Exemple #1
def test_not_memoized_pair_score_and_topic():
    match_maker = MatchMaker(match_request_since_date='does not matter')
    now = datetime.now().astimezone(timezone.utc)
    match_maker._recent_match_by_profile_pair = {
        key('A', 'B'): {
            'date': now - timedelta(weeks=20)
    match_maker._most_recent_match_by_profile = {
        key('A'): {
            'date': now - timedelta(weeks=20)
        key('B'): {
            'date': now - timedelta(weeks=20)
    match_maker._recent_match_by_profile_pair_and_topic = {
        key('A', 'B', 'science'): {
            'date': now - timedelta(weeks=10)
        key('A', 'B', 'art'): {
            'date': now - timedelta(weeks=20)
    match_maker._match_requests_profile_to_topic = {
        'A': {'science', 'art', 'history'},
        'B': {'science', 'art', 'religion'},
    score, topic = match_maker._not_memoized_pair_score_and_topic('A', 'B')
    assert score > 0
    assert score != int(
    ), "score is a whole number, that's unlikely if we're really exercising the functionality"
    assert topic == 'art'
Exemple #2
def test_boost_based_upon_recency_of_match():
    match_maker = MatchMaker(match_request_since_date='does not matter')
    now = datetime.now().astimezone(timezone.utc)
    match_maker._most_recent_match_by_profile = {
        key('A'): {
            'date': now
        key('B'): {
            'date': now - timedelta(weeks=1)
        key('C'): {
            'date': now - timedelta(weeks=2)
        # key('D'): {'date': now - infinity},  <- no entry is treated as never having met
        # key('E'): {'date': now - infinity},  <- no entry is treated as never having met
    scoreAB = match_maker._boost_based_upon_recency_of_match('A', 'B')
    scoreAC = match_maker._boost_based_upon_recency_of_match('A', 'C')
    scoreAD = match_maker._boost_based_upon_recency_of_match('A', 'D')
    scoreDE = match_maker._boost_based_upon_recency_of_match('D', 'E')
    assert scoreAB < scoreAC < scoreAD < scoreDE, 'there is a larger boost for those who have not met in a while'
    assert scoreDE == 2, \
        'boosts of the individual profiles are additive, and if a player has never been in a match their boost is 1'