Exemple #1
def yb_compare_images(expected, actual, tol):
    """ Compares a baseline image and test generated actual image
    using a matplotlib's built-in imagine comparison function

    expected : string, imagepath
        The image filepath to the baseline image

    actual : string, imagepath
        The image filepath to the actual test generated image

    tol : float
        The tolerance (a color value difference, where 255 is the
        maximal difference).  The test fails if the average pixel
        difference is greater than this value.
    __tracebackhide__ = True

    if not os.path.exists(expected):
        raise ImageComparisonFailure('image does not exist: %s' % expected)

    # method from matplotlib.testing.compare
    err = compare_images(expected, actual, tol, in_decorator=True)

    if err:
        raise ImageComparisonFailure(
            'images not close (RMS %(rms).3f):\n\t%(actual)s\n\t%(expected)s '
            % err)
Exemple #2
                def do_test():
                    figure = plt.figure(fignum)

                    if self._remove_text:

                    figure.savefig(actual_fname, **self._savefig_kwarg)


                    err = compare_images(expected_fname,

                        if not os.path.exists(expected_fname):
                            raise ImageComparisonFailure(
                                'image does not exist: %s' % expected_fname)

                        if err:
                            raise ImageComparisonFailure(
                                'images not close: %(actual)s vs. %(expected)s'
                                ' (RMS %(rms).3f)' % err)
                    except ImageComparisonFailure:
                        if not check_freetype_version(self._freetype_version):
                            raise KnownFailure(
                                "Mismatched version of freetype.  Test "
                                "requires '%s', you have '%s'" %
Exemple #3
def _compare_animation(anim, expected, format_, nframes, tol):
    # generate images from the animation
    base_dir, filename = split(join('tests', 'baseline_images', expected))
    out_dir = split(join('tests', 'output_images', expected))[0]

    if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

    anim.save(os.path.join(out_dir, (filename + format_)),

    for i in range(nframes):
        image_name = '%s%d%s' % (filename, i, format_)
        expected_name = os.path.join(base_dir, image_name)
        actual_name = os.path.join(out_dir, image_name)

        err = compare_images(expected_name,

        if not os.path.exists(expected_name):
            raise ImageComparisonFailure('image does not exist: %s' %

        if err:
            for key in ["actual", "expected"]:
                err[key] = os.path.relpath(err[key])
            raise ImageComparisonFailure(
                'images not close (RMS %(rms).3f):\n\t%(actual)s\n\t%(expected)s '
                % err)
Exemple #4
def save_diff_image(expected, actual, output):
    expectedImage = _png.read_png(expected)
    actualImage = _png.read_png(actual)
    actualImage, expectedImage = crop_to_same(
        actual, actualImage, expected, expectedImage)
    expectedImage = np.array(expectedImage).astype(float)
    actualImage = np.array(actualImage).astype(float)
    if expectedImage.shape != actualImage.shape:
        raise ImageComparisonFailure(
            "Image sizes do not match expected size: {0} "
            "actual size {1}".format(expectedImage.shape, actualImage.shape))
    absDiffImage = np.abs(expectedImage - actualImage)

    # expand differences in luminance domain
    absDiffImage *= 255 * 10
    save_image_np = np.clip(absDiffImage, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
    height, width, depth = save_image_np.shape

    # The PDF renderer doesn't produce an alpha channel, but the
    # matplotlib PNG writer requires one, so expand the array
    if depth == 3:
        with_alpha = np.empty((height, width, 4), dtype=np.uint8)
        with_alpha[:, :, 0:3] = save_image_np
        save_image_np = with_alpha

    # Hard-code the alpha channel to fully solid
    save_image_np[:, :, 3] = 255

    _png.write_png(save_image_np, output)
Exemple #5
    def __call__(self, orig, dest):
        if not self._proc:
            self._stdout = TemporaryFile()
            self._proc = subprocess.Popen(
                    mpl._get_executable_info("gs").executable, "-dNOPAUSE",
                # As far as I can see, ghostscript never outputs to stderr.
            except _ConverterError:
                raise OSError("Failed to start Ghostscript")

        def encode_and_escape(name):
            return (os.fsencode(name).replace(b"\\", b"\\\\").replace(
                b"(", br"\(").replace(b")", br"\)"))

        self._proc.stdin.write(b"<< /OutputFile (" + encode_and_escape(dest) +
                               b") >> setpagedevice (" +
                               encode_and_escape(orig) + b") run flush\n")
        # GS> if nothing left on the stack; GS<n> if n items left on the stack.
        err = self._read_until(b"GS")
        stack = self._read_until(b">")
        if stack or not os.path.exists(dest):
            stack_size = int(stack[1:]) if stack else 0
            self._proc.stdin.write(b"pop\n" * stack_size)
            # Using the systemencoding should at least get the filenames right.
            raise ImageComparisonFailure((err + b"GS" + stack + b">").decode(
                sys.getfilesystemencoding(), "replace"))
Exemple #6
    def __call__(self, orig, dest):
        if (not self._proc  # First run.
                or self._proc.poll() is not None):  # Inkscape terminated.
            env = os.environ.copy()
            # If one passes e.g. a png file to Inkscape, it will try to
            # query the user for conversion options via a GUI (even with
            # `--without-gui`).  Unsetting `DISPLAY` prevents this (and causes
            # GTK to crash and Inkscape to terminate, but that'll just be
            # reported as a regular exception below).
            env.pop("DISPLAY", None)  # May already be unset.
            # Do not load any user options.
            env["INKSCAPE_PROFILE_DIR"] = os.devnull
            # Old versions of Inkscape (, used on Travis as of now)
            # seem to sometimes deadlock when stderr is redirected to a pipe,
            # so we redirect it to a temporary file instead.  This is not
            # necessary anymore as of Inkscape 0.92.1.
            stderr = TemporaryFile()
            self._proc = subprocess.Popen(
                ["inkscape", "--without-gui", "--shell"],
            # Slight abuse, but makes shutdown handling easier.
            self._proc.stderr = stderr
            except _ConverterError as err:
                raise OSError("Failed to start Inkscape in interactive "
                              "mode") from err

        # Inkscape uses glib's `g_shell_parse_argv`, which has a consistent
        # behavior across platforms, so we can just use `shlex.quote`.
        orig_b, dest_b = map(_shlex_quote_bytes, map(os.fsencode,
                                                     [orig, dest]))
        if b"\n" in orig_b or b"\n" in dest_b:
            # Who knows whether the current folder name has a newline, or if
            # our encoding is even ASCII compatible...  Just fall back on the
            # slow solution (Inkscape uses `fgets` so it will always stop at a
            # newline).
                message="Support for converting files from paths "
                "containing a newline is deprecated since %(since)s and "
                "support will be removed %(removal)s")
            return make_external_conversion_command(
                lambda old, new: ['inkscape', '-z', old, '--export-png', new])(
                    orig, dest)
        self._proc.stdin.write(orig_b + b" --export-png=" + dest_b + b"\n")
        except _ConverterError as err:
            # Inkscape's output is not localized but gtk's is, so the output
            # stream probably has a mixed encoding.  Using the filesystem
            # encoding should at least get the filenames right...
            raise ImageComparisonFailure(self._proc.stderr.read().decode(
                sys.getfilesystemencoding(), "replace")) from err
Exemple #7
def calculate_rms(expectedImage, actualImage):
    "Calculate the per-pixel errors, then compute the root mean square error."
    if expectedImage.shape != actualImage.shape:
        raise ImageComparisonFailure(
            "Image sizes do not match expected size: {0} "
            "actual size {1}".format(expectedImage.shape, actualImage.shape))
    # Convert to float to avoid overflowing finite integer types.
    return np.sqrt(((expectedImage - actualImage).astype(float) ** 2).mean())
Exemple #8
    def __call__(self, orig, dest):
        if (not self._proc  # First run.
                or self._proc.poll() is not None):  # Inkscape terminated.
            env = os.environ.copy()
            # If one passes e.g. a png file to Inkscape, it will try to
            # query the user for conversion options via a GUI (even with
            # `--without-gui`).  Unsetting `DISPLAY` prevents this (and causes
            # GTK to crash and Inkscape to terminate, but that'll just be
            # reported as a regular exception below).
            env.pop("DISPLAY", None)  # May already be unset.
            # Do not load any user options.
            # `os.environ` needs native strings on Py2+Windows.
            env[str("INKSCAPE_PROFILE_DIR")] = os.devnull
            # Old versions of Inkscape (, used on Travis as of now)
            # seem to sometimes deadlock when stderr is redirected to a pipe,
            # so we redirect it to a temporary file instead.  This is not
            # necessary anymore as of Inkscape 0.92.1.
            self._stderr = TemporaryFile()
            self._proc = subprocess.Popen(
                [str("inkscape"), "--without-gui", "--shell"],
            if not self._read_to_prompt():
                raise OSError("Failed to start Inkscape")

            fsencode = os.fsencode
        except AttributeError:  # Py2.

            def fsencode(s):
                return s.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())

        # Inkscape uses glib's `g_shell_parse_argv`, which has a consistent
        # behavior across platforms, so we can just use `shlex.quote`.
        orig_b, dest_b = map(_shlex_quote_bytes, map(fsencode, [orig, dest]))
        if b"\n" in orig_b or b"\n" in dest_b:
            # Who knows whether the current folder name has a newline, or if
            # our encoding is even ASCII compatible...  Just fall back on the
            # slow solution (Inkscape uses `fgets` so it will always stop at a
            # newline).
            return make_external_conversion_command(
                lambda old, new:
                [str('inkscape'), '-z', old, '--export-png', new])(orig, dest)
        self._proc.stdin.write(orig_b + b" --export-png=" + dest_b + b"\n")
        if not self._read_to_prompt():
            # Inkscape's output is not localized but gtk's is, so the
            # output stream probably has a mixed encoding.  Using
            # `getfilesystemencoding` should at least get the filenames
            # right...
            raise ImageComparisonFailure(self._stderr.read().decode(
                sys.getfilesystemencoding(), "replace"))
Exemple #9
def calculate_rms(expectedImage, actualImage):
    "Calculate the per-pixel errors, then compute the root mean square error."
    if expectedImage.shape != actualImage.shape:
        raise ImageComparisonFailure(
            "Image sizes do not match expected size: {0} "
            "actual size {1}".format(expectedImage.shape, actualImage.shape))
    num_values = expectedImage.size
    abs_diff_image = abs(expectedImage - actualImage)
    histogram = np.bincount(abs_diff_image.ravel(), minlength=256)
    sum_of_squares = np.sum(histogram * np.arange(len(histogram))**2)
    rms = np.sqrt(float(sum_of_squares) / num_values)
    return rms
Exemple #10
def save_diff_image(expected, actual, output):
    expected : str
        File path of expected image.
    actual : str
        File path of actual image.
    output : str
        File path to save difference image to.
    # Drop alpha channels, similarly to compare_images.
    from matplotlib import _png
    with open(expected, "rb") as expected_file:
        expected_image = _png.read_png(expected_file)[..., :3]
    with open(actual, "rb") as actual_file:
        actual_image = _png.read_png(actual_file)[..., :3]
    actual_image, expected_image = crop_to_same(
        actual, actual_image, expected, expected_image)
    expected_image = np.array(expected_image).astype(float)
    actual_image = np.array(actual_image).astype(float)
    if expected_image.shape != actual_image.shape:
        raise ImageComparisonFailure(
            "Image sizes do not match expected size: {} "
            "actual size {}".format(expected_image.shape, actual_image.shape))
    abs_diff_image = np.abs(expected_image - actual_image)

    # expand differences in luminance domain
    abs_diff_image *= 255 * 10
    save_image_np = np.clip(abs_diff_image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
    height, width, depth = save_image_np.shape

    # The PDF renderer doesn't produce an alpha channel, but the
    # matplotlib PNG writer requires one, so expand the array
    if depth == 3:
        with_alpha = np.empty((height, width, 4), dtype=np.uint8)
        with_alpha[:, :, 0:3] = save_image_np
        save_image_np = with_alpha

    # Hard-code the alpha channel to fully solid
    save_image_np[:, :, 3] = 255

    with open(output, "wb") as output_file:
        _png.write_png(save_image_np, output_file)
Exemple #11
def convert(filename, cache):
    Convert the named file into a png file.  Returns the name of the
    created file.

    If *cache* is True, the result of the conversion is cached in
    `matplotlib._get_cachedir() + '/test_cache/'`.  The caching is based
    on a hash of the exact contents of the input file.  The is no limit
    on the size of the cache, so it may need to be manually cleared

    base, extension = filename.rsplit('.', 1)
    if extension not in converter:
        raise ImageComparisonFailure(
            "Don't know how to convert %s files to png" % extension)
    newname = base + '_' + extension + '.png'
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise IOError("'%s' does not exist" % filename)

    # Only convert the file if the destination doesn't already exist or
    # is out of date.
    if (not os.path.exists(newname)
            or os.stat(newname).st_mtime < os.stat(filename).st_mtime):
        if cache:
            cache_dir = get_cache_dir()
            cache_dir = None

        if cache_dir is not None:
            hash_value = get_file_hash(filename)
            new_ext = os.path.splitext(newname)[1]
            cached_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, hash_value + new_ext)
            if os.path.exists(cached_file):
                shutil.copyfile(cached_file, newname)
                return newname

        converter[extension](filename, newname)

        if cache_dir is not None:
            shutil.copyfile(newname, cached_file)

    return newname
Exemple #12
def save_diff_image(expected, actual, output):
    expected : str
        File path of expected image.
    actual : str
        File path of actual image.
    output : str
        File path to save difference image to.
    # Drop alpha channels, similarly to compare_images.
    expected_image = np.asarray(Image.open(expected).convert("RGB"))
    actual_image = np.asarray(Image.open(actual).convert("RGB"))
    actual_image, expected_image = crop_to_same(actual, actual_image, expected,
    expected_image = np.array(expected_image).astype(float)
    actual_image = np.array(actual_image).astype(float)
    if expected_image.shape != actual_image.shape:
        raise ImageComparisonFailure(
            "Image sizes do not match expected size: {} "
            "actual size {}".format(expected_image.shape, actual_image.shape))
    abs_diff_image = np.abs(expected_image - actual_image)

    # expand differences in luminance domain
    abs_diff_image *= 255 * 10
    save_image_np = np.clip(abs_diff_image, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
    height, width, depth = save_image_np.shape

    # The PDF renderer doesn't produce an alpha channel, but the
    # matplotlib PNG writer requires one, so expand the array
    if depth == 3:
        with_alpha = np.empty((height, width, 4), dtype=np.uint8)
        with_alpha[:, :, 0:3] = save_image_np
        save_image_np = with_alpha

    # Hard-code the alpha channel to fully solid
    save_image_np[:, :, 3] = 255

    Image.fromarray(save_image_np).save(output, format="png")
Exemple #13
def calculate_rms(expectedImage, actualImage):
    "Calculate the per-pixel errors, then compute the root mean square error."
    if expectedImage.shape != actualImage.shape:
        raise ImageComparisonFailure(
            "image sizes do not match expected size: {0} "
            "actual size {1}".format(expectedImage.shape, actualImage.shape))

    num_values = np.prod(expectedImage.shape)
    abs_diff_image = abs(expectedImage - actualImage)

    # On Numpy 1.6, we can use bincount with minlength, which is much
    # faster than using histogram
    expected_version = version.LooseVersion("1.6")
    found_version = version.LooseVersion(np.__version__)
    if found_version >= expected_version:
        histogram = np.bincount(abs_diff_image.ravel(), minlength=256)
        histogram = np.histogram(abs_diff_image, bins=np.arange(257))[0]

    sum_of_squares = np.sum(histogram * np.arange(len(histogram))**2)
    rms = np.sqrt(float(sum_of_squares) / num_values)

    return rms
Exemple #14
    def __call__(self, orig, dest):
        old_inkscape = mpl._get_executable_info("inkscape").version < "1"
        terminator = b"\n>" if old_inkscape else b"> "
        if not hasattr(self, "_tmpdir"):
            self._tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory()
        if (not self._proc  # First run.
                or self._proc.poll() is not None):  # Inkscape terminated.
            env = {
                # If one passes e.g. a png file to Inkscape, it will try to
                # query the user for conversion options via a GUI (even with
                # `--without-gui`).  Unsetting `DISPLAY` prevents this (and
                # causes GTK to crash and Inkscape to terminate, but that'll
                # just be reported as a regular exception below).
                # Do not load any user options.
            # Old versions of Inkscape (e.g. seem to sometimes
            # deadlock when stderr is redirected to a pipe, so we redirect it
            # to a temporary file instead.  This is not necessary anymore as of
            # Inkscape 0.92.1.
            stderr = TemporaryFile()
            self._proc = subprocess.Popen(
                ["inkscape", "--without-gui", "--shell"]
                if old_inkscape else ["inkscape", "--shell"],
            # Slight abuse, but makes shutdown handling easier.
            self._proc.stderr = stderr
            except _ConverterError as err:
                raise OSError("Failed to start Inkscape in interactive "
                              "mode") from err

        # Inkscape's shell mode does not support escaping metacharacters in the
        # filename ("\n", and ":;" for inkscape>=1).  Avoid any problems by
        # running from a temporary directory and using fixed filenames.
        inkscape_orig = Path(self._tmpdir.name, os.fsdecode(b"f.svg"))
        inkscape_dest = Path(self._tmpdir.name, os.fsdecode(b"f.png"))
        except OSError:
            shutil.copyfile(orig, inkscape_orig)
            b"f.svg --export-png=f.png\n" if old_inkscape else
        except _ConverterError as err:
            # Inkscape's output is not localized but gtk's is, so the output
            # stream probably has a mixed encoding.  Using the filesystem
            # encoding should at least get the filenames right...
            raise ImageComparisonFailure(self._proc.stderr.read().decode(
                sys.getfilesystemencoding(), "replace")) from err
        shutil.move(inkscape_dest, dest)