Exemple #1
def closestUV(mesh, point=(0, 0, 0), uvSet=""):
	Get the UV of the closest point on a mesh to a specified point
	@param mesh: Mesh to query
	@type mesh: str
	@param point: Find the closest point to THIS point
	@type point: tuple
    # Check mesh
    if not isMesh(mesh):
        raise Exception('Object "' + mesh + '" is not a valid mesh!')

    # Check uvSet
    if not uvSet:
        currentUvSet = mc.polyUVSet(mesh, q=True, cuv=True)
        if not currentUvSet:
            raise Exception('Mesh "' + mesh + '" has no valid uvSet!')
        uvSet = currentUvSet[0]
    if not mc.polyUVSet(mesh, q=True, auv=True).count(uvSet):
        raise Exception('Invalid UV set "' + uvSet + '" specified!"')

        # Get mesh function set
    meshFn = getMeshFn(mesh)

    # Get closest UV
    pnt = OpenMaya.MPoint(point[0], point[1], point[2], 1.0)
    uv = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil()
    uv.createFromList([0.0, 0.0], 2)
    uvPtr = uv.asFloat2Ptr()
    meshFn.getUVAtPoint(pnt, uvPtr, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld, uvSet)

    # Return result
    return (uv.getFloat2ArrayItem(uvPtr, 0, 0), uv.getFloat2ArrayItem(uvPtr, 0, 1))
Exemple #2
 def renameUVSet(self):
     # スキンウェイト書き戻し用、ウェイトを保存しておく。
     if self.uvSetAll[0] != "map1" or len(self.uvSetAll) > 1:
         for self.var in range(1, self.uvNum + 1):
             var = str(self.var)
             renameSet = self.uvSetAll[self.var - 1]
             if renameSet != self.defaultName + var:
                 print("Rename UV Set : " + self.mesh + "." + renameSet +
                       " >>> " + self.defaultName + var)
                 # transfer_weight(self.mesh,skinTemp[0])
                 # デフォーマヒストリも削除しないとリネーム後UVなくなる
                 cmds.bakePartialHistory(self.shapes, preCache=True)
                     newUVSet=self.defaultName + var,
         # ウェイトを書き戻してくる
Exemple #3
    def crenupMultiUV(self):
        self.defaultName = "map"  # デフォルト名
        # print(self.mesh)
        shapes = cmds.listRelatives(self.mesh, s=True, pa=True)
        self.shapes = shapes[0]
        # ヒストリ削除
        cmds.bakePartialHistory(self.shapes, ppt=True)
        # cmds.bakePartialHistory(self.shapes,preCache=True)

        self.uvSetAll = cmds.polyUVSet(self.mesh, q=True, allUVSets=True)
        self.currentSet = cmds.polyUVSet(self.mesh, q=True, currentUVSet=True)

        # 現在のUVが空かどうか調べてスキップフラグがTrueなら関数抜ける
        if not self.checkCurrentUV():
            print("Skip (No UV in Current UVSet) : " + self.mesh)
        self.delUVFlag = True
        self.uvNum = 1  # マルチUVリネーム用
        # マルチUVの指定名があれば削除フラグをFalseに
        if "Multi_UV" in self.mesh or self.delMultiUV is False:
            self.delUVFlag = False
            self.uvNum = len(self.uvSetAll)  # マルチUVリネーム用

        if len(self.uvSetAll) > 0:  # UVセットがあったら
            # UVセットの名前を変更、マルチUVの場合は繰り返し処理
        # UVセットが複数の場合セットに追加する
        if self.groupMultiUV is True and len(self.uvSetAll) > 1:
            cmds.sets(self.mesh, add="Multi_UV_Set")  # setに追加
Exemple #4
    def getUVs(self):

        # Getting current uvset
        currUVSet = cmds.polyUVSet(self.name, q=True, currentUVSet=True)[0]

        for i, uvSet in enumerate(self.uvSets):
            self.uvs[uvSet] = []
            # Setting uvSet temp
            cmds.polyUVSet(self.name, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=uvSet)

            # Get uv maps
            uvMaps = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(self.name, ff=1, tuv=1)

            if (uvMaps):
                uvMaps = [
                    cmds.polyListComponentConversion(vtxFace, tuv=1)
                    for vtxFace in self.vtxFaceNames

                # Check to make sure there are uv's on this face.
                for uvMap in uvMaps:
                    # Get my uvValues
                    uvCoords = cmds.polyEditUV(uvMap, q=True)

        # Returning to orginal uvSet
        cmds.polyUVSet(self.name, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=currUVSet)
	def getUVs(self):
		# Getting current uvset
		currUVSet = cmds.polyUVSet( self.name, q=True, currentUVSet=True )[0]
		for i, uvSet in enumerate(self.uvSets):
			self.uvs[uvSet] = []
			# Setting uvSet temp
			cmds.polyUVSet( self.name, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=uvSet )
			# Get uv maps
			uvMaps = cmds.polyListComponentConversion( self.name, ff=1, tuv=1 )
			# verts = PolyFace.findWindingOrder(self.name)
			# print(self.vtxFaceNames)
			# cmds.polyListComponentConversion('pPlane2.vtxFace[2][1]', tuv=1 )

			if( uvMaps ):
				# uvMaps = cmds.filterExpand( uvMaps, expand=True, sm=35 )	
				uvMaps = [cmds.polyListComponentConversion(vtxFace, tuv=1 ) for vtxFace in self.vtxFaceNames ]	

				# Check to make sure there are uv's on this face.				
				for uvMap in uvMaps:
					# Get my uvValues 
					uvCoords = cmds.polyEditUV( uvMap, q=True )
		# Returning to orginal uvSet	
		cmds.polyUVSet( self.name, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=currUVSet)	
Exemple #6
    def getUVs(self):

        # Getting current uvset
        currUVSet = cmds.polyUVSet(self.name, q=True, currentUVSet=True)[0]

        for i, uvSet in enumerate(self.uvSets):
            self.uvs[uvSet] = []
            # Setting uvSet temp
            cmds.polyUVSet(self.name, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=uvSet)

            # Get uv maps
            uvMaps = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(self.name, ff=1, tuv=1)
            # verts = PolyFace.findWindingOrder(self.name)

            # print(self.vtxFaceNames)
            # cmds.polyListComponentConversion('pPlane2.vtxFace[2][1]', tuv=1 )

            if (uvMaps):
                # uvMaps = cmds.filterExpand( uvMaps, expand=True, sm=35 )
                uvMaps = [
                    cmds.polyListComponentConversion(vtxFace, tuv=1)
                    for vtxFace in self.vtxFaceNames

                # Check to make sure there are uv's on this face.
                for uvMap in uvMaps:
                    # Get my uvValues
                    uvCoords = cmds.polyEditUV(uvMap, q=True)

        # Returning to orginal uvSet
        cmds.polyUVSet(self.name, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=currUVSet)
def TryLoadExternalUVs():
    with mayaUtils.DebugTimer('TryLoadExternalUVs'):
        mainMesh = mayaUtils.FindMeshByWildcard('Genesis8Female*',

        if mainMesh is None:
            print 'Error! Can`t find body(Torso) mesh'

        cmds.delete(mainMesh, constructionHistory=True)

        uvMeshFile = os.path.join(env.GetIntermediateFullPath(),
                                  env.BASE_FEMALE_MESH_WITH_UV1_NAME + '.obj')
        uvMeshFileExist = os.path.exists(uvMeshFile)

        print 'UV mesh file: {} Exist: {}'.format(uvMeshFile, uvMeshFileExist)
        if not uvMeshFileExist:
            print 'ABORTED: no uv mesh file found'

        uvMesh = cmds.file(uvMeshFile, i=True, returnNewNodes=True)[0]
        uvMesh = cmds.rename(uvMesh, 'UV_Source')
        cmds.xform(uvMesh, absolute=True, translation=[0, 0, 100])

        cmds.polyUVSet(mainMesh, create=True, uvSet='Tesselation_UV')
        cmds.delete(mainMesh, constructionHistory=True)
Exemple #8
def closestUV(mesh, point=(0, 0, 0), uvSet=''):
	Get the UV of the closest point on a mesh to a specified point
	@param mesh: Mesh to query
	@type mesh: str
	@param point: Find the closest point to THIS point
	@type point: tuple
    # Check mesh
    if not isMesh(mesh):
        raise Exception('Object "' + mesh + '" is not a valid mesh!')

    # Check uvSet
    if not uvSet:
        currentUvSet = mc.polyUVSet(mesh, q=True, cuv=True)
        if not currentUvSet:
            raise Exception('Mesh "' + mesh + '" has no valid uvSet!')
        uvSet = currentUvSet[0]
    if not mc.polyUVSet(mesh, q=True, auv=True).count(uvSet):
        raise Exception('Invalid UV set "' + uvSet + '" specified!"')

    # Get mesh function set
    meshFn = getMeshFn(mesh)

    # Get closest UV
    pnt = OpenMaya.MPoint(point[0], point[1], point[2], 1.0)
    uv = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil()
    uv.createFromList([0.0, 0.0], 2)
    uvPtr = uv.asFloat2Ptr()
    meshFn.getUVAtPoint(pnt, uvPtr, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld, uvSet)

    # Return result
    return (uv.getFloat2ArrayItem(uvPtr, 0,
                                  0), uv.getFloat2ArrayItem(uvPtr, 0, 1))
Exemple #9
    def _fix(self, meshAttribute):
        :param str meshAttribute:
        mesh = meshAttribute.split(".")[0]
        uvSet = cmds.getAttr(meshAttribute)

        cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, edit=True, delete=True, uvSet=uvSet)
Exemple #10
def jointify(name=''):
	from maya.cmds import *
	# get mesh transforms
	import ezLib.transform
	mTrfs = ezLib.transform.get(shape='mesh')
	if not mTrfs:
		raise IOError, 'No mesh shapes found!'

	if not name:
		p = mTrfs[0].split('|')[1]
		if p[0:14] == 'cryExportNode_':
			name = p.split('_')[1]
			name = 'jointify'

	js = []
	counts = []
	for mt in mTrfs:
		sn = mt.split('|')[-1]
		# create joints at transform positions
		pos = xform(mt, q=1, t=1, ws=1)
		j = createNode('joint', n=(sn + 'joint'))
		xform(j, t=pos)
		# plug each channel driver into the appropriate joint
		for t in 'trs':
			for d in 'xyz':
				input = listConnections((mt + '.' + t + d), p=1)
				if input:
					connectAttr(input[0], (j + '.' + t + d))
		# collect nr of verts - this method collects also children if any
		counts.append(len(ls(polyListComponentConversion(mt, tv=1), fl=1)))

	dupMesh = duplicate(mTrfs, renameChildren=1)
	dupMesh = polyUnite(dupMesh, ch=0)

	# check for multiple UVsets
	uvSets = polyUVSet(dupMesh, q=1, allUVSets=1)
	for i in range(1,len(uvSets)):
		# for each set other than the 1st: set it, copy to 1st, delete it
		polyUVSet(dupMesh, currentUVSet=1, uvSet=uvSets[i])
		polyCopyUV(dupMesh[0] + '.map[*]', uvSetNameInput=uvSets[i], uvSetName=uvSets[0])
		polyUVSet(dupMesh, uvSet=uvSets[i], delete=1)
	# cleanup history crap
	delete(dupMesh, ch=1)

	sc = skinCluster(js, dupMesh)[0]
	vtxNr = 0
	for i in range(len(js)):
		vtxSel = dupMesh[0] + '.vtx[' + str(vtxNr) + ':' + str(vtxNr + counts[i] - 1) + ']'
		skinPercent(sc, vtxSel, transformValue=[js[i], 1])
		vtxNr += counts[i]

	root = createNode('joint', n=name + 'rootjoint')
	setAttr(root + '.drawStyle', 2)
	parent(js, root)
	select(root, dupMesh)
 def runCmd(self):
     setName = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(self.setNameFld, tx=1, q=1)
     curSel = cmds.ls(sl=1,fl=1)
     for sel in curSel:
         for uset in cmds.polyUVSet(sel,auv=1,q=1):
             if uset == setName:
def make_scene():
    cmds.file(new=True, f=True)
    cmds.polyPlane(w=1, sw=2, h=1, sh=1, name="square")
    cmds.polyUVSet(create=True, uvSet="map2")
    cmds.polyUVSet(copy=True, uvSet="map1", newUVSet="map2")
    mel.eval("displayStyle -textured;")
    mel.eval("displayStyle -wireframeOnShaded;")
    cmds.file(type="mayaAscii", save=True)
Exemple #13
 def rename_uvset(mesh, original, newname):
     except RuntimeError:
         cls.log.error("Mesh '%s' UVSet '%s' cannot be renamed." %
                       (mesh, original))
Exemple #14
 def replaceLightMap(self, none):
     self.currentMapCheck = cmds.optionMenuGrp(self.uvSetChoice, q=True, v=True)
     if self.inputLightmap == self.currentMapCheck:
         OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError("Can't overwrite uv set of the same name.")
         OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayInfo("Lightmap '" + self.inputLightmap + "' exists, overwriting")
         cmds.polyUVSet(self.selFace, uvs=self.inputLightmap, d=True)        #delete lightmap if already exists
Exemple #15
def Delete_UvsetApply():
    renamecheckbox = cmds.checkBox('rm_cbox_UI', q=1, v=1)
    SelectObjects = cmds.ls(sl=1, l=1)
    if SelectObjects:
        for item in SelectObjects:
            firstUvSet = cmds.getAttr(item + '.uvSet[0].uvSetName')
            cmds.polyCopyUV(item, uvs=firstUvSet)
            for uvset in cmds.polyUVSet(q=1, auv=1):
                if uvset != firstUvSet:
                    cmds.polyUVSet(item, d=1, uvs=uvset)
            if renamecheckbox:
                cmds.polyUVSet(e=1, rn=1, uvs=firstUvSet, nuv="map1")
Exemple #16
    def tryMakeUVSet(self, inNode, inName):

        sets = cmds.polyUVSet(inNode.mNode, q=True, auv=True)

        # We need a source UV set to copy from
        if sets is None:
            raise Exception('%s has no sets' % inNode.mNode)

        if inName not in sets:
            cmds.polyUVSet(inNode.mNode, create=True, uvSet=inName)
        cmds.polyCopyUV(inNode.mNode, uvi=sets[0], uvs=inName)
Exemple #17
def cleanUvSets():
    shapes = cmds.ls(type='mesh')
    for s in shapes:
        indices = cmds.polyUVSet(s, q=True, allUVSetsIndices=True)
        garbage = []
        for i in indices:
            setname = cmds.getAttr(s + '.uvSet[%d].uvSetName' % i)
            if setname != 'map1':
        for g in garbage:
            cmds.polyUVSet(s, delete=True, uvSet=g)
            print('[%s] Deleting %s' % (s, g))
Exemple #18
def skinAs(source=None, target=None, sel=True):
    copies across the skin cluster and weights from a source mesh to a target mesh
    can work on selection - ensure that source is selected first, followed by target mesh
    if sel:
        source, target = cmds.ls(sl=True, l=True)
    elif not cmds.objExists(source) and not cmds.objExists(target):
        print "No valid geometry selected - try again"
        return False

    source_shp = cmds.listRelatives(source, s=True, ni=True)
    target_shp = cmds.listRelatives(target, s=True, ni=True)

    # find the skin cluster on the mesh
    his = cmds.listHistory(source_shp, pdo=True)
    skin = False
    for node in his:
        if cmds.nodeType(node) == "skinCluster":
            skin = node

#    skin = cmds.listConnections(source_shp, type="skinCluster" )
    if skin:
        joints = cmds.skinCluster(skin, q=True, inf=True)
        print "source mesh does not have a skinCluster to copy"
        return False

    if joints and source_shp and target_shp:
        new_skin = cmds.skinCluster(joints, target, tsb=True, sm=1, nw=1)
        source_UV = cmds.polyUVSet(source, q=True, auv=True)
        target_UV = cmds.polyUVSet(target, q=True, auv=True)
        if source_UV == target_UV:
            # if UV sets match, copy across using the UV maps - get a better result for transfer from low to high res meshes
                                 uv=[source_UV[0], target_UV[0]])
            # else do a standard weight copy
        print "skin weights copied from %s to %s" % (source, target)
        return True
        print "copying skin weights failed - check your source and target mesh selections"
        return False
Exemple #19
    def _repair_mesh(cls, mesh):
        """Process a single mesh, deleting other UV sets than the active one.

        Keep only current UV set and ensure it's the default 'map1'

        from maya import cmds

        uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
        current = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, currentUVSet=True)[0]

        # Copy over to map1
        if current != 'map1':
            cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, uvSet=current, newUVSet='map1', copy=True)
            cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, currentUVSet=True, uvSet='map1')
            current = 'map1'

        # Delete all non-current UV sets
        deleteUVSets = [uvSet for uvSet in uvSets if uvSet != current]
        uvSet = None

        # Maya Bug (tested in 2015/2016):
        # In some cases the API's MFnMesh will report less UV sets
        # than maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
        # This seems to happen when the deletion of UV sets has not
        # triggered a cleanup of the UVSet array
        # attribute on the mesh node. It will still have extra
        # entries in the attribute, though it will not
        # show up in API or UI. Nevertheless it does show up in
        # maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
        # To ensure we clean up the array we'll force delete the
        # extra remaining 'indices' that we don't want.

        # TODO: Implement a better fix
        # The best way to fix would be to get the UVSet
        # indices from api with MFnMesh (to ensure we keep
        # correct ones) and then only force delete the other
        # entries in the array attribute on the node.
        # But for now we're deleting all entries except first
        # one. Note that the first entry could never
        # be removed (the default 'map1' always exists and is
        # supposed to be undeletable.)
            for uvSet in deleteUVSets:
                cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, delete=True, uvSet=uvSet)
        except RuntimeError, e:
            cls.log.warning('uvSet: {0} - ' 'Error: {1}'.format(uvSet, e))

            indices = cmds.getAttr('{0}.uvSet'.format(mesh), multiIndices=True)
            if not indices:
                    "No uv set found indices for: {0}".format(mesh))

            # Delete from end to avoid shifting indices
            # and remove the indices in the attribute
            indices = reversed(indices[1:])
            for i in indices:
                attr = '{0}.uvSet[{1}]'.format(mesh, i)
                cmds.removeMultiInstance(attr, b=True)
Exemple #20
    def uv_sets(self, fix):
        First line.


        problems = False
        details = False

        # lists all the mesh type objects
        objects = cmds.ls(type='mesh')
        objects_len = len(objects)

        if objects_len:
            for o in objects:
                # checks if there are more than one UV set
                uv_set = cmds.polyUVSet(o, q=1, auv=1)
                uv_set_len = len(uv_set)
                if not details:
                    details = True
                    self.details.append("UV set problems")
                self.details.append("\t" + str(o))
                if uv_set_len > 1:
                    if not fix:
                        problems = True
                        # deletes all the extra UV sets
                        for current_set in uv_set:
                            original_uv_set = cmds.polyUVSet(o, q=1, cuv=1)
                            cmds.polyUVSet(o, cuv=1, uvs=current_set)
                            converted_uvset = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(
                                o + '.vtx[0]', fv=1, tuv=1)
                            cmds.polyUVSet(o, cuv=1, uvs=original_uv_set[0])
                            if current_set != uv_set[0]:
                                if converted_uvset:
                                cmds.polyUVSet(o, d=1, uvs=current_set)
                        if uv_set[0] != 'map1':
                            cmds.polyUVSet(o, uvs=uv_set[0], rn=1, nuv='map1')

        if problems:
            if fix:
                self.posible_fix.append("UV sets fixed")
                self.posible_fix.append("UV sets problems")
            self.posible_fix.append("UV sets clear")
def uvsetTgl():
    shape_node = cmds.ls(sl=True, fl=True, dag=True, type='shape')
    current_uvset = cmds.polyUVSet(shape_node[0],q=True, currentUVSet=True)
    for shape in shape_node:
        uvsets = cmds.polyUVSet(shape,q=True,auv=True)
        if "map1" and "atlasUV" in uvsets:
            if current_uvset[0] == 'map1':
                cmds.polyUVSet(shape, currentUVSet=True, uvSet="atlasUV")
            elif current_uvset[0] == 'atlasUV':
                cmds.polyUVSet(shape, currentUVSet=True, uvSet="map1")
                cmds.polyUVSet(shape, currentUVSet=True, uvSet="map1")
        elif "map1" in uvsets and "atlasUV" not in uvsets:
            cmds.polyUVSet(shape, currentUVSet=True, uvSet="map1")
	def __init__( self, face ):
		This class will contain 3 Vertex Class (triangle) and the winding order
		self.name = face
		# Face ID
		self.faceID  = self.getFaceID()
		self.vertex = []
		self.numOfVertex = len(self.vertex)
		# Remember the order of these vertex line up with the Vertex Object held in
		# self.vertex
		self.windingOrder = PolyFace.findWindingOrder(self.name)
		self.vertexCoords = []
		# This will be according to the face we're currently recording.
		self.normals = []
		self.vtxFaceNames = self.getNormals()
		# http://xyz2.net/mel/mel.005.htm
		self.uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(self.name, query=True, allUVSets=True)
		self.uvs = {}
Exemple #23
def getUvShelList(name):
    selList = om.MSelectionList()
    selListIter = om.MItSelectionList(selList, om.MFn.kMesh)
    pathToShape = om.MDagPath()
    meshNode = pathToShape.fullPathName()
    uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(meshNode, query=True, allUVSets=True)
    allSets = []
    for uvset in uvSets:
        shapeFn = om.MFnMesh(pathToShape)
        shells = om.MScriptUtil()
        # shellsPtr = shells.asUintPtr()
        nbUvShells = shells.asUintPtr()

        uArray = om.MFloatArray()  # array for U coords
        vArray = om.MFloatArray()  # array for V coords
        uvShellIds = om.MIntArray()  # The container for the uv shell Ids

        shapeFn.getUVs(uArray, vArray)
        shapeFn.getUvShellsIds(uvShellIds, nbUvShells, uvset)

        # shellCount = shells.getUint(shellsPtr)
        shells = {}
        for i, n in enumerate(uvShellIds):
            if n in shells:
                # shells[n].append([uArray[i],vArray[i]])
                shells[n].append('%s.map[%i]' % (name, i))
                # shells[n] = [[uArray[i],vArray[i]]]
                shells[n] = ['%s.map[%i]' % (name, i)]
        allSets.append({uvset: shells})
    return allSets
    def __init__(self, face):
		This class will contain 3 Vertex Class (triangle) and the winding order
        self.name = face
        # Face ID
        self.faceID = self.getFaceID()
        self.vertex = []

        self.numOfVertex = len(self.vertex)
        # Remember the order of these vertex line up with the Vertex Object held in
        # self.vertex
        self.windingOrder = PolyFace.findWindingOrder(self.name)

        self.vertexCoords = []

        # This will be according to the face we're currently recording.
        self.normals = []
        self.vtxFaceNames = self.getNormals()

        # http://xyz2.net/mel/mel.005.htm

        self.uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(self.name, query=True, allUVSets=True)
        self.uvs = {}
Exemple #25
def getMoreThanOneUVSet():
    kMesh = cc.ls(type='mesh', l=1)
    kMoreThanOneUVSet = []
    for i in kMesh:
        kUVSets = cc.polyUVSet(i, query=True, allUVSets=1)
        if len(kUVSets) > 1:
    return kMoreThanOneUVSet
Exemple #26
def wt02(objectList, searchPattern):

    if str(type(objectList)) == "<type 'str'>" or str(
            type(objectList)) == "<type 'unicode'>":
        objectList = [objectList]

    for tfNode in objectList:
        if cmds.listRelatives(tfNode, shapes=True, type='mesh',
                              f=True) is not None:
            for uvSet in cmds.polyUVSet(tfNode, q=True, allUVSets=True):
                if re.search(searchPattern, uvSet):
                    cmds.polyUVSet(tfNode, delete=True, uvSet=uvSet)
Exemple #27
def deleteUVSet(objectList, searchPattern):

    if str(type(objectList)) == "<type 'str'>" or str(
            type(objectList)) == "<type 'unicode'>":
        objectList = [objectList]

    for tfNode in objectList:
        if cmds.listRelatives(tfNode, shapes=True, type='mesh',
                              f=True) is not None:
            for uvSet in cmds.polyUVSet(tfNode, q=True, allUVSets=True):
                if re.search(searchPattern, uvSet):
                    cmds.polyUVSet(tfNode, delete=True, uvSet=uvSet)
def setmesh(nodename):

    exts = getnames()
    va, na, pa, uva = exts
    nva, nna, npa, nuva = [nodename+"."+ext for ext in exts]

    # Vertices first.
    vl = cmds.xform(nodename+'.vtx[:]', q=True, os=True, t=True)
    cmds.addAttr(longName=va, dt="string")
    cmds.setAttr(nva, str(vl), type="string")

    # Polygons (called faces in Maya).
    pcnt = cmds.polyEvaluate(f=True)
    cmds.addAttr(longName=pa, dt="string")
    pll = []
    for x in range(pcnt):
        fvl = cmds.polyInfo(nodename+".f[%i]" % x, faceToVertex=True)
        p = fvl[0].split()[2:]
        pll += ["[" + ",".join(p) + "]"]
    pll = "[" + ",".join(pll) + "]"
    cmds.setAttr(npa, pll, type="string")
    pl = eval(pll)

    # Normals and UVs (needs polygons).
    nll = []
    # UVs are only used if user has set a non-default UV-set
    # name (use right-click menu).
    hasUv = (cmds.polyUVSet(q=True, allUVSets=True) != ['map1'])
    uvcnt = 0
    #print("Set is: "+str(cmds.polyUVSet(q=True, allUVSets=True)))
    cmds.addAttr(longName=na, dt="string")
    if hasUv:
        cmds.addAttr(longName=uva, dt="string")
        uvll = []
    for polyidx in range(pcnt):
        poly = pl[polyidx]
        for vtxidx in poly:
            sel = nodename+".vtxFace["+str(vtxidx)+"]["+str(polyidx)+"]"
            n = cmds.polyNormalPerVertex(q=True, xyz=True);
            nll += n
            if hasUv:
                uv_names = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(fromVertexFace=True, toUV=True)
                if uv_names:
                    uv_name = uv_names[0]
                    uv = cmds.polyEditUV(q=True)
                    uvll += uv
                    uvcnt += 1
    #print "Normals: "+str(nll)
    cmds.setAttr(nna, str(nll), type='string')
    if hasUv:
        #print "UVs: "+str(uvll)
        cmds.setAttr(nuva, str(uvll), type='string')

    return (1, len(vl)/3+len(pl)+len(nll)/3+uvcnt)
Exemple #29
 def deleteUV(self):
     # print(self.uvSetAll)
     # print(self.uvSetAll)
     if len(self.uvSetAll) > 1 and self.delUVFlag:  # UVセットが複数あったら削除処理
                        currentUVSet=True)  # カレントを1に
         dummy = common.TemporaryReparent().main(mode="create")
         for var in range(1, len(self.uvSetAll)):
             # print(self.uvSetAll[var])
             # tempUV = cmds.polyUVSet(self.mesh, q=True, allUVSets=True)
             # for uv in tempUV:
             # print(u'UV名確認用 : '+str(uv))
             if self.uvSetAll[var] == self.currentSet[0]:
                 # 親子付けしたまま親のノードを処理するとなぜかUVSet名で処理できないので退避しておく
                 # カレントUVを1番目にコピー
                 # 親子付けを戻す
             if self.uvSetAll[var].split(".")[-1] in self.exclusion:
                 print("Skip UV in Exclusion List :", self.uvSetAll[var])
             # 最初のUVセット以外は削除
                 print("Delete UV Set : " + self.mesh + "." +
                 print("Delete UV Set Error : " + self.mesh + "." +
                       self.uvSetAll[var] + " is not exsist\n" +
                       "Skip this mesh object")
         # ダミー削除
         common.TemporaryReparent().main(dummyParent=dummy, mode="delete")
         # ヒストリ削除
         cmds.bakePartialHistory(self.shapes, ppt=True)
Exemple #30
 def __init__(self):
     self.lightmap = "Lightmap"
     for self.sel in selection:
         print "test"
         faceCount = cmds.polyEvaluate(self.sel, face=True)
         self.selFace = self.sel + ".f[0:"+str(faceCount)+"]"
         self.uvList = cmds.polyUVSet(self.selFace, q=True, auv=True)
	def getAllUVsCoords( vertex ):
		uvSets = Vertex.getUVSets(vertex)
		currUVSet = cmds.polyUVSet( vertex, q=True, currentUVSet=True )[0]

		totalUVs = []
		for uvSet in uvSets:
			# Set uv to this current uvSet. 
			cmds.polyUVSet( vertex, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=uvSet ) 			
			# getting a list of the coords
			uvCoords = Vertex.getCurrentCoords( vertex )
		# Returns the current set back to its orginal
		cmds.polyUVSet( vertex, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=currUVSet)	
		return totalUVs
    def get_invalid(instance):

        meshes = cmds.ls(instance, type='mesh', long=True)

        invalid = []
        for mesh in meshes:

            # Get existing mapping of uv sets by index
            indices = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSetsIndices=True)
            maps = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
            mapping = dict(zip(indices, maps))

            # Get the uv set at index zero.
            name = mapping[0]
            if name != "map1":

        return invalid
Exemple #33
def setCurrentUVSet(objectList, matchPattern):

    if str(type(objectList)) == "<type 'str'>" or str(
            type(objectList)) == "<type 'unicode'>":
        objectList = [objectList]

    for tfNode in objectList:
        if cmds.listRelatives(tfNode, shapes=True, type='mesh',
                              f=True) is not None:
            for uvSet in cmds.polyUVSet(tfNode, q=True, allUVSets=True):
                if re.search(matchPattern, uvSet):
                    cmds.polyUVSet(tfNode, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=uvSet)
    def getAllUVsCoords(vertex):

        uvSets = Vertex.getUVSets(vertex)
        currUVSet = cmds.polyUVSet(vertex, q=True, currentUVSet=True)[0]

        totalUVs = []
        for uvSet in uvSets:
            # Set uv to this current uvSet.
            cmds.polyUVSet(vertex, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=uvSet)

            # getting a list of the coords
            uvCoords = Vertex.getCurrentCoords(vertex)

        # Returns the current set back to its orginal
        cmds.polyUVSet(vertex, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=currUVSet)

        return totalUVs
Exemple #35
def wt01(objectList, matchPattern):

    if str(type(objectList)) == "<type 'str'>" or str(
            type(objectList)) == "<type 'unicode'>":
        objectList = [objectList]

    for tfNode in objectList:
        if cmds.listRelatives(tfNode, shapes=True, type='mesh',
                              f=True) is not None:
            for uvSet in cmds.polyUVSet(tfNode, q=True, allUVSets=True):
                if re.search(matchPattern, uvSet):
                    cmds.polyUVSet(tfNode, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=uvSet)
Exemple #36
    def listEmptyUvsObjs(self, *args):
        cmds.textScrollList("w15_uiEmptyUVS", e=True, removeAll=True)

        objs = cmds.ls(sl=True)
        emptyUVS = [
            obj for obj in objs
            if not cmds.polyUVSet(obj, q=True, allUVSets=True)
            or not cmds.polyEvaluate(obj, uvcoord=True)
        cmds.textScrollList("w15_uiEmptyUVS", e=True, append=emptyUVS)
Exemple #37
    def fix_invalid(cls, instance):
        """Rename uv map at index zero to map1"""
        from maya import cmds

        def rename_uvset(mesh, original, newname):
            except RuntimeError:
                cls.log.error("Mesh '%s' UVSet '%s' cannot be renamed." %
                              (mesh, original))

        for mesh in cls.get_invalid(instance):

            # Get existing mapping of uv sets by index
            indices = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSetsIndices=True)
            maps = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
            mapping = dict(zip(indices, maps))

            # Ensure there is no uv set named map1 to avoid
            # a clash on renaming the "default uv set" to map1
            existing = set(maps)
            if "map1" in existing:

                # Find a unique name index
                i = 2
                while True:
                    name = "map{0}".format(i)
                    if name not in existing:
                    i += 1

                    "Renaming clashing uv set name on mesh"
                    " %s to '%s'", mesh, name)

                rename_uvset(mesh, "map1", name)

            # Rename the initial index to map1
            original = mapping[0]
            rename_uvset(mesh, original, "map1")
Exemple #38
    def repair(self, instance):
        """Keep only current UV set and ensure it's the default 'map1'"""
        meshes = cmds.ls(instance, type='mesh', long=True)
        for mesh in meshes:
            uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
            currentUVSet = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True,
            if len(uvSets) != 1:

                # Copy over to map1
                if currentUVSet != 'map1':
                    cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, currentUVSet=True, uvSet='map1')
                    currentUVSet = 'map1'

                # Delete all non-current UV sets
                deleteUVSets = [
                    uvSet for uvSet in uvSets if uvSet != currentUVSet
                uvSet = None

                # Maya Bug (present in 2015; not sure if also earlier):
                # In some cases the API's MFnMesh will report less UV sets than maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
                # This seems to happen when the deletion of UV sets has not triggered a cleanup of the UVSet array
                # attribute on the mesh node. It will still have extra entries in the attribute, though it will not
                # show up in API or UI. Nevertheless it does show up in maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
                # To ensure we clean up the array we'll force delete the extra remaining 'indices' that we don't want.

                # TODO: Implement a better fix
                # ----- The best way to fix would be to get the UVSet indices from api with MFnMesh (to ensure we keep
                # ----- correct ones) and then only force delete the other entries in the array attribute on the node.
                # ----- But for now we're deleting all entries except first one. Note that the first entry could never
                # ----- be removed (the default 'map1' always exists and is supposed to be undeletable.)
                    for uvSet in deleteUVSets:
                        cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, delete=True, uvSet=uvSet)
                except RuntimeError, e:
                    print 'uvSet: {0} - Error: {1}'.format(
                        uvSet, e)  # print the error
                    indices = cmds.getAttr('{0}.uvSet'.format(mesh),
                    indices = reversed(
                    )  # delete from end to avoid shifting indices :)
                    it = iter(indices)
                    next(it)  # skip first
                    for i in it:
                            mesh, i),
    def process(self, instance):
        """Process all the nodes in the instance 'objectSet'"""
        meshes = cmds.ls(instance, type='mesh', long=True)

        invalid = []
        for mesh in meshes:
            uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
            if len(uvSets) != 1:
        if invalid:
            raise ValueError("Nodes found with multiple UV sets: {0}".format(invalid))
Exemple #40
def removeExtraUVSets():
	from maya.cmds import polyUVSet, polyCopyUV
	import ezLib.transform
	mts = ezLib.transform.get(shape='mesh')
	for m in mts:
		uvSets = polyUVSet(m, q=1, allUVSets=1)
		for i in range(1,len(uvSets)):
			# for each set other than the 1st: set it, copy to 1st, delete it
			polyUVSet(m, currentUVSet=1, uvSet=uvSets[i])
			polyCopyUV(m + '.map[*]', uvSetNameInput=uvSets[i], uvSetName=uvSets[0])
			polyUVSet(m, uvSet=uvSets[i], delete=1)
# copy vertexColorsWithoutTransferNode
#obj = ls(sl=1, tr=1)
#vtxs = ls(obj[0] + '.vtx[*]', fl=1)
#for v in vtxs:
#    vtx = '.' + v.split('.')[1]
#    rgb = polyColorPerVertex(obj[0] + vtx, q=1, rgb=1) 
#    a = polyColorPerVertex(obj[0] + vtx, q=1, a=1)[0]
#    polyColorPerVertex(obj[1] + vtx, a=a, rgb=rgb)
	def getUVs(self):
		# Getting current uvset
		currUVSet = cmds.polyUVSet( self.name, q=True, currentUVSet=True )[0]
		for i, uvSet in enumerate(self.uvSets):
			self.uvs[uvSet] = []
			# Setting uvSet temp
			cmds.polyUVSet( self.name, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=uvSet )
			# Get uv maps
			uvMaps = cmds.polyListComponentConversion( self.name, ff=1, tuv=1 )
			if( uvMaps ):
				uvMaps = cmds.filterExpand( uvMaps, expand=True, sm=35 )	
				# Check to make sure there are uv's on this face.				
				for uvMap in uvMaps:
					# Get my uvValues 
					uvCoords = cmds.polyEditUV( uvMap, q=True )
		# Returning to orginal uvSet	
		cmds.polyUVSet( self.name, currentUVSet=True, uvSet=currUVSet)	
Exemple #42
def shadeUVShells():

    uvSet = 'map1'
    data = []
    shellDict = {}
    goldenRatio = 0.618033988749895 # use golden ratio

    selList = om.MSelectionList()
    om.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList( selList )
    selListIter = om.MItSelectionList( selList, om.MFn.kMesh )
    uvShellArray = om.MIntArray()

    while not selListIter.isDone():
        pathToShape = om.MDagPath()
        meshNode = pathToShape.fullPathName()

        uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet( meshNode, query=True, allUVSets =True )

        if (uvSet in uvSets):
            shapeFn = om.MFnMesh(pathToShape)
            shells = om.MScriptUtil()
            shellsPtr = shells.asUintPtr()
            shapeFn.getUvShellsIds(uvShellArray, shellsPtr, uvSet)

        # Convert uvShellArray
        for index, value in enumerate(uvShellArray):

        # Assign shaders
        for index, value in shellDict.iteritems():
            shaderNode = cmds.shadingNode( 'surfaceShader', asShader=True )
            faceShell = cmds.polyListComponentConversion( [('%s.map[%s]' % ( meshNode, u )) for u in value ], toFace=True )
            cmds.select( faceShell )
            cmds.hyperShade( assign=shaderNode )

            hue = random.random()
            hue += goldenRatio
            hue %= 1

            rgbColor = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, random.uniform(0.8, 1), random.uniform(0.8, 1))
            cmds.setAttr( shaderNode + ".outColor", *rgbColor, type="double3" )


 def __init__(self):
     self.lightmap = "Lightmap"
     self.shellSpacingSlider = "shellSpacingSlider"
     self.spacingPresets = ["Custom", "2048 Map", "1024 Map", "512 Map", "256 Map", "128 Map", "64 Map", "32 Map"]
     self.spacingPresetValues = [3.2, .05, .1, .2, .4, .8, 1.6, 3.2]
     self.presetSelect = "presetSelect" 
     for self.sel in selection:
         print "test"
         faceCount = cmds.polyEvaluate(self.sel, face=True)
         self.selFace = self.sel + ".f[0:"+str(faceCount)+"]"
         self.uvList = cmds.polyUVSet(self.selFace, q=True, auv=True)
def makeSeamless(meshName):
	"""Makes a supplied mesh "seamless" in Unity by deleting its UV coordinates, smoothing normals, triangulating, and clearing material assignments"""
	# clear uvs so there are no seams or tangents
	uvs = cmds.polyUVSet(meshName, q=True, auv=True)
	for uv in uvs:
		try: cmds.polyUVSet(meshName, e=True, uvSet=uv, delete=True)
		except: pass
	uvSet = cmds.polyUVSet(meshName, q=True, auv=True)[0]
	sel = om.MSelectionList()
	dagPath = om.MDagPath()
	sel.getDagPath(0, dagPath)
	fn = om.MFnMesh(dagPath)
	# smooth normals so there are no normal separations
	cmds.polySoftEdge(meshName, a=180, ch=True)
	# triangulate geometry
	# apply a single material so there are no submesh separations
	cmds.sets(meshName, e=True, forceElement='initialShadingGroup')
	# delete all history
	cmds.delete(meshName, ch=True)
def deleteEmptyUVSets():
    Function to remove empty uv's
    getMeshes = cmds.ls(type = 'mesh', l = True)
    emptyExists = False

    if getMeshes:
        for eachMesh in getMeshes:
            selectionList = om.MSelectionList()
            nodeDagPath = selectionList.getDagPath(0)
            shapeFn = om.MFnMesh(nodeDagPath)
            ## Now fetch data from shapeFn
            shapeName = shapeFn.name()
            currentUVSets = shapeFn.getUVSetNames()

            validUVSets = []
            getFaceCount = shapeFn.numPolygons

                [[validUVSets.extend([eachUVset]) for eachUVset in shapeFn.getFaceUVSetNames(x) if
                  eachUVset not in validUVSets] for x in range(0, getFaceCount)]
                uvsets = None

            for eachUVSet in currentUVSets:
                if eachUVSet not in validUVSets:
                    logger.info('Removing empty UVSet %s from %s' % (eachUVSet, eachMesh))
                    cmds.select(eachMesh, r = True)
                        cmds.polyUVSet(delete = True, uvSet = eachUVSet)
                        emptyExists = True
                        cmds.warning('Failed to empty uv set %s of %s...' % (eachUVSet, eachMesh))
    if emptyExists:
        cmds.headsUpMessage('YOU HAD EMPTY UV SETS CLEANED UP!!', time = 3)
def deleteEmptyUVSets():
	Function to remove empty uv's
	getMeshes = cmds.ls(type = 'mesh', l = True)
	emptyExists = False
	if getMeshes:
		for eachMesh in getMeshes:
			selectionList    = om.MSelectionList()
			nodeDagPath      = selectionList.getDagPath(0)
			shapeFn          = om.MFnMesh(nodeDagPath)
			## Now fetch data from shapeFn
			shapeName        = shapeFn.name()
			#debug(None, method = 'uv_getUVs.getUVs', message = '{0:<10}{1}'.format('shapeName:',  shapeName), verbose = False)
			currentUVSets    = shapeFn.getUVSetNames()
			#debug(None, method = 'uv_getUVs._getUVSets', message = 'Fetching uvsets now..', verbose = False)
			validUVSets      = []
			getFaceCount     = shapeFn.numPolygons

				[[validUVSets.extend([eachUVset]) for eachUVset in shapeFn.getFaceUVSetNames(x) if eachUVset not in validUVSets] for x in range(0, getFaceCount) ]
				uvsets = None

			for eachUVSet in currentUVSets:
				if eachUVSet not in validUVSets:
					print 'Removing empty UVSet %s from %s' % (eachUVSet, eachMesh)
					cmds.select(eachMesh, r = True)
						cmds.polyUVSet(delete = True, uvSet = eachUVSet)
						emptyExists = True
						cmds.warning('Failed to empty uv set %s of %s...' % (eachUVSet, eachMesh))
	if emptyExists:
def searchUVSet(mesh_list, multiple_UV_set, not_UV_set):    
    # get mesh list    
    for mesh in mesh_list:
        uvset_list = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
        uvset_count = len(uvset_list)
        if uvset_count == 1:
        # Multiple UVSet
        elif uvset_count > 1:
            uvname_list = []
            for uvset_name in uvset_list:
            multiple_UV_set.update({mesh: uvname_list})
        # Not has UVSet
        elif uvset_count == 0:
Exemple #48
def validateUVs(mesh):
	# Initiate check
	check = 0
	# Get meshFn
	meshFn = glTools.utils.mesh.getMeshFn(mesh)
	# Get UV Sets
	uvSetList = mc.polyUVSet(mesh,q=True,allUVSets=True)
	if not uvSetList:
		print('No UV Set : '+mesh)
		check += 1
	for uvSet in uvSetList:
		# Get UV values
		uArray = OpenMaya.MFloatArray()
		vArray = OpenMaya.MFloatArray()
		# Check empty UV set
		if not uArray.length() and not vArray.length():
			print('Empty UV Set : '+mesh+' - '+uvSet)
			check += 1
		# Check U values
		for i in range(uArray.length()):
			if math.isnan(uArray[i]):
				print('Found NaN : '+mesh+'.uv['+str(i)+']')
				check += 1
			if math.isinf(uArray[i]):
				print('Found INF : '+mesh+'.uv['+str(i)+']')
				check += 1
		# Check V values
		for i in range(vArray.length()):
			if math.isnan(vArray[i]):
				print('Found NaN : '+mesh+'.uv['+str(i)+']')
				check += 1
			if math.isinf(vArray[i]):
				print('Found INF : '+mesh+'.uv['+str(i)+']')
				check += 1
	# Return result
	return check
Exemple #49
def checkUvShells(meshList=[], faceCountTol=1):
	Check number of UV shells compared to the mesh face count.
	Returns a list of mesh objects that have as many UV shells as faces.
	@param meshList: List of meshes to check for UV shells. If empty, check all mesh objects in the scene.
	@type meshList: list
	@param faceCountTol: Only consider mesh objects that have a face count greater this number.
	@type faceCountTol: int
    # Check meshList
    meshList = getMeshList(meshList)
    if not meshList:
        return []

    # Check Multiple UV Sets
    meshUVshells = []
    for mesh in meshList:

        # Shapes
        meshShapes = mc.listRelatives(mesh, s=True, ni=True, pa=True)
        if not meshShapes:
        for meshShape in meshShapes:

            # Get Face Count
            faceCount = mc.polyEvaluate(meshShape, f=True)
            if faceCount <= faceCountTol:

            # Get UV Sets
            uvSets = mc.polyUVSet(meshShape, q=True, allUVSets=True)
            if not uvSets:

            # For Each UV Set
            for uvSet in uvSets:

                # Get Num UV Shells
                UVshells = glTools.utils.mesh.numUvShells(meshShape, uvSet=uvSet)
                if UVshells == faceCount:

                # Return Result
    return meshUVshells
    def get_invalid(instance):
        from maya import cmds

        meshes = cmds.ls(instance, type='mesh', long=True)

        invalid = []
        for mesh in meshes:
            uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, 
                                    allUVSets=True) or []

            # ensure unique (sometimes maya will list 'map1' twice)
            uvSets = set(uvSets)    

            if len(uvSets) != 1:

        return invalid
Exemple #51
def checkMissingUVsets(meshList=[]):
    Check missing UV sets for each specified mesh
    @param meshList: List of meshes to check for UV sets. If empty, check all mesh objects in the scene.
    @type meshList: list
    # Check meshList
    meshList = getMeshList(meshList)
    if not meshList: return []

    # Check Missing UV Sets
    missingUVsets = []
    for mesh in meshList:
        UVsets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, q=True, allUVSets=True)
        if not UVsets: missingUVsets.append(mesh)

    # Return Result
    return missingUVsets
    def repair(self, instance):
        """Keep only current UV set and ensure it's the default 'map1'"""
        meshes = cmds.ls(instance, type='mesh', long=True)
        for mesh in meshes:
            uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, allUVSets=True)
            currentUVSet = cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, query=True, currentUVSet=True)[0]
            if len(uvSets) != 1:
                # Copy over to map1
                if currentUVSet != 'map1':
                    cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, uvSet=currentUVSet, newUVSet='map1', copy=True)
                    cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, currentUVSet=True, uvSet='map1')
                    currentUVSet = 'map1'
                # Delete all non-current UV sets
                deleteUVSets = [uvSet for uvSet in uvSets if uvSet != currentUVSet]
                uvSet = None

                # Maya Bug (present in 2015; not sure if also earlier):
                # In some cases the API's MFnMesh will report less UV sets than maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
                # This seems to happen when the deletion of UV sets has not triggered a cleanup of the UVSet array
                # attribute on the mesh node. It will still have extra entries in the attribute, though it will not
                # show up in API or UI. Nevertheless it does show up in maya.cmds.polyUVSet.
                # To ensure we clean up the array we'll force delete the extra remaining 'indices' that we don't want.

                # TODO: Implement a better fix
                # ----- The best way to fix would be to get the UVSet indices from api with MFnMesh (to ensure we keep
                # ----- correct ones) and then only force delete the other entries in the array attribute on the node.
                # ----- But for now we're deleting all entries except first one. Note that the first entry could never
                # ----- be removed (the default 'map1' always exists and is supposed to be undeletable.)
                    for uvSet in deleteUVSets:
                        cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, delete=True, uvSet=uvSet)
                except RuntimeError, e:
                    print 'uvSet: {0} - Error: {1}'.format(uvSet, e) # print the error
                    indices = cmds.getAttr('{0}.uvSet'.format(mesh), multiIndices=True)
                    indices = reversed(indices) # delete from end to avoid shifting indices :)
                    it = iter(indices)
                    next(it) # skip first
                    for i in it:
                        cmds.removeMultiInstance('{0}.uvSet[{1}]'.format(mesh, i), b=True) 
def _fixUVNames():
    used to cleanup map renames as the behind the scenes maya uvSetName doens't change when using the rename i
    in the maya uv editor.. gg maya!!!
    for eachMesh in cmds.ls(type = 'mesh'):
        getParent = cmds.listRelatives(eachMesh, parent = True)[0]
        fullPathToParent = cmds.ls(getParent, l = True)[0]
        selectionList = om.MSelectionList()
        nodeDagPath = selectionList.getDagPath(0)
        shapeFn = om.MFnMesh(nodeDagPath)
        ## Now fetch data from shapeFn
            shapeName = shapeFn.name()
            currentUVSets = shapeFn.getUVSetNames()
            originalSize = len(currentUVSets)

            for x, each in enumerate(currentUVSets):
                cmds.setAttr('%s.uvSet[%s].uvSetName' % (getParent, x), each, type = 'string')
                uvDict = {}
                uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(getParent, allUVSets = True, query = True)
                uvSetIds = cmds.polyUVSet(getParent, allUVSetsIndices = True, query = True)
                for i, uv in enumerate(uvSets):
                    uvDict.setdefault(uv, [])

                if len(uvSets) > originalSize:
                    if len(uvDict[each]) > 1:
                        cmds.polyUVSet(getParent, uvSet = each, rename = True, newUVSet = '%s_temp' % each)
                        textureLink = cmds.uvLink(uvSet = '%s.uvSet[%s].uvSetName' % (getParent, uvDict[each][-1]),
                                                  query = True)

                        if textureLink:
                            [cmds.uvLink(uvSet = '%s.uvSet[%s].uvSetName' % (getParent, x), texture = tex) for tex in

                        cmds.polyUVSet(getParent, uvSet = each, delete = True)
                        cmds.polyUVSet(getParent, uvSet = '%s_temp' % each, rename = True, newUVSet = each)
        except RuntimeError:
            logger.warning('Failed to process "%s", probably corrupted mesh, skipping...' % eachMesh)
def	bake_texture_range_v001	(	_resXY	):
	# get shape from selection to get texture later
	_geo		=	cmds.ls			(selection		=	True)[0]
	_shape		=	cmds.pickWalk	(direction		=	'down')[0]
	_scene		=	Scene()
	_path		=	_scene.project	+	'sourceImages/'	+	_scene.name	+	'_textureBake/'
	# get texture from geo from shading group connections
	_shadingGroup	= cmds.listConnections	(_shape			+	'.instObjGroups[0]',	source		=	True)[0]
	_shader			= cmds.listConnections	(_shadingGroup	+	'.surfaceShader',		destination	=	True)[0]
	if	cmds.nodeType	(_shader)	==	'surfaceShader':
		_texture	=	cmds.listConnections	(_shader	+	'.outColor',	destination	=	True)[0]
		_texture	=	cmds.listConnections	(_shader	+	'.color',		destination	=	True)[0]
	# get the current UV set to bake into
	_UVset			=	cmds.polyUVSet		(_geo,	query	=	True,	currentUVSet	=	True)[0]
	_bakeRange		=	_scene.animationEndFrame	-	_scene.animationStartFrame	+	1
	if	not	os.path.isdir	(_path):
		os.mkdir	(_path)
	# bake textures in frame range
	for	_k	in	range	(_bakeRange):
		_currentFrame	=	int	(cmds.currentTime	(_k	+	_scene.animationStartFrame)	)
		_currentFrame	=	('0000'	+	str	(_currentFrame)	)[-4:]
		_fileName		=	_path	+	_scene.name	+	'_'	+	_geo	+	'_'	+	_texture	+	'_'	+	_UVset	+	'.'	+	_currentFrame	+	'.tga'
		# do bake
		cmds.convertSolidTx		(_texture,	_geo,	antiAlias	=	False,	alpha		=	False,
								doubleSided	=	False,	force	=	False,	fileFormat	=	'tga',
								fileImageName	=	_fileName,
								resolutionX		=	_resXY,	resolutionY	=	_resXY,
								shadows			=	False,	backgroundMode	=	'shader',
								fillTextureSeams	=	False,	uvSetName	=	_UVset)

		print	_fileName

	# delete imported file textures from scene
	mm.eval				(	'hyperShadePanelMenuCommand("hyperShadePanel1", "deleteUnusedNodes");'	)
Exemple #55
def checkMultipleUVsets(meshList=[]):
	Check multiple UV sets for each specified mesh
	@param meshList: List of meshes to check for UV sets. If empty, check all mesh objects in the scene.
	@type meshList: list
    # Check meshList
    meshList = getMeshList(meshList)
    if not meshList:
        return []

    # Check Multiple UV Sets
    multipleUVsets = []
    for mesh in meshList:
        UVsets = mc.polyUVSet(mesh, q=True, allUVSets=True)
        if not UVsets:
        if len(UVsets) > 1:

        # Return Result
    return multipleUVsets
	def getUVSets( vertex ):
		return cmds.polyUVSet(vertex, query=True, allUVSets=True)
def	bake_texture_range	(	_resXY,	_range	=	0,	_reopenRange	=	10	):
	# get scene name with path to reopen
	_scene			=	Scene()
	_reOpenName		=	_scene.path	+	_scene.name	+	'.mb'
#	_bakePath		=	_scene.project	+	'images/'	+	_scene.name	+	'_textureBake/'
	_bakePath		=	_scene.project	+	'images/'
	# create bake path if not exists
	if	not	os.path.isdir	(_bakePath):
		os.mkdir	(_bakePath)

	# get shape from selection to get texture
	_geo			=	cmds.ls			(selection		=	True)[0]
	_shape			=	cmds.pickWalk	(direction		=	'down')[0]

	# get texture from geo from shading group connections
	_shadingGroup	=	cmds.listConnections	(_shape	+	'.instObjGroups[0]',		source			=	True)[0]
	_shader			=	cmds.listConnections	(_shadingGroup	+	'.surfaceShader',		destination	=	True)[0]

	# decide node type for "color" if normal shader or "outcolor" for surface shader
	if	cmds.nodeType	(_shader)	==	'surfaceShader':
		_texture	=	cmds.listConnections	(_shader	+	'.outColor',	destination	=	True)[0]
		_texture	=	cmds.listConnections	(_shader	+	'.color',		destination	=	True)[0]
	# get the current UV set to bake into
	_UVset			=	cmds.polyUVSet			(_geo,	query	=	True,	currentUVSet	=	True)[0]

	# range = current frame only
	if	_range	==	0:
		_frame	=	int(_scene.getCurrentFrame())
#		_fileName		=	_bakePath	+	_scene.name	+	'_'	+	_geo	+	'_'	+	_texture	+	'_'	+	_UVset	+	'.'	+	('0000'	+	str	(_frame)	)[-4:]	+	'.iff'
		_fileName		=	_bakePath	+	_scene.name	+	'_footageBake.'	+	('0000'	+	str	(_frame)	)[-4:]	+	'.iff'
		#bake single frame
		cmds.convertSolidTx		(_texture,	_geo,	antiAlias	=	False,	alpha		=	False,
										doubleSided	=	False,	force	=	False,	fileFormat	=	'iff',
										fileImageName	=	_fileName,
										resolutionX		=	_resXY,	resolutionY	=	_resXY,
										shadows			=	False,	backgroundMode	=	'shader',
										fillTextureSeams	=	False,	uvSetName	=	_UVset)
		print _fileName
		if	_range	==	1:
			# get bake range from playBack range
			_startFrame		=	_scene.playBackStartFrame
			_endFrame		=	_scene.playBackEndFrame
			_bakeRange		=	_endFrame	-	_startFrame	+	1
			_reOpenTimes	=	(_bakeRange	/	_reopenRange)
			if _reOpenTimes	>	int(_reOpenTimes):
				_reOpenTimes	=	int(_reOpenTimes)	+	1
				_reOpenTimes	=	int(_reOpenTimes)
			_frame			=	_scene.playBackStartFrame
			_frame			=	int(_frame)
			# get bake range from playBack range
			_startFrame		=	_scene.renderStartFrame
			_endFrame		=	_scene.renderEndFrame
			_bakeRange		=	_endFrame	-	_startFrame	+	1
			_reOpenTimes	=	int(_bakeRange	/	_reopenRange)	+	1
			_frame			=	_scene.renderStartFrame
			_frame			=	int(_frame)
		for	_k	in	range	(_reOpenTimes):
			for	_l	in	range	(_reopenRange):
				if	_frame	<=	_endFrame:
					cmds.currentTime	(_frame)
#					_fileName		=	_bakePath	+	_scene.name	+	'_'	+	_geo	+	'_'	+	_texture	+	'_'	+	_UVset	+	'.'	+	('0000'	+	str	(_frame)	)[-4:]	+	'.iff'
					_fileName		=	_bakePath	+	_scene.name	+	'_footageBake.'	+	('0000'	+	str	(_frame)	)[-4:]	+	'.iff'
					print	_fileName			
					# do bake
					cmds.convertSolidTx		(_texture,	_geo,	antiAlias	=	False,	alpha		=	False,
											doubleSided	=	False,	force	=	False,	fileFormat	=	'iff',
											fileImageName	=	_fileName,
											resolutionX		=	_resXY,	resolutionY	=	_resXY,
											shadows			=	False,	backgroundMode	=	'shader',
											fillTextureSeams	=	False,	uvSetName	=	_UVset)

					_frame	=	_frame	+	1

			# reopen scene to empty RAM
			if	_k	<	_reOpenTimes	-	1:
				cmds.file	(_reOpenName,	open	=	True,	force	=	True)
    def createLightmap(self, *args):

        selection = cmds.ls(sl=True)
        if len(selection) == 0:
        mesh = selection[0]

        if cmds.checkBox("cbDeleteHistory", q=True, v=True) == True:
            cmds.delete(mesh, ch=True)

        maxArc = cmds.textFieldGrp("tTolerance", q=True, text=True)
        if re.search("[a-zA-Z]", maxArc) != None:
            cmds.textFieldGrp("tTolerance", e=True, text="5")
        maxArc = int(cmds.textFieldGrp("tTolerance", q=True, text=True))

        # 1. Create a new UV Set
        if "lightmap" in cmds.polyUVSet(q=True, auv=True):
            cmds.polyUVSet(uvs="lightmap", delete=True)

        faceCount = cmds.polyEvaluate(mesh, f=True)
        cmds.polyUVSet(copy=True, nuv="lightmap")
        cmds.polyUVSet(mesh, cuv=True, uvs="lightmap")

        # 2. Cut every UV Edge
        edgeCount = cmds.polyEvaluate(mesh, e=True)
        cmds.polyMapCut(mesh + ".e[0:" + str(edgeCount - 1) + "]", cch=True, ch=False)

            title="Creating Lightmap...",
            maxValue=faceCount + 1,
            status="Facecount: " + str(faceCount),
        # 3. Check if faces are connected and facing the same direction, if they do, then sew the uv edge
        i = 0
        while i < faceCount:
            if cmds.progressWindow(query=True, isCancelled=True):

            face = mesh + ".f[" + str(i) + "]"
            adjacentFaces = self.getAdjacentFaces(mesh, i)

            normal1 = self.getFaceNormal(face)

            for adj in adjacentFaces:
                normal2 = self.getFaceNormal(adj)

                arc = self.getAngle(normal1, normal2)

                if arc < maxArc:
                    self.sewFaces(face, adj)

            cmds.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=i)
            i += 1


        # 4. unfold
        cmds.unfold(i=5000, ss=0.001, gb=False, gmb=0.5, ps=0, oa=0, us=True)

        # 5. layout
        preset = self.maps[cmds.optionMenuGrp("omTexSize", q=True, value=True)]
        cmds.polyMultiLayoutUV(lm=1, sc=1, rbf=1, fr=True, l=2, ps=preset)
