Exemple #1
class PCTileEntitySignRef(PCTileEntityRefBase):
    tileEntityID = "Sign"

    Text1 = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Text1", 't', "")
    Text2 = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Text2", 't', "")
    Text3 = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Text3", 't', "")
    Text4 = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Text4", 't', "")
Exemple #2
class PCEntityMobRefBase(PCEntityRefBase):

    # xxx add rootTag[Health] as Short (1.8) or Float(1.9)?
    def Health(self):
        if 'HealF' in self.rootTag:
            return self.rootTag['HealF'].value
        elif 'Health' in self.rootTag:
            return self.rootTag['Health'].value
            self.rootTag['Health'] = nbt.TAG_Short(0.)
            self.rootTag['HealF'] = nbt.TAG_Float(0.)
            return 0

    def Health(self, val):
        if 'HealF' in self.rootTag:
            self.rootTag['HealF'].value = val
        elif 'Health' in self.rootTag:
            self.rootTag['Health'].value = val
            self.rootTag['Health'] = nbt.TAG_Short(val)
            self.rootTag['HealF'] = nbt.TAG_Float(val)

    AbsorptionAmount = nbtattr.NBTAttr('AbsorptionAmount', 'f')
    HurtTime = nbtattr.NBTAttr('HurtTime', 's')
    HurtByTimestamp = nbtattr.NBTAttr('HurtByTimestamp', 'i')
    DeathTime = nbtattr.NBTAttr('DeathTime', 's')

    Attributes = nbtattr.NBTCompoundListAttr('Attributes', MobAttributeRef)
    ActiveEffects = nbtattr.NBTCompoundListAttr('ActiveEffects', MobPotionEffectRef)
Exemple #3
class PCTileEntityControlRef(PCTileEntityRefBase):
    tileEntityID = "Control"

    Command = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Command", nbt.TAG_String, "")
    CustomName = nbtattr.NBTAttr("CustomName", nbt.TAG_String, "")
    SuccessCount = nbtattr.NBTAttr("SuccessCount", nbt.TAG_Int, 0)
    TrackOutput = nbtattr.NBTAttr("TrackOutput", nbt.TAG_Byte, 1)
Exemple #4
class PCTileEntityControlRef(PCTileEntityRefBase):
    tileEntityID = "Control"

    Command = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Command", 't', "")
    CustomName = nbtattr.NBTAttr("CustomName", 't', "")
    SuccessCount = nbtattr.NBTAttr("SuccessCount", 'i', 0)
    TrackOutput = nbtattr.NBTAttr("TrackOutput", 'b', 1)
Exemple #5
class CommandStatsRef(nbtattr.NBTCompoundRef):
    SuccessCountObjective = nbtattr.NBTAttr('SuccessCountObjective', 't')
    SuccessCountName = nbtattr.NBTAttr('SuccessCountName', 't')
    AffectedBlocksObjective = nbtattr.NBTAttr('AffectedBlocksObjective', 't')
    AffectedBlocksName = nbtattr.NBTAttr('AffectedBlocksName', 't')
    AffectedEntitiesObjective = nbtattr.NBTAttr('AffectedEntitiesObjective', 't')
    AffectedEntitiesName = nbtattr.NBTAttr('AffectedEntitiesName', 't')
    AffectedItemsObjective = nbtattr.NBTAttr('AffectedItemsObjective', 't')
    AffectedItemsName = nbtattr.NBTAttr('AffectedItemsName', 't')
    QueryResultObjective = nbtattr.NBTAttr('QueryResultObjective', 't')
    QueryResultName = nbtattr.NBTAttr('QueryResultName', 't')
Exemple #6
class PCRabbitEntityRef(PCEntityMobRefBase):
    # Possible values:
    # 0: Brown
    # 1: White
    # 2: Black
    # 3: Black&White
    # 4: Gold
    # 5: Salt&Pepper
    # 99: Killer
    RabbitType = nbtattr.NBTAttr("RabbitType", 'i', 0)
    MoreCarrotTicks = nbtattr.NBTAttr("MoreCarrotTicks", 'i', 0)
Exemple #7
class AnvilWorldMetadata(object):

    def __init__(self, metadataTag):
        self.metadataTag = metadataTag
        self.rootTag = metadataTag["Data"]
        self.dirty = False

    # --- NBT Tag variables ---

    SizeOnDisk = nbtattr.NBTAttr('SizeOnDisk', nbt.TAG_Long, 0)
    RandomSeed = nbtattr.NBTAttr('RandomSeed', nbt.TAG_Long, 0)
    Time = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Time', nbt.TAG_Long, 0)  # Age of the world in ticks. 20 ticks per second; 24000 ticks per day.
    LastPlayed = nbtattr.NBTAttr('LastPlayed', nbt.TAG_Long, time.time() * 1000)

    LevelName = nbtattr.NBTAttr('LevelName', nbt.TAG_String, "Untitled World")

    MapFeatures = nbtattr.NBTAttr('MapFeatures', nbt.TAG_Byte, 1)

    GameType = nbtattr.NBTAttr('GameType', nbt.TAG_Int, 0)  # 0 for survival, 1 for creative

    version = nbtattr.NBTAttr('version', nbt.TAG_Int, VERSION_ANVIL)

    def worldSpawnPosition(self):
        return Vector(*[self.rootTag[i].value for i in ("SpawnX", "SpawnY", "SpawnZ")])

    def setWorldSpawnPosition(self, pos):
        for name, val in zip(("SpawnX", "SpawnY", "SpawnZ"), pos):
            self.rootTag[name] = nbt.TAG_Int(val)
Exemple #8
class PCTileEntityRefBase(object):
    def __init__(self, rootTag, chunk=None):
        self.rootTag = rootTag
        self.chunk = chunk

    def raw_tag(self):
        return self.rootTag

    id = nbtattr.NBTAttr("id", nbt.TAG_String)
    Position = nbtattr.KeyedVectorAttr('x', 'y', 'z', nbt.TAG_Int, 0)

    def copy(self):
        return self.copyWithOffset(Vector(0, 0, 0))

    def copyWithOffset(self, copyOffset, newEntityClass=None):
        if newEntityClass is None:
            newEntityClass = self.__class__
        tag = self.rootTag.copy()
        entity = newEntityClass(tag)
        entity.Position = self.Position + copyOffset

        if tag["id"].value in ("Painting", "ItemFrame"):
            tag["TileX"].value += copyOffset[0]
            tag["TileY"].value += copyOffset[1]
            tag["TileZ"].value += copyOffset[2]

        return self.__class__(tag)

    def dirty(self):
        self.chunk.dirty = True

    def blockTypes(self):
        return self.chunk.blocktypes
Exemple #9
class PCPaintingEntityRefBase(PCEntityRefBase):
    # in 1.8, TilePos is the block the painting is IN
    # in 1.7, TilePos is the block the painting is ON
    TilePos = nbtattr.KeyedVectorAttr('TileX', 'TileY', 'TileZ', nbt.TAG_Int,
                                      (0, 0, 0))

    # in 1.7 and before, this tag is called "Direction"
    # in some version before that, it is called "Dir" and its enums are different!
    Facing = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Facing', nbt.TAG_Byte, 0)

    SouthFacing = 0
    WestFacing = 1
    NorthFacing = 2
    EastFacing = 3

    _mceditFacings = {
        faces.FaceSouth: SouthFacing,
        faces.FaceWest: WestFacing,
        faces.FaceNorth: NorthFacing,
        faces.FaceEast: EastFacing,

    def facingForMCEditFace(self, face):
        return self._mceditFacings.get(face, None)
Exemple #10
class PCEntityRef(object):
    def __init__(self, rootTag, chunk=None):
        self.rootTag = rootTag
        self.chunk = chunk

    def raw_tag(self):
        return self.rootTag

    id = nbtattr.NBTAttr("id", nbt.TAG_String)
    Position = nbtattr.NBTVectorAttr("Pos", nbt.TAG_Double)
    Motion = nbtattr.NBTVectorAttr("Motion", nbt.TAG_Double)
    Rotation = nbtattr.NBTListAttr("Rotation", nbt.TAG_Float)
    UUID = nbtattr.NBTUUIDAttr()

    def copy(self):
        return self.copyWithOffset(Vector(0, 0, 0))

    def copyWithOffset(self, copyOffset, newEntityClass=None):
        if newEntityClass is None:
            newEntityClass = self.__class__
        tag = self.rootTag.copy()
        entity = newEntityClass(tag)
        entity.Position = self.Position + copyOffset

        return PCEntityRef(tag, None)

    def dirty(self):
        self.chunk.dirty = True
Exemple #11
class PCEntityRefBase(object):
    def __init__(self, rootTag, chunk=None):
        self.rootTag = rootTag
        self.chunk = chunk
        self.parent = None  # xxx used by WorldEditor for newly created, non-chunked refs

    def raw_tag(self):
        return self.rootTag

    def create(cls):
        rootTag = nbt.TAG_Compound()
        ref = cls(rootTag)
        return ref

    id = nbtattr.NBTAttr("id", nbt.TAG_String)
    Position = nbtattr.NBTVectorAttr("Pos", nbt.TAG_Double)
    Motion = nbtattr.NBTVectorAttr("Motion", nbt.TAG_Double)
    Rotation = nbtattr.NBTListAttr("Rotation", nbt.TAG_Float)
    UUID = nbtattr.NBTUUIDAttr()

    def copy(self):
        return self.copyWithOffset(Vector(0, 0, 0))

    def copyWithOffset(self, copyOffset, newEntityClass=None):
        if newEntityClass is None:
            newEntityClass = self.__class__
        tag = self.rootTag.copy()
        entity = newEntityClass(tag)
        entity.Position = self.Position + copyOffset

        return self.__class__(tag)

    def dirty(self):
        if self.chunk:
            return self.chunk.dirty
        return True

    def dirty(self, value):
        if self.chunk:
            self.chunk.dirty = value

    def blockTypes(self):
        if self.chunk:
            return self.chunk.blocktypes
        if self.parent:
            return self.parent.blocktypes
        return None
Exemple #12
class PCTileEntityRefBase(object):
    def __init__(self, rootTag, chunk=None):
        self.rootTag = rootTag
        self.chunk = chunk

    def raw_tag(self):
        return self.rootTag

    def create(cls):
        rootTag = nbt.TAG_Compound()
        ref = cls(rootTag)
        return ref

    tileEntityID = NotImplemented

    id = nbtattr.NBTAttr("id", 't')
    Position = nbtattr.KeyedVectorAttr('x', 'y', 'z', nbt.TAG_Int, 0)

    def copy(self):
        return self.copyWithOffset(Vector(0, 0, 0))

    def copyWithOffset(self, copyOffset, newEntityClass=None):
        if newEntityClass is None:
            newEntityClass = self.__class__
        tag = self.rootTag.copy()
        entity = newEntityClass(tag)
        entity.Position = self.Position + copyOffset

        return self.__class__(tag)

    def dirty(self):
        if self.chunk:
            return self.chunk.dirty
        return True

    def dirty(self, value):
        if self.chunk:
            self.chunk.dirty = value

    def blockTypes(self):
        return self.chunk.blocktypes
Exemple #13
class AnvilWorldMetadata(object):
    def __init__(self, metadataTag):
        self.metadataTag = metadataTag
        self.rootTag = metadataTag["Data"]
        self.dirty = False

    # --- NBT Tag variables ---

    SizeOnDisk = nbtattr.NBTAttr('SizeOnDisk', nbt.TAG_Long, 0)
    RandomSeed = nbtattr.NBTAttr('RandomSeed', nbt.TAG_Long, 0)
    Time = nbtattr.NBTAttr(
        'Time', nbt.TAG_Long, 0
    )  # Age of the world in ticks. 20 ticks per second; 24000 ticks per day.
    LastPlayed = nbtattr.NBTAttr('LastPlayed', nbt.TAG_Long,
                                 time.time() * 1000)

    LevelName = nbtattr.NBTAttr('LevelName', nbt.TAG_String, "Untitled World")

    MapFeatures = nbtattr.NBTAttr('MapFeatures', nbt.TAG_Byte, 1)

    GameType = nbtattr.NBTAttr('GameType', nbt.TAG_Int,
                               0)  # 0 for survival, 1 for creative

    version = nbtattr.NBTAttr('version', nbt.TAG_Int, VERSION_ANVIL)

    def worldSpawnPosition(self):
        return Vector(
            *[self.rootTag[i].value for i in ("SpawnX", "SpawnY", "SpawnZ")])

    def setWorldSpawnPosition(self, pos):
        for name, val in zip(("SpawnX", "SpawnY", "SpawnZ"), pos):
            self.rootTag[name] = nbt.TAG_Int(val)

    def is1_8World(self):
        # Minecraft 1.8 adds a dozen tags to level.dat/Data. These tags are removed if
        # the world is played in 1.7 (and all of the items are removed too!)
        # Use some of these tags to decide whether to use 1.7 format ItemStacks or 1.8 format ones.
        # In 1.8, the stack's "id" is a string, but in 1.7 it is an int.
        tags = (t in self.rootTag for t in ('BorderCenterX', 'BorderCenterZ',
                                            'BorderSafeZone', 'BorderSize'))
        return any(tags)
Exemple #14
class PCTileEntityRefBase(object):
    def __init__(self, rootTag, chunk=None):
        self.rootTag = rootTag
        self.chunk = chunk

    def raw_tag(self):
        return self.rootTag

    id = nbtattr.NBTAttr("id", nbt.TAG_String)

    def Position(self):
        return Vector(*[self.rootTag[c].value for c in 'xyz'])

    def Position(self, pos):
        for a, p in zip('xyz', pos):
            self.rootTag[a] = nbt.TAG_Int(p)

    def copy(self):
        return self.copyWithOffset(Vector(0, 0, 0))

    def copyWithOffset(self, copyOffset, newEntityClass=None):
        if newEntityClass is None:
            newEntityClass = self.__class__
        tag = self.rootTag.copy()
        entity = newEntityClass(tag)
        entity.Position = self.Position + copyOffset

        if tag["id"].value in ("Painting", "ItemFrame"):
            tag["TileX"].value += copyOffset[0]
            tag["TileY"].value += copyOffset[1]
            tag["TileZ"].value += copyOffset[2]

        return self.__class__(tag)

    def dirty(self):
        self.chunk.dirty = True

    def blockTypes(self):
        return self.chunk.blocktypes
Exemple #15
class DrawerItemStackRef(nbtattr.NBTCompoundRef):
    def __init__(self, rootTag=None, parent=None):
        if rootTag is None:
            rootTag = nbt.TAG_Compound()
        super(DrawerItemStackRef, self).__init__(rootTag, parent)

    Damage = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Meta", nbt.TAG_Short, 0)
    Count = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Count", nbt.TAG_Int, 1)

    def id(self):
        if self.blockTypes is None:
            log.warn("No blocktypes available, returning id")
            return self.rootTag["Item"].value
            itemType = self.blockTypes.itemTypes[self.rootTag["Item"].value]
            return itemType.internalName
        except KeyError:
            log.warn("No ItemType defined for %s, returning id" % self.rootTag["Item"].value)
            return self.rootTag["Item"].value

    def id(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, ItemType):
            self.rootTag["Item"] = nbt.TAG_Short(value.ID)
            if value.meta is not None:
                self.Damage = value.meta
        elif isinstance(value, int):
            self.rootTag["Item"] = nbt.TAG_Short(value)
        elif isinstance(value, basestring):
            if self.blockTypes is None:
                raise ValueError("DrawerItemStackRef must be parented to assign string IDs")
            self.rootTag["Item"] = nbt.TAG_Short(self.blockTypes.itemTypes[value].ID)
            raise TypeError("Invalid type for ItemStackRef.id: %r", type(value))

        self.dirty = True

    def itemType(self):
        if self.blockTypes is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot get itemType for this item. BlockTypes not set. ")
            itemType = self.blockTypes.itemTypes[self.rootTag["Item"].value, self.Damage]
            return itemType
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Cannot get itemType for this item. BlockTypes has no item for %s." % self.rootTag["Item"].value)

    def itemType(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, ItemType):
            raise TypeError("Expected ItemType, got %r", type(value))
        self.id = value

    def raw_id(self):
        return self.rootTag["Item"].value

    def raw_id(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, int):
            self.rootTag["Item"] = nbt.TAG_Short(value)
        elif isinstance(value, basestring):
            if self.blockTypes is None:
                raise ValueError("DrawerItemStackRef must be parented to assign string IDs")
            self.rootTag["Item"] = nbt.TAG_Short(self.blockTypes.itemTypes[value].ID)
            raise TypeError("Invalid type for ItemStack.id: %r", type(value))

        self.dirty = True

    def tagIsItem(tag):
        if tag.tagID != nbt.ID_COMPOUND:
            return False
        return "Item" in tag and "Meta" in tag and "Count" in tag
Exemple #16
class MobPotionEffectRef(nbtattr.NBTCompoundRef):
    Id = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Id', 'b')
    Amplifier = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Amplifier', 'b')
    Duration = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Duration', 'i')
    Ambient = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Ambient', 'b')
    ShowParticles = nbtattr.NBTAttr('ShowParticles', 'b')
Exemple #17
class MobAttributeRef(nbtattr.NBTCompoundRef):
    Name = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Name', 't')
    Base = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Base', 'd')
    Modifiers = nbtattr.NBTCompoundListAttr('Modifiers', MobAttributeModifierRef)
Exemple #18
class PCPaintingEntityRef(PCPaintingEntityRefBase):
    Motive = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Motive", nbt.TAG_String)
Exemple #19
class PCVillagerEntityRef(PCEntityRefBase):
    Profession = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Profession", nbt.TAG_Int, 0)
Exemple #20
class ItemRef(nbtattr.NBTCompoundRef):
    def __init__(self, rootTag=None, parent=None):
        if rootTag is None:
            rootTag = nbt.TAG_Compound()

        super(ItemRef, self).__init__(rootTag, parent)

    Damage = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Damage", nbt.TAG_Short, 0)
    Count = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Count", nbt.TAG_Byte, 1)
    tag = nbtattr.NBTAttr("tag", nbt.TAG_Compound)

    def id(self):
        idTag = self.rootTag["id"]
        if idTag.tagID == nbt.ID_SHORT:
            if self.blockTypes is None:
                log.warn("No blocktypes available, returning id")
                return idTag.value
                itemType = self.blockTypes.itemTypes[idTag.value]
                return itemType.internalName
            except KeyError:
                log.warn("No ItemType defined for %s, returning id" %
                return idTag.value
            return idTag.value

    def id(self, value):
        if "id" not in self.rootTag:
            # no id tag - freshly minted item tag
            # get proper tag type from blocktypes
            if self.blockTypes is None:
                raise NoParentError(
                    "ItemRef must be parented to a world before assigning id for the first time."
            if self.blockTypes.itemStackVersion == VERSION_1_7:
                self.rootTag["id"] = nbt.TAG_Short(0)
            elif self.blockTypes.itemStackVersion == VERSION_1_8:
                self.rootTag["id"] = nbt.TAG_String("minecraft:air")
                raise AssertionError("Unexpected itemStackVersion: %s",

        idTag = self.rootTag["id"]
        if isinstance(value, ItemType):
            if idTag.tagID == nbt.ID_STRING:
                idTag.value = value.internalName
                idTag.value = value.ID
            if value.meta is not None:
                self.Damage = value.meta
        elif isinstance(value, int):
            if idTag.tagID == nbt.ID_SHORT:
                self.rootTag["id"].value = value
            elif idTag.tagID == nbt.ID_STRING:
                if self.blockTypes is None:
                    raise NoParentError(
                        "ItemRef must be parented to a world before assigning numeric IDs to an 1.8 ItemStack."

                itemType = self.blockTypes.itemTypes[value]
                self.rootTag["id"].value = itemType.internalName
        elif isinstance(value, basestring):
            if idTag.tagID == nbt.ID_STRING:
                self.rootTag["id"].value = value
            elif idTag.tagID == nbt.ID_SHORT:
                if self.blockTypes is None:
                    raise NoParentError(
                        "ItemRef must be parented to a world before assigning textual IDs to an 1.7 ItemStack."

                itemType = self.blockTypes.itemTypes[value]
                self.rootTag["id"].value = itemType.ID
            raise TypeError("Invalid type for ItemRef.id: %r", type(value))

        self.dirty = True

    def itemType(self):
        ID = self.rootTag["id"].value
        if self.blockTypes is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot get itemType for this item. BlockTypes not set. ")
            itemType = self.blockTypes.itemTypes[ID, self.Damage]
            return itemType
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot get itemType for this item. BlockTypes has no item for %s."
                % ID)

    def itemType(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, ItemType):
            raise TypeError("Expected ItemType, got %r", type(value))
        self.id = value

    def raw_id(self):
        return self.rootTag["id"].value

    def raw_id(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, int):
            self.rootTag["id"] = nbt.TAG_Short(value)
        elif isinstance(value, basestring):
            self.rootTag["id"] = nbt.TAG_String(value)
            raise TypeError("Invalid type for ItemRef.id: %r", type(value))

        self.dirty = True

    def tagIsItem(tag):
        if tag.tagID != nbt.ID_COMPOUND:
            return False
        return "id" in tag and "Damage" in tag and "Count" in tag
Exemple #21
class PCPaintingEntityRef(PCPaintingEntityRefBase):
    Motive = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Motive", 't')
Exemple #22
class ItemStackRef(ItemRef):
    Slot = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Slot", nbt.TAG_Byte)
Exemple #23
class PCBatEntityRef(PCEntityMobRefBase):
    BatFlags = nbtattr.NBTAttr("BatFlags", 'b', 0)
Exemple #24
class AnvilPlayerRef(object):
    def __init__(self, adapter, playerUUID):
        self.playerUUID = playerUUID
        self.adapter = adapter
        self.rootTag = adapter.getPlayerTag(playerUUID)
        self.dirty = False
    # @property
    # def rootTag(self):
    #     if self.playerTag is None or self.playerTag() is None:
    #         tag = self.adapter.getPlayerTag(self.playerName)
    #         self.playerTag = weakref.ref(tag)
    #         return tag
    #     return self.playerTag()

    UUID = nbtattr.NBTUUIDAttr()

    id = nbtattr.NBTAttr("id", nbt.TAG_String)
    Position = nbtattr.NBTVectorAttr("Pos", nbt.TAG_Double)
    Motion = nbtattr.NBTVectorAttr("Motion", nbt.TAG_Double)
    Rotation = nbtattr.NBTListAttr("Rotation", nbt.TAG_Float)

    Air = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Air', nbt.TAG_Short, 300)
    AttackTime = nbtattr.NBTAttr('AttackTime', nbt.TAG_Short, 0)
    DeathTime = nbtattr.NBTAttr('DeathTime', nbt.TAG_Short, 0)
    Fire = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Fire', nbt.TAG_Short, -20)
    Health = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Health', nbt.TAG_Short, 20)
    HurtTime = nbtattr.NBTAttr('HurtTime', nbt.TAG_Short, 0)
    Score = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Score', nbt.TAG_Int, 0)
    FallDistance = nbtattr.NBTAttr('FallDistance', nbt.TAG_Float, 0)
    OnGround = nbtattr.NBTAttr('OnGround', nbt.TAG_Byte, 0)
    Dimension = nbtattr.NBTAttr('OnGround', nbt.TAG_Int, 0)

    Inventory = nbtattr.NBTListAttr('Inventory', nbt.TAG_Compound)

    GameType = nbtattr.NBTAttr('playerGameType', nbt.TAG_Int, GAMETYPE_SURVIVAL)

    abilities = nbtattr.NBTCompoundAttr("abilities", PlayerAbilitiesAttrs)

    def setAbilities(self, gametype):
        # Assumes GAMETYPE_CREATIVE is the only mode with these abilities set,
        # which is true for now.  Future game modes may not hold this to be
        # true, however.
        if gametype == self.GAMETYPE_CREATIVE:
            self.abilities.instabuild = True
            self.abilities.mayfly = True
            self.abilities.invulnerable = True
            self.abilities.flying = True
            self.abilities.instabuild = True
            self.abilities.mayfly = True
            self.abilities.invulnerable = True

    def setGameType(self, gametype):
        self.GameType = gametype

    def Spawn(self):
        return [self.rootTag[i].value for i in ("SpawnX", "SpawnY", "SpawnZ")]

    def Spawn(self, pos):
        for name, val in zip(("SpawnX", "SpawnY", "SpawnZ"), pos):
            self.rootTag[name] = nbt.TAG_Int(val)

    def save(self):
        if self.dirty:
            self.adapter.savePlayerTag(self.rootTag, self.playerUUID)
            self.dirty = False

    _dimNames = {

    _dimNumbers = {v:k for k, v in _dimNames.iteritems()}

    def dimName(self):
        return self._dimNames[self.Dimension]

    def dimName(self, name):
        self.Dimension = self._dimNumbers[name]
Exemple #25
class PCChickenEntityRef(PCEntityMobRefBase):
    IsChickenJockey = nbtattr.NBTAttr("IsChickenJockey", 'b', 0)
    EggLayTime = nbtattr.NBTAttr("EggLayTime", 'i', 0)
Exemple #26
class PlayerAbilitiesAttrs(nbtattr.CompoundAttrs):
    mayBuild = nbtattr.NBTAttr('mayBuild', nbt.TAG_Byte, 0)
    instabuild = nbtattr.NBTAttr('instabuild', nbt.TAG_Byte, 0)
    flying = nbtattr.NBTAttr('flying', nbt.TAG_Byte, 0)
    mayfly = nbtattr.NBTAttr('mayfly', nbt.TAG_Byte, 0)
    invulnerable = nbtattr.NBTAttr('invulnerable', nbt.TAG_Byte, 0)
Exemple #27
class PCPigEntityRef(PCEntityMobRefBase):
    Saddle = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Saddle", 'b', 0)
Exemple #28
class AnvilWorldMetadata(object):
    def __init__(self, metadataTag):
        self.metadataTag = metadataTag
        self.rootTag = metadataTag["Data"]
        self.dirty = False

    # --- NBT Tag variables ---

    SizeOnDisk = nbtattr.NBTAttr('SizeOnDisk', nbt.TAG_Long, 0)
    RandomSeed = nbtattr.NBTAttr('RandomSeed', nbt.TAG_Long, 0)
    Time = nbtattr.NBTAttr(
        'Time', nbt.TAG_Long, 0
    )  # Age of the world in ticks. 20 ticks per second; 24000 ticks per day.
    DayTime = nbtattr.NBTAttr('DayTime', nbt.TAG_Long,
                              0)  # Amount of ticks since Day 1, 6:00
    LastPlayed = nbtattr.NBTAttr('LastPlayed', nbt.TAG_Long,
                                 time.time() * 1000)
    Difficulty = nbtattr.NBTAttr('Difficulty', nbt.TAG_Byte, 0)
    LevelName = nbtattr.NBTAttr('LevelName', nbt.TAG_String, "Untitled World")
    hardcore = nbtattr.NBTAttr('hardcore', nbt.TAG_Byte, False)
    allowCommands = nbtattr.NBTAttr('allowCommands', nbt.TAG_Byte, False)
    DifficultyLocked = nbtattr.NBTAttr('DifficultyLocked', nbt.TAG_Byte, False)

    generatorName = nbtattr.NBTAttr('generatorName', nbt.TAG_String, "default")
    generatorOptions = nbtattr.NBTAttr(
        'generatorOptions', nbt.TAG_String,
        "")  #Default is different for every generatorType

    MapFeatures = nbtattr.NBTAttr('MapFeatures', nbt.TAG_Byte, 1)

    GameType = nbtattr.NBTAttr('GameType', nbt.TAG_Int,
                               0)  # 0 for survival, 1 for creative

    version = nbtattr.NBTAttr('version', nbt.TAG_Int, VERSION_ANVIL)

    Spawn = nbtattr.KeyedVectorAttr('SpawnX', 'SpawnY', 'SpawnZ', nbt.TAG_Int)

    def is1_8World(self):
        # Minecraft 1.8 adds a dozen tags to level.dat/Data. These tags are removed if
        # the world is played in 1.7 (and all of the items are removed too!)
        # Use some of these tags to decide whether to use 1.7 format ItemStacks or 1.8 format ones.
        # In 1.8, the stack's "id" is a TAG_String, but in 1.7 it is a TAG_Short.
        tags = ('BorderCenterX', 'BorderCenterZ', 'BorderDamagePerBlock',
                'BorderSafeZone', 'BorderSize')
        return any(tag in self.rootTag for tag in tags)
Exemple #29
class PCSheepEntityRef(PCEntityMobRefBase):
    Sheared = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Sheared", 'b', 0)

    # Same values as wool colors
    Color = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Color", 'b', 0)
Exemple #30
class PCVillagerEntityRef(PCEntityMobRefBase):
    Profession = nbtattr.NBTAttr("Profession", 'i', 0)