def evalManagerState(mode='off'): ''' wrapper function for the evalManager so that it's switching is recorded in the undo stack via the Red9.evalManager_switch plugin ''' if r9Setup.mayaVersion()>=2016: if not cmds.pluginInfo('evalManager_switch', q=True, loaded=True): try: cmds.loadPlugin('evalManager_switch') except: log.warning('Plugin Failed to load : evalManager_switch') try: # via the plug-in to register the switch to the undoStack cmds.evalManager_switch(mode=mode) except: log.debug('evalManager_switch plugin not found, running native Maya evalManager command') cmds.evaluationManager(mode=mode) # run the default maya call instead log.debug('EvalManager - switching state : %s' % mode) else: log.debug("evalManager skipped as you're in an older version of Maya")
def evalManagerState(mode='off'): ''' wrapper function for the evalManager so that it's switching is recorded in the undo stack via the Red9.evalManager_switch plugin ''' if r9Setup.mayaVersion() >= 2016: if not cmds.pluginInfo('evalManager_switch', q=True, loaded=True): try: cmds.loadPlugin('evalManager_switch') except: log.warning('Plugin Failed to load : evalManager_switch') try: # via the plug-in to register the switch to the undoStack cmds.evalManager_switch(mode=mode) except: log.debug('evalManager_switch plugin not found, running native Maya evalManager command') cmds.evaluationManager(mode=mode) # run the default maya call instead log.debug('EvalManager - switching state : %s' % mode) else: log.debug("evalManager skipped as you're in an older version of Maya")