def test_MarketProtocol_rpc_get_image_invalid_image_hash(self): catcher = self.catcher mp = MarketProtocol(self.node, self.router, 0, 0) self.assertEqual(None, mp.rpc_get_image(mknode(), "invalid_hash")) catch_exception = catcher.pop() exception_message = catcher.pop() self.assertEquals(catch_exception["message"][0], "[WARNING] could not find image 696e76616c69645f68617368") self.assertEquals(exception_message["message"][0], "[WARNING] Image hash is not 20 characters invalid_hash")
def __init__(self, kserver, signing_key): """ A high level class for sending direct, market messages to other nodes. A node will need one of these to participate in buying and selling. Should be initialized after the Kademlia server. """ self.kserver = kserver self.signing_key = signing_key self.router = kserver.protocol.router self.protocol = MarketProtocol(kserver.node.getProto(), self.router, signing_key)
def test_MarketProtocol_rpc_get_image_invalid_image_hash(self): catcher = self.catcher mp = MarketProtocol(self.node, self.router, 0, 0) self.assertEqual(None, mp.rpc_get_image(mknode(), "invalid_hash")) catch_exception = catcher.pop() exception_message = catcher.pop() self.assertEquals( catch_exception["message"][0], "[WARNING] could not find image 696e76616c69645f68617368") self.assertEquals( exception_message["message"][0], "[WARNING] Image hash is not 20 characters invalid_hash")
def __init__(self, kserver): """ A high level class for sending direct, market messages to other nodes. A node will need one of these to participate in buying and selling. Should be initialized after the Kademlia server. """ self.kserver = kserver self.router = kserver.protocol.router self.protocol = MarketProtocol(kserver.node.getProto(), self.router)
def __init__(self, kserver, signing_key, database): """ A high level class for sending direct, market messages to other nodes. A node will need one of these to participate in buying and selling. Should be initialized after the Kademlia server. """ self.kserver = kserver self.signing_key = signing_key self.router = kserver.protocol.router self.db = database self.log = Logger(system=self) self.protocol = MarketProtocol(kserver.node, self.router, signing_key, database)
class Server(object): def __init__(self, kserver): self.kserver = kserver self.router = kserver.router self.protocol = MarketProtocol(kserver.node, self.router) def get_contract(self, guid, contract_hash): def get_result(result): return result node_to_ask = self.kserver.get_node(guid) if node_to_ask is None: return None d = self.protocol.call_get_contract(guid, contract_hash) d.addCallback(get_result)
class Server(object): def __init__(self, kserver, signing_key, database): """ A high level class for sending direct, market messages to other nodes. A node will need one of these to participate in buying and selling. Should be initialized after the Kademlia server. """ self.kserver = kserver self.signing_key = signing_key self.router = kserver.protocol.router self.db = database self.log = Logger(system=self) self.protocol = MarketProtocol(kserver.node, self.router, signing_key, database) # TODO: we need a loop here that republishes keywords when they are about to expire # TODO: we also need a loop here to delete expiring contract (if they are set to expire) def get_contract(self, node_to_ask, contract_hash): """ Will query the given node to fetch a contract given its hash. If the returned contract doesn't have the same hash, it will return None. After acquiring the contract it will download all the associated images if it does not already have them in cache. Args: node_to_ask: a `dht.node.Node` object containing an ip and port contract_hash: a 20 byte hash in raw byte format """ def get_result(result): try: if result[0] and digest(result[1][0]) == contract_hash: contract = json.loads(result[1][0], object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # TODO: verify the guid in the contract matches this node's guid signature = contract["vendor_offer"]["signature"] pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(json.dumps(contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"], indent=4), unhexlify(signature)) if "moderators" in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]: for moderator in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["moderators"]: guid = moderator["guid"] guid_key = moderator["pubkeys"]["signing"]["key"] guid_sig = moderator["pubkeys"]["signing"]["signature"] enc_key = moderator["pubkeys"]["encryption"]["key"] enc_sig = moderator["pubkeys"]["encryption"]["signature"] bitcoin_key = moderator["pubkeys"]["bitcoin"]["key"] bitcoin_sig = moderator["pubkeys"]["bitcoin"]["signature"] h = nacl.hash.sha512(unhexlify(guid_sig) + unhexlify(guid_key)) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or guid != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid GUID') verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(guid_key, encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder) verify_key.verify(unhexlify(enc_key), unhexlify(enc_sig)) verify_key.verify(unhexlify(bitcoin_key), unhexlify(bitcoin_sig)) # should probably also validate the handle here. self.cache(result[1][0]) if "image_hashes" in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["item"]: for image_hash in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["item"]["image_hashes"]: self.get_image(node_to_ask, unhexlify(image_hash)) return contract else: return None except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching contract %s from %s" % (contract_hash.encode("hex"), node_to_ask)) d = self.protocol.callGetContract(node_to_ask, contract_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_image(self, node_to_ask, image_hash): """ Will query the given node to fetch an image given its hash. If the returned image doesn't have the same hash, it will return None. Args: node_to_ask: a `dht.node.Node` object containing an ip and port image_hash: a 20 byte hash in raw byte format """ def get_result(result): try: if result[0] and digest(result[1][0]) == image_hash: self.cache(result[1][0]) return result[1][0] else: return None except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None or len(image_hash) != 20: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching image %s from %s" % (image_hash.encode("hex"), node_to_ask)) d = self.protocol.callGetImage(node_to_ask, image_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_profile(self, node_to_ask): """ Downloads the profile from the given node. If the images do not already exist in cache, it will download and cache them before returning the profile. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) p = objects.Profile() p.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) if p.pgp_key.public_key: gpg = gnupg.GPG() gpg.import_keys(p.pgp_key.publicKey) if not gpg.verify(p.pgp_key.signature) or \'hex') not in p.pgp_key.signature: p.ClearField("pgp_key") if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + p.avatar_hash.encode("hex")): self.get_image(node_to_ask, p.avatar_hash) if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + p.header_hash.encode("hex")): self.get_image(node_to_ask, p.header_hash) return p except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching profile from %s" % node_to_ask) d = self.protocol.callGetProfile(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_user_metadata(self, node_to_ask): """ Downloads just a small portion of the profile (containing the name, handle, and avatar hash). We need this for some parts of the UI where we list stores. Since we need fast loading we shouldn't download the full profile here. It will download the avatar if it isn't already in cache. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) m = objects.Metadata() m.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + m.avatar_hash.encode("hex")): self.get_image(node_to_ask, m.avatar_hash) return m except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching user metadata from %s" % node_to_ask) d = self.protocol.callGetUserMetadata(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_listings(self, node_to_ask): """ Queries a store for it's list of contracts. A `objects.Listings` protobuf is returned containing some metadata for each contract. The individual contracts should be fetched with a get_contract call. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) l = objects.Listings() l.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) return l except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching store listings from %s" % node_to_ask) d = self.protocol.callGetListings(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_contract_metadata(self, node_to_ask, contract_hash): """ Downloads just the metadata for the contract. Useful for displaying search results in a list view without downloading the entire contract. It will download the thumbnail image if it isn't already in cache. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) l = objects.Listings().ListingMetadata() l.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) if l.HasField("thumbnail_hash"): if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + l.thumbnail_hash.encode("hex")): self.get_image(node_to_ask, l.thumbnail_hash) return l except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching metadata for contract %s from %s" % (contract_hash.encode("hex"), node_to_ask)) d = self.protocol.callGetContractMetadata(node_to_ask, contract_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) def make_moderator(self): """ Set self as a moderator in the DHT. """ u = objects.Profile() k = u.PublicKey() k.public_key = bitcoin.bip32_deserialize(KeyChain(self.db).bitcoin_master_pubkey)[5] k.signature = self.signing_key.sign(k.public_key)[:64] u.bitcoin_key.MergeFrom(k) u.moderator = True Profile(self.db).update(u) proto = self.kserver.node.getProto().SerializeToString() self.kserver.set(digest("moderators"), digest(proto), proto)"setting self as moderator on the network") def unmake_moderator(self): """ Deletes our moderator entry from the network. """ key = digest(self.kserver.node.getProto().SerializeToString()) signature = self.signing_key.sign(key)[:64] self.kserver.delete("moderators", key, signature) Profile(self.db).remove_field("moderator")"removing self as moderator from the network") def follow(self, node_to_follow): """ Sends a follow message to another node in the network. The node must be online to receive the message. The message contains a signed, serialized `Follower` protobuf object which the recipient will store and can send to other nodes, proving you are following them. The response is a signed `Metadata` protobuf that will store in the db. """ def save_to_db(result): if result[0] and result[1][0] == "True": try: u = objects.Following.User() u.guid = u.signed_pubkey = node_to_follow.signed_pubkey m = objects.Metadata() m.ParseFromString(result[1][1]) u.metadata.MergeFrom(m) u.signature = result[1][2] pubkey = node_to_follow.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1], result[1][2]) self.db.FollowData().follow(u) return True except Exception: return False else: return False proto = Profile(self.db).get(False) m = objects.Metadata() = m.handle = proto.handle m.avatar_hash = proto.avatar_hash m.nsfw = proto.nsfw f = objects.Followers.Follower() f.guid = f.following = f.signed_pubkey = self.kserver.node.signed_pubkey f.metadata.MergeFrom(m) signature = self.signing_key.sign(f.SerializeToString())[:64] d = self.protocol.callFollow(node_to_follow, f.SerializeToString(), signature)"sending follow request to %s" % node_to_follow) return d.addCallback(save_to_db) def unfollow(self, node_to_unfollow): """ Sends an unfollow message to a node and removes them from our db. """ def save_to_db(result): try: if result[0] and result[1][0] == "True": self.db.FollowData().unfollow( return True else: return False except Exception: return False signature = self.signing_key.sign("unfollow:" +[:64] d = self.protocol.callUnfollow(node_to_unfollow, signature)"sending unfollow request to %s" % node_to_unfollow) return d.addCallback(save_to_db) def get_followers(self, node_to_ask): """ Query the given node for a list if its followers. The response will be a `Followers` protobuf object. We will verify the signature for each follower to make sure that node really did follower this user. """ def get_response(response): # Verify the signature on the response f = objects.Followers() try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(response[1][1] + response[1][0]) f.ParseFromString(response[1][0]) except Exception: return None # Verify the signature and guid of each follower. for follower in f.followers: try: v_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(follower.signed_pubkey[64:]) signature = follower.signature follower.ClearField("signature") v_key.verify(follower.SerializeToString(), signature) h = nacl.hash.sha512(follower.signed_pubkey) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or follower.guid.encode("hex") != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid GUID') if follower.following != raise Exception('Invalid follower') except Exception: f.followers.remove(follower) return f d = self.protocol.callGetFollowers(node_to_ask)"fetching followers from %s" % node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_response) def get_following(self, node_to_ask): """ Query the given node for a list of users it's following. The return is `Following` protobuf object that contains signed metadata for each user this node is following. The signature on the metadata is there to prevent this node from altering the name/handle/avatar associated with the guid. """ def get_response(response): # Verify the signature on the response f = objects.Following() try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(response[1][1] + response[1][0]) f.ParseFromString(response[1][0]) except Exception: return None for user in f.users: try: v_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(user.signed_pubkey[64:]) signature = user.signature v_key.verify(user.metadata.SerializeToString(), signature) h = nacl.hash.sha512(user.signed_pubkey) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or user.guid.encode("hex") != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid GUID') except Exception: f.users.remove(user) return f d = self.protocol.callGetFollowing(node_to_ask)"fetching following list from %s" % node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_response) def broadcast(self, message): """ Sends a broadcast message to all online followers. It will resolve each guid before sending the broadcast. Messages must be less than 140 characters. Returns the number of followers the broadcast reached. """ if len(message) > 140: return defer.succeed(0) def send(nodes): def how_many_reached(responses): count = 0 for resp in responses: if resp[1][0] and resp[1][1][0] == "True": count += 1 return count ds = [] signature = self.signing_key.sign(str(message))[:64] for n in nodes: if n[1] is not None: ds.append(self.protocol.callBroadcast(n[1], message, signature)) return defer.DeferredList(ds).addCallback(how_many_reached) dl = [] f = objects.Followers() f.ParseFromString(self.db.FollowData().get_followers()) for follower in f.followers: dl.append(self.kserver.resolve(follower.guid))"broadcasting %s to followers" % message) return defer.DeferredList(dl).addCallback(send) def send_message(self, receiving_node, public_key, message_type, message, subject=None, store_only=False): """ Sends a message to another node. If the node isn't online it will be placed in the dht for the node to pick up later. """ pro = Profile(self.db).get() if len(message) > 1500: return p = objects.Plaintext_Message() p.sender_guid = p.signed_pubkey = self.kserver.node.signed_pubkey p.encryption_pubkey = PrivateKey(self.signing_key.encode()).public_key.encode() p.type = message_type p.message = message if subject is not None: p.subject = subject if pro.handle: p.handle = pro.handle if pro.avatar_hash: p.avatar_hash = pro.avatar_hash p.timestamp = int(time.time()) signature = self.signing_key.sign(p.SerializeToString())[:64] p.signature = signature skephem = PrivateKey.generate() pkephem = skephem.public_key.encode(nacl.encoding.RawEncoder) box = Box(skephem, PublicKey(public_key, nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)) nonce = nacl.utils.random(Box.NONCE_SIZE) ciphertext = box.encrypt(p.SerializeToString(), nonce) def get_response(response): if not response[0]: self.kserver.set(digest(, pkephem, ciphertext)"sending encrypted message to %s" %"hex")) if not store_only: self.protocol.callMessage(receiving_node, pkephem, ciphertext).addCallback(get_response) else: get_response([False]) def get_messages(self, listener): # if the transport hasn't been initialized yet, wait a second if self.protocol.multiplexer is None or self.protocol.multiplexer.transport is None: return task.deferLater(reactor, 1, self.get_messages, listener) def parse_messages(messages): if messages is not None:"retrieved %s message(s) from the dht" % len(messages)) for message in messages: try: value = objects.Value() value.ParseFromString(message) try: box = Box(PrivateKey(self.signing_key.encode()), PublicKey(value.valueKey)) ciphertext = value.serializedData plaintext = box.decrypt(ciphertext) p = objects.Plaintext_Message() p.ParseFromString(plaintext) signature = p.signature p.ClearField("signature") verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(p.signed_pubkey[64:]) verify_key.verify(p.SerializeToString(), signature) h = nacl.hash.sha512(p.signed_pubkey) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or p.sender_guid.encode("hex") != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid guid') if p.type == objects.Plaintext_Message.Type.Value("ORDER_CONFIRMATION"): c = Contract(self.db, hash_value=p.subject) c.accept_order_confirmation(self.protocol.get_notification_listener(), confirmation_json=p.message) elif p.type == objects.Plaintext_Message.Type.Value("RECEIPT"): c = Contract(self.db, hash_value=p.subject) c.accept_receipt(self.protocol.get_notification_listener(), self.protocol.multiplexer.blockchain, receipt_json=p.message) else: listener.notify(p.sender_guid, p.encryption_pubkey, p.subject, objects.Plaintext_Message.Type.Name(p.type), p.message) except Exception: pass signature = self.signing_key.sign(value.valueKey)[:64] self.kserver.delete(, value.valueKey, signature) except Exception: pass self.kserver.get( def purchase(self, node_to_ask, contract): """ Send an order message to the vendor. Args: node_to_ask: a `dht.node.Node` object contract: a complete `Contract` object containing the buyer's order """ def parse_response(response): try: address = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["payment"]["address"] chaincode = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["payment"]["chaincode"] masterkey_b = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]["pubkeys"]["bitcoin"] buyer_key = derive_childkey(masterkey_b, chaincode) amount = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["payment"]["amount"] listing_hash = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["ref_hash"] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:]) verify_key.verify( str(address) + str(amount) + str(listing_hash) + str(buyer_key), response[1][0]) return response[1][0] except Exception: return False public_key = contract.contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]["pubkeys"]["encryption"] skephem = PrivateKey.generate() pkephem = skephem.public_key.encode(nacl.encoding.RawEncoder) box = Box(skephem, PublicKey(public_key, nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)) nonce = nacl.utils.random(Box.NONCE_SIZE) ciphertext = box.encrypt(json.dumps(contract.contract, indent=4), nonce) d = self.protocol.callOrder(node_to_ask, pkephem, ciphertext)"purchasing contract %s from %s" % (contract.get_contract_id().encode("hex"), node_to_ask)) return d.addCallback(parse_response) def confirm_order(self, guid, contract): """ Send the order confirmation over to the buyer. If the buyer isn't online we will stick it in the DHT temporarily. """ def get_node(node_to_ask): def parse_response(response): if response[0] and response[1][0] == "True": return True elif not response[0]: contract_dict = json.loads(json.dumps(contract.contract, indent=4), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) del contract_dict["vendor_order_confirmation"] order_id = digest(json.dumps(contract_dict, indent=4)).encode("hex") self.send_message(Node(unhexlify(guid)), contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]["pubkeys"]["encryption"], objects.Plaintext_Message.Type.Value("ORDER_CONFIRMATION"), json.dumps(contract.contract["vendor_order_confirmation"]), order_id, store_only=True) return True else: return False if node_to_ask: public_key = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"]["pubkeys"]["encryption"] skephem = PrivateKey.generate() pkephem = skephem.public_key.encode(nacl.encoding.RawEncoder) box = Box(skephem, PublicKey(public_key, nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)) nonce = nacl.utils.random(Box.NONCE_SIZE) ciphertext = box.encrypt(json.dumps(contract.contract, indent=4), nonce) d = self.protocol.callOrderConfirmation(node_to_ask, pkephem, ciphertext) return d.addCallback(parse_response) else: return parse_response([False])"sending order confirmation to %s" % guid) return self.kserver.resolve(unhexlify(guid)).addCallback(get_node) def complete_order(self, guid, contract): """ Send the receipt, including the payout signatures and ratings, over to the vendor. If the vendor isn't online we will stick it in the DHT temporarily. """ def get_node(node_to_ask): def parse_response(response): if response[0] and response[1][0] == "True": return True elif not response[0]: contract_dict = json.loads(json.dumps(contract.contract, indent=4), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) del contract_dict["vendor_order_confirmation"] del contract_dict["buyer_receipt"] order_id = digest(json.dumps(contract_dict, indent=4)).encode("hex") self.send_message(Node(unhexlify(guid)), contract.contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]["pubkeys"]["encryption"], objects.Plaintext_Message.Type.Value("RECEIPT"), json.dumps(contract.contract["buyer_receipt"]), order_id, store_only=True) return True else: return False if node_to_ask: public_key = contract.contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"]["pubkeys"]["encryption"] skephem = PrivateKey.generate() pkephem = skephem.public_key.encode(nacl.encoding.RawEncoder) box = Box(skephem, PublicKey(public_key, nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)) nonce = nacl.utils.random(Box.NONCE_SIZE) ciphertext = box.encrypt(json.dumps(contract.contract, indent=4), nonce) d = self.protocol.callCompleteOrder(node_to_ask, pkephem, ciphertext) return d.addCallback(parse_response) else: return parse_response([False])"sending order receipt to %s" % guid) return self.kserver.resolve(unhexlify(guid)).addCallback(get_node) @staticmethod def cache(filename): """ Saves the file to a cache folder if it doesn't already exist. """ if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + "cache/" + digest(filename).encode("hex")): with open(DATA_FOLDER + "cache/" + digest(filename).encode("hex"), 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write(filename)
def test_MarketProtocol_add_listener_correctly(self): mp = MarketProtocol(0, 0, 0, 0) self.assertEqual(len(mp.listeners), 0) mp.add_listener(3) self.assertEqual(len(mp.listeners), 1)
def test_MarketProtocol_connect_multiplexer_correctly(self): mp = MarketProtocol(0, 0, 0, 0) self.assertEqual(mp.multiplexer, None) mp.connect_multiplexer("3") self.assertEqual(mp.multiplexer, "3")
class Server(object): def __init__(self, kserver, signing_key, database): """ A high level class for sending direct, market messages to other nodes. A node will need one of these to participate in buying and selling. Should be initialized after the Kademlia server. """ self.kserver = kserver self.signing_key = signing_key self.router = kserver.protocol.router self.db = database self.log = Logger(system=self) self.protocol = MarketProtocol(kserver.node, self.router, signing_key, database) # TODO: we need a loop here that republishes keywords when they are about to expire # TODO: we also need a loop here to delete expiring contract (if they are set to expire) def get_contract(self, node_to_ask, contract_hash): """ Will query the given node to fetch a contract given its hash. If the returned contract doesn't have the same hash, it will return None. After acquiring the contract it will download all the associated images if it does not already have them in cache. Args: node_to_ask: a `dht.node.Node` object containing an ip and port contract_hash: a 20 byte hash in raw byte format """ def get_result(result): try: if result[0] and digest(result[1][0]) == contract_hash: contract = json.loads(result[1][0], object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # TODO: verify the guid in the contract matches this node's guid signature = contract["vendor_offer"]["signature"] pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify( json.dumps(contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"], indent=4), unhexlify(signature)) if "moderators" in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]: for moderator in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"][ "moderators"]: guid = moderator["guid"] guid_key = moderator["pubkeys"]["signing"]["key"] guid_sig = moderator["pubkeys"]["signing"][ "signature"] enc_key = moderator["pubkeys"]["encryption"]["key"] enc_sig = moderator["pubkeys"]["encryption"][ "signature"] bitcoin_key = moderator["pubkeys"]["bitcoin"][ "key"] bitcoin_sig = moderator["pubkeys"]["bitcoin"][ "signature"] h = nacl.hash.sha512( unhexlify(guid_sig) + unhexlify(guid_key)) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or guid != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid GUID') verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey( guid_key, encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder) verify_key.verify(unhexlify(enc_key), unhexlify(enc_sig)) verify_key.verify(unhexlify(bitcoin_key), unhexlify(bitcoin_sig)) # should probably also validate the handle here. self.cache(result[1][0]) if "image_hashes" in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"][ "item"]: for image_hash in contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"][ "item"]["image_hashes"]: self.get_image(node_to_ask, unhexlify(image_hash)) return contract else: return None except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching contract %s from %s" % (contract_hash.encode("hex"), node_to_ask)) d = self.protocol.callGetContract(node_to_ask, contract_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_image(self, node_to_ask, image_hash): """ Will query the given node to fetch an image given its hash. If the returned image doesn't have the same hash, it will return None. Args: node_to_ask: a `dht.node.Node` object containing an ip and port image_hash: a 20 byte hash in raw byte format """ def get_result(result): try: if result[0] and digest(result[1][0]) == image_hash: self.cache(result[1][0]) return result[1][0] else: return None except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None or len(image_hash) != 20: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching image %s from %s" % (image_hash.encode("hex"), node_to_ask)) d = self.protocol.callGetImage(node_to_ask, image_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_profile(self, node_to_ask): """ Downloads the profile from the given node. If the images do not already exist in cache, it will download and cache them before returning the profile. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) p = objects.Profile() p.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) if p.pgp_key.public_key: gpg = gnupg.GPG() gpg.import_keys(p.pgp_key.publicKey) if not gpg.verify(p.pgp_key.signature) or \'hex') not in p.pgp_key.signature: p.ClearField("pgp_key") if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + p.avatar_hash.encode("hex")): self.get_image(node_to_ask, p.avatar_hash) if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + p.header_hash.encode("hex")): self.get_image(node_to_ask, p.header_hash) return p except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching profile from %s" % node_to_ask) d = self.protocol.callGetProfile(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_user_metadata(self, node_to_ask): """ Downloads just a small portion of the profile (containing the name, handle, and avatar hash). We need this for some parts of the UI where we list stores. Since we need fast loading we shouldn't download the full profile here. It will download the avatar if it isn't already in cache. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) m = objects.Metadata() m.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + m.avatar_hash.encode("hex")): self.get_image(node_to_ask, m.avatar_hash) return m except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching user metadata from %s" % node_to_ask) d = self.protocol.callGetUserMetadata(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_listings(self, node_to_ask): """ Queries a store for it's list of contracts. A `objects.Listings` protobuf is returned containing some metadata for each contract. The individual contracts should be fetched with a get_contract call. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) l = objects.Listings() l.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) return l except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching store listings from %s" % node_to_ask) d = self.protocol.callGetListings(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_contract_metadata(self, node_to_ask, contract_hash): """ Downloads just the metadata for the contract. Useful for displaying search results in a list view without downloading the entire contract. It will download the thumbnail image if it isn't already in cache. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) l = objects.Listings().ListingMetadata() l.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) if l.HasField("thumbnail_hash"): if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + l.thumbnail_hash.encode("hex")): self.get_image(node_to_ask, l.thumbnail_hash) return l except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching metadata for contract %s from %s" % (contract_hash.encode("hex"), node_to_ask)) d = self.protocol.callGetContractMetadata(node_to_ask, contract_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) def make_moderator(self): """ Set self as a moderator in the DHT. """ u = objects.Profile() k = u.PublicKey() k.public_key = bitcoin.bip32_deserialize( KeyChain(self.db).bitcoin_master_pubkey)[5] k.signature = self.signing_key.sign(k.public_key)[:64] u.bitcoin_key.MergeFrom(k) u.moderator = True Profile(self.db).update(u) proto = self.kserver.node.getProto().SerializeToString() self.kserver.set(digest("moderators"), digest(proto), proto)"setting self as moderator on the network") def unmake_moderator(self): """ Deletes our moderator entry from the network. """ key = digest(self.kserver.node.getProto().SerializeToString()) signature = self.signing_key.sign(key)[:64] self.kserver.delete("moderators", key, signature) Profile(self.db).remove_field("moderator")"removing self as moderator from the network") def follow(self, node_to_follow): """ Sends a follow message to another node in the network. The node must be online to receive the message. The message contains a signed, serialized `Follower` protobuf object which the recipient will store and can send to other nodes, proving you are following them. The response is a signed `Metadata` protobuf that will store in the db. """ def save_to_db(result): if result[0] and result[1][0] == "True": try: u = objects.Following.User() u.guid = u.signed_pubkey = node_to_follow.signed_pubkey m = objects.Metadata() m.ParseFromString(result[1][1]) u.metadata.MergeFrom(m) u.signature = result[1][2] pubkey = node_to_follow.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1], result[1][2]) self.db.FollowData().follow(u) return True except Exception: return False else: return False proto = Profile(self.db).get(False) m = objects.Metadata() = m.handle = proto.handle m.avatar_hash = proto.avatar_hash m.nsfw = proto.nsfw f = objects.Followers.Follower() f.guid = f.following = f.signed_pubkey = self.kserver.node.signed_pubkey f.metadata.MergeFrom(m) signature = self.signing_key.sign(f.SerializeToString())[:64] d = self.protocol.callFollow(node_to_follow, f.SerializeToString(), signature)"sending follow request to %s" % node_to_follow) return d.addCallback(save_to_db) def unfollow(self, node_to_unfollow): """ Sends an unfollow message to a node and removes them from our db. """ def save_to_db(result): try: if result[0] and result[1][0] == "True": self.db.FollowData().unfollow( return True else: return False except Exception: return False signature = self.signing_key.sign("unfollow:" +[:64] d = self.protocol.callUnfollow(node_to_unfollow, signature)"sending unfollow request to %s" % node_to_unfollow) return d.addCallback(save_to_db) def get_followers(self, node_to_ask): """ Query the given node for a list if its followers. The response will be a `Followers` protobuf object. We will verify the signature for each follower to make sure that node really did follower this user. """ def get_response(response): # Verify the signature on the response f = objects.Followers() try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(response[1][1] + response[1][0]) f.ParseFromString(response[1][0]) except Exception: return None # Verify the signature and guid of each follower. for follower in f.followers: try: v_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(follower.signed_pubkey[64:]) signature = follower.signature follower.ClearField("signature") v_key.verify(follower.SerializeToString(), signature) h = nacl.hash.sha512(follower.signed_pubkey) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or follower.guid.encode("hex") != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid GUID') if follower.following != raise Exception('Invalid follower') except Exception: f.followers.remove(follower) return f d = self.protocol.callGetFollowers(node_to_ask)"fetching followers from %s" % node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_response) def get_following(self, node_to_ask): """ Query the given node for a list of users it's following. The return is `Following` protobuf object that contains signed metadata for each user this node is following. The signature on the metadata is there to prevent this node from altering the name/handle/avatar associated with the guid. """ def get_response(response): # Verify the signature on the response f = objects.Following() try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(response[1][1] + response[1][0]) f.ParseFromString(response[1][0]) except Exception: return None for user in f.users: try: v_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(user.signed_pubkey[64:]) signature = user.signature v_key.verify(user.metadata.SerializeToString(), signature) h = nacl.hash.sha512(user.signed_pubkey) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or user.guid.encode("hex") != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid GUID') except Exception: f.users.remove(user) return f d = self.protocol.callGetFollowing(node_to_ask)"fetching following list from %s" % node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_response) def send_notification(self, message): """ Sends a notification message to all online followers. It will resolve each guid before sending the notification. Messages must be less than 140 characters. Returns the number of followers the notification reached. """ if len(message) > 140: return defer.succeed(0) def send(nodes): def how_many_reached(responses): count = 0 for resp in responses: if resp[1][0] and resp[1][1][0] == "True": count += 1 return count ds = [] signature = self.signing_key.sign(str(message))[:64] for n in nodes: if n[1] is not None: ds.append( self.protocol.callNotify(n[1], message, signature)) return defer.DeferredList(ds).addCallback(how_many_reached) dl = [] f = objects.Followers() f.ParseFromString(self.db.FollowData().get_followers()) for follower in f.followers: dl.append(self.kserver.resolve(follower.guid))"broadcasting notification to followers") return defer.DeferredList(dl).addCallback(send) def send_message(self, receiving_node, public_key, message_type, message, subject=None, store_only=False): """ Sends a message to another node. If the node isn't online it will be placed in the dht for the node to pick up later. """ pro = Profile(self.db).get() if len(message) > 1500: return p = objects.Plaintext_Message() p.sender_guid = p.signed_pubkey = self.kserver.node.signed_pubkey p.encryption_pubkey = PrivateKey( self.signing_key.encode()).public_key.encode() p.type = message_type p.message = message if subject is not None: p.subject = subject if pro.handle: p.handle = pro.handle if pro.avatar_hash: p.avatar_hash = pro.avatar_hash p.timestamp = int(time.time()) signature = self.signing_key.sign(p.SerializeToString())[:64] p.signature = signature skephem = PrivateKey.generate() pkephem = skephem.public_key.encode(nacl.encoding.RawEncoder) box = Box(skephem, PublicKey(public_key, nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)) nonce = nacl.utils.random(Box.NONCE_SIZE) ciphertext = box.encrypt(p.SerializeToString(), nonce) def get_response(response): if not response[0]: self.kserver.set(digest(, pkephem, ciphertext)"sending encrypted message to %s" %"hex")) if not store_only: self.protocol.callMessage(receiving_node, pkephem, ciphertext).addCallback(get_response) else: get_response([False]) def get_messages(self, listener): # if the transport hasn't been initialized yet, wait a second if self.protocol.multiplexer is None or self.protocol.multiplexer.transport is None: return task.deferLater(reactor, 1, self.get_messages, listener) def parse_messages(messages): if messages is not None:"retrieved %s message(s) from the dht" % len(messages)) for message in messages: try: value = objects.Value() value.ParseFromString(message) try: box = Box(PrivateKey(self.signing_key.encode()), PublicKey(value.valueKey)) ciphertext = value.serializedData plaintext = box.decrypt(ciphertext) p = objects.Plaintext_Message() p.ParseFromString(plaintext) signature = p.signature p.ClearField("signature") verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey( p.signed_pubkey[64:]) verify_key.verify(p.SerializeToString(), signature) h = nacl.hash.sha512(p.signed_pubkey) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or p.sender_guid.encode( "hex") != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid guid') if p.type == objects.Plaintext_Message.Type.Value( "ORDER_CONFIRMATION"): c = Contract(self.db, hash_value=unhexlify(p.subject)) c.accept_order_confirmation(, confirmation_json=p.message) else: listener.notify( p.sender_guid, p.encryption_pubkey, p.subject, objects.Plaintext_Message.Type.Name( p.type), p.message) except Exception: pass signature = self.signing_key.sign(value.valueKey)[:64] self.kserver.delete(, value.valueKey, signature) except Exception: pass self.kserver.get( def purchase(self, node_to_ask, contract): """ Send an order message to the vendor. Args: node_to_ask: a `dht.node.Node` object contract: a complete `Contract` object containing the buyer's order """ def parse_response(response): try: address = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["payment"][ "address"] chaincode = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"][ "payment"]["chaincode"] masterkey_b = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"][ "pubkeys"]["bitcoin"] buyer_key = derive_childkey(masterkey_b, chaincode) amount = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["payment"][ "amount"] listing_hash = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"][ "ref_hash"] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey( node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:]) verify_key.verify( str(address) + str(amount) + str(listing_hash) + str(buyer_key), response[1][0]) return response[1][0] except Exception: return False public_key = contract.contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"][ "pubkeys"]["encryption"] skephem = PrivateKey.generate() pkephem = skephem.public_key.encode(nacl.encoding.RawEncoder) box = Box(skephem, PublicKey(public_key, nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)) nonce = nacl.utils.random(Box.NONCE_SIZE) ciphertext = box.encrypt(json.dumps(contract.contract, indent=4), nonce) d = self.protocol.callOrder(node_to_ask, pkephem, ciphertext)"purchasing contract %s from %s" % (contract.get_contract_id().encode("hex"), node_to_ask)) return d.addCallback(parse_response) def confirm_order(self, guid, contract): """ Send the order confirmation over to the buyer. If the buyer isn't online we will stick it in the DHT temporarily. """ def get_node(node_to_ask): def parse_response(response): if response[0] and response[1][0] == "True": return True elif not response[0]: contract_dict = json.loads(json.dumps(contract.contract, indent=4), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) del contract_dict["vendor_order_confirmation"] order_id = digest(json.dumps(contract_dict, indent=4)).encode("hex") self.send_message( Node(unhexlify(guid)), contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"] ["pubkeys"]["encryption"], objects.Plaintext_Message.Type.Value( "ORDER_CONFIRMATION"), json.dumps( contract.contract["vendor_order_confirmation"]), order_id, store_only=True) return True else: return False if node_to_ask: public_key = contract.contract["buyer_order"]["order"]["id"][ "pubkeys"]["encryption"] skephem = PrivateKey.generate() pkephem = skephem.public_key.encode(nacl.encoding.RawEncoder) box = Box(skephem, PublicKey(public_key, nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)) nonce = nacl.utils.random(Box.NONCE_SIZE) ciphertext = box.encrypt( json.dumps(contract.contract, indent=4), nonce) d = self.protocol.callOrderConfirmation( node_to_ask, pkephem, ciphertext) return d.addCallback(parse_response) else: return parse_response([False])"sending order confirmation to %s" % guid) return self.kserver.resolve(unhexlify(guid)).addCallback(get_node) def complete_order(self, guid, contract): """ Send the receipt, including the payout signatures and ratings, over to the vendor. If the vendor isn't online we will stick it in the DHT temporarily. """ def get_node(node_to_ask): def parse_response(response): if response[0] and response[1][0] == "True": return True elif not response[0]: contract_dict = json.loads(json.dumps(contract.contract, indent=4), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) del contract_dict["vendor_order_confirmation"] del contract_dict["buyer_receipt"] order_id = digest(json.dumps(contract_dict, indent=4)).encode("hex") self.send_message( Node(unhexlify(guid)), contract.contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"]["id"] ["pubkeys"]["encryption"], objects.Plaintext_Message.Type.Value("RECEIPT"), json.dumps(contract.contract["buyer_receipt"]), order_id, store_only=True) return True else: return False if node_to_ask: public_key = contract.contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"][ "id"]["pubkeys"]["encryption"] skephem = PrivateKey.generate() pkephem = skephem.public_key.encode(nacl.encoding.RawEncoder) box = Box(skephem, PublicKey(public_key, nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)) nonce = nacl.utils.random(Box.NONCE_SIZE) ciphertext = box.encrypt( json.dumps(contract.contract, indent=4), nonce) d = self.protocol.callCompleteOrder(node_to_ask, pkephem, ciphertext) return d.addCallback(parse_response) else: return parse_response([False])"sending order receipt to %s" % guid) return self.kserver.resolve(unhexlify(guid)).addCallback(get_node) @staticmethod def cache(filename): """ Saves the file to a cache folder if it doesn't already exist. """ if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + "cache/" + digest(filename).encode("hex")): with open(DATA_FOLDER + "cache/" + digest(filename).encode("hex"), 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write(filename)
class Server(object): def __init__(self, kserver, signing_key): """ A high level class for sending direct, market messages to other nodes. A node will need one of these to participate in buying and selling. Should be initialized after the Kademlia server. """ self.kserver = kserver self.signing_key = signing_key self.router = kserver.protocol.router self.protocol = MarketProtocol(kserver.node.getProto(), self.router, signing_key) def get_contract(self, node_to_ask, contract_hash): """ Will query the given node to fetch a contract given its hash. If the returned contract doesn't have the same hash, it will return None. After acquiring the contract it will download all the associated images if it does not already have them in cache. Args: node_to_ask: a `dht.node.Node` object containing an ip and port contract_hash: a 20 byte hash in raw byte format """ def get_result(result): if digest(result[1][0]) == contract_hash: contract = json.loads(result[1][0], object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) try: signature = contract["vendor_offer"]["signatures"]["guid"] pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(json.dumps(contract["vendor_offer"]["listing"], indent=4), unhexlify(signature)) except Exception: return None self.cache(result[1][0]) if "image_hashes" in contract["vendor"]["listing"]["item"]: for image_hash in contract["vendor"]["listing"]["item"]["image_hashes"]: self.get_image(node_to_ask, unhexlify(image_hash)) return contract else: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None) d = self.protocol.callGetContract(node_to_ask, contract_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_image(self, node_to_ask, image_hash): """ Will query the given node to fetch an image given its hash. If the returned image doesn't have the same hash, it will return None. Args: node_to_ask: a `dht.node.Node` object containing an ip and port image_hash: a 20 byte hash in raw byte format """ def get_result(result): if digest(result[1][0]) == image_hash: self.cache(result[1][0]) return result[1][0] else: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None) d = self.protocol.callGetImage(node_to_ask, image_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_profile(self, node_to_ask): """ Downloads the profile from the given node. If the images do not already exist in cache, it will download and cache them before returning the profile. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) p = objects.Profile() p.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + hexlify(p.avatar_hash)): self.get_image(node_to_ask, p.avatar_hash) if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + hexlify(p.header_hash)): self.get_image(node_to_ask, p.header_hash) return p except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None) d = self.protocol.callGetProfile(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_user_metadata(self, node_to_ask): """ Downloads just a small portion of the profile (containing the name, handle, and avatar hash). We need this for some parts of the UI where we list stores. Since we need fast loading we shouldn't download the full profile here. It will download the avatar if it isn't already in cache. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) m = objects.Metadata() m.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + hexlify(m.avatar_hash)): self.get_image(node_to_ask, m.avatar_hash) return m except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None) d = self.protocol.callGetUserMetadata(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_listings(self, node_to_ask): """ Queries a store for it's list of contracts. A `objects.Listings` protobuf is returned containing some metadata for each contract. The individual contracts should be fetched with a get_contract call. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) l = objects.Listings() l.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) return l except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None) d = self.protocol.callGetListings(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_contract_metadata(self, node_to_ask, contract_hash): """ Downloads just the metadata for the contract. Useful for displaying search results in a list view without downloading the entire contract. It will download the thumbnail image if it isn't already in cache. """ def get_result(result): try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1] + result[1][0]) l = objects.Listings().ListingMetadata() l.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) if l.HasField("thumbnail_hash"): if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + 'cache/' + hexlify(l.thumbnail_hash)): self.get_image(node_to_ask, l.thumbnail_hash) return l except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None) d = self.protocol.callGetContractMetadata(node_to_ask, contract_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) def get_moderators(self): """ Retrieves moderator list from the dht. Each node is queried to get metadata and ensure it's alive for usage. """ def parse_response(moderators): if moderators is None: return None def parse_profiles(responses): for k, v in responses.items(): if v is None: del responses[k] return responses ds = {} for mod in moderators: try: val = objects.Value() val.ParseFromString(mod) n = objects.Node() n.ParseFromString(val.serializedData) ds[val.serializedData] = self.get_profile(node.Node(n.guid, n.ip, n.port, n.signedPublicKey)) except Exception: pass return deferredDict(ds).addCallback(parse_profiles) return self.kserver.get("moderators").addCallback(parse_response) def make_moderator(self): """ Set self as a moderator in the DHT. """ proto = self.kserver.node.getProto().SerializeToString() self.kserver.set("moderators", digest(proto), proto) def unmake_moderator(self): """ Deletes our moderator entry from the network. """ key = digest(self.kserver.node.getProto().SerializeToString()) signature = self.signing_key.sign(key)[:64] self.kserver.delete("moderators", key, signature) def follow(self, node_to_follow): """ Sends a follow message to another node in the network. The node must be online to receive the message. The message contains a signed, serialized `Follower` protobuf object which the recipient will store and can send to other nodes, proving you are following them. The response is a signed `Metadata` protobuf that will store in the db. """ def save_to_db(result): if result[0] and result[1][0] == "True": try: u = objects.Following.User() u.guid = u.signed_pubkey = node_to_follow.signed_pubkey m = objects.Metadata() m.ParseFromString(result[1][1]) u.metadata.MergeFrom(m) u.signature = result[1][2] pubkey = node_to_follow.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][1], result[1][2]) FollowData().follow(u) return True except Exception: return False else: return False proto = Profile().get(False) m = objects.Metadata() = m.handle = proto.handle m.avatar_hash = proto.avatar_hash m.nsfw = proto.nsfw f = objects.Followers.Follower() f.guid = f.following = f.signed_pubkey = self.kserver.node.signed_pubkey f.metadata.MergeFrom(m) signature = self.signing_key.sign(f.SerializeToString())[:64] d = self.protocol.callFollow(node_to_follow, f.SerializeToString(), signature) return d.addCallback(save_to_db) def unfollow(self, node_to_unfollow): """ Sends an unfollow message to a node and removes them from our db. """ def save_to_db(result): if result[0] and result[1][0] == "True": FollowData().unfollow( return True else: return False signature = self.signing_key.sign("unfollow:" +[:64] d = self.protocol.callUnfollow(node_to_unfollow, signature) return d.addCallback(save_to_db) def get_followers(self, node_to_ask): """ Query the given node for a list if its followers. The response will be a `Followers` protobuf object. We will verify the signature for each follower to make sure that node really did follower this user. """ def get_response(response): # Verify the signature on the response f = objects.Followers() try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(response[1][1] + response[1][0]) f.ParseFromString(response[1][0]) except Exception: return None # Verify the signature and guid of each follower. for follower in f.followers: try: v_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(follower.signed_pubkey[64:]) signature = follower.signature follower.ClearField("signature") v_key.verify(follower.SerializeToString(), signature) h = nacl.hash.sha512(follower.signed_pubkey) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or hexlify(follower.guid) != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid GUID') if follower.following != raise Exception('Invalid follower') except Exception: f.followers.remove(follower) return f d = self.protocol.callGetFollowers(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_response) def get_following(self, node_to_ask): """ Query the given node for a list of users it's following. The return is `Following` protobuf object that contains signed metadata for each user this node is following. The signature on the metadata is there to prevent this node from altering the name/handle/avatar associated with the guid. """ def get_response(response): # Verify the signature on the response f = objects.Following() try: pubkey = node_to_ask.signed_pubkey[64:] verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(pubkey) verify_key.verify(response[1][1] + response[1][0]) f.ParseFromString(response[1][0]) except Exception: return None for user in f.users: try: v_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(user.signed_pubkey[64:]) signature = user.signature v_key.verify(user.metadata.SerializeToString(), signature) h = nacl.hash.sha512(user.signed_pubkey) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or hexlify(user.guid) != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid GUID') except Exception: f.users.remove(user) return f d = self.protocol.callGetFollowing(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_response) def send_notification(self, message): """ Sends a notification message to all online followers. It will resolve each guid before sending the notification. Messages must be less than 140 characters. Returns the number of followers the notification reached. """ if len(message) > 140: return defer.succeed(0) def send(nodes): def how_many_reached(responses): count = 0 for resp in responses: if resp[1][0] and resp[1][1][0] == "True": count += 1 return count ds = [] signature = self.signing_key.sign(str(message))[:64] for n in nodes: if n[1] is not None: ds.append(self.protocol.callNotify(n[1], message, signature)) return defer.DeferredList(ds).addCallback(how_many_reached) dl = [] f = objects.Followers() f.ParseFromString(FollowData().get_followers()) for follower in f.followers: dl.append(self.kserver.resolve(follower.guid)) return defer.DeferredList(dl).addCallback(send) def send_message(self, receiving_node, public_key, message_type, message, subject=None): """ Sends a message to another node. If the node isn't online it will be placed in the dht for the node to pick up later. """ pro = Profile().get() if len(message) > 1500: return p = objects.Plaintext_Message() p.sender_guid = p.signed_pubkey = self.kserver.node.signed_pubkey p.encryption_pubkey = PrivateKey(self.signing_key.encode()).public_key.encode() p.type = message_type p.message = message if subject is not None: p.subject = subject if pro.handle: p.handle = pro.handle if pro.avatar_hash: p.avatar_hash = pro.avatar_hash p.timestamp = int(time.time()) signature = self.signing_key.sign(p.SerializeToString())[:64] p.signature = signature skephem = PrivateKey.generate() pkephem = skephem.public_key.encode(nacl.encoding.RawEncoder) box = Box(skephem, PublicKey(public_key, nacl.encoding.HexEncoder)) nonce = nacl.utils.random(Box.NONCE_SIZE) ciphertext = box.encrypt(p.SerializeToString(), nonce) def get_response(response): if not response[0]: self.kserver.set(, pkephem, ciphertext) self.protocol.callMessage(receiving_node, pkephem, ciphertext).addCallback(get_response) def get_messages(self, listener): # if the transport hasn't been initialized yet, wait a second if self.protocol.multiplexer is None or self.protocol.multiplexer.transport is None: return task.deferLater(reactor, 1, self.get_messages, listener) def parse_messages(messages): if messages is not None: for message in messages: try: value = objects.Value() value.ParseFromString(message) try: box = Box(PrivateKey(self.signing_key.encode()), PublicKey(value.valueKey)) ciphertext = value.serializedData plaintext = box.decrypt(ciphertext) p = objects.Plaintext_Message() p.ParseFromString(plaintext) signature = p.signature p.ClearField("signature") verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(p.signed_pubkey[64:]) verify_key.verify(p.SerializeToString(), signature) h = nacl.hash.sha512(p.signed_pubkey) pow_hash = h[64:128] if int(pow_hash[:6], 16) >= 50 or hexlify(p.sender_guid) != h[:40]: raise Exception('Invalid guid') listener.notify(p.sender_guid, p.encryption_pubkey, p.subject, objects.Plaintext_Message.Type.Name(p.type), p.message) except Exception: pass signature = self.signing_key.sign(value.valueKey)[:64] self.kserver.delete(, value.valueKey, signature) except Exception: pass self.kserver.get( @staticmethod def cache(filename): """ Saves the file to a cache folder if it doesn't already exist. """ if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + "cache/" + digest(filename).encode("hex")): with open(DATA_FOLDER + "cache/" + digest(filename).encode("hex"), 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(filename)
class Server(object): def __init__(self, kserver): """ A high level class for sending direct, market messages to other nodes. A node will need one of these to participate in buying and selling. Should be initialized after the Kademlia server. """ self.kserver = kserver self.router = kserver.protocol.router self.protocol = MarketProtocol(kserver.node.getProto(), self.router) def get_contract(self, guid, contract_hash): """ Will query the given node to fetch a contract given its hash. If it doesn't know the ip for the guid, it will issue find_node rpcs on the network to find it. If the returned contract doesn't have the same hash, it will return None. Both the guid and contract_hash should be in raw byte format. """ def get_result(result): if digest(result[1][0]) == contract_hash: self.cache(result[1][0]) return json.loads(result[1][0], object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) else: return None def get_node(node_to_ask): if node_to_ask is None: return defer.succeed(None) d = self.protocol.callGetContract(node_to_ask, contract_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) d = self.kserver.get_node(guid) return d.addCallback(get_node) def get_image(self, guid, image_hash): """ Will query the given node to fetch an image given its hash. If it doesn't know the ip for the guid, it will issue find_node rpcs on the network to find it. If the returned image doesn't have the same hash, it will return None. Both the guid and image_hash should be in raw byte format. """ def get_result(result): if digest(result[1][0]) == image_hash: self.cache(result[1][0]) return result[1][0] else: return None def get_node(node_to_ask): if node_to_ask is None: return defer.succeed(None) d = self.protocol.callGetImage(node_to_ask, image_hash) return d.addCallback(get_result) d = self.kserver.get_node(guid) return d.addCallback(get_node) def cache(self, file): """ Saves the file to a cache folder if it doesn't already exist. """ if not os.path.exists(DATA_FOLDER + "cache"): os.makedirs(DATA_FOLDER + "cache") if not os.path.isfile(DATA_FOLDER + "cache/" + digest(file).encode("hex")): with open(DATA_FOLDER + "cache/" + digest(file).encode("hex"), 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(file)
def __init__(self, kserver): self.kserver = kserver self.router = kserver.router self.protocol = MarketProtocol(kserver.node, self.router)