def pmv_hoppe_iso( t, rh, wind, mtrad, iclo):
	eta = 0.01; # Mechanical efficiency
	age = 35.0; # Age
	mbody = 75.0; # Weigth in kg
	ht = 1.75; # Heigth in m
	tcl = 30.005
	MAX_LOOP = 200
	tcl_eps = 0.05
	eps = 0.97
	sigm = 5.67e-8
	adu = 0.203 * math.pow(mbody, 0.425) * math.pow(ht, 0.725)
	metbf = 3.19 * math.pow(mbody, (3.0/4.0)) * (1.0 + 0.004* (30.0- age)+0.018 * ((ht * 100.0/ math.pow(mbody, (1.0/3.0))) - 42.1)) 
	metbm = 3.45 * math.pow(mbody, (3.0/4.0)) * (1.0 + 0.004* (30.0- age)+0.010 * ((ht * 100.0/ math.pow(mbody, (1.0/3.0))) - 43.4)) 
	vpa = (rh / 100) * 6.105 * math.pow(2.718281828, ( 17.27*t / ( 237.7 + t ) ))
	fcl = 1.0 + iclo * 0.15
	metb = metabolism(t)
	metf = metbf + metb
	metm = metbm + metb
	metb = (metf+metm)/2.0
	h = metb * (1.0 - eta)
	aef = 0.71 * fcl * adu
	p1 = 35.7 - 0.032 * (metb / (adu * 1.16))* (1 - eta)
	tcl1 = tcl
	for x in range(0, MAX_LOOP_HALF):
		if x < MAX_LOOP_HALF:
			hc = 12.06 * math.sqrtf(wind)
			abhc = 0.0
			hc = 2.38 * math.pow(fabsf(tcl1 - t), 4.0)
			abhc = 0.6 * fabsf(math.pow((tcl1 - t), -0.75))
		tcl2 = p1 - 0.155 * iclo * (3.94 * 0.00000001* fcl *(math.pow((tcl1 + 273.2),4.0)- math.pow((mtrad+ 273.2), 4.0))+fcl * hc* (tcl1 - t))
		diff = math.abs(tcl1 - tcl2)
		if diff < tcl_eps:
		abtcl = -0.155 * iclo * (4.0 * 3.94* 0.00000001* fcl *math.pow((tcl1+ 273.2),3.0) + fcl * hc- fcl *(tcl1 - t)* abhc)- 1.0
		tcl1 = tcl1 - (tcl2 - tcl1) / abtcl
		difhc = (12.06 * math.sqrt(wind)) - (2.38 * (math.pow(math.abs(t - tcl1), 0.25)))
		if difhc > 0.0 and i == MAX_LOOP_HALF:
	tsk = 35.7 - (0.028 * h / adu)
	esw = 0.42 * adu * (h / adu - 58.08)
	if esw  < 0.0: 
		esw= 0.0
	rsum = aef * eps * sigm * (math.pow((tcl1 + 273.2), 4.0) - math.pow((mtrad + 273.2),4.0))
	csum = adu * fcl * hc * (tcl1 - t)
	erel = 0.0023 * metb * (44.0 - 0.75 * vpa)
	eres = 0.0014 * metb * (34.0 - t)
	ed = 0.406 * adu * (1.92 * tsk - 25.3- 0.75 * vpa)
	load = (h - ed - erel - eres - esw - rsum - csum) / adu
	ts = (0.303 * math.expf(-0.036 * (metb / adu)) + 0.028)
	pmv= ts * load
	return pmv
def ppd( pmv):
	ppd = 100.0 - 95.0 * math.expf(-0.2179 * math.pow(pmv, 2.0)) - 0.03353* math.pow(pmv, 4.0)
	return ppd
Exemple #3
def pmv_hoppe_iso(t, rh, wind, mtrad, iclo):
    eta = 0.01
    # Mechanical efficiency
    age = 35.0
    # Age
    mbody = 75.0
    # Weigth in kg
    ht = 1.75
    # Heigth in m
    tcl = 30.005
    MAX_LOOP = 200
    tcl_eps = 0.05
    eps = 0.97
    sigm = 5.67e-8
    adu = 0.203 * math.pow(mbody, 0.425) * math.pow(ht, 0.725)
    metbf = 3.19 * math.pow(
        mbody, (3.0 / 4.0)) * (1.0 + 0.004 * (30.0 - age) + 0.018 *
                               ((ht * 100.0 / math.pow(mbody,
                                                       (1.0 / 3.0))) - 42.1))
    metbm = 3.45 * math.pow(
        mbody, (3.0 / 4.0)) * (1.0 + 0.004 * (30.0 - age) + 0.010 *
                               ((ht * 100.0 / math.pow(mbody,
                                                       (1.0 / 3.0))) - 43.4))
    vpa = (rh / 100) * 6.105 * math.pow(2.718281828, (17.27 * t / (237.7 + t)))
    fcl = 1.0 + iclo * 0.15
    metb = metabolism(t)
    metf = metbf + metb
    metm = metbm + metb
    metb = (metf + metm) / 2.0
    h = metb * (1.0 - eta)
    aef = 0.71 * fcl * adu
    p1 = 35.7 - 0.032 * (metb / (adu * 1.16)) * (1 - eta)
    tcl1 = tcl
    for x in range(0, MAX_LOOP_HALF):
        if x < MAX_LOOP_HALF:
            hc = 12.06 * math.sqrtf(wind)
            abhc = 0.0
            hc = 2.38 * math.pow(fabsf(tcl1 - t), 4.0)
            abhc = 0.6 * fabsf(math.pow((tcl1 - t), -0.75))

        tcl2 = p1 - 0.155 * iclo * (3.94 * 0.00000001 * fcl * (math.pow(
            (tcl1 + 273.2), 4.0) - math.pow(
                (mtrad + 273.2), 4.0)) + fcl * hc * (tcl1 - t))
        diff = math.abs(tcl1 - tcl2)
        if diff < tcl_eps:
        abtcl = -0.155 * iclo * (4.0 * 3.94 * 0.00000001 * fcl * math.pow(
            (tcl1 + 273.2), 3.0) + fcl * hc - fcl * (tcl1 - t) * abhc) - 1.0
        tcl1 = tcl1 - (tcl2 - tcl1) / abtcl
        difhc = (12.06 *
                 math.sqrt(wind)) - (2.38 *
                                     (math.pow(math.abs(t - tcl1), 0.25)))
        if difhc > 0.0 and i == MAX_LOOP_HALF:
    tsk = 35.7 - (0.028 * h / adu)
    esw = 0.42 * adu * (h / adu - 58.08)
    if esw < 0.0:
        esw = 0.0
    rsum = aef * eps * sigm * (math.pow((tcl1 + 273.2), 4.0) - math.pow(
        (mtrad + 273.2), 4.0))
    csum = adu * fcl * hc * (tcl1 - t)
    erel = 0.0023 * metb * (44.0 - 0.75 * vpa)
    eres = 0.0014 * metb * (34.0 - t)
    ed = 0.406 * adu * (1.92 * tsk - 25.3 - 0.75 * vpa)
    load = (h - ed - erel - eres - esw - rsum - csum) / adu
    ts = (0.303 * math.expf(-0.036 * (metb / adu)) + 0.028)
    pmv = ts * load
    return pmv
Exemple #4
def ppd( pmv):
	ppd = 100.0 - 95.0 * math.expf(-0.2179 * math.pow(pmv, 2.0)) - 0.03353* math.pow(pmv, 4.0)
	return ppd