Exemple #1
def schema(**kwargs):
    Create a schema. Mostly useful for creating single-use schemas on-the-fly.
    items = list(kwargs.items())
    if len(items) != 1 or not isinstance(items[0][1], dict):
        raise RuntimeError('schema required 1 keyword argument of type dict')
    name, spec = items[0]

    schema_dict = {}
    for key, value in spec.items():
        cls, description = value if isinstance(value, tuple) else (value, None)
        required = key.endswith('*')
        key = key.rstrip('*')
        kwargs = {'required': required, 'description': description}

        if isinstance(cls, SchemaMeta):
            schema_dict[key] = Nested(cls, required=required)
        elif isinstance(cls, list) and len(cls) == 1:
            cls = cls[0]
            schema_dict[key] = List(Nested(cls), **kwargs) if isinstance(
                cls, SchemaMeta) else List(cls, **kwargs)
            schema_dict[key] = cls.__call__(**kwargs) if callable(cls) else cls
    return type(name, (Schema, ), schema_dict)
Exemple #2
class InstitutionsMixin:
    relatedID = Nested(RelatedIDSchema)
    aliases = List(SanitizedUnicode())
    ico = SanitizedUnicode()
    url = Url()
    provider = Boolean(missing=False)
    formerNames = List(SanitizedUnicode())
Exemple #3
class CatalogQueryJob(Job):
    type = 'catalog_query'
    description = 'Catalog Query'

    result: CatalogQueryJobResult = Nested(CatalogQueryJobResult, default={})
    catalogs: TList[str] = List(String(), default=[])
    ra_hours: float = Float()
    dec_degs: float = Float()
    radius_arcmins: float = Float()
    width_arcmins: float = Float()
    height_arcmins: float = Float()
    file_ids: TList[int] = List(Integer())
    constraints: TDict[str, str] = Dict(keys=String, values=String)
    source_ids: TList[str] = List(String())

    def run(self):
        self.result.data = run_catalog_query_job(
            ra_hours=getattr(self, 'ra_hours', None),
            dec_degs=getattr(self, 'dec_degs', None),
            radius_arcmins=getattr(self, 'radius_arcmins', None),
            width_arcmins=getattr(self, 'width_arcmins', None),
            height_arcmins=getattr(self, 'height_arcmins', None),
            file_ids=getattr(self, 'file_ids', None),
            constraints=getattr(self, 'constraints', None),
            source_ids=getattr(self, 'source_ids', None))
Exemple #4
class SchemaTypeSchema(Schema):
    A wrapper type containing fields that can describe a Type, as well as its tag metadata.

    # When this type is a struct, each of its fields and the type of that field is included
    # Exclusive with is_a and options
    fields = Dict(dump_to="fields", load_from="fields", allow_none=False)
    # Set when this is type is an alias or simply an type expression (such as a generic).
    # Exclusive with having values for options or fields.
    is_a = SchemaTypeStructField(dump_to="is_a",
    # The name and module information of this type's definition.
    named = SchemaReferenceField(dump_to="named",
    # When this type is an enum includes the string values for each enum entry.  Note that each
    # target language may have different rules for the enum constant names, but these entries are
    # canonical resident values.
    # Exclusive with is_a and fields.
    options = List(String(),
    # General metadata given to a type.  Currently, atleast_one for Repeated types is supported.
    # Custom codegen can use these tags to implement semantic types on top of simple logic types.
    # In general, however, tags are considred optional and should not be required to
    # deserialize / serializeconsume correct logical values.
    tags = List(String(), dump_to="tags", load_from="tags", allow_none=False)
Exemple #5
class JobResult(AfterglowSchema):
    Base class for job results

        errors: list of errors
        warnings: list of warning messages issued by :meth:`Job.run`

    The job plugin class usually subclasses :class:`JobResult` to define custom
    result fields in addition to the above:

    class MyJobResult(JobResult):
        value1 = fields.Integer()
        value2 = fields.Float()
    errors: TList[Dict[str, Union[str, int, float,
                                  bool]]] = List(Nested(AfterglowErrorSchema))
    warnings: TList[str] = List(String())

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Create job state structure

        :param args: see :class:`afterglow_core.schemas.AfterglowSchema`
        :param kwargs: --//--
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if not hasattr(self, 'errors'):
            self.errors = []
        if not hasattr(self, 'warnings'):
            self.warnings = []
Exemple #6
class PolygonSchema(BaseSchema):
    type = Str(required=True,
               validate=OneOf([POLYGON], error='Invalid polygon type'))

    coordinates = List(
        List(Tuple([lon, lat], required=True), required=True),
Exemple #7
class PixelOpsJobSchema(JobSchema):
    type = 'pixel_ops'

    result: PixelOpsJobResultSchema = Nested(PixelOpsJobResultSchema)
    file_ids: TList[int] = List(Integer(), default=[])
    op: str = String(default=None)
    inplace: bool = Boolean(default=False)
    aux_file_ids: TList[int] = List(Integer(), default=[])
Exemple #8
class LinkSchema(Schema, DatedSchema):
    id = String(dump_only=True)
    collection_id = Integer(dump_only=True, required=True)
    name = String(validate=Length(min=2, max=500), required=True)
    foreign_ids = List(String())
    countries = List(Country())
    schema = SchemaName()
    schemata = List(SchemaName())
class PolygonSchema(BaseSchema):

    type = String(required=True)
    coordinates = List(List(
        List(Float, validate=validate.Length(max=2, min=2)),
Exemple #10
class ContactInfoSchema(Schema):
    emails = List(String())
    phone_numbers = List(String())

    def to_model(self, data: dict) -> ContactInfo:
        return ContactInfo(emails=data.get('emails', []),
                           phone_numbers=data.get('phone_numbers', []))
Exemple #11
class PhotometryJobSchema(JobSchema):
    type = 'photometry'

    result: PhotometryJobResultSchema = Nested(
        PhotometryJobResultSchema, default={})
    file_ids: TList[int] = List(Integer(), default=[])
    sources: TList[SourceExtractionDataSchema] = List(
        Nested(SourceExtractionDataSchema), default=[])
    settings: PhotSettingsSchema = Nested(PhotSettingsSchema, default={})
Exemple #12
class OverlaySchema(Schema):
    id = String()
    my_peer = String()
    global_time = Integer()
    peers = List(String)
    overlay_name = String()
    max_peers = Integer()
    strategies = List(Nested(OverlayStrategySchema))
    statistics = Nested(OverlayStatisticsSchema)
class MultiLineStringSchema(BaseSchema):
    type = Str(required=True,
                              error='Invalid multi line string string type'))

    coordinates = List(
        List(Tuple([lon, lat], required=True), required=True),
Exemple #14
class TransactionTrackRequest(SPSchema):
    """Validator for GET /transactions requests"""

    # Serialization fields.
    hashes = List(BytesField(), required=True, load_only=True)

    # Deserialization fields.
    missing = List(BytesField(), missing=[], dump_only=True)
    found = List(BytesField(), missing=[], dump_only=True)
class DataProviderSchema(Resource):
    Data provider plugin schema

        id: unique integer ID of the data provider; assigned automatically on
        name: unique data provider name; can be used by the clients in requests
            like GET /data-providers/[id]/assets in place of the integer
            data provider ID
        auth_methods: list of data provider-specific authentication methods;
            if None, defaults to DEFAULT_DATA_PROVIDER_AUTH -> DATA_FILE_AUTH ->
            all auth methods available
        icon: optional data provider icon name
        display_name: data provider plugin visible in the Afterglow UI
        description: a longer description of the data provider
        columns: list of dictionary
            {name: string, field_name: string, sortable: boolean}
        sort_by: string - name of column to use for initial sort
        sort_asc: boolean - initial sort order should be ascending
        browseable: True if the data provider supports browsing (i.e. getting
            child assets of a collection asset at the given path); automatically
            set depending on whether the provider implements get_child_assets()
        searchable: True if the data provider supports searching (i.e. querying
            using the custom search keywords defined by `search_fields`);
            automatically set depending on whether the provider implements
        search_fields: dictionary
            {field_name: {"label": label, "type": type, ...}, ...}
            containing names and descriptions of search fields used on the
            client side to create search forms
        readonly: True if the data provider assets cannot be modified (created,
            updated, or deleted); automatically set depending on whether the
            provider implements create_asset(), update_asset(), or
        quota: data provider storage quota, in bytes, if applicable
        usage: current usage of the data provider storage, in bytes, if
    __polymorphic_on__ = 'name'
    __get_view__ = 'data_providers'

    id = Integer(default=None)
    name = String(default=None)
    auth_methods = List(String(), default=None)
    display_name = String(default=None)
    icon = String(default=None)
    description = String(default=None)
    columns = List(Dict(), default=[])
    sort_by = String(default=None)
    sort_asc = Boolean(default=True)
    browseable = Boolean(default=False)
    searchable = Boolean(default=False)
    search_fields = Dict(default={})
    readonly = Boolean(default=True)
    quota = Integer(default=None)
    usage = Integer(default=None)
Exemple #16
class PolygonSchema(Schema):
    """GeoJSON Polygon schema.

    See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946#section-3.1.6

    coordinates = List(List(List(Float)),
    type = Constant('Polygon')
Exemple #17
class MultiPointSchema(Schema):
    """GeoJSON MultiPoint schema.

    See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946#section-3.1.3

    coordinates = List(List(Float),
    type = Constant('MultiPoint')
Exemple #18
class PaperSchema(mm.Schema):
    is_in_final_state = Boolean()
    contribution = Nested(ContributionSchema)
    event = Nested(PaperEventSchema)
    revisions = List(Nested(PaperRevisionSchema))
    last_revision = Nested(PaperRevisionSchema)
    state = Nested(PaperRevisionStateSchema)
    rating_range = List(Integer(), attribute='cfp.rating_range')
    can_judge = Function(lambda paper, ctx: paper.can_judge(ctx.get('user')))
    can_comment = Function(lambda paper, ctx: paper.can_comment(ctx.get('user')))
    can_review = Function(lambda paper, ctx: paper.can_review(ctx.get('user')))
Exemple #19
class ResellerCreateSchema(Schema):
    name = Str(required=True, error_messages=SCHEMA_MESSAGE_REQUIRED)
    last_name = Str(required=True, error_messages=SCHEMA_MESSAGE_REQUIRED)
    cpf = Str(required=True,
    email = Email(required=True, error_messages=SCHEMA_MESSAGE_REQUIRED)
    password = Str(required=True, error_messages=SCHEMA_MESSAGE_REQUIRED)
    active = Boolean(required=True, error_messages=SCHEMA_MESSAGE_REQUIRED)
    roles = List(Str(maxlenght=100), error_messages=SCHEMA_MESSAGE_REQUIRED)
    purchases = List(Nested(ResellerPurchaseCreateSchema))
Exemple #20
class ExperimentResultDataSchema(BaseSchema):
    """Schema for ExperimentResultData."""

    counts = Nested(ObjSchema,
                        {Regexp('^0x([0-9A-Fa-f])+$'): Integer()}))
    snapshots = Nested(ObjSchema)
    memory = List(Raw(), validate=Length(min=1))
    statevector = List(Complex(), validate=Length(min=1))
    unitary = List(List(Complex(), validate=Length(min=1)),
Exemple #21
class OverlaySchema(Schema):
    id = String()
    my_peer = String()
    global_time = Integer()
    peers = List(Nested(AddressWithPK))
    overlay_name = String()
    max_peers = Integer()
    is_isolated = Boolean()
    my_estimated_wan = Nested(Address)
    my_estimated_lan = Nested(Address)
    strategies = List(Nested(OverlayStrategySchema))
    statistics = Nested(OverlayStatisticsSchema)
Exemple #22
class CVESchema(Schema):
    id = String(required=True)
    published = ParsedDateTime(allow_none=True)
    description = String(allow_none=True)
    ubuntu_description = String(allow_none=True)
    notes = List(Nested(Note))
    priority = String(allow_none=True)
    status = String(allow_none=True)
    cvss3 = Float(allow_none=True)
    packages = List(Nested(CvePackage))
    references = List(String())
    bugs = List(String())
class AlignmentJobSchema(JobSchema):
    type = 'alignment'

    result: AlignmentJobResultSchema = Nested(AlignmentJobResultSchema,
    file_ids: TList[int] = List(Integer(), default=[])
    settings: AlignmentSettingsSchema = Nested(AlignmentSettingsSchema,
    sources: TList[SourceExtractionDataSchema] = List(
        Nested(SourceExtractionDataSchema), default=[])
    inplace: bool = Boolean(default=False)
    crop: bool = Boolean(default=False)
Exemple #24
class CollectionCreateSchema(Schema):
    label = String(validate=Length(min=2, max=500), required=True)
    foreign_id = String(missing=None)
    casefile = Boolean(missing=None)
    summary = String(allow_none=True, missing=None)
    publisher = String(allow_none=True, missing=None)
    publisher_url = Url(allow_none=True, missing=None)
    data_url = Url(allow_none=True, missing=None)
    info_url = Url(allow_none=True, missing=None)
    countries = List(Country())
    languages = List(Language())
    category = Category(missing=None)
Exemple #25
class MovieSchema(Schema):
    id = Str()
    title = Str()
    description = Str()
    imdb_rating = Str()
    writers = Nested(ShortSchema, many=True)
    actors = Nested(ShortSchema, many=True)
    genre = List(Str())
    director = List(Str())

    class Meta:
        ordered = True
Exemple #26
class JobResultSchema(AfterglowSchema):
    Base class for job result schemas

        errors: list of error messages
        warnings: list of warnings issued by :meth:`Job.run`
    errors: TList[Dict[str, Union[str, int, float,
                                  bool]]] = List(Nested(AfterglowErrorSchema),
    warnings: TList[str] = List(String(), default=[])
Exemple #27
class Message(Schema):
    message_id = Integer()
    _from = Nested(User, required=False, data_key='from', attribute='from')
    date = Timestamp(format='timestamp')
    chat = Nested(Chat)

    forward_from = Nested(User, required=False)
    forward_from_chat = Nested(Chat, required=False)
    forward_from_message_id = Integer(required=False)
    forward_signature = String(required=False)
    forward_sender_name = String(required=False)
    forward_date = Timestamp(required=False, format='timestamp')

    reply_to_message = Nested(lambda: Message(exclude=('reply_to_message', )))
    edit_date = Timestamp(required=False, format='timestamp')
    media_group_id = String(required=False)
    author_signature = String(required=False)
    text = String(required=False)

    entities = List(Nested(MessageEntity, required=False))
    caption_entities = List(Nested(MessageEntity, required=False))

    audio = Nested(Audio, required=False)
    voice = Nested(Voice, required=False)
    document = Nested(Document, required=False)
    animation = Nested(Animation, required=False)
    game = Nested(Game, required=False)
    photo = List(Nested(PhotoSize, required=False))
    sticker = Nested(Sticker, required=False)
    video = Nested(Video, required=False)
    video_note = Nested(VideoNote, required=False)
    caption = String(required=False)
    contact = Nested(Contact, required=False)
    location = Nested(Location, required=False)
    venue = Nested(Venue, required=False)
    poll = Nested(Poll, required=False)
    new_chat_members = List(Nested(User, required=False))
    left_chat_member = Nested(User, required=False)
    new_chat_title = String(required=False)
    new_chat_photo = List(Nested(PhotoSize, required=False))
    delete_chat_photo = Boolean(required=False)
    group_chat_created = Boolean(required=False)
    supergroup_chat_created = Boolean(required=False)
    channel_chat_created = Boolean(required=False)
    migrate_to_chat_id = Integer(required=False)
    migrate_from_chat_id = Integer(required=False)
    pinned_message = Nested(lambda: Message(exclude=('pinned_message', )))
    invoice = Nested(Invoice, required=False)
    successful_payment = Nested(SuccessfulPayment, required=False)
    connected_website = String(required=False)
    passport_data = Nested(PassportData, required=False)
    reply_markup = Nested(InlineKeyboardMarkup, required=False)
Exemple #28
class NoticeSchema(Schema):
    id = String(required=True, validate=Regexp(r"USN-\d{1,5}-\d{1,2}"))
    title = String(required=True)
    summary = String(required=True)
    instructions = String(required=True)
    references = List(String())
    cves = List(String(validate=Regexp(r"(cve-|CVE-)\d{4}-\d{4,7}")))
    published = ParsedDateTime(required=True)
    description = String(allow_none=True)
    release_packages = Dict(
        values=List(Nested(NoticePackage), required=True),
class PhotometryJob(Job):
    type = 'photometry'
    description = 'Photometer Sources'

    result: PhotometryJobResult = Nested(PhotometryJobResult, default={})
    file_ids: TList[int] = List(Integer(), default=[])
    sources: TList[SourceExtractionData] = List(Nested(SourceExtractionData),
    settings: PhotSettings = Nested(PhotSettings, default={})

    def run(self):
        self.result.data = run_photometry_job(self, self.settings,
                                              self.file_ids, self.sources)
Exemple #30
class NoticeSchema(Schema):
    id = String(required=True, validate=Regexp(r"(USN|LSN)-\d{1,5}-\d{1,2}"))
    title = String(required=True)
    summary = String(required=True)
    instructions = String(required=True)
    references = List(String())
    published = ParsedDateTime(required=True)
    details = String(allow_none=True, data_key="description")
    is_hidden = Boolean(required=False)
    release_packages = Dict(
        values=List(Nested(NoticePackage), required=True),