Exemple #1
def gen_rand_ABC(n=4, m=3, p=2, rho=None, seed=1):
    if rho is None:
        rho = 0.9
    A = npr.randn(n, n).round(1)
    A = A * (rho / specrad(A))
    B = npr.rand(n, m).round(1)
    C = npr.rand(n, p).round(1)
    return A, B, C
def random_system(n=2, m=1, seed=0):
    A = npr.randn(n, n)
    A = A * 0.8 / specrad(A)
    B = npr.randn(n, m)
    SigmaA_basevec = 0.1 * npr.randn(n * n)
    SigmaB_basevec = 0.1 * npr.randn(n * m)
    SigmaA = np.outer(SigmaA_basevec, SigmaA_basevec)
    SigmaB = np.outer(SigmaB_basevec, SigmaB_basevec)
    return n, m, A, B, SigmaA, SigmaB
Exemple #3
 def check_random_systems(K, eta, R, bound_type):
     s = np.zeros(R)
     if bound_type == "unidirectional":
         r = np.linspace(0, 1, R)
     elif bound_type == "bidirectional":
         r = np.linspace(-1, 1, R)
     for j in range(R):
         Arand = np.copy(A)
         for i in range(p):
             Arand += eta[i]*r[j]*Ai[i]
         s[j] = specrad(Arand + B_true@K)
     return s
def model_based_robust_stabilization_experiment():
    seed = 1

    problem_data_true, problem_data = gen_double_spring_mass()

    problem_data_keys = [
        'A', 'B', 'C', 'Ai', 'Bj', 'Ck', 'varAi', 'varBj', 'varCk', 'Q', 'R',
    A, B, C, Ai, Bj, Ck, varAi, varBj, varCk, Q, R, S = [
        problem_data[key] for key in problem_data_keys

    n, m, p = [M.shape[1] for M in [A, B, C]]
    q, r, s = [M.shape[0] for M in [Ai, Bj, Ck]]

    # Synthesize controllers using various uncertainty modeling terms

    # Modify problem data_files
    # LQR w/ game adversary
    # Setting varAi, varBj, varCk = 0 => no multiplicative noise on the game
    problem_data_model_n = copy.deepcopy(problem_data)
    problem_data_model_n['varAi'] *= 0
    problem_data_model_n['varBj'] *= 0
    problem_data_model_n['varCk'] *= 0

    # LQR w/ multiplicative noise
    # Setting C = 0 and varCk = 0 => no game adversary
    problem_data_model_m = copy.deepcopy(problem_data)
    problem_data_model_m['C'] *= 0
    problem_data_model_m['varCk'] *= 0

    # Simulation options
    sim_options = None
    num_iterations = 50
    problem_data_known = True

    # Policy iteration on LQR w/ game adversary and multiplicative noise
    K0, L0 = get_initial_gains(problem_data, initial_gain_method='dare')
    print("LQR w/ game adversary and multiplicative noise")
    P_pi, K_pi, L_pi, H_pi, P_history_pi, K_history_pi, L_history_pi, c_history_pi, H_history_pi = policy_iteration(
        problem_data, problem_data_known, K0, L0, sim_options, num_iterations)
                algo_str='Policy iteration - Game w/ Multiplicative noise')

    # Check concavity condition
    Qvv_pi = -S + mdot(C.T, P_pi, C) + np.sum(
        [varCk[k] * mdot(Ck[k].T, P_pi, Ck[k]) for k in range(s)], axis=0)
    if not is_pos_def(-Qvv_pi):
        raise Exception(
            'Problem fails the concavity condition, adjust adversary strength')

    # Check positive definiteness condition
    QKL_pi = Q + mdot(K_pi.T, R, K_pi) - mdot(L_pi.T, S, L_pi)
    if not is_pos_def(QKL_pi):
        raise Exception(
            'Problem fails the positive definiteness condition, adjust adversary strength'

    # Policy Iteration on LQR w/ game adversary
    K0n, L0n = get_initial_gains(problem_data_model_n,
    print("LQR w/ game adversary")
    Pn_pi, Kn_pi, Ln_pi, Hn_pi, Pn_history_pi, Kn_history_pi, Ln_history_pi, cn_history_pi, Hn_history_pi = policy_iteration(
        problem_data_model_n, problem_data_known, K0n, L0n, sim_options,
                algo_str='Policy iteration - Game w/o Multiplicative noise')

    # Policy Iteration on LQR w/ multiplicative noise
    K0m, L0m = get_initial_gains(problem_data_model_m,
    print("LQR w/ multiplicative noise")
    Pm_pi, Km_pi, Lm_pi, Hm_pi, Pm_history_pi, Km_history_pi, Lm_history_pi, cm_history_pi, Hm_history_pi = policy_iteration(
        problem_data_model_m, problem_data_known, K0m, L0m, sim_options,
                algo_str='Policy iteration - LQR w/ Multiplicative noise')

    # LQR on true system
    A_true, B_true, Q_true, R_true = [
        problem_data_true[key] for key in ['A', 'B', 'Q', 'R']
    n_true, m_true = [M.shape[1] for M in [A_true, B_true]]
    Pare_true, Kare_true = dare_gain(A_true, B_true, Q_true, R_true)

    # LQR on nominal system, no explicit robust control design
    Pce, Kce = dare_gain(A, B, Q, R)

    # Check if synthesized controllers stabilize the true system
    K_pi_true = np.hstack([K_pi, np.zeros([m, n])])
    Kn_pi_true = np.hstack([Kn_pi, np.zeros([m, n])])
    Km_pi_true = np.hstack([Km_pi, np.zeros([m, n])])
    Kce_true = np.hstack([Kce, np.zeros([m, n])])
    Kol_true = np.zeros_like(Kce_true)

    control_method_strings = [
        'open-loop     ', 'cert equiv    ', 'noise         ', 'game          ',
        'noise + game  ', 'optimal       '
    K_list = [Kol_true, Kce_true, Km_pi_true, Kn_pi_true, K_pi_true, Kare_true]
    AK_list = [A_true + np.dot(B_true, K) for K in K_list]
    QK_list = [Q_true + mdot(K.T, R_true, K) for K in K_list]
    specrad_list = [specrad(AK) for AK in AK_list]
    cost_list = [
        np.trace(dlyap(AK.T, QK)) if sr < 1 else np.inf
        for AK, QK, sr in zip(AK_list, QK_list, specrad_list)


    output_text_filename = 'results_model_based_robust_stabilization_experiment.txt'
    output_text_path = os.path.join('..', 'results', output_text_filename)
    with open(output_text_path, 'w') as f:
        header_str = 'method       |  specrad  |   cost   |  gains'
        print(header_str, file=f)
        for control_method_string, sr, cost, K in zip(control_method_strings,
                                                      specrad_list, cost_list,
            line_str = '%s  %.3f %8s      %s' % (control_method_string, sr,
                                                 '%10.0f' % cost, K)
            print(line_str, file=f)
def policy_iteration(problem_data,
    """Policy iteration"""
    problem_data_keys = [
        'A', 'B', 'C', 'Ai', 'Bj', 'Ck', 'varAi', 'varBj', 'varCk', 'Q', 'R',
    A, B, C, Ai, Bj, Ck, varAi, varBj, varCk, Q, R, S = [
        problem_data[key] for key in problem_data_keys
    n, m, p = [M.shape[1] for M in [A, B, C]]
    K, L = np.copy(K0), np.copy(L0)

    # Check initial policies are stabilizing
    if specrad(A + B.dot(K0) + C.dot(L0)) > 1:
        raise Exception("Initial policies are not stabilizing!")

    P_history, K_history, L_history = [
        np.zeros([num_iterations, dim, n]) for dim in [n, m, p]
    H_history = np.zeros([num_iterations, n + m + p, n + m + p])
    c_history = np.zeros(num_iterations)

    print('Policy iteration')
    for i in range(num_iterations):
        # if print_iterates:
        #     print('iteration %3d / %3d' % (i+1, num_iterations))
        #     print(K)
        #     print(L)

        # Record history
        K_history[i] = K
        L_history[i] = L

        # Policy evaluation
        P = gdlyap(problem_data, K, L)
        Qxx, Quu, Qvv, Qux, Qvx, Qvu = qfun(problem_data, problem_data_known,
                                            P, K, L, sim_options)
        QuvQvvinv = solveb(Qvu.T, Qvv)
        QvuQuuinv = solveb(Qvu, Quu)
        H = np.block([[Qxx, Qux.T, Qvx.T], [Qux, Quu, Qvu.T], [Qvx, Qvu, Qvv]])

        # Policy improvement
        K = -la.solve(Quu - QuvQvvinv.dot(Qvu), Qux - QuvQvvinv.dot(Qvx))
        L = -la.solve(Qvv - QvuQuuinv.dot(Qvu.T), Qvx - QvuQuuinv.dot(Qux))

        # Record history
        P_history[i] = P
        H_history[i] = H
        c_history[i] = np.trace(P)
        if print_iterates:
            print('iteration %3d / %3d' % (i + 1, num_iterations))

    return P, K, L, H, P_history, K_history, L_history, c_history, H_history
Exemple #6
def mean_square_stable(problem_data, K, L):
    return specrad(cost_operator_P(problem_data, K, L)) < 1
Exemple #7
    def stablestr(r):
        r_str = ("%f "%r)
        s_str = "(  stable)" if r < 1 else "(unstable)"
        return r_str + s_str

    print("Stability report")
    print("Closed-loop gain matrices")
    print("K_certainty_equivalent = %s"%Kce)
    print("K_robust_algo1         = %s"%K1)
    print("K_robust_algo2         = %s"%K2)
    print("Spectral radii of true system, closed-loop")
    print("Open-loop              = %s"%stablestr(specrad(A_true)))
    print("K_certainty_equivalent = %s"%stablestr(specrad(A_true + mdot(B_true, Kce))))
    print("K_robust_algo1         = %s"%stablestr(specrad(A_true + mdot(B_true, K1))))
    print("K_robust_algo2         = %s"%stablestr(specrad(A_true + mdot(B_true, K2))))
    print("Spectral radii of nominal system, closed-loop")
    print("Open-loop              = %s"%stablestr(specrad(A)))
    print("K_certainty_equivalent = %s"%stablestr(specrad(A + mdot(B_true, Kce))))
    print("K_robust_algo1         = %s"%stablestr(specrad(A + mdot(B_true, K1))))
    print("K_robust_algo2         = %s"%stablestr(specrad(A + mdot(B_true, K2))))
    print("Spectral radii of random systems in robustness region, closed-loop")
    print("K_robust_algo1         = %s"%stablestr(s1.max()))
    print("K_robust_algo2         = %s"%stablestr(s2.max()))
    print("Robustness regions, closed-loop")