Exemple #1
 def test_negative_massey_and_cf(self):
     negative test - there is no polynomial logic behind the pi CF sequence.
     with mpmath.workdps(1000):
         rhs = SimpleContinuedFraction.from_irrational_constant(
             mpmath.pi, 200)
         shift_reg = massey.slow_massey(rhs.a_, 5657)
         self.assertTrue(len(shift_reg) > 99)
Exemple #2
 def test_alternating_sign_simple_cf(self):
     f_sym = e / (e - 1)
     shift_reg_cmp = [1, 0, -2, 0, 1]
     f_const = lambdify((), f_sym, modules="mpmath")
     with mpmath.workdps(self.precision):
         lhs = f_sym
         rhs = GeneralizedContinuedFraction.from_irrational_constant(
             f_const, [1, -1] * (self.precision // 10))
         self.compare(lhs, rhs, self.precision // 20)
         shift_reg = massey.slow_massey(rhs.a_, 199)
         self.assertEqual(len(shift_reg), len(shift_reg_cmp))
         for i in range(len(shift_reg)):
             self.assertEqual(shift_reg[i], shift_reg_cmp[i])
Exemple #3
 def test_massey_and_creation_of_simple_continued_fractions(self):
     unittests for our regular continued fractions
     rcf_constants = {
         'e': e,
         'bessel_ratio': besseli(1, 2) / besseli(0, 2),
         'phi': phi
     with mpmath.workdps(self.precision):
         for c in rcf_constants:
             with self.subTest(test_constant=c):
                 lhs = rcf_constants[c]
                 rhs = SimpleContinuedFraction.from_irrational_constant(
                     lambdify((), lhs, modules="mpmath"),
                     self.precision // 5)
                 shift_reg = massey.slow_massey(rhs.a_, 199)
                 self.assertLessEqual(len(shift_reg), 20)
                 self.compare(lhs, rhs, self.precision // 20)
 def find_signed_rcf_conj(self):
     Builds the final domain.
     Iterates throgh the domain:
     Additional checks are performed to exclude degenerated cases.
     If a generic enumeration is given will use it instead of enumerating.
     inter_results = []
     redundant_cycles = set()
     # Enumerate:
     if self.custom_enum is None:
         lhs = self.create_rational_variations_enum()
         if self.do_print:
             print("Substituting " + str(self.const_sym) + ' into generic LHS:')
         strt = time()
         lhs = [var.subs({sympy.symbols('x'): self.const_sym}) for var in self.custom_enum]
         if self.do_print:
             print("Took {} sec".format(time() - strt))
     sign_seqs = []
     for cyc_len in range(self.min_cycle_len, self.max_cycle_len + 1):
         sign_seqs = sign_seqs + list(itertools.product([-1, 1], repeat=cyc_len))
     domain_size = len(lhs) * len(sign_seqs)
     if self.do_print:
         print("De-Facto Domain Size is: {}\n Starting preliminary search...".format(domain_size))
     checkpoint = max(domain_size // 20, 5)
     count = 0
     start = time()
     # Iterate
     bad_variation = []
     for instance in itertools.product(lhs, sign_seqs):
         count += 1
         var, sign_period = instance[0], list(instance[1])
         if var == bad_variation:
         bad_variation = []
         if ''.join([str(c) for c in sign_period]) in redundant_cycles:
         # if this cycle was not redundant it renders some future cycles redundant:
         for i in range(2, (self.max_cycle_len // len(sign_period)) + 1):
             redun = sign_period * i
             redundant_cycles.add(''.join([str(c) for c in redun]))
         var_gen = lambdify((), var, modules="mpmath")
         seq_len = len(sign_period)
         if (count % checkpoint == 0) and (self.do_print):
             print("\n{}% of domain searched.".format(round(100 * count / domain_size, 2)))
             print("{} possible results found".format(len(inter_results)))
             print("{} minutes passed.\n".format(round((time() - start) / 60, 2)))
         b_ = (sign_period * ((self.depth // seq_len) + 1))  # Concatenate periods to form sequence.
         b_ = b_[:self.depth]  # Cut to proper size.
         with mpmath.workdps(self.enum_dps):
                 signed_rcf = GeneralizedContinuedFraction.from_irrational_constant(const_gen=var_gen, b_=b_)
             except ZeroDivisionError:
                 if self.do_print:
                 bad_variation = var
         a_ = signed_rcf.a_
         if 0 in a_:
         if len(a_) < self.depth:
         a_lfsr = list(slow_massey(a_, self.prime))
         if len(a_lfsr) < self.beauty_standard:
             inter_results.append([var, sign_period, a_[:(len(a_lfsr)-1)], a_lfsr])
     return inter_results