def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ om2.MUserData.__init__(self, False) # Don't delete after draw self.fDormantColor = om2.MColor() self.fActiveColor = om2.MColor() self.fLeadColor = om2.MColor() self.fQuadList = om2.MPointArray() self.fSize = 1.0
def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ om2.MUserData.__init__(self, False) # Don't delete after draw self.fDormantColor = om2.MColor() self.fActiveColor = om2.MColor() self.fLeadColor = om2.MColor() self.fPntPos = om2.MPoint() self.fRow0 = "" self.fRow1 = "" self.fRow2 = "" self.fRow3 = "" self.fRow4 = "" self.fDist = 2.0
def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ om2.MUserData.__init__(self, False) # Don't delete after draw self.fDormantColor = om2.MColor() self.fActiveColor = om2.MColor() self.fLeadColor = om2.MColor() self.fLineList = om2.MPointArray() self.fLineWidth = 1.0 self.fTipSize = 0.1 self.fSubd = 4 self.fRadius = 1.0 self.fXRay = False self.fDashed = False self.fOperation = 0
def addUIDrawables(self, path, drawManager, frameContext): """ For each instance of the object, besides the render items updated in updateRenderItems() there is also a render item list for rendering simple UI elements. This stage gives the plugin access to MUIDrawManager which aids in drawing simple geometry like line, circle, rectangle, text, etc. If you are not going to override this function, please don't make 'hasUIDrawables()' return True or there may be some wasted performance overhead. * path [MDagPath] is the path to the instance to update auxiliary items for (this shape node). * drawManager [MUIDrawManager] is the draw manager used to draw simple geometry. * frameContext [MFrameContext] is the frame level context information. """ displayStyle = frameContext.getDisplayStyle() activeView = omui2.M3dView.active3dView() displayXRay = activeView.xrayJoints() drawManager.beginDrawable(omr2.MUIDrawManager.kSelectable) if (displayStyle & omr2.MFrameContext.kXrayActiveComponents): om2.MGlobal.displayInfo("Opa! Xray on!!! [%s]" % displayStyle) drawManager.beginDrawInXray() drawManager.setColor(om2.MColor([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3])) drawManager.mesh(omr2.MUIDrawManager.kTriStrip, DebugGeometry.kPnts, None, None, om2.MUintArray([0, 1, 3, 2])) if (displayStyle & omr2.MFrameContext.kXrayActiveComponents): drawManager.endDrawInXray() drawManager.endDrawable()
def draw(self, view, path, style, status): """ Draw custom geometry in the viewport using OpenGL calls. * view [M3dView] is a 3D view that is being drawn into. * path [MDagPath] to the parent (transform node) of this locator in the DAG. To obtain the locator shape node, use MDagPath::extendToShape() if there is only one shape node under the transform or MDagPath::extendToShapeDirectlyBelow(unsigned int index) with the shape index if there are multiple shapes under the transform. * style [M3dView.DisplayStyle] is the style to draw object in. * status [M3dView.DisplayStatus] is the selection status of the object. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument thisMob = self.thisMObject() mInput = om2.MPlug(thisMob, DebugMatrix.inMatrix).asMDataHandle().asMatrix() nameColor = om2.MPlug( thisMob, DebugMatrix.inNameColor).asMDataHandle().asFloatVector() mtxColor = om2.MPlug( thisMob, DebugMatrix.inMtxColor).asMDataHandle().asFloatVector() dist = om2.MPlug(thisMob, DebugMatrix.inDistance).asFloat() lineHeight = om2.MPlug(thisMob, DebugMatrix.inLineHeight).asFloat() colorList = om2.MColorArray() colorList.append(om2.MColor([nameColor.x, nameColor.y, nameColor.z])) colorList.append(om2.MColor([mtxColor.x, mtxColor.y, mtxColor.z])) cameraPath = view.getCamera() view.beginGL() glRenderer = omr1.MHardwareRenderer.theRenderer() glFT = glRenderer.glFunctionTable() glFT.glPushAttrib(omr1.MGL_CURRENT_BIT) glFT.glDisable(omr1.MGL_CULL_FACE) self.drawText(mInput, dist, colorList, status, cameraPath, lineHeight, view) view.endGL() return None
def prepareForDraw(self, objPath, cameraPath, frameContext, oldData): """ Called by Maya each time the object needs to be drawn. Any data needed from the Maya dependency graph must be retrieved and cached in this stage. Returns the data to be passed to the draw callback method. * objPath [MDagPath] is the path to the object being drawn. * cameraPath [MDagPath] is the path to the camera that is being used to draw. * frameContext [MFrameContext] is the frame level context information. * oldData [MUserData] is the data cached by the previous draw of the instance. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument data = oldData if not isinstance(data, DebugMatrixData): data = DebugMatrixData() node = objPath.node() mInput = om2.MPlug(node, DebugMatrix.inMatrix).asMDataHandle().asMatrix() color = om2.MPlug( node, DebugMatrix.inNameColor).asMDataHandle().asFloatVector() dist = om2.MPlug(node, DebugMatrix.inDistance).asFloat() pntPos = om2.MPoint(mInput[12], mInput[13], mInput[14]) pntRow1 = om2.MPoint(mInput[0], mInput[1], mInput[2], mInput[3]) row1 = "%s | %s | %s | %s" % (str(pntRow1.x), str( pntRow1.y), str(pntRow1.z), str(pntRow1.w)) data.fDormantColor = om2.MColor([color.x, color.y, color.z]) data.fActiveColor = om2.MColor([0.3, 1.0, 1.0]) data.fLeadColor = om2.MColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) data.fDist = dist data.fPntPos = pntPos data.fRow1 = row1 return data
def prepareForDraw(self, objPath, cameraPath, frameContext, oldData): """ Called by Maya each time the object needs to be drawn. Any data needed from the Maya dependency graph must be retrieved and cached in this stage. Returns the data to be passed to the draw callback method. * objPath [MDagPath] is the path to the object being drawn. * cameraPath [MDagPath] is the path to the camera that is being used to draw. * frameContext [MFrameContext] is the frame level context information. * oldData [MUserData] is the data cached by the previous draw of the instance. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument data = oldData if not isinstance(data, TestLocatorData): data = TestLocatorData() node = objPath.node() size = om2.MPlug(node, TestLocator.inSize).asDouble() data.fDormantColor = om2.MColor([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) data.fActiveColor = om2.MColor([0.3, 1.0, 1.0]) data.fLeadColor = om2.MColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) data.fSize = size vPoint1 = om2.MVector(1.0, 0.0, -1.0) * size vPoint2 = om2.MVector(-1.0, 0.0, -1.0) * size vPoint3 = om2.MVector(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0) * size vPoint4 = om2.MVector(1.0, 0.0, 1.0) * size data.fQuadList.clear() data.fQuadList.append(om2.MPoint(vPoint1)) data.fQuadList.append(om2.MPoint(vPoint2)) data.fQuadList.append(om2.MPoint(vPoint3)) data.fQuadList.append(om2.MPoint(vPoint4)) data.fQuadList.append(om2.MPoint(vPoint1)) return data
def prepareForDraw(self, objPath, cameraPath, frameContext, oldData): """ Called by Maya each time the object needs to be drawn. Any data needed from the Maya dependency graph must be retrieved and cached in this stage. Returns the data to be passed to the draw callback method. * objPath [MDagPath] is the path to the object being drawn. * cameraPath [MDagPath] is the path to the camera that is being used to draw. * frameContext [MFrameContext] is the frame level context information. * oldData [MUserData] is the data cached by the previous draw of the instance. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument startTime = time.time() data = oldData if not isinstance(data, MeshControllerData): data = MeshControllerData() node = objPath.node() transformPath = om2.MDagPath.getAPathTo( om2.MFnDagNode(objPath).parent(0)) mWorldInv = transformPath.inclusiveMatrixInverse() indexStr = om2.MPlug(node, MeshController.inIndexList).asString() offset = om2.MPlug(node, MeshController.inOffset).asFloat() mesh = om2.MPlug(node, MeshController.inMesh).asMDataHandle().asMesh() color = om2.MPlug( node, MeshController.inColor).asMDataHandle().asFloatVector() # If plugs are dirty calculate the geometry points MeshController.getGeometryPoints(mesh, indexStr, offset, mWorldInv) data.fVtxPositions = MeshController.ctrlVertices status = omr2.MGeometryUtilities.displayStatus(objPath) if status == omr2.MGeometryUtilities.kDormant: # Not selected alpha = 0.25 elif status == omr2.MGeometryUtilities.kActive: # Multiselection alpha = 0.65 elif status == omr2.MGeometryUtilities.kLead: # Selected alpha = 0.5 data.fColor = om2.MColor([color.x, color.y, color.z, alpha]) runTime = round((time.time() - startTime) * 1000, 5) om2.MGlobal.displayInfo("prepareForDraw time: %s ms" % str(runTime)) return data
def prepareForDraw(self, objPath, cameraPath, frameContext, oldData): """ Called by Maya each time the object needs to be drawn. Any data needed from the Maya dependency graph must be retrieved and cached in this stage. Returns the data to be passed to the draw callback method. * objPath [MDagPath] is the path to the object being drawn. * cameraPath [MDagPath] is the path to the camera that is being used to draw. * frameContext [MFrameContext] is the frame level context information. * oldData [MUserData] is the data cached by the previous draw of the instance. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument data = oldData if not isinstance(data, DebugVectorData): data = DebugVectorData() node = objPath.node() lineW = om2.MPlug(node, DebugVector.inLineWidth).asFloat() color = om2.MPlug(node, DebugVector.inColor).asMDataHandle().asFloatVector() tipSize = om2.MPlug(node, DebugVector.inTipSize).asFloat() subd = om2.MPlug(node, DebugVector.inSubdivisions).asInt() radius = om2.MPlug(node, DebugVector.inRadius).asFloat() xray = om2.MPlug(node, DebugVector.inXRay).asBool() dashed = om2.MPlug(node, DebugVector.inDashed).asBool() operation = om2.MPlug(node, DebugVector.inOperation).asShort() vVector1 = om2.MPlug( node, DebugVector.inVec1).asMDataHandle().asFloatVector() vVector2 = om2.MPlug( node, DebugVector.inVec2).asMDataHandle().asFloatVector() normalize = om2.MPlug(node, DebugVector.inNormalize).asBool() data.fDormantColor = om2.MColor([color.x, color.y, color.z]) data.fActiveColor = om2.MColor([0.3, 1.0, 1.0]) data.fLeadColor = om2.MColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) data.fLineWidth = lineW data.fTipSize = tipSize data.fSubd = subd data.fRadius = radius data.fXRay = xray data.fDashed = dashed data.fOperation = operation if operation == 0: vEnd = vVector1 elif operation == 1: vFinal = vVector1 + vVector2 vEnd = vFinal elif operation == 2: vFinal = vVector1 - vVector2 vEnd = vFinal elif operation == 3: vFinal = vVector1 ^ vVector2 vEnd = vFinal elif operation == 4: if vVector2.length() < 0.001: vFinal = om2.MFloatVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) else: vFinal = ((vVector1 * vVector2) / math.pow(vVector2.length(), 2.0)) * vVector2 vEnd = vFinal vStart = om2.MFloatVector() if normalize: vEnd.normalize() data.fLineList.clear() DebugVector.drawArrow(vStart, vEnd, tipSize, radius, subd, lineW, vp2=True, lineList=data.fLineList) return data
def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ om2.MUserData.__init__(self, False) # Don't delete after draw self.fColor = om2.MColor() self.fVtxPositions = []
def drawText(self, mtx, dist, colorList, status, cameraPath, lineH, view=None, drawManager=None): """Draw the matrix text. """ mCamera = cameraPath.inclusiveMatrix() camFn = om2.MFnCamera(cameraPath) thisMob = self.thisMObject() worldMtxPlug = om2.MPlug(thisMob, DebugMatrix.inMatrix) destPlugList = worldMtxPlug.connectedTo(True, False) if len(destPlugList) >= 1: node = destPlugList[0].node() attr = destPlugList[0].attribute() dagFn = om2.MFnDagNode(node) name = attrName = "%s (%s)" % (" " * len(name), om2.MFnAttribute(attr).name) bBox = dagFn.boundingBox else: attrName = "" name = "NO MATRIX INPUT" bBox = om2.MBoundingBox() offsetY = bBox.height / 2.0 pntCamera = om2.MPoint(mCamera[12], mCamera[13], mCamera[14]) pntPos = om2.MPoint(mtx[12] + dist, mtx[13] + offsetY, mtx[14]) vCamera = pntCamera - pntPos distFromCamera = vCamera.length() pntLineOffset = om2.MPoint(0.0, (distFromCamera / camFn.focalLength) * lineH, 0.0) rowList = [] pntRow1 = om2.MPoint(mtx[0], mtx[1], mtx[2], mtx[3]) row1 = "%s | %s | %s | %s" % ("%.3f" % pntRow1.x, "%.3f" % pntRow1.y, "%.3f" % pntRow1.z, "%.3f" % pntRow1.w) rowList.append(row1) pntRow2 = om2.MPoint(mtx[4], mtx[5], mtx[6], mtx[7]) row2 = "%s | %s | %s | %s" % ("%.3f" % pntRow2.x, "%.3f" % pntRow2.y, "%.3f" % pntRow2.z, "%.3f" % pntRow2.w) rowList.append(row2) pntRow3 = om2.MPoint(mtx[8], mtx[9], mtx[10], mtx[11]) row3 = "%s | %s | %s | %s" % ("%.3f" % pntRow3.x, "%.3f" % pntRow3.y, "%.3f" % pntRow3.z, "%.3f" % pntRow3.w) rowList.append(row3) pntRow4 = om2.MPoint(mtx[12], mtx[13], mtx[14], mtx[15]) row4 = "%s | %s | %s | %s" % ("%.3f" % pntRow4.x, "%.3f" % pntRow4.y, "%.3f" % pntRow4.z, "%.3f" % pntRow4.w) rowList.append(row4) if status == omui2.M3dView.kActive: view.setDrawColor(om2.MColor([0.3, 1.0, 1.0])) elif status == omui2.M3dView.kLead: view.setDrawColor(om2.MColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])) if status == omui2.M3dView.kDormant: view.setDrawColor(colorList[0]) view.drawText(name, pntPos, omui2.M3dView.kLeft) if status == omui2.M3dView.kDormant: view.setDrawColor(colorList[1]) view.drawText(attrName, pntPos, omui2.M3dView.kLeft) if worldMtxPlug.isConnected: for i in range(1, 5): pos = om2.MPoint(pntPos - (pntLineOffset * i)) view.drawText(rowList[i - 1], pos, omui2.M3dView.kLeft)
class DebugMatrix(omui2.MPxLocatorNode): """ Main class of gfDebugMatrix node. """ kNodeName = "" kNodeClassify = "" kNodeRegistrantID = "" kNodeID = "" inMatrix = om2.MObject() inNameColor = om2.MObject() inMtxColor = om2.MObject() inDistance = om2.MObject() inLineHeight = om2.MObject() fNameColor = om2.MColor([0.90588, 0.41961, 0.41961]) fMtxColor = om2.MColor([0.93725, 0.87843, 0.69412]) def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ omui2.MPxLocatorNode.__init__(self) def postConstructor(self): """ Post Constructor. """ thisMob = self.thisMObject() nodeFn = om2.MFnDependencyNode(thisMob) nodeFn.setName("%sShape#" % DebugMatrix.kNodeName) # localPosPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("localPosition", False) # localPosPlug.isChannelBox = False # localPosPlug @staticmethod def creator(): """ Maya creator function. """ return DebugMatrix() @staticmethod def initialize(): """ Defines the set of attributes for this node. The attributes declared in this function are assigned as static members to DebugMatrix class. Instances of DebugMatrix will use these attributes to create plugs for use in the compute() method. """ mAttr = om2.MFnMatrixAttribute() nAttr = om2.MFnNumericAttribute() DebugMatrix.inMatrix = mAttr.create("matrixInput", "mtxi", om2.MFnMatrixAttribute.kDouble) INPUT_ATTR(mAttr) mAttr.storable = False mAttr.keyable = True DebugMatrix.inNameColor = nAttr.createColor("nameColor", "nColor") nAttr.default = (DebugMatrix.fNameColor.r, DebugMatrix.fNameColor.g, DebugMatrix.fNameColor.b) INPUT_ATTR(nAttr) DebugMatrix.inMtxColor = nAttr.createColor("matrixColor", "mColor") nAttr.default = (DebugMatrix.fMtxColor.r, DebugMatrix.fMtxColor.g, DebugMatrix.fMtxColor.b) INPUT_ATTR(nAttr) DebugMatrix.inDistance = nAttr.create("distance", "dist", om2.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 0.0) INPUT_ATTR(nAttr) DebugMatrix.inLineHeight = nAttr.create("lineHeight", "lHeight", om2.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 0.7) nAttr.setMin(0.001) nAttr.setMax(2.0) INPUT_ATTR(nAttr) DebugMatrix.addAttribute(DebugMatrix.inMatrix) DebugMatrix.addAttribute(DebugMatrix.inNameColor) DebugMatrix.addAttribute(DebugMatrix.inMtxColor) DebugMatrix.addAttribute(DebugMatrix.inDistance) DebugMatrix.addAttribute(DebugMatrix.inLineHeight) def compute(self, plug, dataBlock): """ Node computation method: * plug is a connection point related to one of our node attributes (either an input or an output). * dataBlock contains the data on which we will base our computations. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument return None def connectionMade(self, plug, otherPlug, asSrc): """This method gets called when connections are made to attributes of this node. * plug (MPlug) is the attribute on this node. * otherPlug (MPlug) is the attribute on the other node. * asSrc (bool) is this plug a source of the connection. """ if plug == DebugMatrix.inMatrix: thisMob = self.thisMObject() distancePlug = om2.MPlug(thisMob, DebugMatrix.inDistance) dagFn = om2.MFnDagNode(otherPlug.node()) bBox = dagFn.boundingBox offset = bBox.width / 2.0 distancePlug.setFloat(offset + 2.0) return omui2.MPxLocatorNode.connectionMade(self, plug, otherPlug, asSrc) def connectionBroken(self, plug, otherPlug, asSrc): """This method gets called when connections are broken with attributes of this node. * plug (MPlug) is the attribute on this node. * otherPlug (MPlug) is the attribute on the other node. * asSrc (bool) is this plug a source of the connection. """ if plug == DebugMatrix.inMatrix: thisMob = self.thisMObject() distancePlug = om2.MPlug(thisMob, DebugMatrix.inDistance) distancePlug.setFloat(0.0) return omui2.MPxLocatorNode.connectionBroken(self, plug, otherPlug, asSrc) def drawText(self, mtx, dist, colorList, status, cameraPath, lineH, view=None, drawManager=None): """Draw the matrix text. """ mCamera = cameraPath.inclusiveMatrix() camFn = om2.MFnCamera(cameraPath) thisMob = self.thisMObject() worldMtxPlug = om2.MPlug(thisMob, DebugMatrix.inMatrix) destPlugList = worldMtxPlug.connectedTo(True, False) if len(destPlugList) >= 1: node = destPlugList[0].node() attr = destPlugList[0].attribute() dagFn = om2.MFnDagNode(node) name = attrName = "%s (%s)" % (" " * len(name), om2.MFnAttribute(attr).name) bBox = dagFn.boundingBox else: attrName = "" name = "NO MATRIX INPUT" bBox = om2.MBoundingBox() offsetY = bBox.height / 2.0 pntCamera = om2.MPoint(mCamera[12], mCamera[13], mCamera[14]) pntPos = om2.MPoint(mtx[12] + dist, mtx[13] + offsetY, mtx[14]) vCamera = pntCamera - pntPos distFromCamera = vCamera.length() pntLineOffset = om2.MPoint(0.0, (distFromCamera / camFn.focalLength) * lineH, 0.0) rowList = [] pntRow1 = om2.MPoint(mtx[0], mtx[1], mtx[2], mtx[3]) row1 = "%s | %s | %s | %s" % ("%.3f" % pntRow1.x, "%.3f" % pntRow1.y, "%.3f" % pntRow1.z, "%.3f" % pntRow1.w) rowList.append(row1) pntRow2 = om2.MPoint(mtx[4], mtx[5], mtx[6], mtx[7]) row2 = "%s | %s | %s | %s" % ("%.3f" % pntRow2.x, "%.3f" % pntRow2.y, "%.3f" % pntRow2.z, "%.3f" % pntRow2.w) rowList.append(row2) pntRow3 = om2.MPoint(mtx[8], mtx[9], mtx[10], mtx[11]) row3 = "%s | %s | %s | %s" % ("%.3f" % pntRow3.x, "%.3f" % pntRow3.y, "%.3f" % pntRow3.z, "%.3f" % pntRow3.w) rowList.append(row3) pntRow4 = om2.MPoint(mtx[12], mtx[13], mtx[14], mtx[15]) row4 = "%s | %s | %s | %s" % ("%.3f" % pntRow4.x, "%.3f" % pntRow4.y, "%.3f" % pntRow4.z, "%.3f" % pntRow4.w) rowList.append(row4) if status == omui2.M3dView.kActive: view.setDrawColor(om2.MColor([0.3, 1.0, 1.0])) elif status == omui2.M3dView.kLead: view.setDrawColor(om2.MColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])) if status == omui2.M3dView.kDormant: view.setDrawColor(colorList[0]) view.drawText(name, pntPos, omui2.M3dView.kLeft) if status == omui2.M3dView.kDormant: view.setDrawColor(colorList[1]) view.drawText(attrName, pntPos, omui2.M3dView.kLeft) if worldMtxPlug.isConnected: for i in range(1, 5): pos = om2.MPoint(pntPos - (pntLineOffset * i)) view.drawText(rowList[i - 1], pos, omui2.M3dView.kLeft) def draw(self, view, path, style, status): """ Draw custom geometry in the viewport using OpenGL calls. * view [M3dView] is a 3D view that is being drawn into. * path [MDagPath] to the parent (transform node) of this locator in the DAG. To obtain the locator shape node, use MDagPath::extendToShape() if there is only one shape node under the transform or MDagPath::extendToShapeDirectlyBelow(unsigned int index) with the shape index if there are multiple shapes under the transform. * style [M3dView.DisplayStyle] is the style to draw object in. * status [M3dView.DisplayStatus] is the selection status of the object. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument thisMob = self.thisMObject() mInput = om2.MPlug(thisMob, DebugMatrix.inMatrix).asMDataHandle().asMatrix() nameColor = om2.MPlug( thisMob, DebugMatrix.inNameColor).asMDataHandle().asFloatVector() mtxColor = om2.MPlug( thisMob, DebugMatrix.inMtxColor).asMDataHandle().asFloatVector() dist = om2.MPlug(thisMob, DebugMatrix.inDistance).asFloat() lineHeight = om2.MPlug(thisMob, DebugMatrix.inLineHeight).asFloat() colorList = om2.MColorArray() colorList.append(om2.MColor([nameColor.x, nameColor.y, nameColor.z])) colorList.append(om2.MColor([mtxColor.x, mtxColor.y, mtxColor.z])) cameraPath = view.getCamera() view.beginGL() glRenderer = omr1.MHardwareRenderer.theRenderer() glFT = glRenderer.glFunctionTable() glFT.glPushAttrib(omr1.MGL_CURRENT_BIT) glFT.glDisable(omr1.MGL_CULL_FACE) self.drawText(mInput, dist, colorList, status, cameraPath, lineHeight, view) view.endGL() return None