def main(): rho_max = 8.0 args = getParserArgs() filepath = args.filepath sys.path.append(filepath) namefile = args.namefile geoFile = args.geoname trajpath = args.trajpath #geoLocation = filepath.split("Output")[0] trajName = namefile.split(".")[0] trajType = namefile.split(".")[1].split("_")[0] trajFile = os.path.join(trajpath, trajName+"."+trajType) #trajpath+trajName+"."+trajType plotIndex = args.index"plot_cell_rho trajpath %s", trajpath)"plot_cell_rho trajName %s", trajName+"."+trajType)"plot_cell_rho trajFile %s", trajFile) try: frameNr = int(namefile.split("_")[-1]) except ValueError: exit("ERROR: Could not parse fps") geominX, geomaxX, geominY, geomaxY = get_geometry_boundary(geoFile) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16*(geomaxX-geominX)/(geomaxY-geominY)+2, 16), dpi=100) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') #plt.rc("font", size=30) #plt.rc('pdf', fonttype=42) #ax1.set_yticks([int(1*j) for j in range(-2, 5)]) #for label in ax1.get_xticklabels() + ax1.get_yticklabels(): # label.set_fontsize(30) #for tick in ax1.get_xticklines() + ax1.get_yticklines(): # tick.set_markeredgewidth(2) # tick.set_markersize(6) # ax1.set_aspect("equal") plot_geometry(geoFile) density = np.array([]) density_orig = np.array([]) polygons = [] # polygons converted from string polygon_filename = os.path.join(filepath, "polygon"+namefile+".dat") File = open(polygon_filename) polys = File.readlines() File.close() # plot the blue dots (head) first, to avoid intervening with "text" # --------------------------------------------------- # if not plotIndex: # if(trajType == "xml"): # fps, N, Trajdata = parse_xml_traj_file(trajFile) # elif(trajType == "txt"): # try: # Trajdata = np.array(pd.read_csv(trajFile, comment="#", delimiter=r"\s+")) # except: # Trajdata = np.loadtxt(trajFile) # Trajdata = Trajdata[Trajdata[:, 1] == frameNr] # ax1.plot(Trajdata[:, 2], Trajdata[:, 3], "bo", markersize=20, markeredgewidth=2) # --------------------------------------------------- #polys = open("%s/polygon%s.dat"%(filepath,namefile)).readlines() poly_index = [] areas = [] for poly in polys: poly = poly.split("|") poly_index.append(poly[0].strip()) Poly = poly[1].strip() exec("p = %s"%Poly) pp = locals()['p'] polygons.append(pp) area = pol.Polygon(pp).area() xx = 1.0/area if xx > rho_max: xx = rho_max density = np.append(density, xx) areas.append(area) density_orig = np.copy(density) Maxd = density.max() Mind = density.min() erro = np.ones(np.shape(density))*Mind density = rho_max*(density-erro)/(Maxd-Mind) sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.jet) sm.set_array(density) sm.autoscale_None() sm.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=10) maxArea = np.max(areas) meanArea = np.mean(areas) for j, poly in enumerate(polys): ax1.add_patch(pgon(polygons[j], fc=sm.to_rgba(density_orig[j]), ec='white', lw=2)) bcolor = sm.to_rgba(density_orig[j]) #inverse background color icolor = [1 - c for c in bcolor] icolor[-1] = bcolor[-1] # alpha if plotIndex: ax1.text(pol.Polygon(polygons[j]).center()[0], pol.Polygon(polygons[j]).center()[1], poly_index[j], fontsize=25*areas[j]/maxArea, color=icolor) ax1.set_xlim(geominX-0.2, geomaxX+0.2) ax1.set_ylim(geominY-0.2, geomaxY+0.2) plt.xlabel("x [m]") plt.ylabel("y [m]") plt.axhline(y=2.5) plt.axvline(x=0.0) plt.title("%s"%namefile) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="2.5%", pad=0.2) cb = fig.colorbar(sm, ax=ax1, cax=cax, format='%.1f') cb.set_label('Density [$m^{-2}$]') figname = os.path.join(filepath, "rho_"+namefile+".png")"SAVE: %s", figname) plt.savefig(figname) plt.close()
polys = File.readlines() velocity_filename = os.path.join(filepath, "speed"+namefile+".dat") velocity = np.loadtxt(velocity_filename) sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.jet) sm.set_array(velocity) sm.autoscale_None() sm.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=1.5) index = 0 for poly in polys: poly = poly.split("|") poly_index = poly[0].strip() Poly = poly[1].strip() exec("p = %s"%Poly) xx = velocity[index] index += 1 ax1.add_patch(pgon(p,facecolor=sm.to_rgba(xx), edgecolor='white',linewidth=2)) # todo #if plotIndex: # ax1.text(pol.Polygon(polygons[j]).center()[0], pol.Polygon(polygons[j]).center()[1], poly_index, # horizontalalignment='center', # verticalalignment='center', # fontsize=20, color='red', # transform=ax1.transAxes) if(trajType == "xml"): fps, N, Trajdata = parse_xml_traj_file(trajFile) elif(trajType == "txt"): Trajdata = np.loadtxt(trajFile) Trajdata = Trajdata[Trajdata[:, 1] == frameNr] ax1.plot(Trajdata[:, 2], Trajdata[:, 3], "bo", markersize=20, markeredgewidth=2)
def main(): rho_max = 8.0 args = getParserArgs() filepath = args.filepath sys.path.append(filepath) namefile = args.namefile geoFile = args.geoname trajpath = args.trajpath #geoLocation = filepath.split("Output")[0] trajName = namefile.split(".")[0] trajType = namefile.split(".")[1].split("_")[0] trajFile = os.path.join(trajpath, trajName + "." + trajType) #trajpath+trajName+"."+trajType plotIndex = args.index"plot_cell_rho trajpath %s", trajpath)"plot_cell_rho trajName %s", trajName + "." + trajType)"plot_cell_rho trajFile %s", trajFile) try: frameNr = int(namefile.split("_")[-1]) except ValueError: exit("ERROR: Could not parse fps") geominX, geomaxX, geominY, geomaxY = get_geometry_boundary(geoFile) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16 * (geomaxX - geominX) / (geomaxY - geominY) + 2, 16), dpi=100) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') #plt.rc("font", size=30) #plt.rc('pdf', fonttype=42) #ax1.set_yticks([int(1*j) for j in range(-2, 5)]) #for label in ax1.get_xticklabels() + ax1.get_yticklabels(): # label.set_fontsize(30) #for tick in ax1.get_xticklines() + ax1.get_yticklines(): # tick.set_markeredgewidth(2) # tick.set_markersize(6) # ax1.set_aspect("equal") plot_geometry(geoFile) density = np.array([]) density_orig = np.array([]) polygons = [] # polygons converted from string polygon_filename = os.path.join(filepath, "polygon" + namefile + ".dat") File = open(polygon_filename) polys = File.readlines() File.close() # plot the blue dots (head) first, to avoid intervening with "text" # --------------------------------------------------- # if not plotIndex: # if(trajType == "xml"): # fps, N, Trajdata = parse_xml_traj_file(trajFile) # elif(trajType == "txt"): # try: # Trajdata = np.array(pd.read_csv(trajFile, comment="#", delimiter=r"\s+")) # except: # Trajdata = np.loadtxt(trajFile) # Trajdata = Trajdata[Trajdata[:, 1] == frameNr] # ax1.plot(Trajdata[:, 2], Trajdata[:, 3], "bo", markersize=20, markeredgewidth=2) # --------------------------------------------------- #polys = open("%s/polygon%s.dat"%(filepath,namefile)).readlines() poly_index = [] areas = [] for poly in polys: poly = poly.split("|") poly_index.append(poly[0].strip()) Poly = poly[1].strip() exec("p = %s" % Poly) pp = locals()['p'] polygons.append(pp) area = pol.Polygon(pp).area() xx = 1.0 / area if xx > rho_max: xx = rho_max density = np.append(density, xx) areas.append(area) density_orig = np.copy(density) Maxd = density.max() Mind = density.min() erro = np.ones(np.shape(density)) * Mind density = rho_max * (density - erro) / (Maxd - Mind) sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.jet) sm.set_array(density) sm.autoscale_None() sm.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=10) maxArea = np.max(areas) meanArea = np.mean(areas) for j, poly in enumerate(polys): ax1.add_patch( pgon(polygons[j], fc=sm.to_rgba(density_orig[j]), ec='white', lw=2)) bcolor = sm.to_rgba(density_orig[j]) #inverse background color icolor = [1 - c for c in bcolor] icolor[-1] = bcolor[-1] # alpha if plotIndex: ax1.text(pol.Polygon(polygons[j]).center()[0], pol.Polygon(polygons[j]).center()[1], poly_index[j], fontsize=25 * areas[j] / maxArea, color=icolor) ax1.set_xlim(geominX - 0.2, geomaxX + 0.2) ax1.set_ylim(geominY - 0.2, geomaxY + 0.2) plt.xlabel("x [m]") plt.ylabel("y [m]") plt.axhline(y=2.5) plt.axvline(x=0.0) plt.title("%s" % namefile) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="2.5%", pad=0.2) cb = fig.colorbar(sm, ax=ax1, cax=cax, format='%.1f') cb.set_label('Density [$m^{-2}$]') figname = os.path.join(filepath, "rho_" + namefile + ".png")"SAVE: %s", figname) plt.savefig(figname) plt.close()