def condtn_nm_plot(G, w_start=-2, w_end=2, axlim=None, points=1000): """ Plot of the condition number, the maximum over the minimum singular value Parameters ---------- G : numpy matrix Plant model. Returns ------- Plot : matplotlib figure Note ---- A condition number over 10 may indicate sensitivity to uncertainty and control problems With a small condition number, Gamma =1, the system is insensitive to input uncertainty, irrespective of controller (p248). """ s, w, axlim = df.frequency_plot_setup(axlim, w_start, w_end, points) def cndtn_nm(G): return utils.sigmas(G)[0]/utils.sigmas(G)[-1] freqresp = [G(si) for si in s] plt.loglog(w, [cndtn_nm(Gfr) for Gfr in freqresp], label='$\gamma (G)$') plt.axis(axlim) plt.ylabel('$\gamma (G)$') plt.xlabel('Frequency [rad/unit time]') plt.axhline(10., color='red', ls=':', label='"Large" $\gamma (G) = 10$') plt.legend()
def plot_mpl_fig(): rootdir = '/Users/catherinefielder/Documents/Research_Halos/HaloDetail' cs = [] pops = [] for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir): head,tail = os.path.split(subdir) haloname = tail for file in files: if file.endswith('_columnsadded'): values =, file), format = 'commented_header') #Get full path and access file host_c = values[1]['host_c'] cs = np.append(cs, host_c) pop = len(values['mvir(10)']) pops = np.append(pops, pop) print pop plt.loglog(host_c, pop, alpha=0.8,label = haloname) print "%s done. On to the next." %haloname #plt.xscale('log') #plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Host Concentration') plt.ylabel('Nsat') plt.title('Abundance vs. Host Concentration', ha='center') #plt.legend(loc='best') spearman = scipy.stats.spearmanr(cs, pops) print spearman
def plotPeriodogram(fvec, pvec, axes=None, thinning=None): ''' **plotPeriodogram(fvec, pvec, axes=None, thinning=None)** Function that plot a periodogram Parameters ---------- **fvec** : vector containing the frequencies resulting from fftdem() \n **pvec** : vector containing the power values resulting from fftdem() \n **axes** : string indicating what type of axes to use. Possible options are: \n\t - "loglog" \n\t - "semilogx"\n\t - "semilogy" \n\t - None (default option)\n **thinning** : parameter to thin the data o plot as vectors can be ver large. It will plot only the number of dots indicated by thinning ''' # Wvec=1/fvec if thinning == None: thinning = thinningCheckup(fvec) plt.figure() if axes == "loglog": plt.loglog(fvec[range(0,fvec.size,thinning)],pvec[range(0,pvec.size,thinning)]) elif axes == "semilogx": plt.semilogx(fvec[range(0,fvec.size,thinning)],pvec[range(0,pvec.size,thinning)]) elif axes == "semilogy": plt.semilogy(fvec[range(0,fvec.size,thinning)],pvec[range(0,pvec.size,thinning)]) else: plt.plot(fvec[range(0,fvec.size,thinning)],pvec[range(0,pvec.size,thinning)]) plt.title("Periodogram") plt.ylabel("DFT mean square amplitude") plt.xlabel("Frequency (1/m)")
def RGA_w(w_start, w_end, x, y): """ w_start is the start of logspace w_end is the ending of the logspace x and y is refer to the indices of the RGA matrix that needs to be plotted this is to calculate the RGA at different freqeuncies this give more conclusive values of which pairing would give fast responses under dynamic situations""" w = np.logspace(w_start, w_end, 1000) store = np.zeros([len(x), len(w)]) count = 0 for w_i in w: A = G(w_i) RGA_w = np.multiply(A, np.transpose(np.linalg.pinv(A))) store[:, count] = RGA_w[x, y] count = count + 1 for i in range(len(x)): plt.loglog(w, store[i, :]) plt.title("RGA over Freq") plt.xlabel("w") plt.ylabel("|RGA values| gevin x ,y ")
def addPlot(title,lbl,ref=None): inFile = file(title,'r') entries=[] for line in inFile: if line=='\n' or line.startswith('Moments') or line.startswith('N,'): continue entries.append([]) vals=line.strip().split(',') entries[-1].append(int(vals[0])) entries[-1].append(float(vals[1])) entries[-1].append(float(vals[2])) entries=np.array(entries) entries=entries[entries[:,0].argsort()] if ref==None: errs=np.zeros([len(entries)-1,3]) errs[:,0] = entries[:-1,0] errs[:,1] = abs(entries[:-1,1]-entries[-1,1])/entries[-1,1] errs[:,2] = abs(entries[:-1,2]-entries[-1,2])/entries[-1,2] else: errs=np.zeros([len(entries),3]) errs[:,0] = entries[:,0] errs[:,1] = abs(entries[:,1]-ref[1])/ref[1] errs[:,2] = abs(entries[:,2]-ref[2])/ref[2] #for e in errs: # print e errs=errs[errs[:,0].argsort()] # print '\n\n' # for e in errs: # print e errs=zip(*errs) plt.loglog(errs[0],errs[1],'-o',label=lbl)
def fit_and_plot(cand): data = cand.profile n = len(data) xs = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, n, endpoint=False) G = gauss._compute_data(cand) print "k: %g, log(k): %g" % (G.k, np.log10(G.k)) test_ks = np.logspace(np.log10(G.k)-2, np.log10(G.k)+1, 1e3) #test_ks = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(1e-1),np.log(1e3),1e3)) plt.figure(1) resids = [gauss._rms_residual(k,data) for k in test_ks] plt.loglog(test_ks,resids,color="green", label="_nolabel_") #plt.axvline(true_k,color="red", label="true k") best_k = test_ks[np.argmin(resids)] plt.axvline(best_k,color="green", label="best k") plt.axvline(G.k,color="cyan", label="k from fit") plt.ylabel("RMS of residuals") plt.xlabel("Value of k used (i.e. held fixed) when fitting") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.figure(2) mue, ae, be = gauss._fit_all_but_k(best_k, data) #plt.plot(xs, true_prof, color="red", label="true") plt.plot(xs, data, color="black", label="data") plt.plot(xs, (ae*utils.vonmises_histogram(best_k,mue,n)+be), color="green", label="exhaustive best fit") plt.plot(xs, G.histogram(n), color="cyan", label="best fit") plt.legend(loc="best")
def __call__(self,u,v,w,bx,by,bz): q = 4 d = (self.sim.zmx, self.sim.ymx, self.sim.xmx) vspec = spec(u,v,w,dims=d) bspec = spec(bx,by,bz,dims=d) plt.subplot(221) plt.plot(vspec) plt.semilogy() plt.title('v-spec') plt.axis("tight") plt.ylim([1e-12,1e-2]) plt.subplot(222) plt.plot(vspec) plt.loglog() plt.title('v-spec') plt.axis("tight") plt.ylim([1e-12,1e-2]) plt.subplot(223) plt.plot(bspec) plt.semilogy() plt.title('b-spec') plt.axis("tight") plt.ylim([1e-12,1e-2]) plt.subplot(224) plt.plot(bspec) plt.loglog() plt.title('b-spec') plt.axis("tight") plt.ylim([1e-12,1e-2])
def disk_spec(file): #Construct table table=construct_table('tmpd') disk_params=get_params(file) specs=params_to_spec(disk_params, table) r=disk_params[:, 0:2] Teff=disk_params[:, 2] #Finding the total flux totf=sum_spec(r, specs, Teff) totf1=totf[1] totf2=totf[0] #max1=np.max(totf1[1]) #max2=np.max(totf2[1]) #peak=np.max(max1, max2) plt.loglog() #plt.figsize(20, 8) plt.xlabel("nu [hz]") plt.ylabel("nu L_nu [ergs/s]") plt.axis([10.**14, 2*10.**18, 10.**38, 10.**44]) plt.plot(totf1[0], totf1[0]*totf1[1]) plt.plot(totf2[0], totf2[0]*totf2[1])
def plotBode2(zpk, n=200, f_range=None, f_logspace=True): """ Bode plot of ZerosAndPoles object using matplotlib """ (f, y) = zpk.frequencyResponse(n=n, f_range=f_range, f_logspace=f_logspace) y_A = numpy.abs(y) y_phi = Misc.to_deg(Misc.continuousAngle(y)) plt.figure() plt.subplot(211) if f_logspace: plt.loglog(f, y_A) else: plt.plot(f, y_A) plt.grid(True, which="both") plt.ylabel("Amplitude") plt.subplot(212) if f_logspace: plt.semilogx(f, y_phi) else: plt.plot(f, y_A) plt.grid(True, which="both") plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]") plt.ylabel("Phase [deg]")
def plot_area_vs_energy(self, filename=None, show_save_energy=True): """ Plot effective area vs. energy. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt energy_hi = self.energy_hi.value effective_area = self.effective_area.value plt.plot(energy_hi, effective_area) if show_save_energy: plt.vlines(self.energy_thresh_hi.value, 1E3, 1E7, 'k', linestyles='--') plt.text(self.energy_thresh_hi.value - 1, 3E6, 'Safe energy threshold: {0:3.2f}'.format( self.energy_thresh_hi), ha='right') plt.vlines(self.energy_thresh_lo.value, 1E3, 1E7, 'k', linestyles='--') plt.text(self.energy_thresh_lo.value + 0.1, 3E3, 'Safe energy threshold: {0:3.2f}'.format(self.energy_thresh_lo)) plt.xlim(0.1, 100) plt.ylim(1E3, 1E7) plt.loglog() plt.xlabel('Energy [TeV]') plt.ylabel('Effective Area [m^2]') if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename)'Wrote {0}'.format(filename))
def makegood(prereqs,func,r,size,grid,smallrexp,largerexp,plotting): """ prereqs - array containing model class instance as first element func - function to be evaluated r - independent variable array size - size of generated independent variable array with format [log10(max),log10(min),stepsize] grid - choice of grid generator function smallrexp - log slope at small r or large E largerexp - log slope at large r or small E plotting - if False, do not plot. if not False, must be array with ['<xlabel>','<ylabel>'] Returns an interpolated object version of the function based computed values. """ model = prereqs[0] #generate independent array grid rarray,rchange,rstart = grid([model],size[0],size[1],size[2]) #compute value of function for grid points tab,problems = func(rarray,prereqs) frac = float(len(problems))/float(len(tab)) #report the fraction of problem points to console and file print 'fraction reporting a message: {0}'.format(frac) model.statfile.write('\nmesg frac = {0}\n'.format(frac)) #check for problem points not caught in integration process gcheck = goodcheck(tab) #interpolate in log10 space inter = interp1d(log10(rarray),log10(tab)) #generate array to further extremes using powerlaw behaviour m = piecewise(r,inter,tab[0],tab[len(rarray)-1],rstart,rchange,smallrexp,largerexp) #interpolate extended array in log10 space inter2 = interp1d(log10(r),log10(m)) #save values used to interpolate to file (NOT in log10 space) saver = column_stack((r,m)) funcname = str(func).split(' ')[1][4:] pklwrite('{0}/{1}.pkl'.format(,funcname),saver) #if plotting is possible and the array doesn't consist entirely of problems #add plot to pdf and return interpolate functional form if plotting != False and gcheck == True: xaxis,yaxis = plotting plt.figure() plt.loglog(r[1:-1],m[1:-1],'c',linewidth = 5) plt.loglog(rarray,tab,'.',color = 'DarkOrange') plt.ylabel(r'{0}'.format(yaxis)) plt.xlabel('{0}'.format(xaxis)) plt.xlim(min(r[1:-1]),max(r[1:-1])) plt.ylim(min(m[1:-1]),max(m[1:-1])) plt.title( model.pdfdump.savefig() plt.close() return inter2 #if plotting isn't possible but array doesn't consist entirely of problems #return interpolated functional form elif plotting == False and gcheck == True: return inter2 #if computation failed, return 0 #this signals the rest of the program that computation failed here elif gcheck == False: return 0
def compareXS(isotope, type_xs='capture', dir='.'): #Get fake XS from info given El, A = isotope.split('-', 1) #Find proper filename for fake XS if type_xs=='scatter': type_xs='elastic' path=str(pinspec.getXSLibDirectory())+'/'+El+'-'+A+'-'+type_xs+'.txt' #Read in array for fictitious XS at 300 EnT=numpy.array([]) barnsT=numpy.array([]) invEnT=numpy.array([]) with open(path) as resT: #Parse out String containing Temperature Junk, temp = resT.readline().split('=', 1) for line in resT: EnTt, barnsTt=line.split(',', 1) EnTt=float(EnTt) barnsTt=float(barnsTt) invEnTt=1/EnTt EnT=numpy.append(EnT,EnTt) barnsT=numpy.append(barnsT,barnsTt) invEnT=numpy.append(invEnT, invEnTt) py_printf('INFO', 'Read in Doppler Broadened XS correctly') #Read in array for ENDF7 XS at 300 npath=str(pinspec.getXSLibDirectory())+'/BackupXS/'+El+'-'+A+'-' + \ type_xs+'.txt' EndfE300=numpy.array([]) barnsEndF300=numpy.array([]) invEndfE300=numpy.array([]) with open(npath) as Endf300: #Parse out String containing Temperature Junk, xssource = Endf300.readline().split(' ', 1) xssource=xssource.strip() for line in Endf300: EndfE300temp, barnsEndF300temp=line.split(',', 1) EndfE300temp=float(EndfE300temp) barnsEndF300temp=float(barnsEndF300temp) invEndfE300temp=1/EndfE300temp EndfE300=numpy.append(EndfE300,EndfE300temp) barnsEndF300=numpy.append(barnsEndF300,barnsEndF300temp) invEndfE300=numpy.append(invEndfE300,invEndfE300temp) log_printf(INFO,'Read in ENDF/B-VII XS correctly') #Plot values on top of each other fig=plt.figure() plt.loglog(EnT,barnsT) plt.loglog(EndfE300,barnsEndF300) CXStype=type_xs.title() plt.legend(['Doppler broadened '+El+'-'+A+' '+CXStype+' XS at temp=' + \ temp,xssource+' '+El+'-'+A+' '+CXStype+' XS at temp=300K'], \ loc='lower left',prop={'size':10}) plt.grid() plt.title(CXStype+' Cross Section Comparison') plt.xlabel('XS [barns]') plt.ylabel('E [eV]') plt.savefig(dir+'/'+CXStype+'_XS_Comparison.png')
def plotting(self, msdtype="ensemble", particlemsdtime=0,error=0, showlegend=None,scale="loglog"): """ :param error: Number of standard deviations from mean, which is shown in the figure :return: A figure with plotting of the Ensemble MSD """ if msdtype=="ensemble": msd,std=self.msd_ensemble() if msdtype=="time": msd,std=self.msd_time(particlemsdtime) colors=['r','b','g','k','c','w','b','r','g','b','k','c','w','b','r','g','b','k','c','w','bo','ro','go','bo','ko','co','wo','bo'] #fig=plt.plot(range(msd_ensemble.size), msd_ensemble ,colors[2], label="ensemble msd") if scale == "lin": plt.plot(self.t*self.dt,self.msdanalyt(),":",color=colors[1], label="analytisch D=%f,particles=%d,length=%d,alpha=%f" %(self.D,self.particles,self.n,self.alpha)) if scale == "loglog": plt.loglog(self.t*self.dt,self.msdanalyt(),":",color=colors[1], label="analytisch D=%f,particles=%d,length=%d,alpha=%f" %(self.D,self.particles,self.n,self.alpha)) fig=plt.errorbar(self.t*self.dt, msd, yerr=error*std,label="Spektrale Methode mit D=%f,particles=%d, length=%d ,alpha=%f, Std=%f" %(self.D,self.particles,self.n,self.alpha,error)) if showlegend is not None: plt.legend(loc=2) plt.xlabel('Steps', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('MSD', fontsize=14) return fig
def plot_clustering_spectrum (graph, path): """Plot the clusttering spectrum of the graph and save the figure at the given path. On X-axis we have degrees and on Y-axis we have average clustering coefficients of the nodes that have that degree""" node_to_degree = node_to_clustering = nx.clustering(graph) degree_to_clustering = {} # calculate average clustering coefficients for nodes with certain degree for node in node_to_degree: deg = node_to_degree[node] tmp = degree_to_clustering.get(deg, []) tmp.append(node_to_clustering[node]) degree_to_clustering[deg] = tmp for degree in degree_to_clustering: tmp = degree_to_clustering[degree] degree_to_clustering[degree] = float(sum(tmp)) / len(tmp) x = sorted(degree_to_clustering.keys(), reverse = True) y = [degree_to_clustering[i] for i in x] plt.loglog(x, y, 'b-', marker = '.') plt.title("Clustering Spectrum") plt.ylabel("Average clustering coefficient") plt.xlabel("Degree") plt.axis('tight') plt.savefig(path)
def plot_shortest_path_spectrum (graph, path, paths_data): """Plot distribution of shortest paths of the graph and save the figure at the given path. On X-axis we have distance values and on Y-axis we have percentage of node pairs that have that distance value""" diameter = graph_diameter(paths_data) pairs = graph.order() * (graph.order()-1) * 0.5 distances_count = [0 for i in xrange(diameter + 1)] for i in xrange(8): with open('%s_%d' % (paths_data, i), 'r') as in_file: for line in in_file: tokens = line.split() distances_count[int(tokens[2])] += 1 for i in xrange(diameter + 1): distances_count[i] *= (100.0 / pairs) y = distances_count plt.loglog(y, 'b-', marker = '.') plt.title("Shortest Paths Spectrum") plt.ylabel("Percent of pairs") plt.xlabel("Distance") plt.axis('tight') plt.savefig(path)
def plot_closeness_dist (graph, path): """Plot distribution of closeness centrality of the graph and save the figure at the given path. On X-axis we have closeness centrality values and on Y-axis we have percentage of the nodes that have that closeness value""" N = float(graph.order()) node_to_closeness = nx.closeness_centrality(graph) closeness_to_percent = {} # calculate percentages of nodes with certain closeness value for node in node_to_closeness: closeness_to_percent[node_to_closeness[node]] = 1 + \ closeness_to_percent.get(node_to_closeness[node], 0) for c in closeness_to_percent: closeness_to_percent[c] = closeness_to_percent[c] / N * 100 x = sorted(closeness_to_percent.keys(), reverse = True) y = [closeness_to_percent[i] for i in x] plt.loglog(x, y, 'b-', marker = '.') plt.title("Closeness Centrality Distribution") plt.ylabel("Percentage") plt.xlabel("Closeness value") plt.axis('tight') plt.savefig(path)
def plot_betweenness_dist (graph, path): """Plot distribution of betweenness centrality of the graph and save the figure at the given path. On X-axis we have betweenness centrality values and on Y-axis we have percentage of the nodes that have that betweenness value. k is the number of samples for estimating the betweenness centrality.""" N = float(graph.order()) node_to_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(graph) betweenness_to_percent = {} # calculate percentages of nodes with certain betweeness value for node in node_to_betweenness: betweenness_to_percent[node_to_betweenness[node]] = 1 + \ betweenness_to_percent.get(node_to_betweenness[node], 0) for c in betweenness_to_percent: betweenness_to_percent[c] = betweenness_to_percent[c] / N * 100 x = sorted(betweenness_to_percent.keys(), reverse = True) y = [betweenness_to_percent[i] for i in x] plt.loglog(x, y, 'b-', marker = '.') plt.title("Betweenness Centrality Distribution") plt.ylabel("Percentage") plt.xlabel("Betweenness value") plt.axis('tight') plt.savefig(path)
def plot(dic): items = dic.items() items.sort() x = [item[0] for item in items] y = [item[1] for item in items] pyplot.loglog(x, y, 'ro', color='blue')
def main(N, m, M, ximf): numpy.random.seed(31415) x_label = "M$_\odot$" y_label = "N" fig, ax = figure_frame(x_label, y_label, xsize=12, ysize=8) cols = get_distinct(2) masses = new_salpeter_mass_distribution(N, m, M, ximf) masses = new_salpeter_mass_distribution(N, m, M, ximf) lm = math.log10(0.5*m.value_in(units.MSun)) lM = math.log10(1.5*M.value_in(units.MSun)) bins = 10**numpy.linspace(lm, lM, 51) Nbin, bin_edges= numpy.histogram(masses.value_in(units.MSun), bins=bins) bin_sizes = bin_edges[1:] - bin_edges[:-1] y = Nbin / bin_sizes x = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2.0 for i in range(len(y)): y[i] = max(y[i], 1.e-10) pyplot.scatter(x, y, s=100, c=cols[0], lw=0) c = ((M.value_in(units.MSun)**(ximf+1)) - (m.value_in(units.MSun)**(ximf+1))) / (ximf+1) pyplot.plot(x, N/ c * (x**ximf), c=cols[1]) pyplot.loglog() pyplot.xlabel('$M [M_\odot]$') pyplot.ylabel('N') #pyplot.xlim(-3, 3) # pyplot.savefig("salpeter")
def hurst_curv_exponent(xy,verbose=False): """computes the Hurst coefficient which qualify how the trajectory is persistent in time it is related to the fractal dimension of the trajectory, here the denominator is the curvilinear distance """ #compute all distances d = squareform(pdist(xy, 'euclidean')) #max number of successive positions N = 10 data = npy.zeros((N,2)) for k in range(N): kd = npy.diag(d,k+1) c_length = k+1 data[k,:] = (c_length,npy.mean(kd)) #linear fit in log-log x = npy.log(data[:,0]) y = npy.log(data[:,1]) A = npy.vstack([x, npy.ones(len(x))]).T m, c = npy.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0] if verbose: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') plt.loglog(data[:,0],data[:,1]) plt.legend() return m
def plot(): hmasses = [] lmasses = [] hvels = [] lvels = [] rootdir = 'C:\Users\Cat\Documents\Research_Halos\HaloDetail' for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir): head,tail = os.path.split(subdir) haloname = tail for file in files: if file.endswith('.list'): hostvalues =, file), format = 'commented_header') highmass=max(hostvalues['mvir(10)']) hi = np.where(highmass>=1.0e+12) #Index of host with highmass low = np.where(highmass<1.0e+12) hi_id = hostvalues[hi]['id(1)'] #Id of the highmass host low_id = hostvalues[low]['id(1)'] whhi = np.where(hostvalues['pid(5)']==hi_id) #Indices of subhalos corresponding to the highmass host whlow = np.where(hostvalues['pid(5)']==low_id) hmass = hostvalues[whhi]['mvir(10)'] print len(hmass) lmass = hostvalues[whlow]['mvir(10)'] print len(lmass) hvel = hostvalues[whhi]['vmax(16)'] lvel = hostvalues[whlow]['vmax(16)'] hmasses = np.append(hmasses, hmass) lmasses = np.append(lmasses, lmass) hvels = np.append(hvels, hvel) lvels = np.append(lvels, lvel) print "%s done. On to the next." %haloname plt.loglog(hmasses, hvels, lmasses, lvels, alpha=0.8)
def GpPlot(row, col, figNum): n = 4 GpsAdd = np.zeros((n**3,1000), dtype=complex) GpsMult = np.zeros((n**3,1000), dtype=complex) w = np.logspace(-3,1,1000) for i in range(1000): GpsAdd[:,i], GpsMult[:,i] = Gp(w[i]*1j, row, col, n) plt.figure(figNum) # plt.clf() plt.subplot(211) for i in range(n**3): plt.loglog(w, GpsAdd[i,],'-', color = ([row*0.3, col*0.3, 1]), alpha=0.2) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel('|Additive Uncertainty|') plt.xlabel('Frequency [rad/s)]') plt.subplot(212) for i in range(n**3): plt.loglog(w, GpsMult[i,],'-', color = ([row*0.3, col*0.3, 1]), alpha=0.2) plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel('|Multiplicative Uncertainty|') plt.xlabel('Frequency [rad/s)]') fig = plt.gcf() BG = fig.patch BG.set_facecolor('white') fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.9)
def Total_mass_plot(rbin, mTbin): plt.loglog( rbin, mTbin) #plt.axhline(chosen_ratio_number*particleMass, color = 'g') plt.ylim(1e32, 1e37) plt.xlim(3e-3, 3e0) plt.ylabel(r'$M$ $({\rm g})$', fontsize=25) plt.xlabel(r'$r$ $({\rm pc})$', fontsize=25)
def plot_powerlaw_fit(xdata, ydata, amp, index, yerr=None, fignum=None): ''' Plot a powerlaw with some associated datapoints ''' plt.figure(fignum) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(xdata, utils_math.powerlaw(xdata, amp, index)) # Fit if yerr is None: plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'k.') # Data else: plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerr, fmt='k.') plt.title('Best Fit Power Law') plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y') plt.xlim((xdata.min()*0.9, xdata.max()*1.1)) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.loglog(xdata, utils_math.powerlaw(xdata, amp, index)) if yerr is None: plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'k.') # Data else: plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerr, fmt='k.') plt.xlabel('X (log scale)') plt.ylabel('Y (log scale)') plt.xlim((xdata.min()*0.9, xdata.max()*1.1))
def total_mass_plot(rbin, mTbin): pl.clf() pl.loglog( rbin, mTbin) pl.ylim(1e32, 1e37) pl.xlim(1e-3, 3e0) pl.ylabel('Total Mass ($g$)') pl.xlabel('Radius ($pc$)')
def Magnetic_vs_radius(rbin, Btotbin): plt.loglog( rbin, Btotbin*Btotbin/(8.*np.pi), 'b', label='$B_{tot}^2 / 8 \pi$', lw = 2) plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=22, frameon=False) # plt.ylim(1e-1, 3e0) # plt.xlim(3e-3, 3e0) plt.ylabel(' $B$ $({\\rm gauss })$', fontsize=25) plt.xlabel('$r$ $(\\rm pc)$', fontsize=25)
def main(): citation_graph = load_graph(CITATION_URL) print compute_in_degrees(citation_graph) start_time = timeit.default_timer() dist = in_degree_distribution(citation_graph) print 'dist =', dist total = sum(dist.itervalues()) normalized = {key: float(value)/total for key, value in dist.items()} print(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) x = normalized.keys() y = normalized.values() print len(y) plt.loglog(x, y, 'ro') plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') plt.minorticks_off() plt.xlabel('In-degree distribution') plt.ylabel('Normalized In-degree distribution') plt.title('Graph of Citations') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('citations-q1.png')
def plot_resolution_cddf(snap=3, maxfac=1.): """Plot the effect of changing resolution on the CDDF.""" base_large = myname.get_name(7, box=25) base_small = myname.get_name(7, box=7.5) ahalo_large = CIVPlottingSpectra(snap, base_large, None, None, savefile="rand_civ_spectra.hdf5", spec_res=5.,load_halo=True) ahalo_small = CIVPlottingSpectra(snap, base_small, None, None, savefile="rand_civ_spectra.hdf5", spec_res=5.,load_halo=True) maxmass = np.max(ahalo_small.sub_mass)/maxfac print("Max mass=",maxmass/1e10," was ",np.max(ahalo_large.sub_mass)/1e10) print("Small box has ",np.size(np.where(ahalo_small.sub_mass > maxmass))," larger halos") print("Larger box has ",np.size(np.where(ahalo_large.sub_mass > maxmass))," larger halos") ahalo_large.get_col_density("C",4) ahalo_small.get_col_density("C",4) (halos_large,_) = ahalo_large.find_nearest_halo("C",4, thresh=50) (halos_small,_) = ahalo_small.find_nearest_halo("C",4, thresh=50) ind_large = np.where((ahalo_large.sub_mass[halos_large] < maxmass)*(halos_large > 0)) ind_small = np.where((ahalo_small.sub_mass[halos_small] < maxmass)*(halos_small > 0)) print("Now ",np.size(ind_large),np.size(ind_small)," spectra") #Editing the private data like this is perilous ahalo_large.colden[("C",4)] = ahalo_large.colden[("C",4)][ind_large] ahalo_small.colden[("C",4)] = ahalo_small.colden[("C",4)][ind_small] (NHI_large, cddf_large) = ahalo_large.column_density_function("C", 4, minN=11.5,maxN=16.5, line=False, close=50.) plt.loglog(NHI_large,cddf_large,color="blue", label="25 Mpc Box", ls="-") (NHI_small, cddf_small) = ahalo_small.column_density_function("C", 4, minN=11.5,maxN=16.5, line=False, close=50.) plt.loglog(NHI_small,cddf_small,color="red", label="7.5 Mpc Box", ls="--") ax=plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r"$N_\mathrm{CIV} (\mathrm{cm}^{-2})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$f(N) (\mathrm{cm}^2)$") plt.xlim(10**12, 10**15) plt.legend(loc=0) ax=plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(r"$N_\mathrm{CIV} (\mathrm{cm}^{-2})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$f(N) (\mathrm{cm}^2)$")
def plot_P(self, kmin, kmax, step, units_k = 'default', units_P = 'default'): stepsize = (kmax - kmin) / float(step) x = [kmin + float(i) * stepsize for i in range(0, step)] y1 = [self.P_delta(k, units_k, units_P) for k in x] plot1 = plt.loglog(x, y1, basex = 10, basey = 10, label = r'P(k)') if units_k == 'default': plt.xlabel(r'$k$ $(h \, Mpc^{-1})$') elif units_k == 'mpc-1' or units_k == 'Mpc-1': plt.xlabel(r'$k$ $(Mpc^{-1})$') if units_P == 'default': plt.ylabel(r'$P(k)$ $(h^{-3} Mpc^3)$') elif units_P == 'mpc3' or units_P == 'Mpc3': plt.ylabel(r'$P(k)$ $(Mpc^3)$') if units_k == 'default' and units_P == 'default': xcomp, ycomp = np.loadtxt('compare.dat', unpack = True) plot2 = plt.loglog(xcomp, ycomp, basex = 10, basey = 10, label = r'P(k) from iCosmo') xcomp2, ycomp2 = np.loadtxt('test_matterpower.dat', unpack = True) plot3 = plt.loglog(xcomp2, ycomp2, basex = 10, basey = 10, label = r'P(k) from CAMB') plt.legend(loc = 'upper right') plt.title(r'Matter Power Spectrum' ) plt.grid(True) plt.xlim([10**(-3), 10]) plt.ylim([1, 100000]) plt.savefig('powerspectrum.png')
def calc_degree_sequence(g, dest_file): """ calc_degree_sequence(g) Calculate & plot the degree sequence of the graph g & writes data to the created data output file :param g: graph as source :return: -- """ func_intro = "\n\nDegree Sequence ... ", func_intro) print func_intro with open(dest_file, "a") as dat_file: dat_file.write(func_intro) degree_sequence = sorted(, reverse=True) with open(dest_file, "a") as dat_file: dat_file.write("\n\tDegree Sequence = \t" + str(degree_sequence)) plt.loglog(degree_sequence, 'g-', marker='o') plt.title("Degree Rank/Sequence" +src_file) plt.ylabel("degree") plt.xlabel("rank") gcc = sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key=len, reverse=True)[0] pos = nx.spring_layout(gcc) plt.axes([0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45]) plt.axis('off') nx.draw_networkx_nodes(gcc, pos, node_size=10) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(gcc, pos, alpha=0.4) plt.figure(1) plt.savefig("plots/cs1_degree_histogram.png")
timer.add_callback(close_ventana) #ejemplo 5, custom plots with logs ''' legend(), axis(), xlabel(), ylabel() y savefig()''' #es una opcion, la otra es logaritmicamente espaciada #x=np.linspace(0,10,20) x = np.logspace(-1, 1, 40) #0.1, 10, 40 y1 = x**2.0 y2 = x**1.5 ''' con las dos plots seguidas, las imprime ambas ''' plt.loglog(x, y1, "bo-", linewidth=2, markersize=12, label='$\sum_{i=0}^\infty x_i$') plt.loglog(x, y2, "gs-", linewidth=2, markersize=12, label="second verde") '''Ajusto los ejes con plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) ''' '''Puedo usar latex adentro!!! :D''' plt.xlabel(r"$\frac{x}{y}$") plt.ylabel("$y$") plt.title(r'$\alpha > \beta$', fontsize=16, color='r') '''mostramos lo que hay en label, con loc="parametro" le decimos donde queremos que este las lineas de cada funcion y1 o y2 correspondientes''' plt.legend(loc="upper left") #ejepmlo 2 #x=np.logspace(0,1,10)
y_init = [0, 0] # initial conditions list_dic = integrate() list_theta = list_dic['theta'] # dump psi values here list_d_theta = list_dic['d_theta'] # dump dpsi values here t = list_dic['xi'] # create array of values. Equidistant integration steps. plt.xlim([0.1, 20]) plt.ylim([0.001, 1.0]) plt.plot(t, np.exp(list_theta), 'o', t, np.power(1 + np.power(t / 2.88, 2), -1.47)) plt.loglog(t, np.exp(list_theta), 'o', t, np.power(1 + np.power(t / 2.88, 2), -1.47)) for i in range(0, len(t) - 190000): print(t[i], np.exp(list_theta[i])) # # # plt.plot(x,y1,'o', x_new, y1_new) # # list_for_fit_theta =[] # list_for_fit_d_theta =[] # # for i in range(0,len(t)): # # list_for_fit_theta.append((t[i], np.exp(psi[i]))) # list_for_fit_d_theta.append((t[i], dpsi[i])) #
def guo(halo_catalog, clear=False, compare=True, baryfrac=False, filename=False, **kwargs): '''Stellar Mass vs. Halo Mass Takes a halo catalogue and plots the member stellar masses as a function of halo mass. Usage: >>> import pynbody.plot as pp >>> h = s.halos() >>> pp.guo(h,marker='+',markerfacecolor='k') **Options:** *compare* (True): Should comparison line be plotted? If compare = 'guo', Guo+ (2010) plotted instead of Behroozi+ (2013) *baryfrac* (False): Should line be drawn for cosmic baryon fraction? *filename* (None): name of file to which to save output ''' # if 'marker' not in kwargs : # kwargs['marker']='o' starmasshalos = [] totmasshalos = [] halo_catalog._halos[1]['mass'].convert_units('Msol') for i in np.arange(len(halo_catalog._halos)) + 1: halo = halo_catalog[i] halostarmass = np.sum(['mass']) if halostarmass: starmasshalos.append(halostarmass) totmasshalos.append(np.sum(halo['mass'])) if clear: plt.clf() plt.loglog(totmasshalos, starmasshalos, 'o', **kwargs) plt.xlabel('Total Halo Mass') plt.ylabel('Halo Stellar Mass') if compare: xmasses = np.logspace(np.log10(min(totmasshalos)), 1 + np.log10(max(totmasshalos)), 20) if compare == 'guo': # from Sawala et al (2011) + Guo et al (2009) ystarmasses = xmasses * 0.129 * ((xmasses / 2.5e11)**-0.926 + (xmasses / 2.5e11)**0.261)**-2.44 else: ystarmasses, errors = behroozi( xmasses, halo_catalog._halos[1].properties['z']) plt.fill_between(xmasses, np.array(ystarmasses) / np.array(errors), y2=np.array(ystarmasses) * np.array(errors), facecolor='#BBBBBB', color='#BBBBBB') plt.loglog(xmasses, ystarmasses, label='Behroozi et al (2013)') if baryfrac: xmasses = np.logspace(np.log10(min(totmasshalos)), 1 + np.log10(max(totmasshalos)), 20) ystarmasses = xmasses * 0.04 / 0.24 plt.loglog(xmasses, ystarmasses, linestyle='dotted', label='f_b = 0.16') plt.axis([ 0.8 * min(totmasshalos), 1.2 * max(totmasshalos), 0.8 * min(starmasshalos), 1.2 * max(starmasshalos) ]) if (filename):"Saving %s", filename) plt.savefig(filename)
color='C0') #, normed=True) # plt.axis([1e-2, 73, 0, 11]) plt.axis([1e-2, 73, 0, 220]) plt.gca().set_xscale('log') plt.gca().set_xticklabels([]) plt.gca().set_yticklabels([]) plt.title('{} GHz'.format(band_labels[band])) if jband == 0: plt.ylabel('$1/f$ knees of\nnoise stares') # ax = plt.subplot(2,3,4) plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (1, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=3) asd_diff = np.array(d["AverageASDDiff"]['90.0_w204']) asd_sum = np.array(d["AverageASDSum"]['90.0_w204']) plt.loglog(freq[freq < f_hi], asd_diff[freq < f_hi] / np.sqrt(2.)) plt.loglog(freq[freq < f_hi], asd_sum[freq < f_hi] / np.sqrt(2.)) print(np.mean(asd_diff[(freq > 1) & (freq < 5)]) / np.sqrt(2.)) plt.grid() plt.axis([1e-2, 73, 200, 50000]) plt.ylabel('NET [$\mu$K $\sqrt{s}$]') # plt.subplot(2,3,5) plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (1, 1), colspan=1, rowspan=3) asd_diff = np.array(d["AverageASDDiff"]['150.0_w204']) asd_sum = np.array(d["AverageASDSum"]['150.0_w204']) plt.loglog(freq[freq < f_hi], asd_diff[freq < f_hi] / np.sqrt(2.)) plt.loglog(freq[freq < f_hi], asd_sum[freq < f_hi] / np.sqrt(2.)) print(np.mean(asd_diff[(freq > 1) & (freq < 5)]) / np.sqrt(2.)) plt.grid() plt.axis([1e-2, 73, 200, 50000])
#model lomb model_periods,model_mag,model_ph,model_fr,model_fi = modules.take_lomb(model_time,model_var,ofac,1./24) obs_time = np.array(obs_time) obs_var = np.array(obs_var) #set plotting area & background to white fig=plt.figure(figsize=(20,12)) fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) obs_periods,obs_mag, obs_breakpoint = modules.find_breakpoint(obs_periods,obs_mag) model_periods,model_mag, model_breakpoint = modules.find_breakpoint(model_periods,model_mag) plt.loglog(obs_periods,obs_mag, color='black', label = 'Obs.') plt.axvline(x=obs_breakpoint, color = 'blue', linestyle = '--') plt.loglog(model_periods,model_mag, color='red', label = 'GEOS %s'%(model_version)) plt.axvline(x=model_breakpoint, color = 'green', linestyle = '--') def form2(x, pos): """ This function returns a string with 3 decimal places, given the input x""" return '%.2f' % x def form5(x, pos): """ This function returns a string with 3 decimal places, given the input x""" return '%.5f' % x xformatter = FuncFormatter(form2) yformatter = FuncFormatter(form5)
model = lstm_for_dynamics(cf_trunc, deployment_mode) output_state_lstm, state_tracker_lstm = evaluate_rom_deployment_lstm( model, cf_trunc, tsteps)'Burgulence_LSTM_Coefficients.npy', state_tracker_lstm) #Visualization - Spectra u_true = sm_mean + (np.matmul(phi_trunc, perfect_output))[:] u_gp = sm_mean + (np.matmul(phi_trunc, output_state_gp))[:] u_lstm = sm_mean + (np.matmul(phi_trunc, output_state_lstm[:, 0]))[:] plt.figure() kx_plot = np.array([float(i) for i in list(range(0, nx // 2))]) espec1 = spectra_calculation(u_true) espec2 = spectra_calculation(u_gp) espec3 = spectra_calculation(u_lstm) plt.loglog(kx_plot, espec1, label='Truth') plt.loglog(kx_plot, espec2, label='GP') plt.loglog(kx_plot, espec3, label='LSTM') plt.legend() # Spectra residuals plt.figure() kx_plot = np.array([float(i) for i in list(range(0, nx // 2))]) plt.loglog(kx_plot, np.abs(espec2 - espec1), label='GP-Residual') plt.loglog(kx_plot, np.abs(espec3 - espec1), label='LSTM-Residual') plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.plot(x[:], u_true[:], label='Truth')
tSeq_11, xSeq_11, ySeq_11, zSeq_11, uSeq_11, coors_11 = getData_sowfa( ppDir, 'prbg11', ((0, 0, 0), 30.0), 'U', 0) ky_seq_11, psdy_seq_11 = PSD_ky_sowfa(tSeq_11, ySeq_11, xSeq_11, 1, 5, uSeq_11, 2000 // 5) tSeq_12, xSeq_12, ySeq_12, zSeq_12, uSeq_12, coors_12 = getData_sowfa( ppDir, 'prbg12', ((0, 0, 0), 30.0), 'U', 0) ky_seq_12, psdy_seq_12 = PSD_ky_sowfa(tSeq_12, ySeq_12, xSeq_12, 1, 5, uSeq_12, 2000 // 5) """ check PSD_kx """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) dn = 1 plt.loglog(kx_seq_3[0::dn], psdx_seq_3[0::dn], label='cell', linewidth=1.0, linestyle='-', color='r') plt.loglog(kx_seq_7[0::dn], psdx_seq_7[0::dn], label='cellPoint', linewidth=1.0, linestyle='-', color='b') plt.loglog(kx_seq_8[0::dn], psdx_seq_8[0::dn], label='cellPointFace', linewidth=1.0, linestyle='-', color='g') plt.loglog(kx_seq_9[0::dn],
def plot_dQ_Q(Q: pd.Series): dQ = dQdt(Q) plt.loglog(Q[dQ < 0], -dQ[dQ < 0], '.') plt.xlabel('Discharge ($Q, mm day^{-1}$)') plt.ylabel(r'$-\frac{dQ}{dt} mm day^{-1}$')
print numOfCh if (count in countDict): countDict[count] += 1 else: countDict[count] = 1 countList.sort() countList.reverse() cumulativeCountDict = {} #ECCDF P[X > x] bte = 0 bt = 0 for count in countList: bte += countDict[count] bt = bte - countDict[count] cumulativeCountDict[count] = bt * 1.0 / numOfCh #print cumulativeCountDict input.close() output.close() import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math x = cumulativeCountDict.keys() y = cumulativeCountDict.values() plt.xlim([min(x), max(x)]) #plt.plot(x,y,'ro') plt.loglog(x, y, 'ro')
ncfile.variables[tracer + 'Tend'][0, :, iz], [ny, nx]) dif = abs(var[1:ny - 1, 1:nx - 1] - sol[1:ny - 1, 1:nx - 1]) err = abs((var[1:ny - 1, 1:nx - 1] - sol[1:ny - \ 1, 1:nx - 1]) / sol[1:ny - 1, 1:nx - 1]) difL2[i, j, k] = np.sqrt(np.mean(dif[:]**2)) errL2[i, j, k] = np.sqrt(np.mean(err[:]**2)) #errL2[i,j,k] = np.max(err[:]) ncfileIC.close() ncfile.close() for i in range(ntests): test = tests[i] plt.subplot(ntests, 3, 3 * i + 1) for k in range(len(tracers)): tracer = tracers[k] plt.loglog(dx, difL2[i, :, k], '-x', label=tracer) plt.ylabel('diff: rms(exact[:] - calc[:])') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.xlabel('cell width, km') for i in range(ntests): test = tests[i] plt.subplot(ntests, 3, 3 * i + 2) for k in range(len(tracers)): tracer = tracers[k] plt.loglog(dx, errL2[i, :, k], '-x', label=tracer) plt.title('Error in Redi tendancy term, ' + test) plt.ylabel('error: rms((exact[:] - calc[:])/exact[:])')
def fit_gm(): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import nnls lnorm = 20 nwave = 800 # files = glob.glob('SED_J13/*RES') # files = glob.glob('SED_C11/*RES') # #files = glob.glob('SED_DL07/*RES') # # du = np.zeros((nwave, len(files))) # # for i, file in enumerate(files): # dust = np.loadtxt(file, skiprows=8) # w, f = dust[:,0], dust[:,1] # print(file, len(w)) # plt.plot(w, f/np.interp(lnorm, w, f), label=file, alpha=0.5) # du[:,i] = f/np.interp(lnorm, w, f) # du_wave = w # Magdis mag = np.loadtxt('ms.txt') mag_wave = mag[:, 0] mag_flux = mag[:, 1:] for i in range(10): mag_flux[:, i] /= np.interp(lnorm, mag_wave, mag_flux[:, i]) #plt.plot(mag_wave, mag_flux[:,i], color='k', alpha=0.8) ### By hand, blackbodies following da Cunha + Magphys from astropy.modeling.physical_models import BlackBody import astropy.units as u from astropy.constants import c # Eazy for wavelength grid ez = np.loadtxt('templates/fsps_full/fsps_QSF_12_v3_001.dat') wave_grid = ez[:, 0] / 1.e4 nwave = len(wave_grid) # PAH template. C11 dies down quickly file = 'SED_C11/SED_C11_100.RES' #file = 'SED_DL07/SED_DL07_100.RES' dust = np.loadtxt(file, skiprows=8) du_wave, du_pah = dust[:, 0], dust[:, 1] comps = [np.interp(wave_grid, du_wave, du_pah)] nu = (c / (wave_grid * # equilibrium components, da Cunha # modified black-bodies, extra factor of 1 turns from Fnu to nu Fnu # cold for t in np.arange(20, 40): comps.append( BlackBody(temperature=t * u.K)(wave_grid * * nu**(1 + 2.0)) #warm for t in np.arange(30, 80): comps.append( BlackBody(temperature=t * u.K)(wave_grid * * nu**(1 + 1.5)) # Hot for t in [130, 250]: comps.append( BlackBody(temperature=t * u.K)(wave_grid * * nu**(1 + 1)) _A = np.array(comps).T nc = _A.shape[1] for i in range(nc): _A[:, i] /= np.interp(lnorm, wave_grid, _A[:, i]) ####### mag_int = np.zeros((nwave, 10)) clip = (wave_grid > 4.) & (wave_grid < 5000) models_flam = mag_int * 0. for i in range(10): mag_int[:, i] = np.interp(wave_grid, mag_wave, mag_flux[:, i]) _a = nnls(_A[clip, :], mag_int[clip, i]) model =[0]) norm = np.trapz(model / wave_grid, wave_grid) pl = plt.plot(wave_grid, mag_int[:, i] / norm, linewidth=4, alpha=0.2) plt.plot(wave_grid[clip], mag_int[clip, i] / norm, linewidth=4, alpha=0.8, color=pl[0].get_color()) plt.plot(wave_grid, model / norm, linewidth=3, color='w', alpha=0.8) plt.plot(wave_grid, model / norm, linewidth=1, color=pl[0].get_color(), alpha=0.8) mflam = model / wave_grid mflam /= np.trapz(mflam, wave_grid) models_flam[:, i] = mflam fp = open(f'templates/magdis/magdis_{i+1:02d}.txt', 'w') np.savetxt( fp, np.array([wave_grid * 1.e4, mflam]).T, header= 'wave flam\n wave: A, flux: flam \nnormalized to unit energy', fmt='%.5e') fp.close() # components # plt.plot(wave_grid, (_A*_a[0]), linewidth=1, color='k', alpha=0.2) plt.loglog() plt.xlim(0.2, 5000) plt.ylim(1.e-6, 10) plt.grid() plt.savefig('templates/magdis/magdis_fit.png')
n_runs = len(rho_err) slope_1_ref = [2e-6 / 2**i for i in range(n_runs)] # adjust initial error as necessary slope_2_ref = [1e-7 / 4**i for i in range(n_runs)] # adjust initial error as necessary plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='sans-serif') ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) plt.xlabel("Mesh size, $h$") plt.ylabel("Error, $\\|e\\|_1$") plt.loglog(dx, slope_1_ref, linestyle='-', marker='', color='black', label='$m=1$') plt.loglog(dx, slope_2_ref, linestyle='-', marker='', color='gray', label='$m=2$') plt.loglog(dx, rho_err, linestyle='--', marker='x', color='indianred', label='$\\|\\rho - \\rho_h\\|_1$') plt.loglog(dx,
def prob4(): """Compare the build and search speeds of the SinglyLinkedList, BST, and AVL classes. For search times, use iterative_search(), BST.find(), and AVL.find() to search for 5 random elements in each structure. Plot the number of elements in the structure versus the build and search times. Use log scales if appropriate. """ N = 11 # Initialize lists to hold results lls_build, lls_search = [], [] bst_build, bst_search = [], [] avl_build, avl_search = [], [] with open("english.txt", 'r') as infile: data = infile.readlines() domain = 2**np.arange(3,N+1) for n in domain: # Initialize the data subset and the data structures. subset = np.random.choice(data, size=n, replace=False) bst = BST() avl = AVL() lls = SinglyLinkedList() # Time the SinglyLinkedList build. start = time() for item in subset: lls.append(item) lls_build.append(time() - start) # Time the BST build. start = time() for item in subset: bst.insert(item) bst_build.append(time() - start) # Time the AVL Tree build. start = time() for item in subset: avl.insert(item) avl_build.append(time() - start) random_subset = np.random.choice(subset, size=5, replace=False) # Time the SinglyLinkedList search (using iterative_search()). start = time() for target in random_subset: iterative_search(lls, target) lls_search.append(time() - start) # Time the BST search. start = time() for target in random_subset: bst.find(target) bst_search.append(time() - start) # Time the AVL Tree search. start = time() for target in random_subset: avl.find(target) avl_search.append(time() - start) # Plot the data. plt.subplot(121) plt.title("Build Times") plt.loglog(domain, lls_build, 'b.-', lw=2, ms=10, basex=2, basey=2, label='Singly Linked List') plt.loglog(domain, bst_build, 'g.-', lw=2, ms=10, basex=2, basey=2, label='Binary Search Tree') plt.loglog(domain, avl_build, 'r.-', lw=2, ms=10, basex=2, basey=2, label='AVL Tree') plt.xlabel("n") plt.ylabel("Seconds") plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.subplot(122) plt.title("Search Times") plt.loglog(domain, lls_search, 'b.-', lw=2, ms=10, basex=2, basey=2, label='Singly Linked List') plt.loglog(domain, bst_search, 'g.-', lw=2, ms=10, basex=2, basey=2, label='Binary Search Tree') plt.loglog(domain, avl_search, 'r.-', lw=2, ms=10, basex=2, basey=2, label='AVL Tree') plt.xlabel("n") plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.suptitle("Problem 4 Solution")
"""compute for additive parametric uncertainty""" """The condition for robust stability is derived & gives: RS <==> K*S < 1/W_A with Lp = Gp*K = k*(G + W_A*delta_I)""" def W_A(Gn, G): # We take W_A = l_A , Additive error (l_A = G'- G) return np.abs(Gn - G) def S(G, K): return 1/(1 + G*K) w = np.logspace(-3, 1, 300) s = 1j*w plt.figure(0) plt.loglog(w, l(Gnom(s), G(s)), 'r', label='Relative Error') plt.loglog(w, np.abs(Wi(s)), 'k', label='$W_I$') plt.title(r'Figure 7.12') plt.xlabel(r'Frequency [rad/s]', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=15) plt.legend() #Plotting with multiplicative uncertainty plt.figure(1) plt.loglog(w, np.abs(T(G(s), K(s, 1.13))), label='$T_1$ (not RS)') plt.loglog(w, np.abs(T(G(s), K(s, 0.31))), label='$T_2$') line = plt.loglog(w, 1/np.abs(Wi(s)), label='$1/W_I$') plt.title(r'Figure 7.13') plt.xlabel(r'Frequency [rad/s]', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel(r'Magnitude', fontsize=15) plt.legend()
T = 1 M = 50000 Xem = np.zeros((5, 1)) for p in range(1, 6): Dt = 2**(p - 10) L = float(T) / Dt Xtemp = Xzero * np.ones((M, 1)) for j in range(1, int(L) + 1): Winc = np.sqrt(Dt) * np.random.randn(M) Xtemp += Dt * gamma * Xtemp + mu * np.multiply(Xtemp.T, Winc).T Xem[p - 1] = np.mean(Xtemp, 0) Xerr = np.abs(Xem - np.exp(gamma)) Dtvals = np.power(float(2), [x - 10 for x in range(1, 6)]) plt.loglog(Dtvals, Xerr, 'b*-') plt.loglog(Dtvals, Dtvals, 'r--') plt.axis([1e-3, 1e-1, 1e-4, 1]) plt.xlabel('$\Delta t$') plt.ylabel('| $E(X(T))$ - Sample average of $X_L$ |') plt.title('', fontsize=16) ### Least squares fit of error = C * Dt^q ### A = np.column_stack((np.ones((p, 1)), np.log(Dtvals))) rhs = np.log(Xerr) sol = np.linalg.lstsq(A, rhs)[0] q = sol[1][0] resid = np.linalg.norm(, sol) - rhs) #print 'q = ', q #print 'residual = ', resid
w = np.logspace(-3, 3, 1000) dim = G(0).shape[0] Sv_G = np.zeros((len(w), dim)) Sv_G_min = np.zeros((len(w), 1)) Sv_G_max = np.zeros((len(w), 1)) wB_index = 0 for i in range(len(w)): _, Sv_G[i, :], _ = np.linalg.svd(G(1j * w[i])) Sv_G_min[i] = np.min(Sv_G[i, :]) if w[i] > 0.05 and wB_index == 0: wB_index = i figure = plt.figure() plt.hold plt.loglog(w, Sv_G_min, label='$\sigma_{min}(G)$') plt.loglog([w[wB_index], w[wB_index]], [plt.ylim()[0], plt.ylim()[1]], '--') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Frequency [rad/s]') plt.ylabel('Magnitude') # Note that minimum singular value of G(iw) where w < wB* is located at steady state (w=0) u, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(G(0)) # Most difficult output direction u_min = u[:, 1] # Unsure of how to form gd with given information, cannot determine gd = y/d # TODO Complete section b
TDGC = (dm_mass_cands == 0) & (star_mass_cands > 5e-3) rich = (dm_mass_cands / star_mass_cands >= 1) & (star_mass_cands < 0.1) & ( star_mass_cands > 5e-3) & (dm_mass_cands > 0) poor = (dm_mass_cands / star_mass_cands < 1) & (star_mass_cands < 0.1) & ( star_mass_cands > 5e-3) & (dm_mass_cands > 0) print('TDGCs: ', np.sum(TDGC), '\nDM-rich: ', np.sum(rich), '\nDM-poor: ', np.sum(poor)) # In[13]: base_path = './haslbauer_subhalomasstype' pathlib.Path(base_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) plt.loglog(hst_shmr[hst_shmr != 0], s[hst_shmr != 0], '.') x = np.linspace(10**(-2), 10**4, 100) plt.loglog(x, 2 * x, '--b', label='s/shmr = 2') plt.loglog(x, 5 * x, '--k', label='s/shmr = 5') plt.loglog(x, 10 * x, '--r', label='s/shmr = 10') plt.loglog(x, 100 * x, '--g', label='s/shmr = 100') plt.legend(fontsize='x-large') plt.xlabel('host stellar half mass', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('Distance to host', fontsize=20) plt.savefig(base_path + '/dist_crit.png') # In[16]: plt.hist2d(10 + np.log10(star_mass[dmc]),
with open('zipf.txt', 'r') as zipf_file: zipf_wrank, zipf_normedcumsum = getFileCDF(zipf_file) zipf_file.close() print("zipf CDF calculation done") with open('uniform.txt', 'r') as uniform_file: uniform_wrank, uniform_normedcumsum = getFileCDF(uniform_file) uniform_file.close() print("uniform CDF calculation done") #here i calculate the maximum point wise distance for both 2 generated corpuses print("calculating the maximum point wise distance for zipf") print("zipf max point= " + str(max(list(map(operator.sub, normedcumsum, zipf_normedcumsum))))) #0.411679964745 print("calculating the maximum point wise distance for uniform") print("uniform max point= " + str(max(list(map(operator.sub, normedcumsum, uniform_normedcumsum))))) #0.436318188857 print("plotting now") plt.title("Exercise 2") plt.xlabel('Word Rrank') plt.ylabel('CDF') plt.loglog(list(range(len(wrank))), normedcumsum) plt.loglog(list(range(len(zipf_wrank))), zipf_normedcumsum) plt.loglog(list(range(len(uniform_wrank))), uniform_normedcumsum)
f[i] = peaks(x) nfe += 1 # find m best parents, truncation selection ix = np.argsort(f)[:m] Q = P[ix, :] # parents # keep track of best here if f_best is None or f[ix[0]] < f_best: f_best = f[ix[0]] x_best = Q[0, :] # then mutate: each parent generates l/m children (integer division) child = 0 for x in Q: for _ in range(int(l / m)): P[child, :] = mutate(x, lb, ub, s) # new population members child += 1 ft[seed, int(nfe / l) - 1] = f_best # for each trial print the result (but the traces are saved in ft) print(x_best) print(f_best) nfe = range(l, max_NFE + 1, l) plt.loglog(nfe, ft.T, color='steelblue', linewidth=1) plt.xlabel('NFE') plt.ylabel('Objective Value')
with open("neko.txt.mecab") as f: surface = [] for i, line in enumerate(f): split_line = line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t") if len(split_line) > 1: surface.append(split_line[0]) surfaces = [] surfaces = collections.Counter(surface) fre = [] for v in surfaces.values(): fre.append(v) fre = collections.Counter(surfaces) fres = [] for value in fre.values(): fres.append(value) fres = collections.Counter(fres) f = zip(fres.values(), fres.keys()) f = sorted(f, reverse=True) ka = [i[0] for i in f] va = range(1, len(ka) + 1) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.loglog(va, ka)
neg15_1_45nG_vecCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] neg10_1_45nG_vecCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] pos0_1_45nG_vecCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] pos10_1_45nG_vecCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] neg29_2_45nG_tensCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] neg25_2_45nG_tensCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] neg20_2_45nG_tensCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] neg15_2_45nG_tensCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] neg10_2_45nG_tensCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] pos0_2_45nG_tensCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] pos10_2_45nG_tensCls = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,3] ells = np.loadtxt('/home/')[:,0] plt.loglog(ells,neg29_1_1nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = -2.9$') plt.loglog(ells,neg25_1_1nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = -2.5$') plt.loglog(ells,neg20_1_1nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = -2.0$') plt.loglog(ells,neg15_1_1nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = -1.5$') plt.loglog(ells,neg10_1_1nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = -1.0$') plt.loglog(ells,pos0_1_1nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = 0.0$') plt.loglog(ells,pos10_1_1nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = 1.0$') plt.loglog(ells,neg29_1_45nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = -2.9$') plt.loglog(ells,neg25_1_45nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = -2.5$') plt.loglog(ells,neg20_1_45nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = -2.0$') plt.loglog(ells,neg15_1_45nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = -1.5$') plt.loglog(ells,neg10_1_45nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = -1.0$') plt.loglog(ells,pos0_1_45nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = 0.0$') plt.loglog(ells,pos10_1_45nG_vecCls,label = r'$n_B = 1.0$')
'C0o', # Input jitter 'C9o', # Output jitter 'C4o', # Scatter 'C2o', # Intensity 'C6o', # Frequency 'C7o', # Dark 'ko', # OMC Length 'C5o', # PUM DAC 'C8o', # Stray Fields ]) for label, ASD, style in zip(labels, ASDs, styles): # ASD_logbinned =, ASD) lin_log_ff, lin_log_ASD = linear_log_ASD(fflog, ff, ASD) if label == 'Measured noise (O3)': plt.loglog(lin_log_ff, lin_log_ASD, style, label=label, zorder=3) else: plt.loglog(lin_log_ff, lin_log_ASD, style, label=label) #lin_log_ff_O1, lin_log_ASD_O1 = linear_log_ASD(fflog, ff_O1, arm_length*spectra['o1'][:,1]) #lin_log_ff_O2, lin_log_ASD_O2 = linear_log_ASD(fflog, ff_O2, arm_length*spectra['o2'][:,1]) #plt.loglog(lin_log_ff_O1, lin_log_ASD_O1, 'C1-', label='O1', alpha=0.5) #plt.loglog(lin_log_ff_O2, lin_log_ASD_O2, 'C7-', label='O2', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') plt.ylabel(r'DARM [$\mathrm{m}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$]') plt.grid() plt.grid(which='minor', ls='--', alpha=0.7) plt.legend(ncol=2, markerscale=3, loc='upper right')
pows = np.logspace(2, 4, 300) mass_mot_burton = mass_motor_electric(pows, method="burton") mass_mot_hobbyking = mass_motor_electric(pows, method="hobbyking") mass_mot_astroflight = mass_motor_electric(pows, method="astroflight") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as style import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import dash import seaborn as sns sns.set(font_scale=1) plt.loglog(pows, np.array(mass_mot_burton), label="Burton Model") plt.plot(pows, np.array(mass_mot_hobbyking), label="Hobbyking Model") plt.plot(pows, np.array(mass_mot_astroflight), label="Astroflight Model") plt.xlabel("Motor Power [W]") plt.ylabel("Motor Mass [kg]") plt.title("Motor Mass Models") plt.tight_layout() plt.legend() print( mass_wires(wire_length=1, max_current=100, allowable_voltage_drop=1, material="aluminum"))
uu = Function(V, u) err[xx - 1] = errornorm(ue, Function(V, u), norm_type="L2", degree_rise=3, mesh=mesh) print err[xx - 1] # uE = interpolate(ue,V) # ue = uE.vector().array() # u = u.vector().array() # print scipy.linalg.norm(u-ue) # # Plot solution # plot(u) # plot(interpolate(ue,V)) # interactive() # print N,err # print '\n\n' # print (err[0:m-2]/err[1:m-1]) # print '\n\n' if Saving == 'yes': MO.SaveEpertaMatrix(AA.down_cast().mat(), "A2d") else: plt.loglog(N, err) plt.title('Error plot for P2 elements - L2 convergence = %f' % np.log2(np.average((err[0:m - 2] / err[1:m - 1])))) plt.xlabel('N') plt.ylabel('L2 error')
# ========================================================= # Plot # ========================================================= plt.rcParams.update(conf.params) plt.figure(figsize=(conf.width,3.5)) labels = [r'$e$ pair production', 'Bremsstrahlung', 'Photonuclear', 'Ionization', r'$\mu$ pair production'] colors = ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4'] for dEdx, param, _label, color in zip(dEdx_photo, params, labels, colors): plt.loglog( energy, dEdx, linestyle='-', label=_label, c = color ) plt.loglog(energy, energy * sigma_decay(energy, medium.mass_density), linestyle='-', label='Decay', c = 'C5') plt.loglog(energy, dEdx_weak(energy), linestyle='-', label='Weak interaction', c = 'C6') plt.xlabel(r'$E \,/\, \mathrm{MeV} $') plt.ylabel(r'$\left\langle\frac{\mathrm{d}E}{\mathrm{d}X}\right\rangle \,\left/\, \left( \rm{MeV} \cdot \rm{g}^{-1} \rm{cm}^2 \right) \right. $') plt.grid(conf.grid_conf) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlim(1e5, 1e12)
# Log the progress made print('Objective value is %f at iteration %d' % (phi, i + 1)) # In[17]: #NBVAL_IGNORE_OUTPUT # Plot inverted velocity model plot_velocity(model0) # In[18]: #NBVAL_SKIP import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Plot objective function decrease plt.figure() plt.loglog(history) plt.xlabel('Iteration number') plt.ylabel('Misift value Phi') plt.title('Convergence') # ## References # # [1] _Virieux, J. and Operto, S.: An overview of full-waveform inversion in exploration geophysics, GEOPHYSICS, 74, WCC1–WCC26, doi:10.1190/1.3238367,, 2009._ # # [2] _Haber, E., Chung, M., and Herrmann, F. J.: An effective method for parameter estimation with PDE constraints with multiple right hand sides, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 22,, 2012._ # <sup>This notebook is part of the tutorial "Optimised Symbolic Finite Difference Computation with Devito" presented at the Intel® HPC Developer Conference 2017.</sup>
for language in os.listdir(book_dir): for author in os.listdir(book_dir + "/" + language): for title in os.listdir(book_dir + "/" + language + "/" + author): inputfile = book_dir + "/" + language + "/" + author + "/" + title print(inputfile) text = read_book(inputfile) (num_unique, counts) = word_stats(count_words(text)) stats.loc[title_num] = language, author.capitalize(), title.replace(".txt", ""), sum(counts), num_unique title_num += 1 stats.length stats.unique import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(stats.length, stats.unique, "bo") plt.loglog(stats.length, stats.unique, "bo") stats[stats.language == "English"] stats[stats.language == "French"] plt.figure(figsize = (10, 10)) subset = stats[stats.language == "English"] plt.loglog(subset.length, subset.unique, "o", label = "English", color = "crimson") subset = stats[stats.language == "French"] plt.loglog(subset.length, subset.unique, "o", label = "French", color = "forestgreen") subset = stats[stats.language == "German"] plt.loglog(subset.length, subset.unique, "o", label = "German", color = "orange") subset = stats[stats.language == "Portuguese"]
#qdata_bkd=[] #Idata_bkd=[] #for i in range(5,30): # qdata_bkd.append(qdata[i]) # Idata_bkd.append(Idata[i]) #for i in range(200,300): # qdata_bkd.append(qdata[i]) # Idata_bkd.append(Idata[i]) #qdata_bkd=np.array(qdata_bkd) #Idata_bkd=np.array(Idata_bkd) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5), dpi=300) #now graph the rest of the data plt.loglog(qdata, Idata, 'o', color='k', label='(5.0-2.0) (Mg$^{2+}$) diblock', markersize=4) # this graphs the data # identify the region to fit for leibler, ie, "just the hump" qdata_leib = [] Isub_leib = [] for i in range(1, 70): qdata_leib.append(qdata[i]) Isub_leib.append(Idata[i]) qdata_leib = np.array(qdata_leib) Isub_leib = np.array(Isub_leib) #print(len(qdata_leib),len(Isub_leib)) #------------------------------------------------------------ #identify the initial guesses for x0 x0 = [26, .18, .04, .0294, 2.79] bds = ([0, 0.01, .001, .02,