Exemple #1
def cps(mat_1, mat_2):
    Find rotation and translation difference between two transformations.
            Transformation matrices.
        The translation and rotation differences
    mat1 = matrix(mat_1)
    mat2 = matrix(mat_2)

    # mat to euler (angular distance not accurate!)
    #t1,p1,s1 = _rotmat_to_euler(mat1)
    #t2,p2,s2 = _rotmat_to_euler(mat2)
    #ang_magnitude = msqrt(mpow(t2-t1,2)+mpow(p2-p1,2)+mpow(s2-s1,2))
    matR1 = matrix([mat_1[0][:-1], mat_1[1][:-1], mat_1[2][:-1]])
    matR2 = matrix([mat_2[0][:-1], mat_2[1][:-1], mat_2[2][:-1]])
    matR = matR2 * matR1.transpose()
    ang_magnitude, xV, yV, zV = _rotmat_to_axisangle(matR)
    ang_magnitude = ang_magnitude * (180.0 / pi)
    shift = msqrt(
        mpow(mat2[0, 3] - mat1[0, 3], 2) + mpow(mat2[1, 3] - mat1[1, 3], 2) +
        mpow(mat2[2, 3] - mat1[2, 3], 2))
    #print (mpow(mat2[0,3]-mat1[0,3],2)+mpow(mat2[1,3]-mat1[1,3],2)+mpow(mat2[2,3]-mat1[2,3],2)), ang_magnitude
    #acps_score = (pi/360)*(mpow(mat2[0,3]-mat1[0,3],2)+mpow(mat2[1,3]-mat1[1,3],2)+mpow(mat2[2,3]-mat1[2,3],2))*abs(ang_magnitude)
    return shift, ang_magnitude
Exemple #2
 def is_close_phy(self, coor1, coor2, max_dist=15):
     self.etc.log("Calculating proximity(PHY)")
         dX = coor1[0] - coor2[0]
         dY = coor1[1] - coor2[1]
         dist = msqrt(mpow(dX, 2) + mpow(dY, 2))
         return (dist < max_dist)
     except Exception as e:
Exemple #3
    def _calc_distance(self, v1_la, v2_la, v1_lo, v2_lo):
        ''' Calculates distance with Haversine Formula '''

        lat1 = radians(v1_la)
        lat2 = radians(v2_la)
        delta_lat = radians(v2_la - v1_la)
        delta_lon = radians(v2_lo - v1_lo)

        a = ( mpow(sin(delta_lat/2), 2) + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) *
            mpow(sin(delta_lon/2), 2) )

        c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a))

        return c * EARTH_RADIUS
Exemple #4
def levy_flight(index_beta):
    exponent = 1 / index_beta
    numerator = gamma(1 + index_beta) * sin((pi * index_beta) / 2)
    denominator = gamma(
        (1 + index_beta) / 2) * index_beta * mpow(2, (index_beta - 1) / 2)
    base = mpow(numerator / denominator, exponent)
    base = mpow(base, 2)

    u = np.random.normal(0, base)
    v = abs(np.random.normal(0, 1))

    random_step = u / mpow(v, 1 / index_beta)

    return random_step
Exemple #5
 def calculateMortgageAnnuityPayment(self,
     from math import pow as mpow
     price = full_price - initial_fee
     months = years * 12
     monthly_mortgage_proportion = mortgage_percentage / 1200
     monthly_payment = price * monthly_mortgage_proportion / \
         (1 - Decimal(mpow(1 + monthly_mortgage_proportion, -months)))
     return {
         'monthly_payment': monthly_payment,
         'mortgage_percentage': mortgage_percentage,
         'amount_of_mortgage': price,
def sum_log_probabilities(next_logP, logP):
    if next_logP == 0: return True, logP

    if next_logP > logP:
        common = next_logP
        diff_exponent = logP - common
        common = logP
        diff_exponent = next_logP - common

    logP = common + ( (log(1 + mpow(10, diff_exponent))) / log(10) )

    # The cumulative summation stops when the increasing is less than 10e-4
    if next_logP - logP > -4: return True, logP

    return False, logP
def get_ego_displ(vdy_data, cycle_time):
    """ Calculate the EGO displacement for each cycle

    :param vdy_data:    Vehicle Dynamic data (dictionary from data_extractor)
    :type  vdy_data:    dict
    :param cycle_time:  Time of each cycle
    :type  cycle_time:  list
    :return: ego displacement vector
    velocity = vdy_data[PORT_VDY_VEHICLE_SPEED]
    accel = vdy_data[PORT_VDY_VEHICLE_ACCEL]

    ego_displ = [0] * len(velocity)

    for cycle_idx in range(0, len(velocity)):
        delta_t = cycle_time[cycle_idx]
        ego_displ[cycle_idx] = (velocity[cycle_idx] * delta_t) + (
            0.5 * accel[cycle_idx] * mpow(delta_t, 2))

    return ego_displ
Exemple #8
def uncompand(A):
    """ Uncompand an sRGB byte value to a linearized value """
    # q.v. http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_RGB_to_XYZ.html
    V = A / 255.0
    return (V <= 0.04045) and (V / 12.92) or mpow(((V + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4)
Exemple #9
def compand(v):
    """ Compand a linearized value to an sRGB byte value """
    # q.v. http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Math.html
    V = (v <= 0.0031308) and (v * 12.92) or fabs((1.055 * mpow(v, 1 / 2.4)) -
    return int(V * 255.0)
Exemple #10
 def distance(self, c: "Coord") -> float:
     return sqrt(
         mpow(self.x - c.x, 2) + mpow(self.y - c.y, 2) +
         mpow(self.z - c.z, 2))
Exemple #11
def math_pow():
	for _ in range(100000000):
		a = mpow(10., 2)
Exemple #12
    def moveEvent(self, dx=0, dy=0, free=False):
        Generate move events from parametters and displacement

        @param int dx           delta movement from last call on x axis
        @param int dy           delta movement from last call on y axis
        @param bool free        set to true for free ball move

        @return float           absolute distance moved this tick

        # Compute time step
        _tmp = time.time()
        dt = _tmp - self._lastTime
        self._lastTime = _tmp

        if not free:
            # Compute mouse mouvement from interger part of d * scale
            self._dx += dx * self._xscale
            self._dy += dy * self._yscale
            self.relEvent(rel=Rels.REL_X, val=int(self._dx))
            self.relEvent(rel=Rels.REL_Y, val=int(self._dy))

            # Remove
            self._dx -= int(self._dx)
            self._dy -= int(self._dy)

            # Compute instant velocity
            self._xvel = dx * self._radscale / dt
            self._yvel = dy * self._radscale / dt

            # Free movement update velocity and compute movement

            # Cap friction desceleration
            _dvx = min(abs(self._xvel), self._a * dt)
            _dvy = min(abs(self._yvel), self._a * dt)

            # compute new velocity
            _xvel = self._xvel - copysign(_dvx, self._xvel)
            _yvel = self._yvel - copysign(_dvy, self._yvel)

            # compute displacement
            dx = (((_xvel + self._xvel) / 2) * dt) / self._radscale
            dy = (((_yvel + self._yvel) / 2) * dt) / self._radscale

            self._xvel = _xvel
            self._yvel = _yvel

            self._dx += dx * self._xscale
            self._dy += dy * self._yscale

            self.relEvent(rel=Rels.REL_X, val=int(self._dx))
            self.relEvent(rel=Rels.REL_Y, val=int(self._dy))

            # Remove
            self._dx -= int(self._dx)
            self._dy -= int(self._dy)

        return sqrt(mpow(dx, 2) + mpow(dy, 2))