Exemple #1
    def plot_enso_background(self, ensoindices=None, lag=0, **optinfo):
    Plots colored stripes in the background of plot to represent ENSO phases.

    ensophases: {array-like}, optional
        Array of ENSO indices (``+1`` for El Niño, ``0`` for Neutral and
        ``-1`` for La Niña episodes).
        If None, the ENSO indices of the underlying series are used instead.
        if ensoindices is None:
            series = self._series
            if series is None or not hasattr(series, 'ensoindices') or \
                series.ensoindices is None:
                raise ValueError("Undefined ENSO indices!")
            ensoindices = series.ensoindices
        if self.xdata is None:
            errmsg = "Unable to retrieve the dates of the current plot!"
            raise ValueError(errmsg)
        dates = self.xdata
        clust_indices = Cluster(ensoindices.filled(0), 0)
        _dates = np.empty(len(dates) + 1, int)
        _dates[:-1] = dates
        _dates[-1] = dates[-2]
        episodes = dict([(k, zip(_dates[v[:, 0]], _dates[v[:, 1]]))
                         for (k, v) in clust_indices.grouped_limits().items()])
        colors = ENSOcolors['polygons']
        for (key, idx) in {'C': -1, 'N': 0, 'W': +1}.iteritems():
            colors[idx] = colors[key]
        trans = blended_transform_factory(self.transData, self.transAxes)
        for (k, lim) in episodes.iteritems():
            _bbc = BrokenBarHCollection(
                [(x + lag, y - x) for (x, y) in lim],
                (0, 1),
    def plot_enso_background(self, ensoindices=None, lag=0, **optinfo):
    Plots colored stripes in the background of plot to represent ENSO phases.

    ensophases: {array-like}, optional
        Array of ENSO indices (``+1`` for El Niño, ``0`` for Neutral and
        ``-1`` for La Niña episodes).
        If None, the ENSO indices of the underlying series are used instead.
        if ensoindices is None:
            series = self._series
            if series is None or not hasattr(series, 'ensoindices') or \
                series.ensoindices is None:
                raise ValueError("Undefined ENSO indices!")
            ensoindices = series.ensoindices
        if self.xdata is None:
            errmsg = "Unable to retrieve the dates of the current plot!"
            raise ValueError(errmsg)
        dates = self.xdata
        clust_indices = Cluster(ensoindices.filled(0), 0)
        _dates = np.empty(len(dates) + 1, int)
        _dates[:-1] = dates
        _dates[-1] = dates[-2]
        episodes = dict([(k, zip(_dates[v[:, 0]], _dates[v[:, 1]]))
                         for (k, v) in clust_indices.grouped_limits().items()])
        colors = ENSOcolors['polygons']
        for (key, idx) in {'C':-1, 'N':0, 'W':+1}.iteritems():
            colors[idx] = colors[key]
        trans = blended_transform_factory(self.transData, self.transAxes)
        for (k, lim) in episodes.iteritems():
            _bbc = BrokenBarHCollection([(x + lag, y - x) for (x, y) in lim],
                                         (0, 1),