def test_domain_validation():
        import DNS
    except ImportError:
        pytest.skip("PyDNS not installed.")

    mock = DomainValidator(lookup_dns='mx')
    dataset = [
        ('', 'Domain does not seem to exist.'),
        # TODO This domain is always erroring out, please do something
        # ('', ''), # IDN: (poop).la
        ('', 'Invalid domain: It cannot be empty.'),
        ('', 'Invalid domain.'),
        ('', ''),
        ('a' * 64 + '', 'Domain does not seem to exist.'),
        ('', ''),
        ('', 'Domain does not seem to exist.'),

    def closure(domain, expect):
            assert mock.validate_domain(domain) == (domain, expect)
        except DNS.DNSError:
            pytest.skip("Skipped due to DNS error.")

    for domain, expect in dataset:
        yield closure, domain, expect
def test_domain_lookup():
        import DNS
    except ImportError:
        pytest.skip("PyDNS not installed.")

    mock = DomainValidator()
    dataset = [
        ('', 'a', ''),
        ('a' * 64 + '', 'a', False),
        ('', 'mx', [(10, ''),
                                 (20, '')]),
        ('', 'a', False),
        ('', 'a', ''),  # IDN: (poop).la

    def closure(domain, kind, expect):
            assert mock.lookup_domain(domain, kind,
                                      server=['']) == expect
        except DNS.DNSError:
            pytest.skip("Skipped due to DNS error.")

    for domain, kind, expect in dataset:
        yield closure, domain, kind, expect
def test_bad_lookup_record_1():
        import DNS
    except ImportError:
        pytest.skip("PyDNS not installed.")

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
def test_bad_lookup_record_2():
        import DNS
    except ImportError:
        pytest.skip("PyDNS not installed.")

    mock = DomainValidator()

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        mock.lookup_domain('', 'cname')
def test_common_rules_fixed():
    mock = DomainValidator(fix=True)
    dataset = [
        ('*****@*****.**', ('*****@*****.**', '')),
        ('[email protected].', ('*****@*****.**', '')),

    def closure(address, expect):
        eq_(mock._apply_common_rules(address, 255), expect)

    for address, expect in dataset:
        yield closure, address, expect
def test_domain_validation_basic():
    mock = DomainValidator()
    dataset = [
        ('', ''),
        ('', ''),  # IDN: (poop).la
        ('', 'Invalid domain: It cannot be empty.'),
        ('', 'Invalid domain.'),

    def closure(domain, expect):
        eq_(mock.validate_domain(domain), (domain, expect))

    for domain, expect in dataset:
        yield closure, domain, expect
def test_common_rules():
    mock = DomainValidator()
    dataset = [
        ('*****@*****.**', ''),
        ('', 'It cannot be empty.'),
        ('*' * 256, 'It cannot be longer than 255 chars.'),
        ('*****@*****.**', 'It cannot start with a dot.'),
        ('[email protected].', 'It cannot end with a dot.'),
        ('*****@*****.**', 'It cannot contain consecutive dots.'),

    def closure(address, expect):
        eq_(mock._apply_common_rules(address, 255), (address, expect))

    for address, expect in dataset:
        yield closure, address, expect
def test_common_rules_fixed():
        import DNS
    except ImportError:
        pytest.skip("PyDNS not installed.")

    mock = DomainValidator(fix=True)
    dataset = [
        ('*****@*****.**', ('*****@*****.**', '')),
        ('[email protected].', ('*****@*****.**', '')),

    def closure(address, expect):
        assert mock._apply_common_rules(address, 255) == expect

    for address, expect in dataset:
        yield closure, address, expect
def test_domain_lookup():
    mock = DomainValidator()
    dataset = [
        ('', 'a', ''),
        ('a' * 64 + '', 'a', False),
        ('', 'mx', [(10, ''),
                                 (20, '')]),
        ('', 'a', False),
        ('', 'a', ''),  # IDN: (poop).la

    def closure(domain, kind, expect):
            eq_(mock.lookup_domain(domain, kind, server=['']), expect)
        except DNS.DNSError:
            raise SkipTest("Skipped due to DNS error.")

    for domain, kind, expect in dataset:
        yield closure, domain, kind, expect
def test_domain_validation_basic():
        import DNS
    except ImportError:
        pytest.skip("PyDNS not installed.")

    mock = DomainValidator()
    dataset = [
        ('', ''),
        ('', ''),  # IDN: (poop).la
        ('', 'Invalid domain: It cannot be empty.'),
        ('', 'Invalid domain.'),

    def closure(domain, expect):
        assert mock.validate_domain(domain) == (domain, expect)

    for domain, expect in dataset:
        yield closure, domain, expect
def test_domain_validation():
    mock = DomainValidator(lookup_dns='mx')
    dataset = [
        ('', 'Domain does not seem to exist.'),
        ('', ''),  # IDN: (poop).la
        ('', 'Invalid domain: It cannot be empty.'),
        ('', 'Invalid domain.'),
        ('', ''),
        ('a' * 64 + '', 'Domain does not seem to exist.'),
        ('', ''),
        ('', 'Domain does not seem to exist.'),

    def closure(domain, expect):
            eq_(mock.validate_domain(domain), (domain, expect))
        except DNS.DNSError:
            raise SkipTest("Skipped due to DNS error.")

    for domain, expect in dataset:
        yield closure, domain, expect
def test_common_rules():
        import DNS
    except ImportError:
        pytest.skip("PyDNS not installed.")

    mock = DomainValidator()
    dataset = [
        ('*****@*****.**', ''),
        ('', 'It cannot be empty.'),
        ('*' * 256, 'It cannot be longer than 255 chars.'),
        ('*****@*****.**', 'It cannot start with a dot.'),
        ('[email protected].', 'It cannot end with a dot.'),
        ('*****@*****.**', 'It cannot contain consecutive dots.'),

    def closure(address, expect):
        assert mock._apply_common_rules(address, 255) == (address, expect)

    for address, expect in dataset:
        yield closure, address, expect
def test_bad_lookup_record_2():
    mock = DomainValidator()
    mock.lookup_domain('', 'cname')
def test_bad_lookup_record_1():
    mock = DomainValidator(lookup_dns='cname')