def plot_surface(axis: pyplot.Axes.axes, _fun: Callable[[float, float], float], dim_range: Tuple[float, float], colormap=None): _x = numpy.linspace(dim_range[0], dim_range[1], endpoint=True, num=int(dim_range[1] - dim_range[0])) _y = numpy.linspace(dim_range[0], dim_range[1], endpoint=True, num=int(dim_range[1] - dim_range[0])) _z = tuple(_fun(__x, __y) for __x, __y in zip(_x, _y)) _X, _Y = numpy.meshgrid(_x, _y) _Z = _fun(_X, _Y) z_min, z_max = get_min_max(_z) z_margin = (z_max - z_min) * .1 min_margin = z_min - z_margin max_margin = z_max + z_margin try: axis.set_zlim((min_margin, max_margin)) except ValueError: print("infinite axis value") if colormap is None: return axis.plot_surface(_X, _Y, _Z, alpha=.2, antialiased=False) return axis.plot_surface(_X, _Y, _Z, alpha=.2, antialiased=False, cmap=colormap)
def plot_surface(ax: pyplot.Axes.axes, a: float, b: float, c: float, size: int): x = numpy.linspace(0, size, endpoint=False, num=size) y = numpy.linspace(0, size, endpoint=False, num=size) _X, _Y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y) _Z = a + b * _Y + c * _X ax.plot_surface(_X, _Y, _Z, alpha=.2, antialiased=False)
def _plot_h_stacked_bars(axis: pyplot.Axes.axes, segments: Sequence[Sequence[Tuple[Any, float]]]): for _i, each_level in enumerate(segments): for _x in range(len(each_level) - 1): each_left, each_shape = each_level[_x] each_right, _ = each_level[_x + 1] each_width = each_right - each_left hsv = distribute_circular(each_shape), .2, 1. axis.barh(_i, each_width, height=1., align="edge", left=each_left, color=hsv_to_rgb(hsv)) if Timer.time_passed(2000): print("Finished {:5.2f}% of plotting level {:d}/{:d}...".format(100. * _x / (len(each_level) - 1), _i, len(segments)))
def _plot_values(self, axis: pyplot.Axes.axes, input_values: Sequence[float]): for _j in range(self.output_dimension): axis.plot(self.time_axis, self.targets[_j], label="target {:d}".format(_j)) for _i, method_name in enumerate(self.method_names): each_outputs = self.outputs[method_name] for _j in range(self.output_dimension): axis.plot(self.time_axis, each_outputs[_j], label="output {:d} {:s}".format(_j, method_name), alpha=.5) if len(input_values) >= 1: assert len(input_values) == len(self.time_axis) axis.plot(self.time_axis, input_values, label="inputs") axis.set_ylabel("values") axis.legend()
def plot_coordinate_systems( cs_data: Tuple[str, Dict], axes: plt.Axes.axes = None, title: str = None, limits: Union[List[Tuple[float, float]], Tuple[float, float]] = None, time_index: int = None, legend_pos: str = "lower left", ) -> plt.Axes.axes: """Plot multiple coordinate systems. Parameters ---------- cs_data : Tuple[str, Dict] A tuple containing the coordinate system that should be plotted and a dictionary with the key word arguments that should be passed to its plot function. axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes The target axes object that should be drawn to. If `None` is provided, a new one will be created. title : str The title of the plot limits : Tuple[float, float] or List[Tuple[float, float]] Each tuple marks lower and upper boundary of the x, y and z axis. If only a single tuple is passed, the boundaries are used for all axis. If `None` is provided, the axis are adjusted to be of equal length. time_index : int Index of a specific time step that should be plotted if the corresponding coordinate system is time dependent legend_pos : str A string that specifies the position of the legend. See the matplotlib documentation for further details Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes : The axes object that was used as canvas for the plot """ if axes is None: _, axes = new_3d_figure_and_axes() for lcs, kwargs in cs_data: if "time_index" not in kwargs: kwargs["time_index"] = time_index lcs.plot(axes, **kwargs) _set_limits_matplotlib(axes, limits) if title is not None: axes.set_title(title) axes.legend(loc=legend_pos) return axes
def plot_line(axis: pyplot.Axes.axes, _coefficients: Sequence[float], dim_range: Tuple[float, float], color: Optional[str] = None): _X = numpy.linspace(dim_range[0], dim_range[1], endpoint=True, num=int(dim_range[1] - dim_range[0])) _Z = tuple( sum(_c * _x**_i for _i, _c in enumerate(_coefficients)) for _x in _X) if color is None: axis.plot(_X, _Z) else: axis.plot(_X, _Z, color=color)
def plot_4d(axis: pyplot.Axes.axes, _fun: Callable[[float, float, float], float], dim_ranges: Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]): resolution = 10 _X, _Y, _Z = tuple( numpy.linspace(*_range, endpoint=True, num=resolution) for _range in dim_ranges) _X = [] _Y = [] _Z = [] _V = [] cm ="rainbow") for _x in numpy.linspace(*dim_ranges[0], num=resolution, endpoint=True): for _y in numpy.linspace(*dim_ranges[1], num=resolution, endpoint=True): for _z in numpy.linspace(*dim_ranges[2], num=resolution, endpoint=True): _X.append(_x) _Y.append(_y) _Z.append(_z) _v = _fun(_x, _y, _z) _V.append(_v) print(f"evaluation range: {min(_V):.2f}, {max(_V):.2f}") return axis.scatter(_X, _Y, _Z, c=_V, cmap=cm, alpha=.2)
def make_panel(self, axes: plt.Axes.axes) -> plt.pcolormesh: """ Returns the :param projection: :return: """ radial_dist = self.cluster.radial_distance_CoP(self.cluster.partType0_coordinates) spatial_filter = np.where(radial_dist < self.aperture)[0] mass = self.cluster.mass_units(self.cluster.partType0_mass[spatial_filter], unit_system='astro') density = self.cluster.density_units(self.cluster.partType0_sphdensity[spatial_filter], unit_system='nHcgs') temperature = self.cluster.partType0_temperature[spatial_filter] x_bins = np.logspace(np.log10(self.density_bounds[0]), np.log10(self.density_bounds[1]), self.resolution) y_bins = np.logspace(np.log10(self.temperature_bounds[0]), np.log10(self.temperature_bounds[1]), self.resolution) A_pix = (x_bins[1] - x_bins[0]) * (y_bins[1] - y_bins[0]) Cx, Cy = self.bins_meshify(density, temperature, x_bins, y_bins) count = self.bins_evaluate(density, temperature, x_bins, y_bins, weights=mass) #/ A_pix # Logarithmic normalization norm = colors.LogNorm() # (vmin=10 ** -2, vmax=10 ** 1) count2 = == 0, count) cmap = plt.get_cmap('CMRmap') cmap.set_bad(color='grey', alpha=1) image = axes.pcolormesh(Cx, Cy, count2, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) return image
def make_cluster_label(self, axes: plt.Axes.axes): items_labels = r"""THERMODYNAMIC PHASE SPACE Cluster {:s}\ {:d} $z$ = {:.3f} $R_{{500\ true}}$ = {:.2f} Mpc Aperture radius = {:.2f} Mpc""".format(self.cluster.simulation, self.cluster.clusterID, self.cluster.z, self.cluster.r500, self.aperture) print(items_labels) axes.text(0.03, 0.97, items_labels, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=axes.transAxes, size = 15)
def make_cluster_label(self, axes: plt.Axes.axes): items_labels = r"""rkSZ PROJECTION MAP Cluster {:s}\ {:d} $z$ = {:.3f} $R_{{500\ true}}$ = {:.2f} Mpc Aperture radius = {:.2f} Mpc Map resolution = {:.4f} kpc""".format( cluster.simulation, cluster.clusterID, cluster.z, cluster.r500, self.aperture, 2 * self.plotlimits / self.resolution * 1e3) print(items_labels) axes.text(0.03, 0.97, items_labels, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=axes.transAxes, size=20)
def plot_surface(axis: pyplot.Axes.axes, _fun: Callable[[float, float], float], dim_ranges: Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]], colormap=None, resize: bool = False): _x = numpy.linspace(dim_ranges[0][0], dim_ranges[0][1], endpoint=True, num=100) _y = numpy.linspace(dim_ranges[1][0], dim_ranges[1][1], endpoint=True, num=100) _X, _Y = numpy.meshgrid(_x, _y) _z = numpy.array( tuple( _fun(__x, __y) for __x, __y in zip(numpy.ravel(_X), numpy.ravel(_Y)))) _Z = _z.reshape(_X.shape) if resize: z_min, z_max = get_min_max(_z) z_margin = (z_max - z_min) * .1 min_margin = z_min - z_margin max_margin = z_max + z_margin try: axis.set_zlim((min_margin, max_margin)) except ValueError: print("infinite axis value") if colormap is None: return axis.plot_surface(_X, _Y, _Z, alpha=.2, antialiased=False) return axis.plot_surface(_X, _Y, _Z, alpha=.2, antialiased=False, cmap=colormap)
def _set_limits_matplotlib(axes: plt.Axes.axes, limits: Union[List[Tuple[float, float]], Tuple[float, float]]): """Set the limits of an axes object. Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes object limits : Tuple[float, float] or List[Tuple[float, float]] Each tuple marks lower and upper boundary of the x, y and z axis. If only a single tuple is passed, the boundaries are used for all axis. If `None` is provided, the axis are adjusted to be of equal length. """ if limits is None: set_axes_equal(axes) else: if isinstance(limits, Tuple): limits = [limits] if len(limits) == 1: limits = [limits[0] for _ in range(3)] axes.set_xlim(limits[0]) axes.set_ylim(limits[1]) axes.set_zlim(limits[2])
def _plot_errors(self, axis: pyplot.Axes.axes): for _i, method_name in enumerate(self.method_names): cumulative_error = [] for each_error in self.errors[_i]: if len(cumulative_error) < 1: cumulative_error.append(each_error ** 2.) else: cumulative_error.append(each_error ** 2. + cumulative_error[-1]) axis.plot(self.time_axis, cumulative_error, label=method_name, alpha=.5) axis.set_ylabel("cumulative squared error") axis.legend()
def make_panel(self, axes: plt.Axes.axes) -> plt.imshow: """ Returns the :param projection: :return: """ # Derotate cluster coords, vel = angular_momentum.derotate(self.cluster, align='gas', aperture_radius=self.aperture, cluster_rest_frame=True) # Filter particles spatial_filter = np.where( (np.abs(coords[:, 0]) < self.plotlimits) & (np.abs(coords[:, 1]) < self.plotlimits) & (self.cluster.partType0_temperature > 1e5))[0] coords = coords[spatial_filter, :] vel = vel[spatial_filter, :] mass = self.cluster.partType0_mass[spatial_filter] SPH_kernel = self.cluster.partType0_sphkernel[spatial_filter] constant_factor = (-1) * thompson_cross_section / ( speed_of_light * hydrogen_mass / 1.16) kSZ = np.multiply((vel.T * mass).T, constant_factor) x = np.asarray(rescale(coords[:, 0], 0, 1), dtype=np.float64) y = np.asarray(rescale(coords[:, 1], 0, 1), dtype=np.float64) z = np.asarray(rescale(coords[:, 2], 0, 1), dtype=np.float64) m = np.asarray(kSZ[:, 2], dtype=np.float32) h = np.asarray(SPH_kernel, dtype=np.float32) # Generate the sph-smoothed map temp_map = swift.generate_map(x, y, m, h, self.resolution, parallel=True) norm = colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=1e-5, linscale=0.5, vmin=-np.abs(temp_map).max(), vmax=np.abs(temp_map).max()) # Attach the image to the Axes class image = axes.imshow(temp_map, cmap='RdBu', norm=norm, origin='lower', extent=(-self.plotlimits, self.plotlimits, -self.plotlimits, self.plotlimits)) axes.axhline(y=0, linewidth=1., color='black', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) axes.axvline(x=0, linewidth=1., color='black', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) return image
def plot_local_coordinate_system_matplotlib( lcs, axes: plt.Axes.axes = None, color: Any = None, label: str = None, time: Union[pd.DatetimeIndex, pd.TimedeltaIndex, List[pd.Timestamp]] = None, time_ref: pd.Timestamp = None, time_index: int = None, show_origin: bool = True, show_trace: bool = True, show_vectors: bool = True, ) -> plt.Axes.axes: """Visualize a `weldx.transformations.LocalCoordinateSystem` using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- lcs : weldx.transformations.LocalCoordinateSystem The coordinate system that should be visualized axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes The target matplotlib axes. If `None` is provided, a new one will be created color : Any An arbitrary color. The data type must be compatible with matplotlib. label : str Name of the coordinate system time : pandas.DatetimeIndex, pandas.TimedeltaIndex, List[pandas.Timestamp], or \ LocalCoordinateSystem The time steps that should be plotted time_ref : pandas.Timestamp A reference timestamp that can be provided if the ``time`` parameter is a `pandas.TimedeltaIndex` time_index : int Index of a specific time step that should be plotted show_origin : bool If `True`, the origin of the coordinate system will be highlighted in the color passed as another parameter show_trace : If `True`, the trace of a time dependent coordinate system will be visualized in the color passed as another parameter show_vectors : bool If `True`, the the coordinate axes of the coordinate system are visualized Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes : The axes object that was used as canvas for the plot """ if axes is None: _, axes = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={ "projection": "3d", "proj_type": "ortho" }) if lcs.is_time_dependent and time is not None: lcs = lcs.interp_time(time, time_ref) if lcs.is_time_dependent and time_index is None: for i, _ in enumerate(lcs.time): draw_coordinate_system_matplotlib( lcs, axes, color=color, label=label, time_idx=i, show_origin=show_origin, show_vectors=show_vectors, ) label = None else: draw_coordinate_system_matplotlib( lcs, axes, color=color, label=label, time_idx=time_index, show_origin=show_origin, show_vectors=show_vectors, ) if show_trace and lcs.coordinates.values.ndim > 1: coords = lcs.coordinates.values if color is None: color = "k" axes.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2], ":", color=color) return axes
def plot_coordinate_system_manager_matplotlib( csm, axes: plt.Axes.axes = None, reference_system: str = None, coordinate_systems: List[str] = None, data_sets: List[str] = None, colors: Dict[str, int] = None, time: Union[pd.DatetimeIndex, pd.TimedeltaIndex, List[pd.Timestamp]] = None, time_ref: pd.Timestamp = None, title: str = None, limits: Union[List[Tuple[float, float]], Tuple[float, float]] = None, show_origins: bool = True, show_trace: bool = True, show_vectors: bool = True, ) -> plt.Axes.axes: """Plot the coordinate systems of a `weldx.transformations.CoordinateSystemManager`. Parameters ---------- csm : weldx.transformations.CoordinateSystemManager The `weldx.transformations.CoordinateSystemManager` that should be plotted axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes The target axes object that should be drawn to. If `None` is provided, a new one will be created. reference_system : str The name of the reference system for the plotted coordinate systems coordinate_systems : List[str] Names of the coordinate systems that should be drawn. If `None` is provided, all systems are plotted. data_sets : List[str] Names of the data sets that should be drawn. If `None` is provided, all data is plotted. colors: Dict[str, int] A mapping between a coordinate system name or a data set name and a color. The colors must be provided as 24 bit integer values that are divided into three 8 bit sections for the rgb values. For example `0xFF0000` for pure red. Each coordinate system or data set that does not have a mapping in this dictionary will get a default color assigned to it. time : pandas.DatetimeIndex, pandas.TimedeltaIndex, List[pandas.Timestamp], or \ weldx.transformations.LocalCoordinateSystem The time steps that should be plotted time_ref : pandas.Timestamp A reference timestamp that can be provided if the ``time`` parameter is a `pandas.TimedeltaIndex` title : str The title of the plot limits : Tuple[float, float] or List[Tuple[float, float]] Each tuple marks lower and upper boundary of the x, y and z axis. If only a single tuple is passed, the boundaries are used for all axis. If `None` is provided, the axis are adjusted to be of equal length. show_origins : bool If `True`, the origins of the coordinate system are visualized in the color assigned to the coordinate system. show_trace : bool If `True`, the trace of time dependent coordinate systems is plotted. show_vectors : bool If `True`, the coordinate cross of time dependent coordinate systems is plotted. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes : The axes object that was used as canvas for the plot """ if time is not None: return plot_coordinate_system_manager_matplotlib( csm.interp_time(time=time, time_ref=time_ref), axes=axes, reference_system=reference_system, coordinate_systems=coordinate_systems, title=title, show_origins=show_origins, show_trace=show_trace, show_vectors=show_vectors, ) if axes is None: _, axes = new_3d_figure_and_axes() axes.set_xlabel("x") axes.set_ylabel("y") axes.set_zlabel("z") if reference_system is None: reference_system = csm.root_system_name if coordinate_systems is None: coordinate_systems = csm.coordinate_system_names if data_sets is None: data_sets = csm.data_names if title is not None: axes.set_title(title) # plot coordinate systems color_gen = _color_generator_function() for lcs_name in coordinate_systems: color = _color_int_to_rgb_normalized( _get_color(lcs_name, colors, color_gen)) lcs = csm.get_cs(lcs_name, reference_system) lcs.plot( axes=axes, color=color, label=lcs_name, show_origin=show_origins, show_trace=show_trace, show_vectors=show_vectors, ) # plot data for data_name in data_sets: color = _color_int_to_rgb_normalized( _get_color(data_name, colors, color_gen)) data = csm.get_data(data_name, reference_system) triangles = None if isinstance(data, geo.SpatialData): triangles = data.triangles data = data.coordinates data = while data.ndim > 2: data = data[0] axes.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], "x", color=color, label=data_name) if triangles is not None: for triangle in triangles: triangle_data = data[[*triangle, triangle[0]], :] axes.plot( triangle_data[:, 0], triangle_data[:, 1], triangle_data[:, 2], color=color, ) _set_limits_matplotlib(axes, limits) axes.legend() return axes
def __call__(self, ax: pyplot.Axes.axes): try: ax.set_ylim(0., max_levels) except RecursionError as e: pass
def draw_coordinate_system_matplotlib( coordinate_system, axes: plt.Axes.axes, color: Any = None, label: str = None, time_idx: int = None, show_origin: bool = True, show_vectors: bool = True, ): """Draw a coordinate system in a matplotlib 3d plot. Parameters ---------- coordinate_system : weldx.transformations.LocalCoordinateSystem Coordinate system axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Target matplotlib axes object color : Any Valid matplotlib color selection. The origin of the coordinate system will be marked with this color. label : str Name that appears in the legend. Only viable if a color was specified. time_idx : int Selects time dependent data by index if the coordinate system has a time dependency. show_origin : bool If `True`, the origin of the coordinate system will be highlighted in the color passed as another parameter show_vectors : bool If `True`, the the coordinate axes of the coordinate system are visualized """ if not (show_vectors or show_origin): return if "time" in coordinate_system.dataset.coords: if time_idx is None: time_idx = 0 if isinstance(time_idx, int): dsx = coordinate_system.dataset.isel(time=time_idx) else: dsx = coordinate_system.dataset.sel(time=time_idx).isel(time=0) else: dsx = coordinate_system.dataset p_0 = dsx.coordinates if show_vectors: orientation = dsx.orientation p_x = p_0 + orientation[:, 0] p_y = p_0 + orientation[:, 1] p_z = p_0 + orientation[:, 2] axes.plot([p_0[0], p_x[0]], [p_0[1], p_x[1]], [p_0[2], p_x[2]], "r") axes.plot([p_0[0], p_y[0]], [p_0[1], p_y[1]], [p_0[2], p_y[2]], "g") axes.plot([p_0[0], p_z[0]], [p_0[1], p_z[1]], [p_0[2], p_z[2]], "b") if color is not None: if show_origin: axes.plot([p_0[0]], [p_0[1]], [p_0[2]], "o", color=color, label=label) elif label is not None: raise Exception("Labels can only be assigned if a color was specified")