Exemple #1
        def go():
            image_source = image_source_from_env(e)
            library = library_from_env(e)

            with timeit_wall('graph_generic', 1.0):
                key = (e.library_name, e.spec.url_part, e.thing_name,

                if not key in self.last_processed2:
                    logger.error('Cannot find key %s' % str(key))
                    logger.error('keys: %s' % list(self.last_processed2))
                    context = e.library._generate_context_with_hooks()
                    thing = e.spec.load(e.library,
                    thing = self.last_processed2[key]
                    if thing is None:
                        return response_image(e.request, 'Could not parse.')

                with timeit_wall('graph_generic - get_png_data', 1.0):
                    data = e.spec.get_png_data(image_source=image_source,
                mime = get_mime_for_format(data_format)
                return response_data(e.request, data, mime)
Exemple #2
def create_a_to_data(download, data_format, data):
    """ Returns a tag with base64 encoded data """
    assert data_format in ['pdf', 'png']
    from mcdp_web.images.images import (get_mime_for_format)
    mime = get_mime_for_format(data_format)
    encoded = base64.b64encode(data)
    href = 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (mime, encoded)
    attrs = dict(href=href, download=download)
    return Tag(name='a', attrs=attrs)
Exemple #3
def create_a_to_data(soup, download, data_format, data):
    """ Returns a tag with base64 encoded data """
    assert data_format in ['pdf', 'png']
    mime = get_mime_for_format(data_format)
    encoded = base64.b64encode(data)
    href = 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (mime, encoded)
    attrs = dict(href=href, download=download)
    print('download: %s' % download)
    return soup.new_tag('a', **attrs)
Exemple #4
def data_encoded_for_src(data, ext):
    """ data =  
        ext = png, jpg, ...
        returns "data: ... " sttring 
    from mcdp_web.images.images import get_mime_for_format  # XXX:  move

    encoded = base64.b64encode(data)
    mime = get_mime_for_format(ext)
    link = 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (mime, encoded)
    return link
Exemple #5
def allformats_posets_report(id_poset, poset, libname, which):
    from mcdp_web.images.images import get_mime_for_format
    from mcdp_library_tests.tests import get_test_library
    r = Report(id_poset + '-' + which)
    library = get_test_library(libname)
    image_source = ImagesFromPaths(library.get_images_paths())
    mf = MakeFiguresPoset(poset=poset, image_source=image_source)
    formats = mf.available_formats(which)
    res = mf.get_figure(which, formats)

    fig = r.figure()
    for f in formats:
        data = res[f]
        mime = get_mime_for_format(f)
        dn = DataNode(f, data=data, mime=mime)
    return r
Exemple #6
def embed_images(html, basedir):
    """ Embeds png and Jpg images using data """
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml', from_encoding='utf-8')
    for tag in soup.select('img'):
        href = tag['src']
        extensions = ['png', 'jpg']
        for ext in extensions:
            if ext in href and not 'data:' in href:
                resolve = os.path.join(basedir, href)
                with open(resolve) as ff:
                    data = ff.read()
                encoded = base64.b64encode(data)
                from mcdp_web.images.images import get_mime_for_format
                mime = get_mime_for_format(ext)
                src = 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (mime, encoded)
                tag['src'] = src
    return str(soup)
        def go():
            data_format = str(request.matchdict['data_format'])  # unicode
            library = self.get_library(request)
            widget_name = self.get_widget_name(request, spec)
            library_name = self.get_current_library_name(request)
            key = (library_name, spec, widget_name)

            if not key in self.last_processed2:
                l = self.get_library(request)
                context = l._generate_context_with_hooks()
                thing = spec.load(l, widget_name, context=context)
                thing = self.last_processed2[key]
                if thing is None:
                    return response_image(request, 'Could not parse.')

            data = spec.get_png_data(library, widget_name, thing, data_format=data_format)
            from mcdp_web.images.images import get_mime_for_format
            mime = get_mime_for_format(data_format)
            return response_data(request, data, mime)
Exemple #8
def allformats_report(id_ndp, ndp, libname, which):
    from mcdp_web.images.images import get_mime_for_format
    r = Report(id_ndp + '-' + which)
    from mcdp_library_tests.tests import get_test_library
    library = get_test_library(libname)
    mf = MakeFiguresNDP(ndp=ndp, library=library, yourname=id_ndp)
    formats = mf.available_formats(which)
        res = mf.get_figure(which, formats)
    except DPSemanticError as e:
        if 'Cannot abstract' in str(e):
            r.text('warning', 'Not connected. \n\n %s' % e)
            return r
    print('%s -> %s %s ' % (which, formats, map(len, [res[f] for f in formats])))
    fig = r.figure()
    for f in formats:
        data = res[f]
        mime = get_mime_for_format(f)
        dn = DataNode(f, data=data, mime=mime)
    return r    
Exemple #9
def allformats_report(id_ndp, ndp, libname, which):
    from mcdp_web.images.images import get_mime_for_format
    from mcdp_library_tests.tests import get_test_library
    r = Report(id_ndp + '-' + which)
    library = get_test_library(libname)
    image_source = ImagesFromPaths(library.get_images_paths())
    mf = MakeFiguresNDP(ndp=ndp, image_source=image_source, yourname=id_ndp)
    formats = mf.available_formats(which)
        res = mf.get_figure(which, formats)
    except DPSemanticError as e:
        if 'Cannot abstract' in str(e):
            r.text('warning', 'Not connected. \n\n %s' % e)
            return r
    print('%s -> %s %s ' % (which, formats, map(len, [res[f]
                                                      for f in formats])))
    fig = r.figure()
    for f in formats:
        data = res[f]
        mime = get_mime_for_format(f)
        dn = DataNode(f, data=data, mime=mime)
    return r
Exemple #10
def embed_images_from_library(html, library):
    """ Resolves images from library """

    def resolve(href):
        #print('resolving %r' % href)
        f = library._get_file_data(href)
        data = f['data']
        # realpath = f['realpath']
        return data

    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml', from_encoding='utf-8')
    for tag in soup.select('img'):
        href = tag['src']
        extensions = ['png', 'jpg']
        for ext in extensions:
            if ext in href and not 'data:' in href:
                data = resolve(href)
                encoded = base64.b64encode(data)
                from mcdp_web.images.images import get_mime_for_format
                mime = get_mime_for_format(ext)
                src = 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (mime, encoded)
                tag['src'] = src
    return str(soup)
Exemple #11
def gg_figure(r, name, ggraph, do_png=True, do_pdf=True, do_svg=True,
    """ Adds a figure to the Report r that displays this graph
        and also its source. """
    f = r.figure(name, cols=1)

    # save file in dot file
    with tmpfile(".dot") as filename_dot:
        with open(filename_dot, 'w') as fo:
            s = get_dot_string(ggraph)

#         if False:
#             ff = '%s.dot' % id(r)
#             print('writing to %r' % ff)
#             with open(ff, 'w') as f2:
#                 f2.write(s)

        prog = 'dot'
            if do_png:
                with f.data_file('graph', MIME_PNG) as filename:
                    graphviz_run(filename_dot, filename, prog=prog)
            if do_pdf:
                with f.data_file('graph_pdf', MIME_PDF) as filename:
                    graphviz_run(filename_dot, filename, prog=prog)
            if do_svg:
                with f.data_file('graph_svg', MIME_SVG) as filename:
                    graphviz_run(filename_dot, filename, prog=prog)
                    soup = BeautifulSoup(open(filename).read(), 'lxml', from_encoding='utf-8')
                    for tag in soup.select('image'):
                        href = tag['xlink:href']
                        extensions = ['png', 'jpg']
                        for ext in extensions:
                            if ext in href:
                                with open(href) as ff:
                                    png = ff.read()
                                encoded = base64.b64encode(png)
                                from mcdp_web.images.images import get_mime_for_format
                                mime = get_mime_for_format(ext)
                                src = 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (mime, encoded)
                                tag['xlink:href'] = src
                    with codecs.open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ff:
                        s = str(soup)
                        u = unicode(s, 'utf-8')
        except CmdException:
            if MCDPConstants.test_ignore_graphviz_errors:
                mcdp_dev_warning('suppressing errors from graphviz')
                logger.error('Graphivz failed, but I will ignore it '
                             'because of MCDPConstants.test_ignore_graphviz_errors.')

        if do_dot:
            with f.data_file('dot', MIME_PLAIN) as filename:
                with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    return f