Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, contact_path, pass_path, email_recipient, subject,
              email_message, speak_type):
     self.email_recipient = email_recipient
     self.pass_path = pass_path
     self.contact_check = checkcontact(contact_path, email_recipient)
     with open(
             pass_path, 'r'
     ) as email_user_data:  # open pass.json to get email password and username
         data = load(email_user_data)  # load json
         self.email_user = data['email_address']  # get email address
         self.email_pass = data['email_password']  # get email password
     if self.contact_check != 'None':
         with open(contact_path,
                   'r') as contact_data_list:  # get contact data
             contact_data = load(contact_data_list)  # parse contact data
         self.recipient_email = contact_data['contacts'][
             self.contact_check]['email']  # get email address of recipient
         # message area
         marvin_name = ('Marvin <' + self.email_user + '>')
         msg = MIMEMultipart()  # formatting
         msg['From'] = marvin_name
         msg['To'] = self.recipient_email  # input recipient email
         msg['Subject'] = subject  # input subject
         msg.attach(MIMEText(email_message, 'plain'))  # add body
         self.message = msg.as_string()  # format all text
     else:  # recipient not in contacts
             'This user is not in our contacts use the "add contacts" command to add '
             + email_recipient, speak_type)  # user not found message
         raise Exception
Exemple #2
 def contactList(self):
     if not self.list_contact_data['contacts']:  # if no contacts
         print('No contacts use the add contacts command to add some'
               )  # no contact message
     elif not self.list_contact_data:  # missing file and data
             'Fatal Error\nMissing data make sure that you ran setup.py before running this script'
         )  # missing file and data message
     else:  # there are contacts and there was a file
         thread_list_contact = Thread(
         )  # thread arguments to print list while speaking because of slow speak times
         )  # start thread of lisofcontacts function
         speak('Opening contact list\n', self.speak_type)  # speak
Exemple #3
 def scrapeYoutube(self):
     if self.go_no_go == 'go':
         speak('Opening first video for ' + self.search_query +
               ' on YouTube', self.speak_type)  # saying what it will open
         for v in self.vids:  #for loop for finding all videos that show up
             if self.is_absolute(v['href']) == True:
                 tmp = 'https://www.youtube.com' + v[
                     'href']  # create url to add to list with links from html
                     tmp)  # add the newly created url to list
         webopen(self.videolist[0], new=2)  # open the url
         print('Done!')  # finish message
         speak('No internet connection couldn\'t access')
Exemple #4
def getVersion():
    if checkConnection() == True:
        url = (
        r = get(url)  # request page
        page = r.text
        soup = bs(page, 'html.parser')  # parse html
        vids = soup.findAll(
                'id': 'LC1',
                'class': 'blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line'
        )  # search for class meter-value superPageFontColor in html from page
        version_marvin = vids[0].getText()
        print('Marvin Version ' + str(version_marvin))
        return version_marvin
        speak('No internet connection couldn\'t access')
Exemple #5
 def scrapeRottentomatoes(self):
     if go_no_go == 'go':
             rt = self.soup.findAll(
                 'span', attrs={'class': 'meter-value superPageFontColor'}
             )  # search for class meter-value superPageFontColor in html from page
             if rt == []: raise Exception
             raiting = rt[0].getText()
                 'Rotten Tomatoes gave ' + self.search_query + ' ' +
                 raiting, self.speak_type)
             people_score = self.soup.findAll('span',
             score = people_score[0].getText()
             want_or_like = self.soup.findAll(
                     'class': 'smaller bold hidden-xs superPageFontColor'
             like_or_want = want_or_like[0].getText()
             if like_or_want == 'liked it':
                     '\n' + score + ' of people liked ' + self.search_query,
             elif like_or_want == 'want to see':
                 speak('\n' + score + ' want to see ' + self.search_query,
                 raise Exception
         except Exception as e:
                 '\nI ran into a problem\nThe name of the movie was probably input incorrectly',
         speak('No internet connection couldn\'t access')
Exemple #6
    def dataTaco(self):
            instructions = self.requested_taco.json()['recipe']
            print('\n\nInstructions:\n' + instructions,
                  file=open(self.taco_txt + '.txt', 'a'))
            print('\n\nInstructions:\nNo recipe for this section',
                  file=open(self.taco_txt + '.txt', 'a'))

        if self.requested_taco.json()['shell_url'] is not None:
            shell_instructions = self.requested_taco.json()['shell']['recipe']
            print('\n\nShell Instructions:\n' + shell_instructions,
                  file=open(self.taco_txt + '.txt', 'a'))

        if self.requested_taco.json()['base_layer_url'] is not None:
            base_layer_instructions = self.requested_taco.json(
            print('\n\nBase Layer Instructions:\n' + base_layer_instructions,
                  file=open(self.taco_txt + '.txt', 'a'))

        if self.requested_taco.json()['seasoning_url'] is not None:
            season_instructions = self.requested_taco.json(
            print('\n\nSeasoning Instructions:\n' + season_instructions,
                  file=open(self.taco_txt + '.txt', 'a'))

        if self.requested_taco.json()['condiment_url'] is not None:
            condiment_instructions = self.requested_taco.json(
            print('\n\nCondiment Instructions:\n' + condiment_instructions,
                  file=open(self.taco_txt + '.txt', 'a'))

        if self.requested_taco.json()['mixin_url'] is not None:
            mixin_instructions = self.requested_taco.json()['mixin']['recipe']
            print('\n\nMixin Instructions:\n' + mixin_instructions,
                  file=open(self.taco_txt + '.txt', 'a'))

        print('Full Recipe put into file called ' + self.taco_txt)
        speak('Opening the full taco recipe for you', self.speak_type)
Exemple #7
 def IMDb(self):
     if go_no_go == 'go':
             pg_up = self.soup.findAll('li',
                                       attrs={'class': 'meta-row clearfix'})
             if pg_up == []: raise Exception
             up_pg = pg_up[0].getText()
             speak('\n' + self.search_query + ' got a IMDb' + up_pg,
         except Exception as e:
                 '\nI ran into a problem\nThe name of the movie was probably input incorrectly',
         speak('No internet connection couldn\'t access')
Exemple #8
 def scrapeDefinition(self):
     if go_no_go == 'go':
             define_find_type = self.soup.findAll(
                 'span', attrs={'class': 'luna-pos'})
             define_find = self.soup.findAll(
                 'span', attrs={'class': 'css-9sn2pa e10vl5dg6'})
             if define_find == []: raise Exception
             if define_find_type == []: raise Exception
             definition_type = define_find_type[0].getText()
             definition = define_find[0].getText()
             definition_type_corrected = self.removeComma(definition_type)
                 self.search_query + ' is a ' + definition_type_corrected +
                 '\nThe definition is: ' + definition, self.speak_type)
         except Exception as e:
                 '\nI ran into a problem\nThe name of the word was probably input incorrectly',
         speak('No internet connection couldn\'t access')
Exemple #9
def ADMIN(contact_path, pass_path, speak_type):  # ADMIN MENU
    bob = True
    while True:  # loop for MENU so you don't have to keep reopening it
                '\nOnly use ADMIN acount for administrative tasks'
            )  # message to remind you can't use marvins command without a real user
                '\n######## ADMIN MENU ########\n\n1. Create New User     2. Delete a User\n3. Update Marvin       4. Marvin APPS\n5. Voice Settings      6. Leave ADMIN Menu\n7. Exit program'
            )  # show options
            ADMIN_input = input('>')  # prompt for input

            if ADMIN_input == '1' or 'user' in ADMIN_input.lower(
            ):  # check if user wants to create a user
                with open(pass_path, 'r') as login_data:  # open user info
                    new_user_data = load(login_data)  # parse user info
                search_login = new_user_data[
                    'logins']  # put users into variable
                print('Showing all Users')  # print user printing user message
                for x in search_login:  # loop for all users
                    (x)  # print all users

                    'You will choose a username and password for the new user\nType a User'
                )  # prompt for new usr and pass
                new_user = input('>')  # type user
                if new_user in search_login:  # check if user exists
                    print('This user exists already')  # user exists message
                elif 'quit' == new_user.lower() or 'exit' == new_user.lower(
                ) or 'cancel' == new_user.lower():
                    raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
                else:  # user doesn't exist

                    while True:  # loop until password over 5 characters
                            '\nType a password for the new user thats over 5 characters'
                        )  # message that pass have to be over 5 length
                        new_user_pass = input('>')  # input for new user pass
                        if 'quit' == new_user_pass.lower(
                        ) or 'exit' == new_user_pass.lower(
                        ) or 'cancel' == new_user_pass.lower():
                            raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
                        elif len(new_user_pass
                                 ) <= 5:  # if new password under 5 characters
                            print('Make your password over 5 characters please'
                                  )  # more characters message
                        else:  # password over 5 characters
                            break  # break loop

                    while True:  # loop until correct passward
                            '\nType your ADMIN password again to confirm this action'
                        )  # ask for admin password
                        login_pass = getpass('>')  # input password
                        login_pass2 = sha512(
                            login_pass.encode('utf-8') + 'NQZVA').hexdigest(
                            )  # hash password to match if in file
                        if login_pass2 == new_user_data['logins']['ADMIN'][
                                'pass']:  # check if password matches
                            break  # leave loop
                        elif 'quit' == login_pass2.lower(
                        ) or 'exit' == login_pass2.lower(
                        ) or 'cancel' == login_pass2.lower():
                            raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
                        else:  # password doesn't match
                            print('Incorect Credentials'
                                  )  # wrong password message
                            i = i + 1  # add tries
                            if i >= 5:  # if over 5 tries

                    new_login = encode(new_user, 'rot13')  # encode user name
                    new_user_pass_encrypted = sha512(
                        new_user_pass.encode('utf-8') +
                        new_login.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()  # hash password
                    print('Creating User')  # print creating messsage
                    with open(pass_path,
                              'w') as outfile:  # open file to add changes
                        new_user_data['logins'][new_user] = {
                            "pass": new_user_pass_encrypted
                        }  # new user data
                        dump(new_user_data, outfile)  # add new user data
                    print('New user created')  # new user added messgae

            elif ADMIN_input == '2' or 'delete' in ADMIN_input.lower(
            ):  # check if user wants to delete a user
                with open(pass_path, 'r'
                          ) as login_data:  # open file to find exisiting users
                    new_user_data = load(login_data)  # parse data
                search_login = new_user_data['logins']  # get all users
                print('Showing all Users')  # showing users message
                for x in search_login:  # loop until all users printed
                    print(x)  # print all users
                print('\nWhat user do you want to delete'
                      )  # ask which user to delete
                del_user = input('>')  # input for user to delete
                if del_user == 'ADMIN':  # if input user is ADMIN
                    print('Can\'t delete this user')  # can't delete message
                elif 'quit' == del_user.lower() or 'exit' == del_user.lower(
                ) or 'cancel' == del_user.lower():
                    raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
                elif del_user in search_login:  # check if user exists
                    while True:  # loop until correct passward
                            '\nType your ADMIN password again to confirm this action'
                        )  # ask for admin password
                        login_pass = getpass('>')  # input password
                        login_pass2 = sha512(
                            login_pass.encode('utf-8') + 'NQZVA').hexdigest(
                            )  # hash password to match if in file
                        if login_pass2 == new_user_data['logins']['ADMIN'][
                                'pass']:  # check if password matches
                            break  # leave loop
                        elif 'quit' == login_pass2.lower(
                        ) or 'exit' == login_pass2.lower(
                        ) or 'cancel' == login_pass2.lower():
                            raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
                        else:  # password doesn't match
                            print('Incorect Credentials'
                                  )  # wrong password message
                            i = i + 1  # add tries
                            if i >= 5:  # if over 5 tries
                    del new_user_data['logins'][del_user]  # del user and data
                    with open(pass_path, 'w') as outfile:  # open file
                        dump(new_user_data, outfile)  # add updated file
                else:  # no user found
                    print('This User doesn\'t exist')  # no user found message

            elif ADMIN_input == '3' or 'update' in ADMIN_input.lower(
            ):  # check if user want to update
                print('Checking for Update')  # checking message
                with open('Os.json', 'r'
                          ) as marvin_v:  # open .Os.json to see marvin version
                    marvin_ver = load(marvin_v)  # parse data
                    marvin_version = marvin_ver[
                        'Marvin_Release']  # get local marvin version
                online_marvin_version = getVersion(
                )  # get online marvin version
                if str(marvin_version) != str(
                        online_marvin_version):  # if they don't match
                    print('Update found')  # found message
                    system('git pull')  # pull from github
                        'You will now have to reopen Marvin to make sure the changes went through'
                    )  # restart message
                    with open(
                            'Os.json', 'w'
                    ) as outfile:  # open .Os.json to change marvin version
                            'Marvin_Release'] = online_marvin_version  # change marvin version
                        dump(marvin_ver, outfile)  # add new version number
                else:  # versions match
                    print('No update found\n##############\nYou are up to date'
                          )  # versions match message

            elif ADMIN_input == '4' or 'app' in ADMIN_input:
                print('\nshowing apps:\n')
                with open('Os.json', 'r'
                          ) as marvin_a:  # open .Os.json to see marvin version
                    marvin_apps = load(marvin_a)  # parse data
                print('IOS app : ' + marvin_apps['apps']['IOS'])
                print('\nWould you like to enable any apps?')
                app_input = input('>').lower()
                if app_input == 'yes' or 'y' in app_input:
                    print('\nWhich app would you like to activate')
                    app_active = input('>').lower()
                    if app_active == 'ios' or app_active == 'apple':
                        print('Type this into app for ip ' + get_ip())
                    elif 'quit' == app_active.lower(
                    ) or 'exit' == app_active.lower(
                    ) or 'cancel' == app_active.lower():
                        raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
                elif 'quit' == app_input.lower() or 'exit' == app_input.lower(
                ) or 'cancel' == app_input.lower():
                    raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
                    print('Would you like to deactivate an app?')
                    deactivate_input = input('>').lower()
                    if 'quit' == deactivate_input.lower(
                    ) or 'exit' == deactivate_input.lower(
                    ) or 'cancel' == deactivate_input.lower():
                        raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
                    elif deactivate_input.lower(
                    ) == 'y' or deactivate_input == 'y':

            elif ADMIN_input == '5' or 'voice' in ADMIN_input:
                with open('Os.json', 'r') as voice_settings:
                    voice_loaded = load(voice_settings)
                print('\nVoice currently set to ' + voice_loaded['voice'])
                if voice_loaded['voice'] == 'female':
                    print('\nWould you like to change to a male voice?')
                    voice = input('>')
                    if 'y' in voice:
                        print('Changing to male voice')
                        speak('This is what I sound like now', 'male')
                        with open('Os.json', 'w') as outfile:
                            var = voice_loaded['voice'] = 'male'
                            dump(voice_loaded, outfile)
                    print('\nWould you like to change to a female voice?')
                    voice = input('>')
                    if 'y' in voice:
                        print('Changing to female voice')
                        speak('This is what I sound like now', 'female')
                        with open('Os.json', 'w') as outfile:
                            var = voice_loaded['voice'] = 'female'
                            dump(voice_loaded, outfile)

            elif ADMIN_input == '6' or 'exit' in ADMIN_input.lower(
            ) or 'leave' in ADMIN_input.lower() or 'quit' in ADMIN_input.lower(
            ):  # check if user wants to leave Menu
                print('Exiting ADMIN MENU')  # exit menu message
                break  # break loop to leave ADMIN MENU

            elif ADMIN_input == '7':  # if you want to exit
                print('Exiting program')  # exit message
                bob = False  # close program
    if bob == False:
Exemple #10
 def timer(self, delay):
     print('Timer Started')
     speak('Timer Done!', self.speak_type)
Exemple #11
    def timerLogic(self):
        time_for_timer = self.time_for.split(" ")[0]
        if time_for_timer.lower() == 'zero' or time_for_timer == '0':
            self.bob = 0
            speak('You can\'t have a timer for 0 time')
        if self.bob >= 1:
            time_unit = marvin.essentials.splitJoin(self.time_for, 1)
            if time_unit == '':
                time_unit = 'minutes'
                bob = float(time_for_timer)
                self.time_for_timer = float(time_for_timer)
            except ValueError:
                self.time_for_timer = float(

            if 'min' in time_unit:
                abs_time = abs(float(self.time_for_timer))
                seconds_in_minutes = abs_time * 60

            elif 'sec' in time_unit:
                abs_time = abs(float(self.time_for_timer))
                if abs_time >= 5.0:
                        'Any timer less than 5 seconds is to small count thousands',

            elif 'hr' in time_unit:
                abs_time = abs(float(self.time_for_timer))
                if abs_time <= 3:
                    seconds_in_hour = abs_time * 3600
                        'Timer does not support reminders over 3 hours use a calander reminder for long reminders',

            elif 'day' in time_unit:
                    'Timer does not support days use a calander reminder for long reminders',
                speak('I couldn\'t find the time unit you wanted to use',
            speak('You need to input a number for the timer', self.speak_type)
Exemple #12
                    raise marvin.commands.MarvinRelog  # restart to login to not allow admins to use commands
                break  # break loop if not admin
            else:  # wrong password
                    '\n#####################\nIncorrect Credentials\n#####################\n'
                )  # incorrect password message

# MAIN command loop

        while True:  # input type loop
        core loop this is the part that will be looped to check user wants to keep using voice commands
        it will always ask the user the prompt below when the while loop goes back to the start
        part that will run when while loop resets
            speak('\nChoose an option',
                  speak_type)  # ask for which type of input
                ' \nOPTIONS:\n1. voice commands\n2. typed commands\n3. standby\n4. quit\n '
            )  # options for inputs
            beg_input = input(">").lower()  # input for which option chosen

            if beg_input == '1' or 'voice' in beg_input:  # voice commands
                try:  # try to be able to restart loop

                    while 1:  # loop to repeat listening commands
                        print('\nAwaiting commands')  # prompt for command
                        data = listen()  #use listen function in commands.py
                        marvin_command_data = marvin.commands.dataCommands(
                            data.lower(), 1, pass_path, contact_path,
                            correction_path, os_type, speak_type
                        )  # check for command and lower what was just said
Exemple #13
def dataCommands(command, type_of_input, pass_path, contact_path,
                 correction_path, os_type, speak_type):

    bob = False

    # Website Commands #

    if 'open reddit' in command or 'open subreddit' in command:
        subreddit = splitJoin(command,
                              2)  # function to split and rejoin command
        speak('Opening subreddit ' + subreddit + ' for you',
              speak_type)  # saying the subreddit page
        webopen('https://www.reddit.com/r/' + subreddit,
                new=2)  # open url in browser

    elif 'open google sheets' == command:
        speak('Opening Google Sheets for you',
              speak_type)  # saying what it will open twitter
                new=2)  # open url in browser

    elif 'open google docs' == command:
        speak('Opening Google Docs for you',
              speak_type)  # saying what it will open twitter
                new=2)  # open url in browser

    elif 'google' in command:
        gsearch = splitJoin(command, 1)  # function to split and rejoin command
        speak('Opening Google search for ' + gsearch,
              speak_type)  # saying what it will open
        url = ('https://www.google.com/search?q=' + gsearch +
               '&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS770US770&oq=' + gsearch +
               )  # url with search
        webopen(url, new=2)  # open url in browser

    elif 'open twitter' == command:
        speak('Opening Twitter for you',
              speak_type)  # saying what it will open twitter
        webopen('https://twitter.com/', new=2)  # open url in browser

    elif 'open facebook' == command:
        speak('Opening Facebook for you',
              speak_type)  # saying what it will open twitter
        webopen('https://www.facebook.com/', new=2)  # open url in browser

    elif 'open github' == command:
        speak('Opening Github for you',
              speak_type)  # saying what it will open twitter
        webopen('https://github.com/', new=2)  # open url in browser

    elif 'open stack overflow' == command:
        speak('Opening Stack Overflow for you',
              speak_type)  # saying what it will open twitter
        webopen('https://stackoverflow.com/', new=2)  # open url in browser

    elif 'where is' in command:
        location = splitJoin(command,
                             2)  # function to split and rejoin command
        speak('Hold on, I will show you where ' + location + ' is.',
              speak_type)  # saying the location heard
        url = ('https://www.google.nl/maps/place/' + location + '/&amp;'
               )  # url with location
        webopen(url, new=2)  # open url in browser

    elif 'amazon' in command:
        amazon = splitJoin(command, 1)  # function to split and rejoin command
        speak('Searching amazon for ' + amazon,
              speak_type)  # saying what it will look for
        url = (
            + amazon)  # url with amazon search
        webopen(url, new=2)  # open in browser

    elif 'time in' in command:
        time_in = splitJoin(command, 1)  # function to split and rejoin command
        speak('Showing time in ' + time_in,
              speak_type)  # saying what its opening
        url = ('https://time.is/' + time_in
               )  # url to time.is with the location
        webopen(url, new=2)  # open in browser

    # Marvin Webscrape Commands #

    elif 'rotten tomatoes' in command:
        TomatoeScrape = TomatoeScrape(speak_type, command, 1)

    elif 'imdb' in command:
        if 'imdb rating' in command:
            num_type = 2
        elif 'imdb' in command:
            num_type = 1
        TomatoeScrape = TomatoeScrape(speak_type, command, num_type)

    elif 'youtube' in command:
        if 'search youtube' in command:
            num_type = 2
        elif 'play in youtube' in commands:
            num_type = 3
        elif 'youtube' in command:
            num_type = 1
        Youtube_Scrape = YoutubeScrape(speak_type, command, num_type)
        Youtube_Scrape.scrapeYoutube()  # function to scrape urls

    elif 'define' in command or 'what is the definition of' in command:
        if 'what is the definition of' in command:
            num_type = 5
        elif 'define' in command:
            num_type = 1
        Definition_Find = DefinitionFind(speak_type, command, num_type)
        Definition_Find.scrapeDefinition()  # function to scrape urls

    # Marvin Api Commands #

    elif 'full random taco' == command:
        Api_Service = ApiService(speak_type)

    elif 'random taco' == command:
        Api_Service = ApiService(speak_type)

    # Marvin Function Commands #

    elif 'standby' in command:
        speak('Going on standby', speak_type)
        raise MarvinCommands  # raise exeption so class passes and restarts loop

    elif command == 'exit' or command == 'quit' or command == 'leave' or command == 'close' or command == 'shutdown' or command == 'shut down':
        speak('Shutting down', speak_type)
        exit()  # leave program

    elif command == 'relog' or command == 'logout':
        speak('logging out', speak_type)
        raise MarvinRelog

    elif command == 'ls' or command == 'dir':
        if os_type == 'Linux':
        elif os_type == 'Darwin':
        elif os_type == 'Windows':

    # Sending based Commands

    elif command == 'contact list' or command == 'contacts':
        ContactService = marvin.contacts.ContactShow(contact_path, 0,

    elif command == 'delete contact' or command == 'remove contact':
            ContactService = marvin.contacts.ContactShow(
                contact_path, 1, speak_type)
            print('input cancel to cancel delete contact')  # cancel message
            speak('Who would you like to delete from your contacts?',
            delete_contact = commandInput(
                type_of_input).lower()  # function for listen or raw_input
            if 'quit' == delete_contact.lower(
            ) or 'exit' == delete_contact.lower(
            ) or 'cancel' == delete_contact.lower():
                raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
            with open(contact_path, 'r') as contact_del_list:
                del_contact_data = load(contact_del_list)
            if delete_contact.lower() not in del_contact_data['contacts']:
                print('User does not exist')
                raise ValueError
            del del_contact_data['contacts'][delete_contact]
            with open(contact_path, 'w') as outfile:
                dump(del_contact_data, outfile)
            speak(delete_contact + ' has been removed', speak_type)
        except Exception as e:

    elif command == 'add contact' or command == 'new contact':
            ContactService = marvin.contacts.ContactShow(
                contact_path, 1, speak_type)
            print('input cancel to cancel add contact')  # cancel message
            speak('Who would you like to add to you contacts?', speak_type)
            print('First name please')
            add_contact = commandInput(
                type_of_input)  # function for listen or raw_input
            if 'quit' == add_contact.lower() or 'exit' == add_contact.lower(
            ) or 'cancel' == add_contact.lower():
                raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
            print('input cancel to cancel add contact')  # cancel message
            speak('What is ' + add_contact + '\'s email?', speak_type)
            new_email = commandInput(
                type_of_input)  # function for listen or raw_input
            if 'quit' == new_email.lower() or 'exit' == new_email.lower(
            ) or 'cancel' == new_email.lower():
                raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
            print('input cancel to cancel add contact')  # cancel message
                'What is ' + add_contact +
                '\'s phone number? If you don\'t have it or you dont want to input respond with None',
            new_phone_number = commandInput(
                type_of_input)  # function for listen or raw_input
            if 'quit' == new_phone_number.lower(
            ) or 'exit' == new_phone_number.lower(
            ) or 'cancel' == new_phone_number.lower():
                raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
                'Does this contact have a nickname you like to add? If they don\'t have one type none',
            nick = commandInput(
                type_of_input)  # function for listen or raw_input
            nick_lower = nick.lower()
            if 'quit' == nick_lower or 'exit' == nick_lower or 'cancel' == nick_lower:
                raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
            with open(contact_path, 'r') as contact_data:
                new_contact_data = load(contact_data)  # read data
            add_contact_lowered = add_contact.lower()
            if 'none' != nick_lower:
                new_contact_data['nicks'][nick_lower] = {
                    "real_name": add_contact_lowered
            speak('Creating contact', speak_type)
            with open(contact_path, 'w') as outfile:
                new_contact_data['contacts'][add_contact_lowered] = {
                    "email": new_email,
                    "number": new_phone_number
                }  # new data to add
                dump(new_contact_data, outfile)  # add data
            print('Contact Created!')
        except Exception as e:

    elif command == 'send email':
            ContactService = marvin.contacts.ContactShow(
                contact_path, 'email', speak_type)
            print('input cancel to cancel send email')  # cancel message
            speak('Who would you like to send this email to?', speak_type)
            email_recipient = commandInput(
                type_of_input).lower()  # function for listen or raw_input
            if 'quit' == email_recipient.lower(
            ) or 'exit' == email_recipient.lower(
            ) or 'cancel' == email_recipient.lower():
                raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
            print('input cancel to cancel send email')  # cancel message
            speak('What is the subject of the email?', speak_type)
            email_subject = commandInput(
                type_of_input)  # function for listen or raw_input
            if 'quit' == email_subject.lower(
            ) or 'exit' == email_subject.lower(
            ) or 'cancel' == email_subject.lower():
                raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
            print('input cancel to cancel send email')  # cancel message
                'What is the message you would like to send to ' +
                email_recipient, speak_type)
            email_body = commandInput(
                type_of_input)  # function for listen or raw_input
            if 'quit' == email_body.lower() or 'exit' == email_body.lower(
            ) or 'cancel' == email_body.lower():
                raise ValueError  # check message for cancel
            new_send_email = Email(contact_path, pass_path, email_recipient,
                                   email_subject, email_body, speak_type)
            Email_Service = EmailService()
            thread_email = Thread(target=Email_Service.sendemail,
                                  args=(new_send_email, ))
        except Exception as e:

    # Misc Commands #

    elif command == 'what time is it' or command == 'current time':
        speak('The time is ' + datetime.now().strftime('%-I:%M %p'),

    elif command == 'what is the date' or command == 'what\'s the date' or command == 'current date' or command == 'date today':
        speak('The date is ' + datetime.now().strftime('%A %B %-d %Y'),

    elif "day of the week" in command or command == 'what day is it':
        speak(datetime.now().strftime('%A'), speak_type)

    elif command == 'week number':
        speak(datetime.now().strftime('%W'), speak_type)

    elif 'set a timer for' in command:
        time_for = splitJoin(command,
                             4)  # function to split and rejoin command
        Timer_Service = TimerService(time_for, speak_type)
        thread_timer = Thread(target=Timer_Service.timerLogic)

    elif command == 'open calculator' or command == 'run calculator' or command == 'calculator':
        thread_calculator = Thread(
            target=openCalculator)  # run calculator code from calculator.py
        print('Calculator Opened!')  # open message
        )  # start 2nd thread with calulator so you can run commands along with the calculator open

    elif command == 'open stopwatch' or command == 'run stopwatch' or command == 'stopwatch':
        thread_stopwatch = Thread(
            target=openStopwatch)  # run calculator code from calculator.py
        print('Stopwatch Opened!')  # open message
        )  # start 2nd thread with calulator so you can run commands along with the calculator open

    # Help commands

    elif command == 'help':
        for c in command_list:

# Chance commands

    elif command == 'dice' or command == 'what dice can I roll':
        speak('You can roll a \nd4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20', speak_type)

    elif command == 'roll a die' or command == 'd6' or command == '6 sided dice' or command == 'roll a d6' or command == 'roll a 6 sided die':
        rand_roll = random.randint(1, 6)
        speak('You rolled a ' + str(rand_roll), speak_type)

    elif command == 'flip a coin' or command == 'flip coin':
        rand_coin = random.randint(1, 2)
        if rand_coin == 1:
            speak('You flipped head', speak_type)
            rand_face = random.randint(1, 2)
            if rand_face == 1:
            speak('You flipped tails', speak_type)

# Marvin Interaction

    elif command == 'hello' or command == 'hi':
        speak('Hello!', speak_type)

    elif command == 'who are you':
            'I\'m Marvin a virtual assistant created by Rafael Cenzano to make everyday life better and easier',

        with open(correction_path, 'r') as check_correction:
            correction_check = load(check_correction)
        if command in correction_check['corrections']:
            correct_term = correction_check['corrections'][command]['correct']
            return correct_term
            bob = True

    if bob == False:
        return 'null'
    elif bob == True:
        auto_corrected_list = get_close_matches(command, command_list, 1)
        if auto_corrected_list != []:
            auto_corrected = auto_corrected_list[0]
            speak('Did you mean ' + auto_corrected + '?', speak_type)
            input_auto_correct = commandInput(
                type_of_input)  # function for listen or raw_input
            if 'y' in input_auto_correct:
                split_autocorrected = auto_corrected.split(
                    " ")  # split find how many words there are
                length_auto_corrected = len(split_autocorrected)
                length_needed = length_auto_corrected
                split_command_for_data = command.split(" ")[length_needed:]
                if split_command_for_data != []:
                    joined_command_data = (" ").join(
                    )  # joining anything that was split from after any unnecessary words
                    return auto_corrected + ' ' + joined_command_data
                    correction_check['corrections'][command] = {
                        "correct": auto_corrected
                    }  # new data to add
                    with open(correction_path, 'w') as outfile:
                        dump(correction_check, outfile)
                    return auto_corrected
                print('Command not found')
                return 'null'
            print('Command not found')
            return 'null'
        print('Error missing variable')
        raise MarvinRelog