ctypes.c_float) m5lib.mark5_stream_decode(ms, nsamples, pdata) # Statistics A = 8.0 * (numpy.pi - 3.0) / (3.0 * numpy.pi * (4.0 - numpy.pi)) eps = 0.1 hist_limits = [ [], # histogram ranges for [-1.0 - eps, 0, +1.0 + eps], # 1-bit data [-3.3359 - eps, -1.0 - eps, 0, +1.0 + eps, +3.3359 + eps], # 2-bit data [-1.0 - eps, 0 - eps, 0 + eps, +1.0 - eps, +1.0 + eps], # 3-bit data [x / 2.95 - eps for x in range(-8, 8 + 1)], # 4-bit data [], [], [], [(x * 2 - 255) / 71.0 - eps for x in range(0, 255 + 1)] ] # 8-bit data print( ' Ch mean std skew kurt gfact state counts from -HiMag to +HiMag' ) for i in range(dms.nchan): d = pdata[i][0:nsamples] m0 = numpy.mean(d) m1 = numpy.std(d) m2 = stats.skew(d) m3 = stats.kurtosis(d, fisher=False, bias=False) (hcounts, hlimits) = numpy.histogram(d, bins=hist_limits[dms.nbit]) hpdf = [x / float(sum(hcounts)) for x in hcounts] if dms.nbit == 2: x = hpdf[1] + hpdf[2] else: x = hpdf[0] + hpdf[1] if dms.nbit == 2 or dms.nbit == 1: k = numpy.log(1.0 - x * x) g = numpy.sqrt(-4.0 / (A * numpy.pi) - k + 2.0 * numpy.sqrt(2.0**(2.0 / (A * numpy.pi) + 0.5 * k) - k / A)) / 0.91 else: g = float('NaN') hstr = ' / '.join(['%4.1f' % (100.0 * x) for x in hpdf]) print('%3d %+6.2f %+6.2f %+5.2f %+5.2f %+6.2f %s' % (i, m0, m1, m2, m3, g, hstr)) print 'based on %u samples (%u invalid)' % ( dms.framesamples * (dms.nvalidatepass + dms.nvalidatefail), dms.framesamples * dms.nvalidatefail) return 0
def m5spec(fn, fmt, fout, T_int_ms, nfft, offset): """Form time-averaged autocorrelation spectra""" # Open file try: m5file = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_file(fn, ctypes.c_longlong(offset)) m5fmt = m5lib.new_mark5_format_generic_from_string(fmt) ms = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_absorb(m5file, m5fmt) dms = ms.contents except: print('Error: problem opening or decoding %s\n' % (fn)) return 1 # Settings nint = numpy.round(float(dms.samprate) * T_int_ms * 1e-3 / float(nfft)) Tint = float(nint * nfft) / float(dms.samprate) df = float(dms.samprate) / float(nfft) iter = 0 print( 'Averaging a total of %u DFTs, each with %u points, for a %f millisecond time average.' % (nint, nfft, Tint * 1e3)) # Collection of vectors for mark5access decode() raw sample output data pdata = m5lib.helpers.make_decoder_array(ms, nfft, dtype=ctypes.c_float) # Result arrays ch_data = [ ctypes.cast(pdata[ii], ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float * nfft)) for ii in range(dms.nchan) ] freqs = numpy.linspace(0.0, dms.samprate * 1e-6, num=nfft) specs = numpy.zeros(shape=(dms.nchan, nfft), dtype='float64') # Process the recorded data while True: # Read data rc = m5lib.mark5_stream_decode(ms, nfft, pdata) if (rc < 0): print('\n<EOF> status=%d' % (rc)) return 0 # Averaging of 'Abs(FFT(x))' for ii in range(dms.nchan): x = numpy.frombuffer(ch_data[ii].contents, dtype='float32') specs[ii] += numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fft(x)) # Save data and plot at the end of an averaging period iter = iter + 1 if (iter % nint) == 0: layouts = [ (None, None), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (1, 5), # 1 to 5 channels (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 4), (3, 3), (2, 5), (3, 4), (2, 6), # 6 to 12 channels (3, 5), (3, 5), (3, 5), (4, 4) ] # 13 to 16 channels N = int(numpy.floor(float(nfft) / 2 + 1)) M = int(numpy.min([16, dms.nchan])) rows, cols = layouts[M] f = freqs[0:N] s = specs[:, 0:N] s /= float(nint) s[:, 0] = s[:, 1] s[:, -1] = s[:, -2] writeOut(fout, f, s) a_min = numpy.amin(s) a_max = numpy.amax(s) pylab.gcf().set_facecolor('white') for ch in range(M): pylab.subplot(rows, cols, ch + 1) pylab.plot(f, abs(s[ch]), 'k-') pylab.title('Channel %d' % (ch + 1)) pylab.axis('tight') pylab.ylim([a_min, a_max]) if ch >= (M - cols): pylab.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)') else: pylab.gca().set_xticklabels([]) if (ch % rows) == 0: pylab.ylabel('Amplitude (Sum|FFT(x)|)') else: pylab.gca().set_yticklabels([]) # Current version: stop after 1 integration period break return 0
def m5subband(fn, fmt, fout, if_nr, factor, start_MHz, stop_MHz, offset): """Extracts narrow-band signal out from file""" # Hard-coded settings refMJD_Mark5B = 57000 # reference MJD for Mark5B input data Ldft_out = 64 # number of DFT points for output transform m5_t = ctypes.c_float # mark5access output type for decoded samples fp_t = 'float32' # numpy array type for DFT input cp_t = 'complex64' # numpy array type for DFT output, complex64 is 2 x float32 nbits_out = 8 # quantization (32 or 8 bits) to use in output VDIF file stats_done = False out_std = 1.0 # Open the VLBI recording try: m5file = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_file(fn, ctypes.c_longlong(offset)) m5fmt = m5lib.new_mark5_format_generic_from_string(fmt) ms = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_absorb(m5file, m5fmt) dms = ms.contents m5lib.mark5_stream_fix_mjd(ms, refMJD_Mark5B) (mjd, sec, ns) = m5lib.helpers.get_sample_time(ms) except: print('Error: problem opening or decoding %s\n' % (fn)) return 1 if (factor < 0) or (factor > 16) or (if_nr < 0) or (if_nr >= dms.nchan): print('Error: invalid arguments') return 1 # Derive input-side DFT length bw_in = float(dms.samprate) * 0.5 * 1e-6 bw_out = numpy.abs(stop_MHz - start_MHz) R = bw_in / bw_out Ldft_in = int(R * Ldft_out + 0.5) radix = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11] while not (any([(Ldft_in % rx) == 0 for rx in radix])) and not ((Ldft_in % factor) == 0): Ldft_in = Ldft_in + 1 R = Ldft_in / float(Ldft_out) start_bin = int(Ldft_in * start_MHz / bw_in) stop_bin = int(Ldft_in * stop_MHz / bw_in) start_MHz = (bw_in * start_bin) / Ldft_in stop_MHz = (bw_in * stop_bin) / Ldft_in bw_out = numpy.abs(stop_MHz - start_MHz) Ldft_in = 2 * Ldft_in # due to r2c DFT rather than c2c DFT # Increase output-side DFT's input length, i.e., use zero padding Ldft_copy = Ldft_out #Ldft_out = next_pow2(2*(Ldft_out-Ldft_out%2)) # time-domain output data will be somewhat oversampled Ldft_out = next_even( 2 * (Ldft_out - Ldft_out % 2) ) # time-domain output data will be closer to critically sampled print( 'Derived settings : actual extraction range %.3f--%.3f MHz, %d-point DFT bins %d--%d (%d bins) padded to %d-point IDFT\n' % (start_MHz, stop_MHz, Ldft_in, start_bin, stop_bin, Ldft_copy, Ldft_out)) # Safety checks if (Ldft_in < Ldft_out) or (start_bin > stop_bin) or (stop_bin >= Ldft_in): print('Error: invalid derived settings') return 1 if (Ldft_in % factor) > 0: print( 'Error: length of input-side DFT (%u) must be divisible by overlap-add factor (quality factor %u)' % (Ldft_in, factor)) return 1 if (Ldft_out % factor) > 0: print( 'Error: length derived for output-side IDFT (%u) does not divide the overlap-add factor (quality factor %u)' % (Ldft_out, factor)) return 1 # Get storage for raw sample data from m5lib.mark5_stream_decode() pdata = m5lib.helpers.make_decoder_array(ms, Ldft_in, dtype=m5_t) if_data = ctypes.cast(pdata[if_nr], ctypes.POINTER(m5_t * Ldft_in)) # Numpy 2D arrays for processed data flt_in = numpy.zeros(shape=(factor, Ldft_in), dtype=fp_t) flt_out = numpy.zeros(shape=(factor, Ldft_out), dtype=cp_t) iconcat = numpy.array([0.0 for x in range(2 * Ldft_in)], dtype=fp_t) oconcat = numpy.array([0.0 + 0.0j for x in range(2 * Ldft_out)], dtype=cp_t) # Coefficient for coherent phase connection between overlapped input segments r = float(start_bin) / float(factor) rfrac = r - numpy.floor(r) rot_f0 = numpy.exp(2j * numpy.pi * rfrac) if (abs(numpy.imag(rot_f0)) < 1e-5): # set near-zero values to zero rot_f0 = numpy.real(rot_f0) + 0.0j rot_f = rot_f0**0.0 # Window functions for DFT and IDFT win_in = numpy.cos( (numpy.pi / Ldft_in) * (numpy.linspace(0, Ldft_in - 1, Ldft_in) - 0.5 * (Ldft_in - 1))) win_in = numpy.resize(win_in.astype(fp_t), new_shape=(factor, Ldft_in)) win_out = numpy.cos( (numpy.pi / Ldft_out) * (numpy.linspace(0, Ldft_out - 1, Ldft_out) - 0.5 * (Ldft_out - 1))) win_out = numpy.resize(win_out.astype(fp_t), new_shape=(factor, Ldft_out)) # Prepare VDIF output file with reduced data rate and same starting timestamp bwout = float(dms.samprate) * (Ldft_copy / float(Ldft_in)) fsout = 2 * bwout outMbps = fsout * 1e-6 * nbits_out vdiffmt = 'VDIF_8192-%u-1-%d' % (outMbps, nbits_out) #if not(int(outMbps) == outMbps): # print ('*** Warning: output rate is non-integer (%e Ms/s)! ***' % (outMbps)) (vdifref, vdifsec) = m5lib.helpers.get_VDIF_time_from_MJD(mjd, sec + 1e-9 * ns) vdif = m5lib.writers.VDIFEncapsulator(), format=vdiffmt, complex=False, station='SB') vdif.set_time(vdifref, vdifsec, framenr=0) vdiffmt = vdif.get_format() # Report bw = float(dms.samprate) * 0.5 print('Input file : start MJD %u/%.6f sec' % (mjd, sec + ns * 1e-9)) print( 'Bandwidth : %u kHz in, %.2f kHz out, bandwidth reduction of ~%.2f:1' % (1e-3 * bw, Ldft_copy * 1e-3 * bw / Ldft_in, float(Ldft_in) / Ldft_copy)) print('Input side : %u-point DFT with %u bins (%u...%u) extracted' % (Ldft_in, Ldft_copy, start_bin, stop_bin)) print('Output side : %u-point IDFT with %u-point zero padding' % (Ldft_out, Ldft_out - Ldft_copy)) print('Overlap : %u samples on input, %u samples on output' % (Ldft_in - Ldft_in / factor, Ldft_out - Ldft_out / factor)) print('Phasors : %s^t : %s ...' % (str(rot_f0), str([rot_f0**t for t in range(factor + 2)]))) print('Output file : rate %.3f Mbps, %u fps, format %s' % (outMbps, vdif.get_fps(), vdif.get_format())) # Do filtering print('Filtering...') iter = 0 while True: # Get next full slice of data rc = m5lib.mark5_stream_decode(ms, Ldft_in, pdata) if (rc < 0): print('\n<EOF> status=%d' % (rc)) return 0 in_new = numpy.frombuffer(if_data.contents, dtype='float32') # Debug: replace data with noise + tone if False: t = iter * Ldft_in + numpy.array(range(Ldft_in)) f = (start_bin + numpy.floor(Ldft_copy / 2.0)) / float(Ldft_in) in_new = numpy.random.standard_normal( size=in_new.size) + 10 * numpy.sin(2 * numpy.pi * f * t) in_new = in_new.astype('float32') # Feed the window-overlap input-side DFT processing input stage iconcat = numpy.concatenate([iconcat[0:Ldft_in], in_new]) # [old,new] for ii in range(factor): iconcat = numpy.roll(iconcat, -Ldft_in / factor) flt_in[ii] = iconcat[0:Ldft_in] # Window and do 1D DFT of 2D array flt_in = numpy.multiply(flt_in, win_in) F = numpy.fft.fft(flt_in) # Copy the desired bins and fix DC/Nyquist bins for ii in range(factor): flt_out[ii][0:Ldft_copy] = F[ii][start_bin:(start_bin + Ldft_copy)] flt_out[ii][0] = 0.0 # numpy.real(flt_out[ii][0]) flt_out[ii][Ldft_copy - 1] = 0.0 # numpy.real(flt_out[ii][Ldft_copy-1]) # Do inverse 1D DFT of 2D array and window the result F = numpy.fft.ifft(flt_out) F = numpy.multiply(F, win_out) # Reconstruct time domain signal by shifting and stacking overlapped segments coherently for ii in range(factor): oconcat[Ldft_out:] = oconcat[Ldft_out:] + F[ii] * rot_f rot_f = rot_f * rot_f0 oconcat = numpy.roll(oconcat, -Ldft_out / factor) # note: numpy has a circular shift (numpy.roll), but no "shift array left/right" function, # so we need to zero out the undesired values shifted back in by the circular shift: oconcat[(-Ldft_out / factor):] = 0 # Output real part of complex time domain data # (If suppression of upper Nyquist is zone desired, should write out both real&imag) if not stats_done: out_std = numpy.std(numpy.real(oconcat[0:Ldft_out])) stats_done = True if nbits_out == 32: raw = numpy.real(oconcat[0:Ldft_out]).view('float32').tostring() vdif.write(raw) elif nbits_out == 8: a = numpy.real(oconcat[0:Ldft_out]) * (127.5 / (8 * out_std)) a8 = a.astype(numpy.int8) vdif.write(a8.view('int8').tostring()) elif nbits_out == 2: # TODO: add actual conversion to 4-level (first float to int8, then divide by some integer?) # TODO: add some "fast" means of packing four 2-bit samples into a byte in Python # TODO: ensure Ldft_out * 2-bit is still an 8-byte multiple to meet VDIF requirements pass # Reporting if (iter % 100) == 0: (mjd, sec, ns) = m5lib.helpers.get_sample_time(ms) T_abs = sec + 1e-9 * ns T_count = 1e-9 * dms.framens * dms.nvalidatepass print('Iter %7d : %u/%f : %u : %f sec\r' % (iter, mjd, T_abs, dms.nvalidatepass, T_count)), iter = iter + 1 vdif.close() return 0
def m5tone(fn, fmt, fout, if_nr, Tint_sec, tonefreq_Hz, Ldft, offset, doPlot=False, doFast=True): """Extracts a single tone from the desired channel in a VLBI recording""" # Open file try: m5file = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_file(fn, ctypes.c_longlong(offset)) m5fmt = m5lib.new_mark5_format_generic_from_string(fmt) ms = m5lib.new_mark5_stream_absorb(m5file, m5fmt) dms = ms.contents except: print('Error: problem opening or decoding %s\n' % (fn)) return 1 # Get storage for raw sample data from m5lib.mark5_stream_decode() pdata = m5lib.helpers.make_decoder_array(ms, Ldft, dtype=ctypes.c_float) if_data = ctypes.cast(pdata[if_nr - 1], ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float * Ldft)) # Derived settings Lnyq = numpy.floor(Ldft / 2 - 1) nint = numpy.round(float(dms.samprate) * Tint_sec / float(Ldft)) Tint = float(nint * Ldft) / float(dms.samprate) pcbin = Ldft * float(tonefreq_Hz) / float(dms.samprate) iter = 0 # Safety checks if (if_nr < 1) or (if_nr > dms.nchan): print( 'Error: requested nonexistent channel %d (file has channels 1...%d).' % (if_nr, dms.nchan)) return 1 if (tonefreq_Hz <= 0) or (tonefreq_Hz >= 0.5 * dms.samprate): print( 'Error: tone frequency of %u Hz not within channel bandwidth of %.1f Hz.' % (tonefreq_Hz, 0.5 * dms.samprate)) return 1 if (Ldft < 16): print('Error: length of DFT (Ldft=%d) must be >=16 points.' % (Ldft)) return 1 if (pcbin != int(pcbin)): print( 'Error: tone bin is not an integer (bin=%f). Adjust Ldft or frequency.' % (pcbin)) return 1 # Spectral data winf = numpy.kaiser(Ldft, 7.0) # Kaiser window function spec = numpy.zeros(shape=(Ldft), dtype='complex64') # Accumulated spectrum tavg = numpy.zeros(shape=(Ldft), dtype='float32') # Accumulated time domain data pcamp = 0.0 # Total abs amplitude history = {'amp': [], 'phase': [], 'coh': [], 'T': [], 'MJD': []} # Plotting Lsgram = 8 specgram = numpy.zeros(shape=(Lsgram, Lnyq), dtype='complex64') if doPlot: pylab.ion() pylab.figure() pylab.gcf().set_facecolor('white') # Report print( 'Tone at %.3f kHz in the %.3f MHz wide band lands in %.3f kHz-wide bin %u.' % (tonefreq_Hz * 1e-3, dms.samprate * 0.5e-6, 1e-3 * dms.samprate / float(Ldft), pcbin)) print( 'Integrating for %.2f milliseconds with %u spectra per integration.' % (Tint * 1e3, nint)) if doFast: print( "Note: Using fast ingration, coherence 'r' will not actually be calculated." ) # Detect tone phase and amplitude (mjd0, sec0, ns0) = m5lib.helpers.get_frame_time(ms) while True: # Get next full slice of data rc = m5lib.mark5_stream_decode(ms, Ldft, pdata) if (rc < 0): print('\n<EOF> status=%d' % (rc)) return 0 dd = numpy.frombuffer(if_data.contents, dtype='float32') # Extract the tone if not (doFast): # Brute force method, benefit is that coherence can be measured ddwin = numpy.multiply(dd, winf) F = numpy.fft.fft(ddwin) spec = numpy.add(spec, F) pcamp = pcamp + numpy.abs(F[pcbin]) else: # Faster method, but cannot measure coherence tavg = numpy.add(tavg, dd) # Report the result at end of each averaging period iter = iter + 1 if (iter % nint) == 0: # Timestamp at mid-point of integration T_count = Tint * ( (iter / nint) - 0.5) # data-second, relative time (mjd1, sec1, ns1) = m5lib.helpers.get_sample_time(ms) T_stamp = mjd1 + (sec1 + ns1 * 1e-9 - Tint / 2.0) / 86400.0 # fractional MJD, absolute time # Extract final tone amp, phase, coherence if doFast: spec = numpy.fft.fft(numpy.multiply(tavg, winf)) pctone = spec[pcbin] / float(nint * Ldft) pcamp = pcamp / float(nint * Ldft) pctone_A = numpy.abs(pctone) pctone_ph = numpy.angle(pctone, deg=True) if doFast: pctone_C = 1.0 else: pctone_C = pctone_A / pcamp # Store results print('%.9f mjd : %.6f sec : %e /_ %+.2f deg : r=%.3f' % (T_stamp, T_count, pctone_A, pctone_ph, pctone_C)) history['amp'].append(pctone_A) history['phase'].append(pctone_ph) history['coh'].append(pctone_C) history['T'].append(T_count) history['MJD'].append(T_stamp) line = '%.9f %.6f %e %+.2f %.3f\n' % (T_stamp, T_count, pctone_A, pctone_ph, pctone_C) fout.write(line) # Plotting if doPlot: specgram[1:] = specgram[0:-1] specgram[0] = numpy.abs(spec[0:Lnyq]) if doPlot and ((iter / nint) % Lsgram) == 0: pylab.clf() pylab.subplot(311) pylab.plot(history['T'], history['amp'], 'rx') # pylab.plot(numpy.real(pcvec)) pylab.xlabel('Time (s)') pylab.ylabel('Amplitude') pylab.subplot(312) pylab.plot(history['T'], history['phase'], 'gx') pylab.ylim(-180.0, 180.0) pylab.xlabel('Time (s)') pylab.ylabel('Phase (deg)') pylab.subplot(313) xyextent = [ 0, 0.5e-6 * dms.samprate, T_count * 1e3, (T_count + Lsgram) * Tint * 1e3 ] pylab.imshow(numpy.abs(specgram), aspect='auto', extent=xyextent) Fpeak = 1e-3 * dms.samprate * float(numpy.argmax( specgram[0])) / Ldft pylab.text(Fpeak, Lsgram / 2, 'Peak at %.3f kHz' % (Fpeak)) pylab.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)') pylab.ylabel('Time (ms)') pylab.draw() # non-blocking pylab.draw() # Clear accumulated values spec = numpy.zeros_like(spec) tavg = numpy.zeros_like(tavg) pcamp = 0.0 return 0