Exemple #1
    def test_set_curate(self):
        trial = set_curated(self.trial)
        assert 'curated_on' in trial, trial
        trial = self._check_trial_post(trial)

        # send again
        trial = set_curated(trial)
        assert 'curated_on' in trial, trial
        assert 'last_updated' in trial and trial['last_updated'] == self.today, trial
        for field in self.trial_status_fields:
            assert field in trial['_summary'], '%s\n\n%s' % (trial['_summary'], field)

        # update
        trial = set_updated(trial)
        assert 'curated_on' in trial, trial
        assert 'last_updated' in trial and trial['last_updated'], trial
        for field in self.trial_status_fields:
            assert field in trial['_summary'], '%s\n\n%s' % (trial['_summary'], field)
Exemple #2
    def test_set_curate(self):
        trial = set_curated(self.trial)
        assert 'curated_on' in trial, trial

        # send again
        trial = set_curated(trial)
        assert 'curated_on' in trial, trial
        assert 'last_updated' in trial and trial[
            'last_updated'] == self.today, trial
        for field in self.trial_status_fields:
            assert field in trial['_summary'], '%s\n\n%s' % (trial['_summary'],

        # update
        trial = set_updated(trial)
        assert 'curated_on' in trial, trial
        assert 'last_updated' in trial and trial['last_updated'], trial
        for field in self.trial_status_fields:
            assert field in trial['_summary'], '%s\n\n%s' % (trial['_summary'],
Exemple #3
    def test_set_curate(self):
        trial = set_curated(self.trial)
        assert 'curated_on' in trial, trial
        trial = self._check_trial_post(trial)

        # send again
        trial = set_curated(trial)
        assert 'curated_on' in trial, trial
        assert 'last_updated' in trial and trial[
            'last_updated'] == self.today, trial
        for field in self.trial_status_fields:
            assert field in trial['_summary'], '%s\n\n%s' % (trial['_summary'],

        # update
        trial = set_updated(trial)
        assert 'curated_on' in trial, trial
        assert 'last_updated' in trial and trial['last_updated'], trial
        for field in self.trial_status_fields:
            assert field in trial['_summary'], '%s\n\n%s' % (trial['_summary'],
Exemple #4
    def test_updatedt_with_curatedt(self):

        # set up
        today = dt.datetime.now().strftime('%B %d, %Y')
        old = 'October 27, 2016'
        on_trial['_genomic'] = {'hugo_symbol': [{'value': 'TEST'}]}
        on_trial['_clinical'] = {'disease_status': [{'value': ['TEST']}]}

        # set both dates to OLD
        on_trial['curated_on'] = old
        on_trial['last_updated'] = old
        assert on_trial['curated_on'] == old, self._debug(
            on_trial, 'curated_on')
        assert on_trial['last_updated'] == old, self._debug(
            on_trial, 'last_updated')

        # set "last_updated" to TODAY
        trial = set_updated(on_trial)
        assert trial['curated_on'] == old, self._debug(trial, 'curated_on')
        assert trial['last_updated'] == today, self._debug(
            trial, 'last_updated')

        # check dates are preserved after trial_insert is called
        trial['protocol_no'] = '01-001'
        trial = trial_insert([trial])
        trial = trial[0]
        assert trial['curated_on'] == old, self._debug(trial, 'curated_on')
        assert trial['last_updated'] == today, self._debug(
            trial, 'last_updated')

        # check the other way around
        on_trial['curated_on'] = old
        trial['last_updated'] = old
        assert trial['curated_on'] == old, self._debug(trial, 'curated_on')
        assert trial['last_updated'] == old, self._debug(trial, 'last_updated')

        trial = set_curated(on_trial)
        assert trial['curated_on'] == today, self._debug(trial, 'curated_on')
        assert trial['last_updated'] == today, self._debug(
            trial, 'last_updated')

        trial = trial_insert([trial])
        trial = trial[0]
        assert trial['curated_on'] == today, self._debug(trial, 'curated_on')
        assert trial['last_updated'] == today, self._debug(
            trial, 'last_updated')
Exemple #5
    def test_updatedt_with_curatedt(self):

        # set up
        today = dt.datetime.now().strftime('%B %d, %Y')
        old = 'October 27, 2016'
        on_trial['_genomic'] = {'hugo_symbol': [{'value': 'TEST'}]}
        on_trial['_clinical'] = {'disease_status': [{'value': ['TEST']}]}

        # set both dates to OLD
        on_trial['curated_on'] = old
        on_trial['last_updated'] = old
        assert on_trial['curated_on'] == old, self._debug(on_trial, 'curated_on')
        assert on_trial['last_updated'] == old, self._debug(on_trial, 'last_updated')

        # set "last_updated" to TODAY
        trial = set_updated(on_trial)
        assert trial['curated_on'] == old, self._debug(trial, 'curated_on')
        assert trial['last_updated'] == today, self._debug(trial, 'last_updated')

        # check dates are preserved after trial_insert is called
        trial = trial_insert([trial])
        trial = trial[0]
        assert trial['curated_on'] == old, self._debug(trial, 'curated_on')
        assert trial['last_updated'] == today, self._debug(trial, 'last_updated')

        # check the other way around
        on_trial['curated_on'] = old
        trial['last_updated'] = old
        assert trial['curated_on'] == old, self._debug(trial, 'curated_on')
        assert trial['last_updated'] == old, self._debug(trial, 'last_updated')

        trial = set_curated(on_trial)
        assert trial['curated_on'] == today, self._debug(trial, 'curated_on')
        assert trial['last_updated'] == today, self._debug(trial, 'last_updated')

        trial = trial_insert([trial])
        trial = trial[0]
        assert trial['curated_on'] == today, self._debug(trial, 'curated_on')
        assert trial['last_updated'] == today, self._debug(trial, 'last_updated')
Exemple #6
def index():

    # set headers.
    headers = {
        'Basic ' +

    # render the form.
    if request.method == 'GET':

        # render the page
        return _render_trials()

    # render the response
        # check if the post request has the file part
        if 'file' not in request.files:
            return "no file"
            #return redirect(request.url)

        # ensure file is present.
        file = request.files['file']
        if file.filename == '':
            return "empty filename"

        if file:

            # create trial.
                # load the trial.
                trial_new = yaml.load(file)

            except yaml.YAMLError as exc:

                # set yaml error.
                r_code = 512
                r_text = exc
                return "%s</br></br>%s" % (r_code, r_text)

            # Deal with "disease_site_code" type exception
            trial_new = _handle_exc(trial_new)

            # create the request.
            qstr = "where=%s" % json.dumps(
                    "protocol_no": trial_new['protocol_no']

            # get the trial list from db.
            url = '%s/trial?%s' % (API_ADDRESS, qstr)
            r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
            output = r.json()

            # set curated on field
            trial_new = set_curated(trial_new)

            # detected a new trial.
            if len(output['_items']) == 0:

                # post the trial.
                url = '%s/trial' % (API_ADDRESS)
                r = requests.post(url, json=trial_new, headers=headers)
                r_code = r.status_code
                r_text = r.text


                # get info.
                trial = output['_items'][0]
                trial_id = str(trial['_id'])
                etag = trial['_etag']

                # strip meta
                for key in list(trial.keys()):
                    if key[0] == "_":
                        del trial[key]
                trial['_id'] = trial_id

                # add the defaults
                headers['If-Match'] = etag

                # post the trial.
                url = '%s/trial/%s' % (API_ADDRESS, trial_id)
                r = requests.put(url, json=trial_new, headers=headers)
                r_code = r.status_code
                r_text = json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4)

            # render index if good.
            if r_code > 199 and r_code < 300:
                return _render_trials()

            # render the error
            return "%s</br></br>%s" % (r_code, r_text)