from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

if len(disp_curves) == 0:
    print("no new correlations found to be processed!")

    f = np.array([])
    avg = np.array([])
    sterr = np.array([])
    for frequency in dictionary:
        f = np.append(f, float(frequency))
        avg = np.append(avg, np.mean(dictionary[frequency]))
        sterr = np.append(sterr, np.std(dictionary[frequency]))

    avg = avg[f.argsort()]
    sterr = sterr[f.argsort()]
    f = f[f.argsort()]

    minf = f[0]
    maxf = f[-1]
    func = interp1d(f, avg)
    f2 = np.arange(int(
        (maxf - minf) / 0.002)) * 0.002 + (int(minf * 1000) + 1) / 1000.
    avg_ip = func(f2)

    if len(avg_ip) > 91:
        smooth_curve1 = savgol_filter(avg_ip, 91, 3)
        smooth_curve1 = avg_ip
    a, b, c, d, e = np.polyfit(f, avg, 4)