def plot_example_psds(example,rate): """ This function creates a figure with 4 lines to show the overall psd for the four sleep examples. (Recall row 0 is REM, rows 1-3 are NREM stages 1, 2 and 3/4) """ sleep_stages = ['REM sleep', 'Stage 1 NREM sleep', 'Stage 2 NREM sleep', 'Stage 3 and 4 NREM sleep']; plt.figure() ##YOUR CODE HERE for i in range( len( example[:,0]) ): # Apply power spectral density using a Fast Fourier Transform # to generate blocks of data psd, frequency = m.psd(example[i, :], NFFT = 512, Fs = rate ) # normalize frequency psd = psd / np.sum(psd) # plot sleep stages plt.plot(frequency, psd, label = sleep_stages[i]) # add legend plt.ylabel('Normalized Power Spectral Density') plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.xlim(0,20) plt.legend(loc=0) plt.title('Overall ower Spectral Density for Sleep Stages') return
def make_corr1d_fig(dosave=False): corr = make_corr_both_hemi() lw=2; fs=16 pl.figure(1)#, figsize=(8, 7)) pl.clf() pl.xlim(4,300) pl.ylim(-400,+500) lambda_titles = [r'$20 < \lambda < 30$', r'$30 < \lambda < 40$', r'$\lambda > 40$'] colors = ['blue','green','red'] for i in range(3): corr1d, rcen = corr_1d_from_2d(corr[i]) ipdb.set_trace() pl.semilogx(rcen, corr1d*rcen**2, lw=lw, color=colors[i]) #pl.semilogx(rcen, corr1d*rcen**2, 'o', lw=lw, color=colors[i]) pl.xlabel(r'$s (Mpc)$',fontsize=fs) pl.ylabel(r'$s^2 \xi_0(s)$', fontsize=fs) pl.legend(lambda_titles, 'lower left', fontsize=fs+3) pl.plot([.1,10000],[0,0],'k--') s_bao = 149.28 pl.plot([s_bao, s_bao],[-9e9,+9e9],'k--') pl.text(s_bao*1.03, 420, 'BAO scale') pl.text(s_bao*1.03, 370, '%0.1f Mpc'%s_bao) if dosave: pl.savefig('xi1d_3bin.pdf')
def plot_svc(X, y, mysvc, bounds=None, grid=50): if bounds is None: xmin = np.min(X[:, 0], 0) xmax = np.max(X[:, 0], 0) ymin = np.min(X[:, 1], 0) ymax = np.max(X[:, 1], 0) else: xmin, ymin = bounds[0], bounds[0] xmax, ymax = bounds[1], bounds[1] aspect_ratio = (xmax - xmin) / (ymax - ymin) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(xmin, xmax, grid), np.linspace(ymin, ymax, grid)) plt.gca(aspect=aspect_ratio) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.hold(True) plt.plot(X[y == 1, 0], X[y == 1, 1], 'bo') plt.plot(X[y == -1, 0], X[y == -1, 1], 'ro') box_xy = np.append(xgrid.reshape(xgrid.size, 1), ygrid.reshape(ygrid.size, 1), 1) if mysvc is not None: scores = mysvc.decision_function(box_xy) else: print 'You must have a valid SVC object.' return None; CS=plt.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, scores.reshape(xgrid.shape), alpha=0.5, cmap='jet_r') plt.contour(xgrid, ygrid, scores.reshape(xgrid.shape), levels=[0], colors='k', linestyles='solid', linewidths=1.5) plt.contour(xgrid, ygrid, scores.reshape(xgrid.shape), levels=[-1,1], colors='k', linestyles='dashed', linewidths=1) plt.plot(mysvc.support_vectors_[:,0], mysvc.support_vectors_[:,1], 'ko', markerfacecolor='none', markersize=10) CB = plt.colorbar(CS)
def plot_example_spectrograms(example,rate): """ This function creates a figure with spectrogram sublpots to of the four sleep examples. (Recall row 0 is REM, rows 1-3 are NREM stages 1, 2 and 3/4) """ sleep_stages = ['REM sleep', 'Stage 1 NREM sleep', 'Stage 2 NREM sleep', 'Stage 3 and 4 NREM sleep']; plt.figure() ###YOUR CODE HERE for i in range( len(example[:,0]) ): # plot every sleep stage in a separate plot plt.subplot(2,2,i+1) # plot spectogram plt.specgram(example[i, :],NFFT=512,Fs=rate) # add legend plt.xlabel('Time (Seconds)') plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.title( 'Spectogram ' + sleep_stages[i] ) plt.ylim(0,60) plt.xlim(0,290) return
def test1(): x = [0.5]*3 xbounds = [(-5, 5) for y in x] GA = GenAlg(fitcalc1, x, xbounds, popMult=100, bitsPerGene=9, mutation=(1./9.), crossover=0.65, crossN=2, direction='min', maxGens=60, hammingDist=False) results = print "*** DONE ***" #print results plt.ioff() #generate pareto frontier numerically x1_ = np.arange(-5., 0., 0.05) x2_ = np.arange(-5., 0., 0.05) x3_ = np.arange(-5., 0., 0.05) pfn = [] for x1 in x1_: for x2 in x2_: for x3 in x3_: pfn.append(fitcalc1([x1,x2,x3])) pfn.sort(key=lambda x:x[0]) plt.figure() i = 0 for x in results: plt.scatter(x[1][0], x[1][1], 20, c='r') plt.scatter([x[0] for x in pfn], [x[1] for x in pfn], 1.0, c='b', alpha=0.1) plt.xlim([-20,-1]) plt.ylim([-12, 2]) plt.draw()
def visualization2(self, sp_to_vis=None): if sp_to_vis: species_ready = list(set(sp_to_vis).intersection(self.all_sp_signatures.keys())) else: raise Exception('list of driver species must be defined') if not species_ready: raise Exception('None of the input species is a driver') for sp in species_ready: # Setting up figure plt.figure() plt.subplot(313) mon_val = OrderedDict() signature = self.all_sp_signatures[sp] for idx, mon in enumerate(list(set(signature))): if mon[0] == 'C': mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][mon] + (-1,)] = idx else: mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][mon]] = idx mon_rep = [0] * len(signature) for i, m in enumerate(signature): if m[0] == 'C': mon_rep[i] = mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][m] + (-1,)] else: mon_rep[i] = mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][m]] # mon_rep = [mon_val[self.all_comb[sp][m]] for m in signature] y_pos = numpy.arange(len(mon_val.keys())) plt.scatter(self.tspan[1:], mon_rep) plt.yticks(y_pos, mon_val.keys()) plt.ylabel('Monomials', fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('Time(s)', fontsize=16) plt.xlim(0, self.tspan[-1]) plt.ylim(0, max(y_pos)) plt.subplot(312) for name in self.model.odes[sp].as_coefficients_dict(): mon = name mon = mon.subs(self.param_values) var_to_study = [atom for atom in mon.atoms(sympy.Symbol)] arg_f1 = [numpy.maximum(self.mach_eps, self.y[str(va)][1:]) for va in var_to_study] f1 = sympy.lambdify(var_to_study, mon) mon_values = f1(*arg_f1) mon_name = str(name).partition('__')[2] plt.plot(self.tspan[1:], mon_values, label=mon_name) plt.ylabel('Rate(m/sec)', fontsize=16) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.1, 0.85), loc='upper right', ncol=1) plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(self.tspan[1:], self.y['__s%d' % sp][1:], label=parse_name(self.model.species[sp])) plt.ylabel('Molecules', fontsize=16) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.15, 0.85), loc='upper right', ncol=1) plt.suptitle('Tropicalization' + ' ' + str(self.model.species[sp])) # plt.savefig('s%d' % sp + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=400)
def plot(self, bit_stream): if self.previous_bit_stream != bit_stream.to_list(): self.previous_bit_stream = bit_stream x = [] y = [] bit = None for bit_time in bit_stream.to_list(): if bit is None: x.append(bit_time) y.append(0) bit = 0 elif bit == 0: x.extend([bit_time, bit_time]) y.extend([0, 1]) bit = 1 elif bit == 1: x.extend([bit_time, bit_time]) y.extend([1, 0]) bit = 0 plt.clf() plt.plot(x, y) plt.xlim([0, 10000]) plt.ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) plt.pause(0.005)
def plot_q(frame,file_prefix='claw',file_format='petsc',path='./_output/',plot_pcolor=True,plot_slices=True,slices_xlimits=None): import sys sys.path.append('.') import gaussian_1d sol=Solution(frame,file_format=file_format,read_aux=False,path=path,file_prefix=file_prefix) x=sol.state.grid.x.centers mx=len(x) bathymetry = 0.5 eta=sol.state.q[0,:] + bathymetry if frame < 10: str_frame = "00"+str(frame) elif frame < 100: str_frame = "0"+str(frame) else: str_frame = str(frame) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(40,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect(aspect=1) ax.plot(x,eta) #pl.title("t= "+str(sol.state.t),fontsize=20) #pl.xticks(size=20); pl.yticks(size=20) #pl.xlim([0, gaussian_1d.Lx]) pl.ylim([0.5, 1.0]) pl.xlim([0., 4.0]) #pl.axis('equal') pl.savefig('./_plots/eta_'+str_frame+'_slices.png') pl.close()
def plot_q(model='cem', r_min=0.0, r_max=6371.0, dr=1.0): """ Plot a radiallysymmetric Q model. plot_q(model='cem', r_min=0.0, r_max=6371.0, dr=1.0): r_min=minimum radius [km], r_max=maximum radius [km], dr=radius increment [km] Currently available models (model): cem, prem, ql6 """ import matplotlib.pylab as plt r = np.arange(r_min, r_max + dr, dr) q = np.zeros(len(r)) for k in range(len(r)): if model == 'cem': q[k] = q_cem(r[k]) elif model == 'ql6': q[k] = q_ql6(r[k]) elif model == 'prem': q[k] = q_prem(r[k]) plt.plot(r, q, 'k') plt.xlim((0.0, r_max)) plt.xlabel('radius [km]') plt.ylabel('Q')
def plotFirstTacROC(dataset): import matplotlib.pylab as plt from os.path import join from src.utils import PROJECT_DIR plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) time_sampler = TimeSerieSampler(n_time_points=12) evaluator = Evaluator() time_series_idx = 0 methods = { "cross_correlation": "Cross corr. ", "kendall": "Kendall ", "symbol_mutual": "Symbol MI ", "symbol_similarity": "Symbol sim.", } for method in methods: print method predictor = SingleSeriesPredictor(good_methods[method], time_sampler) prediction = predictor.predictAllInstancesCombined(dataset, time_series_idx) roc_auc, fpr, tpr = evaluator.evaluate(prediction) plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label=methods[method] + " (auc = %0.3f)" % roc_auc) plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel("False Positive Rate") plt.ylabel("True Positive Rate") plt.grid() plt.savefig(join(PROJECT_DIR, "output", "firstTACROC.pdf"))
def fit_plot_unlabeled_data(unlabeled_data_x, labeled_data_x, labeled_data_y, fit_order, data_type, other_data_list, other_data_name): output = open('predictions.csv','wb') coeffs = np.polyfit(labeled_data_x, labeled_data_y, fit_order) #does poly git to nth deg on labeled data fit_eq = np.poly1d(coeffs) #Eqn from fit predicted_y = fit_eq(unlabeled_data_x) i = 0 writer = csv.writer(output,delimiter=',') header = [str(data_type),str(other_data_name),'Predicted_Num_Inc'] writer.writerow(header) while i < len(predicted_y): output_data = [unlabeled_data_x[i],other_data_list[i],predicted_y[i]] writer.writerow(output_data) print 'For '+str(data_type)+' of: '+str(unlabeled_data_x[i])+', Predicted Number of Incidents is: '+str(predicted_y[i]) i = i + 1 plt.scatter(unlabeled_data_x, predicted_y, color='blue', label='Predicted Number of Incidents') fit_line_x = np.arange(min(unlabeled_data_x), max(unlabeled_data_x), 1) plt.plot(fit_line_x, fit_eq(fit_line_x), color='red',linestyle='dashed',label=' Order '+str(fit_order)+' Polynomial Fit') #____Use below line to plot actual data also!! #plt.scatter(labeled_data_x, labeled_data_y, color='green', label='Actual Incident Report Data') plt.title('Predicted Number of 311 Incidents by '+str(data_type)) plt.xlabel(str(data_type)) plt.ylabel('Number of 311 Incidents') plt.grid() plt.xlim([min(unlabeled_data_x)-1500, max(unlabeled_data_x)+1500]) plt.legend(loc='upper left')
def plot_prob_effector(sens, fpr, xmax=1, baserate=0.1): """Plots a line graph of P(effector|positive test) against the baserate of effectors in the input set to the classifier. The baserate argument draws an annotation arrow indicating P(pos|+ve) at that baserate """ assert 0.1 <= xmax <= 1, "Max x axis value must be in range [0,1]" assert 0.01 <= baserate <= 1, "Baserate annotation must be in range [0,1]" baserates = pylab.arange(0, 1.05, xmax * 0.005) probs = [p_correct_given_pos(sens, fpr, b) for b in baserates] pylab.plot(baserates, probs, 'r') pylab.title("P(eff|pos) vs baserate; sens: %.2f, fpr: %.2f" % (sens, fpr)) pylab.ylabel("P(effector|positive)") pylab.xlabel("effector baserate") pylab.xlim(0, xmax) pylab.ylim(0, 1) # Add annotation arrow xpos, ypos = (baserate, p_correct_given_pos(sens, fpr, baserate)) if baserate < xmax: if xpos > 0.7 * xmax: xtextpos = 0.05 * xmax else: xtextpos = xpos + (xmax-xpos)/5. if ypos > 0.5: ytextpos = ypos - 0.05 else: ytextpos = ypos + 0.05 pylab.annotate('baserate: %.2f, P(pos|+ve): %.3f' % (xpos, ypos), xy=(xpos, ypos), xytext=(xtextpos, ytextpos), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05)) else: pylab.text(0.05 * xmax, 0.95, 'baserate: %.2f, P(pos|+ve): %.3f' % (xpos, ypos))
def draw_lineplot(x, y, title="title", xlab="x", ylab="y", odir="", xlim=None, ylim=None, outfmt='eps'): if len(x) == 0 or len(y) == 0: return; #fi plt.cla(); plt.plot(x, y, marker='x'); plt.xlabel(xlab); plt.ylabel(ylab); plt.title(title); if xlim == None: xmin = min(x); xmax = max(x); xlim = [xmin, xmax]; #fi if ylim == None: ymin = min(y); ymax = max(y); ylim = [ymin, ymax]; #fi plt.xlim(xlim); plt.ylim(ylim); plt.savefig('%s%s.%s' % (odir + ('/' if odir else ""), '_'.join(title.split(None)), outfmt), format=outfmt); return '%s.%s' % ('_'.join(title.split(None)), outfmt), title;
def plot_behavior_count(agent_id, behavior_count): """Create a plot for the behavior count. Args: agent_id: The identifier of the agent. behavior_count: The count of the agent behaviors. """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.xlabel(u'Número de jogos') plt.ylabel(u'Probabilidades de selecionar comportamento') plt.title(u'Probabilidades do agente %d selecionar comportamento' % agent_id) plt.xlim([0, 115]) plt.ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) data = np.array([b for b in behavior_count.values()]) prob = data/np.sum(data, axis=0) for i, behavior in enumerate(behavior_count): coeff = calculate_regression_coefficients(prob[i], degree=4) regression = [calculate_regression_y(x, coeff) for x in range(len(prob[i]))] ax.plot(regression, label=T[behavior], c=COLOR_TABLE[COLOR_LIST[i]], linewidth=2.0) ax.scatter(range(len(prob[i])), prob[i], c=COLOR_TABLE[COLOR_LIST[i]], alpha=1) ax.legend()
def plot_average(filenames, save_plot=True, show_plot=False, dpi=100): ''' Plot Signal average from a list of averaged files. ''' fname = get_files_from_list(filenames) # plot averages pl.ioff() # switch off (interactive) plot visualisation factor = 1e15 for fnavg in fname: name = fnavg[0:len(fnavg) - 4] basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] print fnavg # mne.read_evokeds provides a list or a single evoked based on condition. # here we assume only one evoked is returned (requires further handling) avg = mne.read_evokeds(fnavg)[0] ymin, ymax =, ymin *= factor * 1.1 ymax *= factor * 1.1 fig = pl.figure(basename, figsize=(10, 8), dpi=100) pl.clf() pl.ylim([ymin, ymax]) pl.xlim([avg.times.min(), avg.times.max()]) pl.plot(avg.times, * factor, color='black') pl.title(basename) # save figure fnfig = os.path.splitext(fnavg)[0] + '.png' pl.savefig(fnfig, dpi=dpi) pl.ion() # switch on (interactive) plot visualisation
def plot_df(self,show=False): from matplotlib import pylab as plt if self.afp is None: print 'afp not initilized. call update afp' return -1 linecords,td,df,rtn,minmaxy = self.afp formatter = PlotDateFormatter(df.index) #fig = plt.figure() #ax = plt.addsubplot() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.plot(np.arange(len(df)), df['p']) for cord in linecords: plt.plot(cord[0],cord[1],color='red') fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.xlim(-10,len(df.index) + 10) plt.ylim(df.p.min() - 10,df.p.max() + 10) plt.grid(ax) #if show: # #"{0}{1}.png".format("./data/",datetime.datetime.strftime(,'%Y%M%m%S')) if self.plot_file: save_path = self.plot_file.format(self.symbol) if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(save_path)): plt.savefig(save_path) plt.clf() plt.close()
def nova_plot(): erg2mev=624151. fig=plot.figure() yrange = [1e-6,2e-4] xrange = [1e-1,1e5] plot.fill_between([0.2,10e3],[yrange[1],yrange[1]],[yrange[0],yrange[0]],facecolor='yellow',interpolate=True,color='yellow',alpha=0.5) plot.annotate('AMEGO',xy=(3,9e-5),xycoords='data',fontsize=26,color='black')"data/NMon2012.LAT.dat",names=['energy','en_low','en_high','flux','flux_err','tmp']) plot.scatter(lat['energy'],lat['flux']*erg2mev,color='red') plot.errorbar(lat['energy'],lat['flux']*erg2mev,xerr=[lat['en_low'],lat['en_high']],yerr=lat['flux_err']*erg2mev,ecolor='red',capsize=0,fmt='none')"data/NMon2012.LAT.limits.dat",names=['energy','en_low','en_high','flux','tmp1','tmp2','tmp3','tmp4']) plot.errorbar(latul['energy'],latul['flux']*erg2mev,xerr=[latul['en_low'],latul['en_high']],yerr=0.5*latul['flux']*erg2mev,uplims=True,ecolor='red',capsize=0,fmt='none') plot.scatter(latul['energy'],latul['flux']*erg2mev,color='red')"data/sp-NMon12-IC-best-fit-1MeV-30GeV.txt",names=['energy','flux'],data_start=1)"data/sp-NMon12-pi0-and-secondaries.txt",names=['energy','flux1','flux2'],data_start=1) plot.plot(leptonic['energy'],leptonic['flux']*erg2mev,'r--',color='black',lw=2,label='Leptonic') plot.plot(hadronic['energy'],hadronic['flux2']*erg2mev,color='black',lw=2,label='Hadronic+Secondary Leptons') plot.legend(loc='upper right',fontsize='small',frameon=False,framealpha=0.5) plot.xscale('log') plot.yscale('log') plot.ylim(yrange) plot.xlim(xrange) plot.xlabel(r'Energy (MeV)') plot.ylabel(r'Energy$^2 \times $ Flux (Energy) (erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$)') plot.title('Nova V339 Del 2013') plot.savefig('Nova_SED.png', bbox_inches='tight') plot.savefig('Nova_SED.eps', bbox_inches='tight') plot.close()
def chooseDegree(npts, mindegree=0, maxdegree=20, filename=None): """Gets noisy data, uses cross validation to estimate error, and fits new data with best model.""" x, y = bv.noisyData(npts) degrees = numpy.arange(mindegree,maxdegree+1) errs = numpy.zeros_like(degrees,dtype=numpy.float) for i,d in enumerate(degrees): errs[i] = estimateError(x, y, d) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.plot(degrees,errs,'bo-') plt.xlabel("Degree") plt.ylabel("CV Error") besti = numpy.argmin(errs) bestdegree = degrees[besti] plt.subplot(1,2,2) x2, y2 = bv.noisyData(npts) plt.plot(x2,y2,'ro') xs = numpy.linspace(min(x),max(x),150) fitf = numpy.poly1d(numpy.polyfit(x2,y2,bestdegree)) plt.plot(xs,fitf(xs),'g-',lw=2) plt.xlim((bv.MIN,bv.MAX)) plt.ylim((-2.,2.)) plt.suptitle('Selected Degree '+str(bestdegree)) bv.outputPlot(filename)
def _gaussian_test(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n = 10000 mu_x = 0.0 mu_y = 0.0 #sig_x, sig_y = 1.5, 1.5 tau = 0.0 seeing = 1.5 sigma = seeing / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.e)) slit_width = 0.2 slit_height = 10.0 slit_x = np.empty(n, dtype=np.float64) slit_y = np.empty(n, dtype=np.float64) slit_x, slit_y = slit_gaussian_psf(n, mu_x, mu_y, sigma, sigma, tau, slit_width, slit_height)"x range: [%s, %s]", slit_x.min(), slit_x.max())"y range: [%s, %s]", slit_y.min(), slit_y.max()) plt.scatter(slit_x, slit_y, alpha=0.8) plt.fill([-slit_width/2, slit_width/2, slit_width/2, -slit_width/2], [-slit_height/2, -slit_height/2, slit_height/2, slit_height/2], 'r', alpha=0.10, edgecolor='k') plt.gca().set_aspect("equal") plt.title("Gaussian distribution") plt.xlim([-slit_height/2., slit_height/2])
def plot(x,y,field,filename,c=200): plt.figure() # define grid. xi = np.linspace(min(x),max(x),100) yi = np.linspace(min(y),max(y),100) # grid the data. si_lin = griddata((x, y), field, (xi[None,:], yi[:,None]), method='linear') si_cub = griddata((x, y), field, (xi[None,:], yi[:,None]), method='linear') print np.min(field) print np.max(field) plt.subplot(211) # contour the gridded data, plotting dots at the randomly spaced data points. CS = plt.contour(xi,yi,si_lin,c,linewidths=0.5,colors='k') CS = plt.contourf(xi,yi,si_lin,c, plt.colorbar() # draw colorbar # plot data points. # plt.scatter(x,y,marker='o',c='b',s=5) plt.xlim(min(x),max(x)) plt.ylim(min(y),max(y)) plt.title('Lineaarinen interpolointi') #plt.tight_layout() plt.subplot(212) # contour the gridded data, plotting dots at the randomly spaced data points. CS = plt.contour(xi,yi,si_cub,c,linewidths=0.5,colors='k') CS = plt.contourf(xi,yi,si_cub,c, plt.colorbar() # draw colorbar # plot data points. # plt.scatter(x,y,marker='o',c='b',s=5) plt.xlim(min(x),max(x)) plt.ylim(min(y),max(y)) plt.title('Kuubinen interpolointi') plt.savefig(filename)
def plot_roc(test_cat, plot_data, savefig=False): # Plot ROC curve plt.clf() results = [] # calcualte and sort labels by roc_auc for method, method_results in plot_data.items(): fpr, tpr, roc_auc = compute_roc(test_cat, method_results, method) label = "[%s] area = %0.2f" % (method, roc_auc) res = {"label": label, "fpr": fpr, "tpr": tpr, "roc_auc": roc_auc} results.append(res) results = sorted(results, key=lambda k: k['roc_auc'], reverse=True) # plot according to roc_auc ranking for r in results: plt.plot(r["fpr"], r["tpr"], label=r["label"]) plt.title('Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC)') plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') if savefig: plt.savefig("classifiers_roc.png")
def plot(self,file): cds = CaseDataset(file, 'bson') data ='driver').by_variable().fetch() cds2 = CaseDataset('../output/therm_mc_20141110173851.bson', 'bson') data2 ='driver').by_variable().fetch() #temp temp_boundary_k = data['hyperloop.temp_boundary'] temp_boundary_k.extend(data2['hyperloop.temp_boundary']) temp_boundary = [((x-273.15)*1.8 + 32) for x in temp_boundary_k] #histogram n, bins, patches = plt.hist(temp_boundary, 100, normed=1, histtype='stepfilled') plt.setp(patches, 'facecolor', 'b', 'alpha', 0.75) #stats mean = np.average(temp_boundary) std = np.std(temp_boundary) percentile = np.percentile(temp_boundary,99.5) print "mean: ", mean, " std: ", std, " 99.5percentile: ", percentile x = np.linspace(50,170,150) plt.plot(x,mlab.normpdf(x,mean,std), color='black', lw=2) plt.xlim([60,160]) plt.ylabel('Probability', fontsize=18) plt.xlabel(u'Equilibrium Temperature, \N{DEGREE SIGN}F', fontsize=18) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('../output/histo.pdf', dpi=300)
def errbar_labels(labels,data,error,bar_opts={},ticks_opts={}): from matplotlib.pylab import plot,xlim bar_opts.update(opts(width=0,linewidth=0, fill=0)) xlocations=barplot(labels,data,error,bar_opts,ticks_opts) plot(xlocations,data,"or") xlim(0, xlocations[-1]+0.5) return xlocations
def plot_eye(Nodes,axes = None): """ Create a movie of eye growth. To be used with EyeGrowthFunc :param Nodes: structure containing nodes :type Nodes: struct :param INTSTEP: time step used for integration :type INTSTEP: int :returns: plot handle for Node plot. Used to update during for loop. .. note:: Called in EyeGrowthFunc """ #set plotting parameters: if axes == None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) axes = fig.add_subplot(111,aspect='equal') plt.xlim([-13, 13]) plt.ylim([-13, 13]) axes.plot(np.r_[ Nodes['x'][0],Nodes['x'][0,0] ] * Nodes['radius'], np.r_[ Nodes['y'][0], Nodes['y'][0,0] ] * Nodes['radius'], '-ok', markerfacecolor = 'k',linewidth = 4, markersize = 10) axes = pf.TufteAxis(axes,['left','bottom']) #axes.set_axis_bgcolor('w') return axes
def plot_tuning_curves(direction_rates, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates) and plots a histogram and polar representation of the tuning curve. It adds the given title. """ x = direction_rates[:,0] y = direction_rates[:,1] plt.figure() plt.subplot(2,2,1),y,width=45,align='center') plt.xlim(-22.5,337.5) plt.xticks(x) plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.title(title) plt.subplot(2,2,2,polar=True) r = np.append(y,y[0]) theta = np.deg2rad(np.append(x, x[0])) plt.polar(theta,r,label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.legend(loc=8) plt.title(title)
def unteraufgabe_g(): # Sampling punkte x = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,1000) N = np.arange(2,16) LU = np.ones_like(N,dtype=np.floating) LT = np.ones_like(N,dtype=np.floating) # Approximiere Lebesgue-Konstante for i,n in enumerate(N): ################################################################ # # xU = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,n) # # LU[i] = ... # # j = np.arange(n+1) # xT = 0.5*(np.cos((2.0*j+1.0)/(2.0*(n+1.0))*np.pi) + 1.0) # # LT[i] = ... # ################################################################ continue # Plot plt.figure() plt.semilogy(N,LU,"-ob",label=r"Aequidistante Punkte") plt.semilogy(N,LT,"-og",label=r"Chebyshev Punkte") plt.grid(True) plt.xlim(N.min(),N.max()) plt.xlabel(r"$n$") plt.ylabel(r"$\Lambda^{(n)}$") plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.savefig("lebesgue.eps")
def plot_lift_data(lift_data, with_ellipses=True): np.random.seed(42113) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) alpha = [l['fit']['alpha'] for l in lift_data.values()] alpha_error = [l['fit']['alpha_error'] for l in lift_data.values()] beta = [l['fit']['beta'] for l in lift_data.values()] beta_error = [l['fit']['beta_error'] for l in lift_data.values()] message_class = lift_data.keys() num = len(beta) beta_jitter = np.random.randn(num) np.random.seed(None) beta = np.array(beta) + beta_jitter*0.0 ax.plot(beta, alpha, color='red', linestyle='', marker='o', markersize=10) if not with_ellipses: ax.errorbar(beta, alpha, xerr=beta_error, yerr=alpha_error, linestyle='') else: for x, y, xerr, yerr, in zip(beta, alpha, beta_error, alpha_error): width = 2*xerr height = 2*yerr ellipse = patches.Ellipse((x, y), width, height, angle=0.0, linewidth=2, fill=True, alpha=0.15, color='gray') ax.add_patch(ellipse) for a, b, c in zip(alpha, beta, message_class): ax.annotate(c, xy=(b, a), xytext=(b+2, a+.01), fontsize=17) plt.xlim(0, max(beta)+30) plt.ylim(0, 0.9) plt.xlabel('Duration (days)') plt.ylabel('Initial Lift')
def plot_prediction_accuracy(x, y): plt.scatter(x, y, c='g', alpha=0.5) plt.title('Logistic Regression') plt.xlabel('r') plt.ylabel('Prediction Accuracy') plt.xlim(0,200)
def plot(all_models): import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy.random plt.close("all") plt.figure() plt.subplot(211) alt = np.arange(0., 500., 2.) sza = 0. for m in all_models: d = m(alt, sza) plt.plot(ne_to_fp(d)/1E6, alt,lw=2) # plt.plot(m(alt, sza),alt,lw=2) plt.ylim(0., 400.) plt.ylabel('Altitude / km') # plt.xlabel(r'$n_e / cm^{-3}$') plt.xlabel(r'$f / MHz$') plt.subplot(212) for m in all_models: delay, freq = m.ais_response() plt.plot(freq/1E6, delay*1E3, lw=2.) plt.hlines(-2 * np.amax(alt) / speed_of_light_kms * 1E3, *plt.xlim(), linestyle='dashed') # plt.vlines(ne_to_fp(1E5)/1E6, *plt.ylim()) # plt.hlines( -(500-150) * 2 / speed_of_light_kms * 1E3, *plt.xlim()) plt.ylim(-10,0) plt.ylabel('Delay / ms') plt.xlim(0, 7) plt.xlabel('f / MHz')
def plot_fullstack( binning = np.linspace(0,10,1), myquery='', plotvar = default_plot_variable, \ scalefactor = 1., user_ylim = None): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.grid(True) lasthist = 0 myhistos = gen_histos(binning=binning,myquery=myquery,plotvar=plotvar,scalefactor=scalefactor) for key, (hist, bins) in myhistos.iteritems():[:-1],hist, width=bins[1]-bins[0], color=colors[key], bottom = lasthist, edgecolor = 'k', label='%s: %d Events'%(labels[key],sum(hist))) lasthist += hist plt.title('CCSingleE Stacked Backgrounds',fontsize=25) plt.ylabel('Events',fontsize=20) if plotvar == '_e_nuReco' or plotvar == '_e_nuReco_better': xstring = 'Reconstructed Neutrino Energy [GeV]' elif plotvar == '_e_CCQE': xstring = 'CCQE Energy [GeV]' else: xstring = plotvar plt.xlabel(xstring,fontsize=20) plt.legend() plt.xticks(list(plt.xticks()[0]) + [binning[0]]) plt.xlim([binning[0],binning[-1]])
kva = w/va fig=plt.figure(num=1,figsize=(3.5,3.5),dpi=300,facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') left = 0.15 # the left side of the subplots of the figure right = 0.95 # the right side of the subplots of the figure bottom = 0.23 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure top = 0.96 # the top of the subplots of the figure wspace = 0.2 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots hspace = 0.1 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1) plt.plot(k,w/1000000,label='Whistler') plt.plot(kva,w/1000000,label='Alfven') plt.xlim(0,100) plt.ylim(0,4) plt.hlines(wci/1000000,0,100,color='green',linestyles='dotted') plt.hlines(300000*2*np.pi/1000000,0,100,color='grey',linestyles='dashed',linewidth=0.5) plt.xlabel(r'k [rad/m]',fontsize=10) plt.ylabel(r'$\omega \times 10^{6}$ [Rad/Sec]',fontsize=10) plt.text(10,3.65,r'$\omega_{ci}$',fontsize=6,color='green') plt.text(10,2,r'$f\approx 300kHz$',fontsize=5) plt.text(0,-1,'B='+str(B)+'G',fontsize=8) leg=plt.legend(loc='lower right',fontsize=5,frameon=False) plt.figure(2) plt.semilogy(k,w/1000000,label='Whistler') plt.semilogy(kva,w/1000000,label='Alfven') plt.xlim(0,100) plt.ylim(5e-1,4e0)
n = 20 t = np.linspace(0, n - 1, n) fv_1 = np.ones(len(t)) * pv fv_2 = pv * (1 + r * t) #simple interest fv_3 = pv * (1 + r)**t fv_1plot = plt.plot(t, fv_1, 'b-', label='Under your pillow') fv_2plot = plt.plot(t, fv_2, 'g-', label='Simple Interest') fv_3plot = plt.plot(t, fv_3, 'r-', label='Compound Interest') #plt.plot(t,examp4,'m-') plt.title( "One time investment of $1000 \n Simple vs. Compounded Interest Rate, 8%") plt.xlabel("Number of Years, t") plt.ylabel("US Dollars") plt.xlim(0, 21) plt.ylim(0, 5000) plt.legend() plt.savefig('finance_int_compound.png', dpi=600) pmt = -1000 fv = -1000 pv = 1000 r = 0.08 n = 20 rate1 = 0.001 rate2 = 0.08 nper = np.arange(0, n) examp4 = np.fv(0, nper, pmt, fv, when='begin') examp5 = np.fv(rate1, nper, pmt, fv, when='begin')
def plot(self, title, xlim=None, ylim=None, plot_type='amplitude', show_limits=False, show_ssa_limits=False, beam_on=False, annotate=False, beam_start=20, beam_end=22, hide_fwd=False): """ Plot signals of interest in RF Station time-series simulation. Supports amplitude, phase and cartesian plots with a number of options. """ fund_k_probe = self.fund_mode_dict['k_probe'] fund_k_drive = self.fund_mode_dict['k_drive'] fund_k_em = self.fund_mode_dict['k_em'] fund_k_beam = self.fund_mode_dict['k_beam'] # Amplitude if plot_type == 'amplitude': if hide_fwd == False: plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.abs(self.E_fwd) * fund_k_drive, '-', label=r'Forward $\left(\vec E_{\rm fwd}\right)$', linewidth=2) plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.abs(self.E_reverse / fund_k_em), '-', label=r'Reverse $\left(\vec E_{\rm reverse}\right)$', linewidth=2) plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.abs(self.cav_v), '-', label=r'Cavity Field', linewidth=2, color='r') plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.abs(self.set_point / fund_k_probe), '-', label=r'Set-point $\left(\vec E_{\rm sp}\right)$', linewidth=2, color='c') # Y label plt.ylabel('Amplitude [V]', fontsize=30) if show_limits == True: plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.abs(self.set_point / fund_k_probe) * (1 + 1e-4), label='Upper limit', linewidth=2, color='m') plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.abs(self.set_point / fund_k_probe) * (1 - 1e-4), label='Lower limit', linewidth=2, color='y') plt.axhspan(16e6 / 1.00005, 16e6 * 1.00005, color='blue', alpha=0.2) if show_ssa_limits == True: # If SSA noise were a sine wave, this would be the amplitude limit ssa_limit = 4e-2 * fund_k_drive * np.sqrt(3.8e3) plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.abs(self.set_point / fund_k_probe) + ssa_limit / np.sqrt(2) / 2, label='SSA Upper (RMS) limit', linewidth=2, color='m') plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.abs(self.set_point / fund_k_probe) - ssa_limit / np.sqrt(2) / 2, label='SSA Lower (RMS) limit', linewidth=2, color='y') low_index = np.where(self.trang == 20e-3)[0][0] high_index = np.where(self.trang == 49.9e-3)[0][0] ssa_std = np.std(self.E_fwd[low_index:high_index] * fund_k_drive) ssa_std_percent = 100 * ssa_std / (fund_k_drive * np.sqrt(3.8e3)) ssa_std_text = r'$\sigma_{\rm SSA}\,=\,$' + '%.2f %% RMS' % ( np.abs(ssa_std_percent)) plt.text(35, 13e6, ssa_std_text, verticalalignment='top', fontsize=30) # Phase if plot_type == 'phase': plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.angle(self.cav_v, deg=True), '-', label=r'Cavity Field', linewidth=2, color='r') plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.angle(self.set_point / fund_k_probe, deg=True), label=r'Set-point $\left(\vec E_{\rm sp}\right)$', linewidth=2, color='c') if show_limits: plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, 1e-2 * np.ones(len(self.trang)), label='Upper limit', linewidth=2, color='m') plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, -1e-2 * np.ones(len(self.trang)), label='Lower limit', linewidth=2, color='y') plt.axhspan(-4e-3, 4e-3, color='blue', alpha=0.2) # Y label plt.ylabel('Phase [degrees]', fontsize=30) # Cartesian coordinates if plot_type == 'cartesian': plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.real(self.E_fwd) * fund_k_drive, '-', label=r'Forward $\Re \left(\vec E_{\rm fwd}\right)$', linewidth=2) plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.imag(self.E_fwd) * fund_k_drive, '-', label=r'Forward $\Im \left(\vec E_{\rm fwd}\right)$', linewidth=2) plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.real(self.cav_v), '-', label=r'$\Re$ Cavity Field', linewidth=2) plt.plot(self.trang * 1e3, np.imag(self.cav_v), '-', label=r'$\Im$ Cavity Field', linewidth=2) # Add annotation for a very specific plot if annotate: delta_E_fwd_text = r'$\Delta \left| \vec E_{\rm fwd} \right| \approx \,$' + \ '%.d MV' % (round(np.abs(fund_k_beam)*100e-6*1e-6)) plt.annotate(delta_E_fwd_text, xy=(21.05, 18e6), fontsize=25) index_of_21 = np.where(self.trang == 21e-3) plt.annotate(s='', xy=(21, np.abs(self.E_fwd[index_of_21]) * fund_k_drive), xytext=(21, np.abs(self.cav_v[index_of_21])), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='<->')) # Add clear red shade if beam current is on to highlight the location of the beam train if beam_on: plt.axvspan(beam_start, beam_end, color='red', alpha=0.2) plt.xticks(fontsize=20) plt.yticks(fontsize=20) plt.title(title, fontsize=40, y=1.02) plt.xlabel('Time [ms]', fontsize=30) if xlim: plt.xlim(xlim) if ylim: plt.ylim(ylim) plt.rc('font', **{'size': 20}) plt.legend(loc='upper right')
def main(): name_to_labels = load_labels() for k,v in name_to_labels.items(): name_to_labels[k] = [0 if i==0 else 1 for i in v] name_to_feats = {} for k,v in name_to_labels.items(): name_to_feats[k] = [] for i,_ in enumerate(v): # draws 1 index frame = load_raw(k, i+1) if frame is not None: feat = features(frame, draw_num=i) else: feat = None name_to_feats[k].append(feat) #max_feats = max([len(x) for x in name_to_feats.values()[0] if x is not None]) #for k,v in name_to_feats.items(): #for i in range(len(v)): #v[i] = v[i] + [0]*(max_feats - len(v[i])) # fix the features where can't make with zeros accum = [] for x in trange(10000): patients = name_to_labels.keys() n_train = int(len(patients) * .8) train_pat = np.random.choice(patients, size=n_train).tolist() test_pat = list(set(patients) - set(train_pat)) trX, trY = gather_feats_labels(train_pat, name_to_feats, name_to_labels) teX, teY = gather_feats_labels(test_pat, name_to_feats, name_to_labels) if len(np.unique(teY)) == 1: continue if len(np.unique(trY)) == 1: continue X, Y = gather_feats_labels(patients, name_to_feats, name_to_labels) idx = np.arange(len(X)) np.random.shuffle(idx) spt = int(len(X)*.8) trX = X[idx[:spt]] teX = X[idx[spt:]] trY = Y[idx[:spt]] teY = Y[idx[spt:]] trPY, tePY = shuffle_train(trX, trY, teX) heldout_auc = roc_auc_score(teY, tePY) train_auc = roc_auc_score(trY, trPY) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(teY, tePY) #plt.plot(fpr, tpr) accum.append([heldout_auc, train_auc]) print np.mean(accum, axis=0), np.var(accum, axis=0) accum = np.asarray(accum) plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.title("Histogram of AUC from ML based model") plt.hist(accum[:, 0], bins=100, normed=True, range=[0,1]) plt.xlabel("Validation AUC") plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.hist(accum[:, 1], bins=100, normed=True, range=[0,1]) plt.xlim([0, 1]) plt.xlabel("Train AUC")
def plot_2d_dist2(x, y, xlim, ylim, nxbins, nybins, cmin=1.e-4, cmax=1.0, log=False, weights=None, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', clevs=None, smooth=None, fig_setup=None, savefig=None): """ log = specifies whether logged quantities are passed to be plotted on log-scale outside this routine """ if fig_setup is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2.5, 2.5)) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) else: ax = fig_setup if xlim[1] < 0.: ax.invert_xaxis() if weights is None: weights = np.ones_like(x) H, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(x, y, weights=weights, bins=(np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], nxbins), np.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], nybins))) H = np.rot90(H) H = np.flipud(H) #X,Y = np.meshgrid(xbins,ybins) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xbins[:-1], ybins[:-1]) if smooth is not None: if (np.size(smooth) < 2): raise Exception( "smooth needs to be an array of size 2 containing 0=SG window size, 1=SG poly order" ) H = sgolay2d(H, window_size=smooth[0], order=smooth[1]) H = H / np.sum(H) Hmask = == 0, H) if log: X = np.power(10., X) Y = np.power(10., Y) pcol = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, (Hmask), vmin=cmin * np.max(Hmask), vmax=cmax * np.max(Hmask),, norm=LogNorm(), linewidth=0., rasterized=True) pcol.set_edgecolor('face') if clevs is not None: lvls = [] for cld in clevs: sig = opt.brentq(conf_interval, 0., 1., args=(H, cld)) lvls.append(sig) ax.contour(X, Y, H, linewidths=(1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25), colors='black', levels=sorted(lvls), norm=LogNorm(), extent=[xbins[0], xbins[-1], ybins[0], ybins[-1]]) if savefig: plt.savefig(savefig, bbox_inches='tight') if fig_setup is None: return
transit_duration, [planet, firstmoon, secondmoon]) # Output information print 'TTV amplitude =', numpy.amax(ttv_array), \ '[min] = ', numpy.amax(ttv_array) * 60, '[sec]' print 'TDV amplitude =', numpy.amax(tdv_array), \ '[min] = ', numpy.amax(tdv_array) * 60, '[sec]' ax = plt.axes() plt.plot(ttv_array, tdv_array, color = 'k') plt.rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern']}) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize = 16) plt.xlabel('transit timing variation [minutes]', fontsize = 16) plt.ylabel('transit duration variation [minutes]', fontsize = 16) ax.tick_params(direction='out') plt.ylim([numpy.amin(tdv_array) * 1.2, numpy.amax(tdv_array) * 1.2]) plt.xlim([numpy.amin(ttv_array) * 1.2, numpy.amax(ttv_array) * 1.2]) plt.plot((0, 0), (numpy.amax(tdv_array) * 10., numpy.amin(tdv_array) * 10.), 'k', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot((numpy.amin(ttv_array) * 10., numpy.amax(ttv_array) * 10.), (0, 0), 'k', linewidth=0.5) # Fix axes for comparison with eccentric moon plt.xlim(-0.4, +0.4) plt.ylim(-1, +1) plt.savefig("fig_system_ix.eps", bbox_inches = 'tight')
x = inti_x x_history = [] for i in range(step_num): x_history.append(x.copy()) grad = numerical_gradient(f, x) #数値微分 x -= lr * grad return x, np.array(x_history) def function_2(x): return x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 init_x = np.array([-3.0, 4.0]) lr = 0.1 step_num = 20 x, x_history = gradient_descent(function_2, init_x, lr=lr, step_num=step_num) plt.plot([-5, 5], [0, 0], '--b') plt.plot([0, 0], [-5, 5], '--b') plt.plot(x_history[:, 0], x_history[:, 1], 'o') plt.xlim(-3.5, 3.5) plt.ylim(-4.5, 4.5) plt.xlabel("x0") plt.ylabel("x1")
def plot_cluster_expression(out,data1,data2,donor,gene, image): # function for setting the colors of the box plots pairs def setBoxColors(bp): setp(bp['boxes'][0], color='blue') setp(bp['caps'][0], color='blue') setp(bp['caps'][1], color='blue') setp(bp['whiskers'][0], color='blue') setp(bp['whiskers'][1], color='blue') setp(bp['fliers'][0], color='blue') setp(bp['fliers'][1], color='blue') setp(bp['medians'][0], color='blue') setp(bp['boxes'][1], color='red') setp(bp['caps'][2], color='red') setp(bp['caps'][3], color='red') setp(bp['whiskers'][2], color='red') setp(bp['whiskers'][3], color='red') setp(bp['fliers'][2], color='red') setp(bp['fliers'][3], color='red') setp(bp['medians'][1], color='red') N_probes=data1.shape[0] fig = figure() ax = axes() hold(True) s=1 f=2 p_value=[] t_stat=[] ticks=[] for i in range(N_probes): t,p=stats.ttest_ind(data1[i,:], data2[i,:]) bp = boxplot([data1[i,:],data2[i,:]], positions = [s, f], widths = 0.6) setBoxColors(bp) ticks.append( (s+f)/2. ) s+=3 f+=3 p_value.append(p) t_stat.append(t) hB, = plot([1,1],'b-') hR, = plot([1,1],'r-') xlim(0,f+2) ylim(2,20) legend((hB, hR),('Inside', 'Outside')) for i in range(N_probes): text(f+3,10-i,'Probe #{}: p-value={}'.format(i+1,np.round(p_value[i],3) ) ) ax.set_xticklabels(['probe #{}'.format(j) for j in range(1,N_probes+1)]) ax.set_xticks(ticks) title('Donor {}, Allen Brain expression of gene {} inside/outside clusters formed in {} image'.format(donor, gene,image)) hB.set_visible(False) hR.set_visible(False) try: savefig(os.path.join(out,donor+"_"+gene+".png") ) except: savefig(os.path.join(out,donor+"_"+gene+".svg") )
scores = np.zeros(len(densities)) trials = 10 for i, density in enumerate(densities): for n in xrange(trials): window = np.empty(sh) for f in xrange(sh[-1]): #window = (np.random.random(sh) < density).astype(np.float64) window[...,f] = (np.random.random(sh[:-1]) < back[0,0,f] * density).astype(np.float64) #print "Density", density, window.sum()/ #contribution_map = np.zeros(sh[:-1]) data = \ window * np.log(kernels[mixcomp]) + \ (1.0-window) * np.log(1.0 - kernels[mixcomp]) + \ (-1) * (1.0-window) * np.log(1.0 - back[0,0]) + \ (-1) * window * np.log(back[0,0]) #contribution_map += data scores[i] += data.sum()#contribution_map.sum() scores /= trials plt.plot(densities, scores) plt.xlim((0, 1)) plt.xlabel('Feature density') plt.ylabel('Log likelihood ratio') plt.title('Scores for random feature activity')
def plot(experiment_path, save_dir="/tmp/", save_name="results", limit_steps=None): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) if len(glob(os.path.join(experiment_path, "train/*monitor*"))) != 0: exps = glob(experiment_path) print(exps) # Get data df = load_results(os.path.join(experiment_path, "train")) roll = 5 rdf = df.rolling(5) df['steps'] = df['l'].cumsum() / 1000000 # Plots ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) df.rolling(roll).mean().plot('steps', 'r', style='-', ax=ax, legend=False) rdf.max().plot('steps', 'r', style='-', ax=ax, legend=False, color="#28B463", alpha=0.65) rdf.min().plot('steps', 'r', style='-', ax=ax, legend=False, color="#F39C12", alpha=0.65) # X axis gap = 0.5 ax.set_xticks( np.arange(0, ((df['steps'].iloc[-1] // gap) + 1) * gap, gap)) ax.set_xlabel('Num steps (M)') if limit_steps: plt.xlim(0, limit_steps) # Y axis gap = 25 ax.set_yticks( np.arange(((df['r'].min() // gap) - 1) * gap, ((df['r'].max() // gap) + 1) * gap, gap)) ax.set_ylabel('Reward') ax.grid(True) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.2) # Save figure ax.get_figure().savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, save_name) + ".jpg") plt.clf()
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt dis = np.loadtxt('dis.txt') time = dis[:1900, 0] disp = dis[:1900, 1] plt.figure() plt.plot(time, disp) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Time (second) ") plt.xlim([0, 20]) plt.ylabel("Displacements (meter) ") plt.savefig('input_motion.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
import numpy as np for fileID in [2]: with open( dirIn + allfiles[fileID]) as f: lines = (line for line in f if not line.startswith('#')) allCl = np.loadtxt(lines, skiprows=1) l = allCl[:, lID[fileID] ] Cl = allCl[:, ClID[fileID]] emax = allCl[:, emaxID[fileID]] emin = allCl[:, eminID[fileID]] print l.shape plt.figure(99) plt.errorbar(l, Cl, yerr=[emax, emin], fmt='x', label = allfiles[fileID][2:-4], alpha = 0.8, ms=1) #plt.yscale('log') #plt.xscale('log') plt.xlim([0,3500]) plt.ylim([-1000,10000]) plt.legend() #print allCl.shape
def longStats(af = 4, filter=None): dataDirectory = "/data/routeviews/" space = 1 yearRange = range(2004, 2017) #monthRange = range(1,13) monthRange = [6] #range(1,13) day = 15 dateRange = [] tier1 = {"3356":[], "1299":[], "174":[] ,"2914":[],"3257":[]}#, "6453":[], "3491":[], "701":[], "1239":[], "6762":[]} # Find the first RIB files for each year ribFiles = [] for ye in yearRange: for month in monthRange: ribs = glob.glob(dataDirectory+"{ye}.{mo:02d}/RIBS/rib.{ye}{mo:02d}{da:02d}.*.bz2".format(ye=ye, mo=month, da=day)) ribs.sort() if len(ribs) < 1: continue ribFiles.append(((ye,month,day),ribs[0])) dateRange.append(datetime.datetime(ye,month,day)) outDir = "../results/longStats_space%s_ipv%s/" % (space, af) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outDir)) except OSError as exc: # Guard against race condition if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise plt.figure() ccmap ='copper_r') # Using contourf to provide my colorbar info, then clearing the figure Z = [[0,0],[0,0]] CS3 = plt.contourf(Z, yearRange, cmap=ccmap) plt.clf() for i, (date, ribFile) in enumerate(ribFiles): print date if filter is None: centralityFile = outDir+"/%s%02d%02d_af%s.pickle" % (date[0], date[1], date[2], af) fList = None else: centralityFile = outDir+"/%s%02d%02d_AS%s_af%s.pickle" % (date[0], date[1], date[2],filter, af) fList = [filter] if not os.path.exists(centralityFile): rtree, _ = ashash.readrib(ribFile, space, af, filterAS=fList) asAggProb, asProb, _ = ashash.computeCentrality(rtree.search_exact("").data, space, filterAS=filter) pickle.dump((asAggProb, asProb), open(centralityFile, "wb")) else: asAggProb, asProb = pickle.load(open(centralityFile,"rb")) if asAggProb is None or len(asAggProb) < 1: continue if filter is None and af==4: for k,v in tier1.iteritems(): v.append(asAggProb[str(k)]) if not filter is None: del asAggProb[str(filter)] sortedAS = sorted(asAggProb, key=lambda k: asAggProb[k], reverse=True) i=0 while i<len(sortedAS) and asAggProb[sortedAS[i]]>.05: print "%s: %s" % (sortedAS[i], asAggProb[sortedAS[i]]) i+=1 eccdf(asAggProb.values(), lw=1.3, label=date[0],c=ccmap(i/float(len(ribFiles)) ) ) # print date # maxKey = max(asAggProb, key=asAggProb.get) # print "AS%s = %s" % (maxKey, asAggProb[maxKey]) plt.grid(True) #plt.legend(loc="right") plt.colorbar(CS3) plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") #plt.yscale("log") # plt.xlim([10**-8, 10**-2]) if filter is None: plt.xlim([10**-7, 1.1]) else: plt.xlim([10**-7, 1.1]) # plt.ylim([10**-3, 1.1]) plt.xlabel("AS hegemony") plt.ylabel("CCDF") plt.tight_layout() if filter is None: plt.title("IPv%s" % af) plt.savefig(centralityFile.rpartition("/")[0]+"/hegemonyLongitudinal_af%s.eps" % af) else: plt.title("AS%s (IPv%s)" % (filter, af)) plt.savefig(centralityFile.rpartition("/")[0]+"/hegemonyLongitudinal_AS%s_af%s.eps" % (filter, af)) if filter is None and af==4: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,3)) for k,v in tier1.iteritems(): plt.plot(dateRange, v, label="AS"+k) plt.ylim([0,0.3]) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("AS hegemony") plt.xlabel("Time") plt.legend(loc="center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1), ncol=len(tier1)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(centralityFile.rpartition("/")[0]+"/tier1.eps")
right = 0.97 # the right side of the subplots of the figure bottom = 0.1 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure top = 0.96 # the top of the subplots of the figure wspace = 0.2 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots hspace = 0.15 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.plot(time_ms, disI_2p2 / 1000.0, color='red', label='2.2kV') plt.plot(time_ms, disI_1p8 / 1000.0, color='orange', label='1.8kV') plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.xlabel(r't [$\mu$s]', fontsize=16) plt.xlim(0, 198) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Discharge Current kA', fontsize=16) plt.ylim(0, 80) #plt.vlines(0,0,80,color='gray',linestyle='dotted',linewidth=3.5) leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=12, frameon=False, handlelength=5) savefilename = 'Discharge_current_compare_forAPSDPP18.png' #savefilename='Discharge_current_'+date+'_shot'+str(shot)+'_forAPSDPP18.png' savefile = os.path.normpath(savefilename) #plt.savefig(savefile,dpi=600,facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') #plt.clf() #plt.close()
def peerSensitivity(): space = 1 af = 4 allasCount = {} resultsFile = "../results/peerSensitivity/KLdiv_%s.pickle" collectorsDataFile = "../results/peerSensitivity/collectorData.pickle" allPeersFile = "../results/peerSensitivity/allPeersDist.pickle" collectorsDist = [] results = defaultdict(list) if not os.path.exists(resultsFile % "Betweenness"): ribFiles = glob.glob("/data/routeviews/*/*/RIBS/rib.20160601.0000.bz2") ribFiles.extend(glob.glob("/data/routeviews/*/*/*/RIBS/rib.20160601.0000.bz2")) ribFiles.extend(glob.glob("/data/ris/*/*/bview.20160601.0000.gz")) ribFiles.append("/data/bgpmon/ribs/201606/ribs") for i, ribFile in enumerate(ribFiles): words = ribFile.split("/") if "routeviews" in ribFile: if words[-4] == "route-views3": label = "rv3" elif words[-5] == "" and words[-4] == "bgpdata": label = "rv2" elif not "." in words[-5] and words[-5].startswith("route-views"): label = "rv"+words[-5][-1] else: label = words[-5].split(".")[-1] elif "ris" in ribFile: label = words[-3] else: label = "bgpmon" asCountFile = "../results/peerSensitivity/20160601.0000_asCount%s.pickle" % (i) if not os.path.exists(asCountFile): rtree, _ = ashash.readrib(ribFile, space, af) asCount = rtree.search_exact("").data asHegemony, _, nbPeers = ashash.computeCentrality(asCount, space) # asBetweenness = ashash.computeBetweenness(asCount, space) pickle.dump((asCount, asHegemony, nbPeers), open(asCountFile, "wb")) else: asCount, asHegemony, nbPeers = pickle.load(open(asCountFile,"rb")) collectorsDist.append( (label, nbPeers, asHegemony) ) print "%s: %s peers" % (label, len(asCount)) for peer, count in asCount.iteritems(): if count["totalCount"]>2000000000: if not peer in allasCount: allasCount[peer] = count else: print "Warning: peer %s is observed multiple times (%s)" % (peer, ribFile) asHegemonyRef, _, nbPeers = ashash.computeCentrality(allasCount, space) asBetweennessRef, _, _ = ashash.computeBetweenness(allasCount, space) pickle.dump((asHegemonyRef, asBetweennessRef, nbPeers), open(allPeersFile,"wb")) for metricLabel, ref, computeMetric in [("Hegemony", asHegemonyRef, ashash.computeCentrality), ("Betweenness", asBetweennessRef, ashash.computeBetweenness)]: if not os.path.exists(resultsFile % metricLabel): # Remove AS with a score of 0.0 toremove = [asn for asn, score in ref.iteritems() if score==0.0] for asn in toremove: del ref[asn] minVal = min(ref.values()) nbPeersList = range(0, len(allasCount), 10) nbPeersList[0] = 1 for nbPeers in nbPeersList: tmp = [] for _ in range(10): # Randomly select peers peersIndex = random.sample(range(len(allasCount)), nbPeers) asCount = {} for p in peersIndex: asCount[allasCount.keys()[p]] = allasCount.values()[p] asMetric, _, _ = computeMetric(asCount, space) # Remove AS with a score == 0.0 toremove = [asn for asn, score in asMetric.iteritems() if score==0.0] if not toremove is None: for asn in toremove: del asMetric[asn] # Set the same number of ASN for both distributions missingAS = set(ref.keys()).difference(asMetric.keys()) if not missingAS is None: for asn in missingAS: asMetric[asn] = minVal # Compute the KL-divergence dist = [asMetric[asn] for asn in ref.keys()] kldiv = sps.entropy(dist, ref.values()) tmp.append(kldiv) results[metricLabel].append(tmp) print tmp # save final results pickle.dump((nbPeersList, results[metricLabel]),open(resultsFile % metricLabel,"wb")) pickle.dump(collectorsDist, open(collectorsDataFile,"wb")) else: (nbPeersList, results[metricLabel]) = pickle.load(open(resultsFile % metricLabel,"rb")) collectorsDist = pickle.load(open(collectorsDataFile,"rb")) else: for metricLabel in ["Hegemony", "Betweenness"]: nbPeersList, results[metricLabel] = pickle.load(open(resultsFile % metricLabel,"rb")) collectorsDist = pickle.load(open(collectorsDataFile,"rb")) asHegemonyRef, asBetweennessRef, allFullFeedPeers = pickle.load(open(allPeersFile,"rb")) #return asHegemonyRef def plotRef(references, legendFmt="%s", alpha=1.0): for asDistRef, metricLabel, color in references: m = np.mean(results[metricLabel][1:], axis=1) s = np.std(results[metricLabel][1:], axis=1) # mi = m-np.min(results[metricLabel][1:], axis=1) # ma = np.max(results[metricLabel][1:], axis=1)-m # mi, ma = sms.DescrStatsW(results[metricLabel][1:]).tconfint_mean(alpha=0.1) mi = np.min(results[metricLabel][1:], axis=1) ma = np.max(results[metricLabel][1:], axis=1) x = nbPeersList[1:] plt.fill_between(x, mi, ma, facecolor=color, alpha=alpha*0.5) # plt.plot(x, m,"-+", ms=4, color="0.6", label="Randomly selected") # plt.plot(x, m,"-+", ms=4, color="0.6", label="Random peers (%s)" % metricLabel) try: plt.plot(x, m,"-o", ms=3, label=legendFmt % metricLabel, color=color, alpha=alpha) except TypeError: plt.plot(x, m,"-o", ms=3, label=legendFmt, color=color, alpha=alpha) # plt.errorbar(x,m, [mi, ma], fmt="C3.", ms=4) plt.xlabel("Number of peers") plt.ylabel("KL divergence") # plt.yscale("log") plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() # Compare betweenness and hegemony plt.figure() plotRef([(asHegemonyRef, "Hegemony", "C0"), (asBetweennessRef, "Betweenness", "C5")]) plt.ylim([0.00001, 1]) plt.xscale("log") plt.savefig("../results/peerSensitivity/meanKL_%s.pdf" % metricLabel) # Compare collectors and random sample (hegemony): # Remove AS with a score of 0.0 toremove = [asn for asn, score in asHegemonyRef.iteritems() if score==0.0] for asn in toremove: del asHegemonyRef[asn] minVal = min(asHegemonyRef.values()) plt.figure() plotRef([(asHegemonyRef, "Hegemony", "C0")], legendFmt="Random peers", alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel("Number of peers") plt.ylabel("KL divergence") for collectorLabel, nbPeers, asHegemony in collectorsDist: if asHegemony is None : print "warning: ignore collector %s" % collectorLabel continue # Remove AS with a score == 0.0 toremove = [asn for asn, score in asHegemony.iteritems() if score==0.0] if not toremove is None: for asn in toremove: del asHegemony[asn] # Set the same number of ASN for both distributions missingAS = set(asHegemonyRef.keys()).difference(asHegemony.keys()) if not missingAS is None: for asn in missingAS: asHegemony[asn] = minVal # Compute the KL-divergence dist = [asHegemony[asn] for asn in asHegemonyRef.keys()] kldiv = sps.entropy(dist, asHegemonyRef.values()) print "%s:\t %s peers \t %s " % (collectorLabel, nbPeers, kldiv) if kldiv>0.4 : continue if collectorLabel.startswith("rrc"): plt.plot(nbPeers, kldiv,"C1x", label="RIS") collectorLabel = collectorLabel.replace("rrc","") elif collectorLabel == "bgpmon": plt.plot(nbPeers, kldiv,"C3^") else: plt.plot(nbPeers, kldiv,"C3+", label="Route Views") if kldiv<1 or nbPeers>10: plt.text(nbPeers+0.005, kldiv+0.005, collectorLabel, fontsize=8) # plt.yscale("log") # plt.xscale("log") handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles)) plt.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys()) plt.ylim([0.00001, 0.4]) plt.xlim([9, 50]) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("../results/peerSensitivity/collectorDiversity.pdf") return (nbPeersList, results)
zh = float(line[3]) f.close() x = x - xh y = y - yh z = z - zh #plt.figure(figsize=(20,6)) plt.subplot(131) #plt.scatter(x,y,c=colors[j], marker=shapes[j]) plt.hist2d(x, y, bins=(xbins, xbins), norm=LogNorm()) plt.xlabel(r'$x$ (kpc/$h$)', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r'$y$ (kpc/$h$)', fontsize=18) plt.xlim(-200, 200) plt.ylim(-200, 200) plt.subplot(132) #plt.scatter(x,z,c=colors[j], marker=shapes[j]) plt.hist2d(x, z, bins=(xbins, xbins), norm=LogNorm()) plt.xlabel(r'$x$ (kpc/$h$)', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r'$z$ (kpc/$h$)', fontsize=18) plt.xlim(-200, 200) plt.ylim(-200, 200) plt.subplot(133) #plt.scatter(y,z,c=colors[j], marker=shapes[j]) plt.hist2d(y, z, bins=(xbins, xbins), norm=LogNorm()) plt.xlabel(r'$y$ (kpc/$h$)', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r'$z$ (kpc/$h$)', fontsize=18)
plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 8)) #make 5000 noise and 1000 of each x sample N_samples = 1000 noise = np.random.randn(5 * N_samples, noise_dim).astype('float32') x_gen = np.repeat(xgen, 1000) x_gen = x_gen.reshape(5000, 1) #plug into posterior z_samples = posterior(x_gen, noise) z_samples = tf.reshape(z_samples, [xgen.shape[0], N_samples, 2]).eval() for i in range(5): plt.subplot(2, 5, i + 1) sns.kdeplot(z_samples[i, :, 0], z_samples[i, :, 1], cmap='Greens') plt.axis('square') plt.title('q(z|x={})'.format(y[i])) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.ylim([xmin, xmax]) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.subplot(2, 5, 5 + i + 1) plt.contour(xrange, xrange, np.exp(logprior + llh[i]).reshape(300, 300).T, cmap='Greens') plt.axis('square') plt.title('p(z|x={})'.format(y[i])) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.ylim([xmin, xmax]) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.savefig('JCADVgudlog Final Fig')
def pathDerivativeDist(): space = 1 af = 4 outDir = "../results/longStats_space%s_ipv%s/" % (space, af) dataDirectory = "/data/routeviews/" filename = dataDirectory+"2016.06/UPDATES/updates.20160601.0000.bz2" centralityFile = outDir+"/%s%02d%02d_af%s.pickle" % (2016, 6, 15, af) asAggProb, asProb = pickle.load(open(centralityFile,"rb")) allDiff = [] linDiff = [] if filename.startswith("@bgpstream:"): p1 = Popen(["bgpreader", "-m", "-w", filename.rpartition(":")[2], "-p", "routeviews", "-c", "route-views.linx", "-t", "updates"], stdout=PIPE) else: p1 = Popen(["bgpdump", "-m", "-v", filename], stdout=PIPE, bufsize=-1) for line in p1.stdout: res = line[:-1].split('|',15) if res[5] == "": continue if af != 0: if af == 4 and ":" in res[5]: continue elif af == 6 and "." in res[5]: continue if res[2] == "W": continue else: zTd, zDt, zS, zOrig, zAS, zPfx, sPath, zPro, zOr, z0, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5 = res path = list(unique_justseen(sPath.split(" "))) try : # hegeAll = map(lambda x: round(asAggProb[x],3), path[1:-1]) hegeAll = map(lambda x: asAggProb[x], path) hegeDiff = np.diff(hegeAll) allDiff.extend(list(hegeDiff)) N = 11 dim = np.linspace(0,1,N) interpData = np.interp(dim, np.linspace(0,1,len(hegeAll)), hegeAll) linDiff.append(interpData) except Exception: # print path # print "New AS" continue plt.figure() ecdf(allDiff) plt.xlim([-0.1, 0.1]) plt.xlabel("Hegemony derivative") plt.ylabel("CDF") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("../results/pathDerivative/derivativeDist.pdf") lda = np.array(linDiff) plt.figure() # plt.plot(dim, lda.mean(axis=0),"o-") plt.errorbar(dim, lda.mean(axis=0), lda.std(axis=0)/np.sqrt(N), fmt="o-") plt.xlabel("Relative position in the path") plt.ylabel("AS hegemony") plt.xlim([-0.03, 1.03]) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("../results/pathDerivative/meanHegemony.pdf") return lda
def plot_options_greedy(self, sess, coord, saver): eigenvectors_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.config.stage_logdir, "models"), "eigenvectors.npy") eigenvalues_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.config.stage_logdir, "models"), "eigenvalues.npy") eigenvectors = np.load(eigenvectors_path) eigenvalues = np.load(eigenvalues_path) for k in ["poz", "neg"]: for option in range(len(eigenvalues)): # eigenvalue = eigenvalues[option] eigenvector = eigenvectors[ option] if k == "poz" else -eigenvectors[option] prefix = str(option) + '_' + k + "_" plt.clf() with sess.as_default(), sess.graph.as_default(): for idx in range(self.nb_states): dx = 0 dy = 0 d = False s, i, j = self.env.get_state(idx) if not self.env.not_wall(i, j): plt.gca().add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (j, self.config.input_size[0] - i - 1), # (x,y) 1.0, # width 1.0, # height facecolor="gray")) continue # Image.fromarray(np.asarray(scipy.misc.imresize(s, [512, 512], interp='nearest'), np.uint8)).show() feed_dict = {self.orig_net.observation: np.stack([s])} fi =, feed_dict=feed_dict)[0] transitions = [] terminations = [] for a in range(self.action_size): s1, r, d, _ = self.env.fake_step(a) feed_dict = { self.orig_net.observation: np.stack([s1]) } fi1 =, feed_dict=feed_dict)[0] transitions.append( self.cosine_similarity((fi1 - fi), eigenvector)) terminations.append(d) transitions.append( self.cosine_similarity(np.zeros_like(fi), eigenvector)) terminations.append(True) a = np.argmax(transitions) # if a == 4: # d = True if a == 0: # up dy = 0.35 elif a == 1: # right dx = 0.35 elif a == 2: # down dy = -0.35 elif a == 3: # left dx = -0.35 if terminations[a] or np.all( transitions[a] == np.zeros_like( fi)): # termination circle = plt.Circle( (j + 0.5, self.config.input_size[0] - i + 0.5 - 1), 0.025, color='k') plt.gca().add_artist(circle) continue plt.arrow(j + 0.5, self.config.input_size[0] - i + 0.5 - 1, dx, dy, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.05, fc='k', ec='k') plt.xlim([0, self.config.input_size[1]]) plt.ylim([0, self.config.input_size[0]]) for i in range(self.config.input_size[1]): plt.axvline(i, color='k', linestyle=':') plt.axvline(self.config.input_size[1], color='k', linestyle=':') for j in range(self.config.input_size[0]): plt.axhline(j, color='k', linestyle=':') plt.axhline(self.config.input_size[0], color='k', linestyle=':') plt.savefig( os.path.join( self.summary_path, "SuccessorFeatures_" + prefix + 'policy.png')) plt.close()
# Create segment CD. C = ga.Point2D(5, 1, name='C') D = ga.Point2D(5, 4, name='D') CD = ga.Segment2D(C, D) # Plot the points and the segments. A.plot() B.plot() C.plot(offset=(0.2, 0)) D.plot(offset=(0.2, 0)) AB.plot() CD.plot() # Compute first intersection point. X, _, coords = AB.intersect_segment(CD, return_coords=True) = 'X' X.plot(color='red', offset=(0.2, 0.2)) print('Intersection point is on AB at parametric coordinate: {}'.format( coords[0])) print('Intersection point is on CD at parametric coordinate: {}'.format( coords[1])) # Adjust the plot. plt.axis('scaled') plt.xlim(1, 7) plt.ylim(0, 5) plt.grid()
def plot_rssi(self, port): self.count = 0 self.dt = 0.5 self.tlen = 120 # Generate mesh for plotting Y, X = np.mgrid[slice(0 - .5, 26 + 1.5, 1), slice(0 - self.dt / 2, self.tlen + 1 - self.dt / 2, self.dt)] Z = np.zeros_like(X) # X and Y are bounds, so Z should be the value *inside* those bounds. # Therefore, remove the last value from the Z array. Z = Z[:, :-1] logging.debug("Creating figure") fig = plt.figure() pcm = plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z, vmin=-128, vmax=0,'jet')) plt.xlim([0, self.tlen]) plt.ylim([0, 26]) plt.colorbar(label="Measured signal level [dB]") plt.ylabel("Channel number") plt.xlabel("Time [s]") plt.ion() logging.debug("Show plot window") ch_min = 26 ch_max = 0 last_update = time.time()"Begin collecting data from serial port") while True: line = port.readline().rstrip() pkt_data = re.match( r"\[([-+]?\d+),\s*([-+]?\d+),\s*([-+]?\d+)\]\s*(.*)", line.decode(errors='replace')) if pkt_data: now = time.time() try: iface_id = int( timestamp = int( count = int( tidx = int(timestamp / (self.dt * 1000000)) % (Z.shape[1]) except ValueError: continue logging.debug("data: tidx=%d if=%d t=%d", tidx, iface_id, timestamp) raw = resize = False for ch_ed in raw.split(","): try: pair = ch_ed.split(":") ch = int(pair[0]) ed = float(pair[1]) if ch < ch_min: ch_min = ch resize = True if ch > ch_max: ch_max = ch resize = True Z[ch, tidx] = ed except (ValueError, IndexError): continue #print("ch: %d ed: %d" % (ch, ed)) if resize: logging.debug("resize: %d %d" % (ch_min, ch_max)) plt.ylim([ch_min - .5, ch_max + .5]) if now > last_update + 1: last_update = now #pcm = plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z) pcm.set_array(Z.ravel()) pcm.autoscale() pcm.changed() plt.pause(0.01)
return lambda t: d*t + y if __name__ == '__main__': x0 = np.arange(-2, 2.5, 0.25) x1 = np.arange(-2, 2.5, 0.25) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x0, x1) X = X.flatten() Y = Y.flatten() grad = numerical_gradient(function_2, np.array([X, Y]).T).T plt.figure() plt.quiver(X, Y, -grad[0], -grad[1], angles="xy",color="#666666") plt.xlim([-2, 2]) plt.ylim([-2, 2]) plt.xlabel('x0') plt.ylabel('x1') plt.grid() plt.draw() ## Sequence Model ![](../images/lstm-many2one.png) ![](../images/lstm-many2many.png) - The following graph is taken from [Christopher Olah's blog post: Understanding LSTM Networks](
numbers = min_ind / 2. return numbers, min_val high_num, err_h = get_best_match(higher_img, numbers_base) low_num, err_l = get_best_match(lower_img, numbers_base) video_num = np.floor(high_num) * 10 + low_num video_num[25::25] = np.nan #%% plt.figure() lab_t, = plt.plot(np.diff(stamp), label='timestamp') dd = np.diff(video_num) dd[dd < -50] = np.nan lab_v, = plt.plot(dd * 20, label='video number') plt.xlim((0, 12000)) plt.ylim((0, 550)) plt.legend(handles=[lab_t, lab_v]) plt.xlabel('frame number') plt.ylabel('time difference (ms)') plt.xlim((1800, 2000)) #%% #plt.figure() #plt.imshow(lower_img[1328]-numbers_base[-1]) #plt.figure() #plt.imshow(higher_img[1328]-numbers_base[1])
tr = np.transpose import pandas as pd import json from import ExpDVR j = json.load(open("out/params.json")) dvr = ExpDVR(j["dvr_n"], j["dvr_x0"], j["dvr_xN"]) mass = j["mass"] nstate = j["nstate"] xs = np.array(pd.read_csv("out/xs.csv")["val"]) nx = len(xs) ws = pd.read_csv("out/ws.csv")["val"] ts = pd.read_csv("out/ts.csv")["val"] its = [0,20,40,60,80] for it in its: df = pd.read_csv("out/{0}/coef.csv".format(it)) tmp = np.array(df["re"] + 1j * df["im"]) coef = tmp.reshape((len(xs), nstate)) psi1 = coef[:,0] / np.sqrt(ws) psi2 = coef[:,1] / np.sqrt(ws) # pl, = plt.plot(xs, abs(psi1)**2, label="state 1") pl, = plt.plot(xs, psi1.real, label="state 1") plt.plot( xs, psi2.real, color=pl.get_color(), linestyle="--", label="state 2") plt.xlim(-11,11) plt.savefig("psi.pdf")
def cov_plot(self, matrix, station="", hour="", date="", averaged=""): """ Basic plot for the correlation matrix """ var = self.var_dics[self.var]['name'] fig, ax = plt.subplots() date = self.date_prettyfier(date) hour = str(hour).replace('0', '00:00').replace('1', '12:00') if not averaged: title = "Stat: " + station + ', H: ' + hour + ', Date: ' + date + ', ' + var filename = 'Cov_' + station + '_hour_' + hour.replace( ':', '') + '_date_' + str(date).replace('/', '') + '_' + var elif averaged: title = var.replace( 'temp', 'Temp.') + " , Stat: " + station + ', H: ' + str( hour) + ', Date: ' + str(date) filename = 'Cov_' + station + '_hour_' + str(hour).replace( ':', '') + '_averaged_' + str(date).replace('/', '') + '_' + var plt.title(title.replace('_', ' '), y=1.03, fontsize=self.font - 2) num = len(matrix[0, :]) Num = range(num) vmin, vmax = -3, 3 if self.var == 'direction': vmin, vmax = -10, 10 color_map = plt.imshow( matrix, interpolation='nearest', cmap='RdYlBu', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax ) # nearest serves for discreete grid # cmaps blue, seismic plt.ylim(-0.5, 15.5) plt.xlim(-0.5, 15.5) plt.xticks(Num, Num) plt.xlabel('Pressure level an_dep [hPa]', fontsize=self.font - 2) plt.yticks(Num, Num) plt.ylabel('Pressure level fg_dep [hPa]', fontsize=self.font - 2) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=self.pretty_pressure, fontsize=self.font - 4, rotation=45) ax.set_yticklabels(labels=self.pretty_pressure, fontsize=self.font - 4) bar = plt.colorbar()"Covariance", fontsize=self.font) for i in Num: # creating text labels for j in Num: value = '{0:.2f}'.format(matrix[i, j]) text = ax.text(j, i, value, ha='center', va='center', color='black', fontsize=5) if not os.path.isdir('plots/covariances/' + station): os.mkdir('plots/covariances/' + station) plt.savefig('plots/covariances/' + station + '/' + filename + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200) plt.close()
**{ 'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica'] }) plt.rc('xtick.major', pad=10) plt.rc('xtick.minor', pad=10) plt.rc('ytick.major', pad=10) plt.rc('ytick.minor', pad=10) #rfull,xifull = np.loadtxt('../s2_out.dat',usecols=(0,1),unpack=True) plt.plot(lr, np.log10(np.abs(xir)), linewidth=1.5, c='b', label=r'$\sigma_2^2(r)$ Gaussian (spline)') plt.plot(lr, np.log10(np.abs(xir2)), linewidth=1.5, c='m', label=r'$\sigma_2^2(r)$ TH (Romberg)') plt.ylim(-10.0, 8.0) plt.xlim(-0.99, 2.5) #plt.xlim(8.0,16.0); plt.xlabel(r'\textbf{$\log_{10}(R/\rm Mpc)$}', labelpad=5) plt.ylabel(r'$\log_{10}(\sigma^2_2(R))$', labelpad=10) plt.title('power spectrum moment', fontsize=16) plt.legend(loc='upper right')
io.quit() # Calculate measures of interest from collected data txtimes = results[:, 0] expe2edelay = results[:, 1] rxtimes = results[:, 2] e2edelays = rxtimes - txtimes msgintervals = txtimes[1:] - txtimes[:-1] mintime = min(txtimes.min(), rxtimes.min()) maxtime = max(txtimes.max(), rxtimes.max()) statstr = "Min: %.3f, Max: %.3f, Mean: %.3f, Std: %.3f" rtdstats = statstr % (e2edelays.min(), e2edelays.max(), e2edelays.mean(), e2edelays.std()) expstats = statstr % (expe2edelay.min(), expe2edelay.max(), expe2edelay.mean(), expe2edelay.std()) # Plot the results. from matplotlib import pylab as pl pl.xlim(mintime - 1.0, maxtime + 1.0) pl.plot(txtimes, e2edelays, label="ioHub") pl.plot(txtimes, expe2edelay, label="Experiment") pl.xlabel("Time (msec)") pl.ylabel("Round Trip Delay (msec)") pl.legend() pl.title("ioHub-ioSync Delay:: %s\nPsychoPy-ioSync Delay:: %s" % (rtdstats, expstats))
def outliers_example(self, corr='', out='', date='', N='', lower='', upper='', median='', flag='', upper_s='', lower_s='', station='', what=''): pressure = self.pretty_pressure_dic[str(self.an_p)] var = self.var_dics[self.var]['name'] hour = str(self.hour).replace('0', '00:00').replace('1', '12:00') plt.title(var + ' ' + what + ' Outliers - Stat: ' + station + ', H: ' + hour + ', P: ' + pressure + ' [hPa]', y=1.03) corr_ = [n for n in corr if not np.isnan(n)] out_ = [n for n in out if not np.isnan(n)] num_a = '{:.1f}'.format(len(corr_) / len(out_ + corr_) * 100) num_o = '{:.1f}'.format(len(out_) / len(out_ + corr_) * 100) plt.scatter(date, corr, label='Accepted [' + num_a + '%]', color='cyan', s=3) plt.scatter(date, out, label='Outliers [' + num_o + '%]', color='black', s=3) X = [min(date), max(date)] plt.plot(X, [lower, lower], label='Lower', color='blue', ls='--') plt.plot(X, [upper, upper], label='Upper', color='red', ls='--') # adding the upper and lower values for skewed distributions plt.plot(X, [lower_s, lower_s], label='Lower Skewed', color='blue', ls='-') plt.plot(X, [upper_s, upper_s], label='Upper Skewed', color='red', ls='-') plt.plot(X, [median, median], label='Median [' + '{:.1f}'.format(median) + ']', color='black', ls='--') plt.legend(fontsize=self.font - 6, loc='upper right', ncol=2) plt.grid(linestyle=':', color='lightgray', lw=1.2) plt.ylabel('Departure ' + self.var_dics[self.var]['units'], fontsize=self.font) plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=self.font) plt.xticks(rotation=45) out_c = [n for n in out if not np.isnan(n)] corr_c = [n for n in corr if not np.isnan(n)] plt.xlim(min(date) - 1 / 365, max(date) + 1 / 365) plt.ylim(-10, 10) plt.savefig('plots/outliers/outliers_' + flag + '_' + str(N) + '_date_' + str(min(date)) + '_hour_' + self.hour + '_' + self.var + '_anp_' + str(self.an_p) + '_fgp_' + str(self.fg_p) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
# Save the frequencies and smoothened spectral heat currents to text file np.savetxt('frequencies_and_ITC.txt', np.column_stack( (x_Frequency, y_ITC))) np.savetxt('frequencies_accumulated_ITC.txt', np.column_stack((x_Frequency, accumulated_ITC))) # *************************** Plotting ************************* (It can be reduced to a graph function) # Phonon transmission T(w) plt.plot(x_Frequency, T_w, '-', linewidth=3, label="Interfacial Phonon Transmission") plt.xlabel('w/(2*pi) (THz)') plt.ylabel('Transmission') plt.xlim(0, max(x_Frequency)) # Frequency range plt.ylim(0, max(T_w) + 5) # It depends on your case plt.legend(fontsize=15, loc='best') plt.savefig(fileprefix + '_Tw.eps') # Spectral thermal conductance plt.plot(x_Frequency, y_ITC, '-', linewidth=3, label="Spectral thermal conductance") plt.xlabel('w/(2*pi) (THz)') plt.ylabel('G(w) (GW/m^2/K/THz)') plt.xlim(0, max(x_Frequency)) # Frequency range plt.ylim(0, max(y_ITC) + (max(y_ITC) / 2)) # It depends on your case
xx = np.zeros(nrun) yy = np.zeros(nrun) xx[0] = 0.5 yy[0] = 0.0 for irun in range(1, nrun): if np.mod(irun, 10000) == 0: print(irun) rand = random.random() if rand < 0.02: xx[irun] = 0.5 yy[irun] = 0.27 * yy[irun - 1] elif rand >= 0.02 and rand < 0.17: xx[irun] = -0.139 * xx[irun - 1] + 0.263 * yy[irun - 1] + 0.57 yy[irun] = 0.246 * xx[irun - 1] + 0.224 * yy[irun - 1] - 0.036 elif rand >= 0.17 and rand < 0.3: xx[irun] = 0.17 * xx[irun - 1] - 0.215 * yy[irun - 1] + 0.408 yy[irun] = 0.222 * xx[irun - 1] + 0.176 * yy[irun - 1] - 0.0893 else: xx[irun] = 0.781 * xx[irun - 1] + 0.034 * yy[irun - 1] + 0.1075 yy[irun] = -0.032 * xx[irun - 1] + 0.739 * yy[irun - 1] + 0.27 pl.plot(xx, yy, 's', markersize=1) pl.xlim(0, 1) pl.ylim(0, 1) pl.xlabel(r'X', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel(r'Y', fontsize=20)