def get_position_from_stable(stable_position, delta_params):
    dp = delta_params
    sphere_coords = [
        (t[0], t[1], es - sp * sd)
        for sd, t, es, sp in zip(
                dp.stepdists, dp.towers, dp.abs_endstops, stable_position) ]
    return mathutil.trilateration(sphere_coords, [a**2 for a in dp.arms])
Exemple #2
 def get_position_from_stable(self, stable_position):
     # Return cartesian coordinates for the given stable_position
     sphere_coords = [
         (t[0], t[1], es - sp * sd)
         for sd, t, es, sp in zip(self.stepdists, self.towers,
                                  self.abs_endstops, stable_position)]
     return mathutil.trilateration(sphere_coords, [a ** 2 for a in self.arms])
Exemple #3
def get_position_from_stable(spos, params):
    angles = [params['angle_a'], params['angle_b'], params['angle_c']]
    radius = params['radius']
    radius2 = radius**2
    towers = [(math.cos(angle) * radius, math.sin(angle) * radius)
              for angle in map(math.radians, angles)]
    arm2 = [a**2 for a in [params['arm_a'], params['arm_b'], params['arm_c']]]
    endstops = [params['endstop_a'], params['endstop_b'], params['endstop_c']]
    sphere_coords = [(t[0], t[1], es + math.sqrt(a2 - radius2) - p)
                     for t, es, a2, p in zip(towers, endstops, arm2, spos)]
    return mathutil.trilateration(sphere_coords, arm2)
Exemple #4
 def get_positions_from_stable(self, stable_positions, params):
     angle_names = ['angle_a', 'angle_b', 'angle_c']
     angles = [math.radians(params[an]) for an in angle_names]
     radius = params['radius']
     radius2 = radius**2
     towers = [(math.cos(a) * radius, math.sin(a) * radius) for a in angles]
     arm2 = [params[an]**2 for an in ['arm_a', 'arm_b', 'arm_c']]
     endstop_names = ['endstop_a', 'endstop_b', 'endstop_c']
     endstops = [
         params[en] + math.sqrt(a2 - radius2)
         for en, a2 in zip(endstop_names, arm2)
     out = []
     for spos in stable_positions:
         sphere_coords = [(t[0], t[1], es - sp)
                          for t, es, sp in zip(towers, endstops, spos)]
         out.append(mathutil.trilateration(sphere_coords, arm2))
     return out
Exemple #5
 def get_positions_from_stable(self, stable_positions, params):
     angle_names = ['angle_a', 'angle_b', 'angle_c']
     angles = [math.radians(params[an]) for an in angle_names]
     radius = params['radius']
     radius2 = radius**2
     towers = [(math.cos(a) * radius, math.sin(a) * radius) for a in angles]
     arm2 = [params[an]**2 for an in ['arm_a', 'arm_b', 'arm_c']]
     stepdist_names = ['stepdist_a', 'stepdist_b', 'stepdist_c']
     stepdists = [params[sn] for sn in stepdist_names]
     endstop_names = ['endstop_a', 'endstop_b', 'endstop_c']
     endstops = [params[en] + math.sqrt(a2 - radius2)
                 for en, a2 in zip(endstop_names, arm2)]
     out = []
     for spos in stable_positions:
         sphere_coords = [
             (t[0], t[1], es - sp * sd)
             for t, es, sd, sp in zip(towers, endstops, stepdists, spos) ]
         out.append(mathutil.trilateration(sphere_coords, arm2))
     return out
def get_position_from_stable(stable_position, delta_params):
    dp = delta_params
    sphere_coords = [(t[0], t[1], es - sp * sd) for sd, t, es, sp in zip(
        dp.stepdists, dp.towers, dp.abs_endstops, stable_position)]
    return mathutil.trilateration(sphere_coords, [a**2 for a in dp.arms])
Exemple #7
 def _actuator_to_cartesian(self, spos):
     sphere_coords = [(t[0], t[1], sp) for t, sp in zip(self.towers, spos)]
     return mathutil.trilateration(sphere_coords, self.arm2)
Exemple #8
 def calc_tag_position(self):
     # Use only first three steppers to calculate cartesian position
     spos = [s.get_tag_position() for s in self.steppers[:3]]
     return mathutil.trilateration(self.anchors[:3],
                                   [sp * sp for sp in spos])
Exemple #9
 def actuator_to_cartesian(self, spos):
     sphere_coords = [self.elbow_coord(i, sp) for i, sp in enumerate(spos)]
     lower_arm2 = [la**2 for la in self.lower_arms]
     return mathutil.trilateration(sphere_coords, lower_arm2)
Exemple #10
 def calc_position(self):
     # Use only first three steppers to calculate cartesian position
     spos = [s.get_commanded_position() for s in self.steppers[:3]]
     return mathutil.trilateration(self.anchors[:3], [sp*sp for sp in spos])
Exemple #11
 def _actuator_to_cartesian(self, spos):
     sphere_coords = [(t[0], t[1], sp) for t, sp in zip(self.towers, spos)]
     return mathutil.trilateration(sphere_coords, self.arm2)