Exemple #1
def submitnewtask():
    left  = request.args.get('left', type=float)
    bottom  = request.args.get('bottom', type=float)
    right  = request.args.get('right', type=float)
    top  = request.args.get('top', type=float)
    email = request.args.get('email', type=str)
    classification = request.args.get('classification', type=str)

    # email validation
    if not re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", email):
        return jsonify(wronginput = "Invalid email address")
    # classification validation
    if not re.match(r"^(?=\w{1,2}$)([ug]).*", classification):
        return jsonify(wronginput = "Wrong AHN2 classification")
    # selection bounds validation
    ewkt = get_ewkt_from_bounds(left, bottom, right, top)
    if 0 == db_session.query(Tile).filter( Tile.geom.intersects( ewkt ) ).count():
        return jsonify(wronginput = "Selection is empty")
    if not request.remote_addr in app.config['TRUSTED_IP_ADDRESSES'] and get_point_count_estimate_from_ewkt(ewkt) > app.config['MAX_POINT_QUERY_SIZE']:
        return jsonify(wronginput = "At this time we don't accept requests larger than {} points. Draw a smaller selection to continue.".format(format_big_number(app.config['MAX_POINT_QUERY_SIZE'])))

    # new celery task
    result = new_task.apply_async((left, bottom, right, top, classification))
    # store task parameters in db
    task = Task(id=result.id, ahn2_class=classification, emailto=email, geom=get_ewkt_from_bounds(left, bottom, right, top),\
            time_stamp=datetime.datetime.now(), ip_address=request.remote_addr )

    taskurl = url_for('tasks_page', task_id=result.id)
    return jsonify(result = taskurl)
Exemple #2
def new_task(left, bottom, right, top, ahn2_class):
    if ahn2_class == 'ug': ahn2_class = 'u|g'
    ewkt = get_ewkt_from_bounds(left, bottom, right, top)
    # geojson = get_geojson_from_bounds(left, bottom, right, top)
    filenames = db_session.query(Tile.path).filter(Tile.ahn2_class.match(ahn2_class)).filter(Tile.geom.intersects(ewkt)).all()
    filenames = [f[0] for f in filenames]
    output_laz = app.config['RESULTS_FOLDER'] + str(new_task.request.id)+'.laz'
    # this will cause an exception if something goes wrong while calling lasmerge executable
    t0 = time.time()
    lastools.lasmerge(filenames, left, bottom, right, top, output_laz)
    t1 = time.time()

    t = db_session.query(Task).filter(Task.id==str(new_task.request.id)).one()

    infotxt = lastools.lasinfotxt(output_laz)
    info = tile_io.read_lasinfotxt(infotxt)

    t.log_execution_time = t1-t0
    t.log_actual_point_count = info['pointcount']
Exemple #3
def load_tiles_into_db(dataset, glob_expression, bounds=None):
    tile_files = glob.glob(glob_expression)

    tiles = []
    for tile_file in tile_files:
        t = get_tile_from_file(tile_file, bounds)
        t.dataset = dataset

Exemple #4
def submitnewtask():
    left = request.args.get('left', type=float)
    bottom = request.args.get('bottom', type=float)
    right = request.args.get('right', type=float)
    top = request.args.get('top', type=float)
    email = request.args.get('email', type=str)
    classification = request.args.get('classification', type=str)
    dataset_id = request.args.get('dataset_id', type=int)

    # email validation
    if not re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", email):
        return jsonify(wronginput="Invalid email address")
    # classification validation
    if not re.match(r"^([1-9][0-9]?)(,[1-9][0-9]?)*$", classification):
        return jsonify(wronginput="Invalid classification string")
    classification = classification.split(',')
    # dataset validation
    dataset = Dataset.query.get(dataset_id)
    if dataset is None:
        return jsonify(wronginput="Invalid dataset name")
    # selection bounds validation
    ewkt = get_ewkt_from_bounds(left, bottom, right, top)
    if 0 == db_session.query(Tile).filter(Tile.geom.intersects(ewkt)).count():
        return jsonify(wronginput="Selection is empty")
    if not request.remote_addr in app.config[
            'TRUSTED_IP_ADDRESSES'] and get_point_count_estimate_from_ewkt(
                dataset, ewkt) > app.config['MAX_POINT_QUERY_SIZE']:
        return jsonify(
            "At this time we don't accept requests larger than {} points. Draw a smaller selection to continue."

    # new celery task
    result = new_task.apply_async(
        (left, bottom, right, top, dataset_id, classification))
    # store task parameters in db
    task = Task(id=result.id, dataset=dataset, classes=classification, emailto=email, geom=get_ewkt_from_bounds(left, bottom, right, top),\
            time_stamp=datetime.datetime.now(), ip_address=request.remote_addr )

    taskurl = url_for('tasks_page', task_id=result.id)
    return jsonify(result=taskurl)