Exemple #1
def pmg2dict(pmg: Structure, as_model=False) -> Union[dict, Crystal]:
    """ Converts a pymatgen.Structure to a matador document/Crystal.

        pmg (pymatgen.Structure): the structure to convert.

    Keyword arguments:
        as_model (bool): if True, return a Crystal instead of a dict.

        Union[dict, Crystal]: the converted structure.

    from matador.utils.ase_utils import ase2dict
    return ase2dict(AseAtomsAdaptor.get_atoms(pmg), as_model=as_model)
Exemple #2
def _ase_cif2dict(fname):
    """ Read cif file into ASE object,
    then convert ASE Atoms into matador document.

        fname (str): cif filename

        (dict, bool): simple matador document with error status.

    import ase.io
    from matador.utils.ase_utils import ase2dict
    fname = fname.replace('.cif', '')
    atoms = ase.io.read(fname + '.cif')
    doc = ase2dict(atoms)

    return doc, True
Exemple #3
 def test_ase2dict(self):
     doc = ase2dict(self.ase_atoms)
                      sorted(["Si", "O", "Si", "O", "Si", "O", "Si", "O"]))
     self.assertListEqual(doc["lattice_cart"][0], [12, 0, 0])
     self.assertListEqual(doc["lattice_cart"][1], [0, 12, 0])
     self.assertListEqual(doc["lattice_cart"][2], [0, 0, 12])
     self.assertListEqual(doc["lattice_abc"][0], [12, 12, 12])
     self.assertListEqual(doc["lattice_abc"][1], [90, 90, 90])
     self.assertAlmostEqual(doc["cell_volume"], 12**3)
     self.assertEqual(len(doc["positions_frac"]), len(doc["atom_types"]))
     self.assertListEqual(doc["positions_frac"][0], [0.5, 0.0, 0.0])
     self.assertListEqual(doc["positions_frac"][1], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
     self.assertListEqual(doc["positions_frac"][3], [0.0, 0.5, 0.0])
     self.assertEqual(doc["num_atoms"], 8)
     self.assertEqual(doc["num_fu"], 4)
     self.assertListEqual(doc["stoichiometry"][0], ["O", 1.0])
     self.assertListEqual(doc["stoichiometry"][1], ["Si", 1.0])
     self.assertListEqual(sorted(list(doc["elems"])), ["O", "Si"])
     self.assertEqual(doc["space_group"], "Fm-3m")
     self.assertDictEqual(doc["ase_info"], self.ase_atoms.info)
Exemple #4
def mp2dict(response):
    """ Convert a response from pymatgen.MPRester into a matador document,
    via an ASE atoms object. Expects certain properties to be requested
    in order to construct a full matador document, e.g. `structure` & `input`.

        response (dict): containing one item of the MPRester response.


    if 'structure' not in response:
        raise RuntimeError('`structure` key missing, nothing to scrape...')

    ase_struct = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_atoms(response['structure'])
    doc = ase2dict(ase_struct)

    doc['source'] = []

    if 'material_id' in response:
        doc['_mp_id'] = response['material_id']

    if 'pf_ids' in response:
        if response['pf_ids']:
            doc['_mp_pf_ids'] = response['pf_ids']
            for _id in doc['_mp_pf_ids']:

    if 'icsd_ids' in response:
        if response['icsd_ids']:
            doc['icsd'] = response['icsd_ids'][0]
        doc['_mp_icsd_ids'] = response['icsd_ids']

    if 'formation_energy_per_atom' in response:
        doc['formation_energy_per_atom'] = response['formation_energy_per_atom']
        doc['enthalpy_per_atom'] = response['formation_energy_per_atom']
        doc['enthalpy'] = doc['enthalpy_per_atom'] * doc['num_atoms']
        doc['formation_energy'] = doc['formation_energy_per_atom'] * doc['num_atoms']

    if 'e_above_hull' in response:
        doc['hull_distance'] = response['e_above_hull']

    if 'doi' in response:
        doc['_mp_doi'] = response['doi']

    if 'snl' in response:
        doc['_mp_references'] = response['snl'].references

    if 'input' in response:
        incar = response['input']['incar']
        if not isinstance(incar, dict):
            incar = incar.as_dict()
        doc['cut_off_energy'] = incar['ENCUT']
        doc['xc_functional'] = 'PBE'
        kpts = response['input']['kpoints']
        doc['kpoints_mp_grid'] = kpts.kpts[0]
        doc['kpoints_mp_offset'] = kpts.kpts_shift
        doc['pressure'] = 0.0
        doc['stress'] = 0.0
        doc['kpoints_mp_spacing'] = calc_mp_spacing(doc['lattice_cart'], doc['kpoints_mp_grid'])
        doc['spin_polarized'] = bool(incar['ISPIN'] - 1)

    return doc
Exemple #5
 def from_ase(cls, atoms):
     from matador.utils.ase_utils import ase2dict
     return ase2dict(atoms, as_model=True)