Exemple #1
class SegColorMap(object):
    def __init__(self, alpha=0.8):
        my_seg_map = np.array([
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [10, 170, 28, 0],  # green
            [232, 167, 4, 0],  # orange
            [43, 84, 206, 0],  # blue
            [230, 230, 0, 0],  # yellow
            [234., 9, 9, 0]
        ]  # red
        self.np_cmap = (my_seg_map - np.min(my_seg_map)) / (
            np.max(my_seg_map) - np.min(my_seg_map))
        self.np_cmap[..., -1] = alpha
        # make sure the BACKGROUND class is completely transparant
        self.np_cmap[0, -1] = 0
        self.cmap = ListedColormap(self.np_cmap)
        self.cmap._lut[0, -1] = 0
        self.cmap._lut[:, -1] = np.linspace(0, alpha, len(my_seg_map) + 3)

    def convert_multi_labels(self, label_array):
        if label_array.dtype != np.int:
            label_array = label_array.astype(np.uint)

        return self.np_cmap[label_array]
 def _init(self):
     # convert to lab
     lab_colors = convert_rgb2lab(self.init_colors)
     # initialize new list
     colors = []
     # iterate over stops
     stops = self.get_stops()
     for j in range(len(self.init_colors) - 1):
         # interpolate between stops in lab
         for i in np.linspace(stops[j], stops[j + 1], self.N / (len(stops) - 1)):
             colors.append(lab_colors[j] * (1 - i) + i * lab_colors[j + 1])
     # convert back to rgb
     self.colors = convert_lab2rgb(colors)
     # initialize a listed colormap
Exemple #3
def joincmap(cmap1, cmap2, N=256):
    Join two colormaps and return one dynamic colormap.
    if isinstance(cmap1, str):
        cmap1 = plt.get_cmap(cmap1)

    if isinstance(cmap2, str):
        cmap2 = plt.get_cmap(cmap2)

    cmap = ListedColormap(
        np.vstack((cmap1(np.linspace(0, 1,
                                     N // 2)), cmap2(np.linspace(0, 1,
                                                                 N // 2)))),
        '->'.join((cmap1.name, cmap2.name)), N)


    cmap.values = np.linspace(-1, 1, N)
    cmap.hinge = 0
    return DynamicColormap(cmap)