Exemple #1
def test_current_char_and_line():
    lex = BaseLexer()
    buf = text_buffer.TextBuffer()
    buf.load("Just an example\nOn two lines")
    lex._text_buffer = buf

    assert lex._current_char == "J"
    assert lex._current_line == "Just an example"
Exemple #2
def test_empty_lines():
    lex = BaseLexer()


    assert lex.tokens == [EOL, EOL, EOF]
    assert [t.position for t in lex.tokens] == [
        (0, 0),
        (1, 0),
        (2, 0),
Exemple #3
def test_initial_position():
    lex = BaseLexer(initial_position=(1, 5))


    assert lex.tokens == [EOL, EOL, EOF]
    assert [t.position for t in lex.tokens] == [
        (1, 5),
        (2, 0),
        (3, 0),
Exemple #4
def test_process_letters():
    lex = BaseLexer()


    assert lex.tokens == [Text("a"), Text("b"), Text("c"), Text("d"), EOL, EOF]
    assert [t.position for t in lex.tokens] == [
        (0, 0),
        (0, 1),
        (0, 2),
        (0, 3),
        (0, 4),
        (1, 0),
Exemple #5
def test_insert():
    lex = BaseLexer()
    buf = text_buffer.TextBuffer()
    buf.load("Just an example\nOn two lines")
    lex._text_buffer = buf

    lex._insert("A third line!")

    assert lex._current_line == "A third line!"
    assert lex._current_line == "On two lines"
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self):
        self.lexer = BaseLexer()

        # This is the position of the current token.
        self.index = -1

        # These are the tokens parsed by the parser.
        self.tokens = []

        # A stack for the parser's state.
        # Currently the state is represented only
        # by the current index in the input tokens.
        self._stack = []

        # These are the nodes created by the parsing.
        self.nodes = []
Exemple #7
def test_wrap():
    lex = BaseLexer()

    assert lex._wrap(None) is None
    assert lex._wrap([5, 6]) == [5, 6]
    assert lex._wrap(5) == [5]
Exemple #8
def test_no_text():
    lex = BaseLexer()


    assert lex.tokens == [EOL, EOF]
Exemple #9
def test_lexer_error():
    lex = BaseLexer()

    with pytest.raises(LexerError):
Exemple #10
def test_process_whitespace():
    lex = BaseLexer()

    lex.process("a   b")

    assert lex.tokens == [Text("a"), WS("   "), Text("b"), EOL, EOF]
Exemple #11
 def __init__(self):
     self.lexer = BaseLexer()
     self.index = -1
     self.tokens = []
     self._stack = []
     self.nodes = []
Exemple #12
class BaseParser:
    def __init__(self):
        self.lexer = BaseLexer()
        self.index = -1
        self.tokens = []
        self._stack = []
        self.nodes = []

    def _stash(self):

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, etype, evalue, etrace):
        # Leave the stack as it was before
        # we entered the context
        stacked_index = self._pop()

        if etype:
            # Restore the original position
            self.index = stacked_index

        if etype in [TokenError]:
            return True

    def _pop(self):
        return self._stack.pop()

    def fail(self):
        raise TokenError

    def _save(self, node):

    def current_token(self):
            return self.tokens[self.index]
        except IndexError:
            return Token(TokenTypes.EOF)

    def load(self, text):
        self.tokens = self.lexer.tokens
        self.index = -1

    def _check_token(self, token, ttype=None, tvalue=None, check=None):
        check_type = ttype if ttype is not None else token.type

        if token.type != check_type:
            raise TokenError(f"Type of token {token} is not {check_type}")

        if tvalue is not None and token.value != tvalue:
            raise TokenError(f"Value of token {token} is not {tvalue}")
        elif check is not None and check(token.value) is False:
            raise TokenError(f"Value of token {token} didn't pass check")

        return token

    def get_token(self, ttype=None, tvalue=None, check=None):
        Return the next token and advances the index.
        The token is stored it in current_token.

        if self.index == len(self.tokens):
            return Token(TokenTypes.EOF)

        self.index += 1
        return self._check_token(self.current_token, ttype, tvalue, check)

    def get_token_value(self, ttype=None, tvalue=None, check=None):
        A shortcut to get the next token and return the value

        return self.get_token(ttype, tvalue, check).value

    def check_current_token(self, ttype, tvalue=None, check=None):
        Just check the type and value of the current token without
        advancing the index.

        return self._check_token(self.current_token, ttype, tvalue, check)

    def peek_token(self, ttype=None, tvalue=None, check=None):
        Return the next token without advancing the index.

            token = self.tokens[self.index + 1]
            return self._check_token(token, ttype, tvalue, check)
        except IndexError:
            return Token(TokenTypes.EOF)

    def peek_token_is(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self.peek_token(*args, **kwargs)
            return True
        except TokenError:
            return False

    def force_token(self, ttype, tvalue=None):
            return self.get_token(ttype, tvalue)
        except TokenError:
            raise ExpectedError({
                "expected": Token(ttype, tvalue),
                "found": self.current_token

    def force_token_in(self, tokens):
        if self.peek_token() not in tokens:
            raise ExpectedError({
                "expected": tokens,
                "found": self.current_token

    def collect(self, stop_tokens, preserve_escaped_stop_tokens=False):
        tokens = []

        while self.peek_token() not in stop_tokens:
            if self.peek_token() == Literal("\\"):
                escape = self.get_token()

                if self.peek_token(
                ) not in stop_tokens or preserve_escaped_stop_tokens:


        return tokens

    def collect_join(self,
        token_values = [
            for t in self.collect(stop_tokens, preserve_escaped_stop_tokens)
        token_values = [t for t in token_values if t is not None]

        return join_with.join(token_values)

    def parse(self):

    def _parse(self):
        while not self.peek_token_is(TokenTypes.EOF):
            result = False

            for parse_function in self._parse_functions():
                with self:
                    result = parse_function()

                # We get here both if the context manager
                # was interrupted by the exception or if
                # it finished properly. In this last case,
                # however, the function reached the end
                # and returned True
                if result is True:

            # If we get here and result is still false
            # we didn't find any function to parse the
            # current token.
            if result is False:
                raise ParseError(f"Cannot parse token {self.peek_token()}")
Exemple #13
class BaseParser:
    def __init__(self):
        self.lexer = BaseLexer()

        # This is the position of the current token.
        self.index = -1

        # These are the tokens parsed by the parser.
        self.tokens = []

        # A stack for the parser's state.
        # Currently the state is represented only
        # by the current index in the input tokens.
        self._stack = []

        # These are the nodes created by the parsing.
        self.nodes = []

    def current_token(self):
        Returns the token being parsed.
        We often need to know which token we are currently
        parsing, but we might already have parsed all
        of them, so this convenience method wraps the
        possible index error.
        if self.index < 0:
            raise ValueError("The parser has no current token")

            return self.tokens[self.index]
        except IndexError:
            return Token(TokenTypes.EOF)

    def _push(self):
        # Push the current state on the stack.

    def _pop(self):
        # Get the state from the stack.
        return self._stack.pop()

    def __enter__(self):
        # The parser can be used as a context manager.
        # When we enter a new context we just need to
        # push the current state.

    def __exit__(self, etype, evalue, etrace):
        # This is automatically run when we leave the context.

        # First make sure we leave the stack as it was before
        # we entered the context.
        stacked_index = self._pop()

        # If there was an exception we need to
        # actually backtrace and pretend we didn't
        # do anything. Be cautious and don't get caught.
        if etype:
            # Restore the original position
            self.index = stacked_index

        # If the exception was one of the ones
        # we manage, let's return True so that
        # the exception is not propagated and
        # Python won't be bothered.
        if etype in [TokenError]:
            return True

    def _save(self, node):
        # Store the node.

    def _check_token(self, token, ttype=None, tvalue=None, value_check_function=None):
        # This method performs a test on the current token,
        # figuring out if type and value correspond to those passed
        # as arguments. If type or value are not given they are not
        # tested.
        # If the test is successful the token is returned, otherwise
        # the TokenError exception is raised.
        # The argument value_check_function is a function that
        # can be passed to test the token value and shall return a boolean.

        check_type = ttype if ttype is not None else token.type
        if token.type != check_type:
            raise TokenError(f"Type of token {token} is not {check_type}")

        if tvalue is not None and token.value != tvalue:
            raise TokenError(f"Value of token {token} is not {tvalue}")
        elif (
            value_check_function is not None
            and value_check_function(token.value) is False
            raise TokenError(f"Value of token {token} didn't pass check")

        return token

    def _parse_functions(self):
        # The parse functions available in this parser
        return []

    def error(self, message=None):
        raise ParserError(message, context=self.lexer.context(self.current_token))

    def put_token(self, token):
        self.tokens.insert(self.index + 1, token)

    def get_token(self, ttype=None, tvalue=None, check=None):
        Return the next token and advances the index.
        This function returns the next token and then advances the index,
        and can optionally check its type or value (see _check_token).
        The token is stored it in self._current_token.

        if self.index == len(self.tokens):
            return Token(TokenTypes.EOF)

        self.index += 1
        return self._check_token(self.current_token, ttype, tvalue, check)

    def check_current_token(self, ttype, tvalue=None, check=None):
        Just check the type and value of the current token without
        advancing the index.

        return self._check_token(self.current_token, ttype, tvalue, check)

    def peek_token(self, ttype=None, tvalue=None, check=None):
        Return the next token without advancing the index.

            token = self.tokens[self.index + 1]
            return self._check_token(token, ttype, tvalue, check)
        except IndexError:
            return Token(TokenTypes.EOF)

    def peek_token_is(self, ttype=None, tvalue=None, check=None):
        Peek a token and check it.
        This works like peek_token, but returns a boolean
        instead of raising an exception.
            self.peek_token(ttype, tvalue, check)
            return True
        except TokenError:
            return False

    def force_token(self, ttype, tvalue=None):
        Return the next token and advances the index,
        but forces the token to have a specific type
        and optionally a value.
        If the token doesn't match the provided values
        the function raises an ExpectedError
            return self.get_token(ttype, tvalue)
        except TokenError:
            raise ExpectedError(
                {"expected": Token(ttype, tvalue), "found": self.current_token}

    def collect(self, stop_tokens, preserve_escaped_stop_tokens=False):
        Collect all tokens until one of the stop_tokens pops up.
        Escape tokens "\\" are removed unless
        preserve_escaped_stop_tokens is set to True.
        tokens = []

        while self.peek_token() not in stop_tokens:
            if self.peek_token() == Literal("\\"):
                escape = self.get_token()

                if self.peek_token() not in stop_tokens or preserve_escaped_stop_tokens:


        return tokens

    def collect_join(
        self, stop_tokens, join_with="", preserve_escaped_stop_tokens=False
        Collect all tokens until one of the stop_tokens
        pops up and join them in a single string.
        This works exactly like collect but returns
        a string of tokens joined with the given characters.
        token_values = [
            t.value for t in self.collect(stop_tokens, preserve_escaped_stop_tokens)

        # EOL tokens have value None, so this removes them
        token_values = [t for t in token_values if t is not None]

        return join_with.join(token_values)

    def load(self, text):
        Load the given text and run the lexer on it.

        # Run the lexer

        # Store the resulting tokens
        self.tokens = self.lexer.tokens

        # Reset the index
        self.index = -1

    def parse(self):
        Run the parser on the lexed tokens.

        # A loop on all lexed tokens until we reach EOF
        while not self.peek_token_is(TokenTypes.EOF):
            result = False

            # Run all parsing functions provided
            # by the parser until one returns
            # a sensible result
            for parse_function in self._parse_functions():
                # The context manager wraps the parse
                # function so that failing functions
                # leave the parsed tokens as they were
                # at the beginning of their execution.
                # The result of a parse function is True
                # only if the function finished properly.
                # If the parse function raised an exception
                # the result is False.
                with self:
                    result = parse_function()

                if result is True:

            # If we get here and result is still False
            # we didn't find any function to parse the
            # current token.
            if result is False:
                self.error("Cannot parse token")

    def analyse(self, text):

        return self