Exemple #1
def get_utorid_to_group(api: markusapi.Markus,
                        assignment_id: int) -> Dict[str, dict]:
    """Return a mapping from utroid to MarkUs group record."""

    return {
        group['group_name']: group
        for group in api.get_groups(assignment_id)
Exemple #2
def upload_result_files(api: markusapi.Markus, assignment_id: int,
                        local_dir: str, result_file_name: str):
    """Upload local_dir/utorid/result_file_name into each student repo on


    groups = api.get_groups(assignment_id)

    for group in groups:
        group_id, utorid = group['id'], group['group_name']

        upload_result_file(api, assignment_id, local_dir, result_file_name,
                           utorid, group_id)
Exemple #3
def upload_grades(api: markusapi.Markus,
                  assignment_id: int,
                  gf_file: TextIO,
                  criteria: Dict[str, Tuple[str, float]],
    """Upload grades.

    criteria maps test-name-in-gf-file to (criteria-name, out-of) on MarkUs.

    criteria on MarkUs needs to be set up beforehand. Can't find a way
    to upload it with API... TODO.
    if complete, set MarkUs submission status to "complete"


    gbook = gb.GradeBook.load_gf_file(gf_file, 'utorid', True)

    groups = api.get_groups(assignment_id)

    for group in groups:
        group_id, utorid = group['id'], group['group_name']
        upload_grade(api, assignment_id, criteria, utorid, gbook, None,
                     group_id, complete)
Exemple #4
def get_submissions(api: markusapi.Markus, assignment_id: int,
                    markus_files: List[str], local_dir: str,
                    local_files: List[str]):
    """Download all submissions for assignment_id and store them locally.

    If markus_files is None, then download a zip file of entire
    submission. The name of the local zip file must be specified in

    markus_files: names/paths of the files on MarkUs, for each
      student, to download.
    local_dir, local_files: write files locally in local_dir/utorid/local_file,
             for each student (utorid).


    groups = api.get_groups(assignment_id)

    for group in groups:
        group_id, utorid = group['id'], group['group_name']

        get_submission(api, assignment_id, markus_files, local_dir,
                       local_files, utorid, group_id)
    in the assignment's marking scheme (punctuation included).
    Marks need to be valid numerics, or 'nil'.
    If the criterion is a Rubric, the mark just needs to be the
    rubric level, and will be multiplied by the weight automatically.
    d = {'My Criterion 1.': 1.0, 'My Criterion 2.': 'nil'}
    return d

""" --------Ideally, nothing below need be touched-------- """

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialize an instance of the API class
    api = Markus(API_KEY, ROOT_URL)
    print('Initialized Markus object successfully.')
    groups = api.get_groups(ASSIGNMENT_ID)

    for group in groups:
        group_name = group['group_name']
        group_id = group['id']
            with open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, group_name,
                                   FILE_NAME)) as open_file:
                file_contents = open_file.read()
                # Upload the feedback file
                    response = api.upload_feedback_file(
                        ASSIGNMENT_ID, group_id, FILE_NAME, file_contents)
                        'Uploaded feedback file for {}, Markus responded: {}'.
                        format(group_name, response))
Exemple #6
    Criteria titles need to be properly formatted, as they appear
    in the assignment's rubric (punctuation included).
    Marks need to be valid numerics, or 'nil'.
    d = {}
    d['My Criteria 1.'] = 1.0
    d['My Criteria 2.'] = 'nil'
    return d

""" --------Ideally, nothing below need be touched-------- """

# Initialize an instance of the API class
api = Markus(API_KEY, ROOT_URL)
print('Initialized Markus object successfully.')
group_names = api.get_groups(ASSIGNMENT_ID).keys()

# Upload the test results.
for group in group_names:
    with open(ROOT_DIR + '/' + group + '/' + FILE_NAME) as open_file:
            file_contents = open_file.read()
            api.upload_test_results(ASSIGNMENT_ID, group, FILE_NAME,
            print('Error: uploading results for {} failed.'.format(locals()))
print('Done uploading results.')

# All test results files are now uploaded.
# We now want to extract marks from each file.
for group in group_names:
Exemple #7
    Criteria titles need to be properly formatted, as they appear
    in the assignment's marking scheme (punctuation included).
    Marks need to be valid numerics, or 'nil'.
    If the criterion is a Rubric, the mark just needs to be the
    rubric level, and will be multiplied by the weight automatically.
    d = {'My Criterion 1.': 1.0, 'My Criterion 2.': 'nil'}
    return d

""" --------Ideally, nothing below need be touched-------- """

# Initialize an instance of the API class
api = Markus(API_KEY, ROOT_URL)
print('Initialized Markus object successfully.')
groups = api.get_groups(ASSIGNMENT_ID)

for group in groups:
    group_name = group['group_name']
    group_id = group['id']
        with open(ROOT_DIR + '/' + group_name + '/' + FILE_NAME) as open_file:
            file_contents = open_file.read()
            # Upload the feedback file
                response = api.upload_feedback_file(ASSIGNMENT_ID, group_id, FILE_NAME, file_contents)
                print('Uploaded feedback file for {}, Markus responded: {}'.format(group_name, response))
                print('Error: uploading feedback file for {} failed'.format(group_name))
            # Extract and upload marks from the feedback file
    Criteria titles need to be properly formatted, as they appear
    in the assignment's rubric (punctuation included).
    Marks need to be valid numerics, or 'nil'.
    d = {}
    d['My Criteria 1.'] = 1.0
    d['My Criteria 2.'] = 'nil'
    return d

""" --------Ideally, nothing below need be touched-------- """

# Initialize an instance of the API class
api = Markus(API_KEY, ROOT_URL)
print('Initialized Markus object successfully.')
group_names = api.get_groups(ASSIGNMENT_ID).keys()

# Upload the test results.
for group in group_names:
    with open(ROOT_DIR + '/' + group + '/' + FILE_NAME) as open_file:
            file_contents = open_file.read()
            api.upload_test_results(ASSIGNMENT_ID, group,
                                    FILE_NAME, file_contents)
            print('Error: uploading results for {} failed.'.format(locals()))
print('Done uploading results.')
# All test results files are now uploaded.
# We now want to extract marks from each file.
for group in group_names: