def add_sub_plot(sub_num): plt.subplot(1,1,1) rbf = scipy.interpolate.Rbf(x, y, z, function='linear') zi = rbf(xi, yi) #io parameter interpolation rbf2 = scipy.interpolate.Rbf(xio, yio, zio, function='linear') zion = rbf2(xion, yion) #our contours. Teal for .2 dex and black for 1 dex contour = plt.contour(xi,yi,zi, levels, colors='r', linestyles = 'dashed') contour2 = plt.contour(xi,yi,zi, levels2, colors='k', linewidths=1.5) contour3 = plt.contour(xion,yion, zion, levelsio, colors='c', linewidths = 3) plt.clabel(contour2, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt='%1.1f') plt.clabel(contour3, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt='%1.1f') #print the max values right on the plots #plt.scatter(max_values[0,2], max_values[0,3], c ='k',marker = '*', s = 1000) #plt.annotate(max_values[0,0], xy= (max_values[0,2], max_values[0,3]), xytext = (5, -30), textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'left', va = 'bottom', fontsize=15) #axis limits yt_min = 8 yt_max = 17 xt_min = 0 xt_max = 6 plt.ylim(yt_min,yt_max) plt.xlim(xt_min,xt_max) plt.yticks(arange(yt_min,yt_max+1,1),fontsize=16) plt.xticks(arange(xt_min,xt_max+1,1), fontsize = 16) plt.ylabel('Log ($ \phi _{\mathrm{H}} $)', fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('Log($n _{\mathrm{H}} $)', fontsize=18)
def do_plot(mode, content, wide): global style style.apply(mode, content, wide) data = np.load("data/prr_AsAu_%s%s.npz"%(content, wide)) AU, TAU = np.meshgrid(-data["Au_range_dB"], data["tau_range"]) Zu = data["PRR_U"] Zs = data["PRR_S"] assert TAU.shape == AU.shape == Zu.shape, "The inputs TAU, AU, PRR_U must have the same shape for plotting!" plt.clf() if mode in ("sync",): # Plot the inverse power ratio, sync signal is stronger for positive ratios CSf = plt.contourf(TAU, AU, Zs, levels=(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0), colors=("1.0", "0.75", "0.5", "0.25", "0.15", "0.0"), origin="lower") CS2 = plt.contour(CSf, colors = ("r",)*5+("w",), linewidths=(0.75,)*5+(1.0,), origin="lower", hold="on") else: CSf = plt.contourf(TAU, AU, Zs, levels=(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0), colors=("1.0", "0.75", "0.5", "0.25", "0.15", "0.0"), origin="lower") CS2f = plt.contour(CSf, levels=(0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0), colors=4*("r",)+("w",), linewidths=(0.75,)*4+(1.0,), origin="lower", hold="on") #CS2f = plt.contour(TAU, -AU, Zu, levels=(0.9, 1.0), colors=("0.0",), linewidths=(1.0,), origin="lower", hold="on") if content in ("unif",): CSu = plt.contourf(TAU, AU, Zu, levels=(0.2, 1.0), hatches=("////",), colors=("0.75",), origin="lower") CS2 = plt.contour(CSu, levels=(0.2,), colors = ("r",), linewidths=(1.0,), origin="lower", hold="on") style.annotate(mode, content, wide) plt.axis([data["tau_range"][0], data["tau_range"][-1], -data["Au_range_dB"][-1], -data["Au_range_dB"][0]]) plt.ylabel(r"Signal power ratio ($\mathrm{SIR}$)", labelpad=2) plt.xlabel(r"Time offset $\tau$ ($/T$)", labelpad=2) plt.savefig("pdf/prrc2_%s_%s%s_z.pdf"%(mode, content, wide))
def __call__(self,bz,b2): phi = np.zeros_like(bz) dx = self.sim.xmx / self.sim.nx for i in range(1,self.sim.nx-1): phi[:,:,i] = phi[:,:,i-2] - 2 * dx * bz[:,:,i-1] if(self.focused == True): centerz = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(b2),b2.shape)[0] width = phi.shape[2]; if(centerz < width/2+1): phi = phi[0:width,:,:] else: phi = phi[centerz-width/2:centerz+width/2,:,:] phi = phi - phi.min() m = np.log(np.max(phi)) levels = np.arange(m,m-3,-3./30) plt.contour(np.log(phi[:,0,:]),levels) #plt.imshow(phi[:,0,:],origin=0) #plt.colorbar() plt.axis('tight')
def plot_likelihood_overspace(info, session, task_labels, colours, filepath=None): for task_label in task_labels: zones = getattr(session, task_label).zones likelihood = np.nanmean(np.array(getattr(session, task_label).likelihoods), axis=(0, 1)) likelihood[np.isnan(likelihood)] = 0 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(info.xedges, info.yedges) xcenters, ycenters = get_bin_centers(info) xxx, yyy = np.meshgrid(xcenters, ycenters) maze_highlight = "#fed976" plt.plot(session.position.x, session.position.y, ".", color=maze_highlight, ms=1, alpha=0.2) pp = plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, likelihood, cmap='bone_r') for label in ["u", "shortcut", "novel"]: plt.contour(xxx, yyy, zones[label], levels=0, linewidths=2, colors=colours[label]) plt.colorbar(pp) plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() if filepath is not None: filename = info.session_id + "_" + task_label + "_likelihoods-overspace.png" plt.savefig(os.path.join(filepath, filename)) plt.close() else:
def plot_haxby(activation, title): z = 25 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 5.4)) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0., top=1., left=0., right=1.) plt.axis('off') # pl.title('SVM vectors') plt.imshow(mean_img[:, 4:58, z].T,, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.imshow(activation[:, 4:58, z].T,, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') mask_house = nib.load(h.mask_house[0]).get_data() mask_face = nib.load(h.mask_face[0]).get_data() plt.contour(mask_house[:, 4:58, z].astype(np.bool).T, contours=1, antialiased=False, linewidths=4., levels=[0], interpolation='nearest', colors=['blue'], origin='lower') plt.contour(mask_face[:, 4:58, z].astype(np.bool).T, contours=1, antialiased=False, linewidths=4., levels=[0], interpolation='nearest', colors=['limegreen'], origin='lower') p_h = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="blue") p_f = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="limegreen") plt.legend([p_h, p_f], ["house", "face"]) plt.title(title, x=.05, ha='left', y=.90, color='w', size=28)
def plot_fgmax_grid(): fg = fgmax_tools.FGmaxGrid() fg.read_input_data('fgmax_grid1.txt') fg.read_output() #clines_zeta = [0.01] + list(numpy.linspace(0.05,0.3,6)) + [0.5,1.0,10.0] clines_zeta = [0.001] + list(numpy.linspace(0.05,0.25,10)) colors = geoplot.discrete_cmap_1(clines_zeta) plt.figure(1) plt.clf() zeta = numpy.where(fg.B>0, fg.h, fg.h+fg.B) # surface elevation in ocean plt.contourf(fg.X,fg.Y,zeta,clines_zeta,colors=colors) plt.colorbar() plt.contour(fg.X,fg.Y,fg.B,[0.],colors='k') # coastline # plot arrival time contours and label: arrival_t = fg.arrival_time/3600. # arrival time in hours #clines_t = numpy.linspace(0,8,17) # hours clines_t = numpy.linspace(0,2,5) # hours #clines_t_label = clines_t[::2] # which ones to label clines_t_label = clines_t[::1] # which ones to label clines_t_colors = ([.5,.5,.5],) con_t = plt.contour(fg.X,fg.Y,arrival_t, clines_t,colors=clines_t_colors) plt.clabel(con_t, clines_t_label) # fix axes: plt.ticklabel_format(format='plain',useOffset=False) plt.xticks(rotation=20) plt.gca().set_aspect(1./numpy.cos(fg.Y.mean()*numpy.pi/180.)) plt.title("Maximum amplitude / arrival times (hrs)")
def region_images(self, save_name=None, percentile=80.): ''' Creates saved PDF plots of several quantities/images. ''' if self.verbose: pass else: threshold = scoreatpercentile(self.image[~np.isnan(self.image)], percentile) p.imshow(self.image, vmax=threshold, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest") p.contour(self.mask) p.title("".join([save_name," Contours at ", str(round(threshold))])) p.savefig("".join([save_name,"_filaments.pdf"])) p.close() ## Skeletons masked_image = self.image * self.mask skel_points = np.where(self.skeleton==1) for i in range(len(skel_points[0])): masked_image[skel_points[0][i],skel_points[1][i]] = np.NaN p.imshow(masked_image, vmax=threshold, interpolation=None, origin="lower") p.savefig("".join([save_name,"_skeletons.pdf"])) p.close() return self
def VisualizeData(X, mu, sigma): """ plot the data in X along with the fit. Note that X is a two column vector :param X: :param mu: :param sigma: :return: """ np.seterr(over='ignore') x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 35, 0.5), np.arange(0, 35, 0.5)) z1 = np.asarray(x1).reshape(-1) mat = np.zeros([len(z1), 2]) mat[:, 0] = np.asarray(x1).reshape(-1) mat[:, 1] = np.asarray(x2).reshape(-1) Z = MultivariateGaussian(mat, mu, sigma) Z = np.reshape(Z, np.shape(x1)) x = [10 ** x for x in np.arange(-20, 0, 3)] plt.figure(1) plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=None, s=25, alpha=None, marker="+") plt.contour(x1, x2, Z, x)
def steepVsConj(): Q = np.array([[1.,0], [0,10.]]) b = np.array([0.,0.]) def f(pt): return .5*(pt* - (b*pt).sum() #pts = [np.array([1.5,1.5]), np.array([1.,1.]), np.array([.5,.5])] x0 = np.array([5.,.5]) pts = steepestDescent(Q, b, x0, niter=20) Q = np.array([[1.,0], [0,10.]]) b = np.array([0.,0.]) x0 = np.array([5.,.5]) pts2 = conjugateGradient(Q, b, x0) dom = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100) X, Y = np.meshgrid(dom, dom) Z = np.empty(X.shape) for i in xrange(X.shape[0]): for j in xrange(X.shape[1]): pt = np.array([X[i,j], Y[i,j]]) Z[i,j] = f(pt) vals = np.empty(len(pts)) for i in xrange(len(pts)): vals[i] = f(pts[i]) plt.contour(X,Y,Z, vals[:5], colors='gray') plt.plot(np.array(pts)[:,0],np.array(pts)[:,1], '*-') plt.plot(np.array(pts2)[:,0],np.array(pts2)[:,1], '*-') plt.savefig('steepVsConj.pdf') plt.clf()
def plot_mv_normal(mu, covarianceMatrix, xmin=-5, xmax=5, ymin=-5, ymax=5, resolution=50): X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, resolution), numpy.linspace(ymin, ymax, resolution)) # 2d array to store mv_normal pdf values pdfv = numpy.zeros(X.shape) # calculate pdf values at each X,Y location for i in range(X.shape[0]): for j in range(X.shape[1]): pdfv[i][j] = mv_normal(numpy.array([X[i][j], Y[i][j]]), mu, covarianceMatrix) # Contour plot plt.figure() plt.contour(X, Y, pdfv) plt.xlabel(r'$x$') plt.ylabel(r'$y$') # Surface plot fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, pdfv, rstride=1, cstride=1,, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) plt.xlabel('$x$') plt.ylabel('$y$') fig.colorbar(surf)
def VisualizeFit(Xval, pval, epsilon, mu, sigma): """ Visualize the fitter data :param Xval: the validation data set (only the first two columns are used) :param pval: A vector containing probabilities for example data in Xval :param mu: Estimate for the mean, using the training data :param sigma: Estimate for the variance, using the training data :return: """ np.seterr(over='ignore') x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 35, 0.5), np.arange(0, 35, 0.5)) z1 = np.asarray(x1).reshape(-1) mat = np.zeros([len(z1), 2]) mat[:, 0] = np.asarray(x1).reshape(-1) mat[:, 1] = np.asarray(x2).reshape(-1) Z = MultivariateGaussian(mat, mu, sigma) Z = np.reshape(Z, np.shape(x1)) x = [10 ** x for x in np.arange(-20, 0, 3)] plt.figure(1) plt.scatter(Xval[:, 0], Xval[:, 1], c=None, s=25, alpha=None, marker="+") points = np.where(pval < epsilon) plt.scatter(Xval[:, 0][points], Xval[:, 1][points], s=50, marker='+', color='red') plt.contour(x1, x2, Z, x)
def multiple_optima(gene_number=937, resolution=80, model_restarts=10, seed=10000, max_iters=300, optimize=True, plot=True): """ Show an example of a multimodal error surface for Gaussian process regression. Gene 939 has bimodal behaviour where the noisy mode is higher. """ # Contour over a range of length scales and signal/noise ratios. length_scales = np.linspace(0.1, 60., resolution) log_SNRs = np.linspace(-3., 4., resolution) try:import pods except ImportError: print('pods unavailable, see for example datasets') return data = pods.datasets.della_gatta_TRP63_gene_expression(data_set='della_gatta',gene_number=gene_number) # data['Y'] = data['Y'][0::2, :] # data['X'] = data['X'][0::2, :] data['Y'] = data['Y'] - np.mean(data['Y']) lls = GPy.examples.regression._contour_data(data, length_scales, log_SNRs, GPy.kern.RBF) if plot: pb.contour(length_scales, log_SNRs, np.exp(lls), 20, ax = pb.gca() pb.xlabel('length scale') pb.ylabel('log_10 SNR') xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() # Now run a few optimizations models = [] optim_point_x = np.empty(2) optim_point_y = np.empty(2) np.random.seed(seed=seed) for i in range(0, model_restarts): # kern = GPy.kern.RBF(1, variance=np.random.exponential(1.), lengthscale=np.random.exponential(50.)) kern = GPy.kern.RBF(1, variance=np.random.uniform(1e-3, 1), lengthscale=np.random.uniform(5, 50)) m = GPy.models.GPRegression(data['X'], data['Y'], kernel=kern) m.likelihood.variance = np.random.uniform(1e-3, 1) optim_point_x[0] = m.rbf.lengthscale optim_point_y[0] = np.log10(m.rbf.variance) - np.log10(m.likelihood.variance); # optimize if optimize: m.optimize('scg', xtol=1e-6, ftol=1e-6, max_iters=max_iters) optim_point_x[1] = m.rbf.lengthscale optim_point_y[1] = np.log10(m.rbf.variance) - np.log10(m.likelihood.variance); if plot: pb.arrow(optim_point_x[0], optim_point_y[0], optim_point_x[1] - optim_point_x[0], optim_point_y[1] - optim_point_y[0], label=str(i), head_length=1, head_width=0.5, fc='k', ec='k') models.append(m) if plot: ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) return m # (models, lls)
def PlotDecisionBoundary(predictor, train_data, test_data): x1 = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) x2 = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) x1,x2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x2) y = np.zeros_like(x1) m,n = y.shape for i in range(m): for j in range(n): y[i,j] = predictor.Classify([x1[i,j], x2[i,j]]) # now do plots train_pos = train_data[:,2] == 1 train_neg = train_data[:,2] == -1 test_pos = test_data[:,2] == 1 test_neg = test_data[:,2] == -1 plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)) plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(train_data[train_pos,0], train_data[train_pos,1], 'r+') plt.plot(train_data[train_neg,0], train_data[train_neg,1], 'b+') plt.contour(x1, x2, y, levels=[0]) plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.xlabel(r'$x_1$', fontsize=20) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.ylabel(r'$x_2$', fontsize=20) plt.title('Decision boundary overimposed on training data', fontsize=15) plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(test_data[test_pos,0], test_data[test_pos,1], 'r+') plt.plot(test_data[test_neg,0], test_data[test_neg,1], 'b+') plt.contour(x1, x2, y, levels=[0]) plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.xlabel(r'$x_1$', fontsize=20) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.ylabel(r'$x_2$', fontsize=20) plt.title('Decision boundary overimposed on test data', fontsize=15) plt.tight_layout()
def MonotoneRegion(): matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out' matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out' delta = 0.025 w2 = np.arange(-5.0, 5.0, delta) a = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, delta) W2, A = np.meshgrid(w2, a) LAM_cc = -1. + 5.*(A**2.) - np.sqrt(1. + A**4. + 2.*(A**2.)*(-1. + 8.*(W2**2.))) # They're actually the same boundary!!!! # solve for when square root above is less than b^2 and you get same as below, LAM_eg LAM_eg = -1. + 3.*(A**2.) - 2.*(W2**2.) # You can force all the contours to be the same color. plt.figure() CS = plt.contour(W2, A, LAM_cc, 10, colors='k', # negative contours will be dashed by default ) plt.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1) plt.title('Monotone Region: Crossing the Curl') plt.savefig('monregion_cc.png') plt.close() plt.figure() CS = plt.contour(W2, A, LAM_eg, 10, colors='k', # negative contours will be dashed by default ) plt.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1) plt.title('Monotone Region: Extragradient') plt.savefig('monregion_eg.png') plt.close()
def mapplot(xpos,ypos,z,nsteps=50): #ncontours=15 xmin,xmax=xpos.min(),xpos.max() ymin,ymax=ypos.min(),ypos.max() xi=numpy.linspace(xmin,xmax,nsteps) yi=numpy.linspace(ymin,ymax,nsteps) nplots=z.shape[0] nrows,ncols=nrows_ncols_from_nplots(nplots) # Default 'nn' interpolation of griddata requires package mpl_toolkits.natgrid, currently py2 only try: import mpl_toolkits.natgrid interpolation = 'nn' except ImportError: interpolation = 'linear' for thisplot in range(0,nplots): # cf. zi=mlab.griddata(xpos,ypos,z[thisplot],xi,yi,interp=interpolation) # Don't mess with arranging plots on a page if we only have a single plot... if nplots>1: plt.subplot(nrows,ncols,thisplot+1) # pcolormesh is described to be much faster than pcolor # Note that the default for edgecolors appears to be 'None' resulting in transparent lines between faces... gplot=plt.pcolormesh(xi,yi,zi,norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax),shading='flat',edgecolors='face',antialiaseds=False) #gplot=plt.contourf(g,ncontours) #plt.scatter(xpos,ypos,marker='o',c='black',s=5) # Draw sample points if isolines: plt.contour(xi,yi,zi,isolines,colors='black',linestyles='solid') gplot.axes.set_axis_off() gplot.axes.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) gplot.axes.set_ylim(ymin,ymax)
def plot(self, trajectories=[], bold=[]): fig, ax = plt.subplots() if self._states is not None: plt.imshow(self._states, extent=self.extent, cmap="Blues", interpolation='nearest', vmin=0.0, vmax=2.0, aspect='auto') if self._pes is not None: plt.contour(self.X, self.Y, self._pes, levels=self.contour_range, colors='k') if self._interfaces is not None: for iface in self._interfaces: plt.contour(self.X, self.Y, iface, colors='r', interpolation='none', levels=[0.5]) if self._initcond is not None: ax.plot(self._initcond.coordinates[0,0], self._initcond.coordinates[0,1], 'ro', zorder=3) for traj in bold: plt.plot([:,0,0],[:,0,1], self.repcolordict[bold.index(traj)], linewidth=2, zorder=1) for traj in trajectories: plt.plot([:,0,0],[:,0,1], self.repcolordict[trajectories.index(traj) % 5], zorder=2) return fig
def contourRegrid(l,S,limits,time,before,lvls=[],vlims=[]): plt.close() def makeplot(): # plt.clabel(ph, inline=1, fontsize=10) # plt.axis('equal') plt.axis(limits) if before: plt.title(str+' before regridding, time = %03f' % time) fname = os.path.expanduser('~/VEsims/') + str +'Regridding%02dBefore.pdf' % int(round(time)) else: plt.title(str+' after regridding, time = %03f' % time) fname = os.path.expanduser('~/VEsims/') + str +'Regridding%02dRegrid.pdf' % int(round(time)) plt.savefig(fname) ph=plt.contour(l[:,:,0],l[:,:,1],S[:,:,0,0],levels=lvls[0]) # ph = plt.pcolor(l[:,:,0],l[:,:,1],S[:,:,0,0],vmin=vlims[0],vmax=vlims[1], plt.colorbar(ph) str='S11' makeplot() plt.clf() ph=plt.contour(l[:,:,0],l[:,:,1],S[:,:,1,1],levels=lvls[1]) # ph = plt.pcolor(l[:,:,0],l[:,:,1],S[:,:,1,1],vmin=vlims[2],vmax=vlims[3], plt.colorbar(ph) str='S22' makeplot() plt.close()
def plot_dist(z, dz, om, dom, dist, dh, name, mathname, filename=None): """ Make a 2-D plot of a distance versus redshift (x) and matter density (y). """ # Grid of redshift and matter density values. x, y = numpy.meshgrid(z, om) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(dist / dh, extent=(z.min() - dz / 2., z.max() + dz / 2., om.max() + dom / 2., om.min() - dom / 2.), interpolation='nearest', aspect=z.max() / om.max(), cmap=cm.Spectral ) cb = pylab.colorbar()'$' + mathname + '/D_H$') pylab.contour(x, y, dist / dh, 10, colors='k') pylab.xlim(z.min(), z.max()) pylab.ylim(om.min(), om.max()) pylab.xlabel("Redshift z") pylab.ylabel(r"$\Omega_M = 1 - \Omega_\lambda$") pylab.title(name) if filename is not None: prefix, extension = filename.split('.') pylab.savefig(prefix + '_' + mathname + '.' + extension, bbox_inches="tight")
def animate(i): new_x = (random() - .5) * 4 new_y = (random() - .5) * 4 point_class = get_point_class(new_x, new_y) if point_class == -1: add_new_point(new_x, new_y, inside_x_points, inside_y_points, inside, -1) elif point_class == 1: add_new_point(new_x, new_y, outside_x_points, outside_y_points, outside, 1) else: return inside, outside if len(inside_x_points) == 0 or len(outside_x_points) == 0: return inside, outside perceptron_output['data'] = process_perceptron_output(perceptron_output['data']) new_a = array(perceptron_output['data'][0:3]) new_b = array(perceptron_output['data'][3:6]) new_c = perceptron_output['data'][6] plt.gca().clear() plt.contour(x, y[:,None].ravel(), get_eq(x, y, a, b, c), [0], colors='r') plt.contour(x, y[:,None].ravel(), get_eq(x, y, new_a, new_b, new_c), [0], colors='b') ax.plot(inside_x_points, inside_y_points, 'ro') ax.plot(outside_x_points, outside_y_points, 'bo') plt.draw() return inside, outside
def three_d_contour(file,show): xloc = raw_input("xlocation(two_d_initial_x_value.txt):") or "two_d_initial_x_value.txt" yloc = raw_input("ylocation(two_d_initial_y_value.txt):") or "two_d_initial_y_value.txt" uloc = raw_input("ulocation(two_d_cavity_u_results.txt):") or "two_d_cavity_u_results.txt" vloc = raw_input("vlocation(two_d_cavity_v_results.txt):") or "two_d_cavity_v_results.txt" ploc = raw_input("plocation(two_d_cavity_p_results.txt):") or "two_d_cavity_p_results.txt" u=np.loadtxt(uloc) v=np.loadtxt(vloc) p=np.loadtxt(ploc) X=np.loadtxt(xloc) Y=np.loadtxt(yloc) X,Y=np.meshgrid(X,Y) # print X,Y fig = plt.figure() plt.contourf(X,Y,p,alpha=0.5) ###plnttong the pressure field as a contour plt.colorbar() plt.contour(X,Y,p) ###plotting the pressure field outlines plt.quiver(X[::3,::3],Y[::3,::3],u[::3,::3],v[::3,::3]) ##plotting velocity plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y') plt.title(file) sep = '.' filename = file.split(sep, 1)[0] plt.savefig(filename+'.png') # save figure as .png file if show: # print('test') plt.close(fig)
def test(self): xlim=[-2.0,2.0] ylim=[-2.0,2.0] resol = 0.025 sample_x = np.arange(-2.0,2.0,resol) sample_y = np.arange(-2.0,2.0,resol) sample_X, sample_Y = np.meshgrid(sample_x, sample_y) sample_XX = np.hstack([sample_X.reshape(sample_X.size,1),sample_Y.reshape(sample_Y.size,1)]) sample_Z1 = np.exp(self.gmm_0.score(sample_XX)) sample_Z2 = np.exp(self.gmm_1.score(sample_XX)) plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(121, aspect='equal') CS = plt.contour(sample_X, sample_Y, sample_Z1.reshape(sample_X.shape)) plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) ax2 = plt.subplot(122, aspect='equal') CS = plt.contour(sample_X, sample_Y, sample_Z2.reshape(sample_X.shape)) plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) ax1.set_xlim(xlim) ax1.set_ylim(ylim) ax2.set_xlim(xlim) ax2.set_ylim(ylim) #print gmm_1.get_params(deep=True) print self.gmm_0.weights_ print self.gmm_0.means_ print self.gmm_0.covars_
def test_contour_heatmap(): from scipy.interpolate import griddata from matplotlib import pyplot as plt mesh3D = mesh(200) mesh2D = proj_to_2D(mesh3D) data = np.zeros((3,3)) data[0,1] += 2 vals = np.exp(log_dirichlet_density(mesh3D,2.,data=data.sum(0))) temp = log_censored_dirichlet_density(mesh3D,2.,data=data) censored_vals = np.exp(temp - temp.max()) xi = np.linspace(-1,1,1000) yi = np.linspace(-0.5,1,1000) plt.figure() plt.contour(griddata((mesh2D[:,0],mesh2D[:,1]),vals,(xi[None,:],yi[:,None]), method='cubic')) plt.axis('off') plt.title('uncensored likelihood') plt.figure() plt.contour(griddata((mesh2D[:,0],mesh2D[:,1]),censored_vals,(xi[None,:],yi[:,None]),method='cubic')) plt.axis('off') plt.title('censored likelihood')
def visualCost(X,y,theta): theta0_vals = np.linspace(-10, 10, 500) theta1_vals = np.linspace(-1, 4, 500) J_vals = np.zeros((len(theta0_vals),len(theta1_vals))) for i, elem0 in enumerate(theta0_vals): for j, elem1 in enumerate(theta1_vals): theta_vals = np.array([[elem0], [elem1]]) J_vals[i, j] = computeCost(X, y, theta_vals) theta0_vals, theta1_vals = np.meshgrid(theta0_vals,theta1_vals) J_vals = J_vals.T #surface plot fig4 = plt.figure() ax = fig4.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(theta0_vals, theta1_vals, J_vals, cmap=cm.jet) ax.view_init(azim = 180+40,elev = 25) plt.xlabel("theta_0") plt.ylabel("theta_1") plt.savefig("cost3D.pdf") #contour plot plt.figure(5) plt.contour(theta0_vals, theta1_vals, J_vals, levels=np.logspace(-2, 3, 20)) plt.scatter(theta[0,0], theta[1,0], c='r', marker='x', s=20, linewidths=1) # mark converged minimum plt.xlim([-10, 10]) plt.ylim([-1, 4]) plt.xlabel("theta_0") plt.ylabel("theta_1") plt.savefig("costContour.pdf")
def visualize_fit(X, mu_vec, var_vec): """ Plots dataset and estimated Gaussian distribution. Args: X: Matrix of features. mu_vec: Vector of mean values of features. var_vec: Vector of variances of features. Returns: None. """ pyplot.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=80, marker='x', color='b') pyplot.ylabel('Throughput (mb/s)', fontsize=18) pyplot.xlabel('Latency (ms)', fontsize=18) pyplot.hold(True) u_vals = numpy.linspace(0, 35, num=71) v_vals = numpy.linspace(0, 35, num=71) z_vals = numpy.zeros((u_vals.shape[0], v_vals.shape[0])) for u_index in range(0, u_vals.shape[0]): for v_index in range(0, v_vals.shape[0]): z_vals[u_index, v_index] = ( multivariate_gaussian(numpy.c_[u_vals[u_index], v_vals[v_index]], mu_vec, var_vec)) z_vals_trans = numpy.transpose(z_vals) u_vals_x, v_vals_y = numpy.meshgrid(u_vals, v_vals) z_vals_reshape = z_vals_trans.reshape(u_vals_x.shape) exp_seq = numpy.linspace(-20, 1, num=8) pow_exp_seq = numpy.power(10, exp_seq) pyplot.contour(u_vals, v_vals, z_vals_reshape, pow_exp_seq) pyplot.hold(False) return None
def plot2(X,Y,beta): #function to plot non linear decison boundary for i in range(1,X.shape[0]): if Y[i] == 1: plt.plot(X[i][1],X[i][2],'rs') else: plt.plot(X[i][1],X[i][2],'bs') #Here is the grid range #50 values btw -1 and 1.5 u = np.linspace(-1, 1.5, 50); v = np.linspace(-1, 1.5, 50); z = np.zeros((len(u), len(v))); #Evaluate z = theta*x over the grid #decision boundary is given by theta*x = 0 for i in range(0,len(u)): for j in range(1,len(v)): temp = np.matrix([u[i],v[j]]) z[i,j] = mapFeatures(temp,6)*beta; z = z.T; # important to transpose z before calling contour #Plot z = 0 #Notice you need to specify the range [0, 0] plt.contour(u, v, z, [0, 0])
def gaussFit(data, inix=0, iniy=0, amp=1.): xv = np.linspace(np.max(data.xaxis), np.min(data.xaxis), data.xaxis.shape[0]) yv = np.linspace(np.min(data.yaxis), np.max(data.yaxis), data.yaxis.shape[0]) x, y = np.meshgrid(xv, yv) p_init = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=amp, x_mean=inix, y_mean=iniy, x_stddev=.01 , y_stddev=.1,theta=0.) fit_p = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # for i in range(256): # for j in range(256): # if (data.yaxis[j]>-51. ): #12*data.xaxis[i]-373.8): # data.image[j,i]=0. p = fit_p(p_init, x, y, data.image) print p th=p.theta.value a=(np.cos(th)**2)/(2*p.x_stddev.value**2) + (np.sin(th)**2)/(2*p.y_stddev.value**2) b=-(np.sin(2*th))/(4*p.x_stddev.value**2) + (np.sin(2*th)) /(4*p.y_stddev.value**2) c=(np.sin(th)**2)/(2*p.x_stddev.value**2) + (np.cos(th)**2)/(2*p.y_stddev.value**2) z=p.amplitude.value*np.exp(-(a*(x-p.x_mean.value)**2 - 2*b*(x-p.x_mean.value)*(y-p.y_mean.value) + c*(y-p.y_mean.value)**2 )) plt.contour(x,y,z, linewidths=2)
def show_segmented_result(original_img, closed_heathly, closed_cancer): # We load with opencv and plot with pyplot (BGR->RGB) original_img = cv2.cvtColor(original_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) plt.imshow(original_img) plt.contour(closed_heathly, [0.5], linewidths=0.7, colors='g') plt.contour(closed_cancer, [0.5], linewidths=0.7, colors='r') plt.savefig(sys.argv[1]+"_out.png", dpi=700)
def main(argv): # Load Station Data conn = sqlite3.connect(_BABS_DATABASE_PATH) station_data = pd.read_sql(_BABS_QUERY, conn) station_data['Usage'] = 0.5*(station_data['Start Count'] + station_data['End Count']) print("\n\nLoading model to file ... ") with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.path.pardir, 'models', 'babs_usage_model.dill'), 'r') as f: babs_usage_model = dill.load(f) # Interpolate all features from feature models lats, longs = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(37.7,37.82,30), np.linspace(-122.55,-122.35,30)) transformed_features = babs_usage_model.named_steps['features_from_lat_long'].transform(pd.DataFrame({'Latitude': lats.reshape(1,-1).squeeze(), 'Longitude': longs.reshape(1,-1).squeeze()})) prediction_features = pd.DataFrame({'Latitude': lats.reshape(1,-1).squeeze(), 'Longitude': longs.reshape(1,-1).squeeze()}) usage_predictions = babs_usage_model.predict(prediction_features) usage_predictions[np.array(transformed_features['Elevation']<0)] = np.nan usage_predictions = np.lib.scimath.logn(100, usage_predictions - np.nanmin(usage_predictions) + 1) usage_predictions[np.where(np.isnan(usage_predictions))] = 0 plt.contourf(longs, lats, usage_predictions.reshape(30,-1), norm=colors.Normalize(np.mean(usage_predictions)-(1*np.std(usage_predictions)), np.mean(usage_predictions)+(1*np.std(usage_predictions)), clip=True), levels=np.linspace(0.01,max(usage_predictions),300)) plt.contour(longs, lats, (transformed_features['Elevation']).reshape(30,-1), linewidth=0.2, colors='white') plt.scatter(station_data[station_data['Landmark']=='San Francisco']['Longitude'], station_data[station_data['Landmark']=='San Francisco']['Latitude'], s=2, ) # plt.scatter(longs, # lats, # #s=(usage_predictions<0)*10, # s=(transformed_features['Elevation']>0)*10, #
def plot_decision_kernel_boundary(X,y,scaler, sigma, clf, xlabel, ylabel, legend): ax = plot_twoclass_data(X,y,xlabel,ylabel,legend) ax.autoscale(False) # create a mesh to plot in h = 0.05 x1_min, x1_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 x2_min, x2_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx1, xx2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x1_min, x1_max, h), np.arange(x2_min, x2_max, h)) ZZ = np.array(np.c_[xx1.ravel(), xx2.ravel()]) K = np.array([gaussian_kernel(x1,x2,sigma) for x1 in ZZ for x2 in X]).reshape((ZZ.shape[0],X.shape[0])) # need to scale it scaleK = scaler.transform(K) # and add the intercept column of ones KK = np.vstack([np.ones((scaleK.shape[0],)),scaleK.T]).T # make predictions on this mesh Z = clf.predict(KK) # Put the result into a contour plot Z = Z.reshape(xx1.shape) plt.contour(xx1,xx2,Z,,levels=[0.5])
def contour_on_peak( self, scale=10 ): plt.figure() map = self.linked_data.peak_map() vmax = np.max(map[np.isfinite(map)]) vmin = 0.0 if scale != None: if self.linked_data.noise != None: if self.linked_data.noise.scale != None: vmax = scale*self.linked_data.noise.scale vmin = 0.0 plt.imshow( map, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') plt.contour( self.twod(), linewidths=0.5, colors='white' )
def plot_contour(contour_data: np.ndarray, extra_args: Dict) -> None: if contour_data.shape != image.shape: raise ValueError( "The image and the contour data should have matching size, but got {} and {}" .format(image.shape, contour_data.shape)) plt.contour(contour_data, levels=[.5], **extra_args)
def display_img(im, beamparams=None, scale='linear', gamma=0.5, cbar_lims=False, has_cbar=True, has_title=True, cfun='afmhot', axis=False, show=False, fontsize=FONTSIZE): """display the figure on a given axis cannot use im.display because it makes a new figure """ interp = 'gaussian' if axis: ax = axis else: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) imvec = np.array(im.imvec).reshape(-1) #flux unit is mJy/uas^2 imvec = imvec * 1.e3 fovfactor = im.xdim * im.psize * (1 / RADPERUAS) factor = (1. / fovfactor)**2 / (1. / im.xdim)**2 imvec = imvec * factor imarr = (imvec).reshape(im.ydim, im.xdim) unit = 'mJy/$\mu$ as$^2$' if scale == 'log': if (imarr < 0.0).any(): print('clipping values less than 0') imarr[imarr < 0.0] = 0.0 imarr = np.log(imarr + np.max(imarr) / dynamic_range) unit = 'log(' + unit + ')' if scale == 'gamma': if (imarr < 0.0).any(): print('clipping values less than 0') imarr[imarr < 0.0] = 0.0 imarr = (imarr + np.max(imarr) / dynamic_range)**(gamma) unit = '(' + unit + ')^gamma' if cbar_lims: imarr[imarr > cbar_lims[1]] = cbar_lims[1] imarr[imarr < cbar_lims[0]] = cbar_lims[0] if cbar_lims: ax = ax.imshow(imarr, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cfun), interpolation=interp, vmin=cbar_lims[0], vmax=cbar_lims[1]) else: ax = ax.imshow(imarr, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cfun), interpolation=interp) if has_cbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(ax, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04, format='%1.2g') cbar.set_label(unit, fontsize=fontsize)'top') if cbar_lims: plt.clim(cbar_lims[0], cbar_lims[1]) if not (beamparams is None): beamparams = [ beamparams[0], beamparams[1], beamparams[2], -.35 * im.fovx(), -.35 * im.fovy() ] beamimage = im.copy() beamimage.imvec *= 0 beamimage = beamimage.add_gauss(1, beamparams) halflevel = 0.5 * np.max(beamimage.imvec) beamimarr = (beamimage.imvec).reshape(beamimage.ydim, beamimage.xdim) plt.contour(beamimarr, levels=[halflevel], colors='w', linewidths=3) ax = plt.gca() plt.axis('off') fov_uas = im.xdim * im.psize / RADPERUAS # get the fov in uas roughfactor = 1. / 3. # make the bar about 1/3 the fov fov_scale = 40 #fov_scale = int( math.ceil(fov_uas * roughfactor / 10.0 ) ) * 10 # round around 1/3 the fov to nearest 10 start = im.xdim * roughfactor / 3.0 # select the start location end = start + fov_scale / fov_uas * im.xdim # determine the end location based on the size of the bar plt.plot([start, end], [im.ydim - start, im.ydim - start], color="white", lw=1) # plot line plt.text(x=(start + end) / 2.0, y=im.ydim - start - im.ydim / 20, s=str(fov_scale) + " $\mu$as", color="white", ha="center", va="center", fontsize=int(1.2 * fontsize), fontweight='bold') ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if show: return ax
def plot_ts(total_profiles_data, stations_to_plot, stations_range, lon, section_code, deployment_info): pres = [] temp = [] psal = [] dens = [] ptemp = [] station_idx = [] fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(7.87402, 6.29921)) ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) font_size = 8 for n in range(0, stations_range): station = stations_to_plot[n] pres_station = total_profiles_data[station]['pres'] temp_station = total_profiles_data[station]['temp1'] psal_station = total_profiles_data[station]['psal1'] RANGE = len(psal_station) station_idx_station = [lon[n]] * RANGE #pres.append(pres_station) # temp.append(temp_station) # psal.append(psal_station) dens_station, ptemp_station, si, ti, smin, smax, tmin, tmax = DataOps.calculate_dens_and_ptemp( psal_station, temp_station, pres_station) # dens.append(dens_station) # ptemp.append(ptemp_station) psal = np.concatenate((psal, psal_station), axis=0) ptemp = np.concatenate((ptemp, ptemp_station), axis=0) station_idx = np.concatenate((station_idx, station_idx_station), axis=0) if n == 0: levels = np.arange(dens_station.min(), dens_station.max(), 0.1) CS = plt.contour(si, ti, dens_station, linewidths=0.05, linestyle='--', colors='k', levels=levels) plt.clabel(CS, fontsize=4, inline=1, inline_spacing=1, fmt='%1.1f') # Label every second level ax1.grid(b=True, which='major', color='grey', linewidth=0.01) ax1.grid(b=True, which='minor', color='grey', linewidth=0.001) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) plt.xticks(np.arange(smin, smax, 0.1)) plt.xticks(rotation=45) plt.yticks(np.arange(tmin + 1, tmax, 0.25)) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=6) location_long_name = PlotSettings.set_location_long_name( section_code) plt.title(deployment_info['cruise_name'] + ' - Theta-S' + ' - ' + location_long_name, fontsize=font_size) plt.xlabel('Salinity (PSU)', fontsize=font_size) plt.ylabel('Potential Temperature (deg C)', fontsize=font_size) plt.scatter(psal, ptemp, c=station_idx, s=20, edgecolor='black', linewidth='0.05') cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_label('Longitude (deg E)', fontsize=font_size) # set axes range plt.xlim(37.7, 38.7) plt.ylim(12.8, 15.2) # save figure figure_name = section_code + '_theta-s_diag.png' DataOps.save_figure(fig1, globfile.paths['output_figs_path'], deployment_info['deployment_name'], figure_name)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sympy import * p = lambda x, y: 2 * x**2 + 2 * y**2 + 4 * x + 4 * y + 3 q = lambda x, y: x**2 + y**2 + 2 * x * y + 3 * x + 5 * y + 4 x = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.001) y = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.001) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) plt.contour(X, Y, p(X, Y), [0], colors='red') plt.contour(X, Y, q(X, Y), [0], colors='blue') plt.plot(-1.08405, 0, marker='x', color='black') plt.plot(-0.29791, 0, marker='x', color='black') # Using sylvester's method represent matrix Q_1 x = Symbol('x', real=True) Q = Matrix([[2, 4, 2 * x**2 + 4 * x + 3, 0], [0, 2, 4, 2 * x**2 + 4 * x + 3], [1, 5 + 2 * x, x**2 + 3 * x + 4, 0], [0, 1, 5 + 2 * x, x**2 + 3 * x + 4]]) equation = Q.det() print(equation) roots_x = solve(equation, x) print("Roots of {} are \n{} and {}".format(equation, roots_x[0].evalf(), roots_x[1].evalf())) # Sanity check to see whether roots from ratio method are correct # Ratio method roots were computed manually
def run_task(self): # {{{ """ Plots time-series output of properties in an ocean region. """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis"\nPlotting TS diagram for {}" "...".format(self.regionName)) register_custom_colormaps() config = self.config sectionName = self.sectionName startYear = self.mpasClimatologyTask.startYear endYear = self.mpasClimatologyTask.endYear regionMaskFile = self.mpasMasksSubtask.geojsonFileName fcAll = read_feature_collection(regionMaskFile) fc = FeatureCollection() for feature in fcAll.features: if feature['properties']['name'] == self.regionName: fc.add_feature(feature) break' Make plots...') groupLink = 'tsDiag' + self.regionGroup[0].lower() + \ self.regionGroup[1:].replace(' ', '') nSubplots = 1 + len(self.obsDicts) if self.controlConfig is not None: nSubplots += 1 if nSubplots == 4: nCols = 2 nRows = 2 else: nCols = min(nSubplots, 3) nRows = (nSubplots - 1) // 3 + 1 axisIndices = numpy.reshape(numpy.arange(nRows * nCols), (nRows, nCols))[::-1, :].ravel() titleFontSize = config.get('plot', 'titleFontSize') axis_font = {'size': config.get('plot', 'axisFontSize')} title_font = { 'size': titleFontSize, 'color': config.get('plot', 'titleFontColor'), 'weight': config.get('plot', 'titleFontWeight') } width = 3 + 4.5 * nCols height = 2 + 4 * nRows # noinspection PyTypeChecker fig, axarray = plt.subplots(nrows=nRows, ncols=nCols, sharey=True, figsize=(width, height)) if nSubplots == 1: axarray = numpy.array(axarray) if nRows == 1: axarray = axarray.reshape((nRows, nCols)) T, S, zMid, volume, zmin, zmax = self._get_mpas_t_s(self.config) mainRunName = config.get('runs', 'mainRunName') plotFields = [{ 'S': S, 'T': T, 'z': zMid, 'vol': volume, 'title': mainRunName }] if self.controlConfig is not None: T, S, zMid, volume, _, _ = self._get_mpas_t_s(self.controlConfig) controlRunName = self.controlConfig.get('runs', 'mainRunName') plotFields.append({ 'S': S, 'T': T, 'z': zMid, 'vol': volume, 'title': 'Control: {}'.format(controlRunName) }) for obsName in self.obsDicts: obsT, obsS, obsZ, obsVol = self._get_obs_t_s( self.obsDicts[obsName]) plotFields.append({ 'S': obsS, 'T': obsT, 'z': obsZ, 'vol': obsVol, 'title': obsName }) Tbins = config.getExpression(sectionName, 'Tbins', usenumpyfunc=True) Sbins = config.getExpression(sectionName, 'Sbins', usenumpyfunc=True) normType = config.get(sectionName, 'normType') PT, SP = numpy.meshgrid(Tbins, Sbins) SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p=0., lon=0., lat=-75.) CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, PT, p=0.) neutralDensity = sigma0(SA, CT) rhoInterval = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'rhoInterval') contours = numpy.arange(24., 29. + rhoInterval, rhoInterval) diagramType = config.get(sectionName, 'diagramType') if diagramType not in ['volumetric', 'scatter']: raise ValueError('Unexpected diagramType {}'.format(diagramType)) lastPanel = None if config.has_option(sectionName, 'volMin'): volMinMpas = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'volMin') else: volMinMpas = None if config.has_option(sectionName, 'volMax'): volMaxMpas = config.getfloat(sectionName, 'volMax') else: volMaxMpas = None for index in range(len(axisIndices)): panelIndex = axisIndices[index] row = nRows - 1 - index // nCols col = numpy.mod(index, nCols) if panelIndex >= nSubplots: plt.delaxes(axarray[row, col]) continue[row, col]) T = plotFields[index]['T'] S = plotFields[index]['S'] z = plotFields[index]['z'] volume = plotFields[index]['vol'] title = plotFields[index]['title'] title = limit_title(title, max_title_length=60) CS = plt.contour(SP, PT, neutralDensity, contours, linewidths=1., colors='k', zorder=2) plt.clabel(CS, fontsize=12, inline=1, fmt='%4.2f') if diagramType == 'volumetric': lastPanel, volMin, volMax = \ self._plot_volumetric_panel(T, S, volume) if volMinMpas is None: volMinMpas = volMin if volMaxMpas is None: volMaxMpas = volMax if normType == 'linear': norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0., vmax=volMaxMpas) elif normType == 'log': if volMinMpas is None or volMaxMpas is None: norm = None else: norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=volMinMpas, vmax=volMaxMpas) else: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported normType {}'.format(normType)) if norm is not None: lastPanel.set_norm(norm) else: lastPanel = self._plot_scatter_panel(T, S, z, zmin, zmax) CTFreezing = freezing.CT_freezing(Sbins, 0, 1) PTFreezing = gsw.t_from_CT(gsw.SA_from_SP(Sbins, p=0., lon=0., lat=-75.), CTFreezing, p=0.) plt.plot(Sbins, PTFreezing, linestyle='--', linewidth=1., color='k') plt.ylim([Tbins[0], Tbins[-1]]) plt.xlim([Sbins[0], Sbins[-1]]) plt.xlabel('Salinity (PSU)', **axis_font) if col == 0: plt.ylabel(r'Potential temperature ($^\circ$C)', **axis_font) plt.title(title) # do this before the inset because otherwise it moves the inset # and cartopy doesn't play too well with tight_layout anyway plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.91) if nRows == 1: fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) else: fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.88) suptitle = 'T-S diagram for {} ({}, {:04d}-{:04d})\n' \ ' {} m < z < {} m'.format(self.regionName, self.season, startYear, endYear, zmin, zmax) fig.text(0.5, 0.9, suptitle, horizontalalignment='center', **title_font) inset = add_inset(fig, fc, width=1.5, height=1.5) # add an empty plot covering the subplots to give common axis labels pos0 = axarray[0, 0].get_position() pos1 = axarray[-1, -1].get_position() pos_common = [pos0.x0, pos1.y0, pos1.x1 - pos0.x0, pos0.y1 - pos1.y0] print(pos_common) common_ax = fig.add_axes(pos_common, zorder=-2) common_ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') common_ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('none') common_ax.spines['left'].set_color('none') common_ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') common_ax.tick_params(labelcolor='w', top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False) common_ax.set_xlabel('Salinity (PSU)', **axis_font) common_ax.set_ylabel(r'Potential temperature ($^\circ$C)', **axis_font) # turn off labels for individual plots (just used for spacing) for index in range(len(axisIndices)): row = nRows - 1 - index // nCols col = numpy.mod(index, nCols) ax = axarray[row, col] ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_ylabel('') # move the color bar down a little ot avoid the inset pos0 = inset.get_position() pos1 = axarray[-1, -1].get_position() pad = 0.04 top = pos0.y0 - pad height = top - pos1.y0 cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.92, pos1.y0, 0.02, height]) cbar = fig.colorbar(lastPanel, cax=cbar_ax) if diagramType == 'volumetric': = 15'volume (m$^3$)', rotation=270) else:'depth (m)', rotation=270) outFileName = '{}/TS_diagram_{}_{}.png'.format(self.plotsDirectory, self.prefix, self.season) savefig(outFileName, tight=False) caption = 'Regional mean of {}'.format(suptitle) write_image_xml(config=config, filePrefix='TS_diagram_{}_{}'.format( self.prefix, self.season), componentName='Ocean', componentSubdirectory='ocean', galleryGroup='T-S Diagrams', groupLink=groupLink, gallery=self.regionGroup, thumbnailDescription=self.regionName, imageDescription=caption, imageCaption=caption)
plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.imshow(data, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto') plt.clim(cmin, cmax) cbar = plt.colorbar() plt.title(filename, fontsize=fontsize) if 'prog_eta' in filename: plt.contour(data, colors="black", origin='lower', extent=extent, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, levels=eta_contour_levels, linewidths=0.5) elif 'prog_h' in filename: plt.contour(data, colors="black", origin='lower', extent=extent, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, levels=h_contour_levels, linewidths=0.5) # elif '_u' in filename: # hs = 0.001 # h_contour_levels = np.append(np.arange(-0.1, 0-hs, hs), np.arange(hs, 0.1, hs))
def run_optimizer(wvl, PropDist, Cn2, beam_waist, f_curv=-100e3, beam_type='spherical', c=8, log2N_range=[11, 10, 9], max_screens=15): """ Run an optimization to determine the necessary sampling constraints for the input simulation scenario. The code will compare the optimal parameters at the knee of the log2N contour plot for different values of N, as denoted by the input list log2N_range. It will return the first N value in the list of log2N_range for which the number of screens in the simulation does not exceed max_screens :param wvl: the wavelength in meters :param PropDist: the propagation distance in meters :param Cn2: the cn2 of atmosphere in meters^-2/3s :param beam_waist: the beam waist in meters :param f_curv: the radius of curvature of the beam. A negative value indicates divergence :param beam_type: the type of beam: spherical or planar :param c: an energy conservation term. 2 means conserve 97% energy and 4 means conserve 99% energy :param log2N_range: the range of values to consider for 2**N. By putting them in descending order, you prioritize a higher sampling rate over quicker simulation :param max_screens: the maximum number of screens that you want to use in simulations. Set this lower for quicker but more aliased simulation :return: a dictionary containing the optimal parameters and the input conditions """ # Define constants here k = 2 * pi / wvl # optical wavenumber [rad/m] R = f_curv # wavefront radius of curvature [m] # Spherical Wave and Plane Wave coherence diameters [m] if beam_type == 'spherical': r0 = (0.423 * k**2 * Cn2 * 3 / 8 * PropDist)**(-3 / 5) else: r0 = (0.423 * k**2 * Cn2 * PropDist)**(-3 / 5) # Calculate the tranverse coherence length for the purpose of calculating expected beam width rho_0 = r0 / 2.1 # User toggle for plane or spherical wavefront coherence_diam = r0 # Calculate the diameter of the receiver plane of interest using the equations for the long term beam wandering D_beam = np.sqrt( 2 ) * beam_waist # the aperture diameter, per page 196 of the EOIR textbook D1 = D_beam BW_diffraction = (4 * PropDist**2.0) / ((k * D_beam)**2.0) BW_focusing = ((D_beam / 2)**2.0) * ((1 - PropDist / R)**2.0) BW_turbulence_spread = (4 * PropDist**2.0) / ((k * rho_0)**2.0) print("Input beam diameter: ", D_beam) print("Expected beam width due to diffraction and focusing: ", np.sqrt(2 * (BW_diffraction + BW_focusing))) print("Expected beam width due to diffraction, turbulence and focusing: ", np.sqrt(2 * (BW_diffraction + BW_focusing + BW_turbulence_spread))) print("Spread due to turbulence: ") print(BW_turbulence_spread) print() # Diameter for the observation aperture for long term averaging, from equation (2.154) of EOIR book # DRx = np.sqrt(2 * (BW_diffraction + BW_focusing + BW_turbulence_spread)) # Changing DRx to the vacuum width # DRx = np.sqrt(2 * (BW_diffraction + BW_focusing)) # by definition, the beam radius actually # DRx = 2* np.sqrt((BW_diffraction + BW_focusing)) # by definition, the beam diameter DRx = 2 * np.sqrt((BW_diffraction + BW_focusing + BW_turbulence_spread)) # DRx = np.sqrt(2.4 * (BW_diffraction + BW_focusing)) # a trade off for computational purposes # log-amplitude variance p = np.linspace(0, int(PropDist), 1000) rytov = 0.563 * k**(7 / 6) * sum(Cn2 * (1 - p / PropDist)**(5 / 6) * p**(5 / 6) * (p[1] - p[0])) # screen properties # Define the r0's of each phase screen using a standard minimization algorithm. # There are potential divide by zero warnings that are then addressed by the code. NumScr = 11 # number of screens A = np.zeros((2, NumScr)) # matrix alpha = np.arange(0, NumScr) / (NumScr - 1) A[0, :] = alpha**(5 / 3) A[1, :] = (1 - alpha)**(5 / 6) * alpha**(5 / 6) b = np.array( [coherence_diam**(-5 / 3), rytov / 1.33 * (k / PropDist)**(5 / 6)]) # initial guess x0 = (NumScr / 3 * coherence_diam * np.ones((NumScr, 1)))**(-5 / 3) # objective function, @ is matrix multiply fun = lambda X: np.sum((A @ X.flatten() - b)**2) # constraints x1 = np.zeros((NumScr, 1)) rmax = 0.1 # maximum Rytov number per partial prop according to Martin/Flatte x2 = rmax / 1.33 * (k / PropDist)**(5 / 6) / A[1, :] x2[A[1, :] == 0] = 50**(-5 / 3) # address divide by zero res = minimize(fun, x0, bounds=Bounds(x1, x2)) soln = res.x # check screen r0s r0scrn = soln**(-3 / 5) r0scrn[np.isinf(r0scrn)] = 1e6 # address divide by zero # check resulting coherence_diam & rytov with minimization solution # too few phase screens will cause these number to disagree bp = A @ soln.flatten() compare1 = [bp[0]**(-3 / 5), bp[1] * 1.33 * (PropDist / k)**(5 / 6)] compare2 = [coherence_diam, rytov] # print(compare1, compare2) # Account for conservation of energy term in the source plane, the receiver plane has already been accounted for D1p = D1 + c * wvl * PropDist / coherence_diam # Changing the accounting for turbulence spreed here # DRxp = DRx DRxp = DRx + c * wvl * PropDist / coherence_diam print( "Expected beam width due to the conversation of energy after turbulent prop: " ) print(DRxp) print() # Now perform the minimization on constraints 1-4 delta1 = np.linspace(1.1 * wvl * PropDist / DRxp / 1000, 1.1 * wvl * PropDist / DRxp, 1000) deltan = np.linspace(1.1 * wvl * PropDist / D1p / 1000, 1.1 * wvl * PropDist / D1p, 1000) # constraint 1 deltan_max = -DRxp / D1p * delta1 + wvl * PropDist / D1p # constraint 3 Rdxmin3 = (1 + PropDist / R) * delta1 - wvl * PropDist / D1p Rdxmax3 = (1 + PropDist / R) * delta1 + wvl * PropDist / D1p # Derive the knee curve for each log2N value delta1_knee_list = [] deltan_knee_list = [] amp_value = 1.0 for log2N in log2N_range: N_curr = 2**log2N deltan_constraint = (amp_value * wvl * PropDist / (2 * delta1) + amp_value * DRxp / 2) / ( N_curr - amp_value * D1p / (2 * delta1)) # If deltan_constraint has values less than zero, then ignore those values valid_values = deltan_constraint > 0 delta1_temp = delta1[valid_values] deltan_constraint = deltan_constraint[valid_values] # Find the default knee value index min_deltan = np.nanmin(deltan_constraint) max_deltan = np.nanmax(deltan_constraint) min_delta1 = np.min(delta1_temp) max_delta1 = np.max(delta1_temp) default_knee_logval_idx = np.nanargmin( (deltan_constraint / max_deltan - min_deltan / max_deltan)**2.0 + (delta1_temp / max_delta1 - min_delta1 / max_delta1)**2.0) # Iterate through the other possible knee values and find if any have a kee that will maximize layer thickness knee_logval_idx = default_knee_logval_idx max_sampling_dxdn = np.min([ delta1_temp[default_knee_logval_idx], deltan_constraint[default_knee_logval_idx] ]) for idx in range(0, np.size(deltan_constraint)): if np.min([delta1_temp[idx], deltan_constraint[idx] ]) > max_sampling_dxdn: max_sampling_dxdn = np.min( [delta1_temp[idx], deltan_constraint[idx]]) knee_logval_idx = idx delta1_knee_list.append(delta1_temp[knee_logval_idx]) deltan_knee_list.append(deltan_constraint[knee_logval_idx]) # Debug: print the knee lists for inspection # print("Knee lists for delta1 and deltan: ") # print(delta1_knee_list) # print(deltan_knee_list) # Now iterate through the knee values and calculate the constraints on 1, 3 and the screens and make sure that they are valid c1_list = [] c3_list = [] c_screen_list = [] num_screen_list = [] max_layer_thickness_list = [] for idx in range(len(log2N_range)): d1_idx = delta1_knee_list[idx] dn_idx = deltan_knee_list[idx] # Constraint 1: c1_deltan = (-DRxp / D1p * d1_idx + wvl * PropDist / D1p) >= dn_idx c1_list.append(c1_deltan) # Constraint 3: c3_deltan = ((1 + PropDist / R) * d1_idx - wvl * PropDist / D1p) <= dn_idx and \ ((1 + PropDist / R) * d1_idx + wvl * PropDist / D1p) >= dn_idx c3_list.append(c3_deltan) # Final constraint: Is the minimum number of screens less than the desired max number N = 2**log2N_range[idx] zmax = (min(d1_idx, dn_idx)**2) * N / wvl # mathematical placeholder max_layer_thickness_list.append(zmax) numScrMin = np.ceil( PropDist / zmax) + 2 # 1 , incremented beyond the minimum num_screen_list.append(numScrMin) c_screen = numScrMin <= max_screens c_screen_list.append(c_screen) # Debug: print("Min number of screens for log2N list", str(log2N_range), " : ") print(num_screen_list) print() # Using the descending order of our log2N_range list, return the maximum value that satisfies all constraints # while also satisfying the minimum number of screens constraint_list = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(c1_list, c3_list), c_screen_list) where_constraints_satisfied = np.where(constraint_list == True)[0] optimal_constraint_dict = {} optimal_constraint_dict["cn2"] = Cn2 optimal_constraint_dict["propdist"] = PropDist optimal_constraint_dict["beam_waist"] = beam_waist optimal_constraint_dict["wavelength"] = wvl optimal_constraint_dict["f_curv"] = R if np.size(where_constraints_satisfied) == 0: print( "There is no value for which the maximum number of screens and constraints 1-4 are satisfied for this" "scenario. Please look at the plot and revise your simulation setup. " ) optimal_constraint_dict["success"] = False else: optimal_constraint_dict["success"] = True first_constraint_idx = where_constraints_satisfied[0] print( "A satisfactory simulation scenario was found. Values of first occurence are: " ) print("N = ", 2**log2N_range[first_constraint_idx]) optimal_constraint_dict["N"] = 2**log2N_range[first_constraint_idx] print("dx = ", delta1_knee_list[first_constraint_idx]) optimal_constraint_dict["dx"] = delta1_knee_list[first_constraint_idx] print("Rdx = ", deltan_knee_list[first_constraint_idx]) optimal_constraint_dict["Rdx"] = deltan_knee_list[first_constraint_idx] print("Min # Screens = ", num_screen_list[first_constraint_idx]) optimal_constraint_dict["screens"] = int( num_screen_list[first_constraint_idx]) # print("Side Len = ", np.max([delta1_knee_list[first_constraint_idx] * 2**log2N_range[first_constraint_idx], # deltan_knee_list[first_constraint_idx] * 2**log2N_range[first_constraint_idx]])) # optimal_constraint_dict["side_len"] = np.max([delta1_knee_list[first_constraint_idx] * 2**log2N_range[first_constraint_idx], # deltan_knee_list[first_constraint_idx] * 2**log2N_range[first_constraint_idx]]) # Set sidelen to be the initial distance print( "Side Len = ", delta1_knee_list[first_constraint_idx] * 2**log2N_range[first_constraint_idx]) optimal_constraint_dict["side_len"] = delta1_knee_list[ first_constraint_idx] * 2**log2N_range[first_constraint_idx] print() # Now plot the contours along with the valid constraints for our case plt.figure(1) plt.plot(delta1, deltan_max, 'b+') plt.plot(delta1, Rdxmin3, 'r-') plt.plot(delta1, Rdxmax3, 'r+') X, Y = np.meshgrid(delta1, deltan) log2N_range.sort() N2_contour = (wvl * PropDist + D1p * Y + DRxp * X) / (2 * X * Y) contours = plt.contour(delta1, deltan, np.log2(N2_contour), log2N_range) plt.clabel(contours, inline=True) # Plot the knee points with a marker to denote if it satisfies our constraints for idx in range(len(log2N_range)): # If it satisfies all three constraints, give it a star marker. Otherwise, give it a x marker if c1_list[idx] and c3_list[idx] and c_screen_list[idx]: marker_constraint = "*" else: marker_constraint = "x" plt.scatter(delta1_knee_list[idx], deltan_knee_list[idx], marker=marker_constraint, s=40) # plt.colorbar() plt.axis([0, delta1[-1], 0, deltan[-1]]) plt.title('Constraints 1, 2, 3 for point source problem') plt.xlabel('dx [m]') plt.ylabel('dn [m]') # plt.savefig('screen-params.png') return optimal_constraint_dict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D delta = 0.5 pi = np.pi x = np.arange(-pi, pi, delta) y = np.arange(-pi, pi, delta) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) z = np.cross(x,y) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, z, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0.2) plt.figure() CS = plt.contour(X, Y, z,10,colors='k') # 制作等高线,横砍10刀 plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=9) #inline控制画标签,移除标签下的线 plt.title('Simplest default with labels') #第五题: import math import numpy as np from scipy.stats import f import numpy as np class PCA: def __init__(self, X):
def plot_lcurve_contourmap(self, draw_threshold=False, xlim=None, ylim=None, contour_step=None ): """ plot 'lcurve' contour map N = number of levels to contour imethod = type of interpolation for numpy.griddata options are 'nearest','linear', and 'cubic' symbol = symbol for plotting fontsize = numeric value draw_threshold = draw a black contour at a given percentage of the minimum rms error e.g. 110 will draw a contour at 1.1 * minimum error value achieved """ self.Fit.read_fit() a = self.Fit.penalty_anisotropy s = self.Fit.penalty_structure mis = self.Fit.misfit_mean aa = [str(round(i, 1)) for i in self.Fit.weight_anisotropy] ss = [str(round(i, 1)) for i in self.Fit.weight_structure] # grid the data to make contour plot # first, define points to grid points = np.vstack([s, a]).T # define points xi to grid onto xi = np.array( np.meshgrid( np.linspace( 0., max(s)), np.linspace( 0., max(a)))).T # print xi f1 = si.griddata(points, mis, xi, method=self.imethod) cmap = plt.get_cmap(self.cmap) if contour_step is not None: if contour_step < 1.: rounding = int(np.ceil(np.abs(np.log10(contour_step)))) else: rounding = 0 levels = np.arange(round(np.amin(self.Fit.misfit_mean), rounding), round(np.amax(self.Fit.misfit_mean, rounding), contour_step)) plt.contour(xi[:, :, 0], xi[:, :, 1], f1, cmap=cmap, levels=levels) else: plt.contour(xi[:, :, 0], xi[:, :, 1], f1, cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar(use_gridspec=True) if draw_threshold: plt.contour(xi[:, :, 0], xi[:, :, 1], f1, levels=[ round( min(mis) * self.Fit.misfit_threshold, 2)], linewidths=[1.5], colors='k') # plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.scatter(s, a, c='k', marker=self.symbol, lw=0) if xlim is None: xlim = plt.xlim() if ylim is None: ylim = plt.ylim() plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylim) for i in range(len(aa)): if (s[i] < xlim[-1]) and (a[i] < ylim[-1]): plt.text(s[i], a[i], ','.join( [ss[i], aa[i]]), fontsize=self.fontsize) plt.xlabel('structure penalty') plt.ylabel('anisotropy penalty')
plt.clf() plt.scatter(X1[0,:],X1[1,:]) plt.scatter(X2[0,:],X2[1,:]) # Train the SVM on the data W, b = SVM_train(X, Y, .1, num_iter=10000, C=.001) # Map the decision boundary and probability density resolution = 30 x_range = np.linspace(-4,4,resolution) y_range = np.linspace(-4,4,resolution) Z = np.zeros((len(x_range), len(y_range))) for idx, x in enumerate(x_range): X_test = np.array([x*np.ones(resolution), y_range]) Z[idx,:] = SVM_predict(X_test, X, W, b) plt.contour(x_range, y_range, Z, levels=[0]) plt.xlim(-3,3) plt.ylim(-3,3) plt.draw()
] for xi in range(X): for yi in range(Y): x = x_min + (x_max - x_min) / X * xi y = y_min + (y_max - y_min) / Y * yi z, iter = newton(f, x + 1.j * y, dx=dx, dy=dy, fprime=f1, maxiter=maxiter) if iter < maxiter: z = round(z.real, ndigits) + 1j * round(z.imag, ndigits) else: z = None try: i = zeros.index(z) except ValueError: zeros.append(z) i = len(zeros) pic[yi, xi] = 0 if z is None else -i if abs(x + 1.j * y - z) > .1**ndigits else i iters[yi, xi] = iter plt.imshow(pic, interpolation='None', cmap='Set1') plt.contour(np.log(iters)) plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.log(iters), interpolation='None', cmap='gray')
def contours( fn, package_dir, t2convert, levels=[0.1, 0.4, 0.8], names=['Light', 'Medium', 'Heavy'], ): print "contouring data in:", fn nc = Dataset(fn) particles = nc_particles.Reader(nc) times = particles.times dt = [ np.abs(((output_t - t2convert).total_seconds()) / 3600) for output_t in times ] t = dt.index(min(dt)) print 'Converting output from: ', times[t] TheData = particles.get_timestep(t, variables=[ 'latitude', 'longitude', 'id', 'depth', 'mass', 'age', 'status_codes' ]) # contouring status = TheData['status_codes'] floating = np.where(status == 2)[0] x = TheData['longitude'][floating] y = TheData['latitude'][floating] # Peform the kernel density estimate xx, yy = np.mgrid[min(x) - .1:max(x) + .1:100j, min(y) - .1:max(y) + .1:100j] positions = np.vstack([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) values = np.vstack([x, y]) kernel = st.gaussian_kde(values) f = np.reshape(kernel(positions).T, xx.shape) max_density = f.max() levels.sort() particle_contours = [lev * max_density for lev in levels] cs = contour(xx, yy, f, particle_contours) w = shp.Writer(shp.POLYGON) w.autobalance = 1 w.field('Year', 'C') w.field('Month', 'C') w.field('Day', 'C') w.field('Hour', 'C') w.field('Depth', 'N') w.field('Type', 'C') for c in range(len(cs.collections)): p = cs.collections[c].get_paths()[0] v = p.vertices coords = [[[i[0], i[1]] for i in v]] w.poly(shapeType=3, parts=coords) w.record(times[t].year, times[t].month, times[t].day, times[t].hour, TheData['depth'][c], names[c]) print names[c] source_fdir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'source_files') shapefile_name = os.path.split(fn)[-1].split('.')[0], shapefile_name)) nc.close() # create the PRJ file prj_filename = os.path.join(source_fdir, shapefile_name) write_proj_file(prj_filename) files = os.listdir(source_fdir) zipfname = shapefile_name + '.zip' zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(source_fdir, zipfname), 'w') for f in files: if f.split('.')[0] == shapefile_name: zipf.write(os.path.join(source_fdir, f), arcname=f) zipf.close() return zipfname
def main(): # "defining" # of iterations iterations_n = 1000 #Loading data from the training and test sets train1 = genfromtxt(filename1, delimiter=",") test1 = genfromtxt(filename2, delimiter=",") train2 = genfromtxt(filename3, delimiter=",") test2 = genfromtxt(filename4, delimiter=",") #Separating the vectors x = (x1,x2) for each dataset (training and test) x = train1[:, 0:-1] x2 = test1[:, 0:-1] x3 = train2[:, 0:-1] x4 = test2[:, 0:-1] #Separating the vectors y (expected classification) for each dataset (training and test) y = train1[:, -1] y2 = test1[:, -1] y3 = train2[:, -1] y4 = test2[:, -1] #Defining the appends to be added to the x vectors ap1 = np.ones(len(y)) ap2 = np.ones(len(y2)) ap3 = np.ones(len(y3)) ap4 = np.ones(len(y4)) #Appending the '1' values to the x vectors x = np.column_stack((ap1, x)).T x2 = np.column_stack((ap2, x2)).T x3 = np.column_stack((ap3, x3)).T x4 = np.column_stack((ap4, x4)).T #Setting initial weight vectors (in this case, all 0) w = np.zeros((1, x.shape[0])).T w3 = np.zeros( (1, x3.shape[0] + 2)).T #inserting 2 extra features for nonlinear case #Nonlinear transformation for the nonlinear case new_x3 = x_transform(x3) new_x4 = x_transform(x4) #New weights for the linear case (max iteration = 1000, learning-rate = 0.1) w2, erro1 = logistic_r(x, y, x2, y2, w, iterations_n, 0.1) #New weights for the nonlinear case (max iteration = 1000, learning-rate = 0.1) w4, erro2 = logistic_r(new_x3, y3, new_x4, y4, w3, iterations_n, 0.1) # h = zf(w2,x) # h2 = zf(w2,x2) # h3 = zf(w4,new_x3) # h4 = zf(w4,new_x4) # c = classifier(h) # c2 = classifier(h2) # c3 = classifier(h3) # c4 = classifier(h4) #Plot of linear case (dataset 1) plt.figure(1) x1list = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, iterations_n) x1_append = np.ones((1, iterations_n)) x1list_aux = np.array([x1list]) x1list_vec = np.row_stack((x1_append, x1list_aux)) b_line = boundary(w2, x1list_vec) plt.scatter(x[1, :], x[2, :], c=y, s=100, edgecolor='black', marker='o', label='Training') plt.scatter(x2[1, :], x2[2, :], c=y2, s=150, edgecolor='black', marker='*', label='Test') plt.plot(x1list, b_line[0, :], label='Decision boundary') plt.xlabel('x1') plt.ylabel('x2') l1_1 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', marker='o', markersize=15, label='Training (y = 0)') l1_2 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', marker='o', markersize=15, label='Training (y = 1)') l1_3 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', marker='*', markersize=15, label='Test (y = 0)') l1_4 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', marker='*', markersize=15, label='Test (y = 1)') plt.legend([l1_1, l1_2, l1_3, l1_4], [ 'Training (y = 0)', 'Training (y = 1)', 'Test (y = 0)', 'Test (y = 1)' ], loc=3, scatterpoints=1) #Plot of linear case (dataset 2) plt.figure(2) #Creating meshgrid to plot the nonlinear decision boundary (second part of task2) x2list = x1list xx1, xx2 = np.meshgrid(x1list, x2list) #Evaluating the decision boundary function in all the meshgrid points so we can plot it F = boundary_sqr(xx1, xx2, w4) F = F.reshape(xx1.shape) #Plot of the nonlinear decision boundary cp = plt.contour(xx1, xx2, F, colors='green', linestyles='dashed') plt.xlabel('x1') plt.ylabel('x2') #Plot of the classified points plt.scatter(x3[1, :], x3[2, :], c=y3, s=100, edgecolor='black', marker='o') plt.scatter(x4[1, :], x4[2, :], c=y4, s=150, edgecolor='black', marker='*') l1_1 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', marker='o', markersize=15, label='Training (y = 0)') l1_2 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', marker='o', markersize=15, label='Training (y = 1)') l1_3 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', marker='*', markersize=15, label='Test (y = 0)') l1_4 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', marker='*', markersize=15, label='Test (y = 1)') plt.legend([l1_1, l1_2, l1_3, l1_4], [ 'Training (y = 0)', 'Training (y = 1)', 'Test (y = 0)', 'Test (y = 1)' ], loc=3, scatterpoints=1) #================================================================= # PLOT OF ERROR model aux_x = np.linspace(1, iterations_n, iterations_n) plt.figure(3) plt.plot(aux_x, erro1[0, :], c='green', label="Training set") plt.plot(aux_x, erro1[1, :], c='black', label="Test set") plt.xlabel('# of iteration') plt.ylabel('Cross-entropy error') plt.legend(loc=3) plt.figure(4) plt.plot(aux_x, erro2[0, :], c='green', label='Training set') plt.plot(aux_x, erro2[1, :], c='black', label='Test set') plt.xlabel('# of iteration') plt.ylabel('Cross-entropy error') plt.legend(loc=3)
data=df, ax=ax[i, j], legend=False) ax[i, j].title.set_text('%.1f, %.1f' % (ay, az)) m = pymalts.malts_mf('Y', 'T', df, k_tr=5, k_est=20, estimator='linear', smooth_cate=True, reweight=False, n_splits=2, n_repeats=1) cate = m.CATE_df['avg.CATE'] ate = cate.mean() s[i, j, seed] += (ate - 1) s = np.mean(s, axis=2) sns.set() fig = plt.figure() CS = plt.contour(ays, azs, s * 10 - 0.05, levels=50) plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) plt.colorbar() plt.xlabel('sensitivity parameter for Outcome') plt.ylabel('sensitivity parameter for Treatment') plt.tight_layout() plt.axvline(0, c='r') plt.axhline(0, c='r') fig.savefig('Figures/sensitivity_analysis.png')
+ w[5,0] * y**2 ) ''' PLOTING LINEAR REGRESSION We are going to plot the (x,y) \in [-1,-1]^2 that their value after the linear regression for classification is near to 0. That means that they are in the limit area. ''' error = 10**(-2.1) space = np.linspace(-1,1,100) z = [[ equation(i,j,w) for i in space] for j in space ] plt.contour(space,space, z, 0, colors=['black'],linewidths=2 ) for l in labels: index = np.where(y == l) plt.scatter(training_sample[index, 0], training_sample[index,1], c=colors[l], label=str(l)) plt.title('Quadratic regression fit') plt.xlabel('$x_1$ value') plt.ylabel('$x_2$ value') plt.legend( loc = 'lower left')
def plot(X, Y, clf, show=True, dataOnly=False): plt.figure() # plot data points X1 = X[Y == 0] X2 = X[Y == 1] Y1 = Y[Y == 0] Y2 = Y[Y == 1] class1 = plt.scatter(X1[:, 0], X1[:, 1], zorder=10,, edgecolor='k', s=20) class2 = plt.scatter(X2[:, 0], X2[:, 1], zorder=10,, edgecolor='k', s=20) if not dataOnly: # get the range of data x_min = X[:, 0].min() x_max = X[:, 0].max() y_min = X[:, 1].min() y_max = X[:, 1].max() # sample the data space XX, YY = np.mgrid[x_min:x_max:200j, y_min:y_max:200j] # apply the model for each point Z = clf.decision_function(np.c_[XX.ravel(), YY.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(XX.shape) # plot the partitioned space plt.pcolormesh(XX, YY, Z > 0, # plot hyperplanes plt.contour(XX, YY, Z, colors=['k', 'k', 'k'], linestyles=['--', '-', '--'], levels=[-1, 0, 1], alpha=0.5) # plot support vectors plt.scatter(clf.support_vectors_[:, 0], clf.support_vectors_[:, 1], edgecolors='g', s=100, linewidth=1) if dataOnly: plt.title('Data Set') else: if clf.kernel == 'rbf': plt.title( 'Decision Boundary and Margins, C={}, gamma={} with {} kernel'. format(clf.C, clf.gamma, clf.kernel)) elif clf.kernel == 'poly': plt.title( 'Decision Boundary and Margins, C={}, degree={} with {} kernel' .format(clf.C,, clf.kernel)) else: plt.title( 'Decision Boundary and Margins, C={} with {} kernel'.format( clf.C, clf.kernel)) plt.legend((class1, class2), ('Claas A', 'Class B'), scatterpoints=1, loc='upper left', ncol=3, fontsize=8) if show:
# code chunk 4.14 (grid estimation) mu_grid = np.linspace(140, 160, 200) sigma_grid = np.linspace(4, 9, 200) post_list = [sum(norm.logpdf(d2, m, s)) for m in mu_grid for s in sigma_grid] post_ll = np.concatenate(post_list, axis=0) mu_grid_rep = np.repeat(mu_grid, 200) sigma_grid_rep = np.tile(sigma_grid, 200) len(post_ll) == len(mu_grid_rep) and len(post_ll) == len(sigma_grid_rep) post_log_prob = post_ll + norm.logpdf(mu_grid_rep, 178, 20) + uniform.logpdf( sigma_grid_rep, 0, 50) post_prob = np.exp(post_log_prob - max(post_log_prob)) X, Y = np.meshgrid(mu_grid, sigma_grid) Z = post_prob.reshape(200, 200) plt.contour(X, Y, Z) post_prob_std = post_prob / sum(post_prob) sample_rows = np.random.choice(range(len(post_prob)), size=1000, replace=True, p=post_prob_std) sample_mu = mu_grid_rep[sample_rows] sample_sigma = sigma_grid_rep[sample_rows] plt.scatter(sample_mu, sample_sigma) sns.kdeplot(x=sample_mu, y=sample_sigma, color="b", linewidths=1) plt.xlabel('mean') plt.ylabel('sd')
## return 0 return np.sin(x) f(0, True) X = [[[f(x) for x in slices]]] # load json and create model json_file = open('model.json', 'r') loaded_model_json = json_file.close() loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) # load weights into new model loaded_model.load_weights("model.h5") print("Loaded model from disk") # evaluate loaded model on test data loaded_model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) y = loaded_model.predict(X) A = np.reshape(y, (100,50)) plt.contour(A) ## ##plt.xticks([0,24,49], [0, 0.125, 0.25]) ##plt.yticks([0, 49, 99], [0,format(np.pi/2, '.4f'),format(np.pi, '.4f')])
def multi_site_iso_contour_circles(nc_grd, h_seed, ns, nqs, rs, fig_check_seed=True): ''' SEED CIRCLES OF PARTICLES AT MULTIPLE SITES DEFINED AS POINTS ALONG AN ISOBATH h_seed --> isobath to take as contour line to seed particles along ns --> number of sites along contour line nqs --> number of particles per each site rs --> radius in km of particles for each site ''' [Ly, Lx] = nc_grd.variables['h'][:, :].shape # GET COORDINATES OF ISOBATH CONTOUR CD = plt.contour(nc_grd.variables['h'][:, :], [h_seed]) len_cons = [ len(CD.collections[0].get_paths()[i]) for i in range(len(CD.collections[0].get_paths())) ] ind_max_len = np.asarray(len_cons).argmax() p = CD.collections[0].get_paths()[ind_max_len] x_iso = p.vertices[:, 0] y_iso = p.vertices[:, 1] #GET COORDINATES OF EACH SITE EVENLY DISTRIBUTED ALONG THE ISOBATH dpt = int(len(x_iso) / ns) #len_temp = len(x_iso[0::dpt]) #diff_len = abs(len_temp - ns) #x_site = x_iso[::dpt][0:len_temp-diff_len] #y_site = y_iso[::dpt][0:len_temp-diff_len] #slicing below avoids asymmetry at lateral boundaries x_site = x_iso[dpt:-1:dpt] y_site = y_iso[dpt:-1:dpt] nsites = len(x_site) #print nsites nparticles = len(x_site) * nqs #print nparticles px_arr = np.zeros(nparticles, order='F') py_arr = np.zeros(nparticles, order='F') p_ind = 0 for s in range(nsites): ################################## # FIND SITE CENTERS IN GRIDPOINTS #################################### r_grd = (rs * 1E3) * (np.mean( (nc_grd.variables['pm'][:, :] + nc_grd.variables['pn'][:, :]) / 2)) #################################### # CREATE CIRCLE OF PARTICLES #################################### px_arr[p_ind:p_ind + nqs], py_arr[p_ind:p_ind + nqs] = part_circle( x_site[s], y_site[s], r_grd, nqs) p_ind += nqs buff = 3 px_arr[px_arr >= Lx - 1] = Lx - buff py_arr[py_arr >= Ly - 1] = Ly - buff #REMOVE PARTICLES ON MASK px_arr, py_arr = nan_parts_on_mask(px_arr, py_arr, nc_grd) #################################### # SHOW USER FLOAT LOCATIONS ON GRID #################################### if fig_check_seed: mask = nc_grd.variables['mask_rho'][:, :] h = nc_grd.variables['h'][:, :].T mask_rho = np.copy(mask) mask_rho[mask_rho == 0] = np.nan plt.ion() fig_check = plt.figure(figsize=[24, 8]) #h_con = plt.contour(h.T,colors='k',linewidths=2.5) plt.imshow(h.T * mask_rho, origin='lower', cmap=cm.jet) cbar_plot = plt.colorbar() cbar_plot.set_label(r'$h(m)$', fontsize=22) plt.plot(px_arr, py_arr, 'o', color='k', markersize=2.5) plt.title('INITIAL PARTICLE LOCATIONS') ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim([0, mask_rho.shape[1]]) ax.set_ylim([0, mask_rho.shape[0]]) move_on = raw_input('Press enter to continue...') plt.ioff() plt.close('all') return px_arr, py_arr, x_site, y_site
def temp_data(): months = range(871)[-68:-8] avgs = [] levels = range(17)[0:12] for l in levels: item = [] for m in months: for latitude in tempnc.variables['air'][m][l]: item.append(np.mean(latitude)) item = slice_per(item, 73) for elem in item: average = np.mean(elem) avgs.append(average) avgs = np.array(slice_per(avgs, 73)) return avgs.T if __name__ == "__main__": temp = temp_data() zonal = zonal_data() x = tempnc.variables['lat'][:] levels = tempnc.variables['level'][0:12] levels = levels[::-1] plt.contourf(x, levels, zonal, cmap='nipy_spectral', alpha=0.7) plt.colorbar() plt.contour(x, levels, temp, colors='black', levels=15) plt.xlabel("Latitude(°)") plt.ylabel("Altitude(mbar)") plt.savefig("windVtemp.png")
x_vals, y_vals = np.linspace(x_left, x_right, grid_dot_num_x_plotting), \ np.linspace(y_left, y_right, grid_dot_num_y_plotting) xx_grid, yy_grid = np.meshgrid(x_vals, y_vals) for product in range(product_number): plt.figure(product + 1, figsize=figsize) plt.title('Изначальное разбиение для %i-го продукта' % (product + 1)) plt.grid(True) plt.axis([x_left, x_right, y_left, y_right]) z = indicator(xx_grid, yy_grid, psi_initial, tau_initial, product) in_partition = np.unique(z) in_partition = in_partition[in_partition >= 0] cf = plt.contour(x_vals, y_vals, z, levels=in_partition, cmap=ListedColormap(['black'])) plt.contour(x_vals, y_vals, density_vector[product](xx_grid, yy_grid), levels=[0.0], cmap=ListedColormap(['black'])) plt.plot(tau_initial[0, in_partition], tau_initial[1, in_partition], tau_style) for p in in_partition: plt.text(tau_initial[0, p] + tau_text_shift, tau_initial[1, p] + tau_text_shift, '%i' % (p + 1), fontsize=fontsize,
d = np.sqrt((2 * np.pi)**n * covar_det) fac = np.einsum('...k,kl,...l->...', position - mean, covar_inv, position - mean) return np.exp(-fac / 2) / d """-----------function end----------------------------""" x_range = np.linspace(min(ts_data[:, 0]), max(ts_data[:, 0]), 1000) y_range = np.linspace(min(ts_data[:, 1]), max(ts_data[:, 1]), 1000) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_range, y_range) d = np.empty(X.shape + (2, )) d[:, :, 0] = X d[:, :, 1] = Y Z0 = bi_normal(d, mean0, cov0) plt.contour(X, Y, Z0) Z1 = bi_normal(d, mean1, cov1) plt.contour(X, Y, Z1) Z = (Z1 - Z0) plt.contour(X, Y, Z) plt.title( 'Iso-probability contour (case4 a1=3,b1=4,c1=2,d1=7/ a2=14,b2=10,c2=12,d2=16)' ) plt.scatter(ts_data[:, 0], ts_data[:, 1]) plt.ylabel('x2') plt.xlabel('x1')
print('no max gg:',np.max(gg0[n,:])) print('t0 max:',np.max(t0[n,:]*10./3.),'fs') plt.scatter(px0[n,t0[n,:]*10./3.<1000], py0[n,t0[n,:]*10./3.<1000], c=t0[n,t0[n,:]*10./3.<1000]*10./3., norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=1000), s=3, cmap='rainbow', edgecolors='None', alpha=1,zorder=3) #cbar=plt.colorbar( ticks=np.linspace(0, 500, 3) ,pad=0.005), fontsize=font_size) #cbar.set_label('$\gamma$',fontdict=font) px = np.linspace(-400,15400,501) py = np.linspace(-800,800,401) px, py = np.meshgrid(px, py) R = (1+px**2+py**2)**0.5-px R[R<0.1]=0.1 levels = np.logspace(1,3,5) print(np.min(R),np.max(R)) plt.contour(px, py, R, levels=levels, norm=mcolors.LogNorm(vmin=levels.min(), vmax=levels.max()), linestyles='dashed', cmap='gist_gray',zorder=0,linewidths=2.5) #plt.contourf(px, py, R, levels=levels, norm=mcolors.LogNorm(vmin=levels.min(), vmax=levels.max()), cmap=mycolor_jet) #cbar=plt.colorbar(pad=0.1, ticks=np.logspace(0,3,7))#,orientation="horizontal"), fontsize=font_size) #cbar.set_label('R', fontdict=font) # plt.scatter(px0[condition], py0[condition], c=t0[condition], norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=400), s=20, cmap='nipy_spectral', marker=(5, 1), edgecolors='None', alpha=1) # plt.scatter(px1[condition], py1[condition], c=t1[condition], norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=400), s=20, cmap='winter', edgecolors='None', alpha=1) # cbar=plt.colorbar( ticks=np.linspace(0, 2000, 5) ,pad=0.005) #, fontsize=20) # cbar.set_label('$\gamma$',fontdict=font) plt.xlabel('$p_x$ [$m_ec$]',fontdict=font) plt.ylabel('$p_y$ [$m_ec$]',fontdict=font)
def radial_feature_seed(nc_grd, nc_out, nc_tind, field_look='div', radial_inputs=[]): """ SEED PARTICLES RADIALLY AROUND A FEATURE (i.e., front or filament) USES GUI-INTERACTIVE PLOTTING WHERE USER CLICKS ON FEATURE AND INPUTS RADIUS OF PARTICLE CIRCLE AND NUMBER OF PARTICLES TO SEED WITHIN THAT RADIAL DISTRIBUTION nc_grd --> NETCDF object of grid-file nc_out --> NETCDF object of file to use to look at 2D map of fields to place particles nc_tind --> time-step w/in netcdf file to look at fields (ZERO-BASED INDEXING) field_look --> 'temp', 'salt', 'div', 'vort' field to look at to place particles (default is surface divergence), all other options are for surface fields radial_inputs---> list containing 2 components [r_km, nparticles] radius, number of particles defualt is [] (empty) and in default mode, the user will be prompted to enter in these values """ ############################################# # LOAD GRID DATA ############################################## mask = nc_grd.variables['mask_rho'][:, :] mask_rho = np.copy(mask) mask_rho[mask_rho == 0] = np.nan pm = nc_grd.variables['pm'][:, :] pn = nc_grd.variables['pn'][:, :] h = nc_grd.variables['h'][:, :] f = nc_grd.variables['f'][:, :] ############################################# # LOAD OUTPUT DATA TO VISUALIZE FOR SEEDING ############################################# if field_look == 'div': try: div = calc_div(nc_out.variables['u'][nc_tind, -1, :, :], nc_out.variables['v'][nc_tind, -1, :, :], pm, pn, f) except: div = calc_div(nc_out.variables['ubar'][nc_tind, :, :], nc_out.variables['vbar'][nc_tind, :, :], pm, pn, f) field_plot = (div * mask_rho) / f cmap_plot = cm.seismic cbar_label = r'$\delta / f$' min_max = [-5, 5] if field_look == 'vort': try: vort = calc_vort(nc_out.variables['u'][nc_tind, -1, :, :], nc_out.variables['v'][nc_tind, -1, :, :], pm, pn, f) except: vort = calc_vort(nc_out.variables['ubar'][nc_tind, :, :], nc_out.variables['vbar'][nc_tind, :, :], pm, pn, f) field_plot = (psi2rho(vort) * mask_rho) / f cmap_plot = cm.seismic cbar_label = r'$\zeta / f$' min_max = [-10, 10] if field_look == 'temp': field_plot = nc_out.variables['temp'][nc_tind, -1, :, :] * mask_rho cmap_plot = cm.rainbow cbar_label = r'$SST \left(^{\circ} C\right)' min_max = [np.min(field_plot), np.max(field_plot)] if field_look == 'salt': field_plot = nc_out.variables['salt'][nc_tind, -1, :, :] * mask_rho cmap_plot = cm.rainbow cbar_label = r'$SSS' min_max = [np.min(field_plot), np.max(field_plot)] ############################################## # PLOT AND PROMPT USER TO CLICK ON PLOT ''' ALL OF THIS HAPPENS IN WHILE LOOP UNTIL USER IS SATISFIED WITH PARTICLE DISTRIBUTION SO USER CAN RE-SELECT FEATURE, RADIUS, AND # OF PARTICLES UNTIL THEY HAVE DISTRIBUTION THEY WANT ''' ############################################## choose_again = 'Y' while choose_again == 'Y': plt.ion() plt.figure(figsize=[14, 7]) h_con = plt.contour(h, colors='k', linewidths=2.5) plt.imshow(field_plot, origin='lower', cmap=cmap_plot, vmin=min_max[0], vmax=min_max[1]) cbar_plot = plt.colorbar() cbar_plot.set_label(cbar_label, fontsize=22) plt.title('INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLICKING: ' + '\n' + 'Select point: left click' + '\n' + 'Cancel last input: right click' + '\n' + 'Stop click recording: middle click') coords = plt.ginput(n=-1, show_clicks=True, mouse_add=1, mouse_pop=3, mouse_stop=2) ####################################################### # ASK USER HOW MANY PARTICLES AND WHAT RADIUS THEY WANT ######################################################## if radial_inputs == []: print '################################################' print '' print '' print '' r_km = input('Radius of circle (in km)? ') print '' nparticles = input('How many total particles? ') print '##################################################' #CONVERT RADIUS TO GRID-POINT UNITS else: r_km = radial_inputs[0] nparticles = radial_inputs[1] r_grdpt = (r_km * 1E3) * np.mean((pm + pn) / 2) ############################################### # DISTRIBUTE PARTICLES INSIDE CRICLE ################################################ x_center = coords[0][0] y_center = coords[0][1] px_list = [] py_list = [] for n in range(nparticles): q = np.random.random() * 2 * np.pi r = np.sqrt(np.random.random()) px_list.append(x_center + (r_grdpt * r) * np.cos(q)) py_list.append(y_center + (r_grdpt * r) * np.sin(q)) px_arr = np.asarray(px_list, dtype='float64') py_arr = np.asarray(py_list, dtype='float64') #################################### # SHOW USER FLOAT LOCATIONS ON GRID #################################### fig_check = plt.figure(figsize=[14, 7]) h_con = plt.contour(h, colors='k', linewidths=2.5) plt.imshow(field_plot, origin='lower', cmap=cmap_plot, vmin=min_max[0], vmax=min_max[1]) cbar_plot = plt.colorbar() cbar_plot.set_label(cbar_label, fontsize=22) plt.plot(px_arr, py_arr, 'o', color='k', markersize=2.5) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim([0, mask_rho.shape[1]]) ax.set_ylim([0, mask_rho.shape[0]]) ########################################## # PROMPT USER TO ENTER INPUTS AGAIN ########################################## user_in_bad = True while user_in_bad: temp_in = raw_input( 'Choose feature / particle distribution again (Y/N)? ') if temp_in == 'Y' or temp_in == 'N': choose_again = temp_in user_in_bad = False plt.close('all') ########################################################################################## return px_arr - 1, py_arr - 1
def main(args): # Create a random generator with a given seed generator = np.random.RandomState(args.seed) # Generate an artifical regression dataset data, target = sklearn.datasets.make_classification( n_samples=args.data_size, n_features=2, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, random_state=args.seed) # Use `sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split` method call, passing # arguments `test_size=args.test_size, random_state=args.seed`. # Append a constant feature with value 1 to the end of every input data data = np.concatenate([data, np.ones([data.shape[0], 1])], axis=1) # Split the dataset into a train set and a test set. train_data, test_data, train_target, test_target = sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(data, target, test_size=args.test_size, random_state=args.seed) # Generate initial linear regression weights weights = generator.uniform(size=train_data.shape[1]) for iteration in range(args.iterations): permutation = generator.permutation(train_data.shape[0]) # Process the data in the order of `permutation`. # You can assume that `args.batch_size` exactly divides `train_data.shape[0]`. gradient, gradient_components = 0, 0 for i in permutation: gradient += (1 / (1 + np.exp(-train_data[i] @ weights)) - train_target[i]) * train_data[i] gradient_components += 1 if gradient_components == args.batch_size: weights -= args.learning_rate * gradient / gradient_components gradient, gradient_components = 0, 0 assert gradient_components == 0 # After the SGD iteration, measure the average loss and accuracy for both the # train test and the test set. The loss is the average MLE loss (i.e., the # negative log likelihood, or crossentropy loss, or KL loss) per example. train_pred = np.round(1 / (1 + np.exp(- train_data @ weights))).astype(int) train_accuracy = sum(train_pred == train_target) / train_data.shape[0] train_loss = sklearn.metrics.log_loss(train_target, train_pred) test_pred = np.round(1 / (1 + np.exp(-test_data @ weights))).astype(int) test_accuracy = sum(test_pred == test_target) / test_data.shape[0] test_loss = sklearn.metrics.log_loss(test_target, test_pred) print("After iteration {}: train loss {:.4f} acc {:.1f}%, test loss {:.4f} acc {:.1f}%".format( iteration + 1, train_loss, 100 * train_accuracy, test_loss, 100 * test_accuracy)) if args.plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if args.plot is not True: if not iteration: plt.figure(figsize=(6.4 * 3, 4.8 * (args.iterations + 2) // 3)) plt.subplot(3, (args.iterations + 2) // 3, 1 + iteration) xs = np.linspace(np.min(data[:, 0]), np.max(data[:, 0]), 50) ys = np.linspace(np.min(data[:, 1]), np.max(data[:, 1]), 50) predictions = [[1 / (1 + np.exp(-([x, y, 1] @ weights))) for x in xs] for y in ys] plt.contourf(xs, ys, predictions, levels=21,, alpha=0.7) plt.contour(xs, ys, predictions, levels=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], colors="k") plt.scatter(train_data[:, 0], train_data[:, 1], c=train_target, marker="P", label="train", plt.scatter(test_data[:, 0], test_data[:, 1], c=test_target, label="test", plt.legend(loc="upper right") if args.plot is True: else: plt.savefig(args.plot, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight") return weights
mantle = int(np.min(np.argwhere((pdist[1] + pdist[0] < r)))) lower_crust = int(np.min(np.argwhere( (pdist[2] + pdist[1] + pdist[0] < r)))) upper_crust = lower_crust + 1 record = 20 x = r / 1000 y = t / 1e6 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # `plot_surface` expects `x` and `y` data to be 2D surf = plt.contourf(Y, X, T, 15) CS = plt.contour(Y, X, T, levels=[1650, 1750], colors=('k', ), linestyles=('-', ), linewidths=(2, )) plt.clabel(CS, fmt='%2.1d', colors='k', fontsize=14) plt.hlines(r[core] / 1000, y[record], np.max(Y), color='red') plt.hlines(r[mantle] / 1000, y[record], np.max(Y), color='red') plt.axvline(y[record], 0, 500, color='red') plt.title('2-zone model,Canonical Al & Fe, accretion at ' + str(t[0] / 1e6)) # if case == 2: # plt.title('4-zone model,Canonical Al & Fe, accretion at '+ str(t[0]/1e6)) plt.xlabel('Time (Myr)') plt.ylabel('Radius (km)') cbar = fig.colorbar(surf, label='Temperature (K)')
def variable_sweep(problem): from matplotlib import rcParams rcParams[''] = 'times new roman' # rcParams['font.times-new-roman'] = ['times new roman'] number_of_points = 5 outputs = carpet_plot(problem, number_of_points, 0, 0) #run carpet plot, suppressing default plots inputs = outputs.inputs objective = outputs.objective constraints = outputs.constraint_val plt.figure(0) CS = plt.contourf(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], objective, 20, linewidths=2) cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)'Fuel Burn (kg)') CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], constraints[-1, :, :], cmap=plt.get_cmap('hot')) plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=12, family='times new roman') cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const) # plt.FontProperties(family='times new roman', style='italic', size=12)'BOW (kg)') # font = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(family='times new roman', style='italic', size=12) # CS_const.font_manager.FontProperties.set_family(family='times new roman') plt.xlabel('Wing Area (m^2)') plt.ylabel('Aspect Ratio (-)') plt.legend(loc='upper left') # number_of_points = 5 outputs = carpet_plot( problem, number_of_points, 0, 0, sweep_index_0=1, sweep_index_1=3) # run carpet plot, suppressing default plots inputs = outputs.inputs objective = outputs.objective constraints = outputs.constraint_val plt.figure(0) CS = plt.contourf(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], objective, 20, linewidths=2) cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)'Fuel Burn (kg)') CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], constraints[-1, :, :], cmap=plt.get_cmap('hot')) plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=10) cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const)'BOW (kg)') plt.xlabel('AR (-)') plt.ylabel('Sweep Angle (Deg)') plt.legend(loc='upper left') number_of_points = 5 outputs = carpet_plot( problem, number_of_points, 0, 0, sweep_index_0=2, sweep_index_1=3) # run carpet plot, suppressing default plots inputs = outputs.inputs objective = outputs.objective constraints = outputs.constraint_val plt.figure(0) CS = plt.contourf(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], objective, 20, linewidths=2) cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)'Fuel Burn (kg)') CS_const = plt.contour(inputs[0, :], inputs[1, :], constraints[-1, :, :], cmap=plt.get_cmap('hot')) plt.clabel(CS_const, inline=1, fontsize=10) cbar = plt.colorbar(CS_const)'BOW (kg)') plt.xlabel('t/c (-)') plt.ylabel('Sweep Angle (Deg)') plt.legend(loc='upper left') return
plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(U[groups.index(gr), :].reshape((-1, 1)), cmap=newcmp, vmin=-0.4, vmax=0.4) plt.grid(None) plt.colorbar() plt.yticks(range(10), components_names) plt.xticks([]) plt.title("Encoding") plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(sz, extent=(*x_range, *z_range[::-1]), alpha=sz.astype(float)) plt.contour(grid_x, grid_y, szr, extent=(*x_range, *z_range[::-1]), levels=[0.5]) plt.plot(*batter_outline(x=-0.8), scalex=False, scaley=False, color="white", linewidth=4) plt.plot(*strike_zone(), scalex=False, scaley=False, color="white", linewidth=1, linestyle="--") plt.gca().set_xticklabels([]) plt.gca().set_yticklabels([])
def rosen(x_o=[-1.5,1.0],a=20.0,eta=0.001,threshold=0.001,maxiter=1000,alpha=0.0,anim = 1,up = 1.1,down = 0.9,reduce = 0.5): it = 0 x1 = np.linspace(-2,2,201) x2 = np.linspace(-1,3,201) [X,Y] = np.meshgrid(x1,x2) Y = (1-X)**2 + a*(Y-X**2)**2 v = np.linspace(math.floor(a/80)+3,Y.max(),math.floor(a)) plt.clf() plt.contour(Y,v) plt.xticks([0,50,100,150,200],[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) plt.yticks([0,50,100,150,200],[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal','box') plt.tight_layout() plt.plot(150,100,'b.') f = (1-x_o[0])**2+a*(x_o[1]-x_o[0]**2)**2 fold = f minf = f gradold = np.array([0,0]) eta1 = eta eta2 = eta varx = np.array([0.0,0.0]) ###Gradient Method#### while it != maxiter: grad = np.array([-2.0*(1-x_o[0])-4.0*a*(x_o[1]-x_o[0]**2)*x_o[0], 2.0*a*(x_o[1]-x_o[0]**2)]) x_old = np.asarray(x_o) if (f>minf and reduce < 1): x_o[0] = minx1 x_o[1] = minx2 grad[0] = mingrad1 grad[1]= mingrad2 varx = np.array([0.0,0.0]) eta1 = eta1*reduce eta2 = eta2*reduce gradold[0] = 0 gradold[1] = 0 fold = f f = minf else: minf = f minx1 = x_o[0] minx2 = x_o[1] mingrad1 = grad[0] mingrad2 = grad[1] if grad[0]*gradold[0] >0: eta1 = eta1*up else: eta1= eta1*down if grad[1]*gradold[1] >0: eta2 = eta2*up else: eta2 = eta2*down varx[0] = alpha*varx[0]-(1-alpha)*grad[0] varx[1] = alpha*varx[1]-(1-alpha)*grad[1] x_o[0] = x_o[0] + eta1*varx[0] x_o[1] = x_o[1] + eta2*varx[1] gradold = grad fold = f try: f = (x_o[0]-1)**2 + a*(x_o[1]-x_o[0]**2)**2 if (f < threshold or fold < threshold): break else: if anim: plt.plot([50*x_old[0]+100, 50*x_o[0]+100],[50*x_old[1]+50,50*x_o[1]+50],'r.-') plt.xticks([0,50,100,150,200],[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) plt.yticks([0,50,100,150,200],[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3]) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal','box') plt.tight_layout() plt.pause(0.1) it += 1 except: print('Diverged!') break if it == maxiter: print('Did not converge in %d steps, f = %f' %(it,f)) return x_o else: print('Converged in %d steps, f = %f' %(it+1,f)) return x_o
def contourPlot(DI, varName, levels, ticks, figName, ZvarName='mixf', addZstContour=False, means_rms='means'): print("\nMaking contour plot for figure: ", figName, "\n") fname = DI['pdir'] + means_rms + "_" + varName + ".dat" data = np.loadtxt(fname) x = data[:, 0] #x = x-np.average(x) var = data[:, 1:] y = get_axialLocations(DI, forceGetDumpTimes=False) D = get_inputFileParameter(DI, ("initParams", "d_f")) x = x / D y = y / D X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) #------------------ plot aspectRatio = (np.max(y) - np.min(y)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x)) plt.figure(figsize=(4, 2.2 * aspectRatio)) plt.rc("font", size=16) if levels != []: C = plt.contourf(X, Y, var.T, levels=levels, extend='max', cmap=cm.viridis) else: C = plt.contourf(X, Y, var.T, 50, cmap=cm.viridis) #C.cmap.set_over('k') # color for high out of range values #C.cmap.set_under('k') # color for low out of range values ax = plt.gca() ax.axis((np.min(x), np.max(x), np.min(y), np.max(y))) ax.set_xbound(lower=np.min(x), upper=np.max(x)) ax.set_ybound(lower=np.min(y), upper=np.max(y)) ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.xlabel('position (m)', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('axial position (m)', fontsize=16) plt.colorbar(ticks=ticks) #plt.xticks((-0.2,0,0.2)) #plt.yticks(()) #ax.grid(True, color='w', linewidth=1, linestyle = ':') if addZstContour: zstoic = get_fstoic(DI) Z = np.loadtxt(DI['pdir'] + "means_" + ZvarName + '.dat') Z = Z[:, 1:] plt.contour(X, Y, Z.T, levels=np.array([zstoic]), colors='white', linewidth=0.1) plt.savefig(figName)