async def update_track(branch_id: int, bboxes: str = Body(..., embed=True), files: List[UploadFile] = File(...)): global tracker if (branch_id not in tracker): tracker[branch_id] = MultiCameraTracker(number_of_cameras, reid, config) d_bboxes = json.loads(bboxes) tracker[branch_id].process([[ cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(, np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) for im in files ]], [d_bboxes]) return {"status": 'success'}
def run(params, capture, detector, reid): win_name = 'Multi camera tracking' config = {} if len(params.config): config = read_py_config(params.config) tracker = MultiCameraTracker(capture.get_num_sources(), reid, **config) thread_body = FramesThreadBody(capture, max_queue_length=len(capture.captures) * 2) frames_thread = Thread(target=thread_body) frames_thread.start() if len(params.output_video): video_output_size = (1920 // capture.get_num_sources(), 1080) fourcc = cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') output_video = cv.VideoWriter(params.output_video, fourcc, 24.0, video_output_size) else: output_video = None while thread_body.process: start = time.time() try: frames = thread_body.frames_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: frames = None if frames is None: continue all_detections = detector.get_detections(frames) all_masks = [[] for _ in range(len(all_detections))] for i, detections in enumerate(all_detections): all_detections[i] = [det[0] for det in detections] all_masks[i] = [det[2] for det in detections if len(det) == 3] tracker.process(frames, all_detections, all_masks) tracked_objects = tracker.get_tracked_objects() fps = round(1 / (time.time() - start), 1) vis = visualize_multicam_detections(frames, tracked_objects, fps) if not params.no_show: cv.imshow(win_name, vis) if cv.waitKey(1) == 27: break if output_video: output_video.write(cv.resize(vis, video_output_size)) thread_body.process = False frames_thread.join() if len(params.history_file): history = tracker.get_all_tracks_history() with open(params.history_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(history, outfile)
def run(params, config, capture, detector, reid): win_name = 'Multi camera tracking' frame_number = 0 avg_latency = AverageEstimator() output_detections = [[] for _ in range(capture.get_num_sources())] key = -1 if config['normalizer_config']['enabled']: capture.add_transform( NormalizerCLAHE( config['normalizer_config']['clip_limit'], config['normalizer_config']['tile_size'], )) tracker = MultiCameraTracker(capture.get_num_sources(), reid, config['sct_config'], **config['mct_config'], visual_analyze=config['analyzer']) thread_body = FramesThreadBody(capture, max_queue_length=len(capture.captures) * 2) frames_thread = Thread(target=thread_body) frames_thread.start() if len(params.output_video): frame_size, fps = capture.get_source_parameters() target_width, target_height = get_target_size( frame_size, None, **config['visualization_config']) video_output_size = (target_width, target_height) fourcc = cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') output_video = cv.VideoWriter(params.output_video, fourcc, min(fps), video_output_size) else: output_video = None prev_frames = thread_body.frames_queue.get() detector.run_async(prev_frames, frame_number) presenter = monitors.Presenter(params.utilization_monitors, 0) while thread_body.process: if not params.no_show: key = check_pressed_keys(key) if key == 27: break presenter.handleKey(key) start = time.perf_counter() try: frames = thread_body.frames_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: frames = None if frames is None: continue all_detections = detector.wait_and_grab() if params.save_detections: update_detections(output_detections, all_detections, frame_number) frame_number += 1 detector.run_async(frames, frame_number) all_masks = [[] for _ in range(len(all_detections))] for i, detections in enumerate(all_detections): all_detections[i] = [det[0] for det in detections] all_masks[i] = [det[2] for det in detections if len(det) == 3] tracker.process(prev_frames, all_detections, all_masks) tracked_objects = tracker.get_tracked_objects() latency = max(time.perf_counter() - start, sys.float_info.epsilon) avg_latency.update(latency) fps = round(1. / latency, 1) vis = visualize_multicam_detections(prev_frames, tracked_objects, fps, **config['visualization_config']) presenter.drawGraphs(vis) if not params.no_show: cv.imshow(win_name, vis) if output_video: output_video.write(cv.resize(vis, video_output_size)) print('\rProcessing frame: {}, fps = {} (avg_fps = {:.3})'.format( frame_number, fps, 1. / avg_latency.get()), end="") prev_frames, frames = frames, prev_frames print(presenter.reportMeans()) print('') thread_body.process = False frames_thread.join() if len(params.history_file): save_json_file(params.history_file, tracker.get_all_tracks_history(), description='History file') if len(params.save_detections): save_json_file(params.save_detections, output_detections, description='Detections') if len(config['embeddings']['save_path']): save_embeddings(tracker.scts, **config['embeddings'])
def run(params, config, capture, detector, reid): win_name = 'Multi camera tracking' frame_number = 0 output_detections = [[] for _ in range(capture.get_num_sources())] key = -1 if config.normalizer_config.enabled: capture.add_transform( NormalizerCLAHE( config.normalizer_config.clip_limit, config.normalizer_config.tile_size, )) tracker = MultiCameraTracker(capture.get_num_sources(), reid, config.sct_config, **vars(config.mct_config), visual_analyze=config.analyzer) thread_body = FramesThreadBody(capture, max_queue_length=len(capture.captures) * 2) frames_thread = Thread(target=thread_body) frames_thread.start() frames_read = False set_output_params = False prev_frames = thread_body.frames_queue.get() detector.run_async(prev_frames, frame_number) metrics = PerformanceMetrics() presenter = monitors.Presenter(params.utilization_monitors, 0) while thread_body.process: if not params.no_show: key = check_pressed_keys(key) if key == 27: break presenter.handleKey(key) start_time = time.perf_counter() try: frames = thread_body.frames_queue.get_nowait() frames_read = True except queue.Empty: frames = None if frames is None: continue all_detections = detector.wait_and_grab() if params.save_detections: update_detections(output_detections, all_detections, frame_number) frame_number += 1 detector.run_async(frames, frame_number) all_masks = [[] for _ in range(len(all_detections))] for i, detections in enumerate(all_detections): all_detections[i] = [det[0] for det in detections] all_masks[i] = [det[2] for det in detections if len(det) == 3] tracker.process(prev_frames, all_detections, all_masks) tracked_objects = tracker.get_tracked_objects() vis = visualize_multicam_detections( prev_frames, tracked_objects, **vars(config.visualization_config)) metrics.update(start_time, vis) presenter.drawGraphs(vis) if not params.no_show: cv.imshow(win_name, vis) if frames_read and not set_output_params: set_output_params = True if len(params.output_video): frame_size = [frame.shape[::-1] for frame in frames] fps = capture.get_fps() target_width, target_height = get_target_size( frame_size, None, **vars(config.visualization_config)) video_output_size = (target_width, target_height) fourcc = cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') output_video = cv.VideoWriter(params.output_video, fourcc, min(fps), video_output_size) else: output_video = None if set_output_params and output_video: output_video.write(cv.resize(vis, video_output_size)) prev_frames, frames = frames, prev_frames metrics.log_total() for rep in presenter.reportMeans(): thread_body.process = False frames_thread.join() if len(params.history_file): save_json_file(params.history_file, tracker.get_all_tracks_history(), description='History file') if len(params.save_detections): save_json_file(params.save_detections, output_detections, description='Detections') if len(config.embeddings.save_path): save_embeddings(tracker.scts, **vars(config.embeddings))
def run(params, capture, detector, reid, jot): #params : args 임 win_name = 'TEAM_KOTLIN' config = {} if len(params.config): config = read_py_config(params.config) tracker = MultiCameraTracker(capture.get_num_sources(), reid, **config) thread_body = FramesThreadBody(capture, max_queue_length=len(capture.captures) * 2) frames_thread = Thread(target=thread_body) frames_thread.start() if len(params.output_video): video_output_size = (1920 // capture.get_num_sources(), 1080) fourcc = cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') output_video = cv.VideoWriter(params.output_video, fourcc, 24.0, video_output_size) else: output_video = None print("##################################################################") while thread_body.process: start = time.time() try: frames = thread_body.frames_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: frames = None if frames is None: continue all_detections = detector.get_detections(frames) #all_detections 좌표 성분 : ((left, right, top, bot), confidence) 값들의 리스트 # 1번 영상의 디텍션 위치는 앞에 2번 영상의 디텍션 위치는 뒤에 표시됨 # all_detextions : [[1번영상 사람들의 좌표, 컨디션], [2번 영상 사람들의 좌표, 컨디션]] all_masks = [[] for _ in range(len(all_detections)) ] # 디텍션 갯수만큼 비어있는 마스크 리스트 만듬 for i, detections in enumerate(all_detections): all_detections[i] = [det[0] for det in detections] all_masks[i] = [det[2] for det in detections if len(det) == 3] feature_data = tracker.process(frames, all_detections, all_masks) tracked_objects = tracker.get_tracked_objects() #20200511 추가 track_data = copy.deepcopy(feature_data) for track in track_data: del track['features'] del track['boxes'] del track['timestamps'] del track['cam_id'] #jottable 넘기는 함수 콜 jot.check_jot(tracked_objects, frames, track_data) fps = round(1 / (time.time() - start), 1) #시간 처리 dates = vis = visualize_multicam_detections(frames, tracked_objects, fps, dates) if not params.no_show: cv.imshow(win_name, vis) if cv.waitKey(1) == 27: break if output_video: output_video.write(cv.resize(vis, video_output_size)) thread_body.process = False frames_thread.join() if len(params.history_file): history = tracker.get_all_tracks_history() with open(params.history_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(history, outfile) print("##################################################################")
def app(video_link, video_name, show, record, flip_hor, flip_ver): # initialize Face Detection net config = read_py_config('') object_detector = ObjectDetector() reid = PersonEmbedder() # initialize Video Capturer cap = MulticamCapture(video_link) #cap = WebcamVideoStream(src=video_link).start() # (W, H), FPS = imgproc.cameraCalibrate(cap) #'Camera Info: ({}, {}) - {:.3f}'.format(W, H, FPS)) tracker = MultiCameraTracker(cap.get_num_sources(), reid, **config) thread_body = FramesThreadBody(cap, max_queue_length=len(cap.captures) * 2) frames_thread = Thread(target=thread_body) frames_thread.start() if record: time_str = time.strftime(cfg.TIME_FM) writer = cv.VideoWriter(video_name + time_str + '.avi', cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'), 20, (1280, 720)) cnt_frm = 0 counter = 0 while thread_body.process: try: frm = thread_body.frames_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: frm = None if frm is None: continue cnt_frm += 1 # if flip_ver: frm = cv.flip(frm, 0) # if flip_hor: frm = cv.flip(frm, 1) _start_t = time.time() all_detections = [] for f in frm: f = imgproc.resizeByHeight(f, 640) _, bboxes = object_detector.getObjects(f, def_score=0.5) all_detections.append(bboxes) tracker.process(frm, all_detections, [[]]) tracked_objects = tracker.get_tracked_objects() _prx_t = time.time() - _start_t fps = round(1 / _prx_t, 1) if len(bboxes): frm = visualize_multicam_detections(frm, tracked_objects, fps) frm = vis.plotInfo(frm, 'Raspberry Pi - FPS: {:.3f}'.format(1 / _prx_t)) frm = cv.cvtColor(np.asarray(frm), cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if record: writer.write(frm) if show: cv.imshow(video_name, frm) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key in [27, ord('q')]:'Interrupted by Users') break else: if (counter % 10 == 0): print( f"IN : {SingleCameraTracker.COUNT_IN}, OUT: {SingleCameraTracker.COUNT_OUT}" ) counter += 1 thread_body.process = False frames_thread.join()
def run(params, config, capture, detector, reid): ix,iy = -1,-1 pts_src = np.array([[561,1022],[990,698],[486,273],[95,504]],dtype='float32') pts_dest = np.array([[0,0],[0,400],[400,700],[0,700]],dtype='float32') # calculate matrix H h, status = cv.findHomography(pts_src,pts_dest) win_name = 'Multi camera tracking' frame_number = 0 avg_latency = AverageEstimator() output_detections = [[] for _ in range(capture.get_num_sources())] key = -1 refObj = [] if config['normalizer_config']['enabled']: capture.add_transform( NormalizerCLAHE( config['normalizer_config']['clip_limit'], config['normalizer_config']['tile_size'], ) ) tracker = MultiCameraTracker(capture.get_num_sources(), reid, config['sct_config'], **config['mct_config'], visual_analyze=config['analyzer']) thread_body = FramesThreadBody(capture, max_queue_length=len(capture.captures) * 2) frames_thread = Thread(target=thread_body) frames_thread.start() if len(params.output_video): frame_size, fps = capture.get_source_parameters() target_width, target_height = get_target_size(frame_size, None, **config['visualization_config']) video_output_size = (target_width, target_height) fourcc = cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') output_video = cv.VideoWriter(params.output_video,cv.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G'),min(fps),video_output_size) # output_video = cv.VideoWriter(params.output_video, fourcc, min(fps), video_output_size) else: output_video = None prev_frames = thread_body.frames_queue.get() detector.run_async(prev_frames, frame_number) while thread_body.process: if not params.no_show: key = check_pressed_keys(key) if key == 27: break start = time.time() try: frames = thread_body.frames_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: frames = None if frames is None: continue all_detections = detector.wait_and_grab() for det in all_detections: for obj in det: print("Boxes:",obj[0]) print("Confidence:",obj[1]) if params.save_detections: update_detections(output_detections, all_detections, frame_number) frame_number += 1 detector.run_async(frames, frame_number) all_masks = [[] for _ in range(len(all_detections))] for i, detections in enumerate(all_detections): all_detections[i] = [det[0] for det in detections] all_masks[i] = [det[2] for det in detections if len(det) == 3] tracker.process(prev_frames, all_detections, all_masks) tracked_objects = tracker.get_tracked_objects() latency = time.time() - start avg_latency.update(latency) fps = round(1. / latency, 1) vis = visualize_multicam_detections(prev_frames, tracked_objects, fps, **config['visualization_config'],h=h) if not params.no_show: cv.setMouseCallback(win_name, getMousePointer) if ix!=-1 and iy!=-1: refObj.append((ix,iy)) ix=-1 iy=-1 print(len(refObj)) if len(refObj)==2: print("Len 2 Rectangle Drawn.") vis = cv.rectangle(vis, refObj[0], refObj[1],(255,0,0), 2) refObj.clear() cv.imshow(win_name, vis) # cv.imwrite("refPicture.png",vis) if output_video: output_video.write(cv.resize(vis, video_output_size)) # print('\rProcessing frame: {}, fps = {} (avg_fps = {:.3})'.format( # frame_number, fps, 1. / avg_latency.get()), end="") prev_frames, frames = frames, prev_frames # print('') thread_body.process = False frames_thread.join() if len(params.history_file): save_json_file(params.history_file, tracker.get_all_tracks_history(), description='History file') if len(params.save_detections): save_json_file(params.save_detections, output_detections, description='Detections') if len(config['embeddings']['save_path']): save_embeddings(tracker.scts, **config['embeddings'])
def app(video_link, video_name, show, record, flip_hor, flip_ver): # initialize Face Detection net config = read_py_config('') object_detector = ObjectDetector() reid = PersonEmbedder() # initialize Video Capturer #cap = MulticamCapture(video_link) cap = WebcamVideoStream(src=video_link).start() (W, H), FPS = imgproc.cameraCalibrate(cap)'Camera Info: ({}, {}) - {:.3f}'.format(W, H, FPS)) tracker = MultiCameraTracker(1, reid, **config) if record: time_str = time.strftime(cfg.TIME_FM) writer = cv.VideoWriter(video_name + time_str + '.avi', cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'), 20, (1280, 720)) cnt_frm = 0 counter = 0 while True: frm = if frm is None: continue cnt_frm += 1 # if flip_ver: frm = cv.flip(frm, 0) # if flip_hor: frm = cv.flip(frm, 1) _start_t = time.time() all_detections = [] frm = imgproc.resizeByHeight(frm, 640) _, bboxes = object_detector.getObjects(frm, def_score=0.5) all_detections.append(bboxes) tracker.process([frm], all_detections, [[]]) tracked_objects = tracker.get_tracked_objects() _prx_t = time.time() - _start_t fps = round(1 / _prx_t, 1) if len(bboxes): frm = visualize_multicam_detections([frm], tracked_objects, fps) frm = vis.plotInfo(frm, 'Raspberry Pi - FPS: {:.3f}'.format(1 / _prx_t)) frm = cv.cvtColor(np.asarray(frm), cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if record: writer.write(frm) if show: cv.imshow(video_name, frm) key = cv.waitKey(1) if key in [27, ord('q')]:'Interrupted by Users') break else: if (counter % 10 == 0): print( f"IN : {SingleCameraTracker.COUNT_IN}, OUT: {SingleCameraTracker.COUNT_OUT}" ) counter += 1 if record: writer.release() cap.release() cv.destroyAllWindows()