def _setup(): # The baseline images are created in this locale, so we should use # it during all of the tests. try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, str('en_US.UTF-8')) except locale.Error: try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, str('English_United States.1252')) except locale.Error: warnings.warn( "Could not set locale to English/United States. " "Some date-related tests may fail") plt.switch_backend('Agg') # use Agg backend for these test if mpl.get_backend().lower() != "agg": msg = ("Using a wrong matplotlib backend ({0}), " "which will not produce proper images") raise Exception(msg.format(mpl.get_backend())) # These settings *must* be hardcoded for running the comparison # tests mpl.rcdefaults() # Start with all defaults mpl.rcParams['text.hinting'] = True mpl.rcParams['text.antialiased'] = True mpl.rcParams['text.hinting_factor'] = 8 # make sure we don't carry over bad plots from former tests msg = ("no of open figs: {} -> find the last test with ' " "python -v' and add a '@cleanup' decorator.") assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 0, msg.format(plt.get_fignums())
def test_plot_tfr_topo(): """Test plotting of TFR data.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt epochs = _get_epochs() n_freqs = 3 nave = 1 data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(len(epochs.ch_names), n_freqs, len(epochs.times)) tfr = AverageTFR(, data, epochs.times, np.arange(n_freqs), nave) plt.close('all') fig = tfr.plot_topo(baseline=(None, 0), mode='ratio', title='Average power', vmin=0., vmax=14.) # test opening tfr by clicking num_figures_before = len(plt.get_fignums()) # could use np.reshape(fig.axes[-1].images[0].get_extent(), (2, 2)).mean(1) with pytest.warns(None): # on old mpl there is a warning _fake_click(fig, fig.axes[0], (0.08, 0.65)) assert num_figures_before + 1 == len(plt.get_fignums()) plt.close('all') tfr.plot([4], baseline=(None, 0), mode='ratio', show=False, title='foo') pytest.raises(ValueError, tfr.plot, [4], yscale='lin', show=False) # nonuniform freqs freqs = np.logspace(*np.log10([3, 10]), num=3) tfr = AverageTFR(, data, epochs.times, freqs, nave) fig = tfr.plot([4], baseline=(None, 0), mode='mean', vmax=14., show=False) assert fig.axes[0].get_yaxis().get_scale() == 'log' # one timesample tfr = AverageTFR(, data[:, :, [0]], epochs.times[[1]], freqs, nave) with pytest.warns(None): # matplotlib equal left/right tfr.plot([4], baseline=None, vmax=14., show=False, yscale='linear') # one frequency bin, log scale required: as it doesn't make sense # to plot log scale for one value, we test whether yscale is set to linear vmin, vmax = 0., 2. fig, ax = plt.subplots() tmin, tmax = epochs.times[0], epochs.times[-1] with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='not masking'): _imshow_tfr(ax, 3, tmin, tmax, vmin, vmax, None, tfr=data[:, [0], :], freq=freqs[[-1]], x_label=None, y_label=None, colorbar=False, cmap=('RdBu_r', True), yscale='log') fig = plt.gcf() assert fig.axes[0].get_yaxis().get_scale() == 'linear' # ValueError when freq[0] == 0 and yscale == 'log' these_freqs = freqs[:3].copy() these_freqs[0] = 0 with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='not masking'): pytest.raises(ValueError, _imshow_tfr, ax, 3, tmin, tmax, vmin, vmax, None, tfr=data[:, :3, :], freq=these_freqs, x_label=None, y_label=None, colorbar=False, cmap=('RdBu_r', True), yscale='log')
def decorated(): # make sure we don't carry over bad images from former tests. assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 0, "no of open figs: %s -> find the last test with ' " \ "python -v' and add a '@cleanup' decorator." % \ str(plt.get_fignums()) func() assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == len(baseline_images), "different number of " \ "baseline_images and actuall " \ "plots." for fignum, baseline in zip(plt.get_fignums(), baseline_images): figure = plt.figure(fignum) _assert_same_figure_images(figure, baseline, _file, tol=tol)
def load(self): inter = mp.isinteractive() if inter: mp.ioff() fig_list = mp.get_fignums() if self.file != None: with open(self.file, 'r') as f: ps = pkl.load(f) self.dict = ps.dict for p in mp.get_fignums(): if p not in fig_list: mp.close(p) if inter: mp.ion()
def test_plot_topomap_interactive(): """Test interactive topomap projection plotting.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.figure import Figure evoked = read_evokeds(evoked_fname, baseline=(None, 0))[0] evoked.pick_types(meg='mag')['projs'] = [] assert not evoked.proj evoked.add_proj(compute_proj_evoked(evoked, n_mag=1)) plt.close('all') fig = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) ax = fig.gca() kwargs = dict(vmin=-240, vmax=240, times=[0.1], colorbar=False, axes=ax, res=8, time_unit='s') evoked.copy().plot_topomap(proj=False, **kwargs) canvas.draw() image_noproj = np.frombuffer(canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype='uint8') assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 1 ax.clear() evoked.copy().plot_topomap(proj=True, **kwargs) canvas.draw() image_proj = np.frombuffer(canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype='uint8') assert not np.array_equal(image_noproj, image_proj) assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 1 ax.clear() evoked.copy().plot_topomap(proj='interactive', **kwargs) canvas.draw() image_interactive = np.frombuffer(canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype='uint8') assert_array_equal(image_noproj, image_interactive) assert not np.array_equal(image_proj, image_interactive) assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 2 proj_fig = plt.figure(plt.get_fignums()[-1]) _fake_click(proj_fig, proj_fig.axes[0], [0.5, 0.5], xform='data') canvas.draw() image_interactive_click = np.frombuffer( canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype='uint8') assert_array_equal(image_proj, image_interactive_click) assert not np.array_equal(image_noproj, image_interactive_click) _fake_click(proj_fig, proj_fig.axes[0], [0.5, 0.5], xform='data') canvas.draw() image_interactive_click = np.frombuffer( canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype='uint8') assert_array_equal(image_noproj, image_interactive_click) assert not np.array_equal(image_proj, image_interactive_click)
def test_plotting(self): Options.multiprocessing=False self.fldr.figure(figsize=(9,6)) self.fldr.each.plot() self.assertEqual(len(plt.get_fignums()),1,"Plotting to a single figure in PlotFolder failed.") plt.close("all") self.fldr.plot(extra=extra) self.assertEqual(len(plt.get_fignums()),2,"Plotting to a single figure in PlotFolder failed.")[0].subplots self.assertEqual(len(,12,"Subplots check failed.") plt.close("all") Options.multiprocessing=True
def _image_comparison(baseline_images, extensions=["pdf", "svg", "png"], tol=11, rtol=1e-3, **kwargs): for num, base in zip(plt.get_fignums(), baseline_images): for ext in extensions: fig = plt.figure(num) fig.canvas.draw() # fig.axes[0].set_axis_off() # fig.set_frameon(False) if ext in ["npz"]: figdict = flatten_axis(fig) np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(result_dir, "{}.{}".format(base, ext)), **figdict) fig.savefig( os.path.join(result_dir, "{}.{}".format(base, "png")), transparent=True, edgecolor="none", facecolor="none", # bbox='tight' ) for num, base in zip(plt.get_fignums(), baseline_images): for ext in extensions: # plt.close(num) actual = os.path.join(result_dir, "{}.{}".format(base, ext)) expected = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "{}.{}".format(base, ext)) if ext == "npz": def do_test(): if not os.path.exists(expected): import shutil shutil.copy2(actual, expected) # shutil.copy2(os.path.join(result_dir, "{}.{}".format(base, 'png')), os.path.join(baseline_dir, "{}.{}".format(base, 'png'))) raise IOError("Baseline file {} not found, copying result {}".format(expected, actual)) else: exp_dict = dict(np.load(expected).items()) act_dict = dict(np.load(actual).items()) for name in act_dict: if name in exp_dict: try: np.testing.assert_allclose( exp_dict[name], act_dict[name], err_msg="Mismatch in {}.{}".format(base, name), rtol=rtol, **kwargs ) except AssertionError as e: raise SkipTest(e) yield do_test plt.close("all")
def save_all(basename,pdf=True,png=True,single_pdf=False,close=True): """Save all figures""" if not pl.get_fignums(): return if pdf: pp = PdfPages(basename+".pdf") for i in pl.get_fignums(): fig = pl.figure(i) if pdf: pp.savefig(fig) if png: fig.patch.set_alpha(0.0) fig.savefig(basename+"-%02d.png" % i) if single_pdf: fig.savefig(basename+"-%02d.pdf" % i) if pdf: pp.close() if close: pl.close("all")
def setup(self): func = self.func plt.close('all') self.setup_class() try: matplotlib.testing.set_font_settings_for_testing() func() assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == len(self.baseline_images), ( "Test generated {} images but there are {} baseline images" .format(len(plt.get_fignums()), len(self.baseline_images))) except: # Restore original settings before raising errors. self.teardown_class() raise
def test_plot_topo_image_epochs(): """Test plotting of epochs image topography.""" title = 'ERF images - MNE sample data' epochs = _get_epochs() epochs.load_data() cmap = mne_analyze_colormap(format='matplotlib') data_min = epochs._data.min() plt.close('all') fig = plot_topo_image_epochs(epochs, sigma=0.5, vmin=-200, vmax=200, colorbar=True, title=title, cmap=cmap) assert epochs._data.min() == data_min num_figures_before = len(plt.get_fignums()) _fake_click(fig, fig.axes[0], (0.08, 0.64)) assert num_figures_before + 1 == len(plt.get_fignums()) plt.close('all')
def run_sskk(self, anchor=0.58929, grid_size=100, iter=1): #This section determined the real index of refraction, n, from k, using a #singly subtractive Kramers Kronig calculation. For this lamdiff, you will #need MIR data of your sample and should obtain n and k for those data #using a dispersion analysis (see other material). #Select anchor wavelength (this is usually sodium D line of 0.58929um) #this is the wavelength at which n1 was determined #iteration through program plt.close('all') # hack! n1 = self.hapke_scalar.n1 kset = self.vnirv, self.vnirk, self.fullv, self.fullk wave = self.pp_spectra['file2'][:,0] _, lend, lstart = self.pp_bounds #low, high, UV pltData, vars = analysis.MasterSSKK(kset, anchor, iter, wave, n1, lstart, lend) figures = [plt.figure(i) for i in plt.get_fignums()] self.sskk = pltData ## Should this be overwritten in self.pp_bounds -- I guess not we need the low from preprocessing self.sskk_lstart, self.sskk_lend, self.sskk_lamdiff, self.vislam, self.visn = vars return 'Solved for n: ', 'sskk', figures
def cursor(artists_or_axes=None, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`Cursor` for a list of artists or axes. Parameters ---------- artists_or_axes : Optional[List[Union[Artist, Axes]]] All artists in the list and all artists on any of the axes passed in the list are selectable by the constructed :class:`Cursor`. Defaults to all artists on any of the figures that :mod:`pyplot` is tracking. **kwargs Keyword arguments are passed to the :class:`Cursor` constructor. """ if artists_or_axes is None: artists_or_axes = [ax for fig in map(plt.figure, plt.get_fignums()) for ax in fig.axes] elif not isinstance(artists_or_axes, Iterable): artists_or_axes = [artists_or_axes] artists = [] for entry in artists_or_axes: if isinstance(entry, Axes): ax = entry artists.extend(ax.lines + ax.patches + ax.collections + ax.images) # No need to extend with each container (ax.containers): the # contained artists have already been added. else: artist = entry artists.append(artist) return Cursor(artists, **kwargs)
def show_pdf(filename,width=0.5,aspect=None): """ Displays the specified pdf file in a ipython/jupiter notebook. The width is given as screen width, the height is given via the aspect ratio. Arguments: ---------- filename : string The path of the pdf to be shown Keywords: --------- width : float The width where 1 = full width aspect : float The aspect ratio width/height. Defaults to last figure's aspect ratio or to 4./3. if no figure present. Returns: -------- A HTML object """ if aspect is None: if plt.get_fignums()==[]: aspect = aspect or 4./3. else: aspect = plt.gcf().get_size_inches() aspect = aspect[0]/aspect[1] return HTML('<div style="position:relative;width:{:g}%;height:0;padding-bottom:{:g}%">'.format(width*100,width*100/aspect+2)+\ '<iframe src="'+filename+'" style="width:100%;height:100%"></iframe></div>')
def savefigs(self, chunk): if chunk["name"] is None: prefix = self._basename() + "_figure" + str(chunk["number"]) else: prefix = self._basename() + "_" + chunk["name"] fignames = [] if Pweb.usematplotlib: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Iterate over figures figs = plt.get_fignums() # print figs for i in figs: plt.figure(i) plt.figure(i).set_size_inches(chunk["f_size"]) # plt.figure(i).set_size_inches(4,4) name = Pweb.figdir + "/" + prefix + "_" + str(i) + self.formatdict["figfmt"] for format in self.formatdict["savedformats"]: plt.savefig(Pweb.figdir + "/" + prefix + "_" + str(i) + format) plt.draw() fignames.append(name) # plt.clf() plt.close() if Pweb.usesho: from sho import saveplot figname = Pweb.figdir + "/" + prefix + self.formatdict["figfmt"] saveplot(figname) fignames = [figname] return fignames
def figures2pdf(fname, fignums=None, figures=None, close=False): """Save list of figures into a multipage pdf. **Arguments:** - **fname**: Name of the file to save to. **Keywords:** - **fignums**: list of figure numbers to save if None given, all currently open figures get saved into a pdf. """ from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages if fname[-4:] != '.pdf': fname += '.pdf' print('Saving to:', path.abspath(fname)) if isinstance(fignums, type(None)) and isinstance(figures, type(None)): fignums = plt.get_fignums() elif isinstance(fignums, type(None)): fignums = [fig.number for fig in figures] with PdfPages(fname) as pdf: for num in fignums: fig = plt.figure(num) pdf.savefig() if close: plt.close(fig) print('DONE')
def do_ui_pause(self, prompt=None): """Make a UI pause without regard to the current pause state.""" if prompt is None: prompt = "Paused. Press ENTER to continue..." if not plt.get_fignums(): # empty list: no figures are open input(prompt) else: # a figure is open if matplotlib.get_backend().upper().startswith("GTK"): title_before = plt.gcf().canvas.get_toplevel().get_title() elif matplotlib.get_backend().upper().startswith("TK"): title_before = plt.gcf().canvas.get_tk_widget().winfo_toplevel().wm_title() elif matplotlib.get_backend().upper().startswith("WX"): title_before = plt.gcf().canvas.GetTopLevelParent().GetTitle() elif matplotlib.get_backend().upper().startswith("QT"): title_before = str(plt.gcf().canvas.topLevelWidget().windowTitle()) else: title_before = "Figure %d" % plt.gcf().number while True: # wait until a key is pressed. Blink the title meanwhile. plt.gcf().canvas.set_window_title(prompt) result = plt.gcf().waitforbuttonpress(1) if result: # waitforbuttonpress returns True for keypress, False for mouse click and None for timeout break plt.gcf().canvas.set_window_title(title_before) result = plt.gcf().waitforbuttonpress(1) if result: # waitforbuttonpress returns True for keypress, False for mouse click and None for timeout break plt.gcf().canvas.set_window_title(title_before)
def update_plots(data, figs): start = time.time() cur_figs = plt.get_fignums() if cur_figs: # plot verbose link states fignum = figs[0].number if fignum in cur_figs: plot_verbose_network_states(fignum, data) # plot all network states fignum = figs[1].number if fignum in cur_figs: plot_network_states(fignum, data) # plot lower level database vars fignum = figs[2].number if fignum in cur_figs: plot_db_vars(fignum, data) draw() plt.pause(.1) end = time.time() print "Plotting time was: ", end-start, " seconds" else: time.sleep(1)
def main(): if '-a' in sys.argv: pr = 'all' else: pr = 'some' ns = int(sys.argv[-1]) phase, intesity, tparams = genmultilc(nspots=ns,noisefactor=0.0) print 'tparams:', tparams print paramsets = ratchetfit((phase,intesity),ns,plsprint=pr,plsplot='-p' in sys.argv) pdists = [multiparamdists(fps,tparams) for fps in paramsets] print print 'tparams:', tparams print 'final param sets:' for i in range(len(paramsets)): print 'params: ', paramsets[i] print 'pdists: ', pdists[i] if '-p' in sys.argv: for i in plt.get_fignums(): plt.figure(i) plt.savefig('figure%d.png' % i)
def show_plots(plotengine, ax=None, output_dir=None): if plotengine == 'mpld3': import mpld3 elif plotengine == 'matplotlib': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not output_dir: # None or "" else: for fi in plt.get_fignums(): plt.figure(fi) fig_name = getattr(plt.figure(fi), 'name', 'figure%d' % fi) fig_path = op.join(output_dir, '%s.png' % fig_name) if not op.exists(op.dirname(fig_path)): os.makedirs(op.dirname(fig_path)) plt.savefig(fig_path) plt.close() elif plotengine in ['bokeh', 'bokeh-silent']: import bokeh.plotting import tempfile output_dir = output_dir or tempfile.mkdtemp() output_name = getattr(ax, 'name', ax.title).replace(':', '-') output_file = op.join(output_dir, '%s.html' % output_name) if not op.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) if op.exists(output_file): os.remove(output_file) bokeh.plotting.output_file(output_file, title=ax.title, mode='inline') if plotengine == 'bokeh':
def test(self): baseline_dir, result_dir = _image_directories(self._func) for fignum, baseline in zip(plt.get_fignums(), self._baseline_images): for extension in self._extensions: will_fail = not extension in comparable_formats() if will_fail: fail_msg = 'Cannot compare %s files on this system' % extension else: fail_msg = 'No failure expected' orig_expected_fname = os.path.join(baseline_dir, baseline) + '.' + extension if extension == 'eps' and not os.path.exists(orig_expected_fname): orig_expected_fname = os.path.join(baseline_dir, baseline) + '.pdf' expected_fname = make_test_filename(os.path.join( result_dir, os.path.basename(orig_expected_fname)), 'expected') actual_fname = os.path.join(result_dir, baseline) + '.' + extension if os.path.exists(orig_expected_fname): shutil.copyfile(orig_expected_fname, expected_fname) else: will_fail = True fail_msg = ( "Do not have baseline image {0} because this " "file does not exist: {1}".format( expected_fname, orig_expected_fname ) ) @knownfailureif( will_fail, fail_msg, known_exception_class=ImageComparisonFailure) def do_test(): figure = plt.figure(fignum) if self._remove_text: self.remove_text(figure) figure.savefig(actual_fname, **self._savefig_kwarg) err = compare_images(expected_fname, actual_fname, self._tol, in_decorator=True) try: if not os.path.exists(expected_fname): raise ImageComparisonFailure( 'image does not exist: %s' % expected_fname) if err: raise ImageComparisonFailure( 'images not close: %(actual)s vs. %(expected)s ' '(RMS %(rms).3f)'%err) except ImageComparisonFailure: if not check_freetype_version(self._freetype_version): raise KnownFailureTest( "Mismatched version of freetype. Test requires '%s', you have '%s'" % (self._freetype_version, ft2font.__freetype_version__)) raise yield (do_test,)
def _init_figure(self, **kwargs): from matplotlib import pyplot # add new attributes self.colorbars = [] self._coloraxes = [] # create Figure num = kwargs.pop('num', max(pyplot.get_fignums() or {0}) + 1) self._parse_subplotpars(kwargs) super(Plot, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.number = num # add interactivity (scraped from pyplot.figure()) backend_mod = get_backend_mod() try: manager = backend_mod.new_figure_manager_given_figure(num, self) except AttributeError: upstream_mod = importlib.import_module( pyplot.new_figure_manager.__module__) canvas = upstream_mod.FigureCanvasBase(self) manager = upstream_mod.FigureManagerBase(canvas, 1) manager._cidgcf = manager.canvas.mpl_connect( 'button_press_event', lambda ev: _pylab_helpers.Gcf.set_active(manager)) _pylab_helpers.Gcf.set_active(manager) pyplot.draw_if_interactive()
def splay_figures(): """Get all figures and spread them across my secondary monitor""" fig_list = plt.get_fignums() wx = 640 h = 500 x1, x2, x3 = 1367, 1367 + wx, 1367 + wx*2 y0 = 30 y1 = 570 points = np.array([[x1,y0,wx,h], [x2,y0,wx,h], [x3,y0,wx,h], [x1,y1,wx,h], [x2,y1,wx,h], [x3,y1,wx,h]]) if len(fig_list) == 2: points = points[[2, 5]] if len(fig_list) == 3: points = points[[2, 4, 5]] if len(fig_list) == 4: points = points[[1, 2, 4, 5]] for i in range(len(fig_list)): plt.figure(fig_list[i]) plt.get_current_fig_manager().window.setGeometry( points[i,0],points[i,1], points[i,2], points[i,3])
def ShowLastPos(plt): # Call but pickles the plot position on window close. When called a second time # it loads the figure to the last position. So matplotlib now remembers figure positions! # This version works for QT and WX backends. backend = matplotlib.get_backend() FigNums = plt.get_fignums() for FigNum in FigNums: plt.figure(FigNum) fig=plt.gcf() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', RecordLastPos) mgr = plt.get_current_fig_manager() # WX backend if 'WX' in backend: try: with open('CurrentWindowPos%d.pkl'%FigNum, 'r') as f: CurPos = pickle.load(f) mgr.window.SetPosition((CurPos[0], CurPos[1])) mgr.window.SetSize((CurPos[2], CurPos[3])) except: pass # QT backend. elif 'QT' in backend: try: with open('CurrentWindowPos%d.pkl'%FigNum, 'r') as f: CurPos = pickle.load(f) mgr.window.setGeometry(CurPos[0], CurPos[1], CurPos[2], CurPos[3]) except: pass else: print 'Backend ' + backend + ' not supported. Plot figure position will not be sticky.'
def doubleprof(prof1,prof2,rangecor=True,deltaplot=True): plotprofs=[] for p in [prof1,prof2]: if rangecor: alts=p.index() plotprofs.append(p*alts**2) else: plotprofs.append(p) if deltaplot: normprofs=[] for p in plotprofs: tempmean=p.mean() normprofs.append(p/tempmean()) deltaprof=(normprofs[1]-normprofs[2])*100.0/normprofs[1] numfigs=len(plt.get_fignums()) fig=plt.figure(numfigs+1) ax1=fig.add_subplot(211) ax1a=plotprofs[0].plot() ax1b=plotprofs[1].plot(secondary_y=True) align_yaxis(ax1a,0,ax1b,0) ax2=fig.add_subplot(212) deltaprof.plot()
def multipage(filename, figs=None, dpi=200): pp = PdfPages(filename) if figs is None: figs = [plt.figure(n) for n in plt.get_fignums()] for fig in figs: fig.savefig(pp, format='pdf') pp.close()
def main(args): # Load parameters from yaml param_path = 'params.yaml' # rospy.get_param("~param_path") f = open(param_path,'r') params_raw = f.close() params = yaml.load(params_raw) occupancy_map = np.array(params['occupancy_map']) world_map = np.array(params['world_map']) pos_init = np.array(params['pos_init']) pos_goal = np.array(params['pos_goal']) max_vel = params['max_vel'] max_omega = params['max_omega'] t_cam_to_body = np.array(params['t_cam_to_body']) x_spacing = params['x_spacing'] y_spacing = params['y_spacing'] # Intialize the RobotControl object robotControl = RobotControl(world_map, occupancy_map, pos_init, pos_goal, max_vel, max_omega, x_spacing, y_spacing, t_cam_to_body) # TODO for student: Comment this when running on the robot # Run the simulation while not robotControl.robot_sim.done and plt.get_fignums(): robotControl.process_measurements() robotControl.robot_sim.update_frame() plt.ioff() # TODO for student: Use this to run the interface on the robot # Call process_measurements at 60Hz """r = rospy.Rate(60)
def process_statspecs(directive, part=None, designname=None): """ Main processor for the staplestatter directive. Responsible for: 1) Initialize figure and optionally axes as specified by the directive instructions. 2) Loop over all statspecs and call process_statspec. 3) Aggregate and return a list of stats/scores. """ if part is None: part = cadnano_api.p() if designname is None: designname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(part.document().controller().filename()))[0] print("designname:", designname) statspecs = directive['statspecs'] figspec = directive.get('figure', dict()) if figspec.get('newfigure', False) or len(pyplot.get_fignums()) < 1: fig = pyplot.figure(**figspec.get('figure_kwargs', {})) else: fig = pyplot.gcf() # Will make a new figure if no figure has been created. # Here you can add more "figure/axes" specification logic: adjustfuncs = ('title', 'size_inches', 'dpi') for cand in adjustfuncs: if cand in figspec and figspec[cand]: getattr(fig, 'set_'+cand)(figspec[cand]) # equivalent to fig.title(figspec['title']) pyplot.ion() allscores = list() for _, statspec in enumerate(statspecs): scores = process_statspec(statspec, part=part, designname=designname, fig=fig) allscores.append(scores) if 'printspec' in statspec: print("Printing highest scores with: statspec['printspec']") get_highest_scores(scores, **statspec['printspec']) # This logic is subject to change. return dict(figure=fig, scores=allscores)
def updatePlot(self, dataList): # plotLine.set_xdata(range(Nsamples)) # if plot window is closed if 0 == len(plt.get_fignums()): return self.yDataLineOne.append(dataList[0]) # data 1 form queue del (self.yDataLineOne[0]) self.pltLineOne.set_ydata(self.yDataLineOne) # update the data ## for second line if len(dataList) == 2: self.yDataLineTwo.append(dataList[1]) # data 2 from queue del (self.yDataLineTwo[0]) self.pltLineTwo.set_ydata(self.yDataLineTwo) ymin = float(min(self.yDataLineOne + self.yDataLineTwo))-1 ymax = float(max(self.yDataLineOne + self.yDataLineTwo))+1 plt.ylim([ymin,ymax]) # update text on the plot self.TextValTemp1.set_text(round(self.yDataLineOne[-1], 2)) self.TextValTemp2.set_text(round(self.yDataLineTwo[-1], 2)) plt.draw() # update the plot self.refreshPlot()
def test_hist_by_no_extra_plots(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n = 10 df = DataFrame({'gender': tm.choice(['Male', 'Female'], size=n), 'height': random.normal(66, 4, size=n)}) axes = df.height.hist(by=df.gender) self.assertEqual(len(plt.get_fignums()), 1)
def save_plots(self): if not self.args.out and not self.args.out_only: return print("saving plots") # get output prefix: prefix = self.args.out if self.args.out else self.args.out_only # create dir if needed or check for dir type if not os.path.exists(prefix): os.mkdir(prefix) elif not os.path.isdir(prefix): print("not a directory: {}".format(prefix)) sys.exit(1) # Prepare for a single file with all plots p = os.path.join(prefix, "all_plots.pdf") pdf_pages = PdfPages(p) for fig in list(map(plt.figure, plt.get_fignums())): # Add plot to the one and only pdf pdf_pages.savefig(fig, transparent=True) # fetch and remove title from plot (used in filename instead) title = fig.axes[0].get_title().replace(' ', '_') fig.axes[0].set_title("") # create filename and save plot filename = os.path.join(prefix, title + ".pdf") print(filename) fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) # Save the teh single file pdf_pages.close()
def test_classifier_binary(): mlflow.sklearn.autolog() # use RandomForestClassifier that has method [predict_proba], so that we can test # logging of (1) log_loss and (2) roc_auc_score. model = sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=2, random_state=0, n_estimators=10) # use binary datasets to cover the test for roc curve & precision recall curve X, y_true = sklearn.datasets.load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True) with mlflow.start_run() as run: model = fit_model(model, X, y_true, "fit") y_pred = model.predict(X) y_pred_prob = model.predict_proba(X) # For binary classification, y_score only accepts the probability of greater label y_pred_prob_roc = y_pred_prob[:, 1] run_id = params, metrics, tags, artifacts = get_run_data(run_id) assert params == truncate_dict( stringify_dict_values(model.get_params(deep=True))) expected_metrics = { TRAINING_SCORE: model.score(X, y_true), "training_accuracy_score": sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred), "training_precision_score": sklearn.metrics.precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average="weighted"), "training_recall_score": sklearn.metrics.recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average="weighted"), "training_f1_score": sklearn.metrics.f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average="weighted"), "training_log_loss": sklearn.metrics.log_loss(y_true, y_pred_prob), } if _is_metric_supported("roc_auc_score"): expected_metrics[ "training_roc_auc_score"] = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score( y_true, y_score=y_pred_prob_roc, average="weighted", multi_class="ovo", ) assert metrics == expected_metrics assert tags == get_expected_class_tags(model) assert MODEL_DIR in artifacts client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient() artifacts = [x.path for x in client.list_artifacts(run_id)] plot_names = [] if _is_plotting_supported(): plot_names.extend([ "{}.png".format("training_confusion_matrix"), "{}.png".format("training_roc_curve"), "{}.png".format("training_precision_recall_curve"), ]) assert all(x in artifacts for x in plot_names) loaded_model = load_model_by_run_id(run_id) assert_predict_equal(loaded_model, model, X) # verify no figure is open assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 0
plt.figure() plt.plot(t, states_new[:, 1], label='new') plt.plot(t, states_old[:, 1], label='old') plt.xlabel('time [s]') plt.ylabel('angular velocity [rad/s]') plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.plot(t[:-1], actions_new, label='new') plt.plot(t[:-1], actions_old, label='old') plt.xlabel('time [s]') plt.ylabel('actions') plt.legend() print( 'reward old:', tf.reduce_sum(rl.reward_function( states_old[:-1], actions_old)).eval(feed_dict=rl.feed_dict)) print( 'reward new:', tf.reduce_sum(rl.reward_function( states_new[:-1], actions_new)).eval(feed_dict=rl.feed_dict)) # Prevent pyplot windows from closing plt.pause(3) while plt.get_fignums(): plt.pause(10000) pass
tokenizer.fit_on_texts(samples) sequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(samples) one_hot_results = tokenizer.texts_to_matrix(samples, mode = 'binary') word_index = tokenizer.word_index print("Found {} unique tokens.".format(len(word_index))) # Listing 6.4 使用散列技巧的单词级别的 One-Hot 编码(简单示例) # 单词向量的维度是1000,如果单词数量接近甚至超过1000,那么散列冲突的频率就会很高,严重影响编码的效率和质量 def one_hot_word_with_hash_set(): dimensionality = 1000 max_length = 10 results = np.zeros((len(samples), max_length, dimensionality)) for i, sample in enumerate(samples): for j, word in list(enumerate(sample.split()))[:max_length]: # 通过下面的散列函数给出单词的索引 index = abs(hash(word)) % dimensionality results[i, j, index] = 1. if __name__ == '__main__': # one_hot_word() # one_hot_character() # one_hot_word_with_keras() one_hot_word_with_hash_set() # 运行结束的提醒 winsound.Beep(600, 500) if len(plt.get_fignums()) != 0: pass
caffe.set_mode_gpu() caffe.set_device(args.gpu_id) cfg.GPU_ID = args.gpu_id net = caffe.Net(prototxt, caffemodel, caffe.TEST) print '\n\nLoaded network {:s}'.format(caffemodel) # Warmup on a dummy image im = 128 * np.ones((300, 500, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for i in xrange(2): _, _= im_detect(net, im) im_names_real = ['real01.jpg','real02.jpg','real03.jpg','real04.jpg','real05.jpg','real06.jpg','real07.jpg','real08.jpg','real09.jpg','real10.jpg','real11.jpg','real12.jpg','real13.jpg','real14.jpg','real15.jpg','real16.jpg','real17.jpg','real18.jpg','real19.jpg','real20.jpg','real21.jpg','real22.jpg','real23.jpg','real24.jpg','real25.jpg','real26.jpg'] im_names_gen = ['p277_1_0.jpg','p274_1_0.jpg','t69_1_0.jpg','t71_1_0.jpg','t92_1_0.jpg','t82_1_0.jpg','t83_1_0.jpg','t116_1_0.jpg','t114_1_0.jpg','t113_1_0.jpg','t94_1_0.jpg','t89_1_0.jpg','t76_1_0.jpg','t74_1_0.jpg','t48_1_0.jpg','t33_1_0.jpg'] im_names_room = ['v1_1_0.jpg','v2_1_0.jpg','v3_1_0.jpg','v4_1_0.jpg','v5_1_0.jpg','v6_1_0.jpg','v7_1_0.jpg','v8_1_0.jpg','v9_1_0.jpg','v10_1_0.jpg','v11_1_0.jpg','v12_1_0.jpg','v14_1_0.jpg','v117_1_0.jpg'] im_names = im_names_real for im_name in im_names: print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' print 'Demo for data/demo/{}'.format(im_name) demo(net, im_name) ## from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages pp = PdfPages('/home/javier/rcnn/py-faster-rcnn/output/demo/multi.pdf') for i in plt.get_fignums(): plt.figure(i) pp.savefig() #plt.savefig('/home/javier/rcnn/py-faster-rcnn/output/demo/figure%d.png' % i) pp.close()
#print d.xydata[0][0][12], d.xydata[0][1][12] # print the x and y data, respectively, for the 13th sample on fast adc channel 0 #if len(HaasoscopeLib.max10adcchans)>0: print "slow", d.xydataslow[0][0][99], d.xydataslow[0][1][99] # print the x and y data, respectively, for the 100th sample on slow max10 adc channel 0 #if d.dolockin: print d.lockinamp, d.lockinphase # print the lockin info #if d.fftdrawn: # print some fft info (the freq with the biggest amplitude) # fftxdata = d.fftfreqplot.get_xdata(); fftydata = d.fftfreqplot.get_ydata() # maxfftydata=np.max(fftydata); maxfftfrq=fftxdata[fftydata.argmax()] # print "max amp=",maxfftydata, "at freq=",maxfftfrq, d.fftax[1].get_xlabel().replace('Freq ','') if d.db: print time.time()-d.oldtime,"done with evt",nevents nevents+=1 if nevents-oldnevents >= tinterval: elapsedtime=time.time()-oldtime lastrate = round(tinterval/elapsedtime,2) print nevents,"events,",lastrate,"Hz" oldtime=time.time() if lastrate>40: tinterval=500. else: tinterval=100. oldnevents=nevents if d.getone: d.paused=True d.redraw() if len(plt.get_fignums())==0: if d.domaindrawing: break # quit when all the plots have been closed elif nevents>50: break except SerialException: print "serial com failed!" finally: d.cleanup()
# Loop over the examples for example in example_list: output.write('\n') output.write('+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n') output.write('Example ' + example + '\n') # Start time of the example example_start = # Running the example["python3", example]) # write the runtime and the time since the start of the example to the log file example_runtime = - example_start output.write('Time for example: ' + str(example_runtime) + '\n') time_since_start = - batch_start output.write('Time since batch start: ' + str(time_since_start) + '\n') output.write('+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n') # closes figures if still open if len(plt.get_fignums()) > 0: plt.close('all') # close the log file output.close() # remove the dummy file (Very important! for normal runs we check if it exists or not!) os.remove('batch_run.txt') sys.exit(0)
def _annotation_helper(raw, events=False): """Test interactive annotations.""" # Some of our checks here require modern mpl to work properly mpl_good_enough = LooseVersion(matplotlib.__version__) >= '2.0' n_anns = len(raw.annotations) plt.close('all') if events: events = np.array([[raw.first_samp + 100, 0, 1], [raw.first_samp + 300, 0, 3]]) n_events = len(events) else: events = None n_events = 0 fig = raw.plot(events=events) assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 1 data_ax = fig.axes[0] fig.canvas.key_press_event('a') # annotation mode assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 2 # +2 from the scale bars n_scale = 2 assert len(fig.axes[0].texts) == n_anns + n_events + n_scale # modify description ann_fig = plt.gcf() for key in ' test': ann_fig.canvas.key_press_event(key) ann_fig.canvas.key_press_event('enter') ann_fig = plt.gcf() # XXX: _fake_click raises an error on Agg backend _annotation_radio_clicked('',, data_ax.selector) # draw annotation fig.canvas.key_press_event('p') # use snap mode _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [1., 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='press') _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [5., 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='motion') _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [5., 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='release') assert len(raw.annotations.onset) == n_anns + 1 assert len(raw.annotations.duration) == n_anns + 1 assert len(raw.annotations.description) == n_anns + 1 assert raw.annotations.description[n_anns] == 'BAD_ test' assert len(fig.axes[0].texts) == n_anns + 1 + n_events + n_scale onset = raw.annotations.onset[n_anns] want_onset = _sync_onset(raw, 1., inverse=True) assert_allclose(onset, want_onset) assert_allclose(raw.annotations.duration[n_anns], 4.) # hover event _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [4.5, 1.], xform='data', button=None, kind='motion') _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [4.7, 1.], xform='data', button=None, kind='motion') # modify annotation from end _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [5., 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='press') _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [2.5, 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='motion') _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [2.5, 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='release') if mpl_good_enough: assert raw.annotations.onset[n_anns] == onset assert_allclose(raw.annotations.duration[n_anns], 1.5) # 4->1.5 # modify annotation from beginning _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [1., 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='press') _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [0.5, 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='motion') _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [0.5, 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='release') if mpl_good_enough: assert_allclose(raw.annotations.onset[n_anns], onset - 0.5, atol=1e-10) assert_allclose(raw.annotations.duration[n_anns], 2.0) assert len(raw.annotations.onset) == n_anns + 1 assert len(raw.annotations.duration) == n_anns + 1 assert len(raw.annotations.description) == n_anns + 1 assert raw.annotations.description[n_anns] == 'BAD_ test' assert len(fig.axes[0].texts) == n_anns + 1 + n_events + n_scale fig.canvas.key_press_event('shift+right') assert len(fig.axes[0].texts) == n_scale fig.canvas.key_press_event('shift+left') assert len(fig.axes[0].texts) == n_anns + 1 + n_events + n_scale # draw another annotation merging the two _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [5.5, 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='press') _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [2., 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='motion') _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [2., 1.], xform='data', button=1, kind='release') # delete the annotation assert len(raw.annotations.onset) == n_anns + 1 assert len(raw.annotations.duration) == n_anns + 1 assert len(raw.annotations.description) == n_anns + 1 if mpl_good_enough: assert_allclose(raw.annotations.onset[n_anns], onset - 0.5, atol=1e-10) assert_allclose(raw.annotations.duration[n_anns], 5.0) assert len(fig.axes[0].texts) == n_anns + 1 + n_events + n_scale # Delete _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [1.5, 1.], xform='data', button=3, kind='press') fig.canvas.key_press_event('a') # exit annotation mode assert len(raw.annotations.onset) == n_anns assert len(fig.axes[0].texts) == n_anns + n_events + n_scale fig.canvas.key_press_event('shift+right') assert len(fig.axes[0].texts) == n_scale fig.canvas.key_press_event('shift+left') assert len(fig.axes[0].texts) == n_anns + n_events + n_scale plt.close('all')
def test_plot_raw_traces(): """Test plotting of raw data.""" raw = _get_raw()['lowpass'] = 10. # allow heavy decim during plotting events = _get_events() plt.close('all') # ensure all are closed assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 0 fig = raw.plot(events=events, order=[1, 7, 5, 2, 3], n_channels=3, group_by='original') assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 1 # make sure fig._mne_params is present assert isinstance(fig._mne_params, dict) # test mouse clicks x = fig.get_axes()[0].lines[1].get_xdata().mean() y = fig.get_axes()[0].lines[1].get_ydata().mean() data_ax = fig.axes[0] assert len(fig.axes) == 5 _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [x, y], xform='data') # mark a bad channel _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [x, y], xform='data') # unmark a bad channel _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [0.5, 0.999]) # click elsewhere in 1st axes _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [-0.1, 0.9]) # click on y-label _fake_click(fig, fig.axes[1], [0.5, 0.5]) # change time labels = [label.get_text() for label in data_ax.get_yticklabels()] assert labels == [raw.ch_names[1], raw.ch_names[7], raw.ch_names[5]] _fake_click(fig, fig.axes[2], [0.5, 0.01]) # change channels to end labels = [label.get_text() for label in data_ax.get_yticklabels()] assert labels == [raw.ch_names[2], raw.ch_names[3]] _fake_click(fig, fig.axes[2], [0.5, 0.5]) # change channels to mid labels = [label.get_text() for label in data_ax.get_yticklabels()] assert labels == [raw.ch_names[7], raw.ch_names[5], raw.ch_names[2]] assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 1 # open SSP window _fake_click(fig, fig.get_axes()[-1], [0.5, 0.5]) _fake_click(fig, fig.get_axes()[-1], [0.5, 0.5], kind='release') assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 2 ssp_fig = plt.figure(plt.get_fignums()[-1]) fig.canvas.button_press_event(1, 1, 1) # outside any axes fig.canvas.scroll_event(0.5, 0.5, -0.5) # scroll down fig.canvas.scroll_event(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) # scroll up ax = ssp_fig.get_axes()[0] # only one axis is used assert _proj_status(ax) == [True] * 3 t = [c for c in ax.get_children() if isinstance(c, matplotlib.text.Text)] pos = np.array(t[0].get_position()) + 0.01 _fake_click(ssp_fig, ssp_fig.get_axes()[0], pos, xform='data') # off assert _proj_status(ax) == [False, True, True] _fake_click(ssp_fig, ssp_fig.get_axes()[0], pos, xform='data') # on assert _proj_status(ax) == [True] * 3 _fake_click(ssp_fig, ssp_fig.get_axes()[1], [0.5, 0.5]) # all off _fake_click(ssp_fig, ssp_fig.get_axes()[1], [0.5, 0.5], kind='release') assert _proj_status(ax) == [False] * 3 assert fig._mne_params['projector'] is None # actually off _fake_click(ssp_fig, ssp_fig.get_axes()[1], [0.5, 0.5]) # all on _fake_click(ssp_fig, ssp_fig.get_axes()[1], [0.5, 0.5], kind='release') assert fig._mne_params['projector'] is not None # on assert _proj_status(ax) == [True] * 3 # test keypresses # test for group_by='original' for key in [ 'down', 'up', 'right', 'left', 'o', '-', '+', '=', 'd', 'd', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'home', 'end', '?', 'f11', 'z', 'escape' ]: fig.canvas.key_press_event(key) # test for group_by='selection' fig = plot_raw(raw, events=events, group_by='selection') for key in [ 'b', 'down', 'up', 'right', 'left', 'o', '-', '+', '=', 'd', 'd', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'home', 'end', '?', 'f11', 'b', 'z', 'escape' ]: fig.canvas.key_press_event(key) # test zen mode fig = plot_raw(raw, show_scrollbars=False) # Color setting pytest.raises(KeyError, raw.plot, event_color={0: 'r'}) pytest.raises(TypeError, raw.plot, event_color={'foo': 'r'}) annot = Annotations([10, 10 + raw.first_samp /['sfreq']], [10, 10], ['test', 'test'],['meas_date']) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='outside data range'): raw.set_annotations(annot) fig = plot_raw(raw, events=events, event_color={-1: 'r', 998: 'b'}) plt.close('all') for group_by, order in zip( ['position', 'selection'], [np.arange(len(raw.ch_names))[::-3], [1, 2, 4, 6]]): with pytest.warns(None): # sometimes projection fig = raw.plot(group_by=group_by, order=order) x = fig.get_axes()[0].lines[1].get_xdata()[10] y = fig.get_axes()[0].lines[1].get_ydata()[10] with pytest.warns(None): # old mpl (at least 2.0) can warn _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [x, y], xform='data') # mark bad fig.canvas.key_press_event('down') # change selection _fake_click(fig, fig.get_axes()[2], [0.5, 0.5]) # change channels sel_fig = plt.figure(1) topo_ax = sel_fig.axes[1] _fake_click(sel_fig, topo_ax, [-0.425, 0.20223853], xform='data') fig.canvas.key_press_event('down') fig.canvas.key_press_event('up') fig.canvas.scroll_event(0.5, 0.5, -1) # scroll down fig.canvas.scroll_event(0.5, 0.5, 1) # scroll up _fake_click(sel_fig, topo_ax, [-0.5, 0.], xform='data') _fake_click(sel_fig, topo_ax, [0.5, 0.], xform='data', kind='motion') _fake_click(sel_fig, topo_ax, [0.5, 0.5], xform='data', kind='motion') _fake_click(sel_fig, topo_ax, [-0.5, 0.5], xform='data', kind='release') plt.close('all') # test if meas_date is off raw.set_meas_date(_dt_to_stamp(['meas_date'])[0]) annot = Annotations([1 + raw.first_samp /['sfreq']], [5], ['bad']) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='outside data range'): raw.set_annotations(annot) with pytest.warns(None): # sometimes projection raw.plot(group_by='position', order=np.arange(8)) for fig_num in plt.get_fignums(): fig = plt.figure(fig_num) if hasattr(fig, 'radio'): # Get access to selection fig. break for key in ['down', 'up', 'escape']: fig.canvas.key_press_event(key) raw._data[:] = np.nan # this should (at least) not die, the output should pretty clearly show # that there is a problem so probably okay to just plot something blank with pytest.warns(None): raw.plot(scalings='auto') plt.close('all')
def analog_output_function_symmetry_demo(device, num_periods): """Demonstrate the effect of different 'symmetry' settings on the analog output functions.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-statements, too-many-branches analogOut = device.analogOut analogIn = device.analogIn if analogOut.count() == 0 or analogIn.channelCount() == 0: print("The device has no analog output channels that can be used for this demo.") return CH1 = 0 # We don't do Noise, Custom, and Play. waveform_functions = [ DwfAnalogOutFunction.DC, DwfAnalogOutFunction.Sine, DwfAnalogOutFunction.Square, DwfAnalogOutFunction.Triangle, DwfAnalogOutFunction.RampUp, DwfAnalogOutFunction.RampDown, DwfAnalogOutFunction.Pulse, DwfAnalogOutFunction.Trapezium, DwfAnalogOutFunction.SinePower ] input_frequency_setpoint = 1e6 # 1 MHz symmetry_setpoint = 0 stepsize = 5 while True: plt.clf() plt.gcf().set_size_inches(16, 9) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) plt.suptitle("Effect of the symmetry setting on different wave-shape functions\nsymmetry parameter value = {}". format(symmetry_setpoint)) for (waveform_index, waveform_func) in enumerate(waveform_functions, 1): # Prepare analog-out device analogOut.reset(-1) set_analog_output_node_settings(analogOut, CH1, DwfAnalogOutNode.Carrier, enable = True, func = waveform_func, frequency = input_frequency_setpoint / 16384 * num_periods, amplitude = 1.0, offset = 0.0, symmetry = symmetry_setpoint, phase = 0.0) carrier_settings = get_analog_output_node_settings(analogOut, CH1, DwfAnalogOutNode.Carrier) analogOut.idleSet(CH1, DwfAnalogOutIdle.Initial) analogOut.triggerSourceSet(CH1, DwfTriggerSource.PC) analogOut.configure(CH1, True) # Prepare analog-in device analogIn.reset() analogIn.frequencySet(input_frequency_setpoint) input_frequency = analogIn.frequencyGet() input_buffer_size = analogIn.bufferSizeGet() input_capture_duration = input_buffer_size / input_frequency analogIn.channelEnableSet(CH1, True) analogIn.channelFilterSet(CH1, DwfAnalogInFilter.Average) analogIn.channelRangeSet(CH1, 5.0) analogIn.acquisitionModeSet(DwfAcquisitionMode.Single) analogIn.triggerSourceSet(DwfTriggerSource.PC) analogIn.triggerPositionSet(0.5 * input_capture_duration) analogIn.configure(False, True) # Start both while True: status = analogIn.status(True) if status == DwfState.Armed: break device.triggerPC() # Monitor analogIn while True: status = analogIn.status(True) if status == DwfState.Done: break input_samples = analogIn.statusData(CH1, input_buffer_size) t = np.arange(input_buffer_size) / input_frequency predicted_samples = analog_output_signal_simulator(carrier_settings, None, None, t) # The "x" value goes from 0 to just under num_periods. x = np.arange(input_buffer_size) / input_buffer_size * num_periods plt.subplot(3, 3, waveform_index) plt.title( plt.xlim(-0.1, num_periods + 0.1) plt.ylim(-1.1, 1.1) plt.plot(x, predicted_samples, lw=5.0, c='cyan', label="calculated") plt.plot(x, input_samples, c='blue', label="measured") for period_boundary in range(1, num_periods): plt.axvline(period_boundary, c='gray') if waveform_index == 1: plt.legend(loc="upper left") if waveform_index == 8: plt.xlabel("period") if waveform_index == 4: plt.ylabel("signal") analogIn.reset() analogOut.reset(-1) plt.pause(0.200) if len(plt.get_fignums()) == 0: # User has closed the window, finish. break # Proceed to next symmetry setting. symmetry_setpoint += stepsize if abs(symmetry_setpoint) > 100: stepsize *= -1 symmetry_setpoint += 2 * stepsize
def process_samples(queue): global decoder global should_finish global sat_gps_dict global sat_plot_lines ########################################## # configure the matplotlib plots if realtime_plotting: # Create a figure with 4 subplots const_fig, ax_arr = plt.subplots(2, 2, num=10) # Plot of the complex IQ samples cost_line, = ax_arr[0, 0].plot([ 0, ], 'bx') ax_arr[0, 0].set_xlim((-2, 2)) ax_arr[0, 0].set_ylim((-2, 2)) ax_arr[0, 0].set_title("Complex I/Q samples") ax_arr[0, 0].set_xlabel("I") ax_arr[0, 0].set_ylabel("Q") # Plot of the channel spectrum fft_line, = ax_arr[1, 0].plot([ 0, ], 'b') ax_arr[1, 0].set_xlim((-6e3, 6e3)) ax_arr[1, 0].set_ylim((-50, 20)) ax_arr[1, 0].set_title("Channel Spectrum") ax_arr[1, 0].set_xlabel("Frequency (centered on channel) Hz") ax_arr[1, 0].set_ylabel("Power (dB)") # Plot of globe and ground station location img = plt.imread("./map.jpg") img_plot = ax_arr[1, 1].imshow(img, extent=[-180, 180, -90, 90]) loc_plot, = ax_arr[1, 1].plot(lon, lat, 'ro') ax_arr[0, 1].axis('off') plt.pause(0.0001) ########################################## tic = time() while 1: try: samples, context = queue.get() if context == None: break doppler = context['doppler'] sat_name = context['sat_name'] az = context['azimuth'] el = context['elevation'] tic = time() packet_list = decoder.decode_samples_to_packets(samples, doppler) # if should_save_to_file: # do saving stuff decoder.parse_packets() if realtime_plotting: if len(decoder.decimated_samples) == 0: # This happens when the receiver resets continue # Get the welch spectrum for just the channel we are decoding f, pxx = welch(decoder.decimated_samples, fs=decoder.sample_rate/decoder.decimation, \ return_onesided=False, nperseg= int(len(decoder.decimated_samples)/10), \ scaling='density') f = (np.roll(f, int(len(f) / 2))) pxx = np.roll(pxx, int(len(pxx) / 2)) pxx = 20 * np.log10(pxx) pxx -= np.median(pxx) symbols = decoder.symbols symbols /= np.median(np.abs(symbols)) # plot IQ samples cost_line.set_xdata(symbols.real) cost_line.set_ydata(symbols.imag) ax_arr[0, 0].draw_artist(ax_arr[0, 0].patch) ax_arr[0, 0].draw_artist(cost_line) # plot spectrum fft_line.set_xdata(f) fft_line.set_ydata(pxx) ax_arr[1, 0].draw_artist(ax_arr[1, 0].patch) ax_arr[1, 0].draw_artist(fft_line) # Check if we have new lat/long for satellite # If we do, plot the track of the satellite since we've been recording # This track is from received lat/long (not from TLE position) if decoder.sat_lon != 0.0 and decoder.sat_lat != 0.0: if abs(decoder.sat_lon) < 180 and abs( decoder.sat_lat) < 90: sat_lat_lon = (decoder.sat_lon, decoder.sat_lat) if sat_name not in sat_gps_dict: sat_gps_dict[sat_name] = [sat_lat_lon] sat_plot_lines.append(ax_arr[1, 1].plot( [ 0, ], 'D:', color='cyan', markevery=[-1])[0]) else: if sat_lat_lon not in sat_gps_dict[sat_name]: sat_gps_dict[sat_name].append(sat_lat_lon) # Only update the plot when we get a new lat/long ax_arr[1, 1].draw_artist(ax_arr[1, 1].patch) ax_arr[1, 1].draw_artist(img_plot) ax_arr[1, 1].draw_artist(loc_plot) for idx, key in enumerate(sat_gps_dict): lon_lat_arr = sat_gps_dict[key] lons, lats = zip(*lon_lat_arr) sat_plot_lines[idx].set_xdata(lons) sat_plot_lines[idx].set_ydata(lats) text = ax_arr[1, 1].text(lons[-1], lats[-1], "{}".format(key), color='cyan', wrap=True) ax_arr[1, 1].draw_artist(sat_plot_lines[idx]) ax_arr[1, 1].draw_artist(text) toc = time() # The time ratio is the amount of time it takes to process a batch of samples # divided by the time that it takes to record the samples. # A time ratio over 1.0 means that you are falling behind. time_ratio = sdr.sample_rate / len(samples) * (toc - tic) bad_percent = decoder.bad_packets / ( decoder.bad_packets + decoder.good_packets + 0.1) good_percent = decoder.good_packets / ( decoder.bad_packets + decoder.good_packets + 0.1) text0 = ax_arr[0, 1].text(0.10, 0.90, "Satellite Name: {}".format(sat_name)) text1 = ax_arr[0, 1].text( 0.10, 0.80, "Lat/Lon: {:6.3f} {:6.3f}".format(decoder.sat_lon, decoder.sat_lat)) text2 = ax_arr[0, 1].text( 0.10, 0.70, "Azimuth: {:6.0f} Elevation: {:6.0f}".format(az, el)) text3 = ax_arr[0, 1].text( 0.10, 0.60, "Bad Packets %: {:4.1f}".format(bad_percent * 100.0)) text4 = ax_arr[0, 1].text( 0.10, 0.50, "Good Packets %: {:4.1f}".format(good_percent * 100.0)) text5 = ax_arr[0, 1].text( 0.10, 0.40, "Time ratio: {:4.2f}".format(time_ratio)) ax_arr[0, 1].draw_artist(ax_arr[0, 1].patch) ax_arr[0, 1].draw_artist(text0) ax_arr[0, 1].draw_artist(text1) ax_arr[0, 1].draw_artist(text2) ax_arr[0, 1].draw_artist(text3) ax_arr[0, 1].draw_artist(text4) ax_arr[0, 1].draw_artist(text5) const_fig.canvas.update() const_fig.canvas.flush_events() # If the user closes the figure, fignums goes to 0 # Then we'll close this process and exit the program fignums = plt.get_fignums() if len(fignums) == 0: should_finish = True break # Catch ctrl+c and exit program except KeyboardInterrupt: break return 0
def none_selected(self, state): FreeCAD.FEM_dialog["results_type"] = "None" self.set_result_stats("mm", 0.0, 0.0) self.reset_mesh_color() if len(plt.get_fignums()) > 0: plt.close()
def open_figs(cls) -> Sequence[Figure]: """ Returns all currently open figures. """ warnings.warn("open_figs will be removed; use list_open_figs instead", DeprecationWarning) return [plt.figure(num=i) for i in plt.get_fignums()]
resolutions = [10, 50, 100, 150, 190, 224] dfs = [] for hardware in hardwares: for convolution_type in convolution_types: for scale in scales: for resolution in resolutions: plt_figure() dfs.append(load_and_plot(hardware, convolution_type, scale, resolution)) df = pd.concat( dfs ) grouped = df.groupby(["Hardware", "ConvolutionType", "Scale", "Resolution"]) #plt_figure() means = grouped.aggregate(np.mean) ax = means.unstack(level=0).unstack(level=0).unstack(level=0).TotalTime.plot(marker='o', linestyle='--') ax.set_ylabel("Convolution Running Time (ms)") # figs = [plt.figure(n) for n in plt.get_fignums()] figno = 0 for fig in figs: fig.savefig("figure_{}.pdf".format(figno)) fig.savefig("figure_{}.pgf".format(figno)) figno = figno + 1
time_tick_count = 10 binned_tick_inds = np.arange(0, len(binned_t_vec), len(binned_t_vec) // time_tick_count) binned_tick_vals = np.arange(time_lims[0], time_lims[1], np.abs(np.diff(time_lims)) // time_tick_count) binned_tick_vals -= t_stim max_trials = 15 num_plots = int(np.ceil(len(good_trial_list) / max_trials)) trial_inds_list = [good_trial_list[x*max_trials:(x+1)*max_trials] \ for x in np.arange(num_plots)] create_changepoint_plots(plot_spikes, tau_samples, trial_inds_list, title_dict, taste_label, sorted_region_units, binned_tick_inds, binned_tick_vals) for fig_num in tqdm(plt.get_fignums()): plt.figure(fig_num) plt.savefig(os.path.join(\ this_plot_dir,'good_trials_sorted_nrns{}'.format(fig_num)))#,dpi=300) plt.close(fig_num) ######################################## cut_spikes = np.array(dat.spikes)[..., time_lims[0]:time_lims[1]] spike_array_long = np.reshape(cut_spikes, (-1, *cut_spikes.shape[-2:])) spike_array_long = spike_array_long[:, fin_sort_order] raw_tick_inds = np.arange(0, cut_spikes.shape[-1], cut_spikes.shape[-1] // time_tick_count) scaled_tau_samples = (tau_samples / binned_dat.shape[-1]) * cut_spikes.shape[-1]
def test_plot_ica_sources(): """Test plotting of ICA panel.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname).crop(0, 1).load_data() picks = _get_picks(raw) epochs = _get_epochs() raw.pick_channels([raw.ch_names[k] for k in picks]) ica_picks = pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') ica = ICA(n_components=2), picks=ica_picks) ica.exclude = [1] fig = ica.plot_sources(raw) assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 1 # change which component is in ICA.exclude (click data trace to remove # current one; click name to add other one) fig.canvas.draw() x = fig.mne.traces[1].get_xdata()[5] y = fig.mne.traces[1].get_ydata()[5] _fake_click(fig, fig.mne.ax_main, (x, y), xform='data') # exclude = [] _click_ch_name(fig, ch_index=0, button=1) # exclude = [0] fig.canvas.key_press_event(fig.mne.close_key) _close_event(fig) assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 0 assert_array_equal(ica.exclude, [0]) plt.close('all') # dtype can change int->np.int64 after load, test it explicitly ica.n_components_ = np.int64(ica.n_components_) # test clicks on y-label (need >2 secs for plot_properties() to work) long_raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname).crop(0, 5).load_data() fig = ica.plot_sources(long_raw) assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 1 fig.canvas.draw() _fake_click(fig, fig.mne.ax_main, (-0.1, 0), xform='data', button=3) assert len(fig.mne.child_figs) == 1 assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 2 # close child fig directly (workaround for mpl issue #18609) fig.mne.child_figs[0].canvas.key_press_event('escape') assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 1 fig.canvas.key_press_event(fig.mne.close_key) assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 0 del long_raw # test with annotations orig_annot = raw.annotations raw.set_annotations(Annotations([0.2], [0.1], 'Test')) fig = ica.plot_sources(raw) assert len(fig.mne.ax_main.collections) == 1 assert len(fig.mne.ax_hscroll.collections) == 1 raw.set_annotations(orig_annot) # test error handling['bads'] = ['MEG 0113'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Raw doesn't match fitted data"): ica.plot_sources(inst=raw)['bads'] = ['MEG 0113'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Epochs don't match fitted data"): ica.plot_sources(inst=epochs)['bads'] = [] # test w/ epochs and evokeds ica.plot_sources(epochs) ica.plot_sources(epochs.average()) evoked = epochs.average() fig = ica.plot_sources(evoked) # Test a click ax = fig.get_axes()[0] line = ax.lines[0] _fake_click(fig, ax, [line.get_xdata()[0], line.get_ydata()[0]], 'data') _fake_click(fig, ax, [ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[1]], 'data') # plot with bad channels excluded ica.exclude = [0] ica.plot_sources(evoked) ica.labels_ = dict(eog=[0]) ica.labels_['eog/0/crazy-channel'] = [0] ica.plot_sources(evoked) # now with labels with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must be of Raw or Epochs type'): ica.plot_sources('meeow')
def run_code(result, run_req): # {{{ silence matplotlib font cache warnings import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Matplotlib is building the font cache.*") # }}} # {{{ compile code if getattr(run_req, "setup_code", None): try: setup_code = compile(run_req.setup_code, "[setup code]", 'exec') except Exception: package_exception(result, "setup_compile_error") return else: setup_code = None try: user_code = compile(run_req.user_code, "[user code]", 'exec') except Exception: package_exception(result, "user_compile_error") return if getattr(run_req, "test_code", None): try: test_code = compile(run_req.test_code, "[test code]", 'exec') except Exception: package_exception(result, "test_compile_error") return else: test_code = None # }}} if hasattr(run_req, "compile_only") and run_req.compile_only: result["result"] = "success" return # {{{ run code data_files = {} if hasattr(run_req, "data_files"): from base64 import b64decode for name, contents in run_req.data_files.items(): data_files[name] = b64decode(contents.encode()) generated_html = [] result["html"] = generated_html def output_html(s): generated_html.append(s) feedback = Feedback() maint_ctx = { "feedback": feedback, "user_code": run_req.user_code, "data_files": data_files, "output_html": output_html, "GradingComplete": GradingComplete, } if setup_code is not None: try: maint_ctx["_MODULE_SOURCE_CODE"] = run_req.setup_code exec(setup_code, maint_ctx) except BaseException: package_exception(result, "setup_error") return user_ctx = {} if hasattr(run_req, "names_for_user"): for name in run_req.names_for_user: if name not in maint_ctx: result["result"] = "setup_error" result["message"] = "Setup code did not define '%s'." % name user_ctx[name] = maint_ctx[name] from copy import deepcopy user_ctx = deepcopy(user_ctx) try: user_ctx["_MODULE_SOURCE_CODE"] = run_req.user_code exec(user_code, user_ctx) except BaseException: package_exception(result, "user_error") return # {{{ export plots if "matplotlib" in sys.modules: import matplotlib.pyplot as pt from io import BytesIO from base64 import b64encode format = "png" mime = "image/png" figures = [] for fignum in pt.get_fignums(): pt.figure(fignum) bio = BytesIO() try: pt.savefig(bio, format=format) except Exception: pass else: figures.append( (fignum, mime, b64encode(bio.getvalue()).decode())) result["figures"] = figures # }}} if hasattr(run_req, "names_from_user"): for name in run_req.names_from_user: if name not in user_ctx: feedback.add_feedback( "Required answer variable '%s' is not defined." % name) maint_ctx[name] = None else: maint_ctx[name] = user_ctx[name] if test_code is not None: try: maint_ctx["_MODULE_SOURCE_CODE"] = run_req.test_code exec(test_code, maint_ctx) except GradingComplete: pass except BaseException: package_exception(result, "test_error") return result["points"] = feedback.points result["feedback"] = feedback.feedback_items # }}} result["result"] = "success"
def test_InstallationGanttChartPlot(core, project, tree): project = deepcopy(project) module_menu = ModuleMenu() project_menu = ProjectMenu() mod_name = "Mock Module" module_menu.activate(core, project, mod_name) project_menu.initiate_dataflow(core, project) mod_branch = tree.get_branch(core, project, mod_name) plan = [ 'Installation of support structure', 'Installation of driven piles anchors/foundations', 'Installation of mooring systems with direct-embedment anchors', 'Installation of gravity based foundations', 'Installation of mooring systems with pile anchors', 'Installation of mooring systems with drag-embedment anchors', 'Installation of mooring systems with suction-embedment anchors', 'Installation of collection point (surface piercing)', 'Installation of collection point (seabed)', 'Installation of dynamic cables', 'Installation of static export cables', 'Installation of static array cables', 'Installation of external cable protection', 'Installation of devices' ] install_support_structure_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime( 2000, 6, 25, 4, 55, 31, ), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 7, 29, 3, 24, 19), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 7, 25, 7, 55, 31) } install_devices_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime( 2000, 6, 25, 4, 55, 31, ), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 7, 29, 3, 24, 19), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 7, 25, 7, 55, 31) } install_dynamic_cable_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 5, 2, 19, 11, 47), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 6, 18, 19, 12, 9), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 6, 14, 15, 11, 47) } install_export_cable_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 5, 2, 19, 11, 47), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 6, 18, 19, 12, 9), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 6, 14, 15, 11, 47) } install_array_cable_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 5, 2, 21, 48, 59), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 6, 19, 0, 55, 31), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 6, 14, 15, 48, 59) } install_surface_piercing_substation_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 1, 5, 1, 0), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 4, 30, 17, 42, 6), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 4, 26, 7, 0) } install_subsea_collection_point_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 1, 5, 1, 0), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 4, 30, 17, 42, 6), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 4, 26, 7, 0) } install_cable_protection_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 1, 5, 1, 0), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 4, 30, 17, 42, 6), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 4, 26, 7, 0) } install_driven_piles_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 11, 5, 4, 21), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 4, 15, 0) } install_direct_embedment_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 11, 5, 4, 21), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 4, 15, 0) } install_gravity_based_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 11, 5, 4, 21), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 4, 15, 0) } install_pile_anchor_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 11, 5, 4, 21), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 4, 15, 0) } install_drag_embedment_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 11, 5, 4, 21), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 4, 15, 0) } install_suction_embedment_dates = { 'Start': dt.datetime(2000, 1, 3, 5, 0), 'End': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 11, 5, 4, 21), 'Depart': dt.datetime(2000, 2, 4, 15, 0) } install_device_times = pd.DataFrame({ 'Preparation': { 0: 148.0, 1: 100 }, 'Operations': { 0: 32.0, 1: 30 }, 'Transit': { 0: 59.480022782839399, 1: 60 }, 'Component': { 0: 'Device', 1: 'Support Structure' }, 'Waiting': { 0: 0, 1: 0 } }) install_electrical_times = pd.DataFrame({ 'Preparation': { 0: 49.49, 1: 52.11, 2: 97.0, 3: 90, 4: 10 }, 'Operations': { 0: 7.48, 1: 12.72, 2: 21.0, 3: 20, 4: 50 }, 'Transit': { 0: 92.51, 1: 92.38, 2: 85.70, 3: 80, 4: 90 }, 'Component': { 0: 'Export Cables', 1: 'Inter-Array Cables', 2: 'Collection Points', 3: 'Dynamic Cables', 4: 'External Cable Protection' }, 'Waiting': { 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0 } }) install_mooring_times = pd.DataFrame({ 'Preparation': { 0: 53.0, 1: 53.0, 2: 53.0, 3: 53.0, 4: 53.0, 5: 53.0 }, 'Operations': { 0: 83.00, 1: 83.00, 2: 83.00, 3: 83.00, 4: 83.00, 5: 83.00 }, 'Transit': { 0: 75.06, 1: 75.06, 2: 75.06, 3: 75.06, 4: 75.06, 5: 75.06 }, 'Component': { 0: 'Driven Piles', 1: "Direct-Embedment Anchors", 2: "Gravity Based Foundations", 3: "Pile Anchors", 4: "Drag-Embedment Anchors", 5: "Suction-Caisson Anchors" }, 'Waiting': { 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0 } }) identifiers = [ "project.installation_plan", "project.install_support_structure_dates", "project.install_devices_dates", "project.install_dynamic_cable_dates", "project.install_export_cable_dates", "project.install_array_cable_dates", "project.install_surface_piercing_substation_dates", "project.install_subsea_collection_point_dates", "project.install_cable_protection_dates", "project.install_driven_piles_dates", "project.install_direct_embedment_dates", "project.install_gravity_based_dates", "project.install_pile_anchor_dates", "project.install_drag_embedment_dates", "project.install_suction_embedment_dates", "project.device_phase_installation_times", "project.electrical_phase_installation_times", "project.mooring_phase_installation_times" ] # Force addition of variables core.add_datastate( project, identifiers=identifiers, values=[ plan, install_support_structure_dates, install_devices_dates, install_dynamic_cable_dates, install_export_cable_dates, install_array_cable_dates, install_surface_piercing_substation_dates, install_subsea_collection_point_dates, install_cable_protection_dates, install_driven_piles_dates, install_direct_embedment_dates, install_gravity_based_dates, install_pile_anchor_dates, install_drag_embedment_dates, install_suction_embedment_dates, install_device_times, install_electrical_times, install_mooring_times ]) gantt = mod_branch.get_output_variable(core, project, "project.installation_plan") gantt.plot(core, project, "Installation Gantt Chart") assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 1 plt.close("all")
def test_plot_ica_sources(): """Test plotting of ICA panel.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname).crop(0, 1).load_data() picks = _get_picks(raw) epochs = _get_epochs() raw.pick_channels([raw.ch_names[k] for k in picks]) ica_picks = pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') ica = ICA(n_components=2, max_pca_components=3, n_pca_components=3), picks=ica_picks) ica.exclude = [1] fig = ica.plot_sources(raw) fig.canvas.key_press_event('escape') # Sadly close_event isn't called on Agg backend and the test always passes. assert_array_equal(ica.exclude, [1]) plt.close('all') # dtype can change int->np.int64 after load, test it explicitly ica.n_components_ = np.int64(ica.n_components_) fig = ica.plot_sources(raw) # also test mouse clicks data_ax = fig.axes[0] assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 1 _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [-0.1, 0.9]) # click on y-label assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 2 ica.exclude = [1] ica.plot_sources(raw) # test with annotations orig_annot = raw.annotations raw.set_annotations(Annotations([0.2], [0.1], 'Test')) fig = ica.plot_sources(raw) assert len(fig.axes[0].collections) == 1 assert len(fig.axes[1].collections) == 1 raw.set_annotations(orig_annot)['bads'] = ['MEG 0113'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Raw doesn't match fitted data"): ica.plot_sources(inst=raw) ica.plot_sources(epochs)['bads'] = ['MEG 0113'] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Epochs don't match fitted data"): ica.plot_sources(inst=epochs)['bads'] = [] ica.plot_sources(epochs.average()) evoked = epochs.average() fig = ica.plot_sources(evoked) # Test a click ax = fig.get_axes()[0] line = ax.lines[0] _fake_click(fig, ax, [line.get_xdata()[0], line.get_ydata()[0]], 'data') _fake_click(fig, ax, [ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[1]], 'data') # plot with bad channels excluded ica.exclude = [0] ica.plot_sources(evoked) ica.labels_ = dict(eog=[0]) ica.labels_['eog/0/crazy-channel'] = [0] ica.plot_sources(evoked) # now with labels with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must be of Raw or Epochs type'): ica.plot_sources('meeow') plt.close('all')
def do_close_all(self, arg): """ Close all plots except the main one. """ for fig in plt.get_fignums()[1:]: plt.close(fig)
def __enter__(self): self._enter_fignums = pl.get_fignums() return self
def show_figure_box(figurebox, hold=False): """ Display the figure in the figurebox. The figure has to be added to the current pyplot backend. :param bool hold: Replace the figure in the current selected panel by the new figure """ #unpickling a figure will call show when interactive is on #But this will be on the backend of the pickling process #All callbacks related to gui calls where removed by the pickling # from ...matplotbe import new_figure_manager_given_figure import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib._pylab_helpers as pylab_helpers fig = figurebox.figure def make_active(event): pylab_helpers.Gcf.set_active(mgr) if False: #Creating a new figure manager allnums = plt.get_fignums() num = max(allnums) + 1 if allnums else 1 mgr = new_figure_manager_given_figure(num, fig) mgr._cidgcf = mgr.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', make_active) pylab_helpers.Gcf.set_active(mgr) fig = mgr.canvas.figure fig.number = num else: #Use the current figure mamaner and plot panel # Try to replace the figure on the current plot panel with this new figure from ...matplotbe import FigureCanvasGh2 panids = gui.get_panel_ids('plot') if not hold or len(panids) == 0: ignore, num = else: num = panids[-1] plotpanel = gui.qapp.panels['plot'][num] fig.number = num plotpanel.showNewFigure(fig) #Hack to call the correct set_active #Note that Gcf.set_active() is mapped to in mgr = fig.canvas.manager mgr._cidgcf = mgr.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', make_active) # I don't get the interactive update working # After a function lik grid(), xlabel(), .. # the stale property is set to True # This should trigger the call of stale_callback on the figure (=Artist) # or stall_callback on the axis object #Configure stale call backs #The hierarchy of the figure can be type of figure dependend try: from matplotlib.pyplot import _auto_draw_if_interactive from matplotlib.figure import _stale_figure_callback from matplotlib.artist import _stale_axes_callback fig.stale_callback = _auto_draw_if_interactive for ax in fig.axes: ax.stale_callback = _stale_figure_callback ax.xaxis.stale_callback = _stale_axes_callback ax.yaxis.stale_callback = _stale_axes_callback except: logger.error('Could not configure all interactive callbacks') return num
def get_kick(orbit, phase, tune, plot=False, error_curves=False): """ Find the kick in the orbit. Parameters ---------- orbit : np.array Orbit. phase : np.array Phase. tune : float The orbit tune. plot : bool, optional. If True, plot the orbit with the kick position, else don't. Default to False. Returns ------- kick_phase : float The phase where the kick was found. cos_coefficients : [a, b] a and b so that the sine is a*cos(b+phase) """ bpm_nb = orbit.size rms_tab = [] best_rms = 0 cos_coefficients = [] # duplicate the signal to find the sine between the kick and its duplicate signal_exp = np.concatenate((orbit, orbit)) phase_exp = np.concatenate((phase, phase + tune * 2 * pi)) # shift the sine between each BPM and its duplicate and find the best # match for i in range(bpm_nb): signal_t = signal_exp[i:i + bpm_nb] phase_t = phase_exp[i:i + bpm_nb] _, b, c = fit_sine(signal_t, phase_t, False) cos_coefficients.append([b, c]) y = b * cos(c + phase_t) # calculate the RMS. the best fit means that the kick is around # the ith BPMs rms = sum(pow(y - signal_t, 2)) rms_tab.append(rms) if rms < best_rms or i == 0: best_rms = rms i_best = i b, c = cos_coefficients[i_best] apriori_phase = phase[i_best] k = int((apriori_phase + c) / np.pi + tune) solutions = -c - np.pi * tune + np.array([k, k + 1]) * np.pi idx = np.argmin(abs(solutions - apriori_phase)) kick_phase = solutions[idx] if error_curves: transl = bpm_nb // 2 - i_best rms_tab = np.roll(rms_tab, transl) cos_coef_tmp = np.array(np.roll(cos_coefficients, transl)) offset = 2 * pi n_lspace = 10000 interval_rel = np.linspace(-offset, +offset, n_lspace) interval = interval_rel + phase_exp[i_best] plt.figure('skcore::get_kick -- Error curves [{}]'.format( len(plt.get_fignums()))) plt.subplot(211) plt.title('1- Sine Fit') idx_range = range(-len(rms_tab) // 2, len(rms_tab) // 2) plt.plot(idx_range, rms_tab, label='RMS') plt.plot(idx_range, cos_coef_tmp[:, 0] * 100, label=r'Amplitude $\times 100$') plt.plot(idx_range, -cos_coef_tmp[:, 1] * 1000 / (2 * pi), label=r'Phase $\times (-1000 / 2\pi)$') plt.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, frameon=True) plt.ylabel('RMS') plt.xlabel( 'Distance from chosen one (in indexes), chosen one is {}'.format( i_best)) plt.grid() plt.subplot(212) plt.title('2- Find kick') plt.plot( interval_rel, abs(b * cos(interval + c) - b * cos(interval + c + 2 * pi * tune))) tick_vals = [] tick_labels = [] amp_max = int(offset // pi) for x in range(-amp_max, amp_max + 1): if x == 0: tick_labels.append('0') tick_vals.append(0) elif x == 1: tick_labels.append(r'$\pi$') tick_vals.append(pi) elif x == -1: tick_labels.append(r'$-\pi$') tick_vals.append(-pi) else: tick_labels.append(r'$' + str(x) + '\pi$') tick_vals.append(x * pi) plt.xticks(tick_vals, tick_labels) plt.ylabel('Size of curve jump') plt.xlabel('Position of kick (relative to initial one) ') plt.tight_layout() if plot: plt.figure('skcore::get_kick -- Orbit plot [{}]'.format( len(plt.get_fignums()))) plt.plot(phase / (2 * pi), orbit, '.', ms=10, label='Real orbit') sine_signal, phase_th = build_sine(kick_phase, tune, cos_coefficients[i_best % bpm_nb]) plt.plot(phase_th / (2 * pi), sine_signal, label='Reconstructed sine') plt.axvline(kick_phase / (2 * pi), -2, 2, color='red', label='Kick position') plt.xlabel(r'phase / $2 \pi$') plt.legend(fancybox=True, frameon=True) return kick_phase, cos_coefficients[i_best % bpm_nb]
def hist_series( self, by=None, ax=None, grid=True, xlabelsize=None, xrot=None, ylabelsize=None, yrot=None, figsize=None, bins=10, legend: bool = False, **kwds, ): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if legend and "label" in kwds: raise ValueError("Cannot use both legend and label") if by is None: if kwds.get("layout", None) is not None: raise ValueError( "The 'layout' keyword is not supported when 'by' is None") # hack until the plotting interface is a bit more unified fig = kwds.pop( "figure", plt.gcf() if plt.get_fignums() else plt.figure(figsize=figsize)) if figsize is not None and tuple(figsize) != tuple( fig.get_size_inches()): fig.set_size_inches(*figsize, forward=True) if ax is None: ax = fig.gca() elif ax.get_figure() != fig: raise AssertionError("passed axis not bound to passed figure") values = self.dropna().values if legend: kwds["label"] = ax.hist(values, bins=bins, **kwds) if legend: ax.legend() ax.grid(grid) axes = np.array([ax]) set_ticks_props(axes, xlabelsize=xlabelsize, xrot=xrot, ylabelsize=ylabelsize, yrot=yrot) else: if "figure" in kwds: raise ValueError( "Cannot pass 'figure' when using the " "'by' argument, since a new 'Figure' instance will be created") axes = _grouped_hist( self, by=by, ax=ax, grid=grid, figsize=figsize, bins=bins, xlabelsize=xlabelsize, xrot=xrot, ylabelsize=ylabelsize, yrot=yrot, legend=legend, **kwds, ) if hasattr(axes, "ndim"): if axes.ndim == 1 and len(axes) == 1: return axes[0] return axes
accuracy_no_sampling = accuracy_score(Y_test, prediction_no_sampling) accuracy_over_sample = accuracy_score(Y_test, prediction_over_sampling) accuracy_under_sample = accuracy_score(Y_test, prediction_under_sampling) subs_metrics[row][2].bar(['no sampling'], [accuracy_no_sampling], color='b') subs_metrics[row][2].bar(['over sampling'], [accuracy_over_sample], color='orange') subs_metrics[row][2].bar(['under sampling'], [accuracy_under_sample], color='g') subs_metrics[row][2].legend([ "no sampling - {:.0%}".format(accuracy_no_sampling), "over sampling - {:.0%}".format(accuracy_over_sample), "under sampling - {:.0%}".format(accuracy_under_sample) ]) # Add model name to plots row subs_metrics[row][0].set_ylabel(model_name) subs_confusion[row][0].set_ylabel(model_name) # Clear un-needed figures to coserve memory for fig_num in plt.get_fignums(): if fig_confusion.number != fig_num and fig_metrics.number != fig_num: plt.close(fig_num) # Save model result to file pickle.dump(model_no_sampling, open('./models/' + model_name.lower().replace(' ', '_') + '_no_sampling', 'wb')) pickle.dump(model_over_sampling, open('./models/' + model_name.lower().replace(' ', '_') + '_over_sampling', 'wb')); pickle.dump(model_under_sampling, open('./models/' + model_name.lower().replace(' ', '_') + '_under_sampling', 'wb')); row += 1 print("====================\n\n")
def findaxes(axisid=None, sca=False, fignum=None): '''Convert axisid to a list of matplotlib Axes instances. axisid -- integer zero based index or a matplotlib Axes instance. Can be also a list of indices or Axes objects. Use the current axis if None or ''. When 'all', use all axes in the current figure. When axisid >= 111 or 'h,k,l' use suplot(hkl). sca -- flag for setting the last found axis as the current one The return value is also changed from a list to the last found Axes object or None. fignum -- integer figure number for selecting axis in other figure than the current one Return a list of Axes instances. Return an empty list if no axes exist in the current figure. ''' import numpy from matplotlib import pyplot from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers def _dosca(foundaxes): if foundaxes and sca:[-1]) return foundaxes fnums = pyplot.get_fignums() if not fnums or (fignum is not None and not fignum in fnums): return [] if fignum is None: thefigure = pyplot.gcf() else: figman = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.figs[fignum] thefigure = figman.canvas.figure if isinstance(axisid, pyplot.Axes): return _dosca([axisid]) # resolve subplot ids issubplotid = (isinstance(axisid, tuple) and len(axisid) == 3 and all([numpy.issubdtype(type(i), int) for i in axisid])) if issubplotid: return _dosca([thefigure.add_subplot(*axisid)]) issubplotid = numpy.issubdtype(type(axisid), int) and 111 <= axisid if issubplotid: return _dosca([thefigure.add_subplot(axisid)]) # find current or all axes figaxes = thefigure.get_axes()[:] if axisid in (None, ''): rv = figaxes and [thefigure.gca()] return _dosca(rv) if axisid == 'all': return _dosca(figaxes) elif isinstance(axisid, slice): return _dosca(figaxes[axisid]) # resolve other string IDs if isinstance(axisid, basestring): words = [w.split() or [''] for w in axisid.split(',')] words = sum(words, []) return findaxes(words, sca=sca) # take care of iterables if _isiterablenotstring(axisid): rv = [] fn = thefigure.number for aid in axisid: if isinstance(aid, basestring): if aid.isdigit(): rv += findaxes(int(aid), fignum=fn) continue if aid.startswith('f') and aid[1:].isdigit(): fn = int(aid[1:]) continue rv += findaxes(aid, fignum=fn) # or assume it is an integer index else: rv = [figaxes[axisid]] return _dosca(rv)
def test(self): baseline_dir, result_dir = _image_directories(self._func) if self._style != 'classic': raise KnownFailureTest('temporarily disabled until 2.0 tag') for fignum, baseline in zip(plt.get_fignums(), self._baseline_images): for extension in self._extensions: will_fail = not extension in comparable_formats() if will_fail: fail_msg = 'Cannot compare %s files on this system' % extension else: fail_msg = 'No failure expected' orig_expected_fname = os.path.join(baseline_dir, baseline) + '.' + extension if extension == 'eps' and not os.path.exists( orig_expected_fname): orig_expected_fname = os.path.join(baseline_dir, baseline) + '.pdf' expected_fname = make_test_filename( os.path.join(result_dir, os.path.basename(orig_expected_fname)), 'expected') actual_fname = os.path.join(result_dir, baseline) + '.' + extension if os.path.exists(orig_expected_fname): shutil.copyfile(orig_expected_fname, expected_fname) else: will_fail = True fail_msg = ("Do not have baseline image {0} because this " "file does not exist: {1}".format( expected_fname, orig_expected_fname)) @knownfailureif(will_fail, fail_msg, known_exception_class=ImageComparisonFailure) def do_test(): figure = plt.figure(fignum) if self._remove_text: self.remove_text(figure) figure.savefig(actual_fname, **self._savefig_kwarg) err = compare_images(expected_fname, actual_fname, self._tol, in_decorator=True) try: if not os.path.exists(expected_fname): raise ImageComparisonFailure( 'image does not exist: %s' % expected_fname) if err: raise ImageComparisonFailure( 'images not close: %(actual)s vs. %(expected)s ' '(RMS %(rms).3f)' % err) except ImageComparisonFailure: if not check_freetype_version(self._freetype_version): raise KnownFailureTest( "Mismatched version of freetype. Test requires '%s', you have '%s'" % (self._freetype_version, ft2font.__freetype_version__)) raise yield (do_test, )
def test_plot_epochs_image(epochs): """Test plotting of epochs image. Note that some of these tests that should pass are triggering MPL UserWarnings about tight_layout not being applied ("tight_layout cannot make axes width small enough to accommodate all axes decorations"). Calling `plt.close('all')` just before the offending test seems to prevent this warning, though it's unclear why. """ figs = epochs.plot_image() assert len(figs) == 2 # one fig per ch_type (test data has mag, grad) assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 2 figs = epochs.plot_image() assert len(figs) == 2 assert len(plt.get_fignums()) == 4 # should create new figures epochs.plot_image(picks='mag', sigma=0.1) epochs.plot_image(picks=[0, 1], combine='mean', ts_args=dict(show_sensors=False)) epochs.plot_image(picks=[1], order=[0], overlay_times=[0.1], vmin=0.01, title='test') plt.close('all') epochs.plot_image(picks=[1], overlay_times=[0.1], vmin=-0.001, vmax=0.001) plt.close('all') epochs.plot_image(picks=[1], vmin=lambda x: x.min()) # test providing figure fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1) epochs.plot_image(picks=[1], fig=fig) # test providing axes instance epochs.plot_image(picks=[1], axes=axs[0], evoked=False, colorbar=False) plt.close('all') # test order=callable epochs.plot_image(picks=[0, 1], order=lambda times, data: np.arange(len(data))[::-1]) # test warning with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Only one channel in group'): epochs.plot_image(picks=[1], combine='mean') # group_by should be a dict with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="dict or None"): epochs.plot_image(group_by='foo') # units and scalings keys must match with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Scalings and units must have the'): epochs.plot_image(units=dict(hi=1), scalings=dict(ho=1)) plt.close('all') # test invert_y epochs.plot_image(ts_args=dict(invert_y=True)) # can't combine different sensor types with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Cannot combine sensors of differ'): epochs.plot_image(group_by=dict(foo=[0, 1, 2])) # can't pass both fig and axes with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='one of "fig" or "axes" must be'): epochs.plot_image(fig='foo', axes='bar') # wrong number of axes in fig with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='"fig" must contain . axes, got .'): epochs.plot_image(fig=plt.figure()) # only 1 group allowed when fig is passed with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='"group_by" can only have one group'): fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1) epochs.plot_image(fig=fig, group_by=dict(foo=[0, 1], bar=[5, 6])) del fig, axs plt.close('all') # must pass correct number of axes (1, 2, or 3) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='is a list, can only plot one group'): fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3) epochs.plot_image(axes=axs) for length, kwargs in ([3, dict()], [2, dict(evoked=False) ], [2, dict(colorbar=False)], [1, dict(evoked=False, colorbar=False)]): fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, length + 1) epochs.plot_image(picks='mag', axes=axs[:length], **kwargs) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='"axes" must be length ., got .'): epochs.plot_image(picks='mag', axes=axs, **kwargs) plt.close('all') # mismatch between axes dict keys and group_by dict keys with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must match the keys in "group_by"'): epochs.plot_image(axes=dict()) # wrong number of axes in dict match = 'each value in "axes" must be a list of . axes, got .' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=match): epochs.plot_image(axes=dict(foo=axs[:2], bar=axs[:3]), group_by=dict(foo=[0, 1], bar=[5, 6])) # bad value of "combine" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='"combine" must be None, a callable'): epochs.plot_image(combine='foo') # mismatched picks and overlay_times with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='size of overlay_times parameter'): epochs.plot_image(picks=[1], overlay_times=[0.1, 0.2]) # bad overlay times with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='fall outside'): epochs.plot_image(overlay_times=[999.]) # mismatched picks and order with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must match the length of the data'): epochs.plot_image(picks=[1], order=[0, 1]) plt.close('all')
def show_3D_array\ (array, index=None, tile_shape=None, scale=None, power=None, \ suptitle=None, titles=None, title_size=None, \ zyx=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, label=None, \ cmap=None, show=True): ''' Displays a 3D array as a set of z-slice tiles. On successful completion returns 0. array : 3D array index : z-slices index, either Python list or string of the form : 'a, b-c, ...', where 'b-c' is decoded as 'b, b+1, ..., c'; : out-of-range index value causes error (non-zero) return tile_shape: tuple (tile_rows, tile_columns); if not present, the number of tile rows and columns is computed based on the array dimensions scale : tuple (vmin, vmax) for imshow; defaults to the range of array values power : if present, numpy.power(abs(array), power) is displayed (power < 1 improves visibility of relatively small array values) suptitle : figure title; defaults to None titles : array of tile titles; if not present, each tile title is label + tile_number zyx : tuple (z, y, x), where x, y, anad z are the dimensions of array corresponding to the spatial dimensions x, y and z; zyx=None is interpreted as (0, 1, 2) xlabel : label for x axis ylabel : label for y axis label : tile title prefix cmap : colormap show : flag specifying whether the array must be displayed immediately ''' import math import numpy current_title_size = mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] current_label_size = mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] current_xlabel_size = mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] current_ylabel_size = mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 'small' mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 'small' mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 'small' mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 'small' if zyx is not None: array = numpy.transpose(array, zyx) nz = array.shape[0] if index is None: n = nz index = range(n) else: if type(index) == type(' '): try: index = str_to_int_list(index) except: return 1 n = len(index) for k in range(n): z = index[k] if z < 0 or z >= nz: return k + 1 ny = array.shape[1] nx = array.shape[2] if tile_shape is None: rows = int(round(math.sqrt(n*nx/ny))) if rows < 1: rows = 1 if rows > n: rows = n cols = (n - 1)//rows + 1 last_row = rows - 1 else: rows, cols = tile_shape assert rows*cols >= n, \ "tile rows x columns must be not less than the number of images" last_row = (n - 1)//cols if scale is None: if power is None: vmin = numpy.amin(array) vmax = numpy.amax(array) else: vmin = numpy.power(numpy.amin(abs(array)), power) vmax = numpy.power(numpy.amax(abs(array)), power) else: vmin, vmax = scale fig = plt.figure() if suptitle is not None: if title_size is None: fig.suptitle(suptitle) else: fig.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=title_size) for k in range(n): z = index[k] #- 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, k + 1) if titles is None: if label is not None and nz > 1: ax.set_title(label + (' %d' % z)) else: ax.set_title(titles[k]) row = k//cols col = k - row*cols if xlabel is None and ylabel is None or row < last_row or col > 0: ax.set_axis_off() else: ax.set_axis_on() if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.xticks([0, nx - 1], [0, nx - 1]) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.yticks([0, ny - 1], [0, ny - 1]) if power is None: imgplot = ax.imshow(array[z,:,:], cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: imgplot = ax.imshow(numpy.power(abs(array[z,:,:]), power), cmap, \ vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if show: fignums = plt.get_fignums() last = fignums[-1] if last > 1: print("You may need to close Figures' 1 - %d windows to continue..." \ % last) else: print('You may need to close Figure 1 window to continue...') mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = current_title_size mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = current_label_size mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = current_xlabel_size mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = current_ylabel_size return 0
def test_plot_raw(): """Test plotting of raw data.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt raw = _get_raw()['lowpass'] = 10. # allow heavy decim during plotting events = _get_events() plt.close('all') # ensure all are closed fig = raw.plot(events=events, show_options=True, order=[1, 7, 3], group_by='original') # test mouse clicks x = fig.get_axes()[0].lines[1].get_xdata().mean() y = fig.get_axes()[0].lines[1].get_ydata().mean() data_ax = fig.axes[0] _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [x, y], xform='data') # mark a bad channel _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [x, y], xform='data') # unmark a bad channel _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [0.5, 0.999]) # click elsewhere in 1st axes _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [-0.1, 0.9]) # click on y-label _fake_click(fig, fig.get_axes()[1], [0.5, 0.5]) # change time _fake_click(fig, fig.get_axes()[2], [0.5, 0.5]) # change channels _fake_click(fig, fig.get_axes()[3], [0.5, 0.5]) # open SSP window fig.canvas.button_press_event(1, 1, 1) # outside any axes fig.canvas.scroll_event(0.5, 0.5, -0.5) # scroll down fig.canvas.scroll_event(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) # scroll up # sadly these fail when no renderer is used (i.e., when using Agg): # ssp_fig = set(plt.get_fignums()) - set([fig.number]) # assert_equal(len(ssp_fig), 1) # ssp_fig = plt.figure(list(ssp_fig)[0]) # ax = ssp_fig.get_axes()[0] # only one axis is used # t = [c for c in ax.get_children() if isinstance(c, # matplotlib.text.Text)] # pos = np.array(t[0].get_position()) + 0.01 # _fake_click(ssp_fig, ssp_fig.get_axes()[0], pos, xform='data') # off # _fake_click(ssp_fig, ssp_fig.get_axes()[0], pos, xform='data') # on # test keypresses for key in [ 'down', 'up', 'right', 'left', 'o', '-', '+', '=', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'home', 'end', '?', 'f11', 'escape' ]: fig.canvas.key_press_event(key) fig = plot_raw(raw, events=events, group_by='selection') for key in [ 'b', 'down', 'up', 'right', 'left', 'o', '-', '+', '=', 'pageup', 'pagedown', 'home', 'end', '?', 'f11', 'b', 'escape' ]: fig.canvas.key_press_event(key) # Color setting pytest.raises(KeyError, raw.plot, event_color={0: 'r'}) pytest.raises(TypeError, raw.plot, event_color={'foo': 'r'}) annot = Annotations([10, 10 + raw.first_samp /['sfreq']], [10, 10], ['test', 'test'],['meas_date']) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='outside data range'): raw.set_annotations(annot) fig = plot_raw(raw, events=events, event_color={-1: 'r', 998: 'b'}) plt.close('all') for group_by, order in zip( ['position', 'selection'], [np.arange(len(raw.ch_names))[::-3], [1, 2, 4, 6]]): with pytest.warns(None): # sometimes projection fig = raw.plot(group_by=group_by, order=order) x = fig.get_axes()[0].lines[1].get_xdata()[10] y = fig.get_axes()[0].lines[1].get_ydata()[10] _fake_click(fig, data_ax, [x, y], xform='data') # mark bad fig.canvas.key_press_event('down') # change selection _fake_click(fig, fig.get_axes()[2], [0.5, 0.5]) # change channels sel_fig = plt.figure(1) topo_ax = sel_fig.axes[1] _fake_click(sel_fig, topo_ax, [-0.425, 0.20223853], xform='data') fig.canvas.key_press_event('down') fig.canvas.key_press_event('up') fig.canvas.scroll_event(0.5, 0.5, -1) # scroll down fig.canvas.scroll_event(0.5, 0.5, 1) # scroll up _fake_click(sel_fig, topo_ax, [-0.5, 0.], xform='data') _fake_click(sel_fig, topo_ax, [0.5, 0.], xform='data', kind='motion') _fake_click(sel_fig, topo_ax, [0.5, 0.5], xform='data', kind='motion') _fake_click(sel_fig, topo_ax, [-0.5, 0.5], xform='data', kind='release') plt.close('all') # test if meas_date has only one element['meas_date'] = np.array([['meas_date'][0]], dtype=np.int32) annot = Annotations([1 + raw.first_samp /['sfreq']], [5], ['bad']) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='outside data range'): raw.set_annotations(annot) with pytest.warns(None): # sometimes projection raw.plot(group_by='position', order=np.arange(8)) for fig_num in plt.get_fignums(): fig = plt.figure(fig_num) if hasattr(fig, 'radio'): # Get access to selection fig. break for key in ['down', 'up', 'escape']: fig.canvas.key_press_event(key) plt.close('all')
def plot_set2(tsteps, tvec, path): reader = mir.MirandaReader(path, periodic_dimensions=(False, True, True), verbose=True) print("Domain Size: {} ".format(reader._domain_size)) print("Variables available: {}".format(reader.varNames)) Nx, Ny, Nz = reader._domain_size W = np.zeros(len(tsteps)) t_legend = [] for tind, step in enumerate(tsteps): ################################## #Reading in full fields to figure out where subdomain and interface are reader.setStep(step) reader.setSubDomain(((0, 0, 0), (Nx - 1, Ny - 1, Nz - 1))) print("Figuring out subdomain at step {}".format(step)) YN2 = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('Ideal1_01'))) YO2 = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('Ideal1_02'))) YSF6 = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('Ideal1_03'))) YAc = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('Ideal1_04'))) YHeavy = YSF6 + YAc M = (YN2 / M_N2 + YO2 / M_O2 + YSF6 / M_SF6 + YAc / M_Ac)**(-1) #Find inner mixing zone (IMZ) IMZ_thresh = 0.9 XHeavy = M / M_Heavy * YHeavy XHeavy_bar = np.mean(np.mean(XHeavy, axis=2), axis=1) IMZ_crit = 4 * XHeavy_bar * (1 - XHeavy_bar) - IMZ_thresh for ind in range(len(IMZ_crit)): if IMZ_crit[ind] >= 0: IMZ_lo = ind break for ind in range(len(IMZ_crit)): ind2 = Nx - ind - 1 if IMZ_crit[ind2] >= 0: IMZ_hi = ind2 break IMZ_mid = np.argmax(IMZ_crit) middle_selection = 0.40 #select middle 20% of domain in x x1 = IMZ_mid - int(middle_selection / 2 * Nx) x2 = min(IMZ_mid + int(middle_selection / 2 * Nx), Nx - 1) reader.setSubDomain(((x1, 0, 0), (x2, Ny - 1, Nz - 1))) # Get coordinates based on subdomain x, y, z = reader.readCoordinates() x = x / 100.0 #convert from cm-> m y = y / 100.0 z = z / 100.0 nx = reader.chunk[0][1] - reader.chunk[0][0] ny = reader.chunk[1][1] - reader.chunk[1][0] nz = reader.chunk[2][1] - reader.chunk[2][0] ################################## # Reading in on subdomain reader.setStep(step) print("reading in Mass Fraction at step {}.".format(step)) YN2 = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('Ideal1_01'))) YO2 = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('Ideal1_02'))) YSF6 = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('Ideal1_03'))) YAc = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('Ideal1_04'))) YHeavy = YSF6 + YAc print("reading in density at step {}.".format(step)) density = 1e3 * np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('density'))) print("reading in pressure at step {}.".format(step)) pressure = 1e-1 * np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('pressure'))) #Calculating Stats print("Computing Diffusion Properties") rho_bar = np.mean(np.mean(density, axis=2), axis=1) Cp = YN2 * Cp_N2 + YO2 * Cp_O2 + YSF6 * Cp_SF6 + YAc * Cp_Ac Cv = YN2 * Cv_N2 + YO2 * Cv_O2 + YSF6 * Cv_SF6 + YAc * Cv_Ac gamma = Cp / Cv M = (YN2 / M_N2 + YO2 / M_O2 + YSF6 / M_SF6 + YAc / M_Ac)**(-1) T = M * pressure / (density * Ru) c = (gamma * pressure / density)**0.5 del YAc, gamma #Find inner mixing zone (IMZ) IMZ_thresh = 0.9 XHeavy = M / M_Heavy * YHeavy XHeavy_bar = np.mean(np.mean(XHeavy, axis=2), axis=1) IMZ_crit = 4 * XHeavy_bar * (1 - XHeavy_bar) - IMZ_thresh for ind in range(len(IMZ_crit)): if IMZ_crit[ind] >= 0: IMZ_lo = ind break for ind in range(len(IMZ_crit)): ind2 = nx - ind - 1 if IMZ_crit[ind2] >= 0: IMZ_hi = ind2 break IMZ_mid = np.argmax(IMZ_crit) #Mole Fraction Variance XHeavy_prime = XHeavy - XHeavy_bar.reshape((nx, 1, 1)) XHeavy_variance = np.mean(np.mean(XHeavy_prime**2, axis=2), axis=1) #Compute Turbulent Mach Number print("reading in velocity at step {}.".format(step)) velocity = np.zeros((3, nx, ny, nz)) velocity[0, :, :, :] = 1e-2 * np.squeeze( np.array(reader.readData('velocity-0'))) velocity[1, :, :, :] = 1e-2 * np.squeeze( np.array(reader.readData('velocity-1'))) velocity[2, :, :, :] = 1e-2 * np.squeeze( np.array(reader.readData('velocity-2'))) u_tilde = np.mean(np.mean(velocity[0, :, :, :] * density, axis=2), axis=1) / np.mean(np.mean(density, axis=2), axis=1) u_doubleprime = velocity[0, :, :, :] - u_tilde.reshape((nx, 1, 1)) #Density Spectra t_legend.append("t = {} ms".format(step * 1e-1)) k_rad, rho_spec_rad = fh.radial_spectra( x[:, 0, 0], y[0, :, 0], z[0, 0, :], density[IMZ_lo:IMZ_hi + 1, :, :]) plt.figure(2) plt.loglog(k_rad, rho_spec_rad) plt.xlabel('Radial Wavenumber [m-1]') plt.ylabel("Density spectra") #Energy Spectra energy_for_spectra = density * u_doubleprime / (np.reshape( rho_bar, (nx, 1, 1)))**0.5 k_rad, rhoU_spec_rad = fh.radial_spectra( x[:, 0, 0], y[0, :, 0], z[0, 0, :], energy_for_spectra[IMZ_lo:IMZ_hi + 1, :, :]) plt.figure(3) plt.loglog(k_rad, rhoU_spec_rad) plt.xlabel('Radial Wavenumber [m-1]') plt.ylabel("Energy Spectra") #Format plots print("Formatting Plots") t_legend.append("-3/2 slope") for ind in plt.get_fignums(): plt.figure(ind) plt.loglog(k_rad, 1e2 * k_rad**(-1.5), 'k--') plt.legend(t_legend) plt.tight_layout() return None