Exemple #1
def tosector0(pos):
    px, py = pos
    px = abs(px)
    py = abs(py)
    if py < 1 / math.sqrt(3) * px:
        px, py = math.R(math.radians(60), (px, py))
    elif py < math.sqrt(3) * px:
        px, py = R1((px, py))
    return px, py
Exemple #2
 def polygon(self, f=1):
     theta = 30 if math.dot(self.pos, (C15, -S15)) < 0 else -60
     theta = -60
     R = math.R(math.radians(theta))
     w, h = self.size
     w *= f
     h *= f
     sx, sy = self.pos
     ds = [R(p) for p in ((0, h), (w, 0), (w, -0.8), (-w, -0.8), (-w, 0))]
     return [(sx + dx, sy + dy) for dx, dy in ds]
Exemple #3
 def polygon(self, f=1):
     sx, sy = self.anchors[0]
     sw, sh = self.size
     sw *= f
     sh *= 0.5 + 0.5 * f
     R = math.R(-math.atan2(sx, sy))
     ps = (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 0.7), (-1, 1), (0, 0), (-1, -1), (0,
                                                                -0.7), (1,
     ds = [R((dx * sw, dy * sh)) for (dx, dy) in ps]
     return [(sx + dx, sy + dy) for dx, dy in ds]
Exemple #4
def shapecontains(shape, pos):
    sx, sy = shape["pos"]
    theta = math.atan2(sx, sy) if sx or sy else 0
    dx, dy = math.R(theta, pos)
    dy -= math.length((sx, sy))
    if shape["type"] == "circle":
        return math.length(dx, dy) <= shape["r"]
    if shape["type"] == "shard":
        sw, sh = shape["size"]
        return abs(dx / sw) + abs(dy / sh) < 1
    if shape["type"] == "blade":
        w = shape["width"]
        dx = abs(dx / w)
        dy /= 4 * w
        return (dy < 0 and dx < 1) or (dy >= 0 and dx + dy < 1)
Exemple #5
def anchor(Fspot, anchor, color):
    p = view.BconvertF(Fspot, anchor)
    pygame.draw.circle(pview.screen, pygame.Color("black"), T(p), T(10))
    pygame.draw.circle(pview.screen, pygame.Color(color), T(p), T(7))

# m = tan(60deg) = sqrt(3)
# A = 1/(1+m^2) [1-m^2, 2m, 2m, m^2 - 1] = 1/4 [-2, 2sqrt(3), 2sqrt(3), 2]
def R1(pos):
    x, y = pos
    m = math.sqrt(3)
    return (-x + m * y) / 2, (m * x + y) / 2

R2 = math.R(math.radians(-60))

def dim(color, amount=1):
    return ptext._applyshade(color, 0.2 * amount)

def sectorpoly(sectorimgs, ps0, color):
    s = sectorimgs[0].get_height()
    pygame.draw.polygon(sectorimgs[0], color,
                        I([(x * s, (1 - y) * s) for x, y in ps0]))
    if len(sectorimgs) > 1:
        ps1 = [R1(p) for p in ps0]
        pygame.draw.polygon(sectorimgs[1], color,
                            I([(x * s, (1 - y) * s) for x, y in ps1]))
    if len(sectorimgs) > 2: