def plotting(xgrid, vgrid, x, v, f, scalar_field, f0, timestep, plot_save, plot_show): if (plot_show == 1): plt.clf() plt.ion() # plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.pcolormesh(xgrid, vgrid, f) plt.axis([x[0], x[-1], v[0], v[-1]]) plt.xlabel('X', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('V', fontsize=20) plt.title('Phase Space') # Electric Field Comparison # time = 0.02*timestep # Et = 4.0*0.01 * 0.3677 * np.exp(-0.1533*time)*np.sin(0.5*x)*np.cos(1.4156*time - 0.5326245) # plot_title = 't = '+str(timestep*0.02) # plt.plot(x,scalar_field) # plt.plot(x,Et) # plt.title(plot_title) # plt.subplot(2,1,2) # plt.plot(x,potential) # plt.xlabel('X') # plt.ylabel('$\phi$') if (plot_show == 1): plt.draw() plt.pause(.05) if (plot_save == 1): FIG_NAME = 'OUT/f_nonlinear_' + str(timestep) + '.png' plt.savefig(FIG_NAME)
def plot(self): self._fig.clf() self._ax.cla() self._fig = plt.figure('taylor') self._ax = self._fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) self._ax.plot(self._x_list, self._y_list, linestyle='solid', label='origin') for order in range(len(self._taylor_y_array)): label = '{} order approximation'.format(order + 1) self._ax.plot(self._x_list, self._taylor_y_array[order], linestyle='dashed', label=label) self._ax.plot([self.base_x], self._model.fx([self.base_x]), marker='.', label='approximation base point') self._ax.set_title('Taylor expansion') self._ax.legend(loc='lower right') self._ax.set_ylim(min(self._y_list), max(self._y_list)) plt.pause(0.01)
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): self.val_mse_acc.append(logs.get('val_mean_squared_error')) self.val_mae_acc.append(logs.get('val_mean_absolute_error')) self.mse_acc.append(logs.get('mean_squared_error')) self.mae_acc.append(logs.get('mean_absolute_error')) self.losses.append(logs.get('loss')) self.val_losses.append(logs.get('val_loss')) self.x.append(self.i) self.i += 1 self.ax1.cla() self.ax2.cla() self.ax3.cla() self.ax1.set_title('Losses') self.ax1.set(ylabel='Logarithmic MSE') self.ax2.set_title('Accuracy (MSE)') self.ax2.set(ylabel='Mean Squared Error') self.ax3.set_title('Accuracy (MAE)') self.ax3.set(ylabel='Mean Absolute Error') self.ax1.plot(self.x, self.losses, label="loss") self.ax1.plot(self.x, self.val_losses, label="val_loss") self.ax1.legend(loc="upper right") self.ax2.plot(self.x, self.mse_acc, label="training") self.ax2.plot(self.x, self.val_mse_acc, label="validation") self.ax2.legend(loc="upper right") self.ax3.plot(self.x, self.mae_acc, label="training") self.ax3.plot(self.x, self.val_mae_acc, label="validation") self.ax3.legend(loc="upper right") plt.pause(.01) plt.draw() plt.savefig("lossaccplot.png", dpi='figure')
def movieshow(self): self.var = self.dlg.comboBoxSpatialVariables.currentText() if self.var == 'Not Specified': QMessageBox.critical(self.dlg, "Error", "No variable is selected") return cmin = self.dlg.spinBoxMovieMin.value() cmax = self.dlg.spinBoxMovieMax.value() plt.figure(1, figsize=(9, 9), facecolor='white') plt.ion() index = 0 for file in self.l: if file.startswith(self.var + '_') and file.endswith('.tif'): self.posAll.append(index) index += 1 index = 0 for i in self.posAll: gdal_dsm = gdal.Open(self.folderPath[0] + '/' + self.l[i]) grid = gdal_dsm.ReadAsArray().astype(np.float) plt.imshow(grid, clim=(cmin, cmax)) plt.title(self.l[i]) if index == 0: plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') plt.pause(0.5) index += 1 del self.posAll[:]
def histogramac(histc): histc=histc.histogram(255) pylab.plot(histc) pylab.draw() pylab.pause(0.0001)
def wait(seconds): """Wait for specified seconds. Args: seconds: Time to wait. (waiting only the half to simulate faster) """ plt.pause(seconds / 2)
def draw_graph(theta): #theta = math.pi/2 - theta t = np.linspace(0, 2, num=500) # Set time as 'continous' parameter. #for i in theta: # Calculate trajectory for every angle x1 = [] y1 = [] for k in t: x = ((v*k)*math.cos(theta)) y = ((v*k)*math.sin(theta))-((0.5*9.81)*(k*k)) x1.append(x) y1.append(y) p = [i for i, j in enumerate(y1) if j < 0] for i in sorted(p, reverse = True): del x1[i] del y1[i] plot.axis([0.0,2.5, 0.0,2.0]) ax = plot.gca() ax.set_autoscale_on(False) theta_deg = math.degrees(theta) plot.plot(x1, y1, label='yServoAngle = %f' % theta_deg) # Plot for every angle plot.legend(loc='upper right') plot.ion() plot.pause(0.000000001) plot.draw() # And show on one graphic graph1.clear()
def sch_distPdist_linkage_fcluster(points, t, method='complete', metric='euclidean'): # 1. 层次聚类 # 生成点与点之间的距离矩阵,这里用的欧氏距离: disMat = sch.distance.pdist(points, metric) #print(disMat) # 进行层次聚类: Z = sch.linkage(disMat, method, metric) # # 将层级聚类结果以树状图表示出来并保存为plot_dendrogram.png # P = sch.dendrogram(Z) # plt.savefig('plot_dendrogram.png') # # 根据linkage matrix Z得到聚类结果: cluster = sch.fcluster(Z, t, criterion='maxclust') #print("Original cluster by hierarchy clustering:\n", cluster) # PCA 主成份分析 用于结果的散点图显示 pca = PCA(2) # 选取2个主成份 low_d = pca.transform(points) # 降低维度 plt.figure() mark = ['pb', 'or', 'ob', 'og', 'ok', 'oy', 'om', 'oc', 'sr', 'sb', 'sg', 'sk', 'sy', 'sm', 'sc', 'pr', 'pb', 'pg', 'pk', 'py', 'pm', 'pc', 'Dr', 'Db', 'Dg', 'Dk', 'Dy', 'Dm', 'Dc'] for i in range(len(points)): markIndex = int(cluster[i])%28+1 # 为样本指定颜色 plt.plot(low_d[i, 0], low_d[i, 1], mark[markIndex], markersize=6) #plt.text(points[i, 0], points[i, 1], i) plt.grid() plt.pause(3) return cluster
def draw_epsilon(criteria, initial_sample_size, batch_size, color, fontsize=24, isLegend=True): plt.figure(3, [8, 5]) plt.clf() plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1) for criterion in criteria: sample_size_list = np.arange( batch_size + initial_sample_size, batch_size * (criterion.error_ratio.shape[0] + 1) + initial_sample_size, batch_size) stopping_data_size = batch_size + initial_sample_size + criterion.stop_timings * batch_size plt.plot(sample_size_list, criterion.error_ratio, c="k") plt.plot([ batch_size + initial_sample_size, batch_size * criterion.error_ratio.shape[0] + initial_sample_size ], [criterion.threshold, criterion.threshold], c=color[criterion.criterion_name], label=r"$\lambda={0}$".format(criterion.threshold)) plt.plot([stopping_data_size, stopping_data_size], [0, criterion.error_ratio.max()], c=color[criterion.criterion_name], linestyle="dashed") if isLegend: plt.legend(fontsize=fontsize) plt.xlabel("Sample size", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("Error ratio", fontsize=fontsize) plt.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) plt.pause(0.01)
def draw_gene_error(test_error, criteria, initial_sample_size, batch_size, color, fontsize=24, isLegend=True): plt.figure(1, [8, 5]) plt.clf() sample_size_list = np.arange( batch_size + initial_sample_size, batch_size * (test_error.shape[0] + 1) + initial_sample_size, batch_size) plt.plot(sample_size_list, test_error, c='k', label="Generalization error") for criterion in criteria: stopping_data_size = batch_size + initial_sample_size + criterion.stop_timings * batch_size plt.plot([stopping_data_size, stopping_data_size], [test_error.min(), test_error.max()], c=color[criterion.criterion_name], linestyle="dashed", label=r"$\lambda={0}$".format(criterion.threshold)) if isLegend: plt.legend(fontsize=fontsize) plt.xlabel("Sample size", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("Generalization error", fontsize=fontsize) plt.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) plt.pause(0.01)
def draw_correlations(result, y_label, data_names, color, label, fontsize=24, ylim=1): fig = plt.figure(4, [25, 10]) plt.clf() plt.ylim(0, ylim) y_ticks = np.linspace(0, ylim, 11) sum_left = 0 lefts = [] for i, data_name_list in enumerate(data_names): left = np.arange(len(data_name_list)) + sum_left, result[i], color=color[i], label=label[i], align="center", ecolor="k") sum_left += len(data_name_list) lefts.append(left) left = np.concatenate(lefts) data_names = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(data_names)) plt.xticks(left, data_names) fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation=20) plt.yticks(y_ticks) plt.ylabel(y_label, fontsize=fontsize) plt.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) plt.legend(fontsize=fontsize, loc='lower left') plt.tight_layout() plt.grid(axis='y', linestyle='dotted', color='k') plt.pause(0.01)
def plot(self, cmap='Greys', pause=1): if self.fig is None: self.fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(24, 5)) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(211) self.ax2 = self.fig.add_subplot(212) plt.tight_layout() else: plt.figure(1) #... build numpy array... FOR EXAMPLE : aview = np.random.randint(0, 2, (5, 300)) pview = np.random.randint(0, 2, (5, 300)) self.ax1.imshow(aview, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') self.ax2.imshow(pview, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') plt.pause(pause) self.fig.canvas.draw()
def plot_generated_batch(i, model,data1,data2): x_test, y_test = data1 y_pred, x_recon = model.predict([x_test, y_test], batch_size=32) X_gen = x_recon X_raw = x_test Xs1 = to3d(X_raw[:10]) Xg1 = to3d(X_gen[:10]) Xs1 = np.concatenate(Xs1, axis=1) Xg1 = np.concatenate(Xg1, axis=1) Xs2 = to3d(X_raw[10:20]) Xg2 = to3d(X_gen[10:20]) Xs2 = np.concatenate(Xs2, axis=1) Xg2 = np.concatenate(Xg2, axis=1) x_train, y_train = data2 y_pred, x_recon = model.predict([x_train, y_train], batch_size=32) X_gen = x_recon X_raw = x_train Xs3 = to3d(X_raw[:10]) Xg3 = to3d(X_gen[:10]) Xs3 = np.concatenate(Xs3, axis=1) Xg3 = np.concatenate(Xg3, axis=1) Xs4 = to3d(X_raw[10:20]) Xg4 = to3d(X_gen[10:20]) Xs4 = np.concatenate(Xs4, axis=1) Xg4 = np.concatenate(Xg4, axis=1) XX = np.concatenate((Xs1,Xg1,Xs2,Xg2,Xs3,Xg3,Xs4,Xg4), axis=0) plt.imshow(XX) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig("./caps_figures/CapsAutoencoder{0:03d}.png".format(i)) plt.pause(3) plt.close()
def rysuj(self): try: parA = float(self.parAedit.text()) parB = float(self.parBedit.text()) parC = float(self.parCedit.text()) if parA == 0 and parB == 0 and parC == 0: QMessageBox.warning(self, '', "Funkjca tożsamościowa") return xlist = [] y = [] import numpy as np x = np.linspace(-20, 10) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.axhline(y=0, color='k') ax.axvline(x=0, color='k') ax.grid(True, which='both') #plt.grid(b=None, which='major', axis='both', color='b', linestyle='-', linewidth=2) for x in self.drange(-10, 10, 0.5): y.append(parA * x**2 + parB * x + parC) xlist.append(x) plt.plot(xlist, y) plt.pause(0.001) except ValueError: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Błąd", "Zły parametr") return
def main(a): K = 0 #循环次数控制 algo_choose(a) init() fit_list = [] temp = 0 while (True): for i in range(n): swarm[i].refresh_memory() for i in range(n): swarm[i].refresh_pos() cal_FitXm() cal_standard_deviation() for i in range(n): group = int(i / (n / M)) #print(group) swarm[i].escape(group) update_Td() print(swarm_best_fitness, swarm_best_pos) #if (#精度控制条件#): # break #到达一定精度退出程序 fit_list.append(swarm_best_fitness) plt.plot(fit_list) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.01) plt.clf() K = K + 1 temp = swarm_best_fitness if K == 100: #到达一定次数退出程序 break
def main(): global df poss_reproduct = 0.1 #繁殖的概率 poss_hybridize = 0.3 #杂交的概率 poss_mutate = 0.6 #变异的概率 for i in range(100000): te = poss_for_reproduct(df) r = np.random.random(1)[0] if (r < poss_reproduct): df = reproduct(te) print(1) if (poss_reproduct < r < poss_reproduct + poss_hybridize): df = hybridize(te) print('2') if (poss_reproduct + poss_hybridize < r): #pass df = mutate(te) print('3') if (i % 10 == 0): test = list(df.loc[te.loc[0]['ind']]) plot(test) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.01) plt.clf() print(te.loc[0][0]) #print(df) #print(df.loc[te.loc[0]['ind']]) test = list(df.loc[te.loc[0]['ind']])
def histograma(hist): hist=hist.histogram(255) ##"hola4Hist.txt") pylab.plot(hist) pylab.draw() pylab.pause(0.0001)
def B_method(p, len): d = get_distance2(p[0], p[1]) a = 0 b = 1 plt.plot([p[a].x, p[b].x], [p[a].y, p[b].y], color='r') plt.pause(1) for i in range(len - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len): if i == 0 and j == 1: continue distance2 = get_distance2(p[i], p[j]) plt.plot([p[i].x, p[j].x], [p[i].y, p[j].y], color='B', ls='--') plt.pause(1) plt.plot([p[i].x, p[j].x], [p[i].y, p[j].y], color='W', alpha=0.99) plt.pause(1) if distance2 < d: plt.plot([p[a].x, p[b].x], [p[a].y, p[b].y], color='W', alpha=0.99) plt.pause(1) a = i b = j d = distance2 plt.plot([p[i].x, p[j].x], [p[i].y, p[j].y], color='r') plt.pause(1) print("最近点对为:(%.2f,%.2f) 和 (%.2f,%.2f),距离为: %.2f" % (p[a].x, p[a].y, p[b].x, p[b].y, math.sqrt(d)))
def plot(self, bit_stream): if self.previous_bit_stream != bit_stream.to_list(): self.previous_bit_stream = bit_stream x = [] y = [] bit = None for bit_time in bit_stream.to_list(): if bit is None: x.append(bit_time) y.append(0) bit = 0 elif bit == 0: x.extend([bit_time, bit_time]) y.extend([0, 1]) bit = 1 elif bit == 1: x.extend([bit_time, bit_time]) y.extend([1, 0]) bit = 0 plt.clf() plt.plot(x, y) plt.xlim([0, 10000]) plt.ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) plt.pause(0.005)
def do_next(self, args): """next: Shows the next epoch in the animation""" obs = self.obs obs.next_epoch() obs.get_predictions() obs.show_predictions() plt.pause(0.000001)
def animate(y, ndim, cmap) : plt.ion() if ndim == 5: plt.figure() for i in range(y.shape[1]) : print "Showing batch", i plt.close('all') for j in range(y.shape[0]) : plt.imshow(y[j,i], interpolation='none', cmap=cmap) plt.pause(0.1) time.sleep(1) else: for i in range(y.shape[1]) : print "Showing batch", i plt.close('all') for j in range(y.shape[0]) : plt.figure(0) plt.imshow(y[j,i], interpolation='none', cmap=cmap) plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(x[j,i], interpolation='none', cmap=cmap) plt.pause(0.2) time.sleep(1)
def return_param_BPM(even_odd, hist_val, num): if even_odd == "odd": eo = 1 else: eo = 0 # print(even_odd,hist_val) histValues = plt.hist(df[(df['y_vals'] % 2 == eo) & (df['heights'] < 100)][hist_val], bins=45) mphist = midpoints(histValues[1]) meanh = df[(df['y_vals'] % 2 == eo) & (df['heights'] < 100) & (df['means'] > 0)][hist_val].mean() stdh = df[(df['y_vals'] % 2 == eo) & (df['heights'] < 100) & (df['means'] > 0)][hist_val].std() print(meanh, stdh) popt, pcov = curve_fit(gaus, mphist[2:], histValues[0][2:], p0=[100, meanh, stdh]) plt.plot(mphist, gaus(mphist, *popt), 'ro:', label='fit') plt.pause(0.01) input("wait") # plt.clf() return popt[1], popt[2]
def show(): args = get_args() # Load model nn.load_parameters(args.model_load_path) params = nn.get_parameters() # Show heatmap for name, param in params.items(): # SSL only on convolution weights if "conv/W" not in name: continue print(name) n, m, k0, k1 = param.d.shape w_matrix = param.d.reshape((n, m * k0 * k1)) # Filter x Channel heatmap fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title( "{} with shape {} \n Filter x (Channel x Heigh x Width)".format( name, (n, m, k0, k1))) heatmap = ax.pcolor(w_matrix) fig.colorbar(heatmap) plt.pause(0.5) raw_input("Press Key") plt.close()
def ani(t): train_op(t, x, y) fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pts = 300 pylab.plot(,, 'r.') x_plot = Variable( torch.linspace( torch.min( - 1., torch.max( + 1., pts)[:, None]) y_plot = torch.Tensor(0, 1) for _ in range(100): y_plot =[y_plot, model(x_plot).data], 1) y_mu = torch.mean(y_pred, 1).numpy() y_std = torch.std(y_pred, 1).numpy() errors = [0.25, 0.39, 0.52, 0.67, 0.84, 1.04, 1.28, 1.64, 2.2] for e in errors: ax.fill_between(, y_mu - e * y_std, y_mu + e * y_std, alpha=((3 - e) / 5.5)**1.7, facecolor='b', linewidth=1e-3) pylab.plot(, y_mu, 'k') ax.set_ylim([torch.min( - 1, torch.max( + 1]) ax.set_xlim([torch.min( - 1, torch.max( + 1]) pylab.pause(.1) return ax
def plot(self): if not self.__first: self.__fig.clf() self.__ax.cla() self.__first = False self.__fig = plt.figure('residual') self.__ax = self.__fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # 現在のパラメータを中心にプロットするためのrangeを計算 self._reset_range() # 現在のパラメータを履歴に追加 current_param = self.__model.get_param() self._param_history[0].append(current_param[0]) self._param_history[1].append(current_param[1]) # パラメータを書き換えるのでコピーして参照している他のモジュールへの影響を防ぐ model = deepcopy(self.__model) Z = self._compute_residual_distribution(model) im = self.__ax.pcolormesh(self.__X, self.__Y, Z, cmap='hsv') self.__ax.plot(self._param_history[0], self._param_history[1], marker='.') self.__fig.colorbar(im) plt.pause(0.01)
def plot_weight_matrix(rbm_struct, weight_matrix, input_nodes, hidden_nodes): #mat_to_plot = np.zeros([n_hidden_nodes, n_visible_nodes-1]) sub_mat_val = int(m.sqrt(input_nodes)) total_mat_val = int(m.sqrt(hidden_nodes)) reshaped_mat = np.zeros([hidden_nodes, sub_mat_val, sub_mat_val]) plot_mat = np.zeros( [total_mat_val, total_mat_val, sub_mat_val, sub_mat_val]) for i in range(0, input_nodes): a = np.reshape(rbm_struct.weights[i][1][:], (529, 1)) b = np.reshape(a, (23, 23)) mplt.imshow(b, cmap='gray') mplt.draw() mplt.pause(0.001) a = 'weight_matrix' + str(i) + '.png' mplt.savefig(a) #for i in range(0, hidden_nodes): # mat_to_plot = weight_matrix[i][1][:input_nodes] # mat_to_plot = np.reshape(mat_to_plot, (rbm_struct.h_val, 1)) # reshaped_mat[i][:][:] = np.reshape(mat_to_plot, (sub_mat_val, sub_mat_val)) plot_mat = np.reshape( reshaped_mat, (total_mat_val, total_mat_val, sub_mat_val, sub_mat_val)) for i in range(0, total_mat_val): for j in range(0, total_mat_val): mplt.imshow(plot_mat[i][j], cmap='gray')
def plotCurrentW(ww, currentData, flush=True): # Plot the randomly generated data plt.scatter(currentData[currentData["yp"] == 1]["x1"], currentData[currentData["yp"] == 1]["x2"], marker="o") plt.scatter(currentData[currentData["yp"] == -1]["x1"], currentData[currentData["yp"] == -1]["x2"], marker="x") plt.xlim(-1, 1) plt.ylim(-1, 1) plt.xlabel("x1") plt.ylabel("x2") # Create data points corresponding the the weights so that they can be plotted on the graph wDict = {'x1': [], 'x2': []} leftx2 = (ww[1] - ww[0]) / ww[2] rightx2 = (-ww[1] - ww[0]) / ww[2] wDict["x1"].append(-1.0) wDict["x2"].append(leftx2) wDict["x1"].append(1.0) wDict["x2"].append(rightx2) resultW = pd.DataFrame(wDict) # Plot the corresponding classification separating line plt.plot(resultW.x1, resultW.x2) if flush: plt.draw() plt.pause(0.1) plt.clf() else:
def draw_graph(self, rnd=None): # pragma: no cover """ Draw Graph """ plt.clf() if rnd is not None: plt.plot(rnd[0], rnd[1], "^k") for node in self.nodes: if node.parent is not None: plt.plot([node.x[0], self.nodes[node.parent].x[0]], [node.x[1], self.nodes[node.parent].x[1]], "-g") circles = [] fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() for (ox, oy, size) in self.obstacle_list: # plt.plot(ox, oy, "ok", ms=30 * size) circle = plt.Circle((ox, oy), size, fill=False) circles.append(circle) p = PatchCollection(circles) ax.add_collection(p) ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.plot(self.start[0], self.start[1], "xr") plt.plot(self.goal[0], self.goal[1], "xr") plt.axis([ self.c_space_bounds[0][0], self.c_space_bounds[0][1], self.c_space_bounds[1][0], self.c_space_bounds[1][1] ]) plt.grid(True) plt.pause(0.01)
def drawing(x): plt.figure(num=1) plt.plot(x, color='g', linewidth=0.8) plt.title('prob') plt.grid() plt.legend(['loss']) plt.pause(0.0001)
def imshow(inp, title=None): """Imshow for Tensor.""" inp = inp.numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)) plt.imshow(inp) if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.pause(0.001) # pause a bit so that plots are updated
def ani(t): train_op(t, x, y) fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pts = 300 pylab.plot(,, 'r.') x_plot = Variable( torch.linspace( torch.min( - 1., torch.max( + 1., pts)[:, None]) y_plot = np.linspace( torch.min( - 1., torch.max( + 1., pts)[:, None] y_pred = torch.Tensor(0, 1) for _ in range(100): y_pred =[y_pred, model(x_plot).data], 1) y_mu = torch.mean(y_pred, 1).numpy() y_std = torch.std(y_pred, 1).numpy() kde_skl = KernelDensity(bandwidth=0.5) grid = [] for i in range(pts):[i][:, None]) log_pdf = kde_skl.score_samples(y_plot) grid.append(np.exp(log_pdf)[:, None]) grid = np.asarray(grid).reshape((pts, pts)).T ax.imshow(grid, extent=(,, y_plot.max(), y_plot.min()), interpolation='bicubic', cmap=cm.Blues) ax.set_ylim([torch.min( - 1, torch.max( + 1]) ax.set_xlim([torch.min( - 1, torch.max( + 1]) pylab.pause(.5) return ax
def imshow(inp, title=None): """Imshow for Tensor.""" import matplotlib.pylab as plt inp = inp.numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)) plt.imshow(inp) if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.pause(0.001) # 갱신이 될 때까지 잠시 기다립니다.
def DisplayData(self, data, rec=None, fut=None, fig=1, case_id=0, output_file=None): output_file1 = output_file2 = None if output_file is not None: name, ext = os.path.splitext(output_file) output_file1 = '%s_original%s' % (name, ext) output_file2 = '%s_recon%s' % (name, ext) data = data[case_id, :].reshape(-1, self.image_size_, self.image_size_) if rec is not None: rec = rec[case_id, :].reshape(-1, self.image_size_, self.image_size_) enc_seq_length = rec.shape[0] if fut is not None: fut = fut[case_id, :].reshape(-1, self.image_size_, self.image_size_) if rec is None: enc_seq_length = self.seq_length_ - fut.shape[0] else: assert enc_seq_length == self.seq_length_ - fut.shape[0] num_rows = 1 plt.figure(2 * fig - 1, figsize=(20, 1)) plt.clf() for i in xrange(self.seq_length_): plt.subplot(num_rows, self.seq_length_, i + 1) plt.imshow(data[i, :, :],, interpolation="nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.draw() if output_file1 is not None: print output_file1 plt.savefig(output_file1, bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure(2 * fig, figsize=(20, 1)) plt.clf() for i in xrange(self.seq_length_): if rec is not None and i < enc_seq_length: plt.subplot(num_rows, self.seq_length_, i + 1) plt.imshow(rec[rec.shape[0] - i - 1, :, :],, interpolation="nearest") if fut is not None and i >= enc_seq_length: plt.subplot(num_rows, self.seq_length_, i + 1) plt.imshow(fut[i - enc_seq_length, :, :],, interpolation="nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.draw() if output_file2 is not None: print output_file2 plt.savefig(output_file2, bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.pause(0.1)
def plot_data(): datalist = [ ( plt.loadtxt("myfile.txt"), "label")] for data, label in datalist: plt.plot( data[:,0], data[:,1], label=label ) plt.legend() plt.title("Plot of coupled oscillator") plt.xlabel("Time") plt.ylabel("Position") plt.pause(0.000005)
def sample02(fnum): # インタラクティブモード x = np.mat(np.r_[0:1:0.01]) y2 = np.power(x,2) pl.ion() #非インタラクティブにする pl.figure(fnum) pl.plot(x.A1, y2.A1) #これは成功 pl.grid(True) # #インタラクティブモードだと、showは使わない pl.draw() #drawを使う print "end2" # time.sleep(1) pl.pause(1)
def plot(self, title='', confidence_interval=DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL, block=False, pause=0, figsize=None): self.init_dataframe_errors(confidence_interval) assert isinstance(self, Results) if not self.periods: raise ValueError("Results have no periods to plot") fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=figsize) if title: fig.canvas.set_window_title(title) if isinstance(self.observation_date, datetime.datetime): observation_date = else: observation_date = self.observation_date fig.suptitle('Obs {}, rate {}%, path {}, pert {}, conf {}%'.format( observation_date, self.interest_rate, self.path_count, self.perturbation_factor, confidence_interval)) with pandas.plotting.plot_params.use('x_compat', False): # Todo: Try to get the box plots working: # # if len(results.prices_raw) == 1: # prices = results.prices_raw[0] # seaborn.boxplot(prices, prices.to_series().apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%Y%m%d')), ax=axes[0]) self.prices_mean.plot(ax=axes[0], kind='bar', yerr=self.prices_errors) axes[0].set_title('Market prices') axes[0].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) self.hedges_mean.plot(ax=axes[1], kind='bar', yerr=self.hedges_errors).axhline(0, color='0.5') axes[1].set_title('Delta hedges') axes[1].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) self.cash_mean.plot(ax=axes[2], kind='bar', yerr=self.cash_errors, color='g').axhline(0, color='0.5') axes[2].set_title('Cash account') axes[2].get_xaxis().set_visible(True) fig.autofmt_xdate(rotation=30) if pause and not block: plt.pause(pause) else:
def animate_signals(nb_signals, incre, fs=256, refresh_rate=30., anim_dur=10., figsize=(12,8)): """ Draw and update a figure in real-time representing the summation of many sine waves, to explain the concept of Fourier decomposition. INPUTS nb_signals : number of signals to sum together incre : increment, in Hz, between each of the signals fs : sampling frequency refresh_rate : refresh rate of the animation anim_dur : approximate duration of the animation, in seconds """ # Initialize values that remain constant throughout the animation A = 1 t = np.linspace(0, 2, fs) offsets = np.arange(nb_signals+1).reshape((nb_signals+1,1))*(A*(nb_signals+1)) freqs = np.arange(nb_signals)*incre # Initialize the figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ax.hold(True) plt.xlabel('Time') ax.yaxis.set_ticks(offsets) ax.set_yticklabels([str(f)+' Hz' for f in freqs] + ['Sum']) ax.xaxis.set_ticks([]) # Initialize the Line2D elements for each signal sines = np.array([sinewave(A, f, 0, t) for f in freqs]) sines = np.vstack((sines, np.sum(sines, axis=0))) + offsets points = [ax.plot(t, x)[0] for x in sines] # Animation refresh loop for i in np.arange(anim_dur*refresh_rate): # Update time t = np.linspace(0, 2, fs) + i*fs/refresh_rate # Update signals sines = np.array([sinewave(A, f, 0, t) for f in freqs]) sines = np.vstack((sines, np.sum(sines, axis=0))) + offsets # Update figure for p, x in zip(points, sines): p.set_ydata(x) # Wait before starting another cycle plt.pause(1./refresh_rate)
def cruiseControllerNoPID(n, req_speed, initial_speed = 0, accelerate_step = 1): speeds = [] current_speed = initial_speed ns = [] x = 0 acc = [] while x < n + 1: x += 1 #print current_speed #plt.axis([-10, n + 10 , -10, req_speed + 10]) plt.axis([-10, n + 10 , -1.5, 0.75]) speeds.append(current_speed) acc.append(speeds[x - 1] - speeds[x - 2]) ns.append(x) #plt.plot(ns, speeds, 'g-',label = "speed") plt.plot(ns, acc, 'r-', label = "input (force applied to pedal)") if (x == 1): plt.legend() plt.xlabel("time") plt.ylabel("Input (Force applied to pedal)") plt.pause(0.000001) if (current_speed < req_speed): #accelerate current_speed += accelerate_step elif (current_speed > req_speed): #apply brakes current_speed -= accelerate_step else: #speed reduction when pedal isn't pressed current_speed -= 1 if (current_speed < 0): current_speed = 0
def PIDController(n, req_speed, initial_speed = 0, accelerate_step = 1): speeds = [] current_speed = initial_speed ns = [] x = 0 acc = [] req_speeds = [] accumulated_e = 0 while x < n + 1: x += 1 #print current_speed plt.axis([-10, n + 10 , -10, req_speed + 10]) #plt.axis([-10, n + 10 , -1.5, 0.75]) speeds.append(current_speed) req_speeds.append(req_speed) acc.append(speeds[x - 1] - speeds[x - 2]) ns.append(x) plt.plot(ns, speeds, 'g-',label = "speed") plt.plot(ns, req_speeds, 'r--', label = "required speed") #plt.plot(ns, acc, 'r-', label = "input (force applied to pedal)") if (x == 1): plt.legend() plt.xlabel("time") plt.ylabel("Car's speed") plt.pause(0.000001) drag = 0.03 e = req_speed - current_speed KI = 0.07 Kd = 0.1 Kp = 0.1 accumulated_e += e diff_e = speeds[x - 1] - speeds[x - 2] current_speed += (e * Kp - drag * current_speed) + (Kp * accumulated_e) + (Kd * diff_e) print current_speed
def DisplayData(self, data, rec=None, fut=None, fig=1, case_id=0, output_file=None): output_file1 = output_file2 = None if output_file is not None: name, ext = os.path.splitext(output_file) output_file1 = '%s_original%s' % (name, ext) output_file2 = '%s_recon%s' % (name, ext) data = data[case_id, :].reshape(-1, self.image_size_, self.image_size_) if rec is not None: rec = rec[case_id, :].reshape(-1, self.image_size_, self.image_size_) enc_seq_length = rec.shape[0] if fut is not None: fut = fut[case_id, :].reshape(-1, self.image_size_, self.image_size_) if rec is None: enc_seq_length = self.seq_length_ - fut.shape[0] else: assert enc_seq_length == self.seq_length_ - fut.shape[0] num_rows = 1 plt.figure(2*fig-1, figsize=(20, 1)) plt.clf() for i in xrange(self.seq_length_): plt.subplot(num_rows, self.seq_length_, i+1) plt.imshow(data[i, :, :],, interpolation="nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.draw() if output_file1 is not None: print output_file1 plt.savefig(output_file1, bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure(2*fig, figsize=(20, 1)) plt.clf() for i in xrange(self.seq_length_): if rec is not None and i < enc_seq_length: plt.subplot(num_rows, self.seq_length_, i + 1) plt.imshow(rec[rec.shape[0] - i - 1, :, :],, interpolation="nearest") if fut is not None and i >= enc_seq_length: plt.subplot(num_rows, self.seq_length_, i + 1) plt.imshow(fut[i - enc_seq_length, :, :],, interpolation="nearest") plt.axis('off') plt.draw() if output_file2 is not None: print output_file2 plt.savefig(output_file2, bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.pause(0.1)
def plot(self, cmap='Greys',pause=1): if self.fig is None : self.fig = plt.figure(1,figsize=(24,5)) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(211) self.ax2 = self.fig.add_subplot(212) plt.tight_layout() else : plt.figure(1) #... build numpy array... FOR EXAMPLE : aview = np.random.randint(0,2,(5,300)) pview = np.random.randint(0,2,(5,300)) self.ax1.imshow(aview, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') self.ax2.imshow(pview, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') plt.pause(pause) self.fig.canvas.draw()
def showImg (self): if self._pltmoon == 1: # Convert UTC unix time to datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self._im._tobs); # Compute azi/alt self._moon.compute(self._obssite); self._casa.compute(self._obssite); if self._moon.alt < 0: print 'Moon below horizon at time ',; else: # Compute l,m of moon's position, in units of array indices moon_l = -(numpy.cos(self._moon.alt) * numpy.sin(; moon_m = (numpy.cos(self._moon.alt) * numpy.cos(; # print 'l/m: %f, %f' % (moon_l, moon_m); moon_l = moon_l/self._im._dl + self._im._npix/2; moon_m = moon_m/self._im._dl + self._im._npix/2; # print 'Moon: RA/dec = %f/%f, alt/az = %f/%f, lind/mind = %f/%f, dl=%f'% (self._moon.ra, self._moon.dec, self._moon.alt,, moon_l, moon_m, self._im._dl); casa_l = -(numpy.cos(self._casa.alt) * numpy.sin(; casa_m = (numpy.cos(self._casa.alt) * numpy.cos(; # print 'l/m: %f, %f' % (casa_l, casa_m); casa_l = casa_l/self._im._dl + self._im._npix/2; casa_m = casa_m/self._im._dl + self._im._npix/2; # print 'CasA: RA/dec = %f/%f, alt/az = %f/%f, lind/mind = %f/%f, dl=%f'% (self._casa.ra, self._casa.dec, self._casa.alt,, casa_l, casa_m, self._im._dl); # Create a circle in the skymap centered at the location of the moon. # blacking out a couple of pixels for now. self._im._skymap[moon_m-1:moon_m+1, moon_l-1:moon_l+1] = 5e10; self._im._skymap[casa_m-1:casa_m+1, casa_l-1:casa_l+1] = 5e10; self._imgplt.set_data (abs(self._im._skymap[:,:])); plt.title ('XX - %f' % self._im._tobs); plt.draw(); plt.pause(0.001); if self._wrpng == 1: plt.savefig ('%s/%.0f_XX.png' % (self._fprefix,self._im._tobs));
def classify(im, K, show=False): """ classify - classify an image using k-means algorithm. Arguments: * im - an image (ndarray) or a filename. * K - number of classes. * show = False - if True, display the image and the classes. Return: * imClasses - the classes of the image (ndarray, 2D). See also: * kMeans - K-means algorithm. """ a = Image(im) a = a.histogram(255) # Load image if type(im) is str: im = plt.imread(im) # Reshape and apply k-mean values = im.reshape((im.shape[0] * im.shape[1], -1)) centers, classes = kMeans(values, K) imClasses = classes.reshape((im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) ##"imClassesH.png") ## imClassesHl=image("imClassesH.png") ## imClassHisto=imClassesH1.histogram(255) # Display if show: cmap = 'gray' if im.ndim < 3 else None plt.subplot(221), plt.imshow(im, cmap=cmap), plt.title('Imagen Gray') plt.subplot(222), plt.imshow(imClasses), plt.title('Segmentacion por Clases') pylab.subplot(223), pylab.plot(a), pylab.draw(), pylab.pause(0.0001), pylab.title('Histograma Img Gray') pylab.subplot(224), pylab.plot(a), pylab.draw(), pylab.pause(0.0001), pylab.title('Histograma Img Segmentada') # The end return imClasses
def showImg(self): if self._pltmoon == 1: # Convert UTC unix time to datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self._im[0]._tobs) # Compute azi/alt self._moon.compute(self._obssite) self._casa.compute(self._obssite) if self._moon.alt < 0: print "Moon below horizon at time ", else: # Compute l,m of moon's position, in units of array indices moon_l = -(numpy.cos(self._moon.alt) * numpy.sin( moon_m = numpy.cos(self._moon.alt) * numpy.cos( print "moon l/m: %f, %f" % (moon_l, moon_m) # moon_l = moon_l/self._im[0]._dl + self._im[0]._npix/2; # moon_m = moon_m/self._im[0]._dl + self._im[0]._npix/2; # print 'Moon: RA/dec = %f/%f, alt/az = %f/%f, lind/mind = %f/%f, dl=%f'% (self._moon.ra, self._moon.dec, self._moon.alt,, moon_l, moon_m, self._im._dl); if self._casa.alt < 0: print "CasA below horizon at time ", else: casa_l = -(numpy.cos(self._casa.alt) * numpy.sin( casa_m = numpy.cos(self._casa.alt) * numpy.cos( print "CasA l/m: %f, %f" % (casa_l, casa_m) # casa_l = casa_l/self._im[0]._dl + self._im[0]._npix/2; # casa_m = casa_m/self._im[0]._dl + self._im[0]._npix/2; # print 'CasA: RA/dec = %f/%f, alt/az = %f/%f, lind/mind = %f/%f, dl=%f'% (self._casa.ra, self._casa.dec, self._casa.alt,, casa_l, casa_m, self._im._dl); self._imgplt.set_data(abs(self._im[0]._skymap[:, :])) plt.title("%s - %f" % (self._im[0]._pol, self._im[0]._tobs)) # if self._moon.alt > 0: # self._im[0]._skymap[moon_m-1:moon_m+1, moon_l-1:moon_l+1] = 5e10; # plt.annotate ('*',xy=(-moon_l,-moon_m),color='yellow'); # plt.annotate ('*',xy=(-casa_m,casa_l),color='white'); plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) if self._wrpng == 1: plt.savefig("%s/%.0f_XX.png" % (self._fprefix, self._im[0]._tobs))
def run(self): fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) ax2.set_xlabel('Simulation of boat') (ax_min_x, ax_min_y, axis_len) = (-20, -20, 40) while(self.run_th): self.lock.acquire() th_data = copy.deepcopy(temp_data) self.lock.release() self.run_th = plt.cla() # Clear axis plt.clf() # Clear figure fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) ax2.set_xlabel('Simulation of boat %0.1f %0.1f speed:%0.1f m/s rudder:%0.3f\ lat %.5f long %.5f ' % (wrapTo2Pi(-th_data.theta+np.pi/2)*180/np.pi, wrapTo2Pi(-th_data.phi+np.pi/2)*180/np.pi, th_data.speed, th_data.delta_r, th_data.latitude, th_data.longitude)) cds.draw_boat(ax2, 1, th_data.x, th_data.y, th_data.theta, th_data.delta_r, th_data.delta_s) ax_min_x = x-axis_len/2.0 ax_min_y = y-axis_len/2.0 cds.draw_wind_direction(ax2, (ax_min_x+1, ax_min_y+1), axis_len, 1, th_data.phi) plt.axis([ax_min_x, ax_min_x+axis_len, ax_min_y, ax_min_y+axis_len]) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) print("Stopping Draw Thread") plt.close()
fig0, ax0 = plt.subplots(num=0) plt.title("COOLFluiD Convergence Monitoring") if res=="T": lh0, = ax0.plot(iterations,T_res,"+",color="#1f77b4") ax0.set_ylabel(r"$\log\, T$ Residual",color="#1f77b4") elif res=="rho": lh0, = ax0.plot(iterations,rho_res,"+",color="#1f77b4") ax0.set_ylabel(r"$\log\, \varrho$ Residual",color="#1f77b4") ax0.set_xlabel(r"Number of iterations") ax0.tick_params("y",colors="#1f77b4") ax0.grid(True) ax1 = ax0.twinx() lh1, = ax1.plot(iterations,CFL,".",color="#d62728") ax1.set_ylabel(r"CFL",color="#d62728") ax1.tick_params("y",colors="#d62728") plt.pause(1) # flush the figure plt.close(1) fig1, ax2 = plt.subplots(num=1) plt.title("COOLFluiD Convergence Monitoring") lh2, = ax2.plot(iterations,Bx_res,"+",color="#ff7f0e",label=r"$\log\,B$ residual") lh3, = ax2.plot(iterations,Ex_res,"+",color="#2ca02c",label=r"$\log\,E$ residual") lh4, = ax2.plot(iterations,vx_res,"+",color="#7f7f7f",label=r"$\log\,U$ residual") if res=="T": # Plot the residual that is not already monitored in Fig. 1 lh5, = ax2.plot(iterations,rho_res,"+",color="#9467bd",label=r"$\log\,\varrho$ residual") elif res=="rho": lh5, = ax2.plot(iterations,T_res,"+",color="#9467bd",label=r"$\log\,T$ residual") plt.legend(loc=1) ax2.set_xlabel(r"Number of iterations") ax2.tick_params("y",colors="k")
def main( conf_file='config.cfg', logfile=None ): #%% parameters print "reading config parameters..." config, pars = front_end.parser( conf_file ) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: print "recording configuration file..." front_end.record_config_file( pars ) logfile = front_end.make_logfile_name( pars ) #%% create and initialize the network if pars['train_load_net'] and os.path.exists(pars['train_load_net']): print "loading network..." net = netio.load_network( pars ) # load existing learning curve lc = zstatistics.CLearnCurve( pars['train_load_net'] ) else: if pars['train_seed_net'] and os.path.exists(pars['train_seed_net']): print "seeding network..." net = netio.load_network( pars, is_seed=True ) else: print "initializing network..." net = netio.init_network( pars ) # initalize a learning curve lc = zstatistics.CLearnCurve() # show field of view print "field of view: ", net.get_fov() print "output volume info: ", net.get_outputs_setsz() # set some parameters print 'setting up the network...' vn = utils.get_total_num(net.get_outputs_setsz()) eta = pars['eta'] #/ vn net.set_eta( eta ) net.set_momentum( pars['momentum'] ) net.set_weight_decay( pars['weight_decay'] ) # initialize samples outsz = pars['train_outsz'] print "\n\ncreate train samples..." smp_trn = front_end.CSamples(config, pars, pars['train_range'], net, outsz, logfile) print "\n\ncreate test samples..." smp_tst = front_end.CSamples(config, pars, pars['test_range'], net, outsz, logfile) # initialization elapsed = 0 err = 0 cls = 0 # interactive visualization plt.ion() # the last iteration we want to continue training iter_last = lc.get_last_it() print "start training..." start = time.time() print "start from ", iter_last+1 for i in xrange(iter_last+1, pars['Max_iter']+1): vol_ins, lbl_outs, msks = smp_trn.get_random_sample() # forward pass vol_ins = utils.make_continuous(vol_ins, dtype=pars['dtype']) props = net.forward( vol_ins ) # cost function and accumulate errors props, cerr, grdts = pars['cost_fn']( props, lbl_outs ) err = err + cerr cls = cls + cost_fn.get_cls(props, lbl_outs) # mask process the gradient grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, msks) # run backward pass grdts = utils.make_continuous(grdts, dtype=pars['dtype']) net.backward( grdts ) if pars['is_malis'] : malis_weights = cost_fn.malis_weight(props, lbl_outs) grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, malis_weights) if i%pars['Num_iter_per_test']==0: # test the net lc = test.znn_test(net, pars, smp_tst, vn, i, lc) if i%pars['Num_iter_per_show']==0: # anneal factor eta = eta * pars['anneal_factor'] net.set_eta(eta) # normalize err = err / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] cls = cls / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] lc.append_train(i, err, cls) # time elapsed = time.time() - start elapsed = elapsed / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] show_string = "iteration %d, err: %.3f, cls: %.3f, elapsed: %.1f s/iter, learning rate: %.6f"\ %(i, err, cls, elapsed, eta ) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: utils.write_to_log(logfile, show_string) print show_string if pars['is_visual']: # show results To-do: run in a separate thread front_end.inter_show(start, lc, eta, vol_ins, props, lbl_outs, grdts, pars) if pars['is_rebalance'] and 'aff' not in pars['out_type']: plt.subplot(247) plt.imshow(msks.values()[0][0,0,:,:], interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') plt.xlabel('rebalance weight') if pars['is_malis']: plt.subplot(248) plt.imshow(malis_weights.values()[0][0,0,:,:], interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') plt.xlabel('malis weight (log)') plt.pause(2) # reset err and cls err = 0 cls = 0 # reset time start = time.time() if i%pars['Num_iter_per_save']==0: # save network netio.save_network(net, pars['train_save_net'], num_iters=i) pars, elapsed )
def move(self): """ Move the Person """ if self.pdshow: fig =plt.gcf() fig,ax=self.L.showG('w',labels=False,alphacy=0.,edges=False,fig=fig) plt.draw() plt.ion() while True: if self.moving: if self.sim.verbose: print 'meca: updt ag ' + self.ID + ' @ ', # if np.allclose(conv_vecarr(self.destination)[:2],self.L.Gw.pos[47]): # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() while self.cancelled: yield passivate, self print "Person.move: activated after being cancelled" checked = [] for zone in if zone not in checked: checked.append(zone) zone(self) # updating acceleration acceleration = self.steering_mind(self) acceleration = acceleration.truncate(self.max_acceleration) self.acceleration = acceleration # updating velocity velocity = self.velocity + acceleration * self.interval self.velocity = velocity.truncate(self.max_speed) if velocity.length() > 0.2: # record direction only when we've really had some self.localy = velocity.normalize() self.localx = vec3(self.localy.y, -self.localy.x) # updating position self.position = self.position + self.velocity * self.interval # self.update() self.position.z=0,conv_vecarr(self.position), p=conv_vecarr(self.position).reshape(3,1) v=conv_vecarr(self.velocity).reshape(3,1) a=conv_vecarr(self.acceleration).reshape(3,1) # fill panda dataframe 2D trajectory self.df = self.df.append(pd.DataFrame({'t':pd.Timestamp(,unit='s'), 'x':p[0], 'y':p[1], 'vx':v[0], 'vy':v[1], 'ax':a[0], 'ay':a[1]}, columns=['t','x','y','vx','vy','ax','ay'])) if self.pdshow: ptmp =np.array([p[:2,0],p[:2,0]+v[:2,0]]) if hasattr(self, 'pl'):[0].set_data(self.df['x'].tail(1),self.df['y'].tail(1)) self.pla[0].set_data(ptmp[:,0],ptmp[:,1]) else : = ax.plot(self.df['x'].tail(1),self.df['y'].tail(1),'o',color=self.color,ms=self.radius*10) self.pla = ax.plot(ptmp[:,0],ptmp[:,1],'r') # try: # fig,ax=plu.displot(p[:2],p[:2]+v[:2],'r') # except: # pass # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() plt.draw() plt.pause(0.0001) if 'mysql' in self.db.writemeca(self.ID,,p,v,a) if 'txt' in pyu.writemeca(self.ID,,p,v,a) # new target when arrived in poi if self.arrived and\ (self.L.pt2ro(self.position) ==\ self.L.Gw.node[self.rooms[1]]['room']): self.arrived = False if self.endpoint: self.endpoint=False self.roomId = self.nextroomId # remove the remaining waypoint which correspond # to current room position del self.waypoints[0] del self.rooms[0] # del self.dlist[0] # # If door lets continue # # # ig destination --> next room # #adjroom = self.L.Gr.neighbors(self.roomId) #Nadjroom = len(adjroom) if self.cdest == 'random': # self.nextroomId = int(np.floor(random.uniform(0,self.L.Gr.size()))) self.nextroomId = random.sample(self.L.Gr.nodes(),1)[0] # test 1 ) next != actualroom # 2 ) nextroom != fordiden room # 3 ) room not share without another agent while self.nextroomId == self.roomId or (self.nextroomId in self.forbidroomId):# or (self.nextroomId in self.sim.roomlist): # self.nextroomId = int(np.floor(random.uniform(0,self.L.Gr.size()))) self.nextroomId = random.sample(self.L.Gr.nodes(),1)[0] elif self.cdest == 'file': self.room_counter=self.room_counter+1 if self.room_counter >= self.nb_room: self.room_counter=0 self.nextroomId=self.room_seq[self.room_counter] self.wait=self.room_wait[self.room_counter] #self.sim.roomlist.append(self.nextroomId) # list of all destiantion of all nodes in object sim self.rooms, wp = self.L.waypointGw(self.roomId,self.nextroomId) # self.dlist = [i in self.L.Gw.ldo for i in self.rooms] for tup in wp[1:]: self.waypoints.append(vec3(tup)) #nextroom = adjroom[k] # print "room : ",self.roomId # print "nextroom : ",self.nextroomId #p_nextroom = self.L.Gr.pos[self.nextroomId] #setdoors1 = self.L.Gr.node[self.roomId]['doors'] #setdoors2 = self.L.Gr.node[nextroom]['doors'] #doorId = np.intersect1d(setdoors1,setdoors2)[0] # # coord door # #unode = self.L.Gs.neighbors(doorId) #p1 = self.L.Gs.pos[unode[0]] #p2 = self.L.Gs.pos[unode[1]] #print p1 #print p2 #pdoor = (np.array(p1)+np.array(p2))/2 self.destination = self.waypoints[0] if self.sim.verbose: print 'meca: ag ' + self.ID + ' wait ' + str(self.wait)#*self.interval) yield hold, self, self.wait else: del self.waypoints[0] del self.rooms[0] # del self.dlist[0] #print "wp : ", self.waypoints if len(self.waypoints)==1: self.endpoint=True self.destination = self.waypoints[0] #print "dest : ", self.destination else: yield hold, self, self.interval else: # self.update(),conv_vecarr(self.position), yield hold, self, self.interval
f.build_operators() f.regrid() ; f.solve_steady() tt = interp1d(f.z,f.T,kind="cubic") Tst = np.append(Tst,tt(f.z_ref)) Xst = np.append(Xst,f.chi_ref) G = np.append(G,np.trapz(f.d*f.G,f.z)) S = np.append(S,np.trapz(f.d*f.S,f.z)) if len(Tst)>1: dT = abs(Tst[-1]-Tst[-2]) y2 = y1 ; y1 = y0 ; y0 = f.Y z2 = z1 ; z1 = z0 ; z0 = f.z pl.subplot(3,1,1) ; pl.plot(f.z,f.T) pl.subplot(3,1,2) ; pl.plot(f.z,f.Y) pl.subplot(3,1,3) ; pl.plot(f.z,f.s) pl.pause(.1) ; pl.clf() while Tst[-1] > Tmix+deltaT: w0,w1,w2 = quadwts(Tst[-1]-deltaT,Tst[-1],Tst[-2],Tst[-3]) f.chi_ref = np.exp(w0*np.log(Xst[-1])+w1*np.log(Xst[-2])+w2*np.log(Xst[-3])) f.build_operators() #yy1 = interp1d(z1,y1,axis=0) #yy2 = interp1d(z2,y2,axis=0) #f.Y = w0*y0+w1*yy1(z0)+w2*yy2(z0) f.regrid() ; f.solve_steady() tt = interp1d(f.z,f.T,kind="cubic") Tst = np.append(Tst,tt(f.z_ref)) Xst = np.append(Xst,f.chi_ref) G = np.append(G,np.trapz(f.d*f.G,f.z))
for i in range(0,999): gc=0 for j in range(0,len(dnalist)): dnalist[j]=(dnalist[j][0]+'{:02d}'.format(j),mutated_string(dnalist[j][1][:])) gc+=gc_content(dnalist[j][1]) gccont=gc/len(dnalist) numseqs,dnalist = sample_seqs(dnalist) x.append(i) y.append(gccont) y2.append(numseqs) print(numseqs,gccont, sep='\t') line.set_xdata(np.array(x)) line.set_ydata(np.array(y)) line2.set_xdata(np.array(x)) line2.set_ydata(np.array(y2)) if (i>500): plt.subplot(211) plt.xlim(i-500,i+10) if (i>100): plt.subplot(212) plt.xlim(i-100,i+10) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.005) for i in dnalist: #print('>'+i[0],''.join(i[1]),sep='\n') pass
# of Life if __name__ == '__main__': N = 100.0 domain = np.zeros((N,N), domain = add_glider(domain,(10,50)) domain = add_smallgrower(domain,(70,70)) domain = add_gospergun(domain,(20,20)) # note infinate loop # exits with ctrl-c while True: plt.imshow(domain) plt.pause(.1) plt.draw() plt.clf() domain = update_array(domain)
def plot_rssi(self, port): self.count = 0 self.dt = 0.5 self.tlen = 120 # Generate mesh for plotting Y, X = np.mgrid[slice(0 - .5, 26 + 1.5, 1), slice(0 - self.dt / 2, self.tlen + 1 - self.dt / 2, self.dt)] Z = np.zeros_like(X) # X and Y are bounds, so Z should be the value *inside* those bounds. # Therefore, remove the last value from the Z array. Z = Z[:, :-1] logging.debug("Creating figure") plt.figure() pcm = plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z, vmin=-128, vmax=0,'jet')) plt.xlim([0, self.tlen]) plt.ylim([0, 26]) plt.colorbar(label="Measured signal level [dB]") plt.ylabel("Channel number") plt.xlabel("Time [s]") plt.ion() logging.debug("Show plot window") ch_min = 26 ch_max = 0 last_update = time.time()"Begin collecting data from serial port") while True: line = port.readline().rstrip() pkt_data = re.match(r"\[([-+]?\d+),\s*([-+]?\d+),\s*([-+]?\d+)\]\s*(.*)", line.decode(errors='replace')) if pkt_data: now = time.time() try: iface_id = int( timestamp = int( count = int( tidx = int(timestamp / (self.dt * 1000000)) % (Z.shape[1]) except ValueError: continue logging.debug("data: tidx=%d if=%d cnt=%d t=%d", tidx, iface_id, count, timestamp) raw = resize = False for ch_ed in raw.split(","): try: pair = ch_ed.split(":") ch = int(pair[0]) ed = float(pair[1]) if ch < ch_min: ch_min = ch resize = True if ch > ch_max: ch_max = ch resize = True Z[ch, tidx] = ed except (ValueError, IndexError): continue if resize: logging.debug("resize: %d %d" % (ch_min, ch_max)) plt.ylim([ch_min - .5, ch_max + .5]) if now > last_update + 1: last_update = now pcm.set_array(Z.ravel()) pcm.autoscale() pcm.changed() plt.pause(0.01)
import signal; import vismon; def sighdlr (signal, frame): print 'Keyboard interrupt! aborting...' sys.exit(0); if __name__ == "__main__": rec = 0; fid = open (sys.argv[1], 'r'); im = vismon.imager (); im.readMetaFromFile (fid); tobs, fobs, img = im.readImgFromFile (fid); print 'Rec: %04d, Time: %.0f, Freq: %.0f' % (rec, tobs, fobs); img.shape = (im._npix, im._npix); imgplt = plt.imshow (abs(img)); plt.colorbar(); signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sighdlr); while True: tobs, fobs, img = im.readImgFromFile (fid); print 'Rec: %d, Time: %.0f, Freq: %.0f' % (rec, tobs, fobs); img.shape = (im._npix, im._npix); imgplt.set_data (abs(img)); plt.draw(); plt.title ('XX - %f' % tobs); plt.pause(0.01); # plt.clf(); rec = rec + 1;
if __name__ == '__main__': # Plotting distance modulus as a function of redshift for all C11 parameters types = ["C11_Combined", "C11_SALT2_stat_sys", "C11_SiFTO_stat_sys", "C11_SALT2_stat", "C11_SiFTO_stat", "C11_reanalized", "C11_recalibrated", "JLA"] dirname = "/Users/anita/Documents/Grad_First_Year/Summer_2016_research/Codes/" cvals = ["black","blue","red","green","yellow","orange","magenta","teal"] plt.ion() for i in range(len(types)): zcmb, mu= dist_modul(dirname,"table3_new.txt",ptype=types[i]) plt.plot(zcmb, mu,"o", ms=4, color=cvals[i], label=str(types[i])) plt.title(types[i]) plt.pause(1.5) plt.draw() plt.xlabel("$z_{cmb}$", fontsize=25) plt.ylabel(r"$\mu = m_B - (M_B - \alpha X_1 + \beta C)$", fontsize=20) plt.legend(loc='best')
plt.figure(figsize=(9.5, 8.5)) # load up a single event, so we can get the subarray info: source = event_source( datasets.get_dataset_path("gamma_test_large.simtel.gz"), max_events=1, ) event = next(iter(source)) # display the array subarray = event.inst.subarray ad = ArrayDisplay(subarray, tel_scale=3.0) print("Now setting vectors") plt.pause(1.0) plt.tight_layout() for phi in np.linspace(0, 360, 30) * u.deg: r = np.cos(phi / 2) ad.set_vector_rho_phi(r, phi) plt.pause(0.01) ad.set_vector_rho_phi(0, 0 * u.deg) plt.pause(1.0) print("Now setting values") ad.telescopes.set_linewidth(0) for ii in range(50): vals = np.random.uniform(100.0, size=subarray.num_tels) ad.values = vals
if step % 500 == 0: print(step) print( print('sig,noise,len',,, plt.clf() plt.scatter(X,,color='blue') #plt.scatter(,[M])),,[M])),color='orange') #plt.scatter(X_m_1,np.zeros((1,M)),color='purple') plt.scatter(, #plt.scatter(,np.zeros(M),color='red') plt.plot(X,,color='blue') plt.scatter(X,Y,color='red') #plt.plot(X,,mean)),color='black') #plt.plot(X,,var_terms)),color='black') # plt.plot(,*tf.sqrt(X_cov2+X_cov1)),color='green') #plt.plot(,*tf.sqrt(X_cov2+X_cov1)),color='green') print('F2', #plt.scatter(X,Y,color='green') h.set_sess(s);GPLVM.printer() plt.scatter(,[-1])),np.zeros(M),color='purple') #plt.scatter(X_odd,Y_odd,color='black') #plt.scatter(,[-1])),np.zeros(M),color='black') plt.plot(,,color='black') plt.pause(2) #print(,Z)+np.eye(M,M)))) s.close()
plt.legend(loc='best') # Calculate MTF. # According to, the MTF is # the Fourier transform of the line spread function, which is the derivative of # the averaged edge. # We thus calculate the average edge ($source$Response) and take the derivative # of this (with the `LSF` function, which uses `numpy.diff`). # To the derivative we fit a gaussian function with the `gaussianfit` function # which then acts as an input for the `MTF` function above. plt.subplot(154) plt.title('Line spread function') plt.plot(LSF(ResponseERI), c=Colors[2], linestyle='dashed', label='ERI Data') plt.plot(LSF(ResponseHamamatsu), c=Colors[3], linestyle='dashed', label='Hamamatsu Data') plt.plot(gaussianfit(LSF(ResponseERI)), c=Colors[0], label='ERI fit') plt.plot(gaussianfit(LSF(ResponseHamamatsu)), c=Colors[1], label='Hamamatsu fit') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.subplot(155) plt.title('MTF') plt.plot(normalize(MTF(gaussianfit(LSF(ResponseERI)))), c=Colors[0], label='MTF ERI') plt.plot(normalize(MTF(gaussianfit(LSF(ResponseHamamatsu)))), c=Colors[1], label='MTF Hamamatsu') plt.legend(loc='best') # Save figure and concatenated results plt.savefig(os.path.join(OutputPath, 'MTF%03dkV%03duA.png' % (VoltageERI[c], CurrentERI[c]))) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.01) plt.ioff()
import siena_cms_tools as cms import matplotlib.pylab as plt import sys import time start = time.time() collisions = cms.get_collisions(sys.argv[1]) print "Time to read in %d collisions: %f seconds" % (len(collisions),time.time()-start) print len(collisions) #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5),dpi=100) #ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) #ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') #plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.98,bottom=0.02,right=0.98,left=0.02) fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') for i in xrange(1000): lines,fig,ax = cms.display_collision3D(collisions[i],fig=fig,ax=ax) plt.pause(0.0001)
image_extent = [0,num_cols*dx,0,num_rows*dx] im = plt.imshow(zwR,,extent=image_extent) plt.xlabel('Distance (m)', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Distance (m)', fontsize=12) # create contours cset = plt.contour(zwR,extent=image_extent) plt.clabel(cset,inline=True, fmt='%1.1f', fontsize=10) # color bar on side cb = plt.colorbar(im) cb.set_label('Water Elevation (m)', fontsize=12) # add title plt.title('Water Elevation') # Save plot #plt.savefig('Water_Elevation') # Display plot plt.pause(0.1) #else: #pass # FINALIZE # get 2D array for contours Hr = mg.node_vector_to_raster(H) # Water height plot image_extent = [0,num_cols*dx,0,num_rows*dx] im = plt.imshow(Hr,,extent=image_extent) plt.xlabel('Distance (m)', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Distance (m)', fontsize=12)