Exemple #1
def hybrid(nbasis, verts, h_factor, lacunarity, octaves, offset, gain):
    return [
                                   noise_basis=nbasis) for v in verts
Exemple #2
def fractal_function(position, freq, amp, H, lacunarity, octaves, offset, gain,
                     noise_basis, fractal_type):
    if fractal_type == 1:
        func = noise.fractal(position, H, lacunarity, octaves, noise_basis)
    elif fractal_type == 2:
        func = noise.multi_fractal(position, H, lacunarity, octaves,
    elif fractal_type == 3:
        func = noise.hetero_terrain(position, H, lacunarity, octaves, offset,
    elif fractal_type == 4:
        func = noise.hybrid_multi_fractal(position, H, lacunarity, octaves,
                                          offset, gain, noise_basis)
    elif fractal_type == 5:
        func = noise.ridged_multi_fractal(position, H, lacunarity, octaves,
                                          offset, gain, noise_basis)
    return func
Exemple #3
def hybrid(nbasis, verts, h_factor, lacunarity, octaves, offset, gain):
    return [noise.hybrid_multi_fractal(v, h_factor, lacunarity, octaves, offset, gain, nbasis) for v in verts]
Exemple #4
def noise_gen(coords, props):

    terrain_name = props[0]
    cursor = props[1]
    smooth = props[2]
    triface = props[3]
    sphere = props[4]
    land_mat = props[5]
    water_mat = props[6]
    texture_name = props[7]
    subd_x = props[8]
    subd_y = props[9]
    meshsize_x = props[10]
    meshsize_y = props[11]
    meshsize = props[12]
    rseed = props[13]
    x_offset = props[14]
    y_offset = props[15]
    z_offset = props[16]
    size_x = props[17]
    size_y = props[18]
    size_z = props[19]
    nsize = props[20]
    ntype = props[21]
    nbasis = props[22]
    vlbasis = props[23]
    distortion = props[24]
    hardnoise = int(props[25])
    depth = props[26]
    amp = props[27]
    freq = props[28]
    dimension = props[29]
    lacunarity = props[30]
    offset = props[31]
    gain = props[32]
    marblebias = int(props[33])
    marblesharpnes = int(props[34])
    marbleshape = int(props[35])
    height = props[36]
    height_invert = props[37]
    height_offset = props[38]
    maximum = props[39]
    minimum = props[40]
    falloff = int(props[41])
    edge_level = props[42]
    falloffsize_x = props[43]
    falloffsize_y = props[44]
    stratatype = props[45]
    strata = props[46]
    addwater = props[47]
    waterlevel = props[48]
    vert_group = props[49]
    remove_double = props[50]
    fx_mixfactor = props[51]
    fx_mix_mode = props[52]
    fx_type = props[53]
    fx_bias = props[54]
    fx_turb = props[55]
    fx_depth = props[56]
    fx_frequency = props[57]
    fx_amplitude = props[58]
    fx_size = props[59]
    fx_loc_x = props[60]
    fx_loc_y = props[61]
    fx_height = props[62]
    fx_offset = props[63]
    fx_invert = props[64]

    x, y, z = coords

    # Origin
    if rseed == 0:
        origin = x_offset, y_offset, z_offset
        origin_x = x_offset
        origin_y = y_offset
        origin_z = z_offset
        o_range = 1.0
        # Randomise origin
        o_range = 100
        origin = random_unit_vector()
        ox = (origin[0] * o_range)
        oy = (origin[1] * o_range)
        oz = 0
        origin_x = (ox - (ox * 0.5)) + x_offset
        origin_y = (oy - (oy * 0.5)) + y_offset
        origin_z = oz + z_offset

    ncoords = (x / (nsize * size_x) + origin_x,
               y / (nsize * size_y) + origin_y,
               z / (nsize * size_z) + origin_z)

    # Noise type's
    if ntype in [0, 'multi_fractal']:
        value = multi_fractal(
            ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, noise_basis=nbasis) * 0.5

    elif ntype in [1, 'ridged_multi_fractal']:
        value = ridged_multi_fractal(ncoords,
                                     noise_basis=nbasis) * 0.5

    elif ntype in [2, 'hybrid_multi_fractal']:
        value = hybrid_multi_fractal(ncoords,
                                     noise_basis=nbasis) * 0.5

    elif ntype in [3, 'hetero_terrain']:
        value = hetero_terrain(
            ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset,
            noise_basis=nbasis) * 0.25

    elif ntype in [4, 'fractal']:
        value = fractal(ncoords,

    elif ntype in [5, 'turbulence_vector']:
        value = turbulence_vector(ncoords,

    elif ntype in [6, 'variable_lacunarity']:
        value = variable_lacunarity(ncoords,

    elif ntype in [7, 'marble_noise']:
        value = marble_noise(
            (ncoords[0] - origin_x + x_offset),
            (ncoords[1] - origin_y + y_offset),
            (ncoords[2] - origin_z + z_offset),
            (origin[0] + x_offset, origin[1] + y_offset, origin[2] + z_offset),
            nsize, marbleshape, marblebias, marblesharpnes, distortion, depth,
            hardnoise, nbasis, amp, freq)
    elif ntype in [8, 'shattered_hterrain']:
        value = shattered_hterrain(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth,
                                   offset, distortion, nbasis)

    elif ntype in [9, 'strata_hterrain']:
        value = strata_hterrain(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset,
                                distortion, nbasis)

    elif ntype in [10, 'ant_turbulence']:
        value = ant_turbulence(ncoords, depth, hardnoise, nbasis, amp, freq,

    elif ntype in [11, 'vl_noise_turbulence']:
        value = vl_noise_turbulence(ncoords, distortion, depth, nbasis,
                                    vlbasis, hardnoise, amp, freq)

    elif ntype in [12, 'vl_hTerrain']:
        value = vl_hTerrain(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset,
                            nbasis, vlbasis, distortion)

    elif ntype in [13, 'distorted_heteroTerrain']:
        value = distorted_heteroTerrain(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth,
                                        offset, distortion, nbasis, vlbasis)

    elif ntype in [14, 'double_multiFractal']:
        value = double_multiFractal(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth,
                                    offset, gain, nbasis, vlbasis)

    elif ntype in [15, 'rocks_noise']:
        value = rocks_noise(ncoords, depth, hardnoise, nbasis, distortion)

    elif ntype in [16, 'slick_rock']:
        value = slick_rock(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset, gain,
                           distortion, nbasis, vlbasis)

    elif ntype in [17, 'planet_noise']:
        value = planet_noise(ncoords, depth, hardnoise, nbasis)[2] * 0.5 + 0.5

    elif ntype in [18, 'blender_texture']:
        if texture_name != "" and texture_name in bpy.data.textures:
            value = bpy.data.textures[texture_name].evaluate(ncoords)[3]
            value = 0.0
        value = 0.5

    # Effect mix
    val = value
    if fx_type in [0, "0"]:
        fx_mixfactor = -1.0
        fxval = val
        fxcoords = Trans_Effect((x, y, z), fx_size, (fx_loc_x, fx_loc_y))
        effect = Effect_Function(fxcoords, fx_type, fx_bias, fx_turb, fx_depth,
                                 fx_frequency, fx_amplitude)
        effect = Height_Scale(effect, fx_height, fx_offset, fx_invert)
        fxval = Mix_Modes(val, effect, fx_mixfactor, fx_mix_mode)
    value = fxval

    # Adjust height
    value = Height_Scale(value, height, height_offset, height_invert)

    # Edge falloff:
    if not sphere:
        if falloff:
            ratio_x, ratio_y = abs(x) * 2 / meshsize_x, abs(y) * 2 / meshsize_y
            fallofftypes = [
                sqrt(ratio_x**falloffsize_x + ratio_y**falloffsize_y)
            dist = fallofftypes[falloff]
            value -= edge_level
            if (dist < 1.0):
                dist = (dist * dist * (3 - 2 * dist))
                value = (value - value * dist) + edge_level
                value = edge_level

    # Strata / terrace / layers
    if stratatype not in [0, "0"]:
        if stratatype in [1, "1"]:
            strata = strata / height
            strata *= 2
            steps = (sin(value * strata * pi) * (0.1 / strata * pi))
            value = (value * 0.5 + steps * 0.5) * 2.0

        elif stratatype in [2, "2"]:
            strata = strata / height
            steps = -abs(sin(value * strata * pi) * (0.1 / strata * pi))
            value = (value * 0.5 + steps * 0.5) * 2.0

        elif stratatype in [3, "3"]:
            strata = strata / height
            steps = abs(sin(value * strata * pi) * (0.1 / strata * pi))
            value = (value * 0.5 + steps * 0.5) * 2.0

        elif stratatype in [4, "4"]:
            strata = strata / height
            value = int(value * strata) * 1.0 / strata

        elif stratatype in [5, "5"]:
            strata = strata / height
            steps = (int(value * strata) * 1.0 / strata)
            value = (value * (1.0 - 0.5) + steps * 0.5)

    # Clamp height min max
    if (value < minimum):
        value = minimum
    if (value > maximum):
        value = maximum

    return value
Exemple #5
def noise_gen(coords, props):

    terrain_name = props[0]
    cursor = props[1]
    smooth = props[2]
    triface = props[3]
    sphere = props[4]
    land_mat = props[5]
    water_mat = props[6]
    texture_name = props[7]
    subd_x = props[8]
    subd_y = props[9]
    meshsize_x = props[10]
    meshsize_y = props[11]
    meshsize = props[12]
    rseed = props[13]
    x_offset = props[14]
    y_offset = props[15]
    z_offset = props[16]
    size_x = props[17]
    size_y = props[18]
    size_z = props[19]
    nsize = props[20]
    ntype = props[21]
    nbasis = int(props[22])
    vlbasis = int(props[23])
    distortion = props[24]
    hardnoise = int(props[25])
    depth = props[26]
    amp = props[27]
    freq = props[28]
    dimension = props[29]
    lacunarity = props[30]
    offset = props[31]
    gain = props[32]
    marblebias = int(props[33])
    marblesharpnes = int(props[34])
    marbleshape = int(props[35])
    height = props[36]
    height_invert = props[37]
    height_offset = props[38]
    maximum = props[39]
    minimum = props[40]
    falloff = int(props[41])
    edge_level = props[42]
    falloffsize_x = props[43]
    falloffsize_y = props[44]
    stratatype = props[45]
    strata = props[46]
    addwater = props[47]
    waterlevel = props[48]
    vert_group = props[49]
    remove_double = props[50]
    fx_mixfactor = props[51]
    fx_mix_mode = props[52]
    fx_type = props[53]
    fx_bias = props[54]
    fx_turb = props[55]
    fx_depth = props[56]
    fx_frequency = props[57]
    fx_amplitude = props[58]
    fx_size = props[59]
    fx_loc_x = props[60]
    fx_loc_y = props[61]
    fx_height = props[62]
    fx_offset = props[63]
    fx_invert = props[64]

    x, y, z = coords

    # Origin
    if rseed is 0:
        origin = x_offset, y_offset, z_offset
        origin_x = x_offset
        origin_y = y_offset
        origin_z = z_offset
        o_range = 1.0
        # Randomise origin
        o_range = 10000.0
        origin = random_unit_vector()
        ox = (origin[0] * o_range)
        oy = (origin[1] * o_range)
        oz = (origin[2] * o_range)
        origin_x = (ox - (ox / 2)) + x_offset
        origin_y = (oy - (oy / 2)) + y_offset
        origin_z = (oz - (oz / 2)) + z_offset

    ncoords = (x / (nsize * size_x) + origin_x, y / (nsize * size_y) + origin_y, z / (nsize * size_z) + origin_z)

    # Noise basis type's
    if nbasis == 9:
        nbasis = 14  # Cellnoise
    if vlbasis == 9:
        vlbasis = 14

    # Noise type's
    if ntype in [0, 'multi_fractal']:
        value = multi_fractal(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, nbasis) * 0.5

    elif ntype in [1, 'ridged_multi_fractal']:
        value = ridged_multi_fractal(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset, gain, nbasis) * 0.5

    elif ntype in [2, 'hybrid_multi_fractal']:
        value = hybrid_multi_fractal(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset, gain, nbasis) * 0.5

    elif ntype in [3, 'hetero_terrain']:
        value = hetero_terrain(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset, nbasis) * 0.25

    elif ntype in [4, 'fractal']:
        value = fractal(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, nbasis)

    elif ntype in [5, 'turbulence_vector']:
        value = turbulence_vector(ncoords, depth, hardnoise, nbasis, amp, freq)[0]

    elif ntype in [6, 'variable_lacunarity']:
        value = variable_lacunarity(ncoords, distortion, nbasis, vlbasis)

    elif ntype in [7, 'marble_noise']:
        value = marble_noise(
                        (ncoords[0] - origin_x + x_offset),
                        (ncoords[1] - origin_y + y_offset),
                        (ncoords[2] - origin_z + z_offset),
                        (origin[0] + x_offset, origin[1] + y_offset, origin[2] + z_offset), nsize,
                        marbleshape, marblebias, marblesharpnes,
                        distortion, depth, hardnoise, nbasis, amp, freq
    elif ntype in [8, 'shattered_hterrain']:
        value = shattered_hterrain(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset, distortion, nbasis)

    elif ntype in [9, 'strata_hterrain']:
        value = strata_hterrain(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset, distortion, nbasis)

    elif ntype in [10, 'ant_turbulence']:
        value = ant_turbulence(ncoords, depth, hardnoise, nbasis, amp, freq, distortion)

    elif ntype in [11, 'vl_noise_turbulence']:
        value = vl_noise_turbulence(ncoords, distortion, depth, nbasis, vlbasis, hardnoise, amp, freq)

    elif ntype in [12, 'vl_hTerrain']:
        value = vl_hTerrain(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset, nbasis, vlbasis, distortion)

    elif ntype in [13, 'distorted_heteroTerrain']:
        value = distorted_heteroTerrain(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset, distortion, nbasis, vlbasis)

    elif ntype in [14, 'double_multiFractal']:
        value = double_multiFractal(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset, gain, nbasis, vlbasis)

    elif ntype in [15, 'rocks_noise']:
        value = rocks_noise(ncoords, depth, hardnoise, nbasis, distortion)

    elif ntype in [16, 'slick_rock']:
        value = slick_rock(ncoords,dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset, gain, distortion, nbasis, vlbasis)

    elif ntype in [17, 'planet_noise']:
        value = planet_noise(ncoords, depth, hardnoise, nbasis)[2] * 0.5 + 0.5

    elif ntype in [18, 'blender_texture']:
        if texture_name != "" and texture_name in bpy.data.textures:
            value = bpy.data.textures[texture_name].evaluate(ncoords)[3]
            value = 0.0
        value = 0.5

    # Effect mix
    val = value
    if fx_type in [0,"0"]:
        fx_mixfactor = -1.0
        fxval = val
        fxcoords = Trans_Effect((x, y, z), fx_size, (fx_loc_x, fx_loc_y))
        effect = Effect_Function(fxcoords, fx_type, fx_bias, fx_turb, fx_depth, fx_frequency, fx_amplitude)
        effect = Height_Scale(effect, fx_height, fx_offset, fx_invert)
        fxval = Mix_Modes(val, effect, fx_mixfactor, fx_mix_mode)
    value = fxval

    # Adjust height
    value = Height_Scale(value, height, height_offset, height_invert)

    # Edge falloff:
    if not sphere:
        if falloff:
            ratio_x, ratio_y = abs(x) * 2 / meshsize_x, abs(y) * 2 / meshsize_y
            fallofftypes = [0,
                            sqrt(ratio_x**falloffsize_x + ratio_y**falloffsize_y)
            dist = fallofftypes[falloff]
            value -= edge_level
            if(dist < 1.0):
                dist = (dist * dist * (3 - 2 * dist))
                value = (value - value * dist) + edge_level
                value = edge_level

    # Strata / terrace / layers
    if stratatype not in [0, "0"]:
        if stratatype in [1, "1"]:
            strata = strata / height
            strata *= 2
            steps = (sin(value * strata * pi) * (0.1 / strata * pi))
            value = (value * 0.5 + steps * 0.5) * 2.0

        elif stratatype in [2, "2"]:
            strata = strata / height
            steps = -abs(sin(value * strata * pi) * (0.1 / strata * pi))
            value = (value * 0.5 + steps * 0.5) * 2.0

        elif stratatype in [3, "3"]:
            strata = strata / height
            steps = abs(sin(value * strata * pi) * (0.1 / strata * pi))
            value = (value * 0.5 + steps * 0.5) * 2.0

        elif stratatype in [4, "4"]:
            strata = strata / height
            value = int( value * strata ) * 1.0 / strata

        elif stratatype in [5, "5"]:
            strata = strata / height
            steps = (int( value * strata ) * 1.0 / strata)
            value = (value * (1.0 - 0.5) + steps * 0.5)

    # Clamp height min max
    if (value < minimum):
        value = minimum
    if (value > maximum):
        value = maximum

    return value
Exemple #6
def landscape_gen(x, y, z, falloffsize, options):

    # options = [0, 1.0, 'multi_fractal', 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 6, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0,
    #            0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0]
    rseed = options[0]
    nsize = options[1]
    ntype = options[2]
    nbasis = int(options[3][0])
    vlbasis = int(options[4][0])
    distortion = options[5]
    hardnoise = options[6]
    depth = options[7]
    dimension = options[8]
    lacunarity = options[9]
    offset = options[10]
    gain = options[11]
    marblebias = int(options[12][0])
    marblesharpnes = int(options[13][0])
    marbleshape = int(options[14][0])
    invert = options[15]
    height = options[16]
    heightoffset = options[17]
    falloff = int(options[18][0])
    sealevel = options[19]
    platlevel = options[20]
    strata = options[21]
    stratatype = options[22]
    sphere = options[23]
    x_offset = options[24]
    y_offset = options[25]

    # origin
    if rseed == 0:
        origin = 0.0 + x_offset, 0.0 + y_offset, 0.0
        origin_x = x_offset
        origin_y = y_offset
        origin_z = 0.0
        # randomise origin
        origin = random_unit_vector()
        origin[0] += x_offset
        origin[1] += y_offset
        origin_x = ((0.5 - origin[0]) * 1000.0) + x_offset
        origin_y = ((0.5 - origin[1]) * 1000.0) + y_offset
        origin_z = (0.5 - origin[2]) * 1000.0

    # adjust noise size and origin
    ncoords = (x / nsize + origin_x, y / nsize + origin_y,
               z / nsize + origin_z)

    # noise basis type's
    if nbasis == 9:
        nbasis = 14  # to get cellnoise basis you must set 14 instead of 9
    if vlbasis == 9:
        vlbasis = 14

    # noise type's
    if ntype == 'multi_fractal':
        value = multi_fractal(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth,
                              nbasis) * 0.5

    elif ntype == 'ridged_multi_fractal':
        value = ridged_multi_fractal(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth,
                                     offset, gain, nbasis) * 0.5

    elif ntype == 'hybrid_multi_fractal':
        value = hybrid_multi_fractal(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth,
                                     offset, gain, nbasis) * 0.5

    elif ntype == 'hetero_terrain':
        value = hetero_terrain(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset,
                               nbasis) * 0.25

    elif ntype == 'fractal':
        value = fractal(ncoords, dimension, lacunarity, depth, nbasis)

    elif ntype == 'turbulence_vector':
        value = turbulence_vector(ncoords, depth, hardnoise, nbasis)[0]

    elif ntype == 'variable_lacunarity':
        value = variable_lacunarity(ncoords, distortion, nbasis, vlbasis) + 0.5

    elif ntype == 'marble_noise':
        value = marble_noise(x * 2.0 / falloffsize, y * 2.0 / falloffsize,
                             z * 2 / falloffsize, origin, nsize, marbleshape,
                             marblebias, marblesharpnes, distortion, depth,
                             hardnoise, nbasis)

    elif ntype == 'shattered_hterrain':
        value = shattered_hterrain(ncoords[0], ncoords[1], ncoords[2],
                                   dimension, lacunarity, depth, offset,
                                   distortion, nbasis)

    elif ntype == 'strata_hterrain':
        value = strata_hterrain(ncoords[0], ncoords[1], ncoords[2], dimension,
                                lacunarity, depth, offset, distortion, nbasis)

    elif ntype == 'planet_noise':
        value = planet_noise(ncoords, depth, hardnoise, nbasis)[2] * 0.5 + 0.5
        value = 0.0

    # adjust height
    if invert != 0:
        value = (1 - value) * height + heightoffset
        value = value * height + heightoffset

    # edge falloff
    if sphere == 0:  # no edge falloff if spherical
        if falloff != 0:
            fallofftypes = [
                0, hypot(x * x, y * y),
                hypot(x, y),
                abs(y), abs(x)
            dist = fallofftypes[falloff]
            if falloff == 1:
                radius = (falloffsize / 2)**2
                radius = falloffsize / 2

            value = value - sealevel
            if (dist < radius):
                dist = dist / radius
                dist = (dist * dist * (3 - 2 * dist))
                value = (value - value * dist) + sealevel
                value = sealevel

    # strata / terrace / layered
    if stratatype != '0':
        strata = strata / height

    if stratatype == '1':
        strata *= 2
        steps = (sin(value * strata * pi) * (0.1 / strata * pi))
        value = (value * (1.0 - 0.5) + steps * 0.5) * 2.0

    elif stratatype == '2':
        steps = -abs(sin(value * strata * pi) * (0.1 / strata * pi))
        value = (value * (1.0 - 0.5) + steps * 0.5) * 2.0

    elif stratatype == '3':
        steps = abs(sin(value * strata * pi) * (0.1 / strata * pi))
        value = (value * (1.0 - 0.5) + steps * 0.5) * 2.0

        value = value

    # clamp height
    if (value < sealevel):
        value = sealevel
    if (value > platlevel):
        value = platlevel

    return value