Exemple #1
def gdlyap(problem_data, K, L, show_warn=False, check_pd=False):
    Solve a discrete-time generalized Lyapunov equation
    for stochastic linear systems with multiplicative noise.

    problem_data_keys = [
        'A', 'B', 'C', 'Ai', 'Bj', 'Ck', 'varAi', 'varBj', 'varCk', 'Q', 'R',
    A, B, C, Ai, Bj, Ck, varAi, varBj, varCk, Q, R, S = [
        problem_data[key] for key in problem_data_keys
    n = A.shape[1]

    stable = True
    # Compute matrix and vector for the linear equation solver
    Alin_P = np.eye(n * n) - cost_operator_P(problem_data, K, L)
    blin_P = vec(Q) + np.dot(kron(K.T), vec(R)) - np.dot(kron(L.T), vec(S))

    # Solve linear equations
    xlin_P = la.solve(Alin_P, blin_P)

    # Reshape
    P = np.reshape(xlin_P, [n, n])

    if check_pd:
        stable = is_pos_def(P)

    if not stable:
        P = None
        if show_warn:
            warnings.simplefilter('always', UserWarning)
            warn('System is possibly not mean-square stable')
    return P
Exemple #2
def cost_operator_P(problem_data, K, L):
    problem_data_keys = [
        'A', 'B', 'C', 'Ai', 'Bj', 'Ck', 'varAi', 'varBj', 'varCk', 'Q', 'R',
    A, B, C, Ai, Bj, Ck, varAi, varBj, varCk, Q, R, S = [
        problem_data[key] for key in problem_data_keys

    q = Ai.shape[0]
    r = Bj.shape[0]
    s = Ck.shape[0]

    AKL = A + np.dot(B, K) + np.dot(C, L)
    Aunc_P = np.sum([varAi[i] * kron(Ai[i].T) for i in range(q)], axis=0)
    BKunc_P = np.sum([varBj[j] * kron(np.dot(K.T, Bj[j].T)) for j in range(r)],
    CLunc_P = np.sum([varCk[k] * kron(np.dot(L.T, Ck[k].T)) for k in range(s)],
    return kron(AKL.T) + Aunc_P + BKunc_P + CLunc_P
def qfun(problem_data,
    """Compute or estimate Q-function matrix"""
    if problem_data_known is None:
        problem_data_known = True
    if output_format is None:
        output_format = 'list'
    problem_data_keys = [
        'A', 'B', 'C', 'Ai', 'Bj', 'Ck', 'varAi', 'varBj', 'varCk', 'Q', 'R',
    A, B, C, Ai, Bj, Ck, varAi, varBj, varCk, Q, R, S = [
        problem_data[key] for key in problem_data_keys
    n, m, p = [M.shape[1] for M in [A, B, C]]
    q, r, s = [M.shape[0] for M in [Ai, Bj, Ck]]

    if P is None:
        P = gdlyap(problem_data, K, L)

    if problem_data_known:
        APAi = np.sum([varAi[i] * mdot(Ai[i].T, P, Ai[i]) for i in range(q)],
        BPBj = np.sum([varBj[j] * mdot(Bj[j].T, P, Bj[j]) for j in range(r)],
        CPCk = np.sum([varCk[k] * mdot(Ck[k].T, P, Ck[k]) for k in range(s)],

        Qxx = Q + mdot(A.T, P, A) + APAi
        Quu = R + mdot(B.T, P, B) + BPBj
        Qvv = -S + mdot(C.T, P, C) + CPCk
        Qux = mdot(B.T, P, A)
        Qvx = mdot(C.T, P, A)
        Qvu = mdot(C.T, P, B)
        nr = sim_options['nr']
        nt = sim_options['nt']
        qfun_estimator = sim_options['qfun_estimator']

        if qfun_estimator == 'direct':
            # Simulation data_files collection
            x0, u0, v0, Qval = rollout(problem_data, K, L, sim_options)

            # Dimensions
            Qpart_shapes = [[n, n], [m, m], [p, p], [m, n], [p, n], [p, m]]
            Qvec_part_lengths = [np.prod(shape) for shape in Qpart_shapes]

            # Least squares estimation
            xuv_data = np.zeros([nr, np.sum(Qvec_part_lengths)])
            for i in range(nr):
                x = x0[i]
                u = u0[i]
                v = v0[i]
                xuv_data[i] = np.hstack([
                    kron(x.T, x.T),
                    kron(u.T, u.T),
                    kron(v.T, v.T), 2 * kron(x.T, u.T), 2 * kron(x.T, v.T),
                    2 * kron(u.T, v.T)

            # Solve the least squares problem
            Qvec = la.lstsq(xuv_data, Qval, rcond=None)[0]

            # Split and reshape the solution vector into the appropriate matrices
            idxi = [0]
            Qvec_parts = []
            Q_parts = []
            for i, part_length in enumerate(Qvec_part_lengths):
                idxi.append(idxi[i] + part_length)
                Qvec_parts.append(Qvec[idxi[i]:idxi[i + 1]])
                Q_parts.append(np.reshape(Qvec_parts[i], Qpart_shapes[i]))

            Qxx, Quu, Qvv, Qux, Qvx, Qvu = Q_parts

        elif qfun_estimator == 'lsadp':
            # Simulation data_files collection
            x_hist, u_hist, v_hist, c_hist = rollout(problem_data, K, L,

            # Form the data_files matrices
            ns = nr * (nt - 1)
            nz = int(((n + m + p + 1) * (n + m + p)) / 2)
            mu_hist = np.zeros([nr, nt, nz])
            nu_hist = np.zeros([nr, nt, nz])

            def phi(x):
                return svec2(np.outer(x, x))

            for i in range(nr):
                for j in range(nt):
                    z = np.concatenate(
                        [x_hist[i, j], u_hist[i, j], v_hist[i, j]])
                    w = np.concatenate([
                        x_hist[i, j],
                        np.dot(K, x_hist[i, j]),
                        np.dot(L, x_hist[i, j])
                    mu_hist[i, j] = phi(z)
                    nu_hist[i, j] = phi(w)
            Y = np.zeros(ns)
            Z = np.zeros([ns, nz])
            for i in range(nr):
                lwr = i * (nt - 1)
                upr = (i + 1) * (nt - 1)
                Y[lwr:upr] = c_hist[i, 0:-1]
                Z[lwr:upr] = mu_hist[i, 0:-1] - nu_hist[i, 1:]

            # Solve the least squares problem
            # H_svec = la.lstsq(Z, Y, rcond=None)[0]
            # H = smat(H_svec)
            H_svec2 = la.lstsq(Z, Y, rcond=None)[0]
            H = smat2(H_svec2)

            Qxx = H[0:n, 0:n]
            Quu = H[n:n + m, n:n + m]
            Qvv = H[n + m:, n + m:]
            Qux = H[n:n + m, 0:n]
            Qvx = H[n + m:, 0:n]
            Qvu = H[n + m:, n:n + m]

        elif qfun_estimator == 'lstdq':
            # Simulation data_files collection
            x_hist, u_hist, v_hist, c_hist = rollout(problem_data, K, L,

            # Form the data_files matrices
            nz = int(((n + m + p + 1) * (n + m + p)) / 2)
            mu_hist = np.zeros([nr, nt, nz])
            nu_hist = np.zeros([nr, nt, nz])

            def phi(x):
                return svec2(np.outer(x, x))

            for i in range(nr):
                for j in range(nt):
                    z = np.concatenate(
                        [x_hist[i, j], u_hist[i, j], v_hist[i, j]])
                    w = np.concatenate([
                        x_hist[i, j],
                        np.dot(K, x_hist[i, j]),
                        np.dot(L, x_hist[i, j])
                    mu_hist[i, j] = phi(z)
                    nu_hist[i, j] = phi(w)

            Y = np.zeros(nr * nz)
            Z = np.zeros([nr * nz, nz])
            for i in range(nr):
                lwr = i * nz
                upr = (i + 1) * nz
                for j in range(nt - 1):
                    Y[lwr:upr] += mu_hist[i, j] * c_hist[i, j]
                    Z[lwr:upr] += np.outer(mu_hist[i, j],
                                           mu_hist[i, j] - nu_hist[i, j + 1])

            H_svec2 = la.lstsq(Z, Y, rcond=None)[0]
            H = smat2(H_svec2)

            Qxx = H[0:n, 0:n]
            Quu = H[n:n + m, n:n + m]
            Qvv = H[n + m:, n + m:]
            Qux = H[n:n + m, 0:n]
            Qvx = H[n + m:, 0:n]
            Qvu = H[n + m:, n:n + m]

    if output_format == 'list':
        outputs = Qxx, Quu, Qvv, Qux, Qvx, Qvu
    elif output_format == 'matrix':
        outputs = np.block([[Qxx, Qux.T, Qvx.T], [Qux, Quu, Qvu.T],
                            [Qvx, Qvu, Qvv]])
        # ABC = np.hstack([A, B, C])
        # X = sla.block_diag(Q, R, -S)
        # Y = mdot(ABC.T, P, ABC)
        # Z = sla.block_diag(APAi, BPBj, CPCk)
        # outputs = X + Y + Z
    return outputs
Exemple #4
def dlyap_mult(A,
    n = A.shape[1]
    n2 = n * n
    p = len(a)
    q = len(b)
    AK = A + np.dot(B, K)
    stable = True
    stable2 = True
    if algo == 'linsolve':
        if matrixtype == 'P':
            # Intermediate terms
            Aunc_P = np.zeros([n2, n2])
            for i in range(p):
                Aunc_P = Aunc_P + a[i] * kron(Aa[:, :, i].T)
            BKunc_P = np.zeros([n2, n2])
            for j in range(q):
                BKunc_P = BKunc_P + b[j] * kron(np.dot(K.T, Bb[:, :, j].T))
            # Compute matrix and vector for the linear equation solver
            Alin_P = np.eye(n2) - kron(AK.T) - Aunc_P - BKunc_P
            blin_P = vec(Q) + np.dot(kron(K.T), vec(R))
            # Solve linear equations
            xlin_P = la.solve(Alin_P, blin_P)
            # Reshape
            P = np.reshape(xlin_P, [n, n])
            if check_pd:
                stable = is_pos_def(P)
        elif matrixtype == 'S':
            # Intermediate terms
            Aunc_S = np.zeros([n2, n2])
            for i in range(p):
                Aunc_S = Aunc_S + a[i] * kron(Aa[:, :, i])
            BKunc_S = np.zeros([n2, n2])
            for j in range(q):
                BKunc_S = BKunc_S + b[j] * kron(np.dot(Bb[:, :, j], K))
            # Compute matrix and vector for the linear equation solver
            Alin_S = np.eye(n2) - kron(AK) - Aunc_S - BKunc_S
            blin_S = vec(S0)
            # Solve linear equations
            xlin_S = la.solve(Alin_S, blin_S)
            # Reshape
            S = np.reshape(xlin_S, [n, n])
            if check_pd:
                stable = is_pos_def(S)
        elif matrixtype == 'PS':
            P = dlyap_mult(A,
            S = dlyap_mult(A,

    elif algo == 'iterative':
        # Implicit iterative solution to generalized discrete Lyapunov equation
        # Inspired by https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=7553367
        # In turn inspired by https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/271503/1-s2.0-S0898122100X0020X/1-s2.0-089812219500119J/main.pdf?x-amz-security-token=AgoJb3JpZ2luX2VjECgaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJIMEYCIQD#2F00Re8b3wnBnFpZQrjkOeXrNI4bYZ1J6#2F9BcJptZYAAIhAOQjTsZX573uFFEr7QveHx4NaZYWxlZfRN6hr5h1GJWWKuMDCOD#2F#2F#2F#2F#2F#2F#2F#2F#2F#2FwEQAhoMMDU5MDAzNTQ2ODY1IgxqkGe6i8wGmEj6YAwqtwNDKbotYDExP2D6PO8MrlIKYmHCtJhTu1CXLv0N5NKsYT90H2rJTNU0MvqsUsnXtbn6C9t9ed31XTf#2BHc7KrGmpOils7zgrjV1QG4LP0Fu2OcT4#2F#2FOGLWNvVjWY9gOLEHSeG5LhvBbxJiZVrI#2Bm1QAIVz5dxH5DVB27A2e9OmRrswrpPWuxQV#2BUvLkz2dVM4qSkvaDA#2F3KEJk9s0XE74mjO4ZHX7d9Q2aYwxsvFbII6Hms#2FZmB6125tBTwzd0K5xDit5kaoiYadOetp3M#2FvCdaiO0QeQwkV4#2FUaprOIIQGwJaMJuMNe7xInQxF#2B#2FmER81JhWEpBHBmz#2F5p0d2tU7F2oTDc2OR#2BV5dTKab47zgUw648fDT7ays0TQzqTMGnGcX9wIQpxSCam2E8Bhg6tsEs0#2FudddgnsiId368q70xai6ucMfabMSCqnv7O0OZqPVwY5b7qk4mxKIehpIzV6rrtXSAGrH95WGlgGz#2Fhmg9Qq6AUtb8NSqyYw0uZ00E#2FPZmNTnI3nwxjOA5qhyEbw3uXogRwYrv0dLkd50s7oO3mlYFeJDBurhx11t9p94dFqQq7sDY70m#2F4xMNCcmuUFOrMBY1JZuqtQ7QFBVbgzV#2B4xSHV6#2FyD#2F4ezttczZY3eSASJpdC4rjYHXcliiE7KOBHivchFZMIYeF3J4Nvn6UykX5sNfRANC2BDPrgoCQUp95IE5kgYGB8iEISlp40ahVXK62GhEASJxMjJTI9cJ2M#2Ff#2BJkwmqAGjTsBwjxkgiLlHc63rBAEJ2e7xoTwDDql3FSSYcvKzwioLfet#2FvXWvjPzz44tB3#2BTvYamM0uq47XPlUFcTrw#3D&AWSAccessKeyId=ASIAQ3PHCVTYWXNG3EKG&Expires=1554423148&Signature=Ysi80usGGEjPCvw#2BENTSD90NgVs#3D&hash=e5cf30dad62b0b57d7b7f5ba524cccacdbb36d2f747746e7fbebb7717b415820&host=68042c943591013ac2b2430a89b270f6af2c76d8dfd086a07176afe7c76c2c61&pii=089812219500119J&tid=spdf-a9dae0e9-65fd-4f31-bf3f-e0952eb4176c&sid=5c8c88eb95ed9742632ae57532a4a6e1c6b1gxrqa&type=client
        # Faster for large systems i.e. >50 states
        # Options
        max_iters = 1000
        epsilon_P = 1e-5
        epsilon_S = 1e-5
        # Initialize
        if matrixtype == 'P' or matrixtype == 'PS':
            if P00 is None:
                P = np.copy(Q)
                P = P00
        if matrixtype == 'S' or matrixtype == 'PS':
            if S00 is None:
                S = np.copy(S0)
                S = S00
        iterc = 0
        converged = False
        stop = False
        while not stop:
            if matrixtype == 'P' or matrixtype == 'PS':
                P_prev = P
                APAunc = np.zeros([n, n])
                for i in range(p):
                    APAunc += a[i] * mdot(Aa[:, :, i].T, P, Aa[:, :, i])
                BPBunc = np.zeros([n, n])
                for j in range(q):
                    BPBunc += b[j] * mdot(K.T, Bb[:, :, j].T, P, Bb[:, :, j],
                AAP = AK.T
                QQP = sympart(Q + mdot(K.T, R, K) + APAunc + BPBunc)
                P = dlyap(AAP, QQP)
                if np.any(np.isnan(P)) or np.any(
                        np.isinf(P)) or not is_pos_def(P):
                    stable = False
                    converged_P = la.norm(P - P_prev, 2) / la.norm(
                        P_prev, 2) < epsilon_P
                    stable2 = True
                    # print(P)
                    # print(P_prev)
                    # print(P-P_prev)
                    # print(la.norm())
                    stable2 = False
                    # print('')
            if matrixtype == 'S' or matrixtype == 'PS':
                S_prev = S
                ASAunc = np.zeros([n, n])
                for i in range(p):
                    ASAunc += a[i] * mdot(Aa[:, :, i], S, Aa[:, :, i].T)
                BSBunc = np.zeros([n, n])
                for j in range(q):
                    BSBunc = b[j] * mdot(Bb[:, :, j], K, S, K.T, Bb[:, :, j].T)
                AAS = AK
                QQS = sympart(S0 + ASAunc + BSBunc)
                S = dlyap(AAS, QQS)
                if np.any(np.isnan(S)) or not is_pos_def(S):
                    stable = False
                converged_S = la.norm(S - S_prev, 2) / la.norm(S,
                                                               2) < epsilon_S
            # Check for stopping condition
            if matrixtype == 'P':
                converged = converged_P
            elif matrixtype == 'S':
                converged = converged_S
            elif matrixtype == 'PS':
                converged = converged_P and converged_S
            if iterc >= max_iters:
                stable = False
                iterc += 1
            stop = converged or not stable or not stable2
    #        print('\ndlyap iters = %s' % str(iterc))

    elif algo == 'finite_horizon':
        P = np.copy(Q)
        Pt = np.copy(Q)
        S = np.copy(Q)
        St = np.copy(Q)
        converged = False
        stop = False
        while not stop:
            if matrixtype == 'P' or matrixtype == 'PS':
                APAunc = np.zeros([n, n])
                for i in range(p):
                    APAunc += a[i] * mdot(Aa[:, :, i].T, Pt, Aa[:, :, i])
                BPBunc = np.zeros([n, n])
                for j in range(q):
                    BPBunc += b[j] * mdot(K.T, Bb[:, :, j].T, Pt, Bb[:, :, j],
                Pt = mdot(AK.T, Pt, AK) + APAunc + BPBunc
                P += Pt
                converged_P = np.abs(Pt).sum() < 1e-15
                stable = np.abs(P).sum() < 1e10
            if matrixtype == 'S' or matrixtype == 'PS':
                ASAunc = np.zeros([n, n])
                for i in range(p):
                    ASAunc += a[i] * mdot(Aa[:, :, i], St, Aa[:, :, i].T)
                BSBunc = np.zeros([n, n])
                for j in range(q):
                    BSBunc = b[j] * mdot(Bb[:, :, j], K, St, K.T, Bb[:, :,
                St = mdot(AK, Pt, AK.T) + ASAunc + BSBunc
                S += St
                converged_S = np.abs(St).sum() < 1e-15
                stable = np.abs(S).sum() < 1e10
            if matrixtype == 'P':
                converged = converged_P
            elif matrixtype == 'S':
                converged = converged_S
            elif matrixtype == 'PS':
                converged = converged_P and converged_S
            stop = converged or not stable
    if not stable:
        P = None
        S = None
        if show_warn:
            warnings.simplefilter('always', UserWarning)
            warn('System is possibly not mean-square stable')
    if matrixtype == 'P':
        return P
    elif matrixtype == 'S':
        return S
    elif matrixtype == 'PS':
        return P, S