def test_explain(self):
        bad_statements = [
            "analyze select 1",
            "create table eek (id int)",
            "drop table eek",
            "alter table eek",
            "insert into eek",
            "update eek",
            "delete from eek",
        for bad_sql in bad_statements:
            with self.assertRaises(ProgrammingError,
                                   msg=f"Failing statement is {bad_sql}"):
                with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
                    res = dbp.explain_sql("analyze select 1")

        expected = [{
            "Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=4)\n  Output: 1",
            "query_text": "select 1"

        with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
            res = dbp.explain_sql("select 1")
            self.assertEqual(res, expected)
    def test_case_ranking(self):
        with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
            res = dbp._case_db_ordering_clause("eek")
            self.assertEqual(res, ("", {}))

        with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU",
                                database_ranking=["zero", "one"]) as dbp:
            case, params = dbp._case_db_ordering_clause("eek")
            case = re.sub(" +", " ", case.replace(os.linesep, " ").lower())
            expected = (
                "case eek when %(db_val_0)s then %(db_rank_0)s " +
                "when %(db_val_1)s then %(db_rank_1)s else %(def_case_val)s end::text || eek"
            self.assertEqual(case, expected)
 def test_del_closes_connection(self):
     """Test that instance delete closes the connection"""
     dbp = DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR)
     _conn = dbp.conn
     del dbp
    def test_handle_lockinfo(self):
        with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
            lockinfo = dbp.get_lock_info()
            if lockinfo:
                self.assertTrue(len(lockinfo) < 500)

            lockinfo = dbp.get_lock_info(limit=1)
            if lockinfo:
                self.assertTrue(len(lockinfo) < 1)
    def test_get_dbsettings(self):
        """Test that the current settings are retrieved from the databsae."""
        with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
            settings = dbp.get_pg_settings()
            self.assertTrue(len(settings) > 0)
            self.assertIn("application_name", (s["name"] for s in settings))

            expected_nsmes = {"application_name", "search_path"}
            settings = dbp.get_pg_settings(setting_names=list(expected_nsmes))
            self.assertEqual({s["name"] for s in settings}, expected_nsmes)
 def test_ssl(self, ca):
     """Test that a certificate file can be used to make a connection."""
     expected = OperationalError
     dbp = None
     exc = None
         dbp = DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR)
     except Exception as e:
         exc = e
     if exc is not None:
         self.assertEqual(expected, type(exc))
 def test_get_stmt_stats(self):
     """Test that statement statistics are returned."""
     with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
         has_pss, pss_ver = dbp._validate_pg_stat_statements()
         if has_pss:
             stats = dbp.get_statement_stats()
             self.assertTrue(0 < len(stats) <= 500)
             self.assertIn("calls", stats[0])
             stats = dbp.get_statement_stats()
             self.assertEqual(len(stats), 1)
             self.assertIn("Result", stats[0])
    def test_handle_offset(self):
        """Test handle offset clause."""
        with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
            params = {}
            res = dbp._handle_offset(None, params)
            self.assertEqual(res, "")
            self.assertEqual(params, {})

            res = dbp._handle_offset(-1, params)
            self.assertEqual(res, "")
            self.assertEqual(params, {})

            res = dbp._handle_offset(10, params)
            self.assertEqual(res.strip(), "offset %(offset)s")
            self.assertEqual(params, {"offset": 10})
    def test_get_conn_activity(self):
        """Test that the correct connection activty is returned."""
        with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
            dbpid = dbp.conn.get_backend_pid()
            activity = dbp.get_activity()
            self.assertTrue(all(a["backend_pid"] != dbpid for a in activity))

            activity = dbp.get_activity(include_self=True)
            self.assertTrue(any(a["backend_pid"] == dbpid for a in activity))

            activity = dbp.get_activity(include_self=True, pid=[dbpid])
            self.assertTrue(all(a["backend_pid"] == dbpid for a in activity))

            activity = dbp.get_activity(
                state=["COMPLETELY INVALID STATE HERE!"])
            self.assertEqual(activity, [])
 def test_get_db_version(self):
     """Test that the db engine version can be retrieved."""
     with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
         ver = dbp.get_pg_engine_version()
         self.assertEqual(ver, SERVER_VERSION)
         self.assertTrue(all(isinstance(v, int) for v in ver))
 def test_bad_sql(self):
     """Test that bad sql will throw an exception."""
     with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
         with self.assertRaises(UndefinedTable):
             dbp._execute("""select * from no_table_here;""")
 def test_separate_connection(self):
     """Test that the DBPerformanceStats class uses a separate connetion"""
     with DBPerformanceStats("KOKU", CONFIGURATOR) as dbp:
         self.assertNotEqual(dbp.conn, connection.connection)
         _conn = dbp.conn