Exemple #1
    def gradientsAtPoint(self,
                         gradVars=('edMax', 'rpoe'),
        Return a list of gradients of input 'quantities' at the point defined
        by 'pointDict' with respect to gradVars
        pointDict = pointDict.copy()
        indVars = ('a', 'edMax', 'rpoe')
        assert all([key in indVars for key in pointDict.keys()]), \
            "Not all keys in pointDict are proper indVars!"
        assert isinstance(quantities, list), 'quantities must be a list!'

        cursor = self.dbConn.cursor()

        pointFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(pointDict, tolerance=tol)
        query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(pointFilters)

        fetchQuantities = ",".join(gradVars) + "," + ",".join(quantities)
        cursor.execute("SELECT " + fetchQuantities + " FROM models " + query)

        point = cursor.fetchall()

        assert point, "Query for %s found no matching entries for dataset %s" \
                      % (pointDict, self.name)
        assert len(point) < 2, "Query for %s returned more than one entry for dataset %s \n" \
                               " Try lowering the search tolerance: %s" \
                               % (pointDict, self.name, tol)

        #print point

        gradients = []
        for i, derivVar in enumerate(gradVars):
            # get the point directly preceding in derivVar
            prevPointDict = self.getClosestPointToIndVar(
                pointDict, derivVar, tol)
            prevPointFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(prevPointDict,
            query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(prevPointFilters)
            cursor.execute("SELECT " + fetchQuantities + " FROM models " +
            prevPoint = cursor.fetchall()
            diffs = numpy.array(point[0]) - numpy.array(prevPoint[0])
            #print diffs / diffs[i]
            dquantitiesDderivVar = (diffs / diffs[i])[-len(quantities):]
            #print dquantitiesDderivVar
        gradients = numpy.array(gradients).transpose()
        return gradients
    def getSecInstabilitySeq(self, a, rpoe, edMin, edMax):
        Do stupid solve between edMin and edMax for zero of grad(J) x grad(M_b)
        returns ed of zero
        cursor = self.dbConn.cursor()
        pointDict = {'a': a, 'rpoe': rpoe}
        pointFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(pointDict)
        query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(pointFilters)
        query += " AND edMax>%s AND edMax<%s " % (edMin, edMax)
        cursor.execute("SELECT edMax FROM models " + query + " ORDER BY edMax")
        eds = cursor.fetchall()

        answer = None

        edList = []
        previousTpFunc = 1.0
        for ed in eds[1:]:
            ed = ed[0]
            tempDict = pointDict.copy()
            tempDict.update({'edMax': ed})
            tpFunc = numpy.linalg.det(self.gradientsAtPoint(['J', 'baryMass'], tempDict))
            #print ed, tpFunc
            if tpFunc * previousTpFunc < 0:
                answer = ed
            previousTpFunc = tpFunc

        print answer
        return answer
    def getClosestPointToIndVar(self, pointDict, indVar, tolerance, lessThanFlag=True):
        Finds point in sequence directly less (greater if lessThanFlag is false) than the
        pointDict in indVar.  Returns pointDict for prevPoint
        maxOrMin = "MAX"
        op = '<'
        if not lessThanFlag:
            maxOrMin = "MIN"
            op = '>'

        pointDict = pointDict.copy()
        value = pointDict[indVar]
        del pointDict[indVar]

        cursor = self.dbConn.cursor()

        pointFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(pointDict, tolerance)
        query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(pointFilters) + " AND " + indVar + op + str(value)

        cursor.execute("SELECT " + maxOrMin + "(" + indVar + ") FROM models " + query)

        answer = cursor.fetchall()
        assert answer, "No point %s %s for %s=%s " % (op, indVar, indVar, value)

        pointDict.update({indVar: answer[0][0]})
        return pointDict.copy()
Exemple #4
    def getSecInstabilitySeq(self, a, rpoe, edMin, edMax):
        Do stupid solve between edMin and edMax for zero of grad(J) x grad(M_b)
        returns ed of zero
        cursor = self.dbConn.cursor()
        pointDict = {'a': a, 'rpoe': rpoe}
        pointFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(pointDict)
        query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(pointFilters)
        query += " AND edMax>%s AND edMax<%s " % (edMin, edMax)
        cursor.execute("SELECT edMax FROM models " + query + " ORDER BY edMax")
        eds = cursor.fetchall()

        answer = None

        edList = []
        previousTpFunc = 1.0
        for ed in eds[1:]:
            ed = ed[0]
            tempDict = pointDict.copy()
            tempDict.update({'edMax': ed})
            tpFunc = numpy.linalg.det(
                self.gradientsAtPoint(['J', 'baryMass'], tempDict))
            #print ed, tpFunc
            if tpFunc * previousTpFunc < 0:
                answer = ed
            previousTpFunc = tpFunc

        print answer
        return answer
Exemple #5
    def getClosestPointToIndVar(self,
        Finds point in sequence directly less (greater if lessThanFlag is false) than the
        pointDict in indVar.  Returns pointDict for prevPoint
        maxOrMin = "MAX"
        op = '<'
        if not lessThanFlag:
            maxOrMin = "MIN"
            op = '>'

        pointDict = pointDict.copy()
        value = pointDict[indVar]
        del pointDict[indVar]

        cursor = self.dbConn.cursor()

        pointFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(pointDict, tolerance)
        query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(
            pointFilters) + " AND " + indVar + op + str(value)

        cursor.execute("SELECT " + maxOrMin + "(" + indVar + ") FROM models " +

        answer = cursor.fetchall()
        assert answer, "No point %s %s for %s=%s " % (op, indVar, indVar,

        pointDict.update({indVar: answer[0][0]})
        return pointDict.copy()
    def gradientsAtPoint(self, quantities, pointDict, gradVars=('edMax', 'rpoe'), tol=1e-4):
        Return a list of gradients of input 'quantities' at the point defined
        by 'pointDict' with respect to gradVars
        pointDict = pointDict.copy()
        indVars = ('a', 'edMax', 'rpoe')
        assert all([key in indVars for key in pointDict.keys()]), \
            "Not all keys in pointDict are proper indVars!"
        assert isinstance(quantities, list), 'quantities must be a list!'

        cursor = self.dbConn.cursor()

        pointFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(pointDict, tolerance=tol)
        query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(pointFilters)

        fetchQuantities = ",".join(gradVars) + "," + ",".join(quantities)
        cursor.execute("SELECT " + fetchQuantities + " FROM models " + query)

        point = cursor.fetchall()

        assert point, "Query for %s found no matching entries for dataset %s" \
                      % (pointDict, self.name)
        assert len(point) < 2, "Query for %s returned more than one entry for dataset %s \n" \
                               " Try lowering the search tolerance: %s" \
                               % (pointDict, self.name, tol)

        #print point

        gradients = []
        for i, derivVar in enumerate(gradVars):
            # get the point directly preceding in derivVar
            prevPointDict = self.getClosestPointToIndVar(pointDict,  derivVar, tol)
            prevPointFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(prevPointDict, tolerance=tol)
            query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(prevPointFilters)
            cursor.execute("SELECT " + fetchQuantities + " FROM models " + query)
            prevPoint = cursor.fetchall()
            diffs = numpy.array(point[0]) - numpy.array(prevPoint[0])
            #print diffs / diffs[i]
            dquantitiesDderivVar = (diffs / diffs[i])[-len(quantities):]
            #print dquantitiesDderivVar
        gradients = numpy.array(gradients).transpose()
        return gradients
# del coldTovSet
for script in scriptsList:
    xFunc = lambda x: theEos.rhobFromEnergyDensityWithTofRho(x, ye, tempFuncsDict[script])
    xFunc = lambda x: x
    thisSet = cstDataset(script, eosName, ye, sourceDb)
    thisSeq = cstSequence(thisSet, theMaxRotSlice, filters)
    #cursor = thisSeq.dbConn.cursor()
    #cursor.execute("SELECT rpoe FROM models")
    #print cursor.fetchall()
    eds = []
    plotVars = []
    for rpoe in numpy.arange(0.64, 1.0, 0.04):
        ed = thisSet.getSecInstabilitySeq(a, rpoe, 1e15, 3e15)
        setCursor = thisSet.dbConn.cursor()
        ptDict = {'a': a, 'rpoe': rpoe, 'edMax': ed}
        pointFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(ptDict)
        query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(pointFilters)
        setCursor.execute("SELECT " + ','.join(yVars) + " FROM models " + query)
        answer = yFunc(*setCursor.fetchall()[0])
    plt.scatter(eds, plotVars, marker=symbols[script], c=colors[script], s=50)
    theEos.resetCachedBetaEqYeVsRhobs(tempFuncsDict[script], 13.5, 16.0)

    thisPlot = thisSeq.getSeqPlot([xVar], yVars, filters, \
    plt.plot(*thisPlot, c=colors[script],  label=script)
    plotList.append([thisPlot, colors[script], '-'])
    del thisSet
Exemple #8
for script in scriptsList:
    xFunc = lambda x: theEos.rhobFromEnergyDensityWithTofRho(
        x, ye, tempFuncsDict[script])
    xFunc = lambda x: x
    thisSet = cstDataset(script, eosName, ye, sourceDb)
    thisSeq = cstSequence(thisSet, theMaxRotSlice, filters)
    #cursor = thisSeq.dbConn.cursor()
    #cursor.execute("SELECT rpoe FROM models")
    #print cursor.fetchall()
    eds = []
    plotVars = []
    for rpoe in numpy.arange(0.64, 1.0, 0.04):
        ed = thisSet.getSecInstabilitySeq(a, rpoe, 1e15, 3e15)
        setCursor = thisSet.dbConn.cursor()
        ptDict = {'a': a, 'rpoe': rpoe, 'edMax': ed}
        pointFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(ptDict)
        query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(pointFilters)
        setCursor.execute("SELECT " + ','.join(yVars) + " FROM models " +
        answer = yFunc(*setCursor.fetchall()[0])
    plt.scatter(eds, plotVars, marker=symbols[script], c=colors[script], s=50)
    theEos.resetCachedBetaEqYeVsRhobs(tempFuncsDict[script], 13.5, 16.0)

    thisPlot = thisSeq.getSeqPlot([xVar], yVars, filters, \
    plt.plot(*thisPlot, c=colors[script], label=script)
    plotList.append([thisPlot, colors[script], '-'])
    del thisSet
    def __init__(self, inputCstDataset, fixedIndVarsDict, filters=()):
        Takes fixedIndVarsDict, and sets the parameter to the indVar
        not in the dict.
        filters only used for special case of selecting min rpoe
        assert isinstance(inputCstDataset, cstDataset)
        assert all([key in self.indVars for key in fixedIndVarsDict.keys()]), \
            "Not all keys in fixedIndVarsDict are proper indVars"
        assert len(fixedIndVarsDict) == 2, "Must fix 2 indVars!"

        self.orderByVar = [indVar for indVar in self.indVars if indVar not in fixedIndVarsDict][0]

        copyOfInputDict = fixedIndVarsDict.copy()

        #Handle special case of selecting rpoe min
        restrictToRpoeMin = False
        if 'rpoe' in copyOfInputDict:
            if copyOfInputDict['rpoe'] == 'min':
                #delete it so we filter out nothing; do the rpoe min filtering later
                del copyOfInputDict['rpoe']
                restrictToRpoeMin = True

        sliceFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(copyOfInputDict, tolerance=3e-3)
        query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(sliceFilters) + " ORDER BY " + self.orderByVar

        self.dbConn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
        cursor = self.dbConn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE models " + parseFiles.columnsString)

        cursor.execute("ATTACH '" + inputCstDataset.dbName + "' AS toMerge")
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO models SELECT DISTINCT * FROM toMerge.models " + query)

        if restrictToRpoeMin:
            # min rpoe occurs at the max run number for a given runID
            # method: for each runID, find the max lineNum (satisfying the filters!)
            # then, for that runID, delete entries that don't have that lineNum
            cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT runID FROM models")
            runIDs = cursor.fetchall()
            #print  len(runIDs), runIDs
            filtersString = ""
            if filters:
                filtersString = " AND " + " AND ".join(filters)
            #print filtersString
            for runID in runIDs:
                runID = runID[0]
                cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(lineNum) FROM models WHERE runID='" + runID + "'"
                               + filtersString)
                maxLineNum = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                #print runID, maxLineNum
                #if filters have filtered out all values, maxLineNum is None,
                # and the following query will fail, so lets just move on
                if maxLineNum is None:
                # runType 3 means mass-shed sequence, so all rpoes are min!
                # so don't delete anything
                cursor.execute("DELETE FROM models WHERE runID='" + runID
                               + "' AND lineNum!=" + str(maxLineNum)
                               + " AND runType!=3")

        #for i in cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM models"):
        #    print i

        cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM models")
        print "Sliced %s entries into cstSequence '%s' from cstDataset '%s'"\
              % (cursor.fetchone()[0], str(fixedIndVarsDict), inputCstDataset.name)
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, inputCstDataset, fixedIndVarsDict, filters=()):
        Takes fixedIndVarsDict, and sets the parameter to the indVar
        not in the dict.
        filters only used for special case of selecting min rpoe
        assert isinstance(inputCstDataset, cstDataset)
        assert all([key in self.indVars for key in fixedIndVarsDict.keys()]), \
            "Not all keys in fixedIndVarsDict are proper indVars"
        assert len(fixedIndVarsDict) == 2, "Must fix 2 indVars!"

        self.orderByVar = [
            indVar for indVar in self.indVars if indVar not in fixedIndVarsDict

        copyOfInputDict = fixedIndVarsDict.copy()

        #Handle special case of selecting rpoe min
        restrictToRpoeMin = False
        if 'rpoe' in copyOfInputDict:
            if copyOfInputDict['rpoe'] == 'min':
                #delete it so we filter out nothing; do the rpoe min filtering later
                del copyOfInputDict['rpoe']
                restrictToRpoeMin = True

        sliceFilters = equalsFiltersFromDict(copyOfInputDict, tolerance=3e-3)
        query = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(
            sliceFilters) + " ORDER BY " + self.orderByVar

        self.dbConn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
        cursor = self.dbConn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE models " + parseFiles.columnsString)

        cursor.execute("ATTACH '" + inputCstDataset.dbName + "' AS toMerge")
            "INSERT INTO models SELECT DISTINCT * FROM toMerge.models " +

        if restrictToRpoeMin:
            # min rpoe occurs at the max run number for a given runID
            # method: for each runID, find the max lineNum (satisfying the filters!)
            # then, for that runID, delete entries that don't have that lineNum
            cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT runID FROM models")
            runIDs = cursor.fetchall()
            #print  len(runIDs), runIDs
            filtersString = ""
            if filters:
                filtersString = " AND " + " AND ".join(filters)
            #print filtersString
            for runID in runIDs:
                runID = runID[0]
                    "SELECT MAX(lineNum) FROM models WHERE runID='" + runID +
                    "'" + filtersString)
                maxLineNum = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                #print runID, maxLineNum
                #if filters have filtered out all values, maxLineNum is None,
                # and the following query will fail, so lets just move on
                if maxLineNum is None:
                # runType 3 means mass-shed sequence, so all rpoes are min!
                # so don't delete anything
                cursor.execute("DELETE FROM models WHERE runID='" + runID +
                               "' AND lineNum!=" + str(maxLineNum) +
                               " AND runType!=3")

        #for i in cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM models"):
        #    print i

        cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM models")
        print "Sliced %s entries into cstSequence '%s' from cstDataset '%s'"\
              % (cursor.fetchone()[0], str(fixedIndVarsDict), inputCstDataset.name)