def calc2HouseCusps(self, mundane):
		'''Calculates directions of Promissors to intermediate house cusps'''

		#aspects of proms to HCs in Zodiacal!?

		for i in range(len(self.chart.planets.planets)):
			if not self.options.promplanets[i]:

			if self.abort.abort:

			pl = self.chart.planets.planets[i]
			rapl = pl.speculums[primdirs.PrimDirs.PLACSPECULUM][planets.Planet.RA]
			dsa = pl.speculums[primdirs.PrimDirs.PLACSPECULUM][planets.Planet.SA]
			nsa = pl.speculums[primdirs.PrimDirs.PLACSPECULUM][planets.Planet.SA]

			if dsa < 0.0:
				dsa = 180.0+dsa
				nsa *= -1
				nsa = 180.0-dsa
			if not mundane and self.options.subzodiacal != primdirs.PrimDirs.SZPROMISSOR and self.options.subzodiacal != primdirs.PrimDirs.SZBOTH:
				rapl, declpl, dist = astrology.swe_cotrans([planets.Planet.LONG], 0.0, 1.0, -self.chart.obl[0])
				val = math.tan(math.radians(*math.tan(math.radians(declpl))
				if math.fabs(val) > 1.0:
				adlat = math.degrees(math.asin(val))
				dsa = 90.0+adlat
				nsa = 90.0-adlat

			self.toHCs(mundane, i, rapl, dsa, nsa, chart.Chart.CONJUNCTIO)
Exemple #2
	def __init__(self,env,x,y,size,orientation,life=200.0):
		self.environnement = env
		self.size = size
		self.x = x
		self.y = y
		self.lifeValue = life
		self.orientation = orientation
		self.bboxSize = int((sqrt(2)*self.size)/2)
		self.eyeAOW = 45.0
		self.eyeRes = 0.5

		# Create sensors with dummy position (center of robot)
		self.eyeR = eye(self.environnement,self.eyeAOW,self.orientation,self.x,self.y,self.eyeRes)
		self.eyeL = eye(self.environnement,self.eyeAOW,self.orientation,self.x,self.y,self.eyeRes)
		self.mouth = mouth(self.environnement,45.0,self.orientation,self.x,self.y)
		self.earR = ear(self.environnement,45.0,self.orientation,self.x,self.y)
		self.earL = ear(self.environnement,45.0,self.orientation,self.x,self.y)

		self.mySensors = []

		# Keep sensors relative position
		self.eyeAngle = 20.0
		self.posEyeR = (self.eyeAngle,sqrt((self.size/2)**2+(tan((self.eyeAngle)*(pi/180.0))*(self.size/2))**2),0.0)
		self.posEyeL = (-self.eyeAngle,sqrt((self.size/2)**2+(tan((-self.eyeAngle)*(pi/180.0))*(self.size/2))**2),0.0)
		self.posMouth = (0.0,self.size/2,0)
		self.posEarR = (90.0,self.size/2,90.0)
		self.posEarL = (-90.0,self.size/2,-90.0)

		self.body = square(self.x,self.y,size,self.orientation,RED)
Exemple #3
 def _hintIter(self, monkey):
     angle = 45
     dir = 0
     dA = 1
     pow =[1]
     x_m = monkey[1]
     y_m = monkey[0]
     y = x_m*math.tan(angle*(math.pi/180)) - ( * (x_m/(pow * math.cos(angle*(math.pi/180))))**2
     if floor(y) < y_m:
         return "Not in range"
     while(floor(y) != y_m and angle >= 0 and angle <= 90):
         if floor(y) < y_m:
             if dir == -1:
                 dA = dA/2
             angle += dA
             theta = angle * (math.pi / 180)
             y = x_m*math.tan(theta) - * 0.5 * (x_m**2) / (pow**2) / ((math.cos(theta))**2)
             dir = 1
             if dir == 1:
                 dA = dA/2
             angle -= dA
             theta = angle * (math.pi / 180)
             y = x_m*math.tan(theta) - * 0.5 * (x_m**2) / (pow**2) / ((math.cos(theta))**2)
             dir = -1                
     if floor(y) == y_m:
         return angle
         return "Angle not found"
Exemple #4
    def find_perp_error(self):
        global path_list
        xall = path_list[0]
        zall = path_list[1]
        kmin = 1000.0 #arbitrarily high value = 1
        self.eps = -tan(pi/2 - self.thetac)
        self.zeta = -self.xc - self.zc*tan(pi/2 - self.thetac)

        a1 = self.alpha 
        b1 = self.beta
        c1 = self.gamma
        a2 =
        b2 = self.eps
        c2 = self.zeta

        xdm = (b2*c1 - b1*c2)/ fabs(a1*b2 - a2*b1)
        zdm = (-a2*c1 + a1*c2)/ fabs(a1*b2 - a2*b1)
       #Perpendicular error message
        self.perppt.x = xdm
        self.perppt.z = zdm
        self.perppt.y = 0.0

       #Perpendicular error 
        xde = self.lateralpt.x
        zde = self.lateralpt.z
        kerr = sqrt((xde-xdm)**2 + (zde-zdm)**2)

        return float(kerr)
Exemple #5
def planetstransit(date):
    """returns SHA and meridian passage for the navigational planets
    v = ephem.Venus()
    mars = ephem.Mars()
    j = ephem.Jupiter()
    sat = ephem.Saturn()
    obs = ephem.Observer() = date
    vsha = nadeg(2 * math.pi - ephem.degrees(v.g_ra).norm)
    vtrans = time(obs.next_transit(v))
    hpvenus = "%0.1f" % ((math.tan(6371 / (v.earth_distance * 149597870.7))) * 60 * 180 / math.pi) = date
    marssha = nadeg(2 * math.pi - ephem.degrees(mars.g_ra).norm)
    marstrans = time(obs.next_transit(mars))
    hpmars = "%0.1f" % ((math.tan(6371 / (mars.earth_distance * 149597870.7))) * 60 * 180 / math.pi) = date
    jsha = nadeg(2 * math.pi - ephem.degrees(j.g_ra).norm)
    jtrans = time(obs.next_transit(j)) = date
    satsha = nadeg(2 * math.pi - ephem.degrees(sat.g_ra).norm)
    sattrans = time(obs.next_transit(sat))

    return [vsha, vtrans, marssha, marstrans, jsha, jtrans, satsha, sattrans, hpmars, hpvenus]
def dayLength(date, latitude):
    # Formulas from:
    # I don't really understand them, and the numbers don't quite match
    # what I get from calendar sites. Perhaps this is measuring the exact
    # moment the center of the sun goes down, as opposed to civil twilight?
    # But I think it's close enough to get the idea across.

    # Tilt of earth's axis relative to its orbital plane ("obliquity of ecliptic")
    axis = math.radians(23.439)

    # Date of winter solstice in this year. Not quite right, but good
    # enough for our purposes.
    solstice = date.replace(month=12, day=21)

    # If a year is a full circle, this is the angle between the solstice
    # and this date, in radians. May be negative if we haven't reached the
    # solstice yet.
    dateAngle = (date - solstice).days * 2 * math.pi / 365.25

    latitude = math.radians(latitude)
    m = 1 - math.tan(latitude) * math.tan(axis * math.cos(dateAngle))

    # If m is less than zero, the sun never rises; if greater than two, it never sets.
    m = min(2, max(0, m))
    return math.acos(1 - m) / math.pi
Exemple #7
def s3r_ab(x1, y1, theta1, x2, y2, Db, Da, t1) :
    theta_seg1 = math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
    delta_theta1 = theta1 - theta_seg1
    delta_theta1 = modulo_angle(delta_theta1)
    if delta_theta1 > 0.0 :
        theta1_a = theta1 - pi/2.0
    else :
        theta1_a = theta1 + pi/2.0
    theta1_a = modulo_angle(theta1_a)
    [s_bx, s_by] = signe_delta_xy(theta1)
    #~ print(theta1)
    print("s_bx: {0}, s_by: {1}".format(s_bx, s_by))
    [s_ax, s_ay] = signe_delta_xy(theta1_a)
    bx = s_bx * ((Db/t1) / sqrt(1.0 + pow(tan(theta1), 2)))
    by = s_by * sqrt(pow(Db/t1, 2) - pow(bx, 2))
    ax = s_ax * (((6.0*Da)/pow(t1, 2)) / sqrt(1.0 + pow(tan(theta1_a), 2)))
    ay = s_ay * sqrt(pow((6.0*Da)/pow(t1, 2), 2) - pow(ax, 2))
    return ([ax, ay, bx, by])
Exemple #8
    def setTreasures(self, relativeAngles):
        rightAngle = 90
        yDistanceFromPurpleCircle = 25
        cameraDistanceFromBackgroundWall = self.robot.purpleCircle.findCenterOfMass()[0] - 20 - self.limit.getMinCorner()[0]
        cameraDistanceFromLowerWall = self.limit.getMaxCorner()[1] - self.robot.purpleCircle.findCenterOfMass()[1] + 20
        cameraDistanceFromUpperWall = self.robot.purpleCircle.findCenterOfMass()[1] + 105 - self.limit.getMinCorner()[1]
        for cameraAngle in relativeAngles:

            lowerWall = True
            if cameraAngle < rightAngle:
                xDistanceOfTreasureFromCamera = math.tan(math.radians(cameraAngle))*cameraDistanceFromLowerWall
                treasurePosition = (cameraDistanceFromBackgroundWall - xDistanceOfTreasureFromCamera, self.limit.getMaxCorner()[1])
                lowerWall = False
                cameraAngle = 180 - cameraAngle
                xDistanceOfTreasureFromCamera = math.tan(math.radians(cameraAngle))*cameraDistanceFromUpperWall
                treasurePosition = (cameraDistanceFromBackgroundWall - xDistanceOfTreasureFromCamera, self.limit.getMinCorner()[1])

            treasureDistanceFromBackground = cameraDistanceFromBackgroundWall - xDistanceOfTreasureFromCamera
            if treasureDistanceFromBackground < 0:
                yDistanceFromCamera = (-1 * (treasureDistanceFromBackground)) / math.tan(math.radians(cameraAngle))
                if lowerWall:
                    treasurePosition = (self.limit.getMinCorner()[0], self.limit.getMaxCorner()[1] - yDistanceFromCamera)
                    treasurePosition = (self.limit.getMinCorner()[0], self.limit.getMinCorner()[1] + yDistanceFromCamera)

            print "Tresor ajoute ", treasurePosition
Exemple #9
    def recalcCameraSphere(self):
        nearPlaneDist = base.camLens.getNear()
        hFov = base.camLens.getHfov()
        vFov = base.camLens.getVfov()
        hOff = nearPlaneDist * math.tan(deg2Rad(hFov / 2.0))
        vOff = nearPlaneDist * math.tan(deg2Rad(vFov / 2.0))
        camPnts = [Point3(hOff, nearPlaneDist, vOff),
         Point3(-hOff, nearPlaneDist, vOff),
         Point3(hOff, nearPlaneDist, -vOff),
         Point3(-hOff, nearPlaneDist, -vOff),
         Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]
        avgPnt = Point3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        for camPnt in camPnts:
            avgPnt = avgPnt + camPnt

        avgPnt = avgPnt / len(camPnts)
        sphereRadius = 0.0
        for camPnt in camPnts:
            dist = Vec3(camPnt - avgPnt).length()
            if dist > sphereRadius:
                sphereRadius = dist

        avgPnt = Point3(avgPnt)
def equation_of_line_given_beacon_degree(beacon, theta):
	if beacon=='b1':
		# m=math.tan(math.radians(theta))
		m=math.tan(math.radians((90 - theta) % 360 ))
		# m=math.tan(math.radians(270 - theta))
		# c=-math.tan(math.radians(theta)) * -250
		# c=250
	elif beacon=='b2':
		# m=math.tan(math.radians(270 + theta)) 
	elif beacon=='b3':
		m=math.tan(math.radians((270 - theta)))
		# m=math.tan(math.radians(180 + theta))
		# c=-math.tan(math.radians(180 + theta)) * 250
	elif beacon=='b4':
		m=math.tan(math.radians(180 - theta))
	# print(m,c)
	return m,c
Exemple #11
def apply_2d_transforms(context, box):
    # "Transforms apply to block-level and atomic inline-level elements,
    #  but do not apply to elements which may be split into
    #  multiple inline-level boxes."
    if and not isinstance(box, boxes.InlineBox):
        border_width = box.border_width()
        border_height = box.border_height()
        origin_x, origin_y =
        origin_x = percentage(origin_x, border_width)
        origin_y = percentage(origin_y, border_height)
        origin_x += box.border_box_x()
        origin_y += box.border_box_y()

        context.translate(origin_x, origin_y)
        for name, args in
            if name == 'scale':
            elif name == 'rotate':
            elif name == 'translate':
                translate_x, translate_y = args
                    percentage(translate_x, border_width),
                    percentage(translate_y, border_height),
                if name == 'skewx':
                    args = (1, 0, math.tan(args), 1, 0, 0)
                elif name == 'skewy':
                    args = (1, math.tan(args), 0, 1, 0, 0)
                    assert name == 'matrix'
        context.translate(-origin_x, -origin_y)
Exemple #12
def main():
    WIDTH, HEIGHT = (300, 300)
    parser = GPXParser("steig.gpx")

    fo = open("test.svg", "w")
    gp = open("gnuplot.dat", "w")
    surface = cairo.SVGSurface (fo, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
    ctx = cairo.Context (surface)
    ctx.scale (WIDTH/1.0, HEIGHT/1.0)

    for lat, lon, ele, time in parser.tracks["Nibelungensteig on"]:
        ctx.line_to(lon, -180/pi*log(tan(pi/4 + lat*(pi/180)/2.0)))
        gp.write("%f %f %f\n"%(lat, lon, ele))

    ctx.set_source_rgb(0.3, 0.2, 0.5) # Solid color

    f = open("start.txt", "r")

    for line in f:
        if line == '\r\n':
        lat, lon = map(float, line.split('\t')[:2])
        ctx.move_to(lon, -180/pi*log(tan(pi/4 + lat*(pi/180)/2.0)))
        ctx.arc(lon, -180/pi*log(tan(pi/4 + lat*(pi/180)/2.0)), 0.0005, 0.0, 2.0*pi)
        ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Exemple #13
	def mapcoords(self, center_lat, center_lon, zoomlevel, width, height):
		center_lon_rad = math.radians(center_lon);
		center_lat_rad = math.radians(center_lat);
		pos_lon_rad = math.radians(self.lon);
		pos_lat_rad = math.radians(;
		n = pow(2.0, zoomlevel);

		centerTileX = ((center_lon + 180) / 360) * n;
		centerTileY = (1 - (math.log(math.tan(center_lat_rad) + 1.0/math.cos(center_lat_rad)) / math.pi)) * n / 2.0;
		#print("centerTileX = {0}".format(centerTileX))
		#print("centerTileY = {0}".format(centerTileY))
		posTileX = ((self.lon + 180) / 360) * n;
		posTileY = (1 - (math.log(math.tan(pos_lat_rad) + 1.0/math.cos(pos_lat_rad)) / math.pi)) * n / 2.0;
		#print("posTileX = {0}".format(posTileX))
		#print("posTileY = {0}".format(posTileY))
		diffTileX = posTileX - centerTileX
		diffTileY = posTileY - centerTileY
		#print("diffTileX = {0}".format(diffTileX))
		#print("diffTileY = {0}".format(diffTileY))
		diffPixlesX = 256 * diffTileX
		diffPixlesY = 256 * diffTileY
		#print("diffPixlesX = {0}".format(diffPixlesX))
		#print("diffPixlesY = {0}".format(diffPixlesY))
		xPos = (width / 2) + diffPixlesX
		yPos = (height / 2) + diffPixlesY
		return [int(xPos), int(yPos)]
	def setupKinectParams(self, version=1):
		self.kinect_hfov = 1.0140363  # 58.1 (degrees)
		self.kinect_vfov = 0.813323431  # 46.6 (degrees)
		self.kinect_height = 240
		self.kinect_width = 320

		if version == 2:  # Kinect v2
			self.kinect_hfov = 1.23220245  # 70.6 (degrees)
			self.kinect_vfov = 1.04719755  # 60 (degrees)
			self.kinect_height = 424
			self.kinect_width = 512

		projectionScale = [math.tan((self.kinect_hfov * 0.5)) / (self.kinect_width * 0.5),\
						   math.tan((self.kinect_vfov * 0.5)) / (self.kinect_height * 0.5)]

		imgCenter = [float(self.kinect_width) * 0.5, float(self.kinect_height * 0.5)]

		xIdxImg = np.tile(np.arange(self.kinect_width), self.kinect_height).reshape((self.kinect_height, self.kinect_width))
		xIdxImg = xIdxImg.astype(np.float16)
		yIdxImg = np.tile(np.arange(self.kinect_height), self.kinect_width).reshape((self.kinect_width, self.kinect_height))
		yIdxImg = yIdxImg.T
		yIdxImg = yIdxImg.astype(np.float16)

		self.xIdxImg = ((xIdxImg - imgCenter[0]) * projectionScale[0])
		self.yIdxImg = ((yIdxImg - imgCenter[1]) * projectionScale[1])
Exemple #15
def uproj_tmerc(x, y):
    easting = x - x0
    northing = y
    # Meridional Arc
    M = northing / k0
    mu = M / (a * (1.0 - e * e / 4.0 - 3.0 * e * e * e * e / 64.0 -
        5.0 * e * e * e * e * e * e / 256.0))

    # Footprint latitude
    fp = mu + J1 * math.sin(2.0 * mu) + J2 * math.sin(4.0 * mu) + \
            J3 * math.sin(6.0 * mu) + J4 * math.sin(8.0 * mu)
    C1 = ep2 * math.cos(fp) * math.cos(fp)
    T1 = math.tan(fp) * math.tan(fp)
    # Radius of curvature in meridian plane
    R1 = a * (1.0 - e * e) / \
            math.pow(1.0 - e * e * math.sin(fp) * math.sin(fp), 1.5)
    # Radius of curvature perpendicular to meridian plane
    N1 = a / math.sqrt(1.0 - e * e * math.sin(fp) * math.sin(fp))
    D = easting / (N1 * k0)

    Q1 = N1 * math.tan(fp) / R1
    Q2 = D * D / 2.0
    Q3 = (5.0 + 3.0 * T1 + 10.0 * C1 - 4.0 * C1 * C1 - 9.0 * ep2) * \
            D * D * D * D / 24.0
    Q4 = (61.0 + 90.0 * T1 + 298.0 * C1 + 45.0 * T1 * T1 - 3.0 * C1 * C1 -
            252.0 * ep2) * D * D * D * D * D * D / 720.0
    Q5 = D
    Q6 = (1.0 + 2.0 * T1 + C1) * D * D * D / 6.0
    Q7 = (5.0 - 2.0 * C1 + 28.0 * T1 - 3.0 * C1 * C1 + 8.0 * ep2 +
            24.0 * T1 * T1) * D * D * D * D * D / 120.0

    lat = fp - Q1 * (Q2 - Q3 + Q4)
    lon = math.radians(long0) + (Q5 - Q6 + Q7) / math.cos(fp)

    return ( math.degrees(lat), math.degrees(lon) )
 def control_head(self, hydra_msg):
     #Setup the message components
     headGoal = PointHeadGoal()
     p = PointStamped()
     p.header.frame_id = "base_link"
     headGoal.pointing_frame = self.head_pointing_frame
     #Get raw values from the controller
     pan_axis = hydra_msg.paddles[self.left].joy[self.y_axis]
     tilt_axis = hydra_msg.paddles[self.left].joy[self.x_axis]
     #Check deadman's switch
     if (ord(hydra_msg.paddles[self.right].buttons[self.deadman_button]) == 1):
         self.head_pan = self.head_pan - pan_axis
         self.head_pan = self.normalize((self.head_pan / 120.0), 1.0, 120.0)
         self.head_tilt = self.head_tilt - tilt_axis
         self.head_tilt = self.normalize((self.head_tilt / 30.0), 1.0, 30.0)
     #Figure out actual values
     p.point.x = 1.2 + (5.0 * math.tan(self.head_tilt * (math.pi / 180.0)))
     p.point.y = 1.2 + (5.0 * math.tan(self.head_tilt * (math.pi / 180.0)))
     p.point.z = 1.2 + (5.0 * math.tan(self.head_tilt * (math.pi / 180.0)))
     #Assemble goal = p
     headGoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration(0.1)
     headGoal.max_velocity = 1.0
Exemple #17
def determine_if_in_wake(xt, yt, xw, yw, k, r0, alpha):  # According to Jensen Model only
    # Eq. of centreline is Y = tan (d) (X - Xt) + Yt
    # Distance from point to line
    alpha = deg2rad(alpha + 180)
    distance_to_centre = abs(- tan(alpha) * xw + yw + tan(alpha) * xt - yt) / sqrt(1.0 + tan(alpha) ** 2.0)
        # print distance_to_centre
    # Coordinates of the intersection between closest path from turbine in wake to centreline.
    X_int = (xw + tan(alpha) * yw + tan(alpha) * (tan(alpha) * xt - yt)) / (tan(alpha) ** 2.0 + 1.0)
    Y_int = (- tan(alpha) * (- xw - tan(alpha) * yw) - tan(alpha) * xt + yt) / (tan(alpha) ** 2.0 + 1.0)
    # Distance from intersection point to turbine
    distance_to_turbine = sqrt((X_int - xt) ** 2.0+(Y_int - yt) ** 2.0)
    # Radius of wake at that distance
    radius = wake_radius(r0, k, distance_to_turbine)
    # print radius
    if (xw - xt) * cos(alpha) + (yw - yt) * sin(alpha) <= 0.0:
        if abs(radius) >= abs(distance_to_centre):
            if abs(radius) >= abs(distance_to_centre) + r0:
                fraction = 1.0
                value = True
                return fraction
            elif abs(radius) < abs(distance_to_centre) + r0:
                fraction = area.AreaReal(r0, radius, distance_to_centre).area()
                value = True
                return fraction
        elif abs(radius) < abs(distance_to_centre):
            if abs(radius) <= abs(distance_to_centre) - r0:
                fraction = 0.0
                value = False
                return fraction
            elif abs(radius) > abs(distance_to_centre) - r0:
                fraction = area.AreaReal(r0, radius, distance_to_centre).area()
                value = True
                return fraction
        return 0.0
Exemple #18
def predict_y_intersection(world, predict_for_x, robot, full_width=False, bounce=False):
        Predicts the (x, y) coordinates of the ball shot by the robot
        Corrects them if it's out of the bottom_y - top_y range.
        If bounce is set to True, predicts for a bounced shot
        Returns None if the robot is facing the wrong direction.
        x = robot.x
        y = robot.y
        top_y = world._pitch.height - 60 if full_width else world.our_goal.y + (world.our_goal.width/2) - 30
        bottom_y = 60 if full_width else world.our_goal.y - (world.our_goal.width/2) + 30
        angle = robot.angle
        if (robot.x < predict_for_x and not (pi/2 < angle < 3*pi/2)) or (robot.x > predict_for_x and (3*pi/2 > angle > pi/2)):
            if bounce:
                if not (0 <= (y + tan(angle) * (predict_for_x - x)) <= world._pitch.height):
                    bounce_pos = 'top' if (y + tan(angle) * (predict_for_x - x)) > world._pitch.height else 'bottom'
                    x += (world._pitch.height - y) / tan(angle) if bounce_pos == 'top' else (0 - y) / tan(angle)
                    y = world._pitch.height if bounce_pos == 'top' else 0
                    angle = (-angle) % (2*pi)
            predicted_y = (y + tan(angle) * (predict_for_x - x))
            # Correcting the y coordinate to the closest y coordinate on the goal line:
            if predicted_y > top_y:
                return top_y
            elif predicted_y < bottom_y:
                return bottom_y
            return predicted_y
            return None
Exemple #19
def sunset_hour_angle(latitude, sol_dec):
    Calculate sunset hour angle (*Ws*) from latitude and solar

    Based on FAO equation 25 in Allen et al (1998).

    :param latitude: Latitude [radians]. Note: *latitude* should be negative
        if it in the southern hemisphere, positive if in the northern
    :param sol_dec: Solar declination [radians]. Can be calculated using
    :return: Sunset hour angle [radians].
    :rtype: float

    cos_sha = -math.tan(latitude) * math.tan(sol_dec)
    # If tmp is >= 1 there is no sunset, i.e. 24 hours of daylight
    # If tmp is <= 1 there is no sunrise, i.e. 24 hours of darkness
    # See
    # part-3-calculating-solar-angles/
    # Domain of acos is -1 <= x <= 1 radians (this is not mentioned in FAO-56!)
    return math.acos(min(max(cos_sha, -1.0), 1.0))
Exemple #20
 def ApparentPlace(self):
   """Calculate annual aberration (I think :-)
      Returns dRA and dDEC corrections as a tuple, in arcseconds.
      # This is taken from Astronomical Formulae for Calculators, Jean Meeus,
      # 3rd Ed. 1985.  P:71-73.
   Ra = DegToRad((self.RaA / 54000.0) * 15)     # Convert to degrees, and: radians
   Dec = DegToRad(self.DecA / 3600.0)         # Convert to degrees, and: radians
   if abs((Dec / 3600) + 90) < 1e-6:
     Dec = -89.999999 * 3600
   if abs((Dec / 3600) - 90) < 1e-6:
     Dec = 89.999999
   T = (self.Time.JD - 2415020) / 36525
   dPhi, dEpsi = self.Nutation(T)
   L = 279.69668 + (36000.76892 * T) + (0.0003025 * T * T)         # Sun's mean longitude
   M = 358.47583 + (35999.04975 * T) - (0.000150 * T * T) - (0.0000033 * T * T * T)
   L = DegToRad(Reduce(L))                  # Reduce to 0-360, convert to radians
   M = DegToRad(Reduce(M))
   Epsi = 23.452294 - (0.0130125 * T) - (0.00000164 * T * T) + (0.000000503 * T * T * T)
   Epsi = DegToRad(Epsi)                    # Convert to radians
   C = (((1.919460 - (0.004789 * T) - (0.000014 * T * T)) * sin(M)) +
        ((0.020094 - (0.000100 * T)) * sin(2 * M)) + (0.000293 * sin(3 * M)))
   Sun = L + DegToRad(C)                    # Sun's true longitude, in radians
   dRa1 = ((cos(Epsi) + (sin(Epsi) * sin(Ra) * tan(Dec))) * dPhi) - (cos(Ra) * tan(Dec) * dEpsi)
   dDec1 = (sin(Epsi) * cos(Ra) * dPhi) + (sin(Ra) * dEpsi)
   dRa2 = -20.49 * (((cos(Ra) * cos(Sun) * cos(Epsi)) + (sin(Ra) * sin(Sun))) / cos(Dec))
   dDec2 = -20.49 * ((cos(Sun) * cos(Epsi) * (tan(Epsi) * cos(Dec)) - (sin(Ra) * sin(Dec)))
                     + (cos(Ra) * sin(Dec) * sin(Sun)))
   dRA = dRa1 + dRa2                          # In arcsecs
   dDEC = dDec1 + dDec2                       # Also in arcsecs
   self.RaA += dRA
   self.DecA += dDEC
Exemple #21
    def TWD97_LatLonToTWD97_TM2(cls, lat, lon):
        a = cls.a
        b = cls.b
        lon0 = cls.lon0
        k0 = cls.k0
        dx = cls.dx
        dy = cls.dy
        e = cls.e
        e2 = cls.e2

        lon = (lon - floor((lon + 180) / 360) * 360) * math.pi / 180
        lat = lat * math.pi / 180

        V = a / (1 - e * sin(lat)**2)**0.5
        T = tan(lat)**2
        C = e2 * cos(lat)** 2
        A = cos(lat) * (lon - lon0)
        e_2 = e**2
        e_3 = e**3
        M = a *((1.0 - e / 4.0 - 3.0 * e_2 / 64.0 - 5.0 * e_3 / 256.0) * lat -
          (3.0 * e / 8.0 + 3.0 * e_2 / 32.0 + 45.0 * e_3 / 1024.0) *
          sin(2.0 * lat) + (15.0 * e_2 / 256.0 + 45.0 * e_3 / 1024.0) *
          sin(4.0 * lat) - (35.0 * e_3 / 3072.0) * sin(6.0 * lat))

        x = dx + k0 * V * (A + (1 - T + C) * A**3 / 6 + (5 - 18 * T + T**2 + 72 * C - 58 * e2) * A**5 / 120)
        y = dy + k0 * (M + V * tan(lat) * (A**2 / 2 + (5 - T + 9 * C + 4 * C**2) * A**4/ 24 + ( 61 - 58 * T + T**2 + 600 * C - 330 * e2) * A**6 / 720))
        return (x, y)
Exemple #22
	def get_trafo(self):
		x0 = self.origin_x.get_point_value()
		y0 = self.origin_y.get_point_value()
		sx = self.scale_x.get_value() / 100.0
		sy = self.scale_y.get_value() / 100.0
		shx = self.shear_x.get_value()
		shy = self.shear_y.get_value()

		if shx + shy > 85:
			if shx == self.transforms[3]: shy = 85 - shx
			else: shx = 85 - shy

		shx = math.pi * shx / 180.0
		shy = math.pi * shy / 180.0

		angle = math.pi * self.rotate.get_value() / 180.0

		trafo = [sx, 0.0, 0.0, sy, x0, y0]
		if angle:
			trafo2 = [math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle),
					- math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle), 0.0, 0.0]
			trafo = libgeom.multiply_trafo(trafo, trafo2)
		if shx or shy:
			trafo2 = [1.0, math.tan(shy), math.tan(shx), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
			trafo = libgeom.multiply_trafo(trafo, trafo2)

		self.transforms = [sx, sy, shx, shy, angle]
		return trafo, [sx, sy, shx, shy, angle]
Exemple #23
	def getZD(self, md, lat, decl, umd):
		'''Calculates Regiomontan zenith distance '''

		zd = 0.0
		if md == 90.0:
			zd = 90.0-math.degrees(math.atan(math.sin(math.fabs(math.radians(lat))))*math.tan(math.radians(decl)))
		elif md < 90.0:
			A = math.degrees(math.atan(math.cos(math.radians(lat))*math.tan(math.radians(md))))
			B = math.degrees(math.atan(math.tan(math.fabs(math.radians(lat)))*math.cos(math.radians(md))))

			C = 0.0
			if (decl < 0 and lat < 0) or (decl >= 0 and lat >= 0):
				if umd:
					C = B-math.fabs(decl)
					C = B+math.fabs(decl)
			elif (decl < 0 and lat > 0) or (decl > 0 and lat < 0):
				if umd:
					C = B+math.fabs(decl)
					C = B-math.fabs(decl)

			F = math.degrees(math.atan(math.sin(math.fabs(math.radians(lat)))*math.sin(math.radians(md))*math.tan(math.radians(C)))) #C and F can be negative
			zd = A+F

		return zd
def tex_triangle(tex, sommet, mesure, tex_mesure):
    # Coefficient tel que hauteur = gamma * base
    gamma = math.tan(math.radians(mesure[0]))*math.tan(math.radians(mesure[1]))/(math.tan(math.radians(mesure[0]))+math.tan(math.radians(mesure[1])))
    # Coordonnée des sommets pour que la base ou la hauteur mesure (max-min) cm
    min = -4
    max = 4
    if gamma < 1:
        coordonnee = [min, min, max, min, round((max-min)*gamma/math.tan(math.radians(mesure[0]))+min, 4),round((max-min)*gamma+min,4)]
        coordonnee = [min, min, round((max-min)/gamma+min, 4), min, round((max-min)/math.tan(math.radians(mesure[0])) +min, 4) ,max]
    # Angle des symboles des angles
    angle = [0, mesure[0], 180 - mesure[1], 180, 180 + mesure[0], 180 + mesure[0] + mesure[2]]
    ## Construction
    tex.append("\\begin{pspicture}(%s,%s)(%s,%s)" %(coordonnee[0]-1, coordonnee[1]-1, coordonnee[2]+1, coordonnee[5]+1))
    # Triangle
    tex.append("\\pstTriangle(%s,%s){%s}(%s,%s){%s}(%s,%s){%s}" %(coordonnee[0], coordonnee[1], sommet[0], coordonnee[2], coordonnee[3], sommet[1], coordonnee[4], coordonnee[5], sommet[2]))
    # Symbole et légende de chaque angle
    for i in range(len(mesure)):
        if mesure[i] == 90:
           tex.append("\\pstRightAngle{%s}{%s}{%s}" % ( sommet[(i+1)%3], sommet[i], sommet[(i-1)%3]))
        elif mesure[0] == mesure[1] and i < 2:
           tex.append("\\pstMarkAngle{%s}{%s}{%s}{}" % ( sommet[(i+1)%3], sommet[i], sommet[(i-1)%3]))
           tex.append("\\uput{0.25}[%s]{%s}(%s,%s){\\psline(0,0)(0.5,0)}" % ((angle[2*i]+angle[2*i+1])/2, (angle[2*i]+angle[2*i+1])/2, coordonnee[2*i], coordonnee[2*i+1]))
           if i == 0:
               tex.append("\\pstMarkAngle{%s}{%s}{%s}{$%s$}" % ( sommet[(i+1)%3], sommet[i], sommet[(i-1)%3], tex_mesure[i]))
           tex.append("\\pstMarkAngle{%s}{%s}{%s}{$%s$}" % ( sommet[(i+1)%3], sommet[i], sommet[(i-1)%3], tex_mesure[i]))
    def _convert_transform_to_tikz(self, transform):
        """Convert a SVG transform attribute to a list of TikZ transformations"""
        #return ""
        if not transform:
            return []

        options = []
        for cmd, params in transform:
            if cmd == 'translate':
                x, y = params
                options.append("shift={(%s,%s)}" % (round(x, 5) or '0', round(y, 5) or '0'))
                # There is bug somewere.
                # shift=(400,0) is not equal to xshift=400

            elif cmd == 'rotate':
                if params[1] or params[2]:
                    options.append("rotate around={%s:(%s,%s)}" % params)
                    options.append("rotate=%s" % round(params[0], 5))
            elif cmd == 'matrix':
                options.append("cm={{%s,%s,%s,%s,(%s,%s)}}" % tuple(map(lambda x: round(x, 5), params)))
            elif cmd == 'skewX':
                options.append("xslant=%.3f" % math.tan(params[0] * math.pi / 180))
            elif cmd == 'skewY':
                options.append("yslant=%.3f" % math.tan(params[0] * math.pi / 180))
            elif cmd == 'scale':
                if params[0] == params[1]:
                    options.append("scale=%.3f" % params[0])
                    options.append("xscale=%.3f,yscale=%.3f" % params)

        return options
Exemple #26
def k_eq(R, H, beta_deg):
    beta = math.radians(beta_deg)
    tan_35 = math.pow(math.tan(beta), .35)
    tan_23 = math.pow(math.tan(beta), .23)
    k=R/H*1.15/tan_35*math.pow(H/(2.*R), .9/tan_23)
    return k
def MatrixLog6(T):#Takes a T matrix SE(3) and returns a 6vector Stheta
Example Input: 
T = [[1,0,0,0], [0,0,-1,0], [0,1,0,3], [0,0,0,1]]
[1.5707963267948966, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.3561944901923448, 2.3561944901923457]
    R,p = TransToRp(T)
    Rtrace = R[0][0]+R[1][1]+R[2][2]
    elif(Rtrace == -1):
        th = pi
        w = MatrixLog3(R)
        G = (1/th)*np.eye(3) - 0.5*np.asarray(VecToso3(w)) + ((1/th)-((1/(tan(th/2.0)))/2.0))*(matmult(VecToso3(w),VecToso3(w)))
        v =,p)

        th = acos((Rtrace-1)/2.0)
        w = so3ToVec((1/(2*np.sin(th)))*(np.subtract(R, RotInv(R))))
        G = (1/th)*np.eye(3) - 0.5*np.asarray(VecToso3(w)) + ((1/th)-((1/(tan(th/2.0)))/2.0))*(matmult(VecToso3(w),VecToso3(w)))
        v =,p)     

    return ([w[0]*th,w[1]*th,w[2]*th,v[0]*th,v[1]*th,v[2]*th])
Exemple #28
	def iterateRegio(self, pl, rwa, rwd, robl, rpoh, lon):
		okGa = okGd = True

		if pl.speculums[0][Planet.PMP] < 90.0 or (pl.speculums[0][Planet.PMP] >= 270.0 and pl.speculums[0][Planet.PMP] < 360.0):
			Ga = math.degrees(math.cos(rwa)*math.cos(robl)-math.sin(robl)*math.tan(rpoh))
			if Ga != 0.0:
				Fa = math.degrees(math.atan(math.sin(rwa)/(math.cos(rwa)*math.cos(robl)-math.sin(robl)*math.tan(rpoh))))

				if Fa >= 0.0 and Ga > 0.0:
					lon = Fa
				elif Fa < 0.0 and Ga > 0.0:
					lon = Fa+360.0
				elif Ga < 0.0:
					lon = Fa+180.0
				okGa = False
			Gd = math.degrees(math.cos(rwd)*math.cos(robl)+math.sin(robl)*math.tan(rpoh))
			if Gd != 0.0:
				Fd = math.degrees(math.atan(math.sin(rwd)/(math.cos(rwd)*math.cos(robl)+math.sin(robl)*math.tan(rpoh))))

				if Fd >= 0.0 and Gd > 0.0:
					lon = Fd
				elif Fd < 0.0 and Gd > 0.0:
					lon = Fd+360.0
				elif Gd < 0.0:
					lon = Fd+180.0
				okGd = False

		return okGa, okGd, lon
Exemple #29
def ground_offset(height, pitch, roll, yaw):
    find the offset on the ground in meters of the center of view of the plane
    given height above the ground in meters, and pitch/roll/yaw in degrees.

    The yaw is from grid north. Positive yaw is clockwise
    The roll is from horiznotal. Positive roll is down on the right
    The pitch is from horiznotal. Positive pitch is up in the front

    return result is a tuple, with meters east and north of GPS position

    This is only correct for small values of pitch/roll

    # x/y offsets assuming the plane is pointing north
    xoffset = -height * math.tan(math.radians(roll))
    yoffset = height * math.tan(math.radians(pitch))

    # convert to polar coordinates
    distance = math.hypot(xoffset, yoffset)
    angle    = math.atan2(yoffset, xoffset)

    # add in yaw
    angle -= math.radians(yaw)

    # back to rectangular coordinates
    x = distance * math.cos(angle)
    y = distance * math.sin(angle)

    return (x, y)
Exemple #30
  def Refrac(self):    # Originally in CORRECT.PAS
    """Calculate the correction for atmospheric refraction for the given coordinates.
       Returns a tuple of dRA and dDEC, which are OFFSETS from the current position, in arcseconds.
    ObjRa = self.RaA / 54000.0       # Translate to hours from arcsec}
    ObjDec = self.DecA / 3600.0      # Translate to degrees from arcsec}

    z = DegToRad(90 - self.Alt)                      # Zenith distance in radians}
    if z <= 0:
      z = 1e-6
    h = DegToRad((self.Time.LST - ObjRa) * 15)     # Hour angle in radians}
    dummy = trunc(h / (2 * pi))
    h -= dummy * 2 * pi
    obs = DegToRad(prefs.ObsLat)                    # Observatory Lat in radians}
    R = -1
    NewR = 0
    twiggles = 0
    # Calculate the value R in arc seconds}
    while ((NewR - R) >= 1e-8) and (twiggles < 20):
      twiggles += 1
      R = NewR
      Tanof = tan(z - DegToRad(R / 3600))
      NewR = (R1 * Tanof) + (R2 * Tanof * Tanof * Tanof)

    if twiggles > 20:     # If we're very close to the horizon, the iterative solver can fail...
      logger.error('correct.CalcPosition.Refrac: Too many Twiggles in refraction code!')

    # Calculate dRA and dDEC in arcsec}
    R = NewR
    CurlR = R * 17 * (prefs.Press * 30 / 1015.92) / (460 + ((prefs.Temp * 9 / 5) + 32))   # convert Temp and Press to F and "Hg for correction}
    dRA = CurlR * sin(h) * cosec(z) * cos(obs) * sec(DegToRad(ObjDec))
    dDEC = CurlR * ((sin(obs) * cosec(z) * sec(DegToRad(ObjDec))) - (tan(DegToRad(ObjDec)) * cot(z)))
    return dRA, dDEC
Exemple #31
def random_affine(img, targets=(), degrees=10, translate=.1, scale=.1, shear=10, border=(0, 0)):
    # torchvision.transforms.RandomAffine(degrees=(-10, 10), translate=(.1, .1), scale=(.9, 1.1), shear=(-10, 10))
    # targets = [cls, xyxy]

    height = img.shape[0] + border[0] * 2  # shape(h,w,c)
    width = img.shape[1] + border[1] * 2

    # Rotation and Scale
    R = np.eye(3)
    a = random.uniform(-degrees, degrees)
    # a += random.choice([-180, -90, 0, 90])  # add 90deg rotations to small rotations
    s = random.uniform(1 - scale, 1 + scale)
    # s = 2 ** random.uniform(-scale, scale)
    R[:2] = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(angle=a, center=(img.shape[1] / 2, img.shape[0] / 2), scale=s)

    # Translation
    T = np.eye(3)
    T[0, 2] = random.uniform(-translate, translate) * img.shape[1] + border[1]  # x translation (pixels)
    T[1, 2] = random.uniform(-translate, translate) * img.shape[0] + border[0]  # y translation (pixels)

    # Shear
    S = np.eye(3)
    S[0, 1] = math.tan(random.uniform(-shear, shear) * math.pi / 180)  # x shear (deg)
    S[1, 0] = math.tan(random.uniform(-shear, shear) * math.pi / 180)  # y shear (deg)

    # Combined rotation matrix
    if (border[0] != 0) or (border[1] != 0) or (M != np.eye(3)).any():  # image changed
        img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M[:2], dsize=(width, height), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderValue=(114, 114, 114))

    # Transform label coordinates
    n = len(targets)
    if n:
        # warp points
        xy = np.ones((n * 4, 3))
        xy[:, :2] = targets[:, [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 4, 3, 2]].reshape(n * 4, 2)  # x1y1, x2y2, x1y2, x2y1
        xy = (xy @ M.T)[:, :2].reshape(n, 8)

        # create new boxes
        x = xy[:, [0, 2, 4, 6]]
        y = xy[:, [1, 3, 5, 7]]
        xy = np.concatenate((x.min(1), y.min(1), x.max(1), y.max(1))).reshape(4, n).T

        # # apply angle-based reduction of bounding boxes
        # radians = a * math.pi / 180
        # reduction = max(abs(math.sin(radians)), abs(math.cos(radians))) ** 0.5
        # x = (xy[:, 2] + xy[:, 0]) / 2
        # y = (xy[:, 3] + xy[:, 1]) / 2
        # w = (xy[:, 2] - xy[:, 0]) * reduction
        # h = (xy[:, 3] - xy[:, 1]) * reduction
        # xy = np.concatenate((x - w / 2, y - h / 2, x + w / 2, y + h / 2)).reshape(4, n).T

        # clip boxes
        xy[:, [0, 2]] = xy[:, [0, 2]].clip(0, width)
        xy[:, [1, 3]] = xy[:, [1, 3]].clip(0, height)

        # filter candidates
        i = box_candidates(box1=targets[:, 1:5].T * s, box2=xy.T)
        targets = targets[i]
        targets[:, 1:5] = xy[i]

    return img, targets
Exemple #32
def polysum(n,s):
	return round(result_sum,4)
def g(x): #return actual answer. To calc %error
    return math.tan(x + math.atan(1))-x+1 #CHANGE: put F(x,y): integral of the original function f(x,y), here
from math import radians, sin, cos, tan
ang = float(input('Insira o ângulo desejado: '))
sen = sin(radians(ang))
cose = cos(radians(ang))
tang = tan(radians(ang))
print('O ângulo tem SENO de: {:.2f}\nSeno de: {:.2f}\n Cosseno de: {:.2f}'.format(sen, cose, tang))

def system(u, u1):
    return [
        lambda t, x: u * math.cos(x[2]),
        lambda t, x: u * math.sin(x[2]),
        lambda t, x: u/Lb * math.tan(u1)
Exemple #36
    def start(self,debug=False):

        arefa = 20
        center_point = (0, 0)

        for i in range(10):
            #  解除锁定
            self.arm_state = self.arm()
            self.manual_state = self.manual()
        r = rospy.Rate(10)  # 设置数据发送频率为10hz
        rcmsg = OverrideRCIn()
        rcmsg.channels = [65535, 65535, 65535,
                          65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535]
        # 定义油门
        # rcmsg.channels[2] = 1500

        # 启动获取距离
        # Thread(target=self.get_dist, args=()).start()
        # 设置pid
        # Thread(target=self.set_pid,args=()).start()
        first_cortron = True
        while self.arm_state and self.manual_state and (rospy.is_shutdown() is False):

            # print("1")
            if len(self.pointsClassification[3]) >= 0 and self.rc_in[5] > 1500:
                first_cortron = True
                # 清除原有图像
                start_time = time.time()
                cen = CenterPointEdge.CenterPointEdge(
                    self.pointsClassification, center_point, 1)
                paths = cen.contour()

                # print(paths)
                # 计算单折线斜率
                # dist/math.sin(theta)-x/math.tan(theta)
                slope = -1/math.tan(theta)
                intercept = dist/math.sin(theta)

                # slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = st.linregress(paths)

                # 当线段拟合程度不够时使用双折线拟合
                if err >0.5:
                    lines = LineSegment.segment2(
                        paths, center_point=center_point, debug=False, debug_data=paths)
                    # 双折线中选择k 值为负值且拟合程度大于0.75的线
                    # 次选拟合程度最大的
                    # print (lines    )
                    if (lines[0].slope > 0 and lines[0].r_value >0.75):
                        slope = lines[0].slope
                        intercept = lines[0].intercept
                    elif lines[0].r_value <0.75 and lines[1].r_value == 1.0:
                        slope = float("inf")
                        intercept = 0
                        slope = lines[1].slope
                        intercept = lines[1].intercept
                if debug:

                # 线性拟合,可以返回斜率,截距,r 值,p 值,标准误差
                # slope*x - y + intercept = 0
                x = []
                for path in paths:

                if slope == float("inf"):
                    deflection = 0
                    # 平均x 值当做距离
                    left_dist = abs( list (np.average(paths,axis=0))[0])
                    deflection = math.atan(slope)*180.0/math.pi
                    if deflection >0 :
                        deflection -=90 
                        deflection +=90 
                    # 船到岸边的距离
                    left_dist = abs(
                # 均值滤波
                self.left_dist =  self.avg_filter(self.left_dist_queue,left_dist,self.filter_N)
                # print ("defle",deflection)
                # 岸线的平行的角度
                left_parallel_yaw = (self.yaw - deflection) % 360
                # 均值滤波
                self.left_parallel_yaw =  self.avg_filter(self.left_parallel_yaw_queue,left_parallel_yaw,self.filter_N)

                # print ("left_parallel_yaw: ",self.left_parallel_yaw  )
                end_time = time.time()      
                # print ("time1: ", end_time-start_time)
                if self.left_dist !=None and self.left_parallel_yaw != None :
                    # 根据与岸的距离不断调整 yaw 是其不断逼近想要的距离
                        self.except_dist, self.left_dist, self.left_parallel_yaw, rcmsg)
                    # 调试直行程序pid
                    # self.set_yaw_pid_control(311,rcmsg)
                    # print ("rcmsg: ",rcmsg)
                    # self.print_log()  # 打印日志
                # time.sleep(0.1)
                # rcmsg.channels = [65535, 65535, 65535,
                #                 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535]
                if first_cortron:
                    rcmsg.channels[0] = 1500
                    first_cortron = False
                    rcmsg.channels[0] = 65535

                # print ("rcmsg: ",rcmsg)
                # print ("self.rc_in", self.rc_in)
                # self.print_log()  # 打印日志
Exemple #37
    def img_callback(self, msg):
        start_time = time.time()
        # print(len(self.tiles))
        font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
        color = (0, 0, 255)

        if self.frame_counter % self.skip == 0:
            # self.tiles=[]
            img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "bgr8")

            res = img.copy()
            h, w = img.shape[:2]

            M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w / 2, h / 2),
                                        (self.imu_yaw) * 180 / math.pi, 1)
            img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (w, h))

            #circle mask
            circle_mask = np.zeros_like(img)
            circle_mask =, (w / 2, h / 2), h / 2,
                                     [255, 255, 255], -1)
            circle_mask = circle_mask[:, :, 0]

            # print(h,w)
            img = self.img_correction(img)

            blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (7, 7), 0)
            hsv = cv2.cvtColor(blur, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

            mask = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(hsv[:, :, 2],255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,\
                        cv2.THRESH_BINARY,21, 2)

            kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
            opening = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
            opening = 255 - opening
            opening = cv2.dilate(opening, None, iterations=1)
            contour_mask = 255 - opening
            opening[circle_mask == 0] = 0
            #fit lines to extract major direction
            minLineLength = 100
            lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(image=opening,rho=1,theta=np.pi/180,\
             threshold=100,lines=np.array([]), minLineLength=minLineLength, maxLineGap=12)

            grad = np.zeros((len(lines), 1))
            i = 0
            for line in lines:
                #find two major gradients
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = line[0][0], line[0][1], line[0][2], line[0][3]
                theta = math.atan(float(y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * 180 / math.pi

                grad[i] = theta
                i += 1
                # cv2.line(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 3, cv2.LINE_AA)
                cv2.line(contour_mask, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), 0, 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

            hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(grad, density=False)
            ind = np.argmax(hist)
            best_grad = round((bin_edges[ind] + bin_edges[ind + 1]) / 2, 2)

            ind = np.where(np.abs(grad - best_grad) < 10)
            good_grads = grad[ind]
            best_grad = np.mean(good_grads)

            # contour_mask=self.mask_correction(contour_mask)
            M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w / 2, h / 2), best_grad, 1)
            contour_mask = cv2.warpAffine(contour_mask, M, (w, h))

            (_, contours, _) = cv2.findContours(contour_mask,
            contour_mask = cv2.cvtColor(contour_mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
            areas = []
            border = 0
            r = []

            for contour in contours:
                rect = cv2.boundingRect(contour)

                if rect[0] > border and rect[0] + rect[2] < w - border and rect[
                        1] > border and rect[3] + rect[1] < h - border:
                    area = int(rect[3] * rect[2])
                    # print(area)
                    ar = float(rect[2]) / rect[3]
                    real_ar = 0.25 / 0.12
                    if area > 1000 and area < 120000 and abs(ar / real_ar -
                                                             1) < 0.3:
                        cv2.rectangle(contour_mask, (rect[0], rect[1]),
                                      (rect[2] + rect[0], rect[3] + rect[1]),
                                      (0, 255, 0), 2)

            areas = np.asarray(areas)
            hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(areas, bins='fd', density=False)
            ind = np.argmax(hist)
            # best_area=(bin_edges[ind]+bin_edges[ind+1])/2

            best_area = round((bin_edges[ind] + bin_edges[ind + 1]) / 2, 2)
            ind = np.where(np.abs(areas - best_area) < 0.1 * best_area)
            if len(ind) > 5:
                good_areas = areas[ind]
                best_area = np.mean(good_areas)

            pred_depth = self.predict_depth(best_area)

            pred_depth = pred_depth * math.cos(self.imu_pitch) * math.cos(

            for tile in self.tiles:
                r = tile.one_step_update(r)

            for rect in r:
                self.tiles.append(Tile(rect, self.ind_count))
                self.ind_count += 1

            for tile in self.tiles:
                if tile.alive == False:

            del_x = []
            del_y = []
            for tile in self.tiles:
                color = self.colors[tile.ind % 20]
                if len(tile.centers) > 2:
                    del_x.append(tile.centers[-1][1] - tile.centers[-2][1])
                    del_y.append(tile.centers[-1][0] - tile.centers[-2][0])
                contour_mask =
                    (int(tile.centers[-1][0]), int(tile.centers[-1][1])), 5,
                    color, -1)
                cv2.putText(contour_mask, str(tile.ind),
                            ([0] + 10,[1] + 10), font, 0.8,
                            color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

            hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(np.asarray(del_x),
            ind = np.argmax(hist)
            best_del_x = round((bin_edges[ind] + bin_edges[ind + 1]) / 2, 2)

            hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(np.asarray(del_y),
            ind = np.argmax(hist)
            best_del_y = round((bin_edges[ind] + bin_edges[ind + 1]) / 2, 2)

            #tile real world dimension
            fov_w, fov_h = 48 * math.pi / 180, 36 * math.pi / 180
            px_W, px_H = 640, 480
            W = 2 * pred_depth * math.tan(fov_w / 2) + 0.0001
            ppm = px_W / W
            self.pos_x -= best_del_x / ppm
            self.pos_y -= best_del_y / ppm
            self.pub_odom(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, pred_depth, best_grad)

            # print(best_grad, best_area, pred_depth)
            cv2.rectangle(contour_mask, (0, 0), (w, 80), (0, 0, 0), -1)

            text = "direction " + str(
                round(best_grad + self.imu_yaw * 180 / math.pi,
                      2)) + ", height: " + str(round(pred_depth, 2)) + "m"
            text2 = "x: " + str(round(self.pos_x, 2)) + "m, y: " + str(
                round(self.pos_y, 2)) + "m"
            color = (255, 255, 255)
            cv2.putText(contour_mask, text, (50, 20), font, 0.8, color, 1,
            cv2.putText(contour_mask, text2, (50, 60), font, 0.8, color, 1,

            opening = cv2.cvtColor(opening, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
                self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(np.hstack([img, contour_mask]),

        self.frame_counter += 1
Exemple #38
    def operator_adv(self):
        if str(
        ) == "Math Error":  # if math error is display then clear memory and display 0
            self.num = 0.0
            self.oldnum = 0.0
            self.operatorPending = ''

        clickedButton = self.sender()
        clickedOperator = str(clickedButton.text())
        result = float(self.display.text())

        if self.isOperatorPending == True:  # if operator is pending then calculate pending operation and update operator pending to true
            self.num = float(self.display.text())
            if self.operatorPending == u'\u002B':  # addition
                self.oldnum = self.num + self.oldnum
            elif self.operatorPending == u'\u002D':
                self.oldnum = self.oldnum - self.num
            elif self.operatorPending == u'\u002A':
                self.oldnum = self.num * self.oldnum
            elif self.operatorPending == u'\u00F7':
                if self.num == 0.0:
                    self.display.setText('Math Error')
                    self.oldnum = self.oldnum / self.num
            self.isOperatorPending == False
            result = self.oldnum

        if clickedOperator == u'\u00B1':  # sign change
            result = -result  # Still have to address problem about extra 0s in float
        elif clickedOperator == u'\u221A':  # square root
            if result < 0:
                self.display.setText('Math Error')
                result = math.sqrt(result)
        elif clickedOperator == u"x\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO}":  # square
            result = result * result
        elif clickedOperator == '1/x':  # inverse
            if result == 0:
                self.display.setText('Math Error')
                result = 1 / result
        elif clickedOperator == 'e^x':  # exponential
            result = math.exp(result)
        elif clickedOperator == '10^x':  # power(10, x)
            result = pow(10, result)
        elif clickedOperator == 'sin':  # sin
            result = math.sin(result)
        elif clickedOperator == 'cos':  # cos
            result = math.cos(result)
        elif clickedOperator == 'tan':  # tan
            result = math.tan(result)
        elif clickedOperator == 'log':  # log
            if result <= 0:
                self.display.setText('Math Error')
                result = math.log10(result)

Exemple #39
    def DrawBackbone(self, coordinates):

        # box properties
        numSides = 4

        # start at residue position 1
        cur_res = 1

        # loop through residues and draw backbone
        output = ""
        #for (i=1;i<=count(coordinates);i++) {
        for i in range(1, len(coordinates) + 1):
            cur_res = i

            # find next residue
            next_res = cur_res - 1
            if next_res < 1:
                next_res = 19

            # find prev residue
            prev_res = cur_res + 1
            if prev_res > len(coordinates):
                prev_res = 2

            # next-in-wheel residue orientation
            wheel_next_res = cur_res - numSides
            if wheel_next_res <= (
                    1 - numSides
            ):  # if current res is the last res, next is the first res
                wheel_next_res = len(coordinates)
            elif wheel_next_res < 1:
                wheel_next_res += len(coordinates) - 1

            # line thickness
            thickness = 6 * ((i / len(coordinates) / 1.2))
            thicknessNext = 6 * (((i + 1) / len(coordinates) / 1.2))
            thicknessPrev = 6 * (((i - 1) / len(coordinates) / 1.2))

            # find residue base points
            cur_points = self.ResiduePoints(cur_res, thickness, coordinates)
            next_points = self.ResiduePoints(next_res, thicknessNext,
            prev_points = self.ResiduePoints(prev_res, thicknessPrev,

            # lines
            cur_in = self.LineEquation(cur_points[1], cur_points[2])
            cur_out = self.LineEquation(cur_points[4], cur_points[3])
            next_in = self.LineEquation(next_points[1], next_points[2])
            next_out = self.LineEquation(next_points[4], next_points[3])
            prev_in = self.LineEquation(prev_points[1], prev_points[2])

            # line points
            p1 = cur_points[1]
            p2 = self.LineIntercept(cur_in['m'], cur_in['b'], next_out['m'],
            p3 = self.LineIntercept(cur_in['m'], cur_in['b'], next_in['m'],
            p4 = self.LineIntercept(cur_in['m'], cur_in['b'], prev_in['m'],
            p5 = self.LineIntercept(cur_out['m'], cur_out['b'], prev_in['m'],
            p6 = cur_points[4]

            # shorter line for the last residue
            if i == len(coordinates):
                move_in = self.MoveAlongLine(40, cur_in['m'], False,
                                             cur_in['x'], cur_in['y'])
                p4 = {'x': p1['x'] + move_in['x'], 'y': p1['y'] + move_in['y']}
                p5 = {'x': p6['x'] + move_in['x'], 'y': p6['y'] + move_in['y']}

            # draw line
            points = [p2, p1, p6, p5, p4, p3]
            points_txt = ""
            for coord in points:
                points_txt += str(coord['x']) + "," + str(coord['y']) + " "

            # gradient
            gradientId = uniqid()
            angle = 1 / tan(self.deg2rad(cur_in['m']))
            output += """
                    <linearGradient id='{}' x1='100%' y1='0%' x2='0%' y2='0%' gradientTransform='rotate({})'>
                    <stop offset='0%' stop-color='#00cc00' stop-opacity='1'/>
                    <stop offset='100%' stop-color='#006600' stop-opacity='1'/>
                """.format(gradientId, angle)

            lineFill = "white"

            # add SVG to output
            output += "<polyline stroke='black' stroke-width='0.5' points='" + points_txt + "' fill='" + lineFill + "'/>"

        return output
Exemple #40
 height, width, _ = frame.shape
 left, right = LaneCoord[0][0], LaneCoord[1][0]
 frame = LaneCoord[2]
 left_history_flag, right_history_flag = LaneCoord[3], LaneCoord[4]
 if left_history_flag == True:
     LaneLines = 1
     right_x_min, right_y_min = right[0], right[1]
     right_x_max, right_y_max = right[2], right[3]
     x_offset_start = right_x_max - right_x_min
     y_offset = int(height * 8 / 9)
     steerAngle = SteerControl(x_offset_start, y_offset)
     required_steer_angle = stabilization(old_steer_angle, steerAngle,
     old_steer_angle = steerAngle
     steerRad = (required_steer_angle * 180 / math.pi)
     val = math.tan(steerRad)
     x_offset_end = int(right_x_min - height / 2 / val)
     cv.line(frame, (width // 2, height), (x_offset_end, y_offset),
             (0, 255, 0), 3)
 elif right_history_flag == True:
     LaneLines = 1
     left_x_min, left_y_min = left[0], left[1]
     left_x_max, left_y_max = left[2], left[3]
     x_offset_start = left_x_max - left_x_min
     y_offset = int(height * 8 / 9)
     steerAngle = SteerControl(x_offset_start, y_offset, True)
     required_steer_angle = stabilization(old_steer_angle, steerAngle,
     old_steer_angle = steerAngle
     steerRad = (required_steer_angle * 180 / math.pi)
     val = math.tan(steerRad)
Exemple #41
    def localization_callback(self, data):
        New message received
        if self.terminating == True:
  "terminating when receive localization msg")

        if not self.chassis_received:
                "chassis not received when localization is received")

        #self.localization = data
        carx = self.localization.pose.position.x
        cary = self.localization.pose.position.y
        carz = self.localization.pose.position.z
        cartheta = self.localization.pose.heading
        if math.isnan(self.chassis.speed_mps):
            self.logger.warning("find nan speed_mps: %s" % str(self.chassis))
        if math.isnan(self.chassis.steering_percentage):
            self.logger.warning("find nan steering_percentage: %s" %
        carspeed = self.chassis.speed_mps
        caracceleration = self.localization.pose.linear_acceleration_vrf.y

        speed_epsilon = 1e-9
        if abs(self.prev_carspeed) < speed_epsilon \
                and abs(carspeed) < speed_epsilon:
            caracceleration = 0.0

        carsteer = self.chassis.steering_percentage
        curvature = math.tan(math.radians(carsteer / 100 * 470) / 16) / 2.85
        if abs(carspeed) >= speed_epsilon:
            carcurvature_change_rate = (curvature -
                                        self.carcurvature) / (carspeed * 0.01)
            carcurvature_change_rate = 0.0
        self.carcurvature = curvature
        cartime = self.localization.header.timestamp_sec
        cargear = self.chassis.gear_location

        if abs(carspeed) >= speed_epsilon:
            if self.startmoving == False:
                    "carspeed !=0 and startmoving is False, Start Recording")
            self.startmoving = True

        if self.startmoving:
   = + carspeed * 0.01
                "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %.4f, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n" %
                (carx, cary, carz, carspeed, caracceleration,
                 self.carcurvature, carcurvature_change_rate, cartime,
                 cartheta, cargear,,
            self.logger.debug("started moving and write data at time %s" %
            self.logger.debug("not start moving, do not write data to file")

        self.prev_carspeed = carspeed
Exemple #42
# faça um programa que leia um ângulo qualquer e mostre na tela o valor do seno, cosseno e tangente desse ângulo.
import time
from math import radians, sin, cos, tan

angulo = float(input('Digite um ângulo: '))
loop = 0
seno = sin(radians(angulo))
cosseno = cos(radians(angulo))
tangente = tan(radians(angulo))
print('''O ângulo de {}º
         tem o SENO de {:.2f}º
         o COSSENO de {:.2f}º
         e a TANGENTE de {:.2f}º
                        '''.format(angulo, seno, cosseno, tangente))
Exemple #43
def vincentyDirect(latitude1, longitude1, alpha12, s ) :

        Returns the lat and long of projected point and reverse azimuth
        given a reference point and a distance and azimuth to project.
        lats, longs and azimuths are passed in decimal degrees

        Returns ( latitude2,  lambda2,  alpha21 ) as a tuple 

        f = 1.0 / 298.257223563		# WGS84
        a = 6378137.0 			# metres

        piD4 = math.atan( 1.0 )
        two_pi = piD4 * 8.0

        latitude1    = latitude1    * piD4 / 45.0
        longitude1 = longitude1 * piD4 / 45.0
        alpha12 = alpha12 * piD4 / 45.0
        if ( alpha12 < 0.0 ) : 
                alpha12 = alpha12 + two_pi
        if ( alpha12 > two_pi ) : 
                alpha12 = alpha12 - two_pi

        b = a * (1.0 - f)

        TanU1 = (1-f) * math.tan(latitude1)
        U1 = math.atan( TanU1 )
        sigma1 = math.atan2( TanU1, math.cos(alpha12) )
        Sinalpha = math.cos(U1) * math.sin(alpha12)
        cosalpha_sq = 1.0 - Sinalpha * Sinalpha

        u2 = cosalpha_sq * (a * a - b * b ) / (b * b)
        A = 1.0 + (u2 / 16384) * (4096 + u2 * (-768 + u2 * \
                (320 - 175 * u2) ) )
        B = (u2 / 1024) * (256 + u2 * (-128 + u2 * (74 - 47 * u2) ) )

        # Starting with the approximation
        sigma = (s / (b * A))

        last_sigma = 2.0 * sigma + 2.0	# something impossible

        # Iterate the following three equations 
        #  until there is no significant change in sigma 

        # two_sigma_m , delta_sigma
        while ( abs( (last_sigma - sigma) / sigma) > 1.0e-9 ) :
                two_sigma_m = 2 * sigma1 + sigma

                delta_sigma = B * math.sin(sigma) * ( math.cos(two_sigma_m) \
                        + (B/4) * (math.cos(sigma) * \
                        (-1 + 2 * math.pow( math.cos(two_sigma_m), 2 ) -  \
                        (B/6) * math.cos(two_sigma_m) * \
                        (-3 + 4 * math.pow(math.sin(sigma), 2 )) *  \
                        (-3 + 4 * math.pow( math.cos (two_sigma_m), 2 ))))) \

                last_sigma = sigma
                sigma = (s / (b * A)) + delta_sigma

        latitude2 = math.atan2 ( (math.sin(U1) * math.cos(sigma) + math.cos(U1) * math.sin(sigma) * math.cos(alpha12) ), \
                ((1-f) * math.sqrt( math.pow(Sinalpha, 2) +  \
                pow(math.sin(U1) * math.sin(sigma) - math.cos(U1) * math.cos(sigma) * math.cos(alpha12), 2))))

        lembda = math.atan2( (math.sin(sigma) * math.sin(alpha12 )), (math.cos(U1) * math.cos(sigma) -  \
                math.sin(U1) *  math.sin(sigma) * math.cos(alpha12)))

        C = (f/16) * cosalpha_sq * (4 + f * (4 - 3 * cosalpha_sq ))

        omega = lembda - (1-C) * f * Sinalpha *  \
                (sigma + C * math.sin(sigma) * (math.cos(two_sigma_m) + \
                C * math.cos(sigma) * (-1 + 2 * math.pow(math.cos(two_sigma_m),2) )))

        longitude2 = longitude1 + omega

        alpha21 = math.atan2 ( Sinalpha, (-math.sin(U1) * math.sin(sigma) +  \
                math.cos(U1) * math.cos(sigma) * math.cos(alpha12)))

        alpha21 = alpha21 + two_pi / 2.0
        if ( alpha21 < 0.0 ) :
                alpha21 = alpha21 + two_pi
        if ( alpha21 > two_pi ) :
                alpha21 = alpha21 - two_pi

        latitude2       = latitude2       * 45.0 / piD4
        longitude2    = longitude2    * 45.0 / piD4
        alpha21    = alpha21    * 45.0 / piD4

        return latitude2,  longitude2,  alpha21 
        y = -cmx * sin(angle) + cmy * cos(angle)
        rotated_mask[i] = [x, y]
    rotated_mask[2] = [
        40. * sin(deg2rad(90 - float(alpha) - float(phi))),
        -40. * cos(deg2rad(90 - float(alpha) - float(phi)))
    rotated_mask[3] = [
        rotated_mask[2][0] - cos(deg2rad(90 - float(alpha) - float(phi))),
        rotated_mask[2][1] - sin(deg2rad(90 - float(alpha) - float(phi))),
    rotated_mask[4] = [
        rotated_mask[1][0] - cos(deg2rad(90 - float(alpha) - float(phi))),
        rotated_mask[1][1] - sin(deg2rad(90 - float(alpha) - float(phi))),
    rotated_mask[5][0] = rotated_mask[0][0]
    rotated_mask[5][1] = rotated_mask[4][1] - rotated_mask[5][0] * tan(
        deg2rad(float(alpha) - 7))
    return rotated_mask

def make_surface_plot(cases=False,
Exemple #45
x4 = 2.0e-3
y1 = 2.0e-3
y2 = 1.0e-3

x1 = 5.0e-3
x2 = 3.0e-3
x3 = 1.5e-3
x4 = 2.0e-3
y1 = 2.0e-3
y2 = 1.5e-3

Bangle = 5.0 * math.pi / 180.0

# the height of intersection between the magnetic and left and right boudnary of the probe
h0 = y1 - x3 * math.tan(Bangle)
h1 = y1 - (x3 + x4) * math.tan(Bangle)

D_per = 1.0
y_diffusion = math.pow(D_per * x1 / vi, 0.5)
lamada_sol  = math.pow(D_per * 50.0 / vi, 0.5)

print("probe height:    ", y2)
print("probe left  :    ", h0)
print("probe right :    ", h1)
print("vi          :    ", vi)
print("y_diffusion :    ", y_diffusion)
print("lamada_sol  :    ", lamada_sol)
Exemple #46
def vinc_dist(latitude1,  longitude1,  latitude2,  longitude2 ) :
        Returns the distance between two geographic points on the ellipsoid
        and the forward and reverse azimuths between these points.
        lats, longs and azimuths are in decimal degrees, distance in metres 

        Returns ( s, alpha12,  alpha21 ) as a tuple
        f = 1.0 / 298.257223563		# WGS84
        a = 6378137.0 			# metres

        if (abs( latitude2 - latitude1 ) < 1e-8) and ( abs( longitude2 - longitude1) < 1e-8 ) :
                return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        piD4   = math.atan( 1.0 )
        two_pi = piD4 * 8.0

        latitude1    = latitude1 * piD4 / 45.0
        longitude1 = longitude1 * piD4 / 45.0		# unfortunately lambda is a key word!
        latitude2    = latitude2 * piD4 / 45.0
        longitude2 = longitude2 * piD4 / 45.0

        b = a * (1.0 - f)

        TanU1 = (1-f) * math.tan( latitude1 )
        TanU2 = (1-f) * math.tan( latitude2 )

        U1 = math.atan(TanU1)
        U2 = math.atan(TanU2)

        lembda = longitude2 - longitude1
        last_lembda = -4000000.0		# an impossibe value
        omega = lembda

        # Iterate the following equations, 
        #  until there is no significant change in lembda 

        while ( last_lembda < -3000000.0 or lembda != 0 and abs( (last_lembda - lembda)/lembda) > 1.0e-9 ) :

                sqr_sin_sigma = pow( math.cos(U2) * math.sin(lembda), 2) + \
                        pow( (math.cos(U1) * math.sin(U2) - \
                        math.sin(U1) *  math.cos(U2) * math.cos(lembda) ), 2 )

                Sin_sigma = math.sqrt( sqr_sin_sigma )

                Cos_sigma = math.sin(U1) * math.sin(U2) + math.cos(U1) * math.cos(U2) * math.cos(lembda)
                sigma = math.atan2( Sin_sigma, Cos_sigma )

                Sin_alpha = math.cos(U1) * math.cos(U2) * math.sin(lembda) / math.sin(sigma)
                alpha = math.asin( Sin_alpha )

                Cos2sigma_m = math.cos(sigma) - (2 * math.sin(U1) * math.sin(U2) / pow(math.cos(alpha), 2) )

                C = (f/16) * pow(math.cos(alpha), 2) * (4 + f * (4 - 3 * pow(math.cos(alpha), 2)))

                last_lembda = lembda

                lembda = omega + (1-C) * f * math.sin(alpha) * (sigma + C * math.sin(sigma) * \
                        (Cos2sigma_m + C * math.cos(sigma) * (-1 + 2 * pow(Cos2sigma_m, 2) )))

        u2 = pow(math.cos(alpha),2) * (a*a-b*b) / (b*b)

        A = 1 + (u2/16384) * (4096 + u2 * (-768 + u2 * (320 - 175 * u2)))

        B = (u2/1024) * (256 + u2 * (-128+ u2 * (74 - 47 * u2)))

        delta_sigma = B * Sin_sigma * (Cos2sigma_m + (B/4) * \
                (Cos_sigma * (-1 + 2 * pow(Cos2sigma_m, 2) ) - \
                (B/6) * Cos2sigma_m * (-3 + 4 * sqr_sin_sigma) * \
                (-3 + 4 * pow(Cos2sigma_m,2 ) )))

        s = b * A * (sigma - delta_sigma)

        alpha12 = math.atan2( (math.cos(U2) * math.sin(lembda)), \
                (math.cos(U1) * math.sin(U2) - math.sin(U1) * math.cos(U2) * math.cos(lembda)))

        alpha21 = math.atan2( (math.cos(U1) * math.sin(lembda)), \
                (-math.sin(U1) * math.cos(U2) + math.cos(U1) * math.sin(U2) * math.cos(lembda)))

        if ( alpha12 < 0.0 ) : 
                alpha12 =  alpha12 + two_pi
        if ( alpha12 > two_pi ) : 
                alpha12 = alpha12 - two_pi

        alpha21 = alpha21 + two_pi / 2.0
        if ( alpha21 < 0.0 ) : 
                alpha21 = alpha21 + two_pi
        if ( alpha21 > two_pi ) : 
                alpha21 = alpha21 - two_pi

        alpha12    = alpha12    * 45.0 / piD4
        alpha21    = alpha21    * 45.0 / piD4
        return s, alpha12,  alpha21 
Exemple #47
TILE = 100
FPS_POS = (WIDTH - 65, 5)

# minimap settings
MAP_POS = (0, 0)

# ray casting settings
FOV = math.pi / 3
NUM_RAYS = 300
DIST = NUM_RAYS / (2 * math.tan(HALF_FOV))

# texture settings (1200 x 1200)

# player settings
player_pos = (HALF_WIDTH, HALF_HEIGHT)
player_angle = 0
player_speed = 2

# colors
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
Exemple #48
def triangulation(landmark_list, eps):
    global angle_list
    angle_list = getAngles(landmark_list)
    (angles, landmarks) = properly_order_landmarks(landmark_list, angle_list)
    alpha = (angles[1] - angles[0]) % 360.0
    alpha = alpha * math.pi / 180
    beta = (angles[2] - angles[1]) % 360.0
    beta = beta * math.pi / 180
    if alpha == 0 and beta == 0:
        print("Significant measurement error (collinear).")
    pt1 = landmarks[0]
    pt2 = landmarks[1]
    pt3 = landmarks[2]
    v12 = unitvec(psub(pt2, pt1))  # unit vector from landmark 1 to 2
    v23 = unitvec(psub(pt3, pt2))  # unit vector from landmark 2 to 3
    d12 = vlen(psub(pt2, pt1))  # distance from point 1 to 2
    d23 = vlen(psub(pt3, pt2))  # distance from 2 to 3
    p12 = pcenter(pt1, pt2)  # pt1 + 0.5*v12
    p23 = pcenter(pt2, pt3)

    if alpha == 0:  # Robot collinear with 1 and 2
        alpha = eps
    if alpha == 180:  # Robot collinear with 1 and 2
        alpha = 180 - eps
    if beta == 0:  # Robot collinear with 2 and 3
        beta = eps
    if beta == 180:  # Robot collinear with 2 and 3
        beta = 180 - eps

    la = 0
    lb = 0
    if not (alpha == 90):
        # if alpha is zero, then la is zero but the tangent blows up
        la = d12 / (2.0 * math.tan(alpha))
    if not (beta == 90):
        lb = d23 / (2.0 * math.tan(beta))
    ra = d12 / (2.0 * math.sin(alpha))  # radius of circle a
    rb = d23 / (2.0 * math.sin(beta))  # radius of circle b

    # ca: center of circle a
    ca = (p12[0] - la * v12[1], p12[1] + la * v12[0])
    # cb: center of circle b
    cb = (p23[0] - lb * v23[1], p23[1] + lb * v23[0])
    cba = psub(ca, cb)  # points from center of circle b to center of circle a
    if vec_eq(ca, cb):
        print("Significant measurement error (concentric).")

    # get lengths of three segments of triangle (cb pt1 pt2) and find angle cb from the cosine rule
    tri_a = seglen(cb, ca)
    tri_b = seglen(cb, pt2)
    tri_c = seglen(pt2, ca)
    gamma = cosine_rule_get_angle(tri_a, tri_b,
                                  tri_c)  # math.asin(vlen(v12)/(2*ra))
    d2r = 2 * rb * math.sin(gamma)
    d2r_vec = vscale(d2r, unit_normal(cba, psub(ca, pt2)))
    # d2r*(the unit normal to cba generally facing from pt2 to ca)
    robot_coord = vadd(pt2, d2r_vec)
    vec_robot_to_pt1 = psub(pt1, robot_coord)
    heading = (v_direction(vec_robot_to_pt1) - (math.pi / 180) * angles[0])
    # unit_velocity = heading_to_unit_velocity(heading)

    return np.array([[robot_coord[0]], [robot_coord[1]],
                     [(180 / math.pi) * heading[0] % 360]])
Exemple #49
import math

def binary_continuous(f, c, a, b):
    """ Для монотонної на відрізку [a, b] функції f розв'язує рівняння
                     f(x) = c

    :param f: Монотонна функція
    :param c: Шукане значення
    :param a: Ліва межа проміжку на якому здійснюється пошук
    :param b: Права межа проміжку на якому здійснюється пошук
    :return: Розв'язок рівняння
    left = a  # лівий кінець відрізка
    right = b  # правий кінець відрізка

    m = (left + right) / 2.0  # середина відрізка [left,right]
    while left != m and m != right:
        if f(m) < c:
            left = m  # [left,right] = [x,right]
            right = m  # [left,right] = [left,x]

        m = (left + right) / 2.0  # середина відрізка [left,right]

    return left

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(binary_continuous(lambda x: math.tan(x) - 2.0 * x, 0, 0.5, 1.5))
Exemple #50
 def skew(self, alpha, beta):
     tanAlpha = tan(alpha * pi / 180)
     tanBeta = tan(beta * pi / 180)
     self.transform(1, tanAlpha, tanBeta, 1, 0, 0)
def determine_if_in_wake_larsen(xt, yt, xw, yw, A, c1, ct, alpha, r0,
                                x0):  # According to Larsen Model only
    # Eq. of centreline is Y = tan (d) (X - Xt) + Yt
    # Distance from point to line
    alpha = deg2rad(alpha + 180)
    distance_to_centre = abs(-tan(alpha) * xw + yw + tan(alpha) * xt -
                             yt) / sqrt(1.0 + tan(alpha)**2.0)
    # print distance_to_centre
    # Coordinates of the intersection between closest path from turbine in wake to centreline.
    X_int = (xw + tan(alpha) * yw + tan(alpha) *
             (tan(alpha) * xt - yt)) / (tan(alpha)**2.0 + 1.0)
    Y_int = (-tan(alpha) * (-xw - tan(alpha) * yw) - tan(alpha) * xt +
             yt) / (tan(alpha)**2.0 + 1.0)
    # Distance from intersection point to turbine
    distance_to_turbine = sqrt((X_int - xt)**2.0 + (Y_int - yt)**2.0)
    # Radius of wake at that distance
    radius = wake_radius(c1, ct, A, distance_to_turbine + x0)
    # print radius
    if (xw - xt) * cos(alpha) + (yw - yt) * sin(alpha) <= 0.0:
        if abs(radius) >= abs(distance_to_centre):
            if abs(radius) >= abs(distance_to_centre) + r0:
                fraction = 1.0
                value = True
                return fraction, value, distance_to_centre, distance_to_turbine
            elif abs(radius) < abs(distance_to_centre) + r0:
                fraction = area.AreaReal(r0, radius, distance_to_centre).area()
                value = True
                return fraction, value, distance_to_centre, distance_to_turbine
        elif abs(radius) < abs(distance_to_centre):
            if abs(radius) <= abs(distance_to_centre) - r0:
                fraction = 0.0
                value = False
                return fraction, value, distance_to_centre, distance_to_turbine
            elif abs(radius) > abs(distance_to_centre) - r0:
                fraction = area.AreaReal(r0, radius, distance_to_centre).area()
                value = True
                return fraction, value, distance_to_centre, distance_to_turbine
        return 0.0, False, distance_to_centre, distance_to_turbine
Exemple #52
def random_affine(img, targets=None, degrees=(-10, 10), translate=(.1, .1), scale=(.9, 1.1), shear=(-2, 2),
                  borderValue=(127.5, 127.5, 127.5)):
    # torchvision.transforms.RandomAffine(degrees=(-10, 10), translate=(.1, .1), scale=(.9, 1.1), shear=(-10, 10))

    border = 0  # width of added border (optional)
    height = img.shape[0]
    width = img.shape[1]

    # Rotation and Scale
    R = np.eye(3)
    a = random.random() * (degrees[1] - degrees[0]) + degrees[0]
    # a += random.choice([-180, -90, 0, 90])  # 90deg rotations added to small rotations
    s = random.random() * (scale[1] - scale[0]) + scale[0]
    R[:2] = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(angle=a, center=(img.shape[1] / 2, img.shape[0] / 2), scale=s)

    # Translation
    T = np.eye(3)
    T[0, 2] = (random.random() * 2 - 1) * translate[0] * img.shape[0] + border  # x translation (pixels)
    T[1, 2] = (random.random() * 2 - 1) * translate[1] * img.shape[1] + border  # y translation (pixels)

    # Shear
    S = np.eye(3)
    S[0, 1] = math.tan((random.random() * (shear[1] - shear[0]) + shear[0]) * math.pi / 180)  # x shear (deg)
    S[1, 0] = math.tan((random.random() * (shear[1] - shear[0]) + shear[0]) * math.pi / 180)  # y shear (deg)

    M = S @ T @ R  # Combined rotation matrix. ORDER IS IMPORTANT HERE!!
    imw = cv2.warpPerspective(img, M, dsize=(width, height), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
                              borderValue=borderValue)  # BGR order borderValue

    # Return warped points also
    if targets is not None:
        if len(targets) > 0:
            n = targets.shape[0]
            points = targets[:, 2:6].copy()
            area0 = (points[:, 2] - points[:, 0]) * (points[:, 3] - points[:, 1])

            # warp points
            xy = np.ones((n * 4, 3))
            xy[:, :2] = points[:, [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1]].reshape(n * 4, 2)  # x1y1, x2y2, x1y2, x2y1
            xy = (xy @ M.T)[:, :2].reshape(n, 8)

            # create new boxes
            x = xy[:, [0, 2, 4, 6]]
            y = xy[:, [1, 3, 5, 7]]
            xy = np.concatenate((x.min(1), y.min(1), x.max(1), y.max(1))).reshape(4, n).T

            # apply angle-based reduction
            radians = a * math.pi / 180
            reduction = max(abs(math.sin(radians)), abs(math.cos(radians))) ** 0.5
            x = (xy[:, 2] + xy[:, 0]) / 2
            y = (xy[:, 3] + xy[:, 1]) / 2
            w = (xy[:, 2] - xy[:, 0]) * reduction
            h = (xy[:, 3] - xy[:, 1]) * reduction
            xy = np.concatenate((x - w / 2, y - h / 2, x + w / 2, y + h / 2)).reshape(4, n).T

            # reject warped points outside of image
            np.clip(xy[:, 0], 0, width, out=xy[:, 0])
            np.clip(xy[:, 2], 0, width, out=xy[:, 2])
            np.clip(xy[:, 1], 0, height, out=xy[:, 1])
            np.clip(xy[:, 3], 0, height, out=xy[:, 3])
            w = xy[:, 2] - xy[:, 0]
            h = xy[:, 3] - xy[:, 1]
            area = w * h
            ar = np.maximum(w / (h + 1e-16), h / (w + 1e-16))
            i = (w > 4) & (h > 4) & (area / (area0 + 1e-16) > 0.1) & (ar < 10)

            targets = targets[i]
            targets[:, 2:6] = xy[i]

        return imw, targets, M
        return imw
Exemple #53
def __ckeck_ok(f_atv, f_cine_data):
    verifica condições da aeronave para o direcionamento ao fixo
    @param f_atv: ponteiro para aeronave
    @param f_cine_data: ponteiro para pilha
    # check input
    assert f_atv
    assert f_cine_data

    # active flight ?
    if (not f_atv.v_atv_ok) or (ldefs.E_ATIVA != f_atv.en_trf_est_atv):
        # logger
        l_log = logging.getLogger("prc_dir_fixo::__check_ok")
        l_log.error("<E01: aeronave não ativa.")

        # cai fora...

    # aponta para o fixo a ser interceptado e valida ponteiro
    l_fix = f_atv.ptr_atv_fix_prc
    # M_LOG.debug("prc_dir_fixo::ptr_atv_fix_prc:[{}/{}].".format(f_atv.ptr_atv_fix_prc.i_fix_id, f_atv.ptr_atv_fix_prc.s_fix_desc))

    if (l_fix is None) or (not l_fix.v_fix_ok):
        # logger
        l_log = logging.getLogger("prc_dir_fixo::__ckeck_ok")
        l_log.error(u"<E02: fixo inexistente. aeronave:[{}/{}].".format(
            f_atv.i_trf_id, f_atv.s_trf_ind))

        # não encontrou o fixo, força a aeronave abandonar o procedimento

        # return

    # VOR ?
    if ldefs.E_VOR == l_fix.en_fix_tipo:
        # calcula raio do cone de tolerância
        l_fix.f_fix_rcone = f_atv.f_trf_alt_atu * math.tan(math.radians(30))

    # otherwise, outro tipo de fixo
        # calcula raio do cone de tolerância
        l_fix.f_fix_rcone = f_atv.f_trf_alt_atu * math.tan(math.radians(40))

    # distância ao fixo <= raio do cone (ver DadosDinâmicos)
    if f_atv.f_atv_dst_fix <= l_fix.f_fix_rcone:
        # sinaliza que aeronave atingiu o ponto através raio do cone
        f_cine_data.v_interceptou_fixo = True

        # coloca em manual
        f_atv.en_trf_fnc_ope = ldefs.E_MANUAL

        # volta a fase de verificar condições
        f_atv.en_atv_fase = ldefs.E_FASE_ZERO

        # return interceptou o fixo

    # calcula distância da aeronave ao fixo (x, y)
    lf_dst_x = f_cine_data.f_dst_anv_fix_x**2
    lf_dst_y = f_cine_data.f_dst_anv_fix_y**2

    # calcula distância do "passo" da aeronave (x, y)
    lf_dlt_x = f_cine_data.f_delta_x**2
    lf_dlt_y = f_cine_data.f_delta_y**2

    # aeronave atingiu fixo ? (distância <= passo da aeronave)
    if math.sqrt(lf_dst_x + lf_dst_y) <= math.sqrt(lf_dlt_x + lf_dlt_y):
        # considera que a aeronave atingiu o fixo pelas coordenadas x, y
        f_cine_data.v_interceptou_fixo = True

        # coloca em manual
        f_atv.en_trf_fnc_ope = ldefs.E_MANUAL

        # volta a fase de verificar condições
        f_atv.en_atv_fase = ldefs.E_FASE_ZERO

        # return interceptou o fixo

    # calcula nova proa de demanda
    f_atv.f_atv_pro_dem = cpd.calc_proa_demanda(f_cine_data.f_dst_anv_fix_x,

    # calcula sentido de curva pelo menor ângulo

    # ajusta a razão de curva da aeronave
    razc.calc_razao_curva(f_atv, l_fix.f_fix_x, l_fix.f_fix_y, f_cine_data)

    # nova fase de processamento
    f_atv.en_atv_fase = ldefs.E_FASE_DIRFIXO
Exemple #54
from math import sin, cos, tan, radians

n = float(
        "Tell me a value and I'll give you the sine, cosine and tagent: > "))
sin = sin(radians(n))
cos = cos(radians(n))
tang = tan(radians(n))
print "Your sine is {:.2f}, your cosine is {:.2f} and your tangent is {:.2f}".format(
    sin, cos, tang)
Exemple #55
from math import radians, sin, cos, tan
x = radians(float(input()))
print(sin(x) + cos(x) + tan(x)**2)
Exemple #56
def tan(text):
    tan = math.tan(math.radians(text))
    return tan
def eval_func(xi: float) ->(float): #Esta funcion recibe el punto en que se va evaluar la funcion como flotante
    return (math.tan(xi) - (4*xi))      #Funcion : tan(x) -4x
Exemple #58
def __direciona(f_atv, f_cine_data):
    direcionar a aeronave a um fixo específico
    @param f_atv: ponteiro para struct aeronaves
    @param f_cine_data: ponteiro para pilha
    # check input
    assert f_atv
    assert f_cine_data

    # active flight ?
    if (not f_atv.v_atv_ok) or (ldefs.E_ATIVA != f_atv.en_trf_est_atv):
        # logger
        l_log = logging.getLogger("prc_dir_fixo::__direciona")
        l_log.error("<E01: aeronave não ativa.")

        # cai fora...

    # pointer to beacon & check
    l_fix = f_atv.ptr_atv_fix_prc

    if (l_fix is None) or (not l_fix.v_fix_ok):
        # logger
        l_log = logging.getLogger("prc_dir_fixo::__direciona")
        l_log.error(u"<E02: fixo inexistente. aeronave:[{}/{}].".format(
            f_atv.i_trf_id, f_atv.s_trf_ind))

        # não encontrou o fixo, força a aeronave abandonar o procedimento

        # return

    # VOR ?
    if ldefs.E_VOR == l_fix.en_fix_tipo:
        # calcula raio do cone de tolerância do fixo
        l_fix.f_fix_rcone = f_atv.f_trf_alt_atu * math.tan(math.radians(30))

    # otherwise, outro tipo...
        # calcula raio do cone de tolerância do fixo
        l_fix.f_fix_rcone = f_atv.f_trf_alt_atu * math.tan(math.radians(40))

    # distância ao fixo <= raio do cone (ver DadosDinamicos)
    if f_atv.f_atv_dst_fix <= l_fix.f_fix_rcone:
        # sinaliza que aeronave atingiu o ponto através raio do cone
        f_cine_data.v_interceptou_fixo = True

        # coloca em manual
        f_atv.en_trf_fnc_ope = ldefs.E_MANUAL

        # volta a fase de verificar condições
        f_atv.en_atv_fase = ldefs.E_FASE_ZERO

        # return interceptou o fixo

    # calcula distância da aeronave ao fixo (x, y)
    lf_dst_x = f_cine_data.f_dst_anv_fix_x**2
    lf_dst_y = f_cine_data.f_dst_anv_fix_y**2

    # calcula distância do "passo" da aeronave (x, y)
    lf_dlt_x = f_cine_data.f_delta_x**2
    lf_dlt_y = f_cine_data.f_delta_y**2

    # aeronave atingiu fixo ? (distância <= passo da aeronave)
    if math.sqrt(lf_dst_x + lf_dst_y) <= math.sqrt(lf_dlt_x + lf_dlt_y):
        # considera que a aeronave atingiu o fixo pelas coordenadas x, y
        f_cine_data.v_interceptou_fixo = True

        # coloca em manual
        f_atv.en_trf_fnc_ope = ldefs.E_MANUAL

        # volta a fase de verificar condições
        f_atv.en_atv_fase = ldefs.E_FASE_ZERO

        # return interceptou o fixo

    # calcula nova proa de demanda
    f_atv.f_atv_pro_dem = cpd.calc_proa_demanda(f_cine_data.f_dst_anv_fix_x,

    # verifica se mudou a proa (curvando...)
    if f_atv.f_atv_pro_dem != f_atv.f_trf_pro_atu:
        # bloqueia o fixo
        razc.calc_razao_curva(f_atv, l_fix.f_fix_x, l_fix.f_fix_y, f_cine_data)
import colorsys
import math
from PIL import Image

img ="corgi.jpg")  # must be in same folder
width, height = img.size
pixels = img.load()

#filter portion here:
for x in range(width):
    for y in range(height):
        r, g, b = pixels[x, y]

        h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)

        # Murder this picture with maths
        t = x * y
        h *= math.sin(x * s) / 10
        s -= math.tan(y * 10000 / (x + 1)) / 7
        v -= (t & x << 5) / (t + 1)

        r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)

        pixels[x, y] = (int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255))
#"corgi.jpg") #you might not need to save it, show should just open image wo saving
    'sigma_err_muRp': [],
    'BR': []

def float_to_str(x, digits=2):
    tmp = ':.{:d}f'.format(digits)
    tmp = ('{' + tmp + '}').format(x)
    return tmp.replace('.', 'p')

for tb_exponent in np.arange(-2, 3, 1):
    for tb_coeff in np.arange(0.001, 10, 1):
        tb = tb_coeff * pow(10, tb_exponent)
        for cba in np.arange(-0.99, 0.99, 0.02):
            ta = math.tan(math.atan(tb) - math.acos(cba))
            if ta < 0:
            sba = math.sqrt(1 - pow(cba, 2))
            mhc = max(MH, MA)
            m12 = math.sqrt(pow(mhc, 2) * tb / (1 + pow(tb, 2)))
            x = Calc2HDM(mode='H',