def _init_params_to_attrs(self, params): self._num_latent_classes = params.num_latent_classes # latent classes self._latent_dim = params.latent_dim self._beta_kl = params.beta_kl known_latent_mu = params.known_latent_default_mu known_latent_log_sigma = params.known_latent_default_log_sigma if known_latent_mu is None or known_latent_log_sigma is None: logger.warn("[Gaussian Latent]: Assuming unknown latent values") self._unknown_latent = True known_latent_mu = np.zeros( (self._num_latent_classes, self._latent_dim)) known_latent_log_sigma = np.zeros( (self._num_latent_classes, self._latent_dim)) self._latent_default_mu = np.broadcast_to( np.array(known_latent_mu, dtype=np.float32), (self._num_latent_classes, self._latent_dim)) self._latent_default_log_sigma = np.broadcast_to( np.array(known_latent_log_sigma, dtype=np.float32), (self._num_latent_classes, self._latent_dim)) # mean and log_sigma midpoints are used for the online mean self._online_latent_default_mu = self._latent_default_mu.mean(axis=0) self._online_latent_default_log_sigma = np.zeros(self._latent_dim, dtype=np.float32)
def ros_is_good(self, display): for topic in self._ros_topics_and_types.keys(): # make sure we have received at least one msg of each type recently if 'coll' not in topic: if topic not in self._ros_msg_times: if display: logger.warn('Topic {0} has never been received'.format(topic)) return False elapsed = ( - self._ros_msg_times[topic]).to_sec() if elapsed > 2: # self._dt * 50: if display: logger.warn( 'Topic {0} was received {1} seconds ago (dt is {2})'.format(topic, elapsed, self._dt)) return False return True
def _step(self, action, **kwargs): with timeit("copter_step", reset_on_stop=True): obs, _, done = self._copter.step(action, no_rew_pub=True, **kwargs) pos = obs.obs[0] true_reward = -self._get_cost(pos) reward = self.reward_mask(pos, self.trajectory.get_i()) # TODO self._copter.pub_rew(rx=true_reward, ry=reward) # publish the true reward and masked reward for the sake of accurate data collect # print(pos[:3], self.ac_goal_pos[:3], self.ac_goal_pos_index) # print('reward', reward) # print(action, np.array2string(pos, separator=', '), self._copter._curr_goal_pos, reward, true_reward, done, # self.trajectory.get_i(), self.trajectory.curr_goal) self._copter.set_target(, self.fix_waypoint3) done = done or self.trajectory.is_finished() # returns true when the full trajectory has been run through ### online control safety measures # stop if out of frame if pos[0] < 1e-4 and pos[1] < 1e-4: # target is out of frame done = True logger.warn("[TELLO CTRL] Target Left frame! Terminating rollout") # if terminating, send stop signal if self._use_data_capture and not self._copter.offline and done: self._copter.sig_rollout(end=True) goal = self.get_goal() def arr3D_2str(arr, names=("x", "y", "z")): str = "{%s: %.5f, %s: %.5f, %s: %.5f }" \ % (names[0], arr[0], names[1], arr[1], names[2], arr[2]) return str logger.debug("[TPC] T: %.4f sec // OBS: %s -- GOAL: %s -- ACT: %s" % (timeit.elapsed("copter_step"), arr3D_2str(pos), arr3D_2str(goal.goal_obs[0, 0]), arr3D_2str(action.act[0]))) return obs, goal, done
def ros_msg_update(self, msg, args): topic = args[0] if 'coll' in topic: # when collision is True if self.collided = True self._done = True elif 'data' in topic: pass elif 'target_vector' in topic: # update state self._obs[0] = msg.vector.x * self._coef_cx # cz self._obs[1] = msg.vector.y * self._coef_cy # cy self._obs[2] = msg.vector.z * self._coef_area # area else: logger.warn("[CF]: Unhandled ROS msg") self._ros_msgs[topic] = msg self._ros_msg_times[topic] =
def split_data_by_episodes(samples, horizon, n_obs=0, n_acs=0, truncate_size=-1): assert horizon >= 1 # new change has_latent = True if 'latent' not in samples: logger.warn("No latent in dataset!") has_latent = False # how many time steps to ignore in the beginning when the history is not long enough pre_remove = 0 # pre_remove = max(nobs, nacs) obs_all = samples['obs'] acs_all = samples['acs'] if has_latent: latent_all = samples['latent'] mu_obs = np.mean(obs_all, axis=0) sigma_obs = np.std(obs_all, axis=0) if 'episode_sizes' in samples: episode_sizes = samples['episode_sizes'].flatten().astype(int) else: episode_sizes = np.array([obs_all.shape[0]]) ep_sizes = np.cumsum(episode_sizes) # truncate if 0 < truncate_size < np.sum(episode_sizes): ep_max = ep_sizes.size for i in range(ep_sizes.size): if ep_sizes[i] > truncate_size: ep_max = i break print("Truncating from %d to %d episodes (%d to %d samples)" % (ep_sizes.size, ep_max, np.sum(episode_sizes), np.sum(episode_sizes[:, :ep_max]))) episode_sizes = episode_sizes[:, :ep_max] ep_sizes = ep_sizes[:ep_max] obs_list = np.split(obs_all, ep_sizes, axis=0) acs_list = np.split(acs_all, ep_sizes, axis=0) if has_latent: latent_list = np.split(latent_all, ep_sizes, axis=0) obs_start_list = [] acs_start_list = [] next_obs_list = [] latent_start_list = [] prev_obs_start_list = [] prev_acs_start_list = [] obs_seq_list = [] ac_seq_list = [] done_list = [] new_episode_sizes = [] for ep in range(ep_sizes.size): obs = obs_list[ep] acs = acs_list[ep] if has_latent: latent = latent_list[ep] ### Action sequences # row i corresponds to actions taken until action i prev_acs = split_dim_np(fill_n_prev(acs, horizon - 1), axis=1, new_shape=[horizon - 1] + list(acs.shape[1:])) prev_obs_horizon = split_dim_np(fill_n_prev(obs, horizon, initial_zero=False), axis=1, new_shape=[horizon] + list(obs.shape[1:])) # appending to create action sequence list removing the first plan_hor-1 elements # (and last element since we don't know the result of it) ac_seq = np.concatenate([acs[:, None], prev_acs], axis=1)[horizon - 1:-1] # un-reversing and removing the initial ones ac_seq = ac_seq[pre_remove:, ::-1, :] ### Observation sequences # obs sequence in the future obs_seq = np.concatenate([obs[:, None], prev_obs_horizon], axis=1)[horizon:] # un reversing obs_seq = obs_seq[pre_remove:, ::-1, :] # trashing data if obs_seq.shape[0] < 2: print("[] Trashing rollout %d due to lack of samples" % int(ep)) continue ### Action histories prev_acs = split_dim_np(fill_n_prev(acs, n_acs), axis=1, new_shape=[n_acs] + list(acs.shape[1:])) acs_start = acs[pre_remove:-horizon] prev_acs_start = prev_acs[pre_remove:-horizon] ### Observation histories # we don't use initial_zero=False here bc we remove the first pre_remove anyways prev_obs = split_dim_np(fill_n_prev(obs, n_obs), axis=1, new_shape=[n_obs] + list(obs.shape[1:])) obs_start = obs[pre_remove:-horizon] next_obs = obs[pre_remove + 1:-horizon + 1] if has_latent: latent_start = latent[pre_remove:-horizon].astype(int) else: latent_start = np.zeros((obs_start.shape[0], 0)).astype(int) prev_obs_start = prev_obs[pre_remove:-horizon] obs_seq_list.append(obs_seq) # (N x H+1 x dO) ac_seq_list.append(ac_seq) # (N x H x dU) obs_start_list.append(obs_start) # (N x dO) acs_start_list.append(acs_start) # (N x dU) next_obs_list.append(next_obs) # (N x dO) latent_start_list.append(latent_start) # (N x 1) prev_obs_start_list.append(prev_obs_start) # (N x nobs x dO) prev_acs_start_list.append(prev_acs_start) # (N x nacs x dO) done_list.append( np.array([False for _ in range(obs_start.shape[0] - 1)] + [True], dtype=np.bool)) new_episode_sizes.append(obs_start.shape[0]) # remove bad eps: episode_sizes = np.array(new_episode_sizes) # some input statistics delta_obs = np.concatenate(next_obs_list, axis=0) - np.concatenate( obs_start_list, axis=0) mu_delta_obs = np.mean(delta_obs, axis=0) sigma_delta_obs = np.std(delta_obs, axis=0) next_obs_sigma_list = [ np.tile(sigma_delta_obs[None], (next_obs.shape[0], 1)) for next_obs in next_obs_list ] return_dict = { 'mu_obs': mu_obs, 'sigma_obs': sigma_obs, 'mu_delta_obs': mu_delta_obs, 'sigma_delta_obs': sigma_delta_obs, 'episode_sizes': episode_sizes, 'done': done_list, 'obs_full': obs_list, 'act_full': acs_list, # 'obs_seq': obs_seq_list, 'latent': latent_start_list, 'act_seq': ac_seq_list, 'obs': obs_start_list, 'act': acs_start_list, 'prev_obs': prev_obs_start_list, 'prev_act': prev_acs_start_list, 'next_obs': next_obs_list, 'next_obs_sigma': next_obs_sigma_list, 'goal_obs': obs_seq_list, } return return_dict