Exemple #1
def move():
    x = tur.xcor() + v0 *0.1* cos(alpha) * t
    y = tur.ycor() + v0 * sin(alpha) * t - (g * t ** 2) / 2
    g = 9.8
    v0 = 25
    alpha = 67 * 3.14 / 180
    t = 0
    i = 0
    while i != 2:
        h_max = (v0**2 * sin(alpha)**2) / (2 * g)
        print('h_max = ', h_max)

        while t != 22.5:
            t += 0.1
            x = tur.xcor() + v0 * 0.2 * cos(alpha) * t
            y = tur.ycor() + v0 * 0.8 * sin(alpha) * t - (g * t**2) / 2
            print('UP', x, y)
            tur.goto(x, y)
            if tur.ycor() <= 0:

        print('x = ', c(tur.xcor()), 'y = ', c(tur.ycor()))
        tur.goto(x, y)
        t += 0.5
        i += 1
def rtolatlong(r_p, planet):
    # From PCPF to LLA through Bowring's method https://www.mathworks.com/help/aeroblks/ecefpositiontolla.html;jsessionid=2ae36964c7d5f2115d2c21286db0?nocookie=true
    x_p = r_p[0]
    y_p = r_p[1]
    z_p = r_p[2]

    f = (planet.Rp_e - planet.Rp_p) / planet.Rp_e  # flattening
    e = (1 - (1 - f)**2)  # ellipticity (NOTE =  considered as square)
    r = (x_p**2 + y_p**2)**0.5

    # Calculate initial guesses for reduced latitude (latr) and planet-detic latitude (latd)
    latr = at(z_p / ((1 - f) * r))  # reduced latitude
    latd = at((z_p + (e * (1 - f) * planet.Rp_e * s(latr)**3) / (1 - e)) /
              (r - e * planet.Rp_e * c(latr)**3))

    # Recalculate reduced latitude based on planet-detic latitude
    latr2 = at((1 - f) * s(latd) / c(latd))
    diff = latr - latr2

    # Iterate until reduced latitude converges
    while diff > 1e-10:
        latr = latr2
        latd = at((z_p + (e * (1 - f) * planet.Rp_e * s(latr)**3) / (1 - e)) /
                  (r - e * planet.Rp_e * c(latr)**3))
        latr2 = at((1 - f) * s(latd) / c(latd))
        diff = latr - latr2
    lat = latd

    #Calculate longitude
    lon = atan2(y_p, x_p)  # -180<lon<180
    #Calculate altitude
    N = planet.Rp_e / (
        1 - e * s(lat)**2)**0.5  # radius of curvature in the vertical prime
    alt = r * c(lat) + (z_p + e * N * s(lat)) * s(lat) - N
    return [alt, lat, lon]
Exemple #3
def make_mass_matrix(robot):

    :param robot:
    :return: mass matrix

    I, m, l, r = robot.unpack()
    theta_1 = robot.q[0]
    theta_2 = robot.q[1]
    theta_3 = robot.q[2]

    M_11 = I[1][1] * s(theta_2) ** 2 + I[2][1] * s(theta_2 + theta_3) ** 2 + \
           I[0][2] + I[1][2] * c(theta_2) ** 2 + \
           I[1][2] * c(theta_2 + theta_3) ** 2
    M_12 = 0

    M_13 = 0
    M_21 = 0
    M_22 = I[1][0] + I[2][0] + m[2] * l[0] ** 2 + \
           m[1] * r[0] ** 2 + m[1] ** 2 + \
           2 * m[2] * l[0] * r[1] * c(theta_3)

    M_23 = I[2][0] + m[2] * r[1] ** 2 + \
           m[2] * l[0] * r[1] * c(theta_3)

    M_31 = 0
    M_32 = I[2][0] + m[2] * r[1] ** 2 + \
           m[2] * l[1] * r[1] * c(theta_3)
    M_33 = I[2][0] + m[2] * r[1]**2

    M = np.matrix([[M_11, M_12, M_13], [M_21, M_22, M_23], [M_31, M_32, M_33]])
    return M
def r_pintor_i(r_p, v_p, planet, t, t_prev):
    # From PCPF (planet centered/planet fixed) to PCI (planet centered inertial)
    rot_angle = -np.linalg.norm(planet.omega) * (t + t_prev)  # rad
    L_pi = [[c(rot_angle), s(rot_angle), 0], [-s(rot_angle),
                                              c(rot_angle), 0], [0, 0, 1]]

    r_i = np.inner((L_pi), r_p)
    v_i = np.inner((L_pi), (v_p + np.cross(planet.omega, r_p)))
    return r_I, v_I
def alfadeltartor(R_RA_DEC):
    # From Geocentric Celestial Reference Frame (GCRF) to  PCI (Planet Centered Inertial)
    R = R_RA_DEC[0]
    RA = R_RA_DEC[1]
    DEC = R_RA_DEC[2]

    x = R * c(DEC) * c(RA)
    y = R * c(DEC) * s(RA)
    z = R * s(DEC)
    return [x, y, z]
def r_intor_p(r_i, v_i, planet, t, t_prev):
    # From PCI (planet centered inertial) to PCPF (planet centered/planet fixed)
    rot_angle = np.linalg.norm(planet.omega) * (t + t_prev)  # rad
    # print(t,rot_angle)
    L_pi = [[c(rot_angle), s(rot_angle), 0], [-s(rot_angle),
                                              c(rot_angle), 0], [0, 0, 1]]

    r_p = np.inner(L_pi, r_i)

    #V_pf_pci = v_i - np.cross(planet.omega, r_i);  #planet relative velocity in PCI frame
    v_p = np.inner(L_pi, (v_i - np.cross(planet.omega, r_i)))

    return r_p, v_p
def make_coriolis_matrix(robot):
    :param: robot
    :return: coriolis matrix

    I, m, l, r = robot.unpack
    theta_1 = robot.q[0]
    theta_2 = robot.q[1]
    theta_3 = robot.q[2]

    theta_23 = theta_2 + theta_3
    C =  np.zeros(shape=(3,3))

    gamma_001 = 0.5*( I[1][2] - I[2][2] - m[1]*r[1]**2)*s(2*theta_2) + 0.5*(  I[2][1] - I[2][2] )*s(2*theta_23) \
                 -m[2]*(l[1]*c(theta_2) + r[2]*c(theta_23))*(l[1]*s(theta_2) + r[2] *s(theta_23))

    gamma_002 = 0.5*(I[2][1] - I[2][2])*c(2*theta_23) -m[2]*r[2]*s(theta_23)*(l[1] *c(theta_2) + r[2]*c(theta_23))

    gamma_010 = 0.5*(I[1][1] - I[1][2] - m[1]*r[1]**2 )*c(2*theta_2) + 0.5*( I[2][1] - I[2][2])*c(2*theta_2) \
                - m[2]*(  l[1]*c(theta_2) + r[2]*c(theta_23) )*( l[1]*s(theta_2) + r[2]*s(theta_23)  )

    gamma_020 = 0.5*( I[2][1] - I[2][2] )*s(2*theta_23) - m[2]*r[2]*s(theta_23)*( l[1]*c(theta_2) + r[2]*c(theta_23))

    gamma_100 = 0.5*(I[1][2] - I[1][1] + m[1]*r[1]**2)*s(2*theta_2) + 0.5*(I[2][2] - I[2][1])*s(2*theta_23) + \
                m[2]*( l[1]*c(theta_2) + r[2]*c(theta_23) )*(l[1]*s(theta_2) +  r[2]*s(theta_23) )

    gamma_112 = -l[1]*m[2]*r[2]*s(theta_3)

    gamma_121 = gamma_112
    gamma_122 = gamma_112

    gamma_200 = 0.5*(I[2][2] - I[2][1]) + m[1]*r[2]*s(theta_23)*(l[1]*c(theta_2) + r[2]*c(theta_23))
    gamma_211 = l[1]*m[2]*r[2]*s(theta_3)

    C[0,0] = gamma_001 + gamma_002
    C[0, 1] = gamma_010
    C[0, 2] = gamma_020
    C[1,0] = gamma_100
    C[1, 1] = gamma_112
    C[1, 2] = gamma_121 + gamma_122

    C[2,0] = gamma_200
    C[2,1] = gamma_211

    return np.asmatrix(C)
def latlongtoNED(H_LAN_LON):
    lon = H_LAN_LON[2]
    lat = H_LAN_LON[1]
    # Compute first in xyz coordinates(z: north pole, x - z plane: contains r, y: completes right - handed set)
    uDxyz = [-c(lat), 0, -s(lat)]
    uNxyz = [-s(lat), 0, c(lat)]
    uExyz = [0, 1, 0]

    # Rotate by longitude to change to PCPF frame
    L3 = [[c(lon), -s(lon), 0], [s(lon), c(lon), 0], [0, 0, 1]]
    uN = np.inner(L3, uNxyz)
    uE = np.inner(L3, uExyz)
    uD = np.inner(L3, uDxyz)

    return [uD, uN, uE]
def poseFromOdom(X0, Y0, THETA0, v, v_var, om, om_var):
    X = []
    Y = []
    THETA = []

    dt = 0.1
    for i in range(1, len(v)):
        nv = np.random.normal(0, v_var)
        nom = np.random.normal(0, om_var)

        x = X[i - 1] + dt * c(THETA[i - 1]) * (v[i] + nv)
        y = Y[i - 1] + dt * s(THETA[i - 1]) * (v[i] + nv)
        theta = THETA[i - 1] + dt * (om[i] + nom)


    X = np.asarray(X)
    Y = np.asarray(Y)
    THETA = np.asarray(THETA)

    return (X, Y, THETA)
def rtoalfadeltar(r):
    # From PCI (Planet Centered Inertial) to Geocentric Celestial Reference Frame (GCRF)
    #Conversion between x,y,z and right ascension (RA), declination (dec), distance from the center of the planet (r)
    x = r[0]
    y = r[1]
    z = r[2]
    r = (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)**(0.5)
    l, m, n = x / r, y / r, z / r

    dec = asin(n)
    if m > 0:
        RA = ac(l / c(dec))
        RA = 2 * np.pi - ac(l / c(dec))

    return [r, RA, dec]
def latlongtor(LATLONGH, planet, alfa_g0, t,
               t0):  #maybe need to add t_prev orbit
    #From Geodetic to PCI
    phi = LATLONGH[0]  #geodetic latitude
    lam = LATLONGH[1]  #longitude
    h = LATLONGH[2]  #altitude

    a = planet.Rp_e
    b = planet.Rp_p
    e = (1 - b**2 / a**2)**0.5
    alfa = lam + alfa_g0 + planet.omega[2] * (t - t0)
    const = a / (1 - e**2 * s(phi)**2) + h
    x = const * c(phi) * c(alfa)
    y = const * c(phi) * s(alfa)
    z = const * s(phi)

    return [x, y, z]
Exemple #12
def get_r_hat(in_blocks, out_blocks):
    from math import ceil as c
    inb = in_blocks
    r_hat = tuple([
        inb.shape[i] * (c(out_blocks.shape[i] / in_blocks.shape[i]))
        for i in range(in_blocks.ndim)
    array = in_blocks.array
    message = 'Cannot find r hat'
    assert (all(array.shape[i] % r_hat[i] == 0 for i in (0, 1, 2))), message
    return r_hat
def solution(n, stations, w):
    d = []
    a = 0
    for i in range(1, len(stations)):
        d.append(stations[i] - w - 1 - stations[i - 1] - w)
    d.append(stations[0] - w - 1)
    d.append(n - stations[-1] - w)
    for i in d:
        if i <= 0: continue
        a += c(i / (2 * w + 1))
    return a
    def update_states(self, ft, tx, ty, tz):
        roll_ddot = ((self.Iy - self.Iz) /
                     self.Ix) * (self.pitch_dot * self.yaw_dot) + tx / self.Ix
        pitch_ddot = ((self.Iz - self.Ix) /
                      self.Iy) * (self.roll_dot * self.yaw_dot) + ty / self.Iy
        yaw_ddot = ((self.Ix - self.Iy) /
                    self.Iz) * (self.roll_dot * self.pitch_dot) + tz / self.Iz
        x_ddot = -(ft / self.m) * (s(self.roll) * s(self.yaw) +
                                   c(self.roll) * c(self.yaw) * s(self.pitch))
        y_ddot = -(ft / self.m) * (c(self.roll) * s(self.yaw) * s(self.pitch) -
                                   c(self.yaw) * s(self.roll))
        z_ddot = -1 * (self.g - (ft / self.m) * (c(self.roll) * c(self.pitch)))

        self.roll_dot += roll_ddot * DT
        self.roll += self.roll_dot * DT
        self.pitch_dot += pitch_ddot * DT
        self.pitch += self.pitch_dot * DT
        self.yaw_dot += yaw_ddot * DT
        self.yaw += self.yaw_dot * DT

        self.x_dot += x_ddot * DT
        self.x += self.x_dot * DT
        self.y_dot += y_ddot * DT
        self.y += self.y_dot * DT
        self.z_dot += z_ddot * DT
        self.z += self.z_dot * DT

        self.states = np.array([
            self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw, self.roll_dot, self.pitch_dot,
            self.yaw_dot, self.x_dot, self.y_dot, self.z_dot, self.x, self.y,

Exemple #15
def get_jacobian_matricies(robot):

    :param robot:

    I, m, l, r = robot.unpack()
    theta_1 = robot.q[0]
    theta_2 = robot.q[1]
    theta_3 = robot.q[2]

    J_1 = np.zeros(shape=(6, 3))
    J_1[5, 0] = 1

    J_2 = np.matrix([[-r[0] * c(theta_2), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, -r[0], 0],
                     [0, -1, 0], [-s(theta_2), 0, 0], [c(theta_2), 0, 0]])

    J_3 = np.matrix([[l[1] * c(theta_2) - r[1] * c(theta_2 + theta_3), 0, 0],
                     [0, l[0] * s(theta_1), 0],
                     [0, -l[1] - l[0] * c(theta_3), -r[1]], [0, -1, -1],
                     [-s(theta_2 + theta_3), 0, 0],
                     [c(theta_2 + theta_3), 0, 0]])

    return (J_1, J_2, J_3)
Exemple #16
 def from_dh(dh_params):
     d, theta, a, alpha = dh_params
     return Frame(
             c(theta), -s(theta) * c(alpha),
             s(theta) * s(alpha), a * c(theta)
                       c(theta) * c(alpha), -c(theta) * s(alpha),
                       a * s(theta)
                   ], [0., s(alpha), c(alpha), d], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]))
Exemple #17
def make_gravity_matrix(robot):

    :param robot:
    :return: gravity matix
    I, m, l, r = robot.unpack()
    theta_1 = robot.q[0]
    theta_2 = robot.q[1]

    gravity = 9.81

    G_1 = 0

    G_2 = -(m[1] * r[0] + m[2] * l[0]) * gravity * c(theta_2) \
          - m[2] * r[1] * c(theta_2 + theta_3)

    G_3 = -m[2] * gravity * r[1] * c(theta_2 + theta_3)

    G = np.matrix([[G_1], [G_2], [G_3]])

    return G
Exemple #18
 def from_dh_modified(dh_params):
     d, theta, a, alpha = dh_params
     return Frame(
         np.array([[c(theta), -s(theta), 0, a],
                       s(theta) * c(alpha),
                       c(theta) * c(alpha), -s(alpha), -s(alpha) * d
                       s(theta) * s(alpha),
                       c(theta) * s(alpha),
                       c(alpha) * d
                   ], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]))
Exemple #19
def main():
    n, x = map(int, input().split())
    a = list(map(int, input().split()))
    i = n - 1
    r = 0
    while n > 0:
        # for i in range(n-1,0,-1):
        nd = c(x / a[i])
        i -= nd
        n -= nd
        r += 1
        if nd == 1:
            n -= 1
            i -= 1

Exemple #20
def T(i, j):
    theta_i = math.radians(dh_table[i][3])
    a_j = dh_table[j][1]
    alpha_j = math.radians(dh_table[j][0])
    d_i = dh_table[i][2]
    return np.array([[c(theta_i), -s(theta_i), 0, a_j],
                         c(alpha_j) * s(theta_i),
                         c(alpha_j) * c(theta_i), -s(alpha_j),
                         -d_i * s(alpha_j)
                         s(alpha_j) * s(theta_i),
                         s(alpha_j) * c(theta_i),
                         c(alpha_j), d_i * c(alpha_j)
                     ], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
Exemple #21
def fk(robot):

    :param robot:
    I, m, l, r = robot.unpack()
    theta_1 = robot.q[0]
    theta_2 = robot.q[1]
    theta_3 = robot.q[2]

    pose_1 = (0, 0, l[0])

    pose_2 = (l[1] * c(theta_2) * c(theta_1), l[1] * c(theta_2) * c(theta_1),
              l[0] + l[2] * s(theta_2))

    pose_3 = (
                 ( l[1]*c(theta_2) + l[2]*c(theta_2 + theta_3) )*c(theta_1), \
                 ( l[1]*c(theta_2) + l[2]*c(theta_2 + theta_3))*s(theta_1), \
                 ( l[0] + l[1]*s(theta_1) + l[2]*s(theta_2+theta_3))

    return (pose_1, pose_2, pose_3)
Exemple #22
def ik(robot, pose):

    :param robot:
    :param pose:
    I, m, l, r = robot.unpack()
    x = pose[0]
    y = pose[1]
    z = pose[2]

    theta_1 = math.atan2(y, z)
    theta_3 = -math.acos(
        (x * x + y * y + (z - l[0])**2 - l[1] * l[1] - l[2] * [2]) /
        (2 * l[1] * [2])) - 0.5 * math.pi
    theta_2 = math.atan2(z - l[0], math.sqrt(x * x, y * y)) - math.atan2(
        l[2] * s(theta_3), l[1] + l[2] * c(theta_3))

    return (theta_1, theta_2, theta_3)
def fk(joints):

    :param robot:
    l = helper.get_lengths()

    theta_1 = joints[0]
    theta_2 = joints[1]
    theta_3 = joints[2]

    pose_1 = (0,0,l[0])

    pose_2 = ( l[1]*c(theta_2)*c(theta_1), l[1]*c(theta_2)*s(theta_1), l[0] + l[2]*s(theta_2) )

    pose_3 = (
                 ( l[1]*c(theta_2) + l[2]*c(theta_2 + theta_3) )*c(theta_1), \
                 ( l[1]*c(theta_2) + l[2]*c(theta_2 + theta_3))*s(theta_1), \
                 ( l[0] + l[1]*s(theta_2) + l[2]*s(theta_2+theta_3))

    return  pose_1, pose_2, pose_3
Exemple #24
def century(year):
    return c(year/100)
Exemple #25
from math import sin as s, cos as c, log as ln
x = 30
v = (s(x) + c(x) - ln(x))
Exemple #26
def extrensic_matrix_IC(params: dict):
    Return the extrensic matrix for converting from camera  
    to world coordinates. 
    from math import sin as s
    from math import cos as c
    from math import radians
    y = radians(params["yaw"])  # yaw           [radians]
    p = radians(params["pitch"])  # pitch         [radians]
    r = radians(params["roll"])  # roll          [radians]
    x_ext = params["x_t"]  # Translation x [meters]
    y_ext = params["y_t"]  # Translation y [meters]
    z_ext = params["z_t"]  # Translation z [meters]

    # Rotation from camera to vehicle
    R_CV = np.array([[
        c(r) * c(p),
        c(r) * s(p) * s(y) - s(r) * c(y),
        c(r) * s(p) * c(y) + s(r) * s(y)
                         s(r) * c(p),
                         s(r) * s(p) * s(y) + c(r) * c(y),
                         s(r) * s(p) * c(y) - c(y) * s(r)
                     ], [-s(p), c(p) * s(y), c(p) * c(y)]])

    # Translation from camera to vehicle
    t_CV = np.array([[x_ext], [y_ext], [z_ext]])

    return np.hstack((R_CV, t_CV))
Exemple #27
from math import sqrt as s, pow as p, ceil as c, floor, pi, e
x = s(26)
print("Floor value " +
      str(floor(x)))  #floor is the lower value while rounding figure
print("Ceil value " +
      str(c(x)))  #ceil is the upper value while rounding figure
print("Power of " + str(p(2, 31)))
print("Pi value " + str(pi))
print("e value " + str(e))

import math as m
x = m.sqrt(26)
print("Floor value " +
      str(m.floor(x)))  #floor is the lower value while rounding figure
print("Ceil value " +
      str(m.ceil(x)))  #ceil is the upper value while rounding figure
print("Power of " + str(m.pow(2, 31)))
print("Pi value " + str(m.pi))
print("e value " + str(m.e))
Exemple #28
from jolly.map import LocationMask as FiringArc
from math import floor as f
from math import ceil as c

_tests = {
    'RF' : lambda x, y: x >= 0 and y + f(x / 2) <= 0,
    'LF' : lambda x, y: x <= 0 and y + f(-x / 2) <= 0,
    'R' : lambda x, y: x >= 0 and y + f(x / 2) >= 0 and y - c(x / 2) <= 0,
    'L' : lambda x, y: x <= 0 and y + f(-x / 2) >= 0 and y - c(-x / 2) <= 0,
    'RR' : lambda x, y: x >= 0 and y - c(x / 2) >= 0,
    'LR' : lambda x, y: x <= 0 and y - c(-x / 2) >= 0,
    'FH' : lambda x, y: y <= 0,
    'RH' : lambda x, y: x % 2 == 0 and y >= 0 or y > 0,
    'RP' : lambda x, y: (y + f(x / 2) * 3 + (0, 2)[x % 2]) <= 0,
    'LP' : lambda x, y: (y + f(-x / 2) * 3 + (0, 2)[x % 2]) <= 0,
    'RPR' : lambda x, y: (y + f(-x / 2) * 3 + (0, 2)[x % 2]) >= 0,
    'LPR' : lambda x, y: (y + f(x / 2) *  3 + (0, 2)[x % 2]) >= 0,
    'ALL' : lambda x, y: True }

del f
del c

RF = FiringArc('RF', (_tests['RF'],))
LF = FiringArc('LF', (_tests['LF'],))
R = FiringArc('R', (_tests['R'],))
L = FiringArc('L', (_tests['L'],))
RR = FiringArc('RR', (_tests['RR'],))
LR = FiringArc('LR', (_tests['LR'],))
FH = FiringArc('FH', (_tests['FH'],))
RH = FiringArc('RH', (_tests['RH'],))
RP = FiringArc('RP', (_tests['RP'],))
Exemple #29
from math import floor as f, ceil as c, sqrt

myNum = -44
myNumStr = str(myNum)
print("This is a string number " + myNumStr)
# print("This is a non string number " + myNum)

print("Absolute:\t" + str(abs(myNum)))
print("Power:\t\t" + str(pow(myNum, 2)))
print("Max:\t\t" + str(max(1, 3, 5, 6)))
print("Round\t\t" + str(round(4.49)))
print("Floor\t\t" + str(f(4.99)))
print("Ceil\t\t" + str(c(4.01)))
print("Sqrt\t\t" + str(sqrt(144)))

inNumber = input("Enter a number\n")
print("The number you entered is " + str(inNumber))
Exemple #30
from math import ceil as c
n, q = map(int, input().split())
l = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
for i in range(q):
    a, b = map(int, input().split())
    t = (b * (b + 1)) / 2
    a = a - 1
    r = (a * (a + 1)) / 2
    t = t - r
    o = b - a
    print(c(t // o))
def transform_matrix(px, py, pz, r, p, y):
    """given pose coordinates px,py,pz and euler angles
    for roll, pitch, yaw, return the 4*4 homogenous
    matrix representing that transformation from base"""

    # this is just the matrix representing translation by px, py, pz
    # then rotation around z, y, x in that order (yaw, pitch, roll)
    transform = np.asarray([[
        c(y) * c(p),
        c(y) * s(p) * s(r) - s(y) * c(r),
        c(y) * s(p) * c(r) + s(y) * s(r), px
                                s(y) * c(p),
                                s(y) * s(p) * s(r) + c(y) * c(r),
                                s(y) * s(p) * c(r) - c(y) * s(r), py
                            ], [-s(p), c(p) * s(r),
                                c(p) * c(r), pz], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    # aren't we glad we made it compact?
    return transform
import math as m
# m ist neu der Name des mathematischen Module 
v = m.sin(m.pi)
print v

from math import log as ln 
v = ln(5)
print v

from math import sin as s, cos as c, log as ln 

x = m.pi
v = s(x)*c(x) + ln(x)
print v