def __call__(self, **params): p = ParamOverrides(self, params) name = p.plot_template.keys().pop(0) plot = make_template_plot(p.plot_template, p.sheet.views.Maps, p.sheet.xdensity, p.sheet.bounds, p.normalize, name=p.plot_template[name]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) if plot: bitmap = plot.bitmap isint = plt.isinteractive( ) # Temporarily make non-interactive for plotting plt.ioff() # Turn interactive mode off plt.imshow(bitmap.image, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') plt.axis('off') for (t, pref, sel, c) in p.overlay: v = plt.flipud(p.sheet.views.Maps[pref].view()[0]) if (t == 'contours'): plt.contour(v, [sel, sel], colors=c, linewidths=2) if (t == 'arrows'): s = plt.flipud(p.sheet.views.Maps[sel].view()[0]) scale = int(np.ceil(np.log10(len(v)))) X = np.array([x for x in xrange(len(v) / scale)]) v_sc = np.zeros((len(v) / scale, len(v) / scale)) s_sc = np.zeros((len(v) / scale, len(v) / scale)) for i in X: for j in X: v_sc[i][j] = v[scale * i][scale * j] s_sc[i][j] = s[scale * i][scale * j] plt.quiver(scale * X, scale * X, -np.cos(2 * np.pi * v_sc) * s_sc, -np.sin(2 * np.pi * v_sc) * s_sc, color=c, edgecolors=c, minshaft=3, linewidths=1) p.title = '%s overlaid with %s at time %s' % (, pref, topo.sim.timestr()) if isint: plt.ion() p.filename_suffix = "_" + self._generate_figure(p) return fig
def get_array(self,vname): """ Return a given array from the output file. Must be returned as a 2D array with top to bottom orientation (like an image). """ v=self.f.variables[vname] v=pylab.flipud(v) return v
def get_array(self,vname): """ Return a single time slice of a variable from a Netcdf file. """ v=self.f.variables[vname] v=v[self.istep,:,:] v=pylab.flipud(v) return v
def get_array(self,vname): '''Return a single time slice of a variable from a WRF output file.''' v=self.f.variables[vname] v=v[self.istep,:,:].squeeze() if self.isfiregrid(vname): v=v[:-self.sry(),:-self.srx()] v=pylab.flipud(v) if vname == 'FGRNHFX' or vname == 'GRNHFX': v[:]=v*0.239005736 return v
def get_array(self, vname): '''Return a single time slice of a variable from a WRF output file.''' v = self.f.variables[vname] v = v[self.istep, :, :].squeeze() if self.isfiregrid(vname): v = v[:-self.sry(), :-self.srx()] v = pylab.flipud(v) if vname == 'FGRNHFX' or vname == 'GRNHFX': v[:] = v * 0.239005736 return v
def __call__(self, **params): p=ParamOverrides(self,params) name=p.plot_template.keys().pop(0) plot=make_template_plot(p.plot_template, p.sheet.views.Maps, p.sheet.xdensity,p.sheet.bounds, p.normalize,name=p.plot_template[name]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) if plot: bitmap=plot.bitmap isint=plt.isinteractive() # Temporarily make non-interactive for plotting plt.ioff() # Turn interactive mode off plt.imshow(bitmap.image,origin='lower',interpolation='nearest') plt.axis('off') for (t,pref,sel,c) in p.overlay: v = plt.flipud(p.sheet.views.Maps[pref].view()[0]) if (t=='contours'): plt.contour(v,[sel,sel],colors=c,linewidths=2) if (t=='arrows'): s = plt.flipud(p.sheet.views.Maps[sel].view()[0]) scale = int(np.ceil(np.log10(len(v)))) X = np.array([x for x in xrange(len(v)/scale)]) v_sc = np.zeros((len(v)/scale,len(v)/scale)) s_sc = np.zeros((len(v)/scale,len(v)/scale)) for i in X: for j in X: v_sc[i][j] = v[scale*i][scale*j] s_sc[i][j] = s[scale*i][scale*j] plt.quiver(scale*X, scale*X, -np.cos(2*np.pi*v_sc)*s_sc, -np.sin(2*np.pi*v_sc)*s_sc, color=c, edgecolors=c, minshaft=3, linewidths=1) p.title='%s overlaid with %s at time %s' %(,pref,topo.sim.timestr()) if isint: plt.ion() p.filename_suffix="_" self._generate_figure(p) return fig
def get_array(self,vname): '''Return a given array from the output file. Must be returned as a 2D array with top to bottom orientation (like an image).''' v=self.f.variables[vname] v=pylab.flipud(v) return v
def get_array(self, vname): '''Return a single time slice of a variable from a WRF output file.''' v = self.f.variables[vname] v = v[self.istep, :, :] v = pylab.flipud(v) return v
def get_array(self,vname): '''Return a single time slice of a variable from a WRF output file.''' v=self.f.variables[vname] v=v[self.istep,:,:] v=pylab.flipud(v) return v