Exemple #1
    def _render_on_subplot(self, subplot):
        Render this arrow in a subplot.  This is the key function that
        defines how this arrow graphics primitive is rendered in
        matplotlib's library.


        This function implicitly ends up rendering this arrow on
        a matplotlib subplot::

            sage: arrow((0,1), (2,-1))


        The length of the ends (shrinkA and shrinkB) should not depend
        on the width of the arrow, because Matplotlib already takes
        this into account. See :trac:`12836`::

            sage: fig = Graphics().matplotlib()
            sage: sp = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
            sage: a = arrow((0,0), (1,1))
            sage: b = arrow((0,0), (1,1), width=20)
            sage: p1 = a[0]._render_on_subplot(sp)
            sage: p2 = b[0]._render_on_subplot(sp)
            sage: p1.shrinkA == p2.shrinkA
            sage: p1.shrinkB == p2.shrinkB

        Dashed arrows should have solid arrowheads,
        :trac:`12852`. This test saves the plot of a dashed arrow to
        an EPS file. Within the EPS file, ``stroke`` will be called
        twice: once to draw the line, and again to draw the
        arrowhead. We check that both calls do not occur while the
        dashed line style is enabled::

            sage: a = arrow((0,0), (1,1), linestyle='dashed')
            sage: filename = tmp_filename(ext='.eps')
            sage: a.save(filename=filename)
            sage: with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            ....:     contents = f.read().replace('\n', ' ')
            sage: two_stroke_pattern = r'setdash.*stroke.*stroke.*setdash'
            sage: import re
            sage: two_stroke_re = re.compile(two_stroke_pattern)
            sage: two_stroke_re.search(contents) is None
        options = self.options()
        head = options.pop('head')
        if head == 0: style = '<|-'
        elif head == 1: style = '-|>'
        elif head == 2: style = '<|-|>'
        else: raise KeyError('head parameter must be one of 0 (start), 1 (end) or 2 (both).')
        width = float(options['width'])
        arrowshorten_end = float(options.get('arrowshorten',0))/2.0
        arrowsize = float(options.get('arrowsize',5))
        color = to_mpl_color(options['rgbcolor'])
        from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch
        p = FancyArrowPatch((self.xtail, self.ytail), (self.xhead, self.yhead),
                            lw=width, arrowstyle='%s,head_width=%s,head_length=%s'%(style,head_width, head_length),
                            shrinkA=arrowshorten_end, shrinkB=arrowshorten_end,
                            fc=color, ec=color, linestyle=options['linestyle'])

        if options['linestyle']!='solid':
            # The next few lines work around a design issue in matplotlib. Currently, the specified
            # linestyle is used to draw both the path and the arrowhead.  If linestyle is 'dashed', this
            # looks really odd.  This code is from Jae-Joon Lee in response to a post to the matplotlib mailing
            # list.  See http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CAG%3DuJ%2Bnw2dE05P9TOXTz_zp-mGP3cY801vMH7yt6vgP9_WzU8w%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=matplotlib-users

            import matplotlib.patheffects as pe
            class CheckNthSubPath(object):
                def __init__(self, patch, n):
                    creates an callable object that returns True if the provided
                    path is the n-th path from the patch.
                    self._patch = patch
                    self._n = n

                def get_paths(self, renderer):
                    paths, fillables = self._patch.get_path_in_displaycoord()
                    return paths

                def __call__(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace):
                    path = self.get_paths(renderer)[self._n]
                    vert1, code1 = path.vertices, path.codes
                    import numpy as np

                    if np.all(vert1 == tpath.vertices) and np.all(code1 == tpath.codes):
                        return True
                        return False

            class ConditionalStroke(pe._Base):

                def __init__(self, condition_func, pe_list):
                    path effect that is only applied when the condition_func
                    returns True.
                    super(ConditionalStroke, self).__init__()
                    self._pe_list = pe_list
                    self._condition_func = condition_func

                def draw_path(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace):

                    if self._condition_func(renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace):
                        for pe1 in self._pe_list:
                            pe1.draw_path(renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace)

            pe1 = ConditionalStroke(CheckNthSubPath(p, 0),[pe.Stroke()])
            pe2 = ConditionalStroke(CheckNthSubPath(p, 1),[pe.Stroke(linestyle="solid")])
            p.set_path_effects([pe1, pe2])

        return p
Exemple #2
    def _render_on_subplot(self, subplot):
        Render this arrow in a subplot.  This is the key function that
        defines how this arrow graphics primitive is rendered in
        matplotlib's library.


        This function implicitly ends up rendering this arrow on
        a matplotlib subplot::

            sage: arrow((0,1), (2,-1))
            Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        The length of the ends (shrinkA and shrinkB) should not depend
        on the width of the arrow, because Matplotlib already takes
        this into account. See :trac:`12836`::

            sage: fig = Graphics().matplotlib()
            sage: sp = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, label='axis1')
            sage: a = arrow((0,0), (1,1))
            sage: b = arrow((0,0), (1,1), width=20)
            sage: p1 = a[0]._render_on_subplot(sp)
            sage: p2 = b[0]._render_on_subplot(sp)
            sage: p1.shrinkA == p2.shrinkA
            sage: p1.shrinkB == p2.shrinkB

        Dashed arrows should have solid arrowheads, :trac:`12852`. We tried to
        make up a test for this, which turned out to be fragile and hence was
        removed. In general, robust testing of graphics seems basically need a
        human eye or AI.
        from sage.plot.misc import get_matplotlib_linestyle

        options = self.options()
        head = options.pop('head')
        if head == 0: style = '<|-'
        elif head == 1: style = '-|>'
        elif head == 2: style = '<|-|>'
            raise KeyError(
                'head parameter must be one of 0 (start), 1 (end) or 2 (both).'
        width = float(options['width'])
        arrowshorten_end = float(options.get('arrowshorten', 0)) / 2.0
        arrowsize = float(options.get('arrowsize', 5))
        head_width = arrowsize
        head_length = arrowsize * 2.0
        color = to_mpl_color(options['rgbcolor'])
        from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch
        p = FancyArrowPatch(
            (self.xtail, self.ytail), (self.xhead, self.yhead),
            arrowstyle='%s,head_width=%s,head_length=%s' %
            (style, head_width, head_length),

        if options['linestyle'] != 'solid':
            # The next few lines work around a design issue in matplotlib.
            # Currently, the specified linestyle is used to draw both the path
            # and the arrowhead.  If linestyle is 'dashed', this looks really
            # odd. This code is from Jae-Joon Lee in response to a post to the
            # matplotlib mailing list.
            # See http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CAG%3DuJ%2Bnw2dE05P9TOXTz_zp-mGP3cY801vMH7yt6vgP9_WzU8w%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=matplotlib-users

            import matplotlib.patheffects as pe

            class CheckNthSubPath(object):
                def __init__(self, patch, n):
                    creates an callable object that returns True if the
                    provided path is the n-th path from the patch.
                    self._patch = patch
                    self._n = n

                def get_paths(self, renderer):
                    paths, fillables = self._patch.get_path_in_displaycoord()
                    return paths

                def __call__(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace):
                    path = self.get_paths(renderer)[self._n]
                    vert1, code1 = path.vertices, path.codes
                    import numpy as np

                    return np.array_equal(vert1,
                                          tpath.vertices) and np.array_equal(
                                              code1, tpath.codes)

            class ConditionalStroke(pe.RendererBase):
                def __init__(self, condition_func, pe_list):
                    path effect that is only applied when the condition_func
                    returns True.
                    super(ConditionalStroke, self).__init__()
                    self._pe_list = pe_list
                    self._condition_func = condition_func

                def draw_path(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace):

                    if self._condition_func(renderer, gc, tpath, affine,
                        for pe1 in self._pe_list:
                            pe1.draw_path(renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace)

            pe1 = ConditionalStroke(CheckNthSubPath(p, 0), [pe.Stroke()])
            pe2 = ConditionalStroke(
                CheckNthSubPath(p, 1),
                    'dash_offset': 0,
                    'dash_list': None
            p.set_path_effects([pe1, pe2])

        return p
Exemple #3
    def _render_on_subplot(self, subplot):
        Render this arrow in a subplot.  This is the key function that
        defines how this arrow graphics primitive is rendered in
        matplotlib's library.


        This function implicitly ends up rendering this arrow on
        a matplotlib subplot::

            sage: arrow((0,1), (2,-1))
            Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        The length of the ends (shrinkA and shrinkB) should not depend
        on the width of the arrow, because Matplotlib already takes
        this into account. See :trac:`12836`::

            sage: fig = Graphics().matplotlib()
            sage: sp = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
            sage: a = arrow((0,0), (1,1))
            sage: b = arrow((0,0), (1,1), width=20)
            sage: p1 = a[0]._render_on_subplot(sp)
            sage: p2 = b[0]._render_on_subplot(sp)
            sage: p1.shrinkA == p2.shrinkA
            sage: p1.shrinkB == p2.shrinkB

        Dashed arrows should have solid arrowheads,
        :trac:`12852`. This test saves the plot of a dashed arrow to
        an EPS file. Within the EPS file, ``stroke`` will be called
        twice: once to draw the line, and again to draw the
        arrowhead. We check that both calls do not occur while the
        dashed line style is enabled::

            sage: a = arrow((0,0), (1,1), linestyle='dashed')
            sage: filename = tmp_filename(ext='.eps')
            sage: a.save(filename=filename)
            sage: with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            ....:     contents = f.read().replace('\n', ' ')
            sage: two_stroke_pattern = r'setdash.*stroke.*stroke.*setdash'
            sage: import re
            sage: two_stroke_re = re.compile(two_stroke_pattern)
            sage: two_stroke_re.search(contents) is None
        from sage.plot.misc import get_matplotlib_linestyle

        options = self.options()
        head = options.pop('head')
        if head == 0: style = '<|-'
        elif head == 1: style = '-|>'
        elif head == 2: style = '<|-|>'
            raise KeyError(
                'head parameter must be one of 0 (start), 1 (end) or 2 (both).'
        width = float(options['width'])
        arrowshorten_end = float(options.get('arrowshorten', 0)) / 2.0
        arrowsize = float(options.get('arrowsize', 5))
        head_width = arrowsize
        head_length = arrowsize * 2.0
        color = to_mpl_color(options['rgbcolor'])
        from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch
        p = FancyArrowPatch((self.xtail, self.ytail), (self.xhead, self.yhead),
                            arrowstyle='%s,head_width=%s,head_length=%s' %
                            (style, head_width, head_length),
            get_matplotlib_linestyle(options['linestyle'], return_type='long'))

        if options['linestyle'] != 'solid':
            # The next few lines work around a design issue in matplotlib. Currently, the specified
            # linestyle is used to draw both the path and the arrowhead.  If linestyle is 'dashed', this
            # looks really odd.  This code is from Jae-Joon Lee in response to a post to the matplotlib mailing
            # list.  See http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CAG%3DuJ%2Bnw2dE05P9TOXTz_zp-mGP3cY801vMH7yt6vgP9_WzU8w%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=matplotlib-users

            import matplotlib.patheffects as pe

            class CheckNthSubPath(object):
                def __init__(self, patch, n):
                    creates an callable object that returns True if the provided
                    path is the n-th path from the patch.
                    self._patch = patch
                    self._n = n

                def get_paths(self, renderer):
                    paths, fillables = self._patch.get_path_in_displaycoord()
                    return paths

                def __call__(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace):
                    path = self.get_paths(renderer)[self._n]
                    vert1, code1 = path.vertices, path.codes
                    import numpy as np

                    return np.array_equal(vert1,
                                          tpath.vertices) and np.array_equal(
                                              code1, tpath.codes)

            class ConditionalStroke(pe.RendererBase):
                def __init__(self, condition_func, pe_list):
                    path effect that is only applied when the condition_func
                    returns True.
                    super(ConditionalStroke, self).__init__()
                    self._pe_list = pe_list
                    self._condition_func = condition_func

                def draw_path(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace):

                    if self._condition_func(renderer, gc, tpath, affine,
                        for pe1 in self._pe_list:
                            pe1.draw_path(renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace)

            pe1 = ConditionalStroke(CheckNthSubPath(p, 0), [pe.Stroke()])
            pe2 = ConditionalStroke(CheckNthSubPath(p, 1),
            p.set_path_effects([pe1, pe2])

        return p