Exemple #1
    def solve(self, verbose=True, mosek_num_threads=None):
        """Solve the SDP-relaxed max-cut problem.

        Resulting cut, value of the cut and solved matrix
        may be accessed through the `get_solution` method.
        s_time = time()

        # Solve the program. Marginally adjust the matrix to be PSD if needed.
        if verbose: print(f"Using {self.solver} to solve problem...")
        matrix = self._solve_sdp(verbose=verbose,

        if verbose: print("Finding nearest psd...")
        matrix = nearest_psd(matrix)

        # Get the cut defined by the matrix.
        if verbose: print("Getting the cut defined by the psd...")
        vectors = np.linalg.cholesky(matrix)
        cut = get_partition(vectors)

        # Get the value of the cut. Store results.
        if verbose: print("Storing value of cut and other results...")
        value = get_cut_value(self.graph, cut)
        self._results = {'matrix': matrix, 'cut': cut, 'value': value}

        # Optionally be verbose about the results.
        if verbose:
            print("Solved the SDP-relaxed max-cut problem.\n"
                  "Solution cuts off %f share of total weights." % value)

        if verbose:
                f"Solving completed! Full Solve took {time() - s_time} seconds!"
 def _get_best_candidate(self, candidates):
     """Select the best solution among a series of candidates.
     Return both the matrix, derived partition and value of
     the latter associated with the best candidate (in terms
     of sum of weights of the edges cut off).
     # Get the partition defined by each candidate and their cut-value.
     partitions = [get_partition(vectors) for vectors in candidates]
     scores = [get_cut_value(self.graph, cut) for cut in partitions]
     # Select the best candidate and return it.
     best = np.argmax([scores])
     return candidates[best], partitions[best], scores[best]
 def solve(self, laplacian, verbose=True):
     """Solve the SDP-relaxed max-cut problem.
     Resulting cut, value of the cut and solved matrix
     may be accessed through the `get_solution` method.
     # Solve the program. Marginally adjust the matrix to be PSD if needed.
     matrix = self._solve_sdp(laplacian)
     matrix = nearest_psd(matrix)
     # Get the cut defined by the matrix.
     vectors = np.linalg.cholesky(matrix)
     cut = get_partition(vectors)
     # Get the value of the cut. Store results.
     value = get_cut_value(self.graph, cut)
     self._results = {'matrix': matrix, 'cut': cut, 'value': value}
     # Optionally be verbose about the results.
     if verbose:
         print("Solved the SDP-relaxed max-cut problem.\n"
               "Solution cuts off %f share of total weights." % value)
     return value