import soccer_prediction #reload(soccer_prediction) import match_stats import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 10000) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) club_data = pd.read_csv('EPL_dataset.csv') # Don't train on games that ended in a draw, since they have less signal. train = club_data.loc[club_data['points'] <> 1] # train = club_data (model, test) = soccer_prediction.train_model( train, match_stats.get_non_feature_columns()) print "\nRsquared: %0.03g" % model.prsquared
def main(): INPUT1 = './data/raw_data_ready.csv' INPUT2 = './data/game_summaries_mod.csv' WC_INPUT1 = './data/wc_mod.csv' WC_INPUT2 = './data/wc_comp_mod.csv' WC_HOME = './data/wc_home.csv' ODDS_NAMES = './data/odds/team_names.csv' ODDS_PATH = './data/odds/pool/' OUTPUT_GRAPH_PATH = './output/graphs/' GAMBLE_HOUSE = 'B365' t0 = time.time() # ---- Preprocessing ---- # Import databases # raw_data database has information about each match before its # realization and the outcome of the match. Past information is the # average of each attribute among the last six games of each team. Each # observation is a team in a game. There will be 2 observations for # each game played as long as the main database has information about # the last 6 games of both teams. Only three leagues are considered # from 2011 to 2014*: # - MLS (USA) # - Premier League (England) # - La Liga (Spain) # # *It also includes information about WCs: 2014 (only group stage), # 2010 and 2006.'Importing CSV: {0}'.format(INPUT1)) parser2 = lambda date: pd.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f') raw_data = pd.read_csv(INPUT1, index_col=0, header=0, parse_dates=['timestamp'], date_parser=parser2, encoding='utf-8') # game_summaries has information about every match played in the # leagues included from 2011 to 2014 and WC data from 2014, 2010 and # 2006.'Importing CSV: {0}'.format(INPUT2)) game_summaries = pd.read_csv(INPUT2, index_col=0, header=0)'Number of attributes: {0}'.format(raw_data.shape[1]))'Total observations: {0}'.format(len(raw_data))) # Partition the world cup data and the club data. We're only going to # train our model using club data. club_data = raw_data[raw_data['competitionid'] != 4]'Club data observations: {0}'.format(len(club_data))) # Show the features latest game in competition id 4, which is the world # cup. temp_wc = raw_data[raw_data['competitionid'] == 4].iloc[0] # Generate a table with goals and points using club data. points = club_data.replace({'points': { 0: 'lose', 1: 'tie', 3: 'win' }})['points'] goals_points = pd.crosstab(club_data['goals'], points)'Getting descriptive stats:') print('Goals and points:\n{0}'.format(goals_points)) print('\nPoints frequency:\n{0}'.format(points.value_counts())) print('\nGoals frequency:\n{0}'.format(club_data['goals'].value_counts())) # Don't train on games that ended in a draw, since they have less # signal. # TODO We are giving up on predicting draws. Perhaps a better approach # is to use an ordered logit? Or a neural network? train = club_data.loc[club_data['points'] != 1] #train = club_data # ---- Processing ----'Beginning training') # The train_model function also does the following procedures: # - Drop observations that do not have a matching game. All matches # must have two observations. # - Standardized numberical varaibles: (x - mean(x))/sd(x) # - Pick 60% of the club_data randomly and use it as training set. # - Copy data from the opponent team in the same row as the first team. # Then, we estimate a regularized logit. # The target variable is a dummy that is 1 if the first team won and # 0 otherwise. The regularization parameter used is 8. (model, test) = world_cup.train_model(train, match_stats.get_non_feature_columns()) #print('\n{0}'.format(model.summary())) # We print the Pseudo-Rsquared and the odds ratio increase generated by # each attribute.'Rsquared: {0:.3f}'.format(model.prsquared))'Printing the five highest parameters from each category:') print_params(model, 5) # ---- Postprocessing ---- # Using the coefficients of the model, we predict the results of the # test set. results = world_cup.predict_model(model, test, match_stats.get_non_feature_columns()) logger.debug('Results predicted: {0}'.format(len(results))) # Brute force to find the threshold that maximizes the accuracy of # the model.'Calculating optimal threshold') y = [yval == 3 for yval in test['points']] #optimal_threshold = world_cup.get_optimal_threshold( # y, results['predicted']) optimal_threshold = (0.5, 'NA') threshold = optimal_threshold[0]'Optimal threshold is {0} with an accuracy of {1}'.format( optimal_threshold[0], optimal_threshold[1])) # Using the predictions from the test set, we check if we were right. # We do not asume that the probability of team A beating team B and # the probability of team B beating team A add up to 1. In order assure # this, they normalize these probabilities. In this function, the # threshold used to allocate a win to a team is 0.5. This means that, # if the outcome predicted (y_hat) is higher than 0.5, the model # predicts that the first team will be the winner. Also, the function # multiplies y_hat by 100. predictions = world_cup.extract_predictions(results.copy(), results['predicted'], threshold * 100)'First five predictions:\n{0}'.format(predictions.iloc[:5])) # Print True Positives and False Positives using the 0.5 -50- threshold. correct = predictions[(predictions['predicted'] > threshold * 100) & (predictions['points'] == 3)][:5] print('\nCorrect predictions:') print(correct) incorrect = predictions[(predictions['predicted'] > threshold * 100) & (predictions['points'] < 3)][:5] print('\nIncorrect predictions:') print(incorrect) # Compute a baseline, which is the percentage of overall outcomes # are actually wins (remember in soccer we can have draws too). baseline = (sum([yval == 3 for yval in club_data['points']]) * 1.0 / len(club_data)) y = [yval == 3 for yval in test['points']]'Proportion of wins in club data: {0:.3f}'.format(baseline)) # Using the predictions from the test dataset, compute the following # varaibles: # - False Positives -- (y_hat > threshold) != y # - True Positives -- (y_hat > threshold) == y # - False Negatives -- (y_hat < threshold) != y # - True Negatives -- (y_hat < threshold) == y # where, y_hat is the outcome predicted # threshold is the threshold used to allocate a win # y is the real outcome of the match (1 if first team won, # 0 otherwise) # Then, compute the confusion matrix (a summary of these metrics), # the lift metric, the ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic # curve) and the area under the ROC curve (AUC). # # It is important to notice that, in this case, the threshold used is # not 0.5. Instead, the threshold is endogenous and determined by the # amount of Positives of real y. If y has 40% Positives, we will pick # the highest 40% of y_hat estimated and say that these predict a # Positive outcome. In this scenario, the value of y_hat and the # threshold does not have relevance. Instead, the most important rule # to define predictions is to assure that the model predicts the same # amount of Positive observations as the real y. # # TODO: perhaps there is a better approach for choosing the thresholds. # It might be a good idea to brute force it and maximize AUC metric # using the training dataset? Careful with overfitting.'Prediction metrics:') #threshold = world_cup.validate(3, y, results['predicted'], baseline, # compute_auc=True, quiet=False) pl.savefig(OUTPUT_GRAPH_PATH + '/ROC_initial.png') pl.close() # ---- Re-processing ---- # Now, we focus on improving the prediction power of the model. The # previous model lacks information about how tough were the opponents # that each team faced. Therefore, we could have biased predictions if # a team faced weak teams in their last matches. We might fix this # issue by adding a 'power' measure as a new attribute. This new # variable will try to capture the effect of the 'legacy' of a team.'Adding power information') power_cols = [ ('points', points_to_sgn, 'points'), ] game_summaries = game_summaries.sort_values(['seasonid', 'matchid'], ascending=[False, True])'Seasons frequency:\n{0}'.format( game_summaries['seasonid'].value_counts()))'Competitions frequency:\n{0}'.format( game_summaries['competitionid'].value_counts())) # The power attribute tries to predict how likely is a team to win # their matches, using as input only their name. # # Add the power estimated for each team. The power calculations have # been done within leagues. Since teams only face their league # opponents, it would be difficult to assert if team A from league Z # is better than tieam B from league W. We use game_summaries dataset # to create the inputs for the power model because it contains all # the matches played in the seasons selected. # # The power algorithm follows these steps for each league: # 1. Generate a matrix with rows representing games and columns # representing teams. # 2. For each element of the matrix, if the team 'i' participated # match 'j', the element [j,i] of the matrix should be filled # with a one. The value is zero otherwise. Here, teams the # attributes and games are the observations. # 3. Add 0.25 to the element if the team is playing in home. Since # home advantage is important in football, the model should reflect # this fact. Adding 0.25 to the home team will reduce the 'power' # estimated of this team. # 4. Discount older seasons. Games from older seasons should have a # higher value. Therefore, their contribution to the power # estimation should be lower than recent seasons. # 5. The target variable is points obtained by the first team minus # points obtained by the second team. Therefore, the range of this # variables is {-3, 3}. The function points_to_sgn is used to # transform this variable into a binary one. # 6. The model is estimated using a regularized logit. The # regularization parameter starts at 0.5 and decreases each # iteration until at least one coefficient is different than zero. # 7. Extract the odds ratio of each attribute (team) and normalize it, # so the range of the power variable is bounded between {0,1}. # power_data = power.add_power(club_data, game_summaries, power_cols) # Like before, exclude draws from the training set. power_train = power_data.loc[power_data['points'] != 1] #power_train = power_data # Estimate the model using the club data we had plus our new power # variable. (power_model, power_test) = world_cup.train_model(power_train, match_stats.get_non_feature_columns()) # Report new pseudo r-quared.'Rsquared: {0:.3f}, Power Coef {1:.3f}.'.format( power_model.prsquared, math.exp(power_model.params['power_points']))) # Predict the outcomes of the test set. power_results = world_cup.predict_model( power_model, power_test, match_stats.get_non_feature_columns()) logger.debug('Power results predicted: {0}'.format(len(power_results))) # Like before, extract metrics from the new model after predicting # outcomes of the test set. power_y = [yval == 3 for yval in power_test['points']] threshold = world_cup.validate(3, power_y, power_results['predicted'], baseline, compute_auc=True, quiet=False) # Extract predictions power_predictions = world_cup.extract_predictions( power_results.copy(), power_results['predicted'], threshold * 100) power_predictions.to_csv('./output/google/power_predictions.csv') print(power_predictions.head().to_string()) print(power_results.head().to_string()) hi # Print before and after ROC curve. pl.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], '--', color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), label='Luck') # Add the old model to the graph world_cup.validate('old', y, results['predicted'], baseline, compute_auc=True, quiet=False) pl.legend(loc="lower right") pl.savefig(OUTPUT_GRAPH_PATH + '/ROC_power.png') pl.close() # Print estimated odds ratios.'Printing the five highest parameters from each category:') print_params(power_model) hi # ---- ODDS ---- # Generate a list with the headers related to the GAMBLE_HOUSE chosen. # H stands for Home team wins, D for draw, A for Away team wins # TODO implement an algorithm that reads GAMBLE_HOUSE as a list gambling_heads = [GAMBLE_HOUSE + a for a in ['H', 'D', 'A']] # Importing odds data # The CSV file '{league}_{year1}_{year2}' contains information # about the odds rate of multiple gambling houses. We will use # this information to predict if our strategy is profitable. # The CSV file 'team_names' contains the names of the teams that # appear in the oods database and the game_summaries database. # Since I do not have a unique key to link the games between both # databses, I will generate an index using these names. selected_vars = ['Date', 'HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam'] + gambling_heads'Importing CSV: {0}'.format(ODDS_NAMES)) odds_names = pd.read_csv(ODDS_NAMES, header=0, encoding='utf-8') odds_dict = odds.open_odds(ODDS_PATH, selected_vars) # The funtion preprocessing does the following: # 1. Add the correct names provided by odds_names dataset # to the odds dataset. # 2. Generate an unique index that identifies observations # thoughout datasets. # 3. Drops variables that do not appear in odds_vars (irrerlevant # variables). odds_vars = ['index'] + gambling_heads odds_dict = odds.preprocessing(odds_dict, odds_names, odds_vars) #print(odds_dict.values()) # For the odds prediction and gamble we will use the whole dataset. # Since we only have odds information from England and Spain leagues, # we will only use these. Nonetheless, the model was trained using the # the whole dataset (excluding draws - power estimation). # Also, we are using part of the training data to compute the # gambling excercises. In consequence, the gambling excercise will # be an upper bound of the correct excercise. # TODO The correct gambling exercise would require that we only use # past data to estimate the model and allocate gambles. Then, a # re-estimation will be done every 'window' days or observations. # This new estimation will include data from the past window. # # We prepare the data by dropping NAs or games with only one # observation (there must be two observations per game everytime). complete_club_data = world_cup.prepare_data(club_data) complete_club_data = power.add_power(complete_club_data, game_summaries, power_cols) # Use the coefficients from the power model to predict results # from the whole dataset odds_results = world_cup.predict_model( power_model, complete_club_data, match_stats.get_non_feature_columns()) logger.debug('Odds results predicted: {0}'.format(len(odds_results))) # Add odds to the dataframe and generate an index'Adding odds from gambling houses to the results') odds_results['index'] = odds.generate_index(odds_results, 'timestamp', 'team_name', 'op_team_name', order='is_home') odds_results = odds.add_odds(odds_results, odds_dict, 'index', print_list=False) # Keep only (i) variables relevant to the strategy and (ii) results # with odds information strategy_vars = [ 'index', 'timestamp', 'team_name', 'op_team_name', 'competitionid', 'points', 'predicted' ] odds_results = odds.get_matches(odds_results, strategy_vars + gambling_heads) # Validate results with the odds database # TODO get the baseline from the training set - How to chose the # threshold? - CAREFULL this function asumes that draws are the same # as loses. This overestimates the amount of True # Negatives in the sample. odds_y = [yval == 3 for yval in odds_results['points']] threshold = world_cup.validate('odds', odds_y, odds_results['predicted'], baseline, compute_auc=True, quiet=False) pl.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], '--', color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), label='Luck') pl.legend(loc="lower right") pl.savefig(OUTPUT_GRAPH_PATH + '/_old_ROC_ALL.png') pl.close() # TODO improve graphs generated odds_results = odds.get_graphs(odds_results) plt.savefig(OUTPUT_GRAPH_PATH + '/performance.png') plt.close() # Save results odds_results.to_csv('./output/temp1.csv') print(odds_results.iloc[:5])'Matches with odds information: {0}'.format(len(odds_results))) # The gamble function simulates a gambling exercise where the agent has # a fixed budget. He can bet in a window of games. The amount bet in # each match is chosen by the strategy. Currently, there are only two # strategies implemented: # 1. strat_all: bet the whole budget in equal parts on each match in # the window. # 2. strat_kelly_naive: the percentage of the budget bet is chosen by # a naive kelly's rule, which asumes that there is no 'track take'. # This means that the user can still make cancelling bets. # # Then, we compute the cost of the bets and the income recieved. Thus, # we find a new budget for the next window. If the budget is, at any # point, lower than 0.01, the exercise finishes. # # TODO implement cancelling bets under kelly strat. # TODO implement multiple thresholds so we do not predict the whole # sample but only those with the highest probability of winning/losing. # # Obtain gambling results HA_payouts = (gambling_heads[0], gambling_heads[2])'Beginning gamble') gamble_results = odds.gamble(odds_results, threshold=0.5, strategy=odds.strat_kelly_naive, window=10, budget=1000, gamble_heads=HA_payouts)'Final budget: {0:.2f}'.format(gamble_results)) # ---- WC ---- # We begin with the World Cup matches. # Dataset with the WC games and their attributes as an average of the # previous 6 matches. Includes games from older WCs. Does not include # results of matches. wc_data = pd.read_csv(WC_INPUT1, index_col=0, header=0) # Same database as game_summaries. wc_labeled = pd.read_csv(WC_INPUT2, index_col=0, header=0) # Dataset with the home attibute of the national teams in the WC. The # WC was played in Brazil, but Brazil was not the only one considered # as home team. wc_home = pd.read_csv(WC_HOME, index_col=0, header=0) wc_labeled = wc_labeled[wc_labeled['competitionid'] == 4] wc_power_train = game_summaries[game_summaries['competitionid'] == 4].copy() home_override = {} for ii in range(len(wc_home)): row = wc_home.iloc[ii] home_override[row['teamid']] = row['is_home'] # Change is_home attribute of national teams in the WC. wc_data = add_home_override(wc_data, home_override) # When training power data, since the games span multiple competitions, # just set is_home to 0.5. Otherwise when we looked at games from the # 2010 world cup, we'd think Brazil was still at home instead of South # Africa. wc_power_train['is_home'] = 0.5 wc_power_data = power.add_power(wc_data, wc_power_train, power_cols) # Predict the WC using the model we had estimated. wc_results = world_cup.predict_model(power_model, wc_power_data, match_stats.get_non_feature_columns()) wc_with_points = wc_power_data.copy() wc_with_points.index = pd.Index( zip(wc_with_points['matchid'], wc_with_points['teamid'])) wc_labeled.index = pd.Index( zip(wc_labeled['matchid'], wc_labeled['teamid'])) wc_with_points['points'] = wc_labeled['points'] # Extract WC predictions. wc_pred = world_cup.extract_predictions(wc_with_points, wc_results['predicted']) # Reverse our predictions to show the most recent first. wc_pred.reindex(index=wc_pred.index[::-1]) # Show our predictions for the games that have already happenned. print(wc_pred[wc_pred['points'] >= 0.0]) print(wc_pred[~(wc_pred['points'] >= 0)]) time_taken_display(t0) print(' ')