import array from mayuri import AddHandler, Command, admin from pyrogram import filters @admin async def zombies(client, message): chat_id = msg = await message.reply_text("Mencari akun terhapus...") count = 0 users = [] chat_members = client.iter_chat_members(chat_id) async for member in chat_members: if member.user.is_deleted: count = count + 1 users.append( if count == 0: await msg.edit("Grup bersih. tidak ada akun terhapus :)") return else: await msg.edit( "Ditemukan {} akun terhapus.\nMembersihan...".format(count)) for user in users: await client.kick_chat_member(chat_id, user) await msg.edit("Berhasil membersihkan {} akun terhapus".format(count)) AddHandler(zombies, & filters.command("zombies", Command))
__MODULE__ = "Admin List" __HELP__ = """ Module ini digunakan untuk menampilkan list admin di dalam grup. [Admin List] > `/adminlist` """ @disableable async def adminlist(client, message): chat_id = bot_id = (await client.get_me()).id all = client.iter_chat_members(chat_id, filter="administrators") text = "**Daftar Admin di Grup Ini**\n" async for admin in all: if admin.status == "creator": text = text + "Creator : \n • " + admin.user.mention all = client.iter_chat_members(chat_id, filter="administrators") text = text + "\n\nAdmin : " async for a in all: if (a.status == "administrator" and not a.user.is_bot) or (a.user.is_bot and == bot_id): text = text + "\n • " + a.user.mention await message.reply_text(text) AddHandler(adminlist, & filters.command("adminlist", Command))
from mayuri import AddHandler from mayuri.modules.anti_ubot import bl_ubot from mayuri.modules.blacklist import bl from mayuri.modules.filters import filtr from mayuri.modules.globals import addchat, check_gban, check_gmute from pyrogram import filters async def last(client, message): await addchat(client, message) await bl_ubot(client, message) await check_gban(client, message) await check_gmute(client, message) await filtr(client, message) await bl(client, message) AddHandler(last, filters.text &
from mayuri import AddHandler from mayuri.modules.disableable import disableable from pyrogram import filters __MODULE__ = "Sed" __HELP__ = """ Modul ini digunakan untuk mengubah kata dalam suatu pesan [Sed] > `s/<kata asli>/<kata ganti>` contoh : > `s/anu/nganu` Mengubah semua kata 'anu' menjadi 'nganu' didalam pesan yang dibalas """ @disableable async def sed(client, message): text = (message.text).split('/') old_word = text[1] new_word = text[2] old_text = message.reply_to_message.text new_text = old_text.replace(old_word, new_word) await message.reply_to_message.reply_text(new_text) AddHandler(sed, filters.reply & filters.regex('^s/(.*?)'))
fullname=fullname, user_id=user_id, user_name=user_name, mention=mention), reply_markup=button) elif filt.filter_type == 3: await message.reply_sticker(filt.document) elif filt.filter_type == 4: if filt.document_type == 1: await message.reply_audio(audio=filt.document, caption=text, reply_markup=button) elif filt.document_type == 2: await message.reply_document(document=filt.document, caption=text, reply_markup=button) elif filt.document_type == 3: await message.reply_photo(photo=filt.document, caption=text, reply_markup=button) elif filt.document_type == 3: await message.reply_video(video=filt.document, caption=text, reply_markup=button) break AddHandler(addfilter, filters.command("filter", Command) & AddHandler(rm_filter, filters.command("stop", Command) & AddHandler(filters_list, filters.command("filters", Command) &
await client.unban_chat_member(chat_id, user_id) await message.reply_sticker("") await message.reply_text( "Ditendang! 😝\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan <code>{}</code>". format(mention, trigger), disable_web_page_preview=True) #await client.send_message(log_id,"#BLACKLIST_KICK\n{}\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan <code>{}</code>".format(chat_title,mention,trigger)) elif mode == 4: await message.delete() await client.kick_chat_member(chat_id, user_id, time) await message.reply_sticker("") await message.reply_text( "Terbanned untuk {}! 😝\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan <code>{}</code>" .format(time_raw, mention, trigger), disable_web_page_preview=True) #await client.send_message(log_id,"#BLACKLIST_TBAN\n{}\nUser : {}\nDurasi : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan <code>{}</code>".format(chat_title,mention,time_raw,trigger)) elif mode == 5: await message.delete() await client.kick_chat_member(chat_id, user_id) await message.reply_sticker("") await message.reply_text( "Terbanned! 😝\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan <code>{}</code>". format(mention, trigger), disable_web_page_preview=True) #await client.send_message(log_id,"#BLACKLIST_BAN\n{}\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan <code>{}</code>".format(chat_title,mention,trigger)) AddHandler(addbl, filters.command("addbl", Command) & AddHandler(rm_bl, filters.command("rmbl", Command) & AddHandler(blacklist, filters.command("blacklist", Command) &
list_disabled = sql.get_disabled(chat_id) if list_disabled: text = "Daftar Perintah yang didisable di grup ini:" for disabled in list_disabled: text = text + "\n - {}".format(disabled.command) await message.reply_text(text) else: await message.reply_text( "Tidak ada Perintah yang didisable di grup ini!") async def disableable_list(client, message): if == 'group' or == 'supergroup': chat_id = admin_list = await adminlist(client, chat_id) if not in admin_list: return DisableAbleLs.sort() text = "Daftar Perintah yang dapat didisable:" for disableable in DisableAbleLs: text = text + "\n - {}".format(disableable) await message.reply_text(text) AddHandler(disablehandler, & filters.command("disable", Command)) AddHandler(enablehandler, & filters.command("enable", Command)) AddHandler(disabled_list, & filters.command("disabled", Command)) AddHandler(disableable_list, filters.command("disableable", Command))
help_button_create = filters.create(help_button_callback) @bot.on_callback_query(help_button_create) async def help_button(_client, query): mod_match = re.match(r"help_module\((.+?)\)", back_match = re.match(r"help_back", if mod_match: module = text = "Ini adalah bantuan untuk modul **{}**:\n".format(HELP_COMMANDS[module].__MODULE__) \ + HELP_COMMANDS[module].__HELP__ await query.message.edit(text=text, parse_mode='markdown', reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton( text="Back", callback_data="help_back") ]])) elif back_match: await query.message.edit(text=HELP_STRINGS, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( paginate_modules(0, HELP_COMMANDS, "help"))) AddHandler(help_command, filters.command("help", Command))
return SUDO.append(user_id) sql.add_to_sudo(user_id) text = "User {} telah ditambahkan ke SUDO".format(mention) await message.reply_text(text) async def rm_sudo(client, message): chat_id = if message.reply_to_message: user_id = mention = message.reply_to_message.from_user.mention else: args = message.text.split(None, 2) try: user = await client.get_users(args[1]) user_id = mention = user.mention except RPCError: await message.reply_text("Itu bukan user!") return sql.rm_from_sudo(user_id) text = "User {} telah di hapus dari SUDO".format(mention) await message.reply_text(text) AddHandler(add_sudo, filters.user(OWNER) & filters.command("addsudo", Command)) AddHandler(rm_sudo, filters.user(OWNER) & filters.command("rmsudo", Command))
#await client.send_message(log_id,"#UBOT_MUTE\n{}\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan {}{}".format(chat_title,mention,first,command)) elif check.mode == 2: await message.delete() await client.kick_chat_member(chat_id,user_id) await client.unban_chat_member(chat_id,user_id) await message.reply_sticker("") await message.reply_text("Ditendang! 😝\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan {}{}".format(mention,first,command)) #await client.send_message(log_id,"#UBOT_TENDANG\n{}\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan {}{}".format(chat_title,mention,first,command)) elif check.mode == 3: await message.delete() await client.kick_chat_member(chat_id,user_id) await message.reply_sticker("") await message.reply_text("Terbanned! 😝\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan {}{}".format(mention,first,command)) #await client.send_message(log_id,"#UBOT_BAN\n{}\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan {}{}".format(chat_title,mention,first,command)) elif check.mode == 4: await message.delete() await client.restrict_chat_member(chat_id, user_id, ChatPermissions(), time) await message.reply_text("Dibisukan untuk {}\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan {}{}".format(time_raw,mention,first,command)) #await client.send_message(log_id,"#UBOT_TMUTE\n{}\nUser : {}\nDurasi : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan {}{}".format(chat_title,mention,time_raw,first,command)) elif check.mode == 5: await message.delete() await client.kick_chat_member(chat_id,user_id, time) await message.reply_sticker("") await message.reply_text("Terbanned untuk {}! 😝\nUser : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan {}{}".format(time_raw,mention,first,command)) #await client.send_message(log_id,"#UBOT_TBAN\n{}\nUser : {}\nDurasi : {}\nAlasan : Mengatakan {}{}".format(chat_title,mention,time_raw,first,command)) AddHandler(addblubot,filters.command("addblubot", Command) & AddHandler(rm_blubot,filters.command("rmblubot", Command) & AddHandler(blubot,filters.command("blubot", Command) &
except TelegramError as e: print(e) if e.message == "Sticker set name is already occupied": await msg.edit( "Your pack can be found [here](" % packname ) elif e.message == "Peer_id_invalid": await msg.edit("Contact me in PM first.", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Start", url=f"{bot_username}") ]])) elif e.message == "Internal Server Error: created sticker set not found (500)": await msg.edit( "Sticker pack successfully created. Get it [here](" % packname) return if success: await msg.edit( "Sticker pack successfully created. Get it [here](" % packname) else: await msg.edit( "Failed to create sticker pack. Possibly due to blek mejik.") AddHandler(stickerid, filters.command("stickerid", Command)) AddHandler(getsticker, filters.command("getsticker", Command)) AddHandler(kang, filters.command("kang", Command))
import sys from mayuri import Command, OWNER, AddHandler from mayuri.modules.sudo import sudo from pyrogram import filters, __version__ __MODULE__ = "Alive" __HELP__ = """ Module ini digunakan untuk menampilkan status bot. [Alive] > `/alive` > `/on` """ @sudo async def alive(client, message): alive_text = "Bot services is running...\n----------------------------------\n• ⚙️ Pyrogram : v{}\n• 🐍 Python : v{}\n----------------------------------".format( __version__, sys.version.split(' ')[0]) await message.reply_text(alive_text) AddHandler( alive, (filters.command("alive", Command) | filters.command("on", Command)))
await client.send_chat_action(, action="upload_video") await message.reply_video(video=file, caption=text) except: await message.reply_text( "`Tidak bisa mengirim preview.`\n{}".format(text)) os.remove(file_path) os.remove("preview.mp4") else: await message.reply_text("Anda harus membalas pesan gambar/gif/video") def memory_file(name=None, contents=None, *, bytes=True): if isinstance(contents, str) and bytes: contents = contents.encode() file = BytesIO() if bytes else StringIO() if name: = name if contents: file.write(contents) return file AddHandler(sanime, filters.command("sanime", Command)) AddHandler(airing, filters.command("airing", Command)) AddHandler(anime, filters.command("anime", Command)) AddHandler(character, filters.command("character", Command)) AddHandler(manga, filters.command("manga", Command)) AddHandler(whatanime, filters.command("whatanime", Command))
async def check_gmute(client, message): user_id = if user_id in SUDO or user_id in OWNER: return mention = message.from_user.mention chat_id = check = sql.check_gmute(user_id) admin_list = [] all = client.iter_chat_members(chat_id, filter="administrators") admin_list = [] async for admin in all: admin_list.append( if user_id in admin_list: return if check: text = "User {} ada daftar global mute dan telah di bisukan!".format( mention) if check.reason: text += "\nAlasan : {}".format(reason) await client.restrict_chat_member(chat.chat_id, user_id, ChatPermissions()) await client.send_message(chat_id, text) AddHandler(gban, & filters.command("gban", Command)) AddHandler(ungban, & filters.command("ungban", Command)) AddHandler(gmute, & filters.command("gmute", Command)) AddHandler(ungmute, & filters.command("ungmute", Command))