Exemple #1
def total_gain(agent,target):
		calculer les réserves de l’agent additionnée à l’ensemble du sucre qu’il récupérera durant son voyage soustrait 
			au métabolisme consommé à chaque étape	
	pop = get_population(agent)
	env = get_env(agent)
	pos = get_pos(agent)
	sugar_level = get_sugar_level(agent)
	xd,yd = u.vector_diff(pos,target)
	if xd == 0: #the same line
		steps = abs(yd)
		step  = (1 if yd < 0 else -1)
		for i in range(steps):
			cell_refs = correct_position((pos[0],pos[1]+step*i),env)
			cell  = e.get_cell(env,cell_refs)
			sugar_level += c.get_sugar_level(cell)
	else: #the same row
		steps = abs(xd)
		step  = (1 if xd < 0 else -1)
		for i in range(steps):
			cell_refs = correct_position((pos[0]+step*i,pos[1]),env)
			cell  = e.get_cell(env,cell_refs)
			sugar_level += c.get_sugar_level(cell)
	return sugar_level - get_metabolism(agent)*steps
Exemple #2
def total_gain(agent, target):
		calculer les réserves de l’agent additionnée à l’ensemble du sucre qu’il récupérera durant son voyage soustrait 
			au métabolisme consommé à chaque étape	
    pop = get_population(agent)
    env = get_env(agent)
    pos = get_pos(agent)
    sugar_level = get_sugar_level(agent)
    xd, yd = u.vector_diff(pos, target)
    if xd == 0:  #the same line
        steps = abs(yd)
        step = (1 if yd < 0 else -1)
        for i in range(steps):
            cell_refs = correct_position((pos[0], pos[1] + step * i), env)
            cell = e.get_cell(env, cell_refs)
            sugar_level += c.get_sugar_level(cell)
    else:  #the same row
        steps = abs(xd)
        step = (1 if xd < 0 else -1)
        for i in range(steps):
            cell_refs = correct_position((pos[0] + step * i, pos[1]), env)
            cell = e.get_cell(env, cell_refs)
            sugar_level += c.get_sugar_level(cell)
    return sugar_level - get_metabolism(agent) * steps
Exemple #3
def possible_cell_position(env, walker, pos):
        Returns the position where the walker will have to go
        if there is no agent in the cell the position belongs to.
    if not c.agent_is_present(e.get_cell(env, pos)) or c.get_present_agent(
            e.get_cell(env, pos)) == "alerte":
        pos_cell = pos
        pos_cell = get_pos(walker)
    return pos_cell
def move_to(env, agent, target_cell_ref):
    cell_ref = get_pos(agent)
    cell_old = e.get_cell(env, cell_ref) # Ancienne cellule où l'agent se trouvait
    cell_new = e.get_cell(env, target_cell_ref) # Nouvelle cellule où l'agent se trouve
    sz = e.size(env)
    (x, y) = target_cell_ref
    target_cell_ref = ( x%sz, y%sz ) # Permet de passer de gauche à droite et de haut en bas dans la matrice environnement
    set_pos(agent, target_cell_ref ) # Indique à l'agent la nouvelle position.
    c.set_present_agent(cell_old, None) # Indique à l'ancienne cellule qu'il n'y a plus d'agent présent.
    c.set_present_agent(cell_new, agent) # Indique à la nouvelle cellule quel agent est présent.
Exemple #5
def move(agent,position):
		Change la position de l'agent
	env = get_env(agent)	
	current_position = get_pos(agent)
	cell = e.get_cell(env,current_position)
	target_cell = e.get_cell(env,position)
	if c.agent_is_present(target_cell):
		raise Exception("cannot move an agent to a cell while theres is an other agent")
def possible_cell_position(env, agent, pos):
        Returns a tuple of two int containing the next position of
        an agent.
    if c.get_present_agent(e.get_cell(
            env, pos)) == "alerte" and agent_is_warrior(agent):
        pos_cell = pos
    elif not c.agent_is_present(e.get_cell(env, pos)):
        pos_cell = pos
        pos_cell = get_pos(agent)
    return pos_cell
Exemple #7
def move_to_the_highest_sugar_level_cell(agent):
		RA1 : déplace l'agent dans la cellule à quantité de sucre la plus élevée
    cells_refs = accecible_positions(agent)
    if len(cells_refs) > 0:
        highest = cells_refs[0]
        env = get_env(agent)
        for i in range(len(cells_refs)):
            cell = e.get_cell(env, cells_refs[i])
            highest_cell = e.get_cell(env, highest)
            if c.get_sugar_level(cell) > c.get_sugar_level(highest_cell):
                highest = cells_refs[i]
        move(agent, highest)
Exemple #8
def move(agent, position):
		Change la position de l'agent
    env = get_env(agent)
    current_position = get_pos(agent)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, current_position)
    target_cell = e.get_cell(env, position)
    if c.agent_is_present(target_cell):
        raise Exception(
            "cannot move an agent to a cell while theres is an other agent")
    set_pos(agent, position)
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
    c.set_present_agent(target_cell, agent)
Exemple #9
def move_to_the_lowest_sugar_level_cell(agent):
		RA3 : déplace l'agent dans la cellule à quantité de sucre la moins élevée
		et assez pour son métabolisme
	cells_refs = accecible_positions(agent)
	if len(cells_refs) > 0:
		lowest = cells_refs[0]
		env = get_env(agent)
		for i in range(len(cells_refs)):
			cell = e.get_cell(env,cells_refs[i])
			lowest_cell = e.get_cell(env,lowest)
			if c.get_sugar_level(cell) < c.get_sugar_level(lowest_cell):
				lowest = cells_refs[i]
		move (agent,lowest)
Exemple #10
def move_to_the_lowest_sugar_level_cell(agent):
		RA3 : déplace l'agent dans la cellule à quantité de sucre la moins élevée
		et assez pour son métabolisme
    cells_refs = accecible_positions(agent)
    if len(cells_refs) > 0:
        lowest = cells_refs[0]
        env = get_env(agent)
        for i in range(len(cells_refs)):
            cell = e.get_cell(env, cells_refs[i])
            lowest_cell = e.get_cell(env, lowest)
            if c.get_sugar_level(cell) < c.get_sugar_level(lowest_cell):
                lowest = cells_refs[i]
        move(agent, lowest)
Exemple #11
def move_to_the_highest_sugar_level_cell(agent):

		RA1 : déplace l'agent dans la cellule à quantité de sucre la plus élevée
	cells_refs = accecible_positions(agent)
	if len(cells_refs) > 0:
		highest = cells_refs[0]
		env = get_env(agent)
		for i in range(len(cells_refs)):
			cell = e.get_cell(env,cells_refs[i])
			highest_cell = e.get_cell(env,highest)
			if c.get_sugar_level(cell) > c.get_sugar_level(highest_cell):
				highest = cells_refs[i]
		move (agent,highest)
def min_sugar_level_need( env, agent, cells_refs ):
        Renvoie la cell_ref minimum que l'agent a besoin parmi la liste des cells_refs
    # On crée une liste des cellules graces à la liste des positions.
    cells = []
    for cell_ref in cells_refs:
        cells.append( e.get_cell( env, cell_ref ) )
    # On a deux listes: les cellules et les positions.
    # On ordonne la liste des cellules en fonction du taux de sucre (Et les positions s'ordonneront en fonction aussi)
    u.sort_on_second_list(cells_refs, cells, order_decrease_cell_by_sugar_level)
    # On recherche le minimum
    minimal_cell_ref = cells_refs[0]
    minimal_cell = cells[0]
    #On parcout tous les éléments
    for temp in range( len(cells) ):
        temp_ref  = cells_refs[temp] #Position
        temp_cell = cells[temp] #Cellule
        #Si le taux suffit à la survie et que celui-ci est plus petit que le supposé "minimal".
        if c.get_sugar_level( temp_cell ) >= get_metabolism( agent ) and c.get_sugar_level( minimal_cell ) > c.get_sugar_level( temp_cell ):
            minimal_cell_ref = temp_ref # Nouvelle position minimale
            minimal_cell = temp_cell # Nouvelle cellule minimale
    return minimal_cell_ref # Renvoie la position de la cellule
def RA2_is_possible( env, agent, target ):
    agent_ref = get_pos( agent )
    result =  u.vector_diff( target, agent_ref )
    target_unit = vector_one_max( result )
    cell_ref = u.vector_sum( agent_ref, target_unit )
    cell = e.get_cell( env, cell_ref )
    return ( not c.agent_is_present(cell) ) and get_metabolism(agent) <= get_sugar_level(agent) + c.get_sugar_level(cell)
Exemple #14
def env_plot(env, showGrid=True):
        Add a plot of the environment (possibly including a
        grid) to the current pylab plot. 
        To actually show the plot, the pylab.show() method
        still has to be invoked.
    ax = plt.gca()
    ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
    sz = e.size(env)
    mat = []
    row = []
    col = []
    sugar = []
    size_factor = 3000.0/sz/e.get_max_capacity(env)
    # Plot sugar level of each cell
    for cell_ref in e.get_cell_refs(env):
        cell = e.get_cell(env, cell_ref)
        (y, x) = cell_ref
    plt.scatter(row, col, sugar, color='yellow', alpha=1)#, marker='s')
    # Plot the grid (or only an outer border)
    for k in range(sz+1):
        if showGrid or k == 0 or k == sz:
            plt.plot([k, k], [0, sz], color='black', alpha=0.1, ls='-')
            plt.plot([0, sz], [k, k], color='black', alpha=0.1, ls='-')
def new_first_pos(env, env_size, pop_size):
        Generates a list containing tuples of 2D positions
        which are all in the same environment and at a different
    first_pos = []
    for i in range(pop_size):
        x, y = randrange(env_size), randrange(env_size)
        cell = e.get_cell(env, (x, y))
        while (x, y) in first_pos and c.agent_is_present(cell):
            x, y = randrange(env_size), randrange(env_size)
            cell = e.get_cell(env, (x, y))
            first_pos.append((x, y))
    return first_pos
def eat_all(agent, env):
    cell_ref = get_pos(agent)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, cell_ref )
    sugar = c.get_sugar_level( cell ) # On enregistre le taux de sucre de la cellule
    sugar += get_sugar_level ( agent ) # On ajoute la réserve de l'agent
    c.set_sugar_level( cell , 0 ) # On vide la cellule
    set_sugar_level ( agent , sugar ) # On donne tout à l'agent
Exemple #17
def __draw_env(canvas, env, cell_size,mas):
    # Draw the environment on the canvas
    env_size = e.size(env)
    for cell_ref in e.get_cell_refs(env):
        cell = e.get_cell(env, cell_ref)
        cell_ref = __swap_y(env_size, cell_ref)
        canvas.create_rectangle(__bbox_for_cell_ref(cell_ref, cell_size), fill=__compute_cell_color(cell,mas), outline='#dddddd')
Exemple #18
def average_living(pop,cell_refs):
		cherche le niveau de vie moyen des agents situé dans un bloc de coté 6 (zone*2) centré dans la cellule cible 
	x,y = cell_refs
	zone = 3
	cells_average_list = []
	sugar_level_sum = 0
	agents_in_zone_of_cell = 0
	env = p.get_env(pop)
	pos_start_calc = correct_position((x-zone,y+zone),env)
	xi,yi = pos_start_calc
	i = 0
	j = -2*zone
	for j in range(-2*zone,0,1):
		for i in range(0,2*zone):
			if i!=j:
				cell = e.get_cell(env,correct_position((xi+i,yi+j),env))
				if c.agent_is_present(cell):
					agents_in_zone_of_cell +=1
					sugar_level_sum += get_sugar_level(c.get_present_agent(cell))
	if agents_in_zone_of_cell != 0:
		average = sugar_level_sum/agents_in_zone_of_cell
		average = 0
	return average
def RA4(agent):
        This fourth rule makes the agents move to the cell which has enough sugar for
        his metabolism, or to the cell which has the closest sugar level to his metabolism
        if there is no cell which has a bigger sugar level than the meatabolism of the
        agent. After this, this rule checks the average of the sugar levels of the agents
        who are near every cell the agent can move to. This agent will choose a cell which
        has this average result above the sugar level of the agent. If it is not possible, the
        agent will go on the cell with the nearest average result.
    pop = get_pop(agent)
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    env_size = e.size(env)
    l, l_pos = potential_places(pop,
    pos_cell = get_pos(agent)
    if len(l_pos) > 0:
        l_good_pos = better_ressources_for_average(l, l_pos, agent)
        l_average_res = average_around_agents_sugar_level(env, l_good_pos)
        pos_cell = better_average_ressource_cell(l, l_good_pos, l_average_res,
    cell = e.get_cell(env, pos_cell)
    eat_and_consumpt_sugar(agent, cell)
    deplace_or_remove(env, pop, agent, cell, pos_cell)
Exemple #20
def __draw_env(canvas, env, cell_size):
    # Draw the environment on the canvas
    env_size = e.size(env)
    for cell_ref in e.get_cell_refs(env):
        cell = e.get_cell(env, cell_ref)
        cell_ref = __swap_y(env_size, cell_ref)
        canvas.create_rectangle(__bbox_for_cell_ref(cell_ref, cell_size), fill=__compute_cell_color(cell), outline='#dddddd')
Exemple #21
def average_living(pop, cell_refs):
		cherche le niveau de vie moyen des agents situé dans un bloc de coté 6 (zone*2) centré dans la cellule cible 
    x, y = cell_refs
    zone = 3
    cells_average_list = []
    sugar_level_sum = 0
    agents_in_zone_of_cell = 0
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    pos_start_calc = correct_position((x - zone, y + zone), env)
    xi, yi = pos_start_calc
    i = 0
    j = -2 * zone
    for j in range(-2 * zone, 0, 1):
        for i in range(0, 2 * zone):
            if i != j:
                cell = e.get_cell(env, correct_position((xi + i, yi + j), env))
                if c.agent_is_present(cell):
                    agents_in_zone_of_cell += 1
                    sugar_level_sum += get_sugar_level(
    if agents_in_zone_of_cell != 0:
        average = sugar_level_sum / agents_in_zone_of_cell
        average = 0
    return average
def kill_agent(pop, agent):
        Kills the agent.
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, get_pos(agent))
    p.end_agent(agent, p.get_agents(pop))
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
Exemple #23
def unplace_walker(env, pop, walker, pos_cell):
        Makes the walker and its aura disappear from the
    cell = e.get_cell(env, get_pos(walker))
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
    take_aura(pop, walker)
Exemple #24
def replace_walker(env, pop, walker, pos_cell):
        Makes the walker and its aura appear on the
    cell = e.get_cell(env, pos_cell)
    set_pos(walker, pos_cell)
    c.set_present_agent(cell, walker)
    put_aura(pop, walker)
Exemple #25
def kill_walker(pop, walker):
        Kills the walker.
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, get_pos(walker))
    p.end_walker(agent, p.get_walkers(pop))
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
    take_aura(pop, agent)
def add_partner_in_places(env, env_size, l, l_pos, i, j):
        Adds two different elements to two different lists. The first one is
        composed by the cells containing potential males and the second one
        contains the positions of this cells in the environment.
    cell = e.get_cell(env, (i % env_size, j % env_size))
    if c.agent_is_present(cell):
        l_pos.append((i % env_size, j % env_size))
Exemple #27
def is_interested_to_move(agent,target):
		- vérifier si le total_gain(agent,target) est plus grand que zèro 
		- si un autre agent peut atteindre la cellule avant lui
		- si il n'y a pas d'agents dans la direction choisie 
	pos = get_pos(agent)
	xd,yd = u.vector_diff(pos,target)
	env = get_env(agent)
	agent_on_way = False
	if xd == 0:
		step  = (1 if yd < 0 else -1)
		next_move = correct_position((pos[0],pos[1]+step),env)
		agent_on_way = c.get_present_agent(e.get_cell(env,next_move))
		step  = (1 if xd < 0 else -1)
		next_move = correct_position((pos[0]+step,pos[1]),env)
		agent_on_way = c.get_present_agent(e.get_cell(env,next_move))
	return (not is_an_agent_can_be_there_faster(agent,target) and not agent_on_way and total_gain(agent,target) > 0)
def deplace_or_remove(env, pop, agent, cell, pos_cell):
        If the agent has enough sugar (float > 0), he can move to  his next
        position, he dies and completely disappears otherwise.
    c.set_present_agent(e.get_cell(env, get_pos(agent)), None)
    if get_is_living(agent):
        set_pos(agent, pos_cell)
        c.set_present_agent(cell, agent)
        kill_agent(pop, agent)
Exemple #29
def is_possible_to_move(agent, position):
		vérifie si un agent peut se déplcer, on vérifie si: la quantité de sucre de la cellule additionnée 
			à la réserve de sucre de l'agent est suffisante au métabolisme, 
			si il n'y a pas d'agent dans sa cellule
    env = get_env(agent)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, position)
    possible_to_move =  not c.agent_is_present(cell)  \
       and (c.get_sugar_level(cell)+get_sugar_level(agent)) >= get_metabolism(agent)
    return possible_to_move
def add_age(agent):
        Increments the age of the agent by one.
    pop = get_pop(agent)
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, get_pos(agent))
    age = get_age(agent)
    set_age(agent, age + 1)
    if age > get_dead_age(agent):
        kill_agent(pop, agent)
Exemple #31
def is_interested_to_move(agent, target):
		- vérifier si le total_gain(agent,target) est plus grand que zèro 
		- si un autre agent peut atteindre la cellule avant lui
		- si il n'y a pas d'agents dans la direction choisie 
    pos = get_pos(agent)
    xd, yd = u.vector_diff(pos, target)
    env = get_env(agent)
    agent_on_way = False
    if xd == 0:
        step = (1 if yd < 0 else -1)
        next_move = correct_position((pos[0], pos[1] + step), env)
        agent_on_way = c.get_present_agent(e.get_cell(env, next_move))
        step = (1 if xd < 0 else -1)
        next_move = correct_position((pos[0] + step, pos[1]), env)
        agent_on_way = c.get_present_agent(e.get_cell(env, next_move))
    return (not is_an_agent_can_be_there_faster(agent, target)
            and not agent_on_way and total_gain(agent, target) > 0)
Exemple #32
def is_possible_to_move(agent,position):
		vérifie si un agent peut se déplcer, on vérifie si: la quantité de sucre de la cellule additionnée 
			à la réserve de sucre de l'agent est suffisante au métabolisme, 
			si il n'y a pas d'agent dans sa cellule
	env = get_env(agent)
	cell = e.get_cell(env,position)	
	possible_to_move =  not c.agent_is_present(cell)  \
				and (c.get_sugar_level(cell)+get_sugar_level(agent)) >= get_metabolism(agent)
	return possible_to_move
Exemple #33
def theres_is_an_other_sex_around(agent):
		évaluer la présence d’un potentiel (dans le sens ou il peut se reproduire avec) agent à proximité
	vision = 1
	x,y = get_pos(agent)
	agent_sex = get_sex(agent)
	env = get_env(agent)
	already_found = False
	i = -vision
	while i <= vision and not already_found:
		if i !=0:
			cell_x = e.get_cell(env,correct_position((x,y+vision),env))
			cell_y = e.get_cell(env,correct_position((x+vision,y),env))
			if c.agent_is_present(cell_x):
				already_found = (get_sex(c.get_present_agent(cell_x)) != agent_sex)
			if c.agent_is_present(cell_y):
				already_found = (get_sex(c.get_present_agent(cell_y)) != agent_sex)
	return already_found
def sort_cells_refs_decrease( env, cells_refs ):
        Trie la liste des positions.
    # On crée une liste des cellules graces à la liste des positions.
    cells = []
    for cell_ref in cells_refs:
        cells.append( e.get_cell( env, cell_ref ) )
    # On a deux listes: les cellules et les positions.
    # On ordonne la liste des cellules en fonction du taux de sucre (Et les positions s'ordonneront en fonction aussi)        
    u.sort_on_second_list(cells_refs, cells, order_decrease_cell_by_sugar_level)
Exemple #35
def add_cell_in_places(env, env_size, l, l_pos, i, j):
        Adds two different elements to two different lists. The first one is
        composed by the cells containing potential places and the second one
        contains the positions of this cells in the environment.
    cell = e.get_cell(env, (i % env_size, j % env_size))
    if c.get_present_agent(cell) != None and len(
            c.get_present_agent(cell)) == a.AGENT_MAX_IDX + 1:
        l_pos.append((i % env_size, j % env_size))
    return l, l_pos
def place_first_agents(pop):
        Places the agents when the mas begins at the places
        generated by the function new_first_pos
    env = get_env(pop)
    env_size = e.size(env)
    pop_size = len(get_agents(pop))
    first_pos = new_first_pos(env, env_size, pop_size)
    for i in range(len(get_agents(pop))):
        a.set_pos(get_agents(pop)[i], first_pos[i])
        c.set_present_agent(e.get_cell(env, first_pos[i]), get_agents(pop)[i])
def place_first_walkers(pop):
        Places the walkers when the mas begins at the places
        generated by the function new_first_pos
    env = get_env(pop)
    env_size = e.size(env)
    walkers_size = len(get_walkers(pop))
    first_pos = new_first_pos(env, env_size, walkers_size)
    for i in range(len(get_walkers(pop))):
        w.set_pos(get_walkers(pop)[i], first_pos[i])
        c.set_present_agent(e.get_cell(env, first_pos[i]), get_walkers(pop)[i])
        w.put_aura(pop, get_walkers(pop)[i])
Exemple #38
def theres_is_an_other_sex_around(agent):
		évaluer la présence d’un potentiel (dans le sens ou il peut se reproduire avec) agent à proximité
    vision = 1
    x, y = get_pos(agent)
    agent_sex = get_sex(agent)
    env = get_env(agent)
    already_found = False
    i = -vision
    while i <= vision and not already_found:
        if i != 0:
            cell_x = e.get_cell(env, correct_position((x, y + vision), env))
            cell_y = e.get_cell(env, correct_position((x + vision, y), env))
            if c.agent_is_present(cell_x):
                already_found = (get_sex(c.get_present_agent(cell_x)) !=
            if c.agent_is_present(cell_y):
                already_found = (get_sex(c.get_present_agent(cell_y)) !=
        i += 1
    return already_found
Exemple #39
def put_aura(pop, walker):
        Puts the aura of the walker on the environnement.
    vision = get_vision(walker) - 2  # aura radius = vision radius -2
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    env_size = e.size(env)
    x, y = get_pos(walker)
    for i in range(x - vision, x + vision + 1):
        for j in range(y - vision, y + vision + 1):
            if (i, j) != (x, y):
                cell = e.get_cell(env, (i, j))
                if c.get_present_agent(cell) == None:
                    c.set_present_agent(cell, "alerte")
Exemple #40
def take_aura(pop, walker):
        Makes the aura of the walker disappear from the environnement.
    vision = get_vision(walker) - 1
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    env_size = e.size(env)
    x, y = get_pos(walker)
    for i in range(x - vision, x + vision + 1):
        for j in range(y - vision, y + vision + 1):
            if (i, j) != (x, y):
                cell = e.get_cell(env, (i, j))
                if c.get_present_agent(cell) == "alerte":
                    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
def add_cell_in_places(agent, env, env_size, l, l_pos, i, j):
        Adds two different elements to two different lists. The first one is
        composed by the cells containing potential places and the second one
        contains the positions of this cells in the environment.
    cell = e.get_cell(env, (i % env_size, j % env_size))
    if agent_is_warrior(agent) and c.get_present_agent(cell) == "alerte":
        l_pos.append((i % env_size, j % env_size))
    if not c.agent_is_present(cell):
        l_pos.append((i % env_size, j % env_size))
    return l, l_pos
def partners_list_under_conditions(env, agent, l_pos):
        Returns the partner list of a female agent.
        This list must consider the conditions of age
        and sex of the agent and her partner.
    l_partners = []
    for pos in l_pos:
        cell = e.get_cell(env, pos)
        partner = c.get_present_agent(cell)
        if len(partner) == AGENT_MAX_IDX +1 and get_sex(agent) == 0 and get_sex(agent) != get_sex(partner)\
           and get_age(agent) > 20 and get_age(partner) > 20 and get_sugar_level(agent) > 10\
           and get_sugar_level(partner):
    return l_partners
def add_baby_agent_if_possible(env, pop, env_size, agent, l_pos):
        Makes a female agent give birth to a new agent if there is a free
        position around her. If there is no free position, the baby won't
        born. This strategy limmits the overpopulation.
    if len(l_pos) != 0:
        baby = new_instance(pop)
        mother_dead_age = get_dead_age(agent)
        mother_metabolism = get_metabolism(agent)
        father_dead_age = get_partner_spec(agent)[0]
        father_metabolism = get_partner_spec(agent)[1]
        set_dead_age(baby, int((mother_dead_age + father_dead_age) / 2))
        set_metabolism(baby, (mother_metabolism + father_metabolism) / 2)
        set_pos(baby, l_pos[0])
        c.set_present_agent(e.get_cell(env, l_pos[0]), baby)
def walker_around_check(pop, agent):
        Returns the list of the contamined cells around the agent.
    walker_around = False
    l_around = []
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    x, y = get_pos(agent)
    all_x = range(x - 1, x + 2)
    all_y = range(y - 1, y + 2)
    for i in all_x:
        for j in all_y:
            cell = e.get_cell(env, (i, j))
    for elem in l_around:
        if elem != None and len(elem) == w.WALKER_MAX_IDX + 1:
            walker_around = True
    return walker_around
Exemple #45
def new_instance(pop):
	agent = __empty_instance()
	#Recupère la liste des propriétés 
	prop = p.get_properties(pop)
	#choisi une valeur aléatoire entre les minimum et maximum venant du fichier de configuration
	#les agents ont au départ un âge reflettant le réalisme
	#La réserve en sucre au départ est suffisante à sa survie (métabolism)
	env = p.get_env(pop)
	random_position = e.random_cell_ref_without_agent(env)
	cell = e.get_cell(env,random_position)
	return agent
def new_instance(mas, sz):
        Return a new population instance of size "sz" and 
        "declare" to which MAS it belongs to.
    env = m.get_env( mas )
    agents = [] # Les 'sz' agents
    for x in range ( sz ):
        cell_ref = e.random_cell_ref_without_agent(env) # On récupère la position d'une cellule sans agent
        agent = a.new_random()                          # On crée un agent avec des valeurs aléatoires
        a.set_pos( agent, cell_ref )                    # On modifie la position de l'agent
        cell = e.get_cell( env, cell_ref )              # On récupère la cellule (liste) via la position             
        c.set_present_agent( cell, agent )              # On indique à la cellule qu'un agent est présent
        agents.append ( agent )                         # On ajoute l'agent dans la liste des 'sz' agents

    population = __empty_instance()
    set_agents( population, agents )
    set_env( population, env )
    return population
def get_cells_refs ( env, agent ):
        Renvoie une liste des mouvements possibles aux alentours de l'agent.
    agent_ref = get_pos(agent) # Position agent
    vision = get_vision ( agent ) # Vision agent
    vectors = [] # Liste de vecteurs
    for move in range(-vision, vision+1):
        if move != 0:
            vectors.append( [move,0] )
            vectors.append( [0,move] )
    cells_refs = []
    for vec in vectors:
        cell_ref = u.vector_sum( agent_ref, vec )  # On somme la position de l'agent
        cell = e.get_cell( env, cell_ref ) # La cellule
        if not c.agent_is_present( cell ):
            cells_refs.append( vec )
    cells_refs = list( u.vector_list_sum( cells_refs, agent_ref ) )
    cells_refs.append( agent_ref ) # Car la cellule peut rester sur place
    return cells_refs
def kill(pop, env, agent):
    cell_ref = get_pos(agent)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, cell_ref)
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None) # Dis qu'il n'y a plus d'agent présent dans la cellule
    p.remove_agent(pop, agent) # On retire l'agent de la liste de la population
Exemple #49
def get_cell(agent):
	return e.get_cell(get_env(agent),get_pos(agent))